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**Class Notes 3: Environmental Ethics and Sustainability**

*Instructor: Prof. Eco-Ethicist*

*Date: September 22, 2023*

*Course Overview:*

- **Introduction to environmental ethics**

- Explore the philosophical foundations of ethical considerations in environmental issues.

- **Ethical theories and their application to environmental issues**

- Examine various ethical frameworks and their relevance to contemporary environmental


- **The intrinsic value of nature and non-human entities**

- Discuss the concept of intrinsic value in ecosystems, species, and non-human life forms.

- **Environmental justice and equity**

- Investigate issues of fairness and equity in the context of environmental decision-making.

- **Sustainable development and its challenges**

- Explore the principles of sustainable development and the obstacles to its implementation.

- **Biodiversity conservation and ecosystem ethics**

- Delve into the ethical dimensions of biodiversity preservation and ecosystem management.

- **Climate change ethics and global responsibilities**

- Analyze the ethical responsibilities of nations and individuals in addressing climate change.

- **Case studies in environmental ethics**

- Examine real-world case studies to apply ethical principles to environmental dilemmas.

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