Our Vision of Water in 2030

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Water, one of our Earth’s most vital resource is one of the most
important source to us in existence, without it we could not live.

What is our vision of Water in the year 2030? Well experts have said that
in 2030 we could face a Water crisis, it said that wars could break out just
for the supply of Water. Many areas around world have lakes and other
Water bodies disappearing. Did you know Water covers about 71% of the
Earth’s surface. 97% of the Earth’s Water is found in the oceans that are
too salty for drinking. 3% of the Earth’s Water is fresh.

We should save Water by closing our taps when not in use, so that we
have a bright future for our next generation, we should use Water very
carefully so that we have enough Water for our next generation to use.
We should not pollute the ocean and other Water bodies. By polluting
the oceans we are destroying the life in these ocean

trowing trash in the oceans

oceans geting dirty fish eating trash

fish dies
we eat the fish shark eats fish

we get sick
we die we get hurt

We should not throw trash in the ocean or we can kill our own self, we
should care for our own environment then it will care for us. We need to
act fast and change our world by saving Water so take action don’t sit
there thinking your contribution will be nothing it will make a big change.
If we care for our environment our future of 2030 can look like these
beautiful pictures below.

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