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Technical Problems submitting Assignments in Moodle (or in class)

1) If you think that there is a technical problem with posting your assignment on-line you have to contact Tech
Support Team to fix the problem; on the other side the instructor has to receive a message from the student
with a screen capture of what is the issue.
The screen capture MUST show:
 students name,
 when it was tried to access (the time and the date-should be within due date and time) and,
 the message that shows the issue, what was the technical problem.
Otherwise it is considered that there was not a technical problem with your account access and your
assignment should have been submitted.

REQUIRED: Student must try uploading their work at least 10 minutes before the due time is reached. If they
cannot access the site (or have other technical difficulties), they have to take the screen capture with the
information that is stated above: having the assignment submission attempt no later than 10 minutes before
the due time is reached, will ensure that the time captured in screen capture shows a time before the due time;
this way the screen will show that the student has attempted to submit before the due time is reached; if you
take the screen capture at the due time, it may happen that the captured image may show a time beyond the
due time. Make sure that the submission is done after the link is set to accept submissions, not before it!

REQUIRED: The screen capture should be sent to the instructor (via e-mail) no later than 1 day after the due date
of the assignment has passed. If sent later, it will not be considered as an excuse for not submitting on time.

2) To avoid problems (like the one above): submit the assignment before the due date. This way if any problem
arises you still have time to submit on time. Submit the assignments in the proper section in the Moodle. Do not
send assignments by e-mail…it will not be accepted. Submitting your assignment via e-mail (by e-mail) to the
professor will be considered a non-submission and a mark of ZERO will be your evaluation for that assignment.

3) One of the issues that Moodle may not work at a moment is after it has been open for long and no activities
have been undertaken (developed) on its site. To avoid such problems, do not leave Moodle site open without
doing any activity on it for long; if this happens, log off the Moodle site and log in back and submit the
assignment. That means that, again, you have to submit no later than 10 minutes before the due time has arrived.

4) If the issue is that the laptop is broken and need the repair, student must present the work order from the
repairing shop (invoice) from the shop that is repairing it together with the shop’s registered business name and
contact information of the shop. The document must be presented within 2-3 days from the day the laptop is
broken and sent to repairing shop.

5) If a student does not have desktop or laptop to communicate with the instructor (for example, laptop is being
repairing), the student can use the AlgomaU campus student lab-ask student services in campus to guide you for
this matter.

6) Due Dates and times are based on Toronto, Canada time zone. Students have to adjust to it accordingly.

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