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Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow. Q.

Q.1-What was the sum of the number of shares of the four

Raghab is a regular investor in share market. He has shares of only 4 different companies companies with Raghab at the end of the 5th trading day?
in his portfolio and he trades with these companies only. Last week, when the share a) 120 b) 110 c) 100 d) 90
market was closed for the week, Raghab had 40 shares of HUUL, 20 shares of PGG, 20
shares of LTT, and 40 shares of ICT. The closing prices of each share of these companies
Q.2-Which company’s shares were traded (bought or sold) the
were Rs. 3998, Rs. 4750, Rs. 179, and Rs. 43270 respectively. He also had a reserve of 4
Lakhs rupees exclusively kept for share market trading. Raghab has the privilege to
maximum number of times in these 5 days?
borrow up to 6 lakh rupees from his friend Shiva, at any time, for share trading at no cost. a) HUUL b) PGG c) LTT d) ICT
Raghab returns the money to Shiva either by end of the day, if he receives money by
selling shares, or definitely by the end of the last day of the trading week. Q.3-When did Raghab have to borrow from Shiva for the first
Raghab buys a share if its price appreciates by more than 10% and sells a share if the price time in the week?
decreases by more than 5% with respect to previous trading day closing price. He buys or a) Day-1 b) Day-2 c) Day-3 d) Day-4
sells 10 shares of a company at a time and takes the decision of trading based on prices
exactly at 4 pm. The price at 4 pm is considered as the closing price for the day. This week Q.4-How much money (in Rs.) did Raghab have to return to Shiva
the trading was open for 5 days only. The following table shows the prices (in Rs.) of these at the end of the 5th trading day?
four shares at exactly 4 pm.
a) 506690 b) 556690 c) 506090 d) 556090

The money received or spent in the trading process is settled on a real-time basis using
electronic fund transfer. The money borrowed (if any) by Raghab from Shiva is received
and returned on a real-time basis using electronic fund transfer.
Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.
‘Webforsan Pvt. Ltd.’ is a software company which develops turnkey software projects for its clients. Mrs. Shubhra Chakraborty is the ‘Chief Project Manager’
of the company and she is responsible for timely delivery of quality software. Six Team Leaders work with six different teams and they report to Mrs.
Chakraborty. These six teams work at six different stages of the software development viz. Product Requirements Documentation (PRD), Engineering
Validation and Testing (EVT), Design Validation and Testing (DVT), Production Validation and Testing (PVT), Mass Production (MP) and Installation
Documentation and Closing (IDC). Each software project has to follow these six developmental stages in that order only and there is no way to skip any step or
go for a previous step. In recent times, the company has never scrapped any project from the middle of development.
Mrs. Chakraborty was going through the report of the last two months about project status. It shows details of the projects in different stages of
development. Every project is assigned one month time for every stage. The team leader responsible for every stage of the project evaluates all the projects
his /her team is working with, at the end of the month and if it qualifies all the clearance parameters set by the team leader, the project will go to the next
stage of development. If the team leader is not satisfied with the work, the team has to rework on the same project. The team leader will again repeat the
same evaluation process at the end of the month.

Further, it is known that at least 80% projects that were in the PRD stage in the month of June 2021 were approved by the concerned team leader to be
moved to the next stage. Exact figure of the same is not known.
Note: Project development stages acronyms have been used in this question to identify the teams as well.
Q.5-Which team has performed the best in the month of June 2021 if the team
with the highest percentage of projects completed from the current stage of
development is considered as the best team?
a) PRD b) EVT c) MP d) IDC
Q.6-How many projects were completed (has come out of IDC stage) in the
month of June 2021?
a) 12 b) 13 c) 14 d) 15
Q.7-How many new projects were acquired (has been included in the PRD
stage) in the month of July 2021?
a) 11 b) 12 c) 13 d) 14
Q.8-Which team has to rework on the highest number of projects in the month
of July 2021?
a) PRD b) EVT c) DVT d) PVT

Q.9-What would have been the value of PRD for the month of July 2021 if the
company could acquire only half of the new projects that it has actually done in
the month of July, 2021? (Acquiring a new project means it is included and
counted in PRD stage)

Q.10-If all the projects that were in the PRD stage in the month of June 2021
had been approved to be moved to the next stage and 14 projects had
completed the IDC stage in the month of June, 2021, what could have been the
minimum possible value of the number of projects in MP stage in June 2021?

(Note: all values other than the number of projects completing the PRD stage
and number of projects in MP stage in both June and July, 2021 are
Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow.
The maze runner got trapped inside a green coloured hexagonal field located at the centre of a multilayered hexagonal maze. Every layer is divided into 6 parts
containing a single digit number from 1 to 6. At the outermost periphery there is a gate attached to every sector of the maze. The gates are marked with letter A to F.
Depending on the 4-digit number formed by taking the digits in every sector from the innermost layer to the outermost layer in that order (the digit of the outermost
layer is the unit digit), the gate of the sector will open based on certain rules. Once the maze runner enters into a sector, he can go through the layers but will be able
to come out of the maze only if the gate of that sector is open. If he fails, the open gate will be closed and he comes back to the central green field to wait for the
next change of numbers. Then only he can try again. The digits of all the layers and hence, the 4-digit number of every sector keep on changing at the same time. The
digits of the first and third layer from inside changes by rotating the digits clockwise and the digits of the other two layers rotate anticlockwise. The digits move one
sector at a time. Digits of one layer do not move to another layer. After every 6 consecutive changes, digits of all the layers come back to the initial position as shown
in the diagram below. The positions of the gates do not change in this process. The letter of the gate has been used in this problem to identify the associated sector of
the maze as well. Q.11-How many distinct 4-digit numbers shall be formed in this process considering all the sectors?
a) 12 b) 18 c) 36 d) 720

Q.12-For which of the following pairs of sectors all the possible 4-digit numbers formed in one sector matches with
the other?
a) A and C b) B and D c) A and D d) E and F

Q.13-Suppose the maze runner could not come out in the first attempt and the numbers of the maze has been
changed once from its initial position. The rule says that the gate of that sector will open next which will generate the
highest possible number. Which gate will open next?
a) A b) C c) E d) F

Q.14-The numbers of the maze are in its initial position. The rule says that the gate of that sector will open next
whose number will be the lowest possible 4 digit number that can be formed at the earliest. If the maze runner
cannot come out in the first attempt then the open gate shall be closed and the same rule will be applied after every
change and so on. Which of the following may be the number of changes from initial position after which the maze
runner will be able to come out of the maze through gate E?
a) 85 b) 86 c) 87 d) 88
Refer to the data below and answer the questions that Q.15-What is the number of digits for which the code can be resolved?
follow. a) 6
A, B and C are three five-digit numbers. A = 10000 Q + 1000 b) 7
R + 100 S + 10 T + U, B = 10000 V + 1000 W + 100 V + 10 Z + c) 8
d) All
Y, and C = 10000 S + 1000 Y + 100 Y + 10 Z + W. It is also
known that A + B + C = D where D = 10000 U + 1000 W + 100
Q.16-Find the sum of digits of D?
Z + 10 Z + U. Thus, D is also a five-digit number. a) 20
In the representation below, where the sum of A, B, and C b) 21
has been shown, each of the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 c) 28
has been coded with one among Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, d) 29
with distinct letters representing distinct digits. None of Q,
V and S is greater than 3. Q.17-Which of the following is NOT possible?
a) A < B < C
b) A < C < B
c) B < A < C
d) B < (A + C)

Q.18-Which of the following is possible?

a) X + V = T + Y
b) X + T = S + V + R + U
c) X + Z = R + Y
d) X + Y + S = U + W + Z
Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follow. Q.19-Shiva is the sales manager from the:
“Jagannath Paper Mills Pvt. Ltd”. is conducting its annual sales meet a) North zone b) South zone
at ‘Puri Luxury Hotel’. Fourth floor is the topmost floor of the hotel c) East zone d) West zone
and the ground floor has no room to stay. Two sales managers from
Q.20-Who is the room-partner of Shiva?
each of the North, South, East and West zones (as they divide the
a) Bishnu b) Pallab
national market into 4 geographical territories) are participating in
c) Kishor d) Lalit
the sales meet. Sales managers from the same zone are staying
together in the same room. The four rooms occupied by the eight Q.21-Who is Pallab’s room-partner if managers from South zone are
managers are located on four different floors. The names of the staying on 4th floor?
sales managers are – Bishnu, Kishor, Lalit, Mahesh, Pallab, Rajat, a) Bishnu b) Lalit
Ratan, and Shiva. c) Mahesh d) Ratan
It is also known that:
a) Pallab is not from the North zone and he is not staying with Rajat. Q.22-Who is Ratan’s room-partner if Pallab is staying in the floor
b) Ratan and Rajat are not room partners and none of them are immediately below the floor in which managers from the West zone are
from the South zone or the North zone. staying?
a) Mahesh b) Bishnu
c) Managers from the South zone and the West zone are occupying
c) Lalit d) Shiva
rooms on the top two floors.
d) Mahesh is neither from the North zone nor from the East zone
and he is staying on the floor just below Lalit’s floor.
e) Rajat is staying either on the first floor or on the second floor.
f) Managers from the North zone are not staying on the first floor.
g) Bishnu is staying on a floor below the floor of Kishor.

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