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Topic No. 6: Revised Corporation Code of - v.

Any other commercial

the Philippines (RA 11232) agreement
i) To make reasonable donations,
II. CORPORATE POWERS including those for the public welfare or
for hospital, charitable, cultural,
A. General Powers; Theory of General scientific, civic, or similar purposes:
Capacity [Sec. 35] - Provided, That no foreign
General Powers corporation shall give donations
Every corporation has the power and in aid of any political party or
capacity: candidate or for purposes of
partisan political activity;
a) To sue and be sued in its corporate - Note: Under OLD Corporation
name; Code, both domestic and foreign
b) To have perpetual existence; corporations were prohibited from
- Unless the certificate of giving donations in aid of any
incorporation provides otherwise political party or candidate or for
c) To adopt and use a corporate seal; purposes of partisan political
d) To amend its articles of incorporation in activity.
accordance with the provisions of this j) To establish pension, retirement, and
Code; other plans for the benefit of its
e) To adopt bylaws, and to amend or directors, trustees, officers, and
repeal the same in accordance with this employees; and
Code; k) To exercise such other powers as may
- Must not contrary to law, morals be essential or necessary to carry out its
or public policy purpose or purposes as stated in the
f) In case of stock corporations: To articles of incorporation. [Sec. 35]
issue or sell stocks to subscribers and to
sell treasury stocks in accordance with A corporation has:
the provisions of this Code; and In case a) Express Powers – such powers as are
of non-stock corporations: To admit expressly granted by law and its articles
members to the corporation; of incorporation;
g) To purchase, receive, take or grant, b) Implied Powers – those reasonably
hold, convey, sell, lease, pledge, necessary to accomplish its purposes,
mortgage, and otherwise deal with such as stated in its articles of incorporation;
real and personal property, including and Note: Such implied powers are
securities and bonds of other deemed to exist because of the
corporations; following provisions –
- As the transaction of the lawful - “Except such as are necessary or
business of the corporation may incidental to the exercise of
reasonably and necessarily thepowers so conferred” [Sec. 44]
require - “Such powers as are essential or
- Subject to the limitations necessary to carry out its purpose
prescribed by law and the or purposes as stated in the
Constitution Articles of Incorporation” – catch-
h) To enter, with natural and juridical all phrase. [Sec. 35(k)]
persons, into a: c) Incidental Powers – those which may
- i. Partnership, (Note: New in the be incident to its existence as a juridical
RCC) entity [Pilipinas Loan v. SEC, 356 SCRA
- ii. Joint venture, (Note: New in 193 (2001)]
the RCC) - Examples of incidental powers
- iii. Merger, may include the right to
- iv. Consolidation, or succession, the right to have a
corporate name, right to make expiration. When the term expires, it is not ipso
bylaws, and the right to hold facto dissolved but may apply for a revival of its
properties for the purposes that corporate existence. [Divina, 2020]
are allowed by its charter. Requirements
The Theory of General Capacity states that a a) Approval by majority vote of the boardof
corporation is said to hold such powers as are directors or trustees, and
not prohibited or withheld from it by general b) Ratification at a meeting by the
law. stockholders or members representing
at least two-thirds (2/3) of the
outstanding capital stock or of its
B. Specific Powers; Theory of Specific
Capacity [Secs. 36-43, 15]
c) Notice Requirement – Written notice of
The Theory of Specific Capacity states that the proposed action and the time and
the corporation cannot exercise powers except place of the meeting shall be:
those expressly/impliedly given. Under the a. Sent to stockholders or members
Theory of Specific Capacity, the specific at their respective place of
powers of a corporation are as follows: residence as shown in the books
- Power to extend or shorten corporate of the corporation, and
term [Sec. 36] b. Either:
- Power to increase or decrease capital i. Deposited to the
stock, or incur, create, increase bonded addressee in the post
indebtedness [Sec. 37] office with postage
- Power to deny pre-emptive rights [Sec. prepaid, served personally,
38] OR
- Power to sell or dispose corporate ii. Sent electronically in
assets [Sec. 39] accordance with the rules
- Power to acquire own shares [Sec. 40] and regulations of the
- Power to invest corporate funds in Commission on the use of
another corporation or business, or for electronic data messages,
any other purpose [Sec. 41] when allowed in the by-
- Power to declare dividends [Sec. 42] laws or done with the
Power to enter into management consent of the stockholder.
contract [Sec. 43] [Sec. 36]
- Power to amend AOI [Sec. 15] Exercise of Appraisal Right
In case of extension of corporate term, a
dissenting stockholder may exercise the right
C. Power to Extend or Shorten the of appraisal under the conditions provided in
Corporate Term [Sec. 36] this Code. [Sec. 36]
A private corporation may extend or shorten its When a dissenting shareholder disagrees with
term as stated in the articles of incorporation. a firm's actions, they can exercise appraisal
[Sec. 36] rights; appraising their shares, and being paid
Perpetual existence under the RCC applies to the fair market value for them.
existing corporations. AOIs shall be deemed
amended to reflect its perpetual term, unless
the corporation elects to retain its limited term D. Power to Increase or Decrease
[Herbosa, 2019]. Capital Stock or Incur, Create,
Increase Bonded Indebtedness [Sec.
When Exercised 37]
Period to extend the corporate term has been
reduced by the RCC to three years before
A corporation may increase or decrease its of any class, in proportion to their respective
capital stock or incur, create or increase any shareholdings.
bonded indebtedness. [Sec. 37] Exception: If such right is denied by the AOI or
Power to Increase or Decrease Capital an amendment thereto. [Sec. 38]
Stock An increase or decrease of the capital For the requirements, see (Sec. 38)
stock amends the underlying contractual
relationships between and among members of
the corporation.
Aside from the requisites in Sec. 37, when the F. Power to Sell or Dispose Corporate
capital stock is increased or decreased, the Assets [Sec. 39]
provisions of Sec. 15 on the amendment of the
articles of incorporation must also be complied A corporation may sell, lease, exchange,
with. [Villanueva] mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of its
property and assets:
Power to Incur, Create, or Increase Bonded
Indebtedness  For such consideration as its board of
“Bonded indebtedness” are long term debts directors or trustees may deem
of the corporation, secured by mortgage on expedient, which may be:
real or personal property of the corporation, o Money
which are: o Stocks
o Bonds, or
a) Structured in denominated units of
indebtedness o Other instruments for the
b) Intended to eventually circulate within payment of money or
the investing public as securities, o Other property or consideration
representing units of investment.  Subject to the provisions of Republic Act
No. 10667, otherwise known as
Thus, the power to incur, create, or increase “Philippine Competition Act”, and other
bonded indebtedness is a form of distributing related laws.
liability securities to the public, and constitutes
an aspect of the inherent power of every For the requirements, see (Sec. 39)
corporation to borrow or to incur loan
obligations. [Villanueva]
G. Power to Acquire Its Own Shares
For the requirements, see (Sec. 37) [Sec. 40]
The power of a corporation to acquire its
E. Power to Deny Pre-Emptive Rights own shares
[Sec. 38] A stock corporation shall have the power to
purchase or acquire its own shares for a
Preemptive right legitimate corporate purpose or purposes.
The preferential right of shareholders to
subscribe to all issues or disposition of shares This corporate power does not need
of any class in proportion to their present shareholder’s approval. Discretion solely rests
shareholdings. [Sec 38] The purpose of pre- on the board, subject to the existence of
emptive right is to enable the shareholder to unrestricted retained earnings (“URE – those
retain his proportionate control in the that are available for distribution”) and for a
corporation and to retain his equity in the legitimate corporate purpose/s. [Sec. 40]
surplus. Additional notes:
General Rule: All shareholders of a stock Unrestricted Retained Earnings
corporation have the preemptive right to This is defined as the amount which is:
subscribe to all issues or disposition of shares a) The accumulated profits and gains
realized out of the normal and
continuous operations of the company corporation or business may exercise his
AFTER deducting therefrom: appraisal right.
- Distributions to stockholders and
- Transfers to capital stock or other
accounts, and I. Power to Declare Dividends [Sec. 42]
b) NOT appropriated by its Board of Requirements
Directors for corporate expansion a) Must be distributed out of URE
projects or programs: b) Payable in cash, in property, or in stock
c) NOT covered by a restriction for to all shareholders on the basis of
dividend declaration under a loan outstanding stock held by them
agreement; and c) Resolution by the Board
d) NOT required to be retained under
special circumstances obtaining in the Additional requirement for stock dividend
corporation such as when there is a Approved by 2/3 of shareholders representing
need for a special reserve for probable the outstanding capital stock at a
contingencies. [SEC Memorandum regular/special meeting called for that purpose
Circular No. 11-08, (December 5, 2008)] - Note: The approval requirement for the
declaration of stock dividends
underscores that the payment of
H. Power to Invest Corporate Funds in dividends to a stockholder is not a
Another Corporation or Business matter of right but a matter of
[Sec. 41] consensus. [Republic Planters Bank v.
General Rule: The corporation is not allowed Agana, 269 SCRA 1 (1997)]
to engage in a business different from those A corporation must have also a sufficient
enumerated in its AOI. number of authorized unissued shares for
Exception: The purpose will be amended to distribution to stockholders (if ACS is
include the desired business activity among its insufficient, corporation must apply for increase
secondary purpose. in capital stock).
Rules in case a corporation wants to invest Source of dividends
in an undertaking Dividends may only be declared out of actual
and bona fide unrestricted retained earnings.
a) Investment of a corporation in a
business which is in line with its primary Prohibition imposed by law on UREs of a
purpose requires only the approval of stock corporation
the board. Stock corporations are prohibited from
b) Investment of assets for any of its retaining surplus profits in excess of 100% of
secondary purposes requires the prior their paid-in capital stock, except:
approval of its shareholders/members A. When justified by definite corporate
c) If the investment is outside the expansion projects or programs
purpose/s for which the corporation was approved by the BOD;
organized, Articles of Incorporation must B. When the corporation is prohibited
be amended first, otherwise it will be an under any loan agreement with any
Ultra Vires act (any acts that lie beyond financial institution or creditor from
the authority of a corporation to declaring dividends without its consent,
perform). and such consent has not yet been
For the requirements, see (Sec. 41) secured;
C. When it can be clearly shown that such
Exercise of Appraisal Right retention is necessary under special
Any stockholder who disagrees from the circumstances obtaining in the
investment of corporate funds in another corporation.
Note: In case a corporation unjustifiably retains periods as may be provided in the pertinent
surplus profits in excess of one hundred laws and regulations.
(100%) percent of the paid-in accumulated For the requirements, see (Sec. 42)
capital, it will be liable for Improperly
Accumulated Earnings Tax (IAET) equal to
10% of the improperly accumulated taxable K. Limitations
income. [Sec. 29 (A), NIRC] Moreover, it will
also be liable to pay a penalty imposed by the Ultra Vires Acts
SEC. [SEC Memo. Circ. No. 6, s. 2005] Those acts which a corporation is not
empowered to do or perform because they are
Forms of dividends outside or beyond the express and implied
1. Cash - Any cash dividend due on powers conferred by its Articles of
delinquent stock shall first be applied to Incorporation or by the Revised Corporation
the unpaid balance on the subscription Code, or not necessary or incidental to the
plus cost and expenses. [Sec. 42] exercise of the powers so conferred. [Sec. 44]
2. Stock - Stock dividends shall be
withheld from the delinquent stockholder
until his unpaid subscription is fully paid; Types of Ultra Vires Acts
Stock dividends cannot be issued to a a) Acts done beyond the powers of the
person who is not a stockholder in corporation as provided in the law or its
payment of services rendered. articles of incorporation;
3. Property - Stockholders are entitled to b) Ultra Vires acts of officers and not of the
dividends pro-rata based on the total corporation
number of shares and not on the c) Acts or contracts, which are per se
amount paid on shares. illegal as being contrary to law.
J. Power to Enter into Management
Contracts [Sec. 43] Kinds of Ultra Vires acts by reason
Management Contract a) By reason of Lack of Authority (ultra
Any contract whereby a corporation undertakes vires acts)
to manage or operate all or substantially all of b) By reason of Illegality (illegal acts)
the business of another corporation, whether Consequences of Ultra Vires Acts
such contracts are called service contracts, Ultra vires acts, which are per se illegal are
operating agreements or otherwise. generally void.
This refers only to a management contract with While ultra vires acts which are not illegal but
another corporation and does not apply to are within the scope of the articles of
management contracts entered into by a incorporation, are merely voidable and may
corporation with natural persons. Corollary to become binding and enforceable when ratified
this, management contract with a natural by stockholders. [Montelibano v.
person need not comply with the requisites of BacolodMurcia Milling Co., Inc., G.R. No. L-
Sec. 43 15092 (1962)]
Period of every management contract Consequences of Ultra Vires Acts with
General Rule: No management contract shall respect to contracts:
be entered into for a period longer than 5 years
for any one term. a) Executed contract – courts will not set
aside or interfere with such contracts; \
Exception: Service contracts or operating b) Executory contracts – no enforcement
agreements which relate to exploration, even at the suit of either party (void and
development, exploitation or utilization of unenforceable);
natural resources may be entered into for such
c) Partly executed and partly executory corporation are regarded as equity in trust for
– principle of “no unjust enrichment at the payment of corporate creditors.
expense of another” shall apply; - All funds received by the corporation in
d) Executory contracts apparently payment of the shares of stock shall be
authorized but Ultra Vires – the held in trust for the corporate creditors
principle of estoppel shall apply. and other stockholders of the
- No fund shall be used to buy back the
L. Doctrine of Individuality of
issued shares of stock except only in
instances specifically allowed by the
The Doctrine of Individuality of Subscription Corporation Code. [Boman
states that a subscription is one entire and Environmental Development
indivisible whole contract. It cannot be Corporation v. CA, G.R. No. 77860
divided into portions. (1988)]
Consequently, where stocks were Exceptions to the Trust Fund Doctrine ---
subscribed and part of the subscription When Distribution of Corporate Capital is
contract price was not paid, the whole Allowed
subscription shall be considered delinquent, The Trust Fund Doctrine, first enunciated by
and not only the shares which correspond this Court in the 1923 case of Philippine Trust
to the amount not paid. Co. v. Rivera is the underlying principle in the
Nevertheless, holders of subscribed shares procedure for the distribution of capital assets,
not fully paid, which are not delinquent, embodied in Corporation Code, which allows
shall have all the rights of a stockholder. the distribution of corporate capital only in three
[Sec. 71] instances:
1. Amendment of the AOI to reduce the
authorized capital stock,
M. Doctrine of Equality of Shares 2. Purchase of redeemable shares by the
The doctrine of equality of shares states that all corporation, regardless of the existence
stocks issued by the corporation are presumed of unrestricted retained earnings, and
equal with the same privileges and liabilities, 3. Dissolution and eventual liquidation of
provided that the Articles of Incorporation is the corporation.
silent on such differences. [Sec. 6] The creditors of a corporation have the right to
There is a presumption of equality of the rights assume that so long as there are debts and
and features of shares when nothing is liabilities, the BOD will not use corporate
expressly provided to the contrary. assets to purchase its own shares of stock or
to declare dividends to its stockholders when
- Although a corporation has the power to the corporation is insolvent. [Steinberg v.
classify its shares of stock, provide for Velasco, G.R. No. L-30460 (1929)]
preferences and other conditions, no
presumption should exist to distinguish
one share from another.
- Sec. 6 of the RCC now requires that the
distinguishing features be stated also in
the Certificate of Stock.

N. Trust Fund Doctrine

The Trust Fund Doctrine states that the
capital stock, properties and other assets of a

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