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Ed.: 17 Pg.: 1 / 12

2 REQUIRED SERVICES MANUAL ......................................................................................... 2
2.1 REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIT .............................................................................................. 4
2.1.1 Power supply .............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.2 Water .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Fumes ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.4 Free space around the equipment ............................................................................................................... 7
2.1.5 Light ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.6 Working environment ................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1.7 Fuel ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.8 Reagents ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.9 Computer and peripherals ........................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 LOCATION .................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3 ACCESS ........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.3.1 Shipping the boxes to your laboratory ...................................................................................................... 11
2.3.2 Moving the unit to its permanent location ................................................................................................ 11
2.3.3 Maintenance precautions .......................................................................................................................... 12

Ed.: 17 Pg.: 2 / 12


The aim of this manual is to guide the user about possible necessary
requirements and preparations prior to the installation of the unit. It must be taken
into account before its installation and, in some cases, a few days in advance, since
some modifications in the laboratory facilities could be required.

The particular requirements of your unit are described in the last page of its
commercial catalogue. Before the installation, all those needed requirements for the
laboratory where the unit will be located and all the tools which could be necessary
for its correct installation, can be checked in the catalogue. It is extremely important
to read these requirements in order to get elements, such as connectors, computers,
water supply, etc., ready.

The approximate weight and dimensions of the unit can be found in that
same page of the catalogue. That information will enable you to choose its location
and prepare the access to that place for its installation.

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Reading the requirements of the unit carefully before proceeding to its

installation is extremely important. It will speed up the installation and avoid delays
during the process.

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2.1.1 Power supply

In order to prevent the unit from deteriorating, and to make its installation
easier, you should pay special attention to certain aspects:

a) Connectors. If your unit requires power supply, first of all, you may
check the necessary connectors. The unit may include European
connectors (either Schuko connectors, in the case of single-phase
supplies, or a Cetac connector base, in the case of three-phase supplies)
or bare wires, properly marked to facilitate the placing of the connectors
used in your laboratory. Basic connectors supplied by EDIBON are the
32A Cetac type.

b) Voltage levels. Connecting the unit to a power supply with unsuitable

voltage levels will cause a permanent damage. For that reason, please
MAXIMIZE the initial checks before connecting it. In other words,
please, verify that the unit is connected to the proper voltage.

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c) Grounding. Check that there is a connected grounding with suitable

values. Never trust the information received, trust only the multimeter.
The lack of a ground connection or an inadequate one will entail a risk
for users, causing an improper functioning of shunt protections, as well
as a wrong reading of the electronic devices.

d) Electrical protections. Apart from the protections included in the unit,

some general protections are always required in the laboratory.

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A thermal magnetic circuit breaker with the appropriate amperage will

protect the equipment from possible faults while handling it.

A residual-current device (RCD) will protect the users from faults caused
by a leakage to ground.

2.1.2 Water

If the unit requires a water supply, it must be distinguished between the

need of filling up a deposit for water recycling or a continuous water supply, with its
corresponding drain.

Those units that require a continuous water supply need a tap (faucet) and a
sink (if possible on the floor of the laboratory). They are supplied with connection
hoses. However, a longer hose may be needed depending on the distance between the
definitive location of the unit and the water supply and drainage points.

For those units that operate by recycling water, a nearby tap and drain are
extremely useful. This will make its filling and emptying easier in those periods
when the unit is not going to be used. In some cases, a small amount of chlorine or
bleach can be used in order to extend the water optimum state (always check the
compatibility with the unit’s materials).

Ed.: 17 Pg.: 7 / 12

2.1.3 Fumes

If your unit requires a near outside access for fumes evacuation, their
characteristics, as well as the required safety elements according to the current
legislation in your country, should be studied.

2.1.4 Free space around the equipment

It is recommended to leave a free space around the unit about 1 - 1.5

meters for a better handling and, thus, a better use. This will facilitate its operation
and prevent possible errors and accidents.

2.1.5 Light

The definitive location must be well lit, with either natural or artificial
light. This will provide comfort and prevent errors and accidents.

2.1.6 Working environment

The units have been devised and designed to work in a normal environment
of human comfort. Their use under other conditions will cause them a gradual
damage and their life will be shortened considerably. Keep the unit at approximately
22ºC and 50% of relative humidity.

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For that reason, please avoid:

a.1) Leaving the unit connected after working with it.

a.2) Leaving the unit exposed continuously to sunlight or an excessive direct light

a.3) Leaving the unit in an extreme humid environment.

a.4) Leaving the unit in a saline environment. It will accelerate its deterioration

a.5) Leaving chemical products or water during several days or longer periods inside

2.1.7 Fuel

If your unit needs any kind of fuel for its operation, store it following the
suitable safety measures. The use of safety measures and their correct system of signs
will prevent unnecessary accidents.

2.1.8 Reagents

If your unit requires any reagent for its operation, you must have the safety
data sheet. Any person who collaborates in the reagent’s handling, as well as in the
practical exercises performance, must be informed and have these data sheets

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The reagents must be stored in a place specially fitted out for that purpose,
taking into account the measures specified in the safety data sheet.

A lack of information about possible risks, which are often minimal with a
suitable knowledge, may cause dangerous and unnecessary accidents.

2.1.9 Computer and peripherals

If you have a computer controlled unit, a computer with a DVD player is

needed. In addition, depending on the unit model, a PCIe slot for the data acquisition
card, and/or a serial port (RS232) or USB may be required. Please, bear in mind that
the PC must have enough space to lodge the acquisition card inside. The dimensions
of the card are 10.5 x 15.5 cm. The specific requirements of the unit are described in
the last pages of its commercial catalogue.

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Space around the equipment: the unit requires some space appropriate to its
dimensions (see commercial catalogue). Recommended free space around the
equipment ranges from 1 to 1.5 metres, as it was mentioned before.

Final location: the unit may need some free of furniture space (standing
units) or a table (bench units) for its permanent location. The unit’s dimensions and
weight will determine the characteristics of the required furniture.

In case of having a unit with a control console (manual control) or a unit

with an interface and computer (computer controlled), the space required for their
location must also be taken into account. If the unit has any kind of accessory, it is
recommended to have some cabinets or any similar place for their storage
(dimensions must be studied in each case).

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2.3.1 Shipping the boxes to your laboratory

The dimensions and weight of your unit’s packaging will determine the
elements required to move it to the laboratory, as well as the suitable dimensions of
the accesses. It is recommended to check the information about the number of boxes
and their dimensions.

2.3.2 Moving the unit to its permanent location

The dimensions of each unit (see the commercial catalogue) will give you an
idea of the personnel needed to move it to its definitive place.

Note: once you receive the boxes it is very important to check the packing list
carefully, item by item, to be sure that nothing is missing or broken. We should be
informed immediately if any element is broken or missing. If the unit is going to be
assembled by one of our engineers, please inform us about the problem before he/she
travels to your laboratory.

Keep the checked packing list with you until our engineer arrives. All the items
for all the units should be located next to the unit in order to make the installation

Do not throw away any packing material or boxes after everything is

checked since sometimes things can be messed up there.

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Note: all the components of our units are checked during the manufacturing
process to ensure that the final product has a good finish. In spite of that, the unit
may pass through different locations since it leaves our factory until it arrives to its
definite site. The environmental conditions of such locations (means of transport,
customs, etc.) can cause the appearance of dirt.

If it happens, clean the unit to remove the dirt accumulated during the

2.3.3 Maintenance precautions

All the units designed for heat transfer that contain water at high temperature
as heat carrier have a propensity to the appearance of sediments and corrosion of the
materials. The hot water circuit is the most damaged system by these erosive
processes, since high temperatures favors scale and corrosion phenomena.

By this reason and for a correct maintenance of the unit, it is recommended to:

 Use treated water, either filtered or demineralized, in the hot water and closed

 Drain the tanks after performing the experiments to avoid rests of water.

 Keep the tanks clean and in good state.

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