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right of the guardian appointed by the will shall cease after

GUARDIANSHIP the marriage of a girl.
Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956

Definitions of the Minor and the Guardian:  custody of a minor who has not completed the age of
 Section 4(a), minor means -under 18 years five years shall ordinarily be with the mother
POONAM VS KRISHANLAL AIR 1989.- To ensure the
 Section 4(b), a guardian means a person who has
completed the age of 18 and he is taking proper care of a welfare of the child, the custody may even be given to the
minor and his property third person as was given mother and grand father by SC
RE MADHAB CHANDRA SAHA 1997, a father was never
active in the interest a minor and after a long time demanded
KINDS OF GUARDIAN the guardianship. His claim was rejected.
 Natural Guardian CHAKKI VS AYYAPAN 1989, a mother who says she will
 Testamentary Guardian keep living with friends and may beget children from others,
 A Guardian appointed by the Court was not considered appropriate for custody in the minor's
 De Facto interest


1) Legitimate minor son/ unmarried daughter- Father—after GUARDIAN
him—mother  in the appointment of the guardian of a minor, the welfare
2) Illegitimate minor son/ unmarried daughter- mother- after of the minor is made the first and paramount
her father consideration, and no other consideration, such as the
3) custody of the child –mother- under five years superiority of the mother or father is taken into account.
4) Married girl- husband  age, sex and religion of the minor, the character and
capacity of the proposed guardian and his nearness of kin
SEC 7- ADOPTED SON, to the minor, the wishes, if any, of a deceased parent, and
adoptive father and after him, the adoptive mother. any existing or previous relations of the proposed guardian
with the minor or his property.
a) he or she is no more a Hindu, or  If minor is old enough to form an intelligent preference ,
b) he or she has renounced the world -sanyasi the court may consider that preference.
Note: In the above provision, the word father and mother do  The court shall not appoint or declare any person to be a
not include a step-father and a step-mother. guardian against his will.


 do everything which is necessary for the benefit and in the
interest of the minor. SMT BETI BAI VS. JAGDISH SINGH AND ORS
First wife dead, husband dead, left minor son, second wife
GUARDIANSHIP OF MINOR’S PROPERTY took whole property, son case and won
 guardian cannot mortgage, charge, gift, sell,
or exchange the immovable property of the minor. without PARAS RAM VS. STATE (guardianship by affinity) Father in
the permission of the court. law remarried his minor widowed daughter in law without her
 can lease any part of the property for a period of five years consent.. court held not guilty as he is natural guardian now
but not beyond that. permission of the court is required if
more than 5 yrs
 If the guardian does not follow the rule and disposes of the Sec 6- After father means “in the absence”, against Art 15-
immovable property, then it shall be voidable at the option equality-the mother is also the guardian of her minor children
of minor or any other person claiming on behalf of the along with the father(incapable)
 The court shall allow the guardian to transfer or lease the SHEELA VS SOLI, 1981 BOM HC, it was held that a mother's
property only when it finds necessary to do so in the right to guardianship is not lost upon conversion to another
interest or advantage of the minor. religion if she is able to provide proper care to the minor.
Further, in Kumar vs Chethana AIR 2004, SC has held that the
TESTAMENTARY GUARDIAN (SEC 9) mother's right to guardianship is not lost automatically after
Guardian who is appointed by will or a testament of a person her remarriage. In all such cases, welfare of the child has to be
is known as a testamentary guardian. considered above all including the convenience and pleasure
1. father may appoint any person as the guardian of the parents.
2. father will not operate if the mother is alive
3. mother of illegitimate child can appoint any person as their
guardian by making a will.
4. After the death of the father or mother, person appointed
will be natural guardian of children

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