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Crop Protection 26 (2007) 1–10


Review of Nezara viridula (L.) management strategies and potential for

IPM in field crops with emphasis on Australia
Kristen M.M. Knighta, Geoff M. Gurrb,
Biopesticides Unit, Plant Science, Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries, 80 Meiers Road, Indooroopilly, QLD 4068, Australia
Pest Biology and Management Group, Charles Sturt University, Orange, PO Box 883, NSW 2800, Australia
Accepted 13 March 2006


Nezara viridula (L.) is a cosmopolitan, polyphagous heteropteran that causes economic damage to many crop species. At present,
control of N. viridula in Australia and other countries relies heavily upon insecticides, most of which are disruptive to beneficial insects,
constituting a constraint on integrated pest management (IPM). Much research has been conducted into non-chemical control methods
for N. viridula. This paper reviews the potential for and limitations of sterile insect technique, classical, inundative and conservation
biological control, and trap cropping. None of these techniques appear to be adequate for control of N. viridula when used alone but
there is scope for these non-chemical approaches to be adopted for use in integrated management of this pest. A proposal is given for one
such integrated approach for future development. It includes biopesticides, trap crops and carefully targeted habitat manipulation to
enhance arthropod natural enemies as well as area-wide management and grower education.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nezara viridula; IPM; Soybeans


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Biology of Nezara viridula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1. Origin and distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2. Life cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.3. Behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.4. Plant hosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.5. Host plant factors affecting survival and development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.6. Pest status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Management options for Nezara viridula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1. Sterile-insect technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2. Biological control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2.1. Classical and inundative biological control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2.2. Conservation biological control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2.3. Biopesticides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2.4. Conservation biological control to enhance entomopathogens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3. Trap crops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4. Integrated pest management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Corresponding author. Tel.: +63 60 551; fax: +63 60 5590.

E-mail address: (G.M. Gurr).

0261-2194/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 K.M.M. Knight, G.M. Gurr / Crop Protection 26 (2007) 1–10

1. Introduction cemented firmly to one another and usually hatch in 4–9

days. As eggs mature they become deep yellow, then pinkish-
The pentatomid Nezara viridula (L.) is a major pest of yellow, and finally bright orange at eclosion (Todd, 1989). N.
soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr) other grain legumes and viridula develops through five instars before reaching
many other crops in Australia and throughout the world maturity, 24–60 days after hatching. Instar duration depends
(Clarke, 1992; Waterhouse, 1998). In most soybean on temperature and on host food supplies. First instars
growing areas of the world including Australia, control cluster on or near the egg mass and apparently do not feed
measures for N. viridula rely on chemical insecticides (Velasco and Walter, 1992; Waterhouse, 1998).
(Cheyn et al., 1992; McPherson et al., 1994; Todd et al., Adults live for up to 3 weeks in hot summer weather,
1994). As a result of increasing restrictions on the use of longer over winter. Four generations per year have been
endosulfan in Australia, the most commonly used insecti- observed in Florida and Louisiana, and a fifth generation
cide in soybeans and other pulse crops is the synthetic has been known to occur in southern Florida (Todd, 1989;
pyrethroid, deltamethrin (Brier and Lucy, 1999). Although Velasco et al., 1995). However, Velasco et al. (1995)
deltamethrin gives control of N. viridula it is harmful to reported only two principal generations in southeast
natural enemies, making it incompatible with integrated Queensland. Coombs and Sands (2000) found three
pest management (IPM) strategies for soybeans or pulse generations in northern NSW. In regions with a cold
crops. This constrains the extent to which industry is able winter the autumn generation may live much longer,
to manage the risk of pesticide resistance and address overwintering or diapausing in debris, under bark, or in
environmental impact and food safety concerns. buildings (Waterhouse and Norris, 1987; Todd, 1989).
This review examines the literature on non-chemical While most diapausing N. viridula turn a reddish brown
management methods for N. viridula and considers the colour, this is not the case for all individuals (Seymour and
scope to develop a more integrated management approach. Bowman, 1994). Diapause is controlled by a long-day
Key aspects of pest status and biology are reviewed before photoperiodic response with the critical day-length for
prospects for development of IPM for soybeans is diapause falling into a narrow range close to 12.5 h
specifically considered. (Musolin and Numata, 2003). Musolin and Numata
(2004) suggest that the environmental conditions required
2. Biology of Nezara viridula for colour change do not always coincide with those
required for diapause induction and that the colour of the
2.1. Origin and distribution adults is not always a reliable indicator of diapause.
Although reproduction ceases during overwintering, survi-
N. viridula is the most important widespread polypha- val is improved by feeding and adults often feed during
gous heteropteran in the world (Todd, 1989). It is found mild periods on mustard (Brassica spp.) and wild radish
throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the (Raphanus spp.) (Todd, 1989).
world including the Americas, Asia, Australasia, and Eggs are deposited in the upper regions of crops on the
Europe (Waterhouse, 1998). These authors suggest that undersurface of leaves or pods (Todd, 1989). Egg hatch is
human activity spread the pest from Africa. However, N. temperature dependent and the synchronization of hatching
viridula is a strong flier and may have arrived due to of an egg mass is due to the emergence of nymphs stimulating
weather systems as well as human means of transport. hatching in neighbouring eggs (Lockwood and Story, 1986).
In Australia, N. viridula is a pest of many horticultural and
field crops. It established in the Sydney area as early as 1911, 2.3. Behaviour
and by 1938 was recorded in all mainland states (Clarke,
1992). While N. viridula is rare over large areas of Australia, First instars initially aggregate using tactile cues from
it is considered a major pest in cropping areas throughout both the egg mass and their siblings (Lockwood and Story,
Australia. For instance, it is a major pest in the Northern 1985) but by 2 days after emergence they develop an
Territory (Ward, 2005) and tropical Queensland (H. Brier, aggregation pheromone. Nymphs at this stage do not feed
2001 pers. comm.). At present, N. viridula is distributed from and remain on the egg mass unless disturbed (Todd, 1989).
north Queensland to southern Victoria. Its greatest abun- When nymphs moult to second instar, they begin to feed
dance is in a broad belt stretching from southeast Queensland but remain aggregated near the egg mass. Third instar
to central Victoria (Clarke, 1992). In southern Queensland nymphs also remain aggregated; however, they move from
and northern New South Wales (NSW), N. viridula is most the egg mass. At fourth instar, the clustering behaviour
commonly associated with soybean. Nevertheless, it is not ends as the nymphs disperse and by the fifth instar the
restricted to that crop and occurs regularly on other hosts. siblings are widely distributed.

2.2. Life cycle 2.4. Plant hosts

Barrel-shaped eggs are laid in rafts consisting of between The host range of N. viridula includes over 30 families
80 and 120 or more eggs (Waterhouse, 1998). The eggs are of dicotyledonous plants and a number of monocots
K.M.M. Knight, G.M. Gurr / Crop Protection 26 (2007) 1–10 3

(Todd, 1989). Velasco et al. (1995) found N. viridula on 34 Velasco (1989) found that it is possible for four
plant species belonging to 11 families in southeast Queens- generations of N. viridula to occur in a season in southeast
land. Legumes seem to be the favoured hosts for this insect Queensland. As temperature is not a limiting factor, the
however it is also a significant pest of cotton. Panizzi (1997) lack of nutritious food sources during the early part of the
states that knowing the effect of the various wild host season may in the past have limited the number of
plants on nymphal or adult performance will help in the generations of N. viridula. Since Velasco and Walter
management of selected certain favourable hosts to (1992) conducted their research, cropping patterns in
mitigate their role in the build-up of pest populations. southeast Queensland have changed. Spring plantings of
mungbeans and earlier maturing varieties of soybean such
2.5. Host plant factors affecting survival and development as cv. Melrose may cause an increase in the number of
generations of N. viridula.
In southeast Queensland N. viridula numbers increase in
spring (September–November), and decline through sum- 2.6. Pest status
mer until early autumn when N. viridula become common
on soybeans. Host plants have a significant impact on The importance of N. viridula is increasing in Australia
nymphal development and adult reproduction. Velasco and and is thought to be due to the widespread planting of
Walter (1992) reported that survival of nymphs to adults is genetically modified (GM) cotton, the use of IPM for
greatest on soybean (74%) and sorghum (70%) whilst on Helicoverpa spp., the popularity of early season soybeans
thornapple and wild crucifer it was less than 50%. Clover, and the expansion of spring and summer planted mung-
lucerne, and sunflower allowed less than 5% of nymphs to beans. N. viridula were not regarded as economically
reach adulthood. Over 70% of adults survived on soybean, important pests in cotton prior to the release of GM
sunflower, sorghum, castor bean, and corn. However, less varieties as the populations were previously suppressed by
than 20% were alive after 6 weeks on clover and wild multiple applications of broad-spectrum insecticides for
crucifers. Host plant significantly affected reproductive control of Helicoverpa spp. (Greene et al., 2001; Willrich et
performance as soybean produced the highest number of al., 2004).
nymphs (125/female), followed by wild crucifer (94/ There have been many attempts by researchers to
female), castor bean (95/female) and corn (3/female). develop more sustainable practices to control N. viridula
It can be concluded from these results that only soybean including: partial sterilisation of insects, biological control,
is highly suitable for both nymphal development and adult biopesticides and trap cropping. However, use of these
reproduction. There is either a difference in the nutritional methods individually has rarely succeeded in providing
requirements of nymphs and adults or the ability to deal acceptable control of N. viridula. The following sections
with toxic secondary chemicals is not similar (Velasco and describe and evaluate a number of control strategies for N.
Walter, 1992). In the same experiment, there was no viridula, which do not rely solely on synthetic chemical
indication that any particular host plant was more attractive control.
than others to adult N. viridula and that no host species was
especially attractive to adult females for oviposition 3. Management options for Nezara viridula
(Velasco and Walter, 1992). However, the species of host
plant has a significant effect on the reproductive success of At present in Australia, N. viridula is controlled with
N. viridula and thus on its population dynamics (Velasco relatively non-selective insecticides such as deltamethrin or
and Walter, 1992). The seasonal pattern of host availability endosulfan. Whilst endosulfan is increasingly restricted for
is expected to generate a changing pattern of N. viridula environmental reasons (Brier and Lucy, 1999), deltame-
distribution and abundance. thrin may cause outbreaks of secondary pests such as two-
The seasonal peak in N. viridula numbers in southeast spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Koch) (Knight
Queensland coincides with the availability of hosts suitable and Brier, 2000). Currently other products are being tested
for both nymphal survival and adult reproduction. In to ascertain efficacy and selectivity, but new products as
spring, wild crucifers are available when adults emerge effective and as selective as endosulfan have not yet been
from diapause. In summer N. viridula numbers (both adult identified (Brier, Knight and Khan, unpublished data).
and nymphs) decrease as the only hosts available at this Many potential new products are likely to be more
time are not suitable for egg production or nymphal expensive and thus uneconomic for pulse or soybean
survival (Velasco and Walter, 1992). The increase in growers with small gross margins.
N. viridula numbers during late summer and autumn seems
to be the result of availability of soybean. Once on 3.1. Sterile-insect technique
soybeans, populations may rapidly increase because of
high reproductive success on this host. It can be concluded The principle of sterile-insect technique is that the
that the availability of suitable host plant species therefore number of sterile males released must be great enough to
influences to a large degree the changing abundance of prevent reproduction, so starting a downward trend in the
N. viridula in southeast Queensland. population. The higher the initial ratio of sterilised to
4 K.M.M. Knight, G.M. Gurr / Crop Protection 26 (2007) 1–10

fertile individuals, the quicker the pest is brought under field and horticultural crops in subtropical and tropical
control (Pedigo, 1992). Dyby and Sailer (1999) exposed Australia (I Crosthwaite, 2001, pers. comm.). T. basalis is
N. viridula to ionizing radiation of o10 Gy. This level of known to parasitise the eggs of native predatory bugs, such
radiation rendered fourth instar nymphs (when testes and as Oechalia schellenbergii (Guérin-Méneville) (Loch and
ovaries begin maturation) partially sterile. Irradiated Walter, 1999) thus constituting an example of a non-target
female N. viridula laid mostly non-viable eggs and had effect of biological control (Howarth, 2000). Other than the
significantly lower fecundity than the control insects. The direct consequence of this attack it may also have a
surviving progeny of partially sterilised N. viridula were, deleterious effect by reducing the impact of these predatory
however, capable of reproductive recovery. There are two bugs on other pests such as Helicoverpa spp.
other possible strategies for autocidal management of this In contrast to the Australian experience, Brazil has
pest: release of nymphs sterilised at 15–20 Gy, or use of had more success from releases of T. basalis. Corrêa-
irradiation for breeding for translocations or other Ferreira and Moscardi (1996) estimate that over 4 million
chromosomal defects promoting lethality in heterozygous litres of chemical insecticides were used annually to
individuals. In winter or spring, sterile insects could be control stinkbugs on soybean, increasing production
released in order to create a less fit population (Dyby and costs and decreasing beneficial insects. Inundative
Sailer, 1999). Using this diversified approach may decrease releases of T. basalis (15,000/ha) were made in soybean
the likelihood of N. viridula reaching economic thresholds trap crops, and the population density of N. viridula
in the summer months. consequently decreased by 54% in trap crops and 58% in
Ultimately, however, the high cost of rearing N. viridula, the main crop (Corrêa-Ferreira and Moscardi, 1996).
($4000 per 1000 insects) (H. Brier, pers. comm.) will Parasitoid releases on early-maturing cultivars decreased
preclude use of this method unless cheaper rearing methods N. viridula population during the entire soybean season.
can be developed. For example, assuming a crop with as Releases of T. basalis into early maturing soybean
few as 0.1 adults/m2 and a release rate of 10 sterilised adults trap crops when N. viridula start colonising fields
per unsterilised adult, the cost of one release is $40,000/ha. may constitute an important tactic in soybean fields in
A release of 10,000 adults would also cause significant lieu of chemical insecticides, depending on whether
damage in most crops. In the case of N. viridula, adults as soybeans are grown for crushing or edible trade (Corrêa-
well as nymphal stages can cause crop damage in contrast Ferreira and Moscardi, 1996).
to well-known examples of success in sterile-insect techni- Another parasitoid of N. viridula that has been released
que, such as screw worm, Chrysomya bezziana (Villeneuve), and established in Australia is the Argentinean tachinid
where adults are released but it is the larval life stage that T. giacomellii. Other Trichopoda species have been released
causes damage (Spradbery, 1994). in West Australia but did not establish (Coombs and
Sands, 2000). T. giacomellii has established in the South
3.2. Biological control Burnett, Bundaberg, and the Darling Downs (Queensland)
and in northwest NSW near Moree but has also not yet
3.2.1. Classical and inundative biological control brought about successful biological control of N. viridula
There are many examples of the use of classical although there have been reports of parasitism rates as high
biological control agents for N. viridula throughout the as 50% (Coombs and Sands, 2000).
world. Waterhouse (1998) gives a comprehensive coverage
of these, the majority of which are hymenopterous egg
parasitoids including Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) and 3.2.2. Conservation biological control
tachinid parasitoids that attack adult or late nymphal stage Conservation of natural enemies, whether native, natur-
N. viridula, such as Trichopoda giacomellii (Blanchard) alised or mass released is an important factor in biological
(Waterhouse, 1998). control (Gurr and Wratten, 1999). Adoption of within-field
Trissolcus basalis was released in Western Australia in monocultures of annual crops in modern farming systems
1933 and is now distributed throughout all mainland states is known to discriminate against and reduce activity of
(Clarke, 1992). Loch and Walter (1999) consider it difficult predatory insects (Gurr et al., 1998; Landis et al., 2000).
to assess the degree to which N. viridula populations are Many generalist predators including spiders, ants, frogs,
suppressed by T. basalis in Australia, so biological control crickets, beetles, grasshoppers and predatory bugs prey
could not be considered completely successful, especially in upon N. viridula and there are also important parasitoids
southeast Queensland where N. viridula remains a sig- (Stam et al., 1987; Van den Berg et al., 1995). Natural
nificant pest despite sometimes-high parasitism rates by enemies in soybean have a variable but major impact on
T. basalis. In NSW and Queensland, N. viridula remains a young stages of N. viridula especially on the egg stage (Van
major pest of soybeans and other pulses (Clarke, 1992; den Berg et al., 1995). Spraying during the R2–R6 growth
H. Brier and M. Lucy, 2000, pers. comm.). Currently, it is stages of soybean development with broad-spectrum
regarded as the chief impediment to organic production of insecticides may cause a major reduction in predation
soybeans in NSW (R. Neeson, 2001, pers. com.) and a and, hence, will increase the dependency on insecticides to
major pest that requires control each season in many major control the pest (Van den Berg et al., 1995).
K.M.M. Knight, G.M. Gurr / Crop Protection 26 (2007) 1–10 5

Many parasitoids such as T. giacomellii require nectar in impediments to the conservation of natural enemies that
order to survive. Fecundity and longevity of T. giacomellii rely on resources not provided in modern agricultural
is reduced when only fed water (Coombs, 1997). Females systems.
fed only water had significantly reduced ovarioles and were Increased vegetational diversity may theoretically: (1)
unable to mature any eggs other than those that were make crop plants more difficult for N. viridula to locate,
present in the abdomen at the time of emergence (Coombs, thereby reducing pest infestation, and (2) attract more
1997). It is obvious then that the availability of adult food natural enemies resulting in better pest control (Buntin et
(nectar and other sugar sources) has a significant influence al., 1995). Though there is little published information
on the effectiveness of T. giacomellii as a biological control explicitly examining the effect of plant diversity on
agent. Thus after the flowering period of the host crop, the N. viridula, it is known that the populations of herbivorous
parasitoid needs to forage further afield. In many cases this arthropods only tend (149 species of 287) to be lower in
may be in areas where there are no host insects, thus polycultures rather than monocultures (Andow, 1991).
decreasing the probability of T. giacomellii finding N. Importantly, for polyphagous herbivores (such as N.
viridula. viridula) this effect was far weaker with only 28.4% of
Equivalent work on the effects of food sources on adult such species exhibiting lowered densities in polycultures.
T. basalis is not well represented in the literature. Recent The most common response of such herbivores was an
laboratory studies show that adult female longevity is increase in density (40.35% of species) (Andow, 1991).
increased several-fold by access to flowers of species such Jones et al. (2001) showed that a diverse weed flora in
as French marigold (Tagetes patula), basil (Ocimum macadamia nut plantations was associated with higher
basilicum) and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) (Rahat levels of damage, an effect assumed to be because of higher
et al., 2005). Dependence of parasitoids on nectar suggests N. viridula densities. This case illustrates the potential for
that maintenance of food flowers may support conserva- vegetational diversity to be counterproductive to pest
tion of those important natural enemies in farming suppression and that rather than adopt a ‘shotgun’
landscapes. Australian and many other nations’ farming approach to diversification there is a need for ‘directed’
landscapes are characterised by homogenous planting, approaches (Gurr et al., 2005), using plants that do not
frequent disruptions due to harvest and fallow cycles, and favour the target pest, an approach dubbed ‘ecological
lack of shelter from insecticides harmful to natural enemies engineering’ (Gurr et al., 2004).
(Letourneau, 1998). These disturbances occur with greater Nentwig et al. (1998) sowed weeds in strips to increase
intensity and frequency in monocultures than in diverse biodiversity in agricultural fields and recommended
habitats. This means that monocultures favour those ‘‘weed’’ strips cover at least 5–10% of cropping areas.
species that can survive high levels of disturbance, which Ecological engineering dictates that these species should
are often pest species. The patterns of cropping, harvest, undergo prior testing to determine their effects on pests
and fallow remove the food sources and habitat for and natural enemies. While manipulation of wild vegeta-
alternate hosts of natural enemies thus decreasing the tion may be practical in small crops areas, it remains to be
impact that natural enemies can have on pests such as determined whether such a method would be accepted on
N. viridula. Small areas left uncultivated, such as field broadacre farms; though the widespread adoption in
margins and wildlife corridors between large paddocks can western European cereal farms of a similar habitat method,
increase diversity in the landscape, giving natural enemies a ‘beetle banks’ (MacLeod et al., 2005), suggests significant
source of food, hosts and refuge throughout the year scope. Contamination of seed would be a potential
(Letourneau, 1998). Many other examples of similar problem in crops such as edible soybean and mungbeans
strategies are reviewed by Landis et al. (2000) and Gurr but this could be minimised by confining weeds to a
et al. (2004). discrete area or by allowing the presence only of species
The crop plant’s life cycle to a large extent dictates the with small seeds that are readily screened from harvested
nature of the pest habitat (Barbosa, 1998). Monocultures beans.
of annual and perennial agroecosystem crop phenology
may cause asynchrony between resource availability and
natural enemy requirements. For instance, most soybeans 3.2.3. Biopesticides
planted in northern Australia are determinate in growth Populations of N. viridula are naturally infected by
habit and flower over a short period of time. To conserve entomopathogenic fungi, especially Metarhizium anisopliae
natural enemies effectively, growers must ameliorate and/ (Metschnikoff) Sorokin and Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo)
or compensate for the elimination, reduction, or disruption Vuillemin (Sosa-Gómez and Moscardi, 1998). While
of needed resources and conditions that result from natural infections are typically low in incidence, these
patterns of cropping phenology in agroecosystems (Barbo- fungi can be used as biopesticides. Because N. viridula is a
sa, 1998). Natural habitats in the vicinity of croplands are sucking pest and feeds by penetrating the plant, and
important in providing alternative foods and refugia for entomopathogenic fungi infect through contact, these
natural enemy populations (Tscharntke et al, 2005). At fungi have greater potential as biopesticides for sucking
present, the loss and degradation of habitat creates serious pests than do bacteria, viruses, and protozoans which
6 K.M.M. Knight, G.M. Gurr / Crop Protection 26 (2007) 1–10

must be ingested to infect the host (Sosa-Gómez and promote growth of the entomopathogen population, such
Moscardi, 1998). as high relative humidity that promotes the production of
Time to death is a critical factor where N. viridula fungal conidia (Fuxa, 1998).
are present in low tolerance crops such as mungbeans Populations of the fungi M. anisopliae and B. bassiana
and edible soybeans or where high pest densities are are more prevalent in no till than in tilled plots in a
present. Work in Brazil found that M. anisopliae takes soybean–wheat double cropping system (Sosa-Gómez and
approximately 14 days to kill adult N. viridula, with Moscardi, 1994). This may be due to the retention of
infection incidence in the pest population increasing for up sporulating cadavers above the soil which are otherwise
to 20 days after treatment (Sosa-Gómez and Moscardi, buried by tilling. In no till, the surface temperature
1998). This may prevent the use of biopesticides in such amplitudes are not as great as they are in tilled soil. Other
crops if the insect keeps feeding and reproducing once factors such as the soil’s capacity to retain water, higher
infected. The use of oil formulations in biopesticides organic matter, and lower temperature of soils under
decreases the influence of abiotic conditions on the success minimum tillage increase the survival of these entomo-
rate of infection of fungal pathogens in insects, thus pathogenic fungi.
increasing the possibility that a mycopesticide based on this Other fungi have been promoted through the use of
formulation being successful against N. viridula in soy- irrigation. Such manipulation in soybean crops could
beans. This is an attractive prospect because a major increase humidity and therefore enhance fungal activity.
advantage of microbial control over use of conventional Finally, the use of selective fungicides needs to be
insecticides is minimisation of adverse effects on natural evaluated, as Nomuraea rileyi (Farlow) is significantly
enemies. affected by the use of several fungicides in soybean crops
Stinkbugs are naturally resistant to fungal infection by (Fuxa, 1998).
both of these fungi because aldehydes, that are part of the Environmental manipulation, as well as enhancing
stinkbug’s defence secretions, serve as antimycotic agents naturally occurring populations of entomopathogens, can
against certain entomopathogenic fungi (Sosa-Gómez et increase the likelihood of outbreaks of fungi that are
al., 1997). The use of these entomopathogenic fungi might released or applied as a biopesticide. Manipulation of crops
be enhanced if nymphs are targeted (Sosa-Gómez and such as soybeans by, for instance, using narrower row
Moscardi, 1998) and recent Australian research suggests spacings creating canopy cover can raise relative humidity
that nymphs rapidly succumb to infection (Knight and and hence increase the likelihood of control once applied as
Hauxwell, unpublished). a biopesticide.
Environmental manipulation is more likely to succeed
3.2.4. Conservation biological control to enhance against indirect pests than direct pests because most
entomopathogens entomopathogens act relatively slowly and will not prevent
As with other natural enemies of pests, entomopatho- damage to the part of a crop plant that is used directly by
gens can be enhanced through conservation biological humans (Fuxa, 1998). It is not, therefore, likely to be
control measures (Fuxa, 1998). This is a tractable adequate when used alone against N. viridula in crops such
option because most entomopathogens are greatly influ- as mungbeans and soybeans. However, such manipulation
enced by their environment and attractive because it would be warranted to increase the likelihood of naturally
is potentially cheaper. The life cycle of entomopathogens occurring outbreaks and enhance applications of biopesti-
is generally weakest during transfer from one host cides as part of an IPM strategy. Current research suggests
to another. Neither M. anisopliae nor B. bassiana are that some isolates may be faster acting and can be targeted
transovarially transmitted thus the pathogen must at nymphs pre-flowering to avoid significant damage
survive adverse environmental conditions, be transported (Knight and Hauxwell, unpublished).
from the old host to the new, and penetrate the defenses of Natural enemies can aid in the local dispersal of
the new host. pathogens. The presence of a foraging adult coccinellid
If a pathogen is naturally occurring in an agroecosystem, coming into contact with a pathogen can result in a
a slight change in cultural practices could potentially substantial increase in the local transmission of the
enhance survival or transmission to the new host (Fuxa, aphid pathogen Erynia neoaphidis within a population
1998). There are several areas that environmental manip- of pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Roy and Pell, 2000).
ulation could aid the survival and enhancement of The ability of natural enemies to vector pathogens
naturally occurring populations of fungal pathogens. First, between infected and uninfected host populations
improved transport from the pathogen reservoir, usually could be manipulated for IPM if the vector can be
soil or cadavers, to a site where the entomopathogen can artificially contaminated with inoculum (Roy and Pell,
come into contact with the insect host. Second, improved 2000). Furthermore, beneficial insects other than natural
persistence of the pathogen at the site where it contacts the enemies may provide an alternative means of pathogen
host insect may also be required because sunlight, low dissemination, for instance, the use of honey bees to
moisture, or chemical pesticides damage many entomo- effectively vector M. anisopliae to pollen beetles (Roy and
pathogens. Third, ensuring factors are present in order to Pell, 2000).
K.M.M. Knight, G.M. Gurr / Crop Protection 26 (2007) 1–10 7

3.3. Trap crops attractive host than cotton (Khan and Bauer, 2001,
unpublished data).
Trap crops are used either to prevent the pest from Trap crops not only have potential for the effective
reaching the crop or to concentrate it in a certain part of control of N. viridula in soybean and cotton fields.
the field where it can be economically destroyed mechani- A border planting of white mustard (Sinapsis albus) was
cally or by strategic pesticide use. Thus, trap crops are used as a trap crop with organic sweet corn in New
advantageous because they delay the development of Zealand (Rea et al., 2002). The mustard flowered around
pesticide resistance, are economical, and minimise adverse three to 4 weeks earlier than the sweet corn. N. viridula
impact on natural enemies, and pollution. numbers were much higher in the mustard plots (8–12/m2)
The principle of trap crops is that virtually all pests show than in the sweet corn (o1/m2). As with soybean crops, the
a distinct preference to certain plant species, cultivars, or a timing of planting the trap crop is crucial. The trap crop
certain crop stage (Newsom and Herzog, 1977). Though must be more attractive to the pest at a time when pest
the work of Velasco and Walter (1992) suggested damage can be detrimental to the main crop.
no difference between plant species in attractiveness to Trap crops are a potentially useful tactic in any IPM
N. viridula, adults of this species are known to be strongly program. However, on a regional basis, farmers tend to
attracted to podding soybeans in preference to plants in stagger crop plantings. Thus, the fields planted earliest
earlier stages of development so are attracted to plantings become natural traps attracting the early flux of insects
of earlier maturing soybean cultivars (Todd and Schu- (Kogan and Turnipseed, 1987). Regional IPM systems
mann, 1988). McPherson and Newsom (1984) reported need to be put into practice to alleviate the occurrence of
70–85% of all N. viridula in a soybean crop were attracted these natural traps. Although the above results for trap
to trap crop strips covering only 1–10% of the total crop crops in soybean and cotton systems look promising there
area. Early in the season there were 0.1 N. viridula per are drawbacks such as the opportunity cost of sacrificing
metre in the trap crop and 0.03 N. viridula per metre in the between 1% and 10% of land area to trap crops. The
main crop. At the end of the season N. viridula numbers viability of trap crops in other systems such as mungbeans
were 1.1 per metre and 0.12 per metre in the trap crop and remains to be investigated and in that case there are no
main crop, respectively (McPherson and Newsom, 1984). early maturing varieties of mungbean available so alter-
Similarly successful work was reported by Newsom and native trap crop species need to be identified.
Herzog (1977).
As trap crops can also act as a source of pest populations 4. Integrated pest management
they must be selected and managed in such a way as to
minimise the risk of increasing the pest problem. Trap In this review we have presented components that can be
crops are effective only if N. viridula are controlled in the utilised to create an IPM system for N. viridula. Kogan
trap crop to prevent them spreading into adjacent or main (1988) states that IPM has three levels: (i) integration of
crops (McPherson and Newsom, 1984). Adult N. viridula methods for the control of a single species (population
will quickly move out of trap crops into adjacent crops if control), (ii) integration of impacts of multiple pest
they are at a more attractive stage (e.g. early pod-fill in categories (insects, weeds, and pathogens) and the methods
soybeans) or once the trap crop becomes unattractive (e.g. for their control (community level control), and (iii)
during dry down prior to harvest). Regular scouting of trap integration of multiple pest impacts and the methods for
crops is essential to ascertain population numbers and their control within the context of the total cropping
insect life stage to determine when control is necessary. system (ecosystem level control). This begs the question:
Chemical control of early instar N. viridula in trap crops what IPM strategies are currently being used to control N.
will prevent movement into main crop (McPherson and viridula and at what level of IPM are they functioning?
Newsom, 1984). Todd and Schumann (1988) reinforce this Coombs (2000) manipulated ground cover in a pecan
argument stating that control measures should be applied farming system that resulted in increased control of
to trap crops before the main crop reaches late podset (R4, N. viridula while enhancing the action of natural enemies.
when most oviposition occurs) and before fifth instar This is an example of level one IPM strategy. In contrast,
nymphs moult to the adult stage. McPherson et al. (2003) examined whether herbicide
Bundy and McPherson (2000) found that when tolerant soybean varieties were less attractive to N. viridula
planted in close proximity, pentatomids show a preference due to less weedy crops. However, they found that the only
for soybean and led them to propose that there should difference in pest numbers was due to soybean maturity
be a large-scale evaluation of soybean as a trap crop groups. Although the herbicide tolerant varieties did not
for managing stink bugs in cotton. Soybean trap have decreased numbers of N. viridula this study was
crops adjacent to a cotton crop were studied in extending to the second level of IPM as it investigated
the South Burnett region of Australia in 2000–2001 control at a community level.
(P Enkleman, 2001, pers. com.,). Results suggest that The early soybean production system (ESPS) in the mid-
small areas of soybean trap crop contain N. viridula for the south of the USA allows growers to escape high popula-
whole season indicating that soybean is a far more tions of late season defoliators and late season drought
8 K.M.M. Knight, G.M. Gurr / Crop Protection 26 (2007) 1–10

stress (Baur et al., 2000; McPherson et al., 2001). The early Because the sprayed area is only a trap crop, costs are
season soybeans act as a trap crop for all the remaining minimised. Trap crops could also be mechanically
soybeans in the area. Stink bugs (including N. viridula) destroyed, killing the pest whilst still at a nymphal stage
colonise the ESPS several weeks before the conventional though the area of trap crops, as well as optimal species,
crop begins to bloom. The potential benefits of this trap needs to be investigated.
crop effect are lost, however, if the pest population is left  Area-wide management similar to that undertaken for
untreated and the stink bugs move out of the senescing Helicoverpa spp. in the Darling Downs region of
early maturing soybeans to adjacent later maturing Queensland Duffield (2004) so that growers do not
soybeans where they continue to increase (McPherson et create pest sources as in the ESPS (McPherson et al.,
al., 2001). Baur et al. (2000) state that although yields have 2001) that exacerbate damage at the regional scale.
increased in ESPS, the cost of insect control is comparable Growers that participate in area wide management
to conventional crops because of consistent stink bug groups are encouraged to experiment on farm in order
pressure in ESPS. Although the ESPS attempts to use to create strategies that suit individual farming systems
earlier maturing cultivars to enhance the IPM system and regions. Area wide management of N. viridula will
for defoliators it is unfortunately acting as a sink for make growers aware of the strategies that their
N. viridula for later planted varieties. Often when attempt- neighbours are using to control this pest by increasing
ing to solve the problem of one group of pests we are still communication and consequently creating a unified
faced with another pest that needs to be controlled. One approach to IPM strategies for N. viridula in soybean
possibility that may improve this system is an area wide growing areas.
management group that worked together to ensure that the  Education for growers and consultants on therapeutic
soybeans in an area were all planted at a similar time. measures such as scouting, sampling methods, thresh-
Integrated soybean pest management has been imple- olds, decision making, and beneficial insect identifica-
mented in micro-river basins in Brazil (Corrêa-Ferreira et tion.
al., 2000). This soybean IPM system was developed in  Ecological engineering using carefully selected floral
large, continuous river basin areas and involved: (i) pest resources or refuges for beneficial insects. This will
monitoring, (ii) management decisions based on estab- require experimentation with crops such as lucerne, or
lished economic injury levels, (iii) use of highly selective weed mixes for sown weed strips that are suitable for
products for Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner) to preserve different regions and soybean crops. Potentially, trap
the whole natural enemy complex, (iv) mass releases of crop species could constitute such refuges, so having
T. basalis and (v) insecticidal applications on field borders dual utility and using space efficiently.
or at reduced doses mixed with cooking salt to control the  Releases of biological control agents such as Trissolcus
stink bug complex including N. viridula wherever necessary basalis, Pristhesancus plagipennis, and Trichopoda gia-
(Corrêa-Ferreira et al., 2000). This integrated soybean pest comellii, especially in trap crops and beneficial refuge
management system resulted in a reduction of insecticide areas. If trap crops act also to provide resources to
applications for stink bug control from a mean of 0.81 to attract natural enemies (or if such resources can be
0.09 applications per season after only two seasons provided by other plant species sown immediately
(Corrêa-Ferreira et al., 2000). against trap crop species) pests would be attracted to
areas where natural enemy density is optimised, leading
5. Conclusion to maximum pest mortality.
 Experimentation with cultural control methods such as
We propose that an effective management program for row spacing, no till, and reduced herbicide regimes that
N. viridula should use a variety of preventive and may decrease the crop’s attractiveness to N. viridula or
therapeutic methods. In the case of soybeans, an IPM increase beneficial insect populations and naturally
program may include trap crops, strip cropping of weeds or occurring entomopathogens.
another crop such as lucerne as a source of nectar and  Monitoring of main crops; plant health, pest numbers,
shelter for parasitoids and predators, inundative biological and beneficial numbers.
control, biopesticides, and discriminate use of synthetic  Spraying main crop with synthetic insecticides only
insecticides. Such an IPM strategy would reduce N. viridula when absolutely necessary.
numbers throughout the season to keep populations below
economic thresholds and hence decrease dependence on IPM in general is an important tool in making a farming
broad-spectrum insecticides. A regime may include the system sustainable but current control of N. viridula relies
following components. heavily on broad-spectrum insecticides that are detrimental
to natural enemy species and, indirectly, to IPM of other
 Trap crops that are monitored throughout the season pests such as Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). This review
and sprayed with chemical or biological insecticides (as has illustrated that the non-chemical options available for
they become more available) whenever the majority of use against this serious pest have significant potential but
the N. viridula population is younger than fifth instar. their widespread use, especially in broadacre crops, is
K.M.M. Knight, G.M. Gurr / Crop Protection 26 (2007) 1–10 9

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