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**Class Notes 1: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics**

*Instructor: Prof. Quantum Theorist*

*Date: September 22, 2023*

*Course Overview:*

- **Introduction to Quantum Mechanics**

- Explore the foundations of quantum physics and its implications in the subatomic world.

- **Wave-particle duality and the double-slit experiment**

- Understand the phenomenon where particles exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior.

- **Schrödinger's equation and wave functions**

- Dive into the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics and the concept of wave

- **Quantum states, superposition, and measurement**

- Grasp the essential idea of quantum superposition and the role of measurement in wave function

- **Quantum operators and observables**

- Learn about operators and how they represent physical observables in quantum mechanics.

- **Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle**

- Explore one of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, governing the limits of
measurement precision.

- **Quantum entanglement and its applications**

- Delve into the intriguing world of entanglement and its potential applications in quantum

- **Quantum computing and quantum algorithms**

- Discover the revolutionary field of quantum computing and its promise for solving complex

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