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Create Your Own Mandala

A Mandala is an integrated structure organized around a unifying center. To celebrate the start
of this year, you are going to design your own personal mandala. Your personal mandala will
represent you as a diverse and unique individual who is needed to create our class dynamic.

Part One: Creative Component

You will be creating your own mandala on the sheet provided.
A) To prepare for your creation of your mandala, reflect on yourself as a person:

 Who are you?

 Who or what is important to you?
 What are some of your goals in life?
 Who or what has had the most influence on you?
 What do you hope to achieve in your lifetime?
 What makes you unique?
 Do you have any special talents?
B) After brainstorming about yourself, pick a few things that you want to focus on and use
these to fill in your mandala.

 You must fill in your mandala (circle) with images, words, and colours that represent you
and your interests. Make sure to fill in as much of the space as possible.

Part Two: Written Component

 After you create your mandala, you must write a paragraph that explains why your
mandala represents you.
 Your paragraph must be written in full and complete sentences. You must focus on at
least TWO items on your mandala and explain how each item represents you or your
 This paragraph is due at the same time as your mandala.

Part Three: Oral Communication Component

 You will present your mandala to the class. You are not to read from your paper but
rather have a conversation about your design elements and what they represent.

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