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MAINTENANCE  From any coparcenary property in his

Four different types of provisions regarding possession, daughter has not got any share in
maintenance- that
Provisions under Code of Criminal procedure,1973  If she remarries, not eligible
Under hindu marriage act,1955
Under Hindu adoptions and maintenance act,1956 MAINTENANCE OF CHILDREN AND AGED
Under the protection of women from the domestic PARENTS (SEC 20)
violence act Both male and female is bound to maintain
His or her legitimate or illegitimate children
“in all cases, provisions for food, clothing, residence, Unmarried daughter
education and medical attendance and treatment, in the Aged parents
case of an unmarried daughter, also the reasonable If they are unable to maintain, nor has property
expenses of an incident to her marriage.” DEPENDENTS (SEC 21)
Dependants of deceased to claim from the heir of
These have right to claim maintenance- deceased
Maintenance of wife Father
Maintenance of widowed daughter-in-law Mother
Maintenance of Children and Aged Parents Widow
Maintenance of Dependents Son, grandson, great grandson
Amount of Maintenance Unmarried daughter, granddaughter, great
MAINTENANCE OF WIFE (SEC 18) Widowed daughter, not getting maintenance from her
 A hindu wife shall be entitled to be maintained husband
by her husband during her life time. Widow of deceased son or grandson, doesn’t remarry,
 While living with her husband not getting maintenance
 Wife eligible for maintenance when living Illegitimate son of deceased, minor
separately Illegitimate daughter , unmarried
 If he is guilty of desertion
 Incurable disease Heir of deceased are bound to Maintain dependants
 Bigamy from inherited property
 With concubine If dependant has not got share by will or testamentary
 Ceased to be hindu then he can claim from who got it
 Any other cause after satisfying court Who got will pay according to share they got
When wife is not entitle to maintenance If got property is not enough for them, not bound to pay
She is unchaste(adulty)
Ceases to be hindu AMOUNT OF MAINTENANCE (SEC 23)
For Wife, children and aged parents, first consider
 The position and status of the parties
 Only for legal married wife
 The reasonable wants of the claimant
 Void cannot claim  If living separately, has justified grounds
 Live in relationship cannot claim  Value of claimant’s property, earning resources
 Failure to maintain under sec 18 is not a valid  Number of dependants
ground of divorce When determining maintenance for dependents (sec 21)
 If decree passed under sec 18 and sec 125 of  Value of estate after paying debts
crpc, and husband fails to maintain in 1 year and  If will is made , rest will be given to dependants
no cohabitation for 1 year makes valid ground  Degree of relationship
for divorce under sec 13 of hindu marriage act  Reasonable wants of the dependant
MAINTENANCE OF WIDOWED DAUGHTER-IN-  Past relation between the dependant and deceased
 Dependant’s value of property and income resources
LAW (SEC 19)
 Number of dependants
 If she has no property, didn’t even get from her
husband, father, mother, children and unable to
maintain herself
 Then she can claim from father in law
 Only if he has sufficient means

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