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CME Quiz

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CME credit at https://​w Quiz questions are featured below
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article included in the Quiz. Credits may be claimed for one year from the date
of this issue. Questions? Call 800-274-2237.

Q4. Which one of the following patients warrants an

Articles empiric dosage adjustment? (check one)
l A. A patient receiving apixaban (Eliquis) being started
Interventional Radiology:​Indications
and Best Practices (p. 547) on ketoconazole.
Q1. Which one of the following statements about central l B. A patient receiving warfarin being started on pen-
venous catheters is correct? (check one) icillin G benzathine.
l A. Placing ports surgically is not as expensive as l C. A patient receiving warfarin being started on ator-
using interventional radiology. vastatin (Lipitor).
l B. Nontunneled catheters have a lower infection l D. A patient receiving pravastatin (Pravachol) being
rate per catheter-day than tunneled catheters. started on an azole antifungal.
l C. Infections occur in about one-fifth of patients
with tunneled catheters. Top 20 Research Studies of 2018
l D. Subcutaneous ports cannot be placed using for Primary Care Physicians (p. 565)
interventional radiology. Q5. Which one of the following statements about the
treatment of musculoskeletal pain is correct? (check one)
Q2. A 29-year-old patient with long-standing pelvic pain l A. Opioid and acetaminophen combination anal-
is diagnosed with a 5-cm uterine fibroid. Which one of gesics relieve acute extremity pain better than
the following statements is correct? (check one) ibuprofen and acetaminophen combinations.
l A. About one-third of patients receiving uterine l B. Anticonvulsants are effective for the treatment of
artery embolization for fibroids require surgical low back pain with radiculopathy.
l C. Nonopioid medications are at least as effective
treatment within two years.
l B. More than one-half of all women will have symp- as opioid medications for improving pain-related
tomatic fibroids in their lifetime. function in persons with chronic back, knee, or
l C. Patients have higher satisfaction with uterine hip pain.
artery embolization than with myomectomy. l D. Anticonvulsants do not increase the risk of
l D. Uterine artery embolization should not be used in adverse events.
women who wish to retain fertility.
Q6. Which one of the following statements about behav-
Clinically Relevant Drug-Drug ioral medicine is correct? (check one)
Interactions in Primary Care (p. 558) l A. Two-thirds of patients with anxiety disorders will
Q3. Which one of the following statements about the use relapse after discontinuation of antidepressant
of antibiotics in patients receiving warfarin (Coumadin) is therapy.
correct? (check one) l B. Persons who participate in more than 150
l A. The empiric warfarin dosage should be reduced minutes of at least moderate-intensity physical
25% to 50% upon initiation of rifampin. activity per week have a lower risk of depression.
l B. The precise effect on international normalized l C. There is no relationship between increased physi-
ratio (INR) from any antibiotic is predictable. cal activity and a lower risk of depression.
l C. The patient’s INR should be checked soon after l D. Nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics decrease the risk
initiating antibiotics and soon after finishing them. of falls or fractures.
l D. Metronidazole (Flagyl) has minimal influence on

May 1, 2019from the American
◆ Volume Family Physician
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Q7. Which one of the following statements about screen- Implementing AHRQ Effective Health Care Reviews
ing and prevention is correct? (check one) Psychological and Pharmacologic
l A. The fecal immunochemical test is less sensitive Treatments for Adults with PTSD (p. 577)
and specific than guaiac-based fecal occult blood
Q10. Which one of the following statements about the
tests for colorectal cancer screening.
treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is cor-
l B. The initiation of statin therapy in patients 75 rect? (check one)
l A. Pharmacotherapy is superior to psychotherapy.
years or older without preexisting cardiovascular
disease or diabetes mellitus clearly reduces the
likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease. l B. Male veterans have lower rates of PTSD than the
l C. The benefits of aspirin for primary prevention
general population.
in patients with moderate risk of cardiovascular l C. Fluoxetine, paroxetine, and venlafaxine reduce
disease clearly outweigh the harms. PTSD symptoms.
l D. Exercise, with or without vision assessment/ l D. Individual trauma-focused psychotherapy is not
treatment and environmental assessment/modi- recommended.
fication, reduces the risk of injurious falls in older
adults. Point-of-Care Guides
Applying a Clinical Decision Rule for CAD
Cochrane for Clinicians in Primary Care to Select a Diagnostic Test
Saline Irrigation for Allergic Rhinitis (p. 544) and Interpret the Results (p. 584)
Q8. Which one of the following statements about using Q11. Which one of the following is a positive clinical
nasal saline irrigation to treat the symptoms of allergic predictor of a cardiovascular cause of chest pain based
rhinitis is correct? (check one) on the INTERCHEST chest pain rule for coronary artery
l A. When used alone, it reduces the severity of disease (CAD)? (check one)
allergy symptoms vs. no treatment. l A. Pain reproduced by palpating the chest wall.
l B. When used alone, it does not yield better out- l B. Age older than 50 years.
comes than intranasal corticosteroids. l C. Chest pain occurs at rest.
l C. When added to pharmacologic treatments, it l D. Chest discomfort feels like pressure.
does not further improve symptoms.
l D. All of the above.
Practice Guidelines
Aromatase Inhibitors Such as Letrozole Cholesterol Management:​ACC/AHA
(Femara) vs. Clomiphene (Clomid) for Subfertile Updates Guideline (p. 589)
Women with PCOS (p. 545) Q12. According to the American College of Cardiology/Amer-
Q9. When comparing letrozole with clomiphene for the ican Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guideline, which of the fol-
treatment of subfertility in women with polycystic ovary lowing statements about statin therapy is correct? (check one)
syndrome (PCOS), which one of the following statements l A. Patients with diabetes who have multiple ath-
is correct? (check one) erosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk factors
l A. Letrozole results in a higher incidence of live should be treated with high-intensity statin ther-
birth. apy with a goal of reducing low-density lipopro-
l B. Letrozole results in a higher incidence of ovarian
tein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels by 50% or more.
hyperstimulation syndrome. l B. Patients 40 to 75 years without diabetes who are
l C. Letrozole results in a higher risk of miscarriage.
at intermediate risk with LDL-C levels of 70 to 189
mg per dL should be treated with a high-intensity
l D. Letrozole results in a higher risk of a multiple statin to lower LDL-C levels by 50% or more.
l C. A nonfasting lipid measurement should be
repeated three to four weeks after starting a statin.
l D. LDL-C levels should initially be reduced with
moderate-intensity statin therapy in patients up to
75 years with atherosclerotic cardiovascular dis-
ease and a goal of lowering LDL-C levels by 30%.

Answers to this issue’s quiz are on the inside back cover.

542 American Family Physician Volume 99, Number 9 ◆ May 1, 2019

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Answers to This Issue’s CME Quiz

Q1:​ C Q4:​ A Q7:​ D Q10:​ C
Q2:​ A Q5:​ C Q8:​ D Q11:​ D
Q3:​ C Q6:​ B Q9:​ A Q12:​ A

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