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1. Inside your project, search and open the i18n tab. Then, click add bundle.

2. Set the bundle name to be your project name and the open level to be public. Click confirm and

3. On the bundle page, add a property. Set the property name to be the same as the project name. Then
set the Chinese and English titles that will appear on the running state menu. Click confirm once you
are finished.

4. Next, go to the menu tab. Set the Menu Name to be your project name. Set the ParentName to be
Training. Then, click the + button to add the Menu Internalization.
5. Select the bundle and property that you created in the previous steps.

6. Set the Menu Type as URL, Target as As Tab, and the URL in the following format:
7. After configuring the menu, click Edit. Instead of one-click deployment, click customized deployment.
In the customized deployment, enable the Bind Developer Role and hit Deploy.
8. After deploying, directly message Nina, Sean, or Pio on Viber to approve your project to be seen in the
running state menu. Please provide the menu name of your project. This will be the English value
inputted in step 3.
9. After approval, in the Training tab in the running state menu, you will be able to see your project.

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