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History : Grade VIII
Students’ Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
1. Describe with Outline some salient features of the early beginnings of Pakistan after 1947.
2. Explain events of the Kashmir War.
3. Describe the main idea of Objective Resolution.
4. Describe the key elements of the Constitution of 1956.
5. Enlist some characteristics of Ayyub Khan’s Regime.
6. Identify causes and events of the War of 1965. and war of 1971.
7. Describe the causes and events of the Afghan War.
8. Identify the sequence of events of Cold War that led to the War on Terrorism.
9. Use a timeline to identify the time of the events after the formation of Pakistan in the span of
Migration, War of Kashmir, constitutions1956, 1958, 1973, 1965 war , 1971 war , Afghan war till the War
on Terror.
10. Use an organogram to demonstrate the sequence of events led by the Afghan War till the War on
11. Explore some of the pull and push factors behind the Migration of 1947.
12. Evaluate the most challenging problem Pakistan had to face after Independence.
13. Explore the contributions of the migrants and common people in the struggle for the Freedom of

14. Explore the consequences of the War of Kashmir on Pakistan.

15. Enquire why part of objective resolution has become a compulsory part of all constitutions.
16. Elaborate on the reasons behind the failure of the Constitution of 1956.
17. Identify some major milestones of Ayub Khan’s Regime.
18. Analyze the most important contribution of Ayub Khan.
19. Enquire about the significance of Ayub Khan’s Regime in the history of Pakistan.
20. Discover some causes of the War of 1965.
21. Analyze the impact of the War of 1965 in the coming years.
22. Compare the constitution of 1962 with the constitution of 1973.
23. Discover key causes of the War of 1971.
24. Analyze the impact of the War of 1971.
25. Enquire into the consequences of the Afghan War on Pakistan.
26. Explore the consequences of the War on Terror on the social and economic history of
27. Identify the contributions of the Pakistan Army in the War on Terror.
28. Justify that the migration of 1947 was the biggest migration in human history.
SLO 4:
AT 4: Describe the key elements of the
Constitution of 1956.
SLO 16:
Elaborate on the reasons behind the failure
Constitution of of the Constitution of 1956.
Pakistan 1956
• After the enforcement of Objective
Resolution in 1949, a committee was
formed by the Constituent Assembly
to work on the constitution of
Pakistan. The Basic Principle
Committee was set up on 12th March
1949 by Khawaja Nazimuddin on the
advice of Prime Minister Liaquat Ali
Khan. This 24 membered committee
1956 was headed by Maulvi Tamiz-ud-din.
CONSTITUTION • The committee presented the draft of
The beginning first constitution - interim report to
the Legislative Assembly in 1050
which was adopted and enforced after
approval on 23rd March 1956.
• Written constitution A written document
consisted of 234
• Preamble Articles,
The permeable was 13was
Pakistan parts, &
named6 schedules
based on Objective as Islamic
• Islamic Republic ResolutionRepublic of
SALIENT • Parliamentary form of government

FEATURES OF • Federalism Federalism was

1956 • Checks and balances

by the minister was
A system of check
seen as the head of
and balances was
Itthe Government
CONSTITUTION • Fundamental rights provided
and all cabinet
British system.
• Unicameralism The The
Supreme Court
consisted from Parliament,
of only
was responsible for the
house accountable
knownof law or
• Islamic provisions to theand parliament
order to Allah
The outline of constitution nocollectively.
• National Languages anddeclare
Urdu law
and should
any law as
be made
null or void
were against
if to
declared against
• Independent Judiciary independent
human rights.
and judges
to be appointed by head
of the state whereas
could be removed only
through impeachment.
Government Structure
1956 Powers:
• Chooses Prime Minister
Constitution • Emergency Powers
• Can dissolve National Assembly on advice of PM
President Restrictions
• Muslim
• Over 40 years
Federal and Provincial
courts Powers:
• Chooses cabinet
Prime Minister • Must be from National Assembly

Islamic Committee Powers:

Right of veto on legislation • Advices President
Cabinet • Can only advice
• Must be from National Assembly

Provincial Assembly
National Assembly
A body for East Pakistan
One House of parliament, with 300 A single ‘One Unit’ body for the 4
members elected by adults over 21 provinces of West Pakistan
years. Elected as before.
• Free Speech and Assembly
• Right to vote
• Right to form political parties
• Right to criticize
• Freedom from unlawful arrests
• Freedom of religion
RIGHTS GRANTED • Equality as a citizen
BY THE • Freedom of culture
• Right to security
CONSTITUTION • Right to marry
OF 1956 • Right to education
• Right to own a property
• Right to choose trade or profession
• Right to practise that profession.
• Muhammad Ayyub Khan abrogated the
THE FAILURE 1956 constitution and enforced Martial
Law in the country on 7th October 1958.
• It has a life of 2 years 4 months and 19
• The constitution was a compromise as two major parties were not completely satisfied.
• The Muslim League and United front
• United Front with drew their objections when offered equal seats in assembly and Bengali language
was accepted as official language.
• One unit policy was not supported and became highly unpopular.
• Lack of political training
• Lack of leadership
• Unicameralism
• Delay in elections
• Nonexistence of economic equality among east and west Pakistan
• The first step towards establishing an army as a political institution was the right, during a moment
of so-called inner or external danger, to declare an emergency by the president.
• In the National Assembly, the Bengalis were underrepresented.
• There was no provisional autonomy given to the provinces, and the ‘One Unit Scheme‘ was trying
to squash their demand.
SOME USEFUL res-of-constitution/
Teacher’s Resource

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