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Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Risk of Major

Osteoporotic Fractures in Older U.S. Adults*
Anne C Looker
National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hyattsville, MD, USA

Results from previous prospective studies linking serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) with fracture risk have been inconsistent. The
present study examined the relationship between serum 25OHD and risk of incident major osteoporotic fracture (hip, spine, radius, and
humerus) in older U.S. adults. The study used a pooled cohort of 4749 men and women ages 65 years and older from the third National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III, 1988–1994) and NHANES 2000–2004. Incident fractures were identified using
linked mortality and Medicare records that were obtained for participants from both surveys. Serum 25OHD values were measured by
radioimmunoassay in both surveys. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate the relative risk (RR) of fracture by serum
25OHD level. There were 525 incident major osteoporotic fractures (287 hip fractures) in the sample. Serum 25OHD was a significant
linear predictor of major osteoporotic fracture and significant quadratic predictor of hip fracture in the total sample and among those
with less than 10 years of follow-up, but it was not related to risk of either fracture type among those with 10 years of follow-up. Major
osteoporotic fracture risk was increased by 26% to 27% for each SD decrease in serum 25OHD among those with less than 10 years of
follow-up. Serum 25OHD was significantly related to risk of major osteoporotic fractures as a group and to hip fracture alone in this
cohort of older U.S. adults from NHANES III and NHANES 2000–2004. However, the predictive utility of serum 25OHD diminished after 10
years. In addition, the relationship appeared to be linear when major osteoporotic fracture risk was considered but quadratic when hip
fracture risk was assessed. ß 2013 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research


Introduction Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III).(10) That study was

limited to hip fracture risk in whites and analyses were performed

V itamin D is known to be important for skeletal health, but

several aspects of its relationship with fracture risk remain
unclear. Several prospective studies have examined the
for both sexes combined. Since completion of that study, an
additional 7 years of follow-up of respondents from NHANES III
have been obtained and from follow-up of respondents from
relationship between fracture risk and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin NHANES 1999–2004 has been conducted. The present study
D (25OHD), the preferred indicator of vitamin D.(1–16) Slightly expands the NHANES analysis by pooling all available mortality and
more than one-half of the studies published to date have Medicare-linked data for these two NHANES surveys; similar
reported a significant relationship between 25OHD and fracture pooling of data for cohorts based on NHANES or other nationally
risk for at least one of the skeletal sites studied,(2–10,16) but several representative health surveys has been successfully employed in
others have found no significant relationship.(3,11–15) These other studies.(17,18) In addition, the present study expands the
studies have varied in terms of the skeletal sites and race/ethnic fracture outcomes to include major osteoporotic fracture, as
groups considered, and most have been limited to a single defined by the fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX) model (eg, hip,
sex.(2–4,6,8,9,12–14) Only one has reported results separately by medically-diagnosed vertebral, humerus, or radius fracture).(19) The
race/ethnicity.(4) relationship between serum 25OHD and major osteoporotic
A significant relationship between serum 25OHD and hip fracture as a group and for hip fracture alone is examined by age,
fracture was observed in a previous analysis of linked Medicare and sex, and race/ethnicity, and also by recently recommended
mortality data from respondents in the third National Health and thresholds for serum 25OHD.(1,20)

Received in original form August 31, 2012; revised form October 26, 2012; accepted November 12, 2012. Accepted manuscript online November 26, 2012.
Address correspondence to: Anne C Looker, PhD, Room 4310, National Center for Health Statistics, 3311 Toledo Rd, Hyattsville, MD 20782, USA.
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.
This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
*The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Vol. 28, No. 5, May 2013, pp 997–1006
DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.1828
ß 2013 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

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Materials and Methods used to restrict the analytic sample to those who were
successfully matched to the Medicare claims data, to obtain
Sample information about enrollment in managed care plans and to
The baseline data for this study came from NHANES III and provide vital status for the year 2007.
NHANES 2000–2004, which were conducted by the National The analytic sample in this study was restricted to individuals
Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Centers for Disease Control ages 65 years and older at the time of their NHANES interview at
and Prevention, to assess the health and nutritional status of a baseline, because Medicare provides comprehensive health care
large representative sample of the non-institutionalized, civilian for roughly 98% of the U.S. population in this age range.(25) In
population of the United States. In NHANES III, a nationally the Supplementary Appendix 1, Table A shows the number of
representative sample was obtained in two 3-year cycles persons excluded from the analytic sample and reason for
between 1988 and 1994. The NHANES became a continuous exclusion for each survey. After excluding a total of 1146
survey starting in 1999, and from that date data were collected individuals, 2946 (71%) of the original 4092 eligible interviewed
from a nationally representative sample every year. Although a and examined individuals from NHANES III were included in the
representative sample is collected annually, data are released in final analytic sample. After excluding a total of 1562 individuals,
2-year periods starting with 1999 to protect confidentiality and 1803 (53%) of the original 3365 eligible interviewed and
increase statistical reliability. The present study is based on data examined individuals from NHANES 2000–2004 were included in
from the continuous NHANES for the years 2000–2004 because the final analytic sample. Approximately 16% of the eligible
serum 25OHD data were not collected in 1999. All procedures in interviewed and examined sample from both surveys was
each NHANES were approved by the NCHS Institutional Review excluded as a result of prior fracture at baseline. A relatively
Board, and written informed consent was obtained from all large number of respondents in NHANES 2000–2004 also had to
subjects.(21,22) be excluded because they were either ineligible for linkage to the
In each NHANES, data were collected via household interviews Medicare denominator file or were enrolled in a health
and direct standardized physical examinations conducted in maintenance organization (HMO) at the time of their baseline
specially equipped mobile examination centers.(21,22) examination. Descriptive characteristics and risk factors were
NHANES III and NHANES 2000–2004 were designed to provide compared between respondents who were retained versus
reliable estimates for three race/ethnic groups: non-Hispanic excluded from the analytic sample in order to assess the
whites (NHW), non-Hispanic blacks (NHB), and Mexican Amer- potential for nonresponse bias in our results. The excluded
icans (MA). Race and ethnicity were self-reported in both surveys. respondents were older, more likely to be women, have blood
Both surveys were linked with data from the mortality files drawn between November and April, have shorter height, and
created for each survey by NCHS and with Medicare enrollment reported smoking, having poorer health and less activity than
and claims records in order to provide a longitudinal component respondents who were included. Serum 25OHD levels were
to the survey. Vital status of study participants through 2006 was slightly, albeit not significantly, lower in excluded respondents.
determined from the NHANES III and NHANES 2000–2004 Linked
Mortality Files.(23) These files contain mortality follow-up data
Fracture case identification
based on a probabilistic match between the eligible NHANES III
and NHANES 2000–2004 samples and the National Death Index Major osteoporotic fracture cases were identified using an
(NDI). Vital status data are available for individuals from the date approach based on methods developed by Ray and collea-
of their participation in the NHANES III and NHANES 2000–2004 gues,(26) Taylor and colleagues,(27) and Curtis and colleagues.(28)
surveys through December 31, 2006. In addition to data on vital Cases were defined using relevant International Classification of
status, information on underlying and multiple causes of death Disease (ICD), Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
are available in this file. Vital status for the year 2007 was based (HCPCS), or Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes for
on status from the Medicare Denominator file.(24) the years 1991–2007.(29,30) Cases identified from the MedPAR
Medicare enrollment and utilization data were available for Hospital Inpatient/Skilled Nursing Facility files were based on
NHANES respondents who agreed to provide personal identifi- ICD-9 diagnosis codes (primary diagnosis only for spine; any of 10
cation.(24) Of those who were age 65 years and older at the time discharge diagnoses for hip, radius, or humerus). Cases identified
of the Medicare linkage, 97% (n ¼ 8024) of the 8303 eligible from the Carrier file were based on ICD-9 diagnosis codes
respondents from NHANES III and 98% (n ¼ 4103) of the 4189 (principal diagnosis only for spine; any of five diagnoses for hip,
eligible respondents from NHANES 2000–2004 were successfully radius, or humerus) and a concurrent relevant HCPCS/CPT
validated and matched with Medicare administrative records. procedure code. Cases identified from the Outpatient File were
Medicare claims data were provided from respondents who based on ICD diagnosis codes (principal only for spine; any of
participated in fee-for-service care from 1991 through 2007 for 11 diagnoses for hip, radius, or humerus) or ICD-9 surgical
NHANES III and for 1999 through 2007 for NHANES 2000–2004. procedure code (hip, radius, humerus) and a concurrent relevant
Claims data were not available for those who enrolled in HCPCS/CPT code for any of 45 procedure variables. Respondents
Medicare managed care plans. In the present study, claims data with codes indicating care of previous fracture or other bone
from the following files were used: Medicare Provider Analysis diseases, neoplasm, or hip arthroplasty for arthritis were
and Review (MEDPAR) Inpatient Hospital Stay File/Skilled Nursing excluded from the analyses. Details regarding the definition of
Facility (SNF) File, Carrier Standard Analytic File, and Outpatient cases from Medicare records, including specific codes, are
Standard Analytic File. The Medicare Denominator files were provided in Supplementary Appendix 2.

998 LOOKER Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

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Cause of death information from the NHANES III and NHANES compared to others of the same age and sex or compared to
2000-2004 Linked Mortality Files were also used to identify hip the respondent’s activity level 10 years prior to baseline (same,
fracture. Persons with an ICD-9 code 820 or ICD-10 code S72.0– higher, lower), self-rated health status (excellent/very good/good
S72.2 listed as an underlying or multiple cause of death on their versus fair/poor), and maternal history of hip fracture. Because
death certificate were also considered to be hip fracture cases NHANES examinations are performed in southern latitudes
(n ¼ 47 from NHANES III; n ¼ 8 from NHANES 2000–2004). during the winter and northern latitudes during the summer,
A total of 525 major osteoporotic fracture cases were season of blood collection (November–April versus May–
identified in the analytic sample used in the present study. October) was also evaluated as a potential confounder.
These cases consisted of 287 hip fractures (55%), 105 radius Finally, use of prescription drugs to treat osteoporosis was
fractures (20%), 83 medically diagnosed (clinical) spine fractures evaluated. In both surveys, respondents showed the containers
(16%), and 50 humerus fractures (10%). This pattern of fractures for all current prescription medications to the interviewer,
in adults over age 65 years is similar to that seen in other studies who recorded the name of the product. The December 2007
of fracture based on Medicare data from older adults.(27,31) The Multum Lexicon Drug Database (Cerner Multum Inc, Denver, CO,
majority of fracture cases (n ¼ 328, or 62% of major osteoporotic USA; was used to assign
cases; n ¼ 221, or 77% of hip fracture cases) in the analytic generic drug names and codes in both surveys. These
sample had diagnoses consistent with fracture on records from medications included sex hormones (estrogen and testoster-
more than one source (eg, inpatient hospital/SNF, carrier, one), bisphosphonates, selective estrogen receptor modifiers
outpatient, and/or death records). Of the 274 hip fracture cases (SERMs), teriparatide, calcitonin, calcitriol, ergocalciferol, sodium
that were identified via inpatient hospital records, 89% also had fluoride, calcium acetate, tibolone, and strontium ranelate.
relevant surgical codes for hip fracture.

Statistical analysis
All analyses were performed using SAS 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary,
Serum 25OHD was assayed with a radioimmunoassay (RIA) kit NC, USA) and SUDAAN software(35) for analysis of data from
(DiaSorin, Stillwater MN, USA) at the National Center for complex sample surveys. Descriptive characteristics and risk
Environmental Health (CDC, Atlanta, GA, USA) in both surveys. factors at baseline were compared between fracture cases and
Based on quality control pools that passed specification limits, non-cases using linear regression models and chi-square
the interassay coefficient of variation (CV) was 15% to 25% for analyses. To control for all risk factors simultaneously and to
lower values (20–62 nmol/L) and 14% to 18% for higher values account for unequal length of follow-up, Cox proportional
(86–143 nmol/L) during NHANES III, and 8.3% to 11% for lower hazards models were used to model time to event and to
values (24–58 nmol/L) and 10% for higher values (102–112 nmol/ calculate estimates of the relative risk (RR) of major osteoporotic
L) during NHANES 2000–2004. Long-term performance of this fractures as a group and hip fracture alone by serum 25OHD. For
laboratory in the international Vitamin D External Quality cases, length of follow-up was calculated as the time from date of
Assessment Scheme (DEQAS) proficiency testing program was examination to date of diagnosis or procedure for the relevant
excellent. Details of the assay methods have been published fractures identified by Medicare records or date of death for hip
elsewhere.(32,33) A previous study indicated that serum 25OHD fractures identified by death certificates. For non-cases, follow-
values from NHANES III and NHANES 2000–2004 were not up time was calculated as time from baseline exam to date of
directly comparable even though the same assay had been death for decedents, date of entry into managed care for those
used, so serum 25OHD from NHANES III was adjusted to be who enrolled in a Medicare managed care program after their
comparable to serum 25OHD from NHANES 2000–2004 using a baseline examination, or end of follow-up on December 31, 2007
previously published equation.(34) Serum 25OHD was examined for those who did not fall into the first two categories.
both as a continuous and categorical variable using thresholds Analyses to assess the validity of pooling results for NHANES III
that were recently recommended by the Institute of Medicine and NHANES 2000–2004 supported the combination of the
(IOM)(1) and Endocrine Society.(20) analytic sample from the two surveys. Specifically, after adjusting
Several variables were used to make exclusions from the for age, sex, and race/ethnicity, the RR per SD decline
sample or were evaluated for use as confounders in multivariate (1 SD ¼ 21.1 nmol/L) in serum 25OHD did not differ significantly
models. Only variables that were measured comparably in the between surveys for major osteoporotic fracture (RR ¼ 1.2 and
two surveys were used. For example, because bone mineral 1.3 for NHANES III and NHANES 2000–2004, respectively;
density was not measured at the same skeletal site in the two p > 0.05) or hip fracture alone (RR ¼ 1.8 and 1.2 for NHANES III
surveys, it could not be included as a co-variable. Variables that and NHANES 2000–2004, respectively; p > 0.05). In addition, the
were measured during the physical examination included body survey  serum 25OHD interaction term included in the Cox
weight and height, which were used to calculate body mass model applied to the pooled sample from the two surveys was
index (BMI, equal to body weight in kilograms, divided by height not statistically significant for either major osteoporotic fracture
in meters squared).(20) Variables obtained by interview at (p ¼ 0.55) or hip fracture (p ¼ 0.10), which indicates that the
baseline included age, self-reported race-ethnicity, calcium from relationship between serum 25OHD and fracture risk did not
food (mg/d) from a 24-hour recall, self-reported hip, wrist, or differ in the two surveys.
spine fracture, smoking status (current, former, never), alcohol The proportional hazard assumption was tested by examining
consumption (drinks per day), self-reported physical activity level the consistency of the RR for major osteoporotic fracture and hip

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research SERUM 25 OHD AND MAJOR OSTEOPOROTIC FRACTURE RISK 999
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fracture across follow-up time for the pooled sample and Hip fracture cases consumed less calcium than non-cases but
separately by survey, because the two surveys differed in the calcium intake did not differ between major osteoporotic cases
amount of follow-up time. The risk of major osteoporotic fracture and non-cases. Conversely serum 25OHD levels were signifi-
as a group and hip fracture alone differed significantly with cantly lower among major osteoporotic cases than non-cases,
increasing follow-up time in the pooled sample when based on but did not differ by hip fracture status. Both major osteoporotic
the entire follow-up period (p < 0.001) but not when follow-up and hip fracture were more common in women and in non-
time was divided into <10 years versus 10 years. Results were Hispanic whites. Both major osteoporotic and hip fracture cases
similar when analyzed separately by survey. As a result, results for were less likely to report using prescription osteoporosis drugs
major osteoporotic fracture and hip fracture were analyzed by but more likely to report having excellent, very good, or good
these follow-up time categories as well as for the combined health status than non-cases. Respondents with major osteopo-
follow-up period. rotic fracture were also more likely to smoke and to be less
The best fitting model to describe the relationship between physically active than non-cases, whereas hip fracture cases were
serum 25OHD and fracture risk was assessed by using an more likely to drink milk than non-cases. None of the other
approach suggested by Korn and Graubard,(36) in which a series variables tested differed significantly by fracture status at
of Cox models were calculated that successively included linear, baseline. Mean follow-up time was 7 years (range, 0.01–19.1
quadratic, and cubic terms for serum 25OHD in addition to years). Mean age at fracture was 81.7 years for major
adjusting for age, sex, race/ethnicity, and survey period. The best osteoporotic fracture and 83.3 years for hip fracture.
model was chosen based on the statistical significance of the Results of the analysis to assess whether serum 25OHD was
linear, quadratic, or cubic term for serum 25OHD. The predicted related to fracture risk in a linear or nonlinear fashion are shown
relative risk per 1 nmol/L change in serum 25OHD was calculated in Table 2 for the entire follow-up period and by follow-up time
based on the best-fitting model and a smoothed plot was category (<10 years versus 10 years). Serum 25OHD was
created using locally weighted regression (PROC LOESS) after significantly related to both major osteoporotic and hip fracture
truncating the serum distribution at 135 nmol/L in order to avoid in the total sample and in those with <10 years of follow-up, but
extrapolation of fracture risk for serum 25OHD in a range where not in those with 10 years of follow-up or more. The relationship
no cases were observed. Truncating the serum 25OHD between serum 25OHD and risk of major osteoporotic fracture
distribution at 135 nmol/L for this graph resulted in excluding was linear (since neither the quadratic or cubic regression
seven individuals, or less than 0.5% of the study population. coefficients were significant), whereas the relationship between
Cox regression models were also used to explore the serum 25OHD and hip fracture risk appeared to be quadratic
relationship between serum 25OHD and risk of major osteopo- (because the linear and quadratic coefficients were significant
rotic fracture and hip fracture in more detail after grouping but the cubic coefficient was not). These relationships are
serum 25OHD into categories that reflected recently recom- illustrated graphically in Fig. 1, which shows the smoothed risk of
mended thresholds (eg, 30 nmol/L, 50 nmol/L, 75 nmol/L). RR fracture by serum 25OHD truncated at 135 nmol/L as predicted
estimates were calculated after adjusting for age, sex, race/ by these models for respondents with less than 10 years of
ethnicity, and survey period. Finally, Cox models were used to follow-up after adjusting for age, sex, race/ethnicity, and survey.
compare the relationship between serum 25OHD and major Results in Fig. 1 for hip fracture suggest a possible small increase
osteoporosis fracture risk by age (65–79 years versus 80þ years), in risk for serum 25OHD values 110 nmol/L, but these results
sex, and race/ethnicity. The analyses by age, sex, and race/ are based on very sparse data: only 1.8% of the total sample,
ethnicity were limited to major osteoporotic fracture because including five hip fracture cases, had serum 25OHD values
there were insufficient hip fracture cases in some of the between 110 and 135 nmol/L.
subgroups to permit calculation of reliable statistical estimates. Additional detail about the relationship between serum
Secondary analyses were performed to assess the potential 25OHD and risk of major osteoporotic fracture or hip fracture
impact of lack of Medicare data prior to 1991 by estimating the was analyzed using categories based on recently recommended
number of major osteoporotic fracture cases that might have thresholds by the IOM(1) and Endocrine Society(39) from
occurred among adults ages 65 years and older in the NHANES III respondents with <10 years of follow-up. After adjusting for
sample examined in 1988 to 1990 using age-adjusted mortality age, sex, race/ethnicity, and survey, fracture risk was significantly
rates for the U.S. population for these years and age-adjusted increased among respondents with serum 25OHD <30 nmol/L
incidence of these fractures from Medicare in the late (major osteoporotic fracture RR ¼ 2.09, 95% confidence interval
1980s.(31,37,38) [CI] ¼ 1.32–3.32; hip fracture RR ¼ 2.63, 95% CI ¼ 1.60–4.32)
when compared to respondents with serum 25OHD
30 nmol/L. Use of finer categories of serum 25OHD for values
Results >30 nmol/L (as shown in Fig. 2) resulted in a significant
downward linear trend overall (p < 0.009 for major osteoporotic
Baseline characteristics of major osteoporotic and hip fracture fracture; p < 0.002 for hip fracture). Risk was significantly
cases versus non-cases are compared for the pooled analytic elevated among those with serum 25OHD <30 nmol/L for both
sample in Table 1. Results were similar when fractures were fracture outcomes (eg, the 95% CIs for the RR did not include
grouped as major osteoporotic fracture status and when hip 1.00). However, risk for either fracture outcome among those
fracture status was considered alone. Fracture cases were older, with serum 25OHD in the two categories between 30 and
weighed less, were shorter, and had a lower BMI than non-cases. 74 nmol/L did not differ from that seen in those with serum

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Table 1. Pooled NHANES III and NHANES 2000–2004 Cohort Aged 65 Years and Older: Selected Baseline Characteristics of Analytic
Sample by Fracture Status

Major osteoporotic fracture Hip fracture

Yes No Yes No

n Mean or % n Mean or % p n Mean or % n Mean or % p

Age (years) 525 75.2 4223 73.3 <0.001 287 75.9 4463 73.4 <0.001
Body mass index (kg/m2) 509 26.3 4111 27.4 0.001 276 25.5 4344 27.3 <0.001
Body weight (kg) 518 69.6 4158 75.0 <0.001 283 68.4 4393 74.8 <0.001
Height (cm) 509 162.5 4130 165.3 <0.001 276 163.4 4363 165.1 0.03
Dietary calcium from food (mg) 494 710.3 4026 738.0 0.24 269 671.6 4251 738.6 0.05
Serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (nmol/L) 525 57.5 4223 60.1 0.02 287 57.6 4461 60.0 0.12
Sex <0.001 0.002
Men 173 25.7 2259 46.9 120 34.4 2312 45.0
Women 352 74.3 1964 53.1 167 65.6 2149 55.0
Race/ethnicity <0.001 0.001
Non-Hispanic white 407 92.5 2581 84.5 232 91.7 2756 85.0
Non-Hispanic black 45 3.7 753 8.1 27 4.2 771 7.8
Mexican American 64 1.7 746 2.6 22 1.1a 788 2.6
Other 9 2.1a 143 4.9 6 b
146 4.7
Season of blood draw 0.11 0.43
November–April 200 28.6 1924 33.9 105 29.7 2019 33.6
May–October 325 71.4 2299 66.1 182 70.3 2442 66.4
Alcohol intake 3 drinks per day 0.85 0.83
Yes 30 6.4 297 6.6 16 6.2a 311 6.6
No 449 93.6 3429 93.4 244 93.8 3635 93.4
Prescription osteoporosis drug use
Yes 26 5.0 267 9.6 0.002 10 3.4a 283 9.4 0.005
No 499 95.0 3956 90.4 277 96.9 4178 90.6
Mother had hip fracture 0.92 0.47
Yes 44 10.8 344 10.5 26 12.9 362 10.4
No 459 89.2 3700 89.5 245 87.1 3914 89.6
Drink milk 0.30 0.01
Yes 432 83.1 3365 80.8 244 86.8 3553 80.7
No 93 16.9 844 19.2 43 13.2 894 19.3
Health status 0.005 0.003
Excellent/very good 313 62.6 2232 55.5 183 65.0 2362 55.8
Good 170 29.7 1451 31.4 86 29.0 1535 31.3
Fair/poor 41 7.8 534 13.1 18 6.0a 557 12.9
Smoking status 0.02 0.28
Current 56 13.0 490 10.5 33 13.7 513 10.6
Former 185 33.6 1706 41.6 102 35.9 1789 41.0
Never 284 53.4 2024 47.9 152 50.4 2156 48.4
Physical activity compared to others 0.12 0.09
More 233 45.4 1870 48.1 124 42.9 1979 48.1
Less 67 11.1 644 13.7 30 10.8 681 13.6
About the same 208 43.5 1594 38.1 124 46.3 1678 38.3
Physical activity compared to 10 years ago 0.02 0.76
More 25 4.6 265 6.3 17 6.8a 273 6.1
Less 351 63.6 2933 68.6 194 65.2 3090 68.2
About the same 148 31.8 1020 25.1 75 28.1 1093 25.7
NHANES ¼ National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
May be statistically unreliable, relative standard error (SE/percent) is 30% to 39%.
Not shown, relative standard error (SE/percent) is 40%.

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Table 2. Pooled NHANES III and NHANES 2000–2004 Cohort Aged 65 Years and Older: Cox Proportional Hazard Model Regression
Coefficients for Different Models of the Relationship Between Serum 25OHD and Fracture Risk

All follow-up years <10 years follow-up 10 years follow-up

Fracture type Beta p Beta p Beta p

Major osteoporotic fracture cases (n) 525 418 107
Linear (serum 25OHD) 0.0082 0.004 0.0101 0.001 0.0004 0.97
Quadratic (serum 25OHD2) 0.000027 0.69 0.000018 0.82 0.000180 0.25
Cubic (serum 25OHD3) 0.000004 0.11 0.00001 0.33 0.000003 0.18
Hip fracture cases (n) 287 220 67
Linear (serum 25OHD) 0.0095 0.03 0.0175 <0.001 0.0073 0.36
Quadratic (serum 25OHD2) 0.000190 0.01 0.000174 0.05 0.000053 0.71
Cubic (serum 25OHD3) 0.000003 0.29 0.000002 0.30 0.000002 0.45
All models were adjusted for age, sex, race, and survey. The quadratic model included serum 25OHD; the cubic model included serum 25OHD and serum
NHANES ¼ National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

25OHD 75 nmol/L, because the RRs for these categories had
95% CIs that included 1.00.
Differences in the relationship between serum 25OHD and risk
of major osteoporotic fracture by age group, sex, and race/
ethnicity among those with <10 years of follow-up are presented
in Table 3. Overall, major osteoporotic fracture risk was increased
by 26% to 27% for each SD decrease in serum 25OHD. These RRs
are only slightly lower than those observed for other important
risk factors, such as age (RR ¼ 1.5 per 5 years), BMI (RR ¼ 1.4 per
SD decrease), or femur neck BMD when predicting all fractures
(RR ¼ 1.6 per SD decrease).(19,40) The RR point estimates varied by
age (RR80þy > RR65-79y), sex (RRmen > RRwomen), and race/ethnicity
(RRNHB < RRNHW < RRMA), but when tests for interactions be-
tween these demographic variables and serum 25OHD were
calculated, only the sex  serum 25OHD interaction was
significant (p < 0.05).
Results of secondary analyses to estimate the number of
major osteoporotic fractures that were potentially classified as
non-cases due to lack of Medicare records for NHANES III
respondents prior to 1991 indicated that 38 major osteoporotic
fracture (18 hip, 12 radius, 6 humerus, and 2 spine fractures) may
have occurred in the analytic sample prior to 1991.

Fig. 2. Relative risk of major osteoporotic fracture (A) or hip fracture (B)
by serum 25OHD category among persons with less than 10 years of
follow-up, adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, and survey. Note: the
Fig. 1. Smoothed relative risk of major osteoporotic fracture or hip reference category for hip fracture analyses was defined as serum 25OHD
fracture by serum 25OHD value among persons with less than 10 years between 75-110 nmol/L in light of the possible increase in hip fracture
of follow-up, adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, and survey risk above this serum 25OHD value.

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Table 3. Pooled NHANES III and NHANES 2000–2004 Cohort Aged 65 Years and Older: Relative Risk of Major Osteoporotic Fracture
per 1 SDa Unit Decline in Serum 25OHD by Age, Sex, or Race and Ethnicity Among Those With <10 Years of Follow-Up

Base modelb Full modelc

Cases (n) RR LL UL Cases (n) RR LL UL

Total 418 1.26 1.11 1.43 400 1.27 1.12 1.44
Age (years)
65–79 218 1.18 1.01 1.38 212 1.14 0.97 1.34
80 200 1.32 1.08 1.62 188 1.40 1.13 1.74
Male 135 1.44 1.13 1.83 129 1.45 1.11 1.89
Female 283 1.17 1.02 1.35 271 1.16 1.01 1.33
Non-Hispanic white 319 1.24 1.08 1.42 308 1.22 1.07 1.39
Non-Hispanic black 35 0.81 0.56 1.17 32 0.91 0.61 1.35
Mexican American 56 1.62 1.14 2.32 53 1.28 0.93 1.78
NHANES ¼ National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; RR ¼ relative risk; LL ¼ lower limit; UL ¼ upper limit; BMI ¼ body mass index.
1 SD ¼ 21.1 nmol/L.
Adjusted for age, survey, race/ethnicity, and sex.
Adjusted for BMI, height, smoking, health status, prescription osteoporosis drug use, current physical activity compared to activity 10 years ago, and
milk intake in addition to variables used in the base model.

Discussion less than 25% of the total sample were followed this long and
the number of fracture cases among these respondents was
Results from this study based on a pooled cohort from NHANES small.
III and NHANES 2000–2004 add to previous findings from The shape of the best-fitting model also differed for hip
NHANES regarding the relationship between serum 25OHD and fracture and major osteoporotic fracture. Major osteoporotic
hip fracture risk in older white U.S. adults(10) by examining risk for fracture risk by serum 25OHD has not been reported previously,
major osteoporotic fracture, expanding the sample to include but previous research regarding the shape of the relationship
older adults of all races, and examining fracture risk by amount of between serum 25OHD and hip fracture risk has conflicted.
follow-up time. Serum 25OHD was significantly related to risk of In addition to earlier results from NHANES III,(10) Barbour and
major osteoporotic fracture in a linear fashion, and, as previously colleagues(11) also reported a nonlinear relationship between
seen, significantly related to hip fracture in a nonlinear, quadratic serum 25OH and hip fracture risk in their analysis of the Health
fashion. Results when stratified by amount of follow-up time ABC cohort. However, a linear relationship between serum
suggested that serum 25OHD may lose predictive utility once an 25OHD and hip fracture risk has been reported in other
extended period of time has elapsed since its measurement. studies(2,3,7) Barbour and colleagues(11) hypothesized that
Specifically, both major osteoporotic fracture risk and hip variability in the relationship between serum 25OHD and
fracture risk were significantly related to serum 25OHD among fracture risk at different skeletal sites could stem from differences
respondents with less than 10 years of follow-up time, but not for in the relationship between serum 25OHD and bone type
those with 10 years of follow-up time. (cortical versus trabecular) because the proportion of these bone
Previous studies of serum 25OHD and fracture have either types varies at different skeletal sites.(44–46) It is also possible that
been limited to less than 10 years of follow-up or have not serum 25OHD may affect fracture risk via its relationship with
reported predictive utility by follow-up time. Results of studies other risk factors, such as muscle strength or falls,(20) which in
that have examined tracking of serum 25OHD over time are turn may differ in their relationship with fracture risk at different
consistent with the possibility of attenuation in predictive utility skeletal sites.
with increasing time. For example, Platz and colleagues(41) The shape of the quadratic relationship observed between hip
found that the correlation between serum 25OHD values fracture risk and serum 25OHD was suggestive of a possible
measured on the same individuals after three years had increase in risk at the high end of the serum 25OHD distribution.
elapsed was 0.7, whereas studies that have re-measured Increased fracture risk among those with high serum 25OHD, at
serum 25OHD after either 11 or 18 years found correlations least in some groups, has been observed in a small number of
that ranged from 0.42 to 0.52.(9,42) Other biochemical measure- other prospective studies.(4,47) However, caution is needed when
ments, such as serum insulin or blood glucose, have been found interpreting the results observed in the present study, because
to lose predictive utility for cardiovascular events over time.(43) the data in the range where risk appeared to show a slight
However, the present study may also have been underpowered increase (approximately 110–135 nmol/L) was very sparse: only
to detect a relationship between serum 25OHD and fracture risk 1.8% of the total sample and 5 fracture cases had values in this
in the subsample with 10 or more years of follow-up, because range.

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Results from the present study can add to the discussion contrast, Cauley and colleagues(4) found that risk of clinical
about appropriate serum 25OHD thresholds, which remains fractures was increased in black women compared to white
a controversial topic.(48,49) Risks of both fracture outcomes women who participated in the observational study portion of
considered in the present study were significantly elevated the Women’s Health Initiative, which had a much larger sample
among those with serum 25OHD <30 nmol/L, which is of blacks (n ¼ 7639 blacks with 379 fractures).(4) More studies
consistent with the definition of deficiency proposed by the with larger samples of nonwhites are needed to determine
IOM.(1) However, risk was not significantly elevated for those with whether the serum 25OHD–fracture relationship differs between
serum 25OHD in the two categories between 30 and 74 nmol/L race/ethnic groups.
when compared to serum 25OHD 75 nmol/L for either fracture Comparing results between prospective studies that have
outcome. These results are consistent with the IOM committee’s examined the relationship between serum 25OHD and fracture
observation of a plateau in effect for serum 25OHD levels risk is complicated by methodological differences between the
between 30 and 40 nmol/L.(49) However, it is important to note studies. For example, use of different assays in the different
that recent recommendations from both the IOM and the studies could hamper comparisons because of the lack of assay
Endocrine Society were based on consideration of data for more standardization.(50) Even the same assay can change over time,
than one skeletal health indicator.(1,20) In addition, results from as noted for measurements from NHANES III compared with
observational cohort studies have been viewed as offering only NHANES 2000–2004.(34) Use of fractures at different skeletal sites
supportive and/or confirmatory input to data from randomized may also complicate comparison of results from different studies.
clinical trials.(1) Thus, although the present study offers relevant The present study examined risk of major osteoporotic fractures
data, it cannot resolve the issue of serum 25OHD thresholds in as a group and of hip fracture alone, whereas outcomes used
light of its observational cohort study design and focus on a in other studies have included fracture at any skeletal site,
single skeletal outcome. any fracture other than hand/finger or foot/toe, any nonspine
Clear differences in the relationship between serum 25OHD fracture, hip fracture alone, or vertebral fracture alone.
and major osteoporotic fracture risk by sex or age were not Advantages of the current study include use of a pooled
detected in the present study. There was inconsistent evidence cohort that was derived from representative samples of the U.S.
for a sex difference in the relationship: the sex  serum 25OHD population, expansion of fracture outcomes to include major
interaction term was statistically significant, but the 95% CIs for osteoporotic fractures as a group, and the ability to explore the
the RR overlapped between sexes. Several other prospective relationship between serum 25OHD and fracture risk separately
studies have also found a similar relationship in both by age, sex, and race/ethnicity within the same cohort.
sexes.(5,7,11,15) Results from the present study did not support Limitations of the present study include fracture cases that
risk differences by age, as the 95% CIs overlapped between the were identified using administrative medical records without
two age categories studied and the age  serum 25OHD confirmation by X-ray. In their validation study, Ray and
interaction term was not significant. Van Schoor and collea- colleagues(26) found that the positive predictive values for hip,
gues(5) reported a significant interaction between age and serum radius/ulna, and humerus fractures were 95% when based on
25OHD for risk of fracture at any skeletal site in Dutch men and Medicare records, which suggests that most fractures at those
women, but two other prospective studies performed in skeletal sites were likely correctly identified in the present study.
older U.S. adults found no significant interaction with age when The majority of fracture cases in the present study also had codes
examining the serum 25OHD–fracture relationship.(2,11) consistent with fracture on multiple medical records, which
There was also inconsistent evidence to support the possibility further supports the likelihood that identified cases suffered a
of race/ethnic differences in the relationship between serum fracture. However, vertebral fracture cases were limited to those
25OHD and major osteoporotic fracture risk in the present study. which come to medical attention, which, although consistent
Specifically, the RR point estimates for major osteoporotic with the approach used in the FRAX model, is an undercount of
fracture in NHW and MA’s indicated a significant increase in all vertebral fractures.(51) In addition, the positive predictive value
fracture risk with decreasing serum 25OHD, whereas the RR point for incident vertebral fractures identified with the algorithm used
estimate for NHB fell below 1.00 and was not statistically in the present study was only 61%.(28) Finally, some fracture cases
significant. These results suggest that the serum 25OHD–fracture may have been mistakenly classified as non-cases because
relationship may differ by race/ethnicity, because serum 25OHD Medicare records prior to 1991 were not available. This number
appeared to be unrelated to fracture risk in blacks. However, firm is likely to be small: an estimated 38 undetected major
conclusions are not possible in light of the nonsignificant race/ osteoporotic fracture cases were projected to have occurred
ethnicity  serum 25OHD interaction term and the fact that the in the sample during 1988–1990. Furthermore, misclassification
95% CIs for the RR in blacks overlapped with the 95% CIs in the of cases as non-cases would likely tend to attenuate the relative
other two race/ethnic groups. The wide 95% CIs and failure to risk estimates observed between fracture risk and serum 25OHD.
find a significant interaction term may stem from limited power Results from the present study also apply only to the segment
in the present study to detect differences due to the small of the population ages 65 years and older that was not
number of fracture cases among blacks (n ¼ 798 blacks with 35 institutionalized at baseline and participated in Medicare fee-for-
fractures). Two other prospective studies in older U.S. adults also service programs because medical records for respondents who
found no significant interaction in the relationship between received care from managed care programs or in Veterans
serum 25OHD and fracture risk by race,(7,11) but, similar to the Administration facilities were not available. Furthermore, exclu-
present study, they were based on a small number of blacks. In sions for missing data or loss to follow-up were also made. The

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