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1 Which one of the following is the second book of the New Testament?

a) John

b) Luke

c) Mark

d) Mathew

2 A good leader has the following qualities except …

a) Honesty

b) Integrity

c) Openness

d) Rudeness

3 Bad behaviour can be corrected through …

a) Discipline

b) Ignoring

c) Spoiling

d) Waiting

4 Apart from using cash money, a … can be used to buy goods and


a) Debit card

b) Driving license

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c) National registration card

d) Passport

5 Where do Christians worship?

a) Church

b) Mosque

c) Temple

d) Shrines

6 In the Iron Age period, the role of men was …

a) Cooking

b) Hunting

c) Pottery

d) Weaving

7 Lack of … is likely to cause malnutrition.

a) Boiled water

b) Enough food

c) Fresh fruits

d) Spring water

8 Colour green on the Zambian flag means …

a) Blood

b) People

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c) Vegetation

d) Wealth

9 The period when boys and girls become sexually active is called …

a) Adolescence

b) Initiation

c) Indiscipline

d) Security

10 A family provides … to its members.

a) Fear

b) Disobedience

c) Indiscipline

d) Security

11 In which province is Ing’ombe Illede found?

a) Central

b) Lusaka

c) Southern

d) Western

12 Forgiveness is one way of overcoming …

a) Danger

b) Poverty

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c) Revenge

d) Stealing

13 The sending and receiving of information is known as …

a) Communication

b) Cooperation

c) Road construction

d) Transport

14 Bantu-speaking people migrated south around the year …

a) 100

b) 200

c) 300

d) 400

15 Who was the King of Luba? …

a) Kongolo

b) Shona

c) Lewanika

d) Shaka

16 Who was the first Republican President of Zambia?

a) Michael Chilufya Sata

b) Hakainde Hichilema

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c) Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda

d) Edgar C. Lungu

17 Zambia got its independence in the year …

a) 1999

b) 1964

c) 1986

d) 1864

18 Islamic month of fasting is called …

a) Diwali

b) Eid

c) Easter

d) Ramadan

19 What is the meaning of the road sign below?

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a) Children crossing

b) Steep slope

c) No pedestrians

d) Narrow road

20 To prolong the lives of people living with HIV and AIDS, the

government provides …

a) ARVs

b) DVC

c) DOT

d) ORS


Study the following map of Luapula province below and answer questions 21

to 25.

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21 The main economic activity done by the people live in area marked L is

a) Farming

b) Fishing

c) Hunting

d) Mining

22 … is the main traditional ceremony of the Lunda people of Luapula


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a) Icunamanongo

b) Kuomboka

c) Ukusefya pangw’ena

d) Umutomboka

23 The plantation found in the area marked P is for …

a) Coffee

b) Cocoa

c) Tea

d) Sugar

24 The lake marked K is …

a) Bangweulu

b) Chifunaulu

c) Itezhi-tezhi

d) Mweru

25 Name the river marked M.

a) Luapula

b) Luango

c) Lufubu

d) Lusenga

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