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Jeremy Eiler
OGL 340: Artificial Intelligence: The Human Side
Dr. Michael Pryzdia

Total Word Count: 1514 words


Addressing the Economic/Political AI Issues

My Organization Plan

Mr. Smith, thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to discuss with you the future

of artificial intelligence. I believe our organization, and all of humankind currently stands at the

crossroads of history. The roads are between a clear blue sky or bleak, monotonous gray clouds

which loom overhead, constantly reminding us of a sheltered world in which we created. Our

future with artificial intelligence is evermore looking like a disaster, unless of course, we act


First and foremost, we need to create an action plan of which utilizes artificial

intelligence to center around our employees first, and our bottom-dollar second. Andrew Yang, a

2020 presidential candidate and the author of The War on Normal People presents ideas such as

Human-Centered Capitalism, where we place the good of the people, before the greatness of

profits. Investing in our own resources is the start of something that could in the end bring profits

we have never seen before.

For example, we should start to emphasize the use of artificial intelligence to limit the

amount of hours our employees spend at work. By investing in newer technologies, the current

production of the company could double, or possibly triple. Through the antiquated definition of

the purpose of a business, we would normally reduce our staffing costs, and save money on the

costs of healthcare, wages, bonuses, etc. But with human-centered capitalism, we place the
people before the wages. Cutting their hours, while maintaining the same wages and benefits

would lead to happier employees. This happiness bleeds into the family homes and increasing

the opportunities for spending and saving, thus leading to greater economic impacts.

My Personal Plan

Regardless of your ideas about how our company should respond to the rise of artificial

intelligence, I will make it my personal vendetta to never let an employee go, especially for

financial reasons. There will always be room for growth in my department. Of course, employees

who show a lack of performance are the exception (after remedial training, counseling, etc.). I

will ensure that whatever technologies are incorporated on our side of the business, it will be

used to increase productivity, and limit the time my employees spend at work.

I will also ensure that during these times of technological growth, I will open new

positions within my department. These new positions will come with the changing technology,

decreasing the unemployment rate, and pulling from the pool of those who have been affected by

the change. I will also hold technology training sessions for our more tenured employees. They

may have grown accustomed to the older ways of accomplishing work, so these new training

sessions will bring them up to speed on future technologies and also leave them feeling more

comfortable about their position within our company. Should the employee feel like it is time to

move on to another company, they won’t be stuck with us because of a skill-issue. These

employees will see this as an investment in them and will become more productive in the long


Addressing the Sociological AI Issues

My Organization Plan
With the previously mentioned plan, our organization will also ensure that our employees

will be spending more time at home. This means more time with family, friends, and more time

for engaging in society. Kai-Fu Lee, author of AI Super-Powers China, Silicon Valley, and the

New World Order tells a story of a man who spends his weekends volunteering at a monastery.

Note: this man is a chief executive officer of a busy electronic manufacturing company is China.

Now, you must be thinking, why would a man, with such a well-paying job, spend most of his

free time volunteering at a monetary? Shouldn’t he be enjoying the riches he as earned through

the hard labor of his subordinates? Through volunteering, this man is taking the time to give

back to his society and to a place he enjoys being. He is giving back to his community and

providing a service for others who may not be so well off.

Implementing artificial intelligence and allowing our employees to spend more time

away from work without the worries of wage-loss, it will be possible for our employees to spend

more time volunteering and giving back to their communities. Helping those who are not as

unfortunate is a great way to give back to society and to address the concerns of artificial

intelligence. Our company can even put together volunteering events and provide avenues for

our employees to discover new methods of giving back to society.

My Personal Plan

My personal plan to address the societal impact of artificial intelligence is to change the

way I conduct performance reviews through my employees. I will begin to take into

consideration the amount of time the employee is volunteering and giving back to society. This

may sound like a forced method to ensure our employees are volunteering, but I truly believe the

generosity our employees will receive through virtuous volunteer efforts will doubly result in

improved moods at work, a willingness to learn more about how to be a more effective
employee, and overall change themselves for the better, which in turn creates better citizens and

a more worthwhile society.

Addressing the Psychological AI Issues

As addressed in my previous letter to you, the psychological effects of artificial

intelligence can surmount to widespread depression, often resulting in increased rates of

addictions and suicides. How do we as a company address this growing concern of mental

health, especially when jobs throughout the world are being replaced by computers? The answer

is through guaranteed income.

Andrew Yang provides a great insight to the benefits of a universal basic income, put on

in part by the United States government. However, the current political climate shadows

universal basic income and many believe it to be the next big step towards socialism. I believe

we as a company should mandate guaranteed bonuses throughout the year. These bonuses

incentivize our employees to continue to work for our company, and act as a huge thank you to

them. With our growing profits using artificial intelligence, we should be able to handle the costs

of bonuses and our employees will likely gather tenure, and thus become more resourceful to us

as a company. These bonuses will also help our company stave off inflation, and perhaps the loss

of employment of a spouse or other income provider for their family, should they succumb to the

threat of job loss via artificial intelligence.

My Personal Plan

My personal action plan for my department is to allot bonuses through our current

budget. I foresee artificial intelligence bolstering our revenue and overall budget, so I believe

paying those dividends to our employees is only fair. I will also make it a point to implement a

bonus-based training program. Employees who complete college classes, earn certificates, or
complete other forms of skill-building courses will receive bonuses. On top of these bonuses, I

will also allot a portion of our budget to paying for these courses as well. I believe in taking a

human-centered capitalism approach here. If we invest in our employees, they will bring forth

expertise and loyalty to our company. It will also relieve the psychological pressures brought on

by artificial intelligence by ensuring the employee stays trained and up to date on arising

technologies, skill sets, and preferred experiences. Currently, I am taking a class at Arizona State

University called Project Resource Management. I have learned that the number one growing

concern of C-level executives is that companies significantly undermine talent. Our employees

are our greatest resource, and their talent and future talent can lead our company to having

greater than a 40% increase on strategy implementation (PMI, 2014). If we change our strategy

to invest in our employees and cultivate a culture of learning, we can take the next step forward

in using artificial intelligence to our favor.


Mr. Smith, we find ourselves at an interesting time in history. Previous technological

advancements such as the Industrial Revolution, for instance, have brought on fears of job loss

and doubt in our future. These steps in humanity have worked out to favor us. We can mass

produce food and deliver it around the world. People are clothed from head-to-toe. Medicines

and lifesaving surgeries are now possible and have been for the last 100 years. All these things

happened because of human ingenuity and the chance for a brighter future. So why can’t the

future of artificial intelligence be the same? Why can’t we as a company pave the way to a

brighter future and implement artificial intelligence to our employee’s favor? Why do we have to

follow the footsteps of corporate greed, selfishness, the race for first place, and a divided nation?

If our organization takes the next step in changing what it means to be a good company, we hold
the future in our hands. The key is to invest in our employees. We need to hire more and fire

less. We need to cut hours, not wages, and invest in artificial intelligence to help our employees

spend more time at home. We need to provide opportunities for our employees to gain, spread,

and thrive through compassion.


Project Management Institute. (2014). Rally The Talent to Win.

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