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Grind culture is a toxic mess, concocted by psychopaths who can't stand spending any

time with themselves or their ”loved ones”.

I'm not innocent either! On the contrary, I contributed, joining the choir with everyone
else who believed in the good ol’ ”my job is my life”.

For all you amateurs out there: work shouldn't take up more than 8 hours a day, and
definitely never encroach on your free time.

Let your sister tell you what she's been through and what hustle culture and gaslighting
(that a narcissist will put your mind through) have in common.

1. Both are built on self-devaluation: Both Grind Culture and a gaslighter diminish any
value you might have as an individual.

The first insinuates that success is the only measure of your worth as a person, while
the second will make you doubt your own abilities.

2️.Both demonstrate a massive lack of respect for personal boundaries, which are

completely disregarded in both scenarios.

Hustle culture drives you like a racehorse to sacrifice all your time and well-being, while
gaslighters invade your emotional boundaries.
3️. The battle takes place in the mind. Both will affect your mental health, as hustle

culture leads to exhaustion and stress-related disorders, while gaslighting causes

anxiety, depression, and emotional instability.

"But what are you talking about, Maddy? There's no mental exhaustion at work; it's a
construct invented by Gen Z!" - Exactly, that's what a gaslighter would say when
denying your feelings.

Okay, let's be clear - Gen Z has come up with a bunch of things I'm not proud of either,
but sometimes there are things worth paying attention to.

Here's why “the fight is real”:

Grind culture insinuates that success and happiness only come from ceaseless effort
and constant productivity (have I not told YOU many times to be productive? Mea

This creates an imbalance between work and personal life. 'Victims' often sacrifice their
physical and mental health, neglecting relationships and hobbies that bring them

"'Want free time? - Oh no, you don't need that … or rest." (rest??? Ewwwww!)

"'Not sleeping well? - It's your fault; you should be a superhuman who, like the Bene
Gesserit in Dune, changes body chemistry to fall into deep sleep like the flip of a
"'Anxiety, depression? - Inventions of the bourgeoisie - they don't exist! - They're just
excuses so that you, the employee, avoid giving 150% today at the office, where, guess
what, without exercise and a healthy diet, we're preparing the recipe for anxiety and

And the list goes on.

The same goes for gaslighting - nothing you feel as a victim is real, and if something
goes wrong, it's clearly and solely your fault because you're this and that.

When you're continuously focused on work, you inevitably neglect personal

relationships and end up feeling deeply isolated and lonely.

Guess what, one of a gaslighter's favorite MOs is to DISTANCE YOU FROM YOUR
LOVED ONES - family, friends, etc.

My sincere and straightforward advice: what you do for a living (unless you've
discovered the cure for cancer or eternal youth and life without death) matters VERY
LITTLE compared to who you are as a PERSON.

Leave behind the Boomer mentality, where having a position and certain qualifications
means you're 'somebody important'.

Stop engaging in small talk about your job, where you work etc. - you might as well talk
about the weather.

There are intelligent and noble people in all social circles, from those who have only
completed a few grades to those with three doctorates.

For each and everyone, only this lesson applies:

You can build a whole world and then you can shatter it... whatever you do here and
over everything only a shovel of dirt will fall.

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