Zero To Six-Figures Ebook

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7 Key Skills Required to Earn
$100,000 Per Year in Network

Copyright @ 2021. Matt Morris & NETWORKMarketer. All Rights Reserved. No
Part Of This Book May Be Reproduced By Any Mechanical, Photographic, Or
Electronic Process, Or In The Form Of A Phonographic Recording; Nor May It Be
Stored In A Retrieval System, Transmitted, Or Otherwise Be Copied For Public Or
Private Use—Other Than For “Fair Use” As Brief Quotations Embodied In Articles
And Reviews—Without Prior Written Permission Of The Publisher. In
Non-Attorney Terms, “You May Not Give This Book Away”. However, You Can
Send People To And They Can
Download It For Free Once They Join The Group.

This Publication Is Designed To Provide Accurate And Authoritative Information

Regarding The Subject Matter Covered. The Author Is Not Engaged In
Rendering Legal, Accounting, Or Other Professional Services. If You Require
Legal Advice Or Other Expert Assistance, You Should Seek The Services Of A
Competent Professional.

DISCLAIMER #1: The author makes no guarantees to the results you’ll achieve
by reading this book. The success of your business is totally dependent on your
level of effort and your skills & abilities. If you expect to earn six-figures without
hard work and a high level of skill, you are in for a rude awakening and should
probably quit Network Marketing now. I just put that in to piss off my attorney.
He’s a total Pitbull with no sense of humor... but since I pay him I can get away
with this. No one reads these boring disclaimers anyway, do they?

DISCLAIMER #2: As you’ll notice in the book, I break almost every rule of
grammar possible and in many cases it’s intentional. I write the way I speak. I
know my style isn’t for everyone and I’m totally okay with that. In your journey to
success in Network Marketing, you’ll have plenty of trolls, naysayers and
doubters. Never denounce your success because haters have an opinion.

DISCLAIMER #3: In an age where so many people are so easily offended,

the author makes no apologies for you taking offense to anything in this book.
Should you be the type of person who is easily offended, you should NOT read
this book - especially the introduction. Further, should you read this book
anyway and get offended, consider the fact that you being offended is simply a
manifestation of your own insecurities and has nothing to do with the author.
No one has the power to make you feel a certain way unless you allow it. Rather
than message the author with a hateful message, please contact your mental
healthcare provider and set up a counseling session.

PG 1


Matt Morris really knows what he is doing. Not only is he a

bestselling author and just an unbelievable trainer in this
industry, he is someone you definitely want to get with and
learn from because I’ve learned a lot and he’s just so brilliant
and such a smart dude.


Matt Morris is someone I genuinely stalk on social media. With

all the countless hours of content I have consumed I have yet
to come away not learning something of pure gold. The fact
that he is a servant leader and all round incredible guy makes
it impossible not to love him!


Matt Morris is one of the most knowledgable and talented

network marketers I have ever met in my 30 year career in this
profession. He gets it from the ground up. Not only is he an
amazing and hugely successful builder in the field, but his
stage presence is second to none.

SIMON CHAN I Founder of MLM Nation Podcast

Matt Morris has been a proven leader with almost 3 decades

of experience. He’s a dynamic speaker and breaks network
marketing into simple steps that anyone can follow. I have
huge respect for him and made sure he was one of the first
guests we had on MLM Nation when we launched our podcast
in Mar. 2015.

PG 2

ROB SPERRY I Author. Public Speaker and Network

Marketing Trainer

There are very few leaders that I consider truly legends. Matt
is definitely one. I have spoken in 18 plus countries and heard
countless speakers/trainers. Matt is not only one of the top
leaders in all of network marketing but he is one of the best
speakers I have ever heard. He is one of the few who knows
how to break down complex strategies to help you have
breakthroughs in your business. My favorite part about Matt
is that he is an all around good human being and incredible
Dad. He has the unique balance of being very humble yet
very strong and confident.

JORDAN ADLER I Network Marketing millionaire &

author of Beach Money

Beach Money Series. Amazon Best Seller I’m a huge fan of Matt
Morris. His story will make you believe that your dreams can
come true and his training will breathe life into your network
marketing experience. Matt was not an overnight success and
he has stories that will open your eyes to real the possibilities.
You’ll find his style to be easy, light and empowering!


Matt is not only as charismatic as you think he is, and as kind as you think
he is, but he is equally as talented as you hope he would be for the
coaching, training, and mentorship he provides. Every time Matt’s videos
pop into my timelines or his blogs in my email I am almost overwhelmed at
the amount of value and tips and tactical strategies that actually work that
he openly shares for free. There have been several trainings of Matt’s that
I’ve implemented in my own business and have seen great results with.
As a speaker he is hilarious, he is creative, he is tactical and he is dynamic.
Most importantly to me, the way he speaks about his children and the way
he fathers them in such a beautiful way while managing a multi-million
dollar businesses makes me admire, respect, and appreciate who he is as
a person and as a friend. Matt is someone anyone should be so lucky to get
to know. Given the opportunity to get around his business brain if you are
trying to build a large business - don’t walk, run. I cannot recommend him
highly enough.

PG 3

SOOJAY DEVRAJ I Entrepreneur. South Africa

At the end of 2006 my life had hit rock bottom. My last business
venture had failed unexpectedly and I had no income to support my
family. I found Matt Morris and his success system in January of 2007 and
my life is now at an all-time high. I am writing this testimonial from my
new dream home at the Michelangelo Towers. Sandton, Johannesburg,
the most prestigious high-rise condo in South Africa. I went from zero
income in January 2007 to earning a six-figure income in just 18 months
thanks to Matt Morris! If anyone gets their hands on Matt’s business
strategies they have a winning formula when they implement what they
learn. I am living proof that his strategies work!”


I remember meeting Matt Morris for the first time when I was 13 years old in
2007. He had the lifestyle I desired, dream cars, dream houses, always
traveling, speaking around the world and naturally high on life.

Eventually Matt became a personal mentor and now an older brother and
dear friend.

Through Matt’s mentorship I’ve managed to go from student to 8 Figure

USD Earner, traveling and speaking at sold out arenas
globally, driving the dream cars and living in the former
president of South Africa’s house. Not only has Matt impacted my life, he’s
passed his mentorship onto me to help mentor others.

I appreciate you for who you truly are my brother. You’re a blessing to the
me and the world!

KEVIN WILKE I Cofounder. Nitro Marketing

“I’ve had the privilege of knowing and learning from Matt

Morris for the past several years. The business and success
knowledge he shares with me is always valuable and
continually opens my eyes to new ways of thinking. Just one
idea I acted on has turned into more than $40,000 (and
growing) of passive income.”

PG 4

NED & CHERYL RAE I Entrepreneurs

I was a machinist for almost 30 years and had failed

miserably in my efforts to become an entrepreneur on the
side. Since learning the techniques Matt taught me. I’ve
been able to earn a residual income from home allowing
us to live a millionaires lifestyle in the last six months alone
we’ve vacationed to London. Spain. Hawaii, Malta. Franc.e
and Italy. The best part about our life is that I’ve been able to
be a stay-at-home dad for the past seven years!


I first met Matt 12 years ago when I was in a very difficult situation in my life
financially, and had just started on the entrepreneurial journey. Attending
his events, he lit a fire inside me and by applying some of the strategies
within a few months I was able to walk away from my job and create
freedom. Then I had the privilege and the pleasure to work with him on a
closer level and my life completely transformed. I was able to create an
organisation in the hundreds of thousands, earning millions but also
helping many earn 6 and 7 figures. I know that this success would not have
been possible without the support and mentorship of Matt. Matt is one of
the best leaders in the network marketing profession. he’s an artist at
creating leaders and if you are lucky enough to work closely with him then
the best gift you can give yourself is being coachable and teachable and you
II learn how to become unstoppable!

Today I feel blessed to call Matt one of my best friends in the world and I
feel eternally grateful that I met him!

STONE EVANS I Self-Employed Internet Marketer

By following Matt Morris’s advice, I’ve been consistently earning well over
$15.000 per month in residual income for the past two years working from
home on the Internet. Matt over delivers to his customers and business
partners in every way,

PG 5
The Most Unusual Book
Introduction Ever

PG 6
You open your eyes realizing you’re strapped to a chair in a dark room.

You pull on your arms… they won’t budge.

You try moving your legs… no luck.

You have straps around your waist and chest making it almost hard to breathe.

Pressure starts to build in your body.

You start to thrash your body trying to get loose and you scream

Suddenly, you feel a cold hard piece of metal press against the back of your

You freeze as you feel your heart pounding harder than ever before.

“Shut your mouth” you hear a voice say firmly from directly behind you.

Your body shakes with terror.

“Do you know why you’re here?” the voice asks.

“No” you say quietly.

“Do you know who put you in this prison?” your captor asks.

“No” you repeat.

“I haven’t done anything wrong. I shouldn’t be here” you plead.

“STOP LYING TO ME!” he shouts.

Suddenly, a large screen lights up in front of you.

“Watch this” your presumed kidnapper demands.

As you adjust your eyes and stare at the screen, you can’t believe what you’re

It’s a movie.

PG 7
A movie about…


Only there’s very little action.

In fact, it’s the most boring movie you’ve ever seen.

It’s you building your network marketing business.

Actually, to be more accurate… it’s you NOT building your network marketing

This movie is a replay of all the moments in your network marketing business
where you wanted to take action…

You wanted to make the calls…

You wanted to do the work…

But instead, you let fear cripple you.

Fear of judgement.

Fear of not being cool.

Fear of rejection.

Fear of screwing it up.

Fear of failure.

All of these fears killed the hopes and dreams you once had.

The movie ends and the screen goes blank.

“Sad isn’t it?” The voice says from behind you.

You hang your head in shame as you gently nod.

PG 8
“Now watch this.”

Suddenly, the screen comes back to life.

In this movie, everything has changed.

It’s still you… but a completely different version of yourself.

You have a big confident smile on your face as you’re walking arm in arm on
the beach with the love of your life watching them smile and look at you in

The movie is showing a highlight reel of your life…

You see yourself adventuring around the world in front of the great pyramids in

Then Machu Picchu

On top of The Eiffel Tower

Bora Bora

On safari in Africa

You watch yourself driving down a curved road in your dream car blasting out
your favorite song.

You drive up to the front of your dream house and then see yourself walking
through your estate.

The screen then switches to you looking like a million dollars on stage as you’re
speaking to an arena full of people… there must be 15,000 people in the

The energy from every single person in the audience is flowing through you.
The feeling is indescribable.

You know it’s you but you can’t believe the version of yourself you’re seeing…
filled with confidence… filled with certainty… filled with power.

As you watch yourself finish your training, the massive crowd stands up and
gives you a standing ovation.

PG 9
As you watch the movie come to a close, you can’t help but be inspired by this
other version of yourself you just saw.


The screen goes blank and the lights come on.

Your captor walks around from behind you.

He’s tall, clean shaven, with short brown hair and a confident smile.

“My name’s Matt Morris and you’re in Fear Prison. I came to help you get out.”

You smile, anxious to be released.

“Do you know who put you here?” Matt asks.

“You did?” you ask with a tone of uncertainty.

Matt gives a big hearty laugh shaking his head.

“I don’t have that kind of power. There’s only one person who has the power to
put you in this kind of prison. Try again” he says.

“I did”, you hesitantly say not exactly wanting to admit it.

“Bingo” Matt exclaims.

“You and only you have put yourself here. The two movies you just watched… You
and only you have the power to produce those.

You’ve already created the first movie.

You now have two choices. You can either continue with the first movie and stay
in Fear Prison.

Or, you can choose the second movie with you living the life of your dreams. All
it takes is being willing to give up the fear that’s crippled you.

PG 10
You have the power to choose.

So tell me, do you choose fear or power?”

“Power” you say without hesitation.

“Look down” Matt urges.

You move your eyes from Matt’s face to your body.

The straps are gone.

You can now move freely.

Matt continues…

“I’m proud of you for choosing power. Just remember that this choice, fear or
power, is a choice you’ll be presented with a thousand times on the path to
achieving your dreams.

Whether you believe it right now or not, inside you lives one of the most
powerful leaders in the entire world of Network Marketing.

I know you’ve been holding on to limiting beliefs that have caused you to
choose fear over power.

But listen to me and never forget what I’m about to tell you.

The limiting beliefs you’ve been holding on to are complete and total bullshit.

The only thing holding you back from everything you want in life is refusing to
accept how powerful you really are.

I know because I believed my own bullshit limiting beliefs for five years.

I thought I was too young.

I thought I didn’t have enough credibility.
I thought I was an awkward communicator.
I thought I wasn’t a good salesperson.

PG 11
Here’s what changed my life…

I met my mentor when I was 24 years old. He was 10 years older than me
and had built an organization of over 100,000 people and earned well over

...He was good looking and well dressed.

...Charismatic, charming and funny.

...He wore a fancy Platinum Rolex and drove a big S Class Mercedes.

...When he spoke on stage, people hung on every word he said.

...Off stage he was like a walking personal development book spouting out
golden nuggets of wisdom.

...He closed like a rockstar - but not in a forceful way - he was just SO
ridiculously good people naturally wanted to work with him.

...And most importantly, he truly cared. He would be the last one to leave any
event and no matter who you were, he would pour his wisdom and knowledge
into you.

I’ll admit, I was in awe. In five years of Network Marketing, I had never met a
leader like him.

And while I was inspired to be directly mentored by him, I put him so high on a
pedestal that I couldn’t imagine ever rising to his caliber of a leader.

Until one day he challenged me - I think realizing I was semi-worshipping him.

He said “Matt, I’m going to tell you a quote that I want you to memorize. It’s
from The Magic of Thinking Big by David Scwartz…

“It is well to respect the leader. Learn from him. Observe him. Study him. But
never worship him. Believe you can surpass. Believe you can go beyond. Those
who harbor second-best attitudes are invariably second-best doers”

He went on and told me. “I want you to learn everything you can from me. I
want you to also go out and learn from other leaders so that one day you can
pass all of us.”

PG 12
I just nodded my head accepting his challenge.

But there was one big giant problem…

He was everything I wanted to be, but wasn’t.

On a scale of 1 to 10, he was a 10.

I was a 4 at best.

How could I EVER make as much money as him.

Instantly, my limiting beliefs started to sabotage and shut me down from rising
to his challenge.

Thankfully, I had made one of the most important decisions of my career that
wouldn’t let me give up on his challenge.

Would you like to know what that decision was?

You nod.

Well, this may sound strange but this is it…

I surrendered.

For the first time in my Network Marketing career, I surrendered completely to

his coaching.

I had spent the first 5 years trying to do it my own way. Sure I’d buy courses,
attend events, read books, and listen to audios.

But I had never surrendered completely to a mentor’s coaching.

For once in my life, I decided to make a decision to be completely coachable. If

he told me to read a book, I would read it. If he told me to invest in an event, I
invested. If he gave me a technique to use, I used it.

So in that commitment to being completely coachable, I couldn’t refuse to

accept his challenge.

PG 13
I went home that night searching for answers.

How could I ever make as much money as him when he is this incredible icon
of a leader... and I’ve spent 5 years spending more money than I’m making every

I knew I could work harder. Sure that will help, but simply working harder
wouldn’t do it.

What I’m about to tell you is the single biggest mindset shift that allowed me
to go from working as a waiter - earning $300-$400 a week and living at home
with my mom at 24 years old - to achieving a six-figure income within 90 days

When this sunk in, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I asked myself…

Are more people like my mentor?

Or are more people like me?

Are more people naturally charismatic, good looking and charming?

Or are more people like me and kind of average?

Are more people confident and powerful on stage?

Or are more people like me and deathly afraid of public speaking?

Are more people great salespeople and amazing communicators?

Or are more people more like me and fearful with selling and feel kind of
awkward as a communicator?

The fact is, as amazing as my mentor is, most people are more like me.

Which means, more people can relate to me and my self-limiting beliefs way
more than they can relate to his larger than life personality.

It struck me…

PG 14
If I’ll just go out and have any amount of success, DESPITE what I “thought” had
been holding me back for so many years, I’ll inspire so many others to succeed
despite THEIR limiting beliefs.

What if my self-perceived limitations were actually what would allow me to be

a powerful leader?

What if overcoming my own self-limiting beliefs weren’t actually limiting at all?

What if those self-limiting beliefs that I thought were holding me back were
actually my greatest strength?

My mentor had said something previously that now made sense.

“You are who you say you are.”

I had spent 5 long and painful years saying to myself I wasn’t enough.

And “not enough” is exactly what I manifested for those 5 years.

It was time to surrender one more time.

I surrendered to the fact that I had been lying to myself thinking I wasn’t good

I surrendered to the fact that I was, in fact, powerful beyond belief.

I surrendered to the fact that inside me was one of the most powerful leaders in
the world.

It was that moment in my life that I escaped prison.

It was that moment that I decided to live in power and chase down my dreams
with every fiber in my being.

90 days later I was earning $2,000 a week.

...Within six-months I was earning $10,000 a week.

...By age 29 I had over 1 million in the bank.

PG 15
...By 32 over 100,000 customers had been produced in my organization

...By 40 it grew to over 1 million customers

...By 44 it grew to 2.5 million in total with $3 billion in sales

Today, at 45, after

...Earning approximately $20 million

...Speaking to audiences in 36 countries

...Traveling to over 80 countries and checking off over 100 things on my bucket

...Helping over 50 people become documented million dollar earners

...Helping hundreds of people earn six to multiple six-figures per year

...Helping thousands of people earn a full-time income in Network Marketing

I’m here to help Network Marketers just like you, no matter what company
you’re in, step into your true power that I know lies inside you.

You, my friend, are so much more powerful than you realize.

Remember this:

“What you think has been holding you back - is actually your greatest strength.”

If you need me, I’ll never be far away.

And suddenly, Matt’s gone and you’re left with a tingling sensation in your body
that something magical is about to happen in your life.

PG 16


PG 17
Why am I “really” writing this book?

REASON #1: So that you’ll eventually hire me and my coaching team at

NETWORKMarketer to save you the learning curve that I had to go through and
help you become a top earner much faster than you ever would on your own.

We are the #1 transformational coaching company in the Network Marketing

profession and we are passionate about transforming the lives of committed
Network Marketers.

REASON #2: To actually help you so that you’ll want to do Reason #1 as

quickly as possible. (Warning: just like I’m brutally honest with my intentions
here, I’m brutally honest with my coaching clients.)

REASON #3: Whether you become a client or not, I genuinely want to help
you. For the last several years, I receive near-daily messages from people
thanking me for the positive impact I’ve had in their lives. That feels good.

Should you read this book and decide you’d like us to help you build your
business much faster and gain mastery in any of the training discussed in this
book, you can fill out a free assessment by going here:

We have a team of transformation specialists and coaches who are standing by

waiting to help you build your business based on your unique situation.

They will help you with anything from another free resource from our training
vault, all the way up to direct weekly mentorship with me for those who qualify.

What we do, day-in and day-out is help Network Marketers like you build wildly
successful businesses.

Now, let’s talk about the real truth of Network Marketing.

Until you learn to truly master the principles and skills outlined in this book -
Network Marketing is HARD.

PG 18
This I know personally because I sucked as bad as almost anyone has ever
sucked in Network Marketing. More on that in just a moment - but first...

Here’s the quick story on how I got started.

I was 18, in college, living in Austin, Texas and working for minimum wage as a
banquet waiter at a temp agency. One night I got assigned a banquet at the
Hilton Hotel.

One of the other servers working that night was a cute girl a few years older
than me named Mary Beth.

Several times throughout the night, Mary Beth would initiate conversation
asking me about myself and I couldn’t help being excited. Let’s just say I wasn’t
exactly a Casanova so a girl showing interest in me was getting me pretty revved

But I played it cool…

Actually, to be more accurate, I was a nervous wreck.

We were standing at the back of the room waiting for the banquet to end and
Mary Beth asked if I ever thought about being in business for myself.

Wanting to build rapport, I said “Absolutely. All the time!”

“Why don’t you write your number down for me and we’ll talk business
sometime”, she said.

My “revved up” turned to full-throttle inside as I thought about me and Mary

Beth doing some “business” together. :)

“Uh, okay” I said nervously and scribbled my number down for her.

I was pumped - a girl actually asked for MY number!

I can still remember walking to my car that night thinking, ‘Damn I’m such an
idiot - why didn’t I get her number back?’ Oh well, I hope she calls.

Well, Mary Beth didn’t waste any time. She called the very next day and asked
me if I wanted to meet up at another hotel that night at 7pm to talk business.

PG 19
Hmmm, lemme think...

...Cute girl ...Hotel ...Night. ...“Business”

I’m in!

As I walked into the hotel, Mary Beth met me in the lobby with this big
beautiful smile… “Matt! I’m so glad you could make it” and shakes my hand. (I
was kind of hoping for a hug)

“Hey I want to introduce you to some of my business colleagues, c’mon over” as

she starts walking towards the meeting hall.

Colleagues?! What the hell? (Truth be told, I didn’t even know what the word
colleague meant at that point in my life.)

Confused, I followed.

Mary Beth introduces me to two or three people and then ushers me into a
room filled with about 100 chairs and walks me right up to the front row and
sits me down. She sits next to me and “Whah whah whah whah whah…” is about
all I can hear

I’m so confused.

I came to meet this cute girl and now I’m in a meeting room filling up with all
these overly excited people.

I have no idea what to think but there’s upbeat music playing, people seem to
be happy and apparently I’m going to learn about a business concept where I
can make a lot more money than working as a waiter for minimum wage.

That night I was presented with my first Network Marketing presentation...

Low startup cost. Getting paid based on the efforts of multiple people instead
of just my own. Residual Income. Earn money in multiple time zones. Time
freedom. Financial freedom.

I was hooked!

PG 20
I didn’t get what I came for… but being able to actually make money and start
my own business? Well, I was in!

I still remember driving back to my little apartment that night thinking ‘I can’t
believe they’re the only company that does this!’

I was so naive, I literally thought they were the only Network Marketing
company in the world.

My friends are going to be so excited, I thought.

That is, until I started telling them about it.

The rejection I was slapped with stung.

And just like that, my fantasies of quick riches vanished into thin air.

I realized this is going to be hard.

‘But there are so many people making money, surely I can figure this out’, I
thought to myself.

So I started attending the weekly presentations. I stayed after for the training.
Then for the training after the training. I went to conventions. Listened to the
tape of the week and read the book of the month training system.

And after two years I had sponsored three whole people.

Two of which I paid for to get in. One of which was my mom and I never even
told her she was in!

The one guy that paid his way in was a waiter friend of mine who had been
drinking before the presentation. He signed up and then quit the next day.

So at the end of two years I had one person in my group.


And it didn’t get much better from there.

PG 21
I joined another company and nine months later didn’t have any success there
either. So I joined another company. Then another.

Then I had a genius idea. Since I had been in four different companies and
couldn’t make it work, I decided to try and work two companies at the same
time. (Yep, I was an idiot.)

I’m sure you can guess my results.

Nothing but more frustration.

Three and a half years into my Network Marketing journey and I was $30,000 in

I’ll spare you the details of the next couple years but after over five full years in
Network Marketing, I still had nothing to show for it.

Five years of spending more money than I was making every month.

Five long and painful years of failure.

To this day, I don’t know exactly why I didn’t quit other than the fact that I just
couldn’t stand any of the 20+ jobs I had and I dropped out of college before I
failed out. I felt like I HAD to make Network Marketing work because I didn’t
have any other options.

I don’t know where you are in your Network Marketing business, but I wanted to
quit a thousand times.

I can’t even begin to describe how defeated I felt watching countless people
who got started after me, pass me up.

I wondered so many times what the hell was wrong with me. Why can’t I make
this work when I see SO MANY other people having success?

I’d beat myself up inside thinking, ‘Maybe I’m just not cut out for this Network
Marketing thing’.

I secretly envied the people I’d see personally sponsoring new people every
month and popping new ranks wondering what they had that I don’t.

PG 22
When I finally got a few people on my team I felt burned out and exhausted
because it’s like I was constantly spinning plates to keep everything going.

It felt like I was banging my head against a wall because I had tried so many
different things and just couldn’t seem to get my team to grow fast enough.

My closest loved ones would tell me to pull my head out of the clouds and
focus on a “real job” leaving me feeling disconnected and annoyed because
they couldn’t understand the dream in my heart.

And to be completely transparent, I felt a bit like a fraud because this dream of
“time freedom and financial freedom” I had sold to myself and others seemed
like a distant pipe-dream.

There were so many times I felt like I couldn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel
and even questioned my own sanity for pursuing this dream for so long without
any result to show for it.

Three years in… then four years in… then FIVE years into my Network Marketing

I felt so beaten down and defeated feeling like I should be so much farther
ahead than where I was.

If you’ve felt any of that in your Network Marketing journey, you’re not alone.
Every million dollar I’ve ever worked with has felt many of those same feelings.

For so long I wished it were easier. Thankfully I held on to the words of the late
Jim Rohn who said “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.”

I’m going to share with you what I eventually discovered as my own “truth” to
Network Marketing.

Instead of complaining that it’s so hard, be grateful it’s so hard. Because if

Network Marketing were easy, there would be no opportunity.

Network Marketing company owners pay out anywhere from 30% to 50% or
more of company revenues back out to their sales force BECAUSE it’s hard.

If it were easy, they’d pay out 5-10% of the revenues.

PG 23
BECAUSE it’s hard, they’re willing to pay us a small fortune to become leaders
and build a large sales organization.

So yes, it’s hard. But if it weren’t hard, there would be no opportunity for us to
become not just financially free, but to also earn residual income giving us time

There is no other industry in the world that allows for a better opportunity for an
average person, with above average ambition and work-ethic, to escape the rat
race, fire our bosses, and live life on our own terms.

Here’s the way I see it…

You’re going to have to work hard anyway.

Most people work 40+ hours a week for 40+ years of their life only to (hopefully)
retire and then live on 40% of what they could barely live on when they were

So if you’re going to have to work hard, work hard at something WORTH

working hard at.


You’re going to have to get good anyway. If you aren’t good at your job, you’re
going to lose your job to someone who is better.

So if you’re going to have to get good at something anyway, get good at

something WORTH getting good at.

The difference between the wealthy and the poor isn’t that the wealthy are
smarter or work so many more hours than the poor.

The wealthy simply got involved in a financial vehicle that at least gave them
the opportunity to get wealthy.

The formula for success is pretty simple:


PG 24
Your success will be equal to your FINANCIAL VEHICLE, multiplied by your
EFFORT, multiplied by your SKILL.

If you’re reading this book right now, chances are you’re already involved in one
of the most amazing financial vehicles in the world with Network Marketing.

The only question now is how hard are you willing to work and how good are
you willing to get?

If you’re willing to work really hard and get really good, here’s what I know is
possible for you based on what I’ve experienced myself:

As a top earner in Network Marketing, you feel honored and looked up to from
family and friends because you’ve proven them wrong being able to accomplish
your dreams.

You’re respected and admired, not only by loved ones, but by thousands upon
thousands of people because of the lifestyle you’re able to live and the example
you’re setting for the world.

You’re overjoyed because YOU are now the leader others come to for advice and

You feel an incredible sense of pride knowing that you’ve made it and are truly
rising to your highest potential… AND bringing others along for the ride.

You’ve eliminated any level of financial scarcity and feel powerful, confident and
assured knowing you’ll never suffer from a lack of money ever again.

You feel a level of significance and contribution you didn’t know was possible
being able to help others achieve the same financial freedom you’re enjoying.

Your organization grows each month because of the high-caliber leaders in your
organization and you feel peaceful and balanced knowing the growth of your
organization isn’t dependent on your having to hustle 24/7.

You feel a sense of security and strength knowing you can take a few weeks, or
even a few months off, without your organization coming to a screeching halt.

PG 25
You stand in power as a leader because you have accomplished what less than
1% of entrepreneurs will ever do in business and in life.

You feel a deep internal confidence knowing how to succeed like you know the
back of your hand... total faith & zero doubt.

You look in the mirror and truly love the person looking back at you because of
the wealth you’ve created and the person you’ve become.

You feel completely fulfilled knowing the legacy of what you’ve created will live
beyond you creating generational wealth for your family and a positive impact
for thousands of others.

THIS is what I want for you and what I know is possible for you.

If you’re committed to those results, keep reading and we’ll dig in deeper.

PG 26



PG 27
Why do most Network Marketers fail?

I know… I know… not the most positive question from a guy who truly loves the
Network Marketing profession.

Listen, I’m all for focusing on what you want… Being fiercely committed in spite
of the statistics, and beating the odds - but let’s stop bullshiting ourselves and
talk about the truth.

The fact of the matter is, approximately 80% of people who join the Network
Marketing profession are gone a year later.

This isn’t my hypothesis, these are real numbers.

I owned my own Network Marketing company for five years and our average
retention was 24% year to year. So I hired the top retention firm in Network
Marketing, Service Quest, only to discover that the average for most companies
is 18-22% distributor retention from year to year.

As bad as I thought we were doing, we were actually doing better than average!

I wasn’t excited.

According to Terrel Transtrum, one of the owners of Service Quest, one of the
primary reasons for this ‘MLM Exodus’ is false expectations.

People joined Network Marketing expecting it to be easier than it is.

This is why I didn’t sugar coat anything for you in Part 1 and spent so much time
giving you the real, unvarnished truth as it relates to success in Network

If you haven’t figured it out yet, I want you to win and for you to win, you need to
know what you’re up against.

Because if we’re realistic about the dragon we’re up against, we can then have
the power to slay it. The more we pretend everyone is instantly successful, and
walk around with plastic smiles and insane delusions, the harder it is to break
this cycle.

PG 28
We want INFORMED optimism, not UNINFORMED optimism. One develops
wisdom, the other blind ignorance and false expectations.

So let’s get back to the question:

Why do most Network Marketers fail?

What I’ve discovered after 26 years is that most Network Marketers are
approaching their business the wrong way.

There is a blatant disregard for acquiring the fundamental business knowledge

required to succeed specifically in Network Marketing.

Most Network Marketers are approaching their business as an opportunity

seeker versus a real entrepreneur.

It’s the reason why the overwhelming majority of Network Marketers will fail in
achieving their dreams even if (sometimes especially if) they buy lots of courses,
attend lots of events, and listen to lots of audios.

It’s this opportunity seeker mentality that causes Network Marketers to

continually seek out the latest, greatest, bright shiny object.

The MLM Cycle of Insanity


Find A New Tactic That The Get Excited Because MAYBE

'Gurus' Are Pitching You... This New Tactic Will Lead to


Get Rejected & Quickly Find
Doubt Yourself S. Wonder Out The New Tactic Doesn't
If Network Marketing Is For Work LikePromised...

I spent my first five years in the cycle of insanity.

PG 29
Because there is a severe lack of solid, foundational, and strategic training in
Network Marketing, most Network Marketers feel lost, confused, and over-

Because of this confusion, Networkers are desperate for answers and,

unfortunately, fall prey to the slick talking MLM Guru pitching them on the
latest, great-est, hot new recruiting strategy.

So they buy yet another course thinking it’s going to solve all their problems… be
it a TikTok follower strategy, Instagram story strategy or some super-duper social
media direct message script promising an avalanche of new people joining your

But it doesn’t actually help.

So they go back to what they know…

Numbing out… watching T.V…. re-setting goals for the 300th time… organizing
their home office… watching YouTube… Scrolling through social media.

Until they see the next Bright Shiny Object and the cycle of insanity repeats
itself all over again.

Every revolution of the cycle drives them more and more mad... getting more
and more frustrated… feeling more and more powerless...

Until despair sets in and they eventually give up on Network Marketing


This is what keeps me up at night…

In 21 years of being a full-time Networker, I’ve seen thousands upon thousands

of fully capable people quit and give up on their dreams.

Good people...

PG 30
Ambitious people...

People inspired to achieve their dreams…

And yet they quit - simply because they got caught in the MLM Cycle of
Insanity and never took the time to learn how to be a real, strategic,
Professional Networker.

What does being a Professional Networker mean?

Dive into the next chapter and let’s discuss…

PG 31


PG 32

These 3 strategic pillars are NOT sexy.

Again, the reason most Network Marketers fail is because they’re in this constant
search for the “one thing”...

The easy button…

The latest, greatest “breakthrough” recruiting system that’s going to transform

your business overnight with the flip of a switch.

In order to make the switch from opportunity seeker mentality to a Professional

Networker, we have to break this Bright Shiny Object Addiction.

Network Marketing is a REAL business and just like any real business, there are
real, fundamental principles and strategies that must be followed in order to

The fundamentals I’m going to show you in this book are not for the
opportunity seeker looking for the magic pixie dust.

This book is for those of you who want to know what it REALLY takes to be a
professional. No smoke & mirrors. No hype. No one telling you that if you buy
some new course, it’s all going to be hearts, rainbows and unicorns shooting out
of your ass.

Whether you’re new to Network Marketing, whether you’ve been involved for
years and still not at a full-time income, or even if you’re a six to seven figure
earner, there are 3 core strategic pillars that you’ll need to gain mastery over in
order to break through to the next level.

This book is not meant to be a detailed training of all three pillars. You’ve
probably realized that there is no such thing as one single book that will
revolutionize your business.

In order to create transformation, that requires more than just a book. I’ve spent
21 years as a full-time network marketer and in over two decades, I’ve never met
a single six-figure earner who can attribute a book to their complete

PG 33
This book is meant to give you the foundation for long-term mastery in Network

“In order to build a really tall building, you have to dig a really deep foundation.”

These 3 pillars are the foundation.


One of the biggest mistakes Network Marketers make is simply not getting
mastery in the 7 key skills it takes to earn a full-time income. These are basic,
foundational skills and it’s sad to say this but MOST network marketers, when
they come to me for coaching, have been in the profession for months or even
years and don’t even know what the 7 key skills are.

Some of the leaders I’ve mentored from $5,000 a month to $50,000 a month
got to $5,000 a month not even knowing what these 7 key skills are… they just
grinded it out for so long they eventually figured it out the hard way.

But here’s the reality… it doesn’t have to be so hard when you have mastery of
these skills.

If you can learn to work SMART, you don’t have to work so hard. And don’t get
me wrong, I’m not saying not to work hard… but why spend years struggling
when you can learn from someone who’s mastered the 7 skills and can teach
you how to master them as well?

It’s crazy to me that there are millions of network marketers out there with a
huge desire to get full-time but if you put a gun to their head and asked them
what the key skills required to get full time - they couldn’t tell you!

In the next part of this book, I’ll show you the 7 key skills so you know what to
focus on getting mastery of.


Now here’s where I was frustrated for years…

I was taught:

PG 34
“Success is attracted by the person you become.”

Ok great - but how do you BECOME that person?

Which leads me to big mistake #2 most Network Marketers are making. It’s the
one I made for years which is using the shotgun approach to personal

Maybe you can relate…

I’d attend company events, go to generic network marketing events, read books,
listen to audios, and watch videos. I’d learn all kinds of great information but it
seemed like none of it created any tangible results.

The big, GIANT mistake is NOT having a defined personal development plan
that grows you into the person capable of achieving your goals.

You see, there’s a thing called the law of consistency and commitment that says:

You will remain committed to remaining consistent with who you believe you
are as a person.

Or said a different way, you will stay consistent with the identity you’ve created.

I don’t know how old you are, but the person you’ve become has been
developed after YEARS of programming.

Let me just share with you a secret I learned the hard way…

When I first got full time and started mentoring others, all I would do is coach
my people on tactics. Every once in a while, I’d help someone but the vast
majority of time it didn’t give them any results.

So I felt like a failure as a leader. I just couldn’t seem to help people move the

Here’s what I finally realized which is a quote from the late Brian Klemmer:

“If tactics were enough, we’d all be rich, skinny and happy.”

PG 35
You see, any coaching system that relies on tactics alone will NEVER create

The most powerful leaders in the world are the mentors who understand how
to help people THINK the right way to help people re-wire their mind for

Now, if you get to know me, you’ll realize I’ve spent 20 years OBSESSING over
human psychology and how to create tangible and measurable results in peo-
ple’s lives. It’s the #1 reason why I became the #1 income earner in all 3
companies I was involved in over 20 years, one of which had over 5 million

If you figure out how to build people from the inside out, it’s almost like having
this superpower for helping your people create results.

After years of trial and error, I created what I call Psychological Fuel StackingTM.

If you look at why an athlete creates peak performance, it’s a stacking effect of
the right nutrition, hydration, sleep, cardiovascular training, strength training
and visualization.

The same way an athlete stacks all of these things together to become an elite
performer, I created a psychological “stack” that uses a specific process to
rewire your mind and your identity to produce peak performance as a network
mar-keter and leader.

So many coaches tell you to create affirmations and read them several times a
day. Listen, affirmations are great… but you don’t override YEARS and YEARS of
programming by simply spurting out affirmations each day.

Psychological Fuel StackingTM is a very strategic and defined personal

development plan and character development system I teach as part of an 8
week intensive program that produces transformational results.

If you want a system to “become” the kind of person who attracts success, start
with these two:

PG 36

Most people never achieve a powerful vision for their life because they’ve simply
never defined exactly what they want. Without clarity of vision for your future,
you will lack passion, power and focus in the present.

When there is clarity for the future, there will be much more passion and power
in the present.


There are 3 levels of motivation in life:

1. Money & Things

2. Significance & Respect
3. Purpose & Calling

There is nothing wrong with being driven by money. But money is the most
surface level of motivation.

After growing up without much money, I was HIGHLY motivated to get rich. I
thought fancy cars and homes would make me happy. Until I bought a Ferrari
and realized it was an empty calorie goal.

Again, there is nothing wrong with being motivated by money and things - heck
I still am - but if money is your primary motivator, you’ll lack the internal power
to achieve at the highest level.

If you’ve spent much time in Network Marketing, you’ll probably realize that
recognition is always a bigger motivator than money. Sure, plenty of people will
disagree with me, but it’s been proven over and over again. It’s why the greatest
leaders, and the biggest Network Marketing companies are the best at
recognizing their leaders.

The deepest level of motivation, which few leaders truly tap into, is when you
identify a true purpose in life and when you can identify why God put you on
this earth.

I struggled with this for years trying to find my purpose.

I would pray and ask God to help me find my purpose. Until I finally realized
God gave me the power to CREATE my purpose.

PG 37
When I became clear as to why exactly God put me on this earth, I was able to
move mountains to create powerful results. I firmly believe that getting clear on
my purpose is the single biggest driving force that gave me the power to
become the #1 income earner out of over 5 million people in my Network
Market-ing company.


The third strategic pillar of Network Marketing success is mastering the 5 levels
of leadership.

Now if I were to ask you what they are, could you tell me?

If not, just know that the odds are stacked against you unless you really get this.

Without mastery in leadership, you’ll be chained to a life that so many Network

Marketers are trapped in which is essentially a low paying job. Enrolling person
after person but not seeing any real duplication.

I know because I was in this phase for far too long… I got good at recruiting but
it was like I was constantly spinning plates. People seemed to be quitting as fast
as I put them in. I couldn’t seem to get any duplication and I was at this
constant plateau.

It’s why so many talented people end up dropping out of Network Marketing.
It’s not that they can’t do it, it’s just that they never learn to master the 5 levels of
leadership so they can advance from one level to the next.

I’m not saying it’s easy, but it is very simple once you’ve mastered all 5 levels.

It’s like if you’ve ever had a magician show you how they do a magic trick. They’ll
do the trick a couple times and, for the life of you, you can’t figure it out.

Then they reveal their secret and you’re shocked at how simple it really is.

Much of Network Marketing is like being a magician. People think it’s so hard
but if you’ll just take the time to learn the skills, you can perform at a level where
people will think you have some kind of magical ability.

Here are the 5 levels of leadership.

PG 38

This is where you’ve enrolled very few, if any, representatives or customers in

your business.


This is when you’ve mastered the enrollment process and you’re a talented
recruiter. Until you’ve personally sponsored 30 people into your business, you’re
still at level 1.

Far too many Network Marketers consider themselves a “leader” when they
haven’t even accomplished the requirements to be a producer.

Until you’ve mastered the producer phase, you can’t be considered a leader.

Major tip: You can’t skip a level. (Producer is the level that too many Network
Marketers think they can skip)


This is when you are seeing duplication in your group... New customers and
representatives are joining your team without you and you’re getting your first
taste of what it feels like to have true leveraged income.

At this level, you are the energetic hub of your organization creating the energy,
excitement and belief in your team.

When you’re in the trenches with the team, growth out-paces attrition.

WARNING: When you’re away for too long, attrition starts to out-pace growth
and your group starts to decline.

This is the time to focus heavily on leadership production within your team and
helping your Producers rise up.


This is the first taste of real financial freedom. You have a handful of leaders on
your team and you’re reaping the harvest from all of the work you’ve done. This
is typically a six to maybe a multiple six-figure income.

PG 39

This is ULTIMATE time & money freedom. Multiple six to seven figures a year. You
could take a month or two away from your business and your income wouldn’t
skip a beat.

This is the point where you get to choose to go into semi-retirement, or move
forth towards a powerful purpose and build something legendary.


The trick to getting from one level to the next is to simply show people how to
get to the level you’re at. Again, it’s not magic, it’s just knowing very specifically
what to do and what to focus on at each level.

This is one of my favorite frameworks that I love to dive deep into with my
coaching clients. For so many, even though they’ve been to dozens of so-called
“leadership” trainings, for the first time in their career, they finally have a clear
and defined leadership development plan.

Mastering each of these levels is what allows you to create a “leadership

development factory.”

Part of knowing what to do at each level is based on you mastering the 7 Key
Skills in Network Marketing which we’ll get into soon. But first...

PG 40


PG 41
For years, I heard leaders refer to Network Marketing as this amazing “Plan B”.

Here’s the problem with looking at Network Marketing as Plan B.

B is secondary to A.

I’m not saying you should quit your job and jump into Network Marketing full-
time before you’re earning more than enough to pay all your bills. You shouldn’t.

But think about this…

If a student who was working her way through law school (like my Mom did)
were to consider their career as an attorney their Plan B, as opposed to their job
as a waiter on the weekends to pay the bills, how serious would you take them?

Not serious at all.

Well, my friend, this is how the majority of Network Marketers consider their
career in Network Marketing.

For over 4 years, I considered Network Marketing my plan B.

I’d “try” to make Network Marketing work.

But if it didn’t work out, I could always go do something else. My “try-baby”

attitude sabotaged my success.

Try is nothing more than a front-end excuse used when you have no real

Using words like try, hopefully, and maybe are all signs that you have no faith
in your abilities, you’re not committed at all, and you’re using your own power
against yourself.

The second I hear someone say they’re going to try to accomplish something, I
immediately know that they’re not going to do it.

Quick story from my childhood…

PG 42
I was maybe 12 years old and had a test in school. My mom asked if I was
prepared for it and I said “kind of.”

She then asked if I was going to pass and I said I was going to try.

She then did a little exercise with me I’ll never forget.

She put a pen on the table and said, “Try and pick up the pen.”

So I picked it up.

“That’s not what I said. Put the pen down.”

Confused, I put it down.

“Try and pick up the pen” she said again.

I picked it up.

“No, put the pen down.” she said a little more loudly.

I put it down.

“Matt, I didn’t say pick up the pen. I said try to pick up the pen.”

It clicked.

I put my fingers on the pen pretending to struggle picking it up.

“You got it!” she said with a smile.

You either get prepared and pass the test, or you don’t. There is no such thing as
try. Now go study!” (I guess Mom was harnessing the power of Yoda - “Do or do
not. There is no try.”)

And off to my room I went with one of the most valuable lessons of my life.

Unfortunately, it took me years to apply that lesson to my Network Marketing


PG 43
After more than four years in Network Marketing, I finally decided to stop trying
to do Network Marketing and eliminate any possibility of failure.

Just like a law school student’s Plan A is being an attorney, even though they’re
not an attorney yet, I decided to become a professional in Network Marketing.

Psychologically, I made Network Marketing my Plan A, and my job my plan B.

That slight psychological shift made a world of difference. I decided that if I was
going to be committed to getting to a six-figure income, I had to take the same
attitude as any other professional.

Law school students have to get serious about learning the law.

Medical school students have to get serious about learning medicine.

I decided to get serious about learning Network Marketing.

Think about this…

How much do doctors invest in their education?

As I write this, the average cost of medical school is $54,698 per year.

That’s $218,792 over 4 years and that’s not even counting their undergraduate
degree expenses.

The average medical school student graduates with a debt of $170,000 and it
takes them an average of 13 years to pay off their school loans.

A massive reason for failure in Network Marketing is the amateur/employee

mentality that most networkers come to our profession with.

They expect (like a low level employee to make money without a significant
investment in education. As if, somehow, they’re just going to magically earn
several hundred thousand a year like the top earners in their company…
whether they get out of bed or not… enjoying the freedom to travel the world
and truly own their life.

This is the ultimate form of ignorance.

PG 44
A professional Networker understands that just like an attorney has to invest in
law school, Network Marketers have to invest in coaching & training.

Without it, they are doomed to failure. They end up like those failed networkers
who say idiotic things like “Network Marketing doesn’t work.”

No. Network Marketing works. It works to the tune of approximately $180 Billion
a year in sales. Here’s what doesn’t work - an amatueur mentality.

I’ll share with you one of my biggest secrets to crushing it every year for 20
years in a row, both as a Network Marketer and as a generic coach serving our

I invest more in education than any other Network Marketer I know. As I write
this, I’m investing just over $10,00 per month just on my personal coaches, not
counting courses, events and books.

Here’s the breakdown:

• $299/month for my accountability coach. (I’m actually a client of my own

company with our ELITE Coaching Program because our coaches are just so
damn good.)

• $3,000/month for my personal transformational coach to make sure I’m

growing and progressing in all areas of my life and fine tuning my skills as a

• $1,997/month for my marketing and direct response coach who helps me

make sure our advertising and marketing are always on point.

• $5,000/month for my “coaching coach” who helps me continue to fine tune

our Inner Circle Coaching Program so we’re getting maximum results for our

That’s $10,298 per month which doesn’t include the $5,000 I invested a few
months ago for a 16 week coaching program. Or the $7,500 I invested last
month for another mastermind program.

I invest over $100,000 per year on my education and have done so for years.

People often look at me and think I must have some kind of magical ability to
have become the #1 income earner in every company I was part of for 20 years
producing over $3 billion in sales.

PG 45
The truth is, there’s no magic… I’m no smarter or more naturally talented than
most people. I’ve simply been willing to invest massively on my skills so I don’t
have to work as hard as most, and I can produce MUCH more results.

Remember, the formula for success is extremely simple:

S = F.V. X E X S


Let me share with you a simple distinction that can change your life.


If I were to ask you what the 2 biggest expenses in life are, what would you say?

When I ask this in workshops and events, I typically hear Mortgage & Taxes. But
let me share with you the truth…

Taxes are your 2nd biggest expense in life.

When you factor in all the different taxes we pay (federal tax, state tax (if
applicable), sales tax, property tax, etc.) it works out to be around 40-50% of
your earnings.

Let’s use someone who earns $100,000 as an example. After taxes (let’s say 40%
or $40,000), they end up getting to keep $60,000.

Let’s compare that to someone who knows how to earn $1,000,000 per year.


PG 46
Depending on where you are in life, that may sound unrealistic. But is it really?

To put it into perspective, according to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report
for 2021, there are 56.1 million millionaires in the world based on US dollars.

If 56 million people can become millionaires, and you don’t believe you can as
well, it’s time to expand your thinking!

At a 40% tax rate ($400,000), the person who knows how to earn $1,000,000 a
year gets to take home $600,000 per year compared to only $60,000.

The difference:

$600,000 - $60,000 = $540,000

Here’s your #1 greatest expense in life…

Not knowing how to make $1 million.

In the previous example, if you were earning $100,000 a year, not knowing how
to earn $1 million a year is costing you $540,000.

Thankfully, I finally understood this distinction and started investing in myself,

even when I didn’t really have the money to invest.

I looked at Network Marketing like being a doctor or lawyer. If I had to go into

debt $100,000 to learn how to be a top earner and earn six to seven figures a
year, it would be well worth the investment.

Today, having earned approximately $20 million dollars, I see my biggest

expense in life as not knowing how to make $1 million per month. THIS is why I
still continue to invest so heavily in coaching

PG 47



PG 48
So what does it take to go from Zero to Six-Figures?


In this chapter, I’m going to break down each of these 7 skills so you know what
you need to go out and focus on learning.


This is simply finding quality prospects you can present your Network Marketing
products/services or opportunity to.

This typically starts with your warm market (people you know).

In the day and age of social media, you have endless opportunities to prospect,
which we’ll talk about in a moment. And while I’ve personally sponsored
hundreds of people through social media, Network Marketing is, and always
will be, a relationship business.

When you start with the people who you already have a relationship with, you
are much more likely to create quick wins.

Yes there are social media Gurus out there who will tell you talking to friends
and family is a waste of time and you should only focus on social media
marketing. (Just notice, they’re always trying to sell you a course on social
media recruiting.)

Listen, I’ve made millions from recruiting on social media. I sell courses on
social media recruiting. I’ve taught thousands of people to successfully sponsor
people on social media.

But I ALSO believe in teaching what’s going to produce the fastest results. The
fastest results, along with the greatest level of duplication, comes from
Network Marketers sharing valuable products and services to people they have
an existing relationship with.

I firmly believe that the reason I was able to build a team that grew to over 1
million customers in just 7 years (and 2.5 million in 12 years) is because I taught

PG 49
Yes, use the power of social media. But also teach your team to talk to the
people who know, like and trust (KLT) them because the higher the KLT
Factor, the higher the success rate.


· Facebook friends · Gambles · Is retired

· Email contacts · Neighbors · Has a part-time job
· Parents · Former bosses · Came to your wedding
· Children · Former co-workers · Gave you a biz card
· Cousins · Entrepreneurs · Wants freedom
· Aunts & Uncles · Does or did MLM · Is a fund-raiser
· Nieces & Nephews · Past or present Military · Volunteers
· Spouse’s relatives · Is successful · Likes team sports
· Co-workers · Motivated & ambitious · Is unemployed
· Goes to church · Plays or played sports · Reads books on success
· Friends from school · Is influential · Your Chiropractor
· Friends parents · Is already wealthy · Is friends with someone
· Loves to vacation I know


Now let’s talk about prospecting on social media.

In this day and age, especially considering the global pandemic, even the most
old school leaders have come to realize that if you’re not recruiting and making
sales on social media, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity.

Right now is the single best time in history for Network Marketing and
specifically building through social media. More people are looking to work
from home than ever before.

PG 50
Thankfully, I saw the social media trend for Network Marketing about 13 years
ago when I started building my social media following. I’ve now invested more
than a decade creating, tweaking, and refining a proprietary system I
trademarked as the Social Recruiting SystemTM.

This is the system I used to personally sponsor over 400 people and earn
millions of dollars with. It’s the same system we teach in our Inner Circle
coaching program that our clients are using to personally sponsor people every
single week with.

There are three main words you want to focus on as it relates to prospecting on
social media:


You want to be posting regular, engaging content that adds value to the life of
your ideal prospect.

When you post content that helps people, provides insights, learnings, and even
entertainment, you become a valuable resource and increase the KLT Factor.
(Know, Like & Trust)

As you consistently deliver value online, you start to build a stream of qualified
prospects who are engaging with you. Once you’ve generated this flow of
prospects, like so many of my clients are doing, you’re able to predictably and
con-sistently recruit on social media.

The biggest question people ask themselves is, what do I post? This is why I
created a resource called the Social Domination Toolkit. It’s a 365 day content
calendar that gives you resources and ideas for every day of the year so you
never run out of ideas to post.

If you’d like to take a look at it, hop over to


This is when you invite your prospects to take a look at what you have to offer.

First, some invite rules:

PG 51
1. If you simply email, text, or send a social media message to your warm market
with a link to a presentation to watch on their own, they will most likely NEVER

2.If you try to sell your opportunity over the phone to your warm market, they
will most likely NEVER join.

3.If you spam your social media wall with links to your products and
opportunity, they will most likely NEVER join.

4.If you cold message people on social media with a direct link to your
presentation, they will most likely NEVER join.

The attitude you want to have about your business is that it’s a multi-million
dollar opportunity and should be treated as such.

For your warm market, you want to set an appointment either in person or over
zoom so they understand it’s important and it’s something you are extremely
serious about.

With prospects on social media, you want to qualify them and check interest. If
I’m just blindly messaging people with a presentation, I appear desperate and
willing to accept anyone into my business.

By piquing their interest first and confirming their desire to look, you maintain
posture and don’t appear needy and desperate.


Thankfully, this is one of the easier skills for most Network Marketers because
most companies, or upline leadership, have pre-recorded video presentations or
live zoom presentations to use.

If you’re doing the presentation yourself, that’s going to be company specific so

I won’t go into much detail here other than to give you some quick coaching on

There are 3 main questions that you want to answer in your presentation in
addition to explaining the benefits of your products and opportunity.

PG 52
1. Does it work? (both the products and the opportunity)
The more success stories, the better. Most of my highest converting presenta-
tions over the years have been when I’ve simply told the most stories.

2. Can I do it?
This is where you want to point out how simple the system of doing business is.

95% of the population does not like to sell. So if your prospect believes they
have to be a talented salesperson, they are extremely unlikely to build the

A question I’ve asked a thousand times after a video presentation is, “Do you
think you could push play on a video like I just did with you?” (The answer is
always “yes”)

3. Will you help me?

Let’s be honest - starting any kind of business is scary. Let your prospects know
that you’ll be there to support them. Notice I didn’t say you’d be there to do the
work for them.

One of my great friends Lisa Grossmann gave me this example years ago I’ve
used many times:


I do the first 2 lines.

You do the second two lines. :)

Next, I’m going to give you a strategy that I’ve taught to thousands of people in
my organization over many years that is proven to increase your closing


It’s called the 3-Step Setup. This is a process that gets your prospect’s mindset in
the right place before you begin any type of presentation.

PG 53
Here’ the format:

1. Share your why

2. It’s Big and I’m all in
3. It’s cool either Way


Sharing your why is when you let them know why you decided to start your
business. This is an opportunity for you to open up, be authentic and share from
your heart why you got started.

When you open up authentically, and sometimes even vulnerably, it opens up

your prospect and gives them permission to be vulnerable with you.

When I got started with a company years ago, I was $750,000 in debt. Many
people would hide that potentially embarrassing financial setback.

But I shared it every single time I presented. I let my prospects know how it
affected me (without being a victim) and how I was committed to getting out
of the financial situation I was in.

By sharing your why, you trigger your prospect to think about their why. This
opens their mind up, in the correct way, to being receptive to the opportunity.


Next, you’re going to simply let them know that what you’re about to show
them is a big opportunity and you’re all in with it.

Here’s why this is so important…

If your prospect senses that you’re not committed, or simply “trying” to do this,
that lack of commitment will turn them off.

People follow strength, not wishy-washiness.


This is where you show your posture and take away the pressure. There’s an old
saying that “people love to buy, but they hate being sold.”

PG 54
If they feel like you’re going to pressure them to get started, they’re going to
look at the presentation with their guard up.

This is an opportunity to take away the pressure so they take their guard down
and look with an open mind. I typically say something like this:

“I’m going to play you a quick video that will explain everything. If you love it,
that’s great. If not, that’s great too. Just give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down
at the end and I’m cool either way.”

This 3-Step Process also gives you posture because you’re letting them know
you’re not needy and fine no matter what decision they make.

Remember this: Prospects sense neediness like a dog smells fear.

When you follow this process, you’re transmitting to your prospect that you’re
cool whether they like it or not, you present yourself with posture and strength
which will produce a much higher closing ratio.


After 26 years in Network Marketing, I’ve discovered the #1 reason why pros-
pects don’t get started.

Can you guess what it is?

Lack of money?
Lack of time?
Lack of belief?

Well, to give you the answer, I’m going to tell you a quick story…

One afternoon, I had a school teacher named Julie call me with a challenge.
She was obviously really frustrated.

The conversation went something like this:

PG 55
Julie: “I’ve shown the business to 14 people in a row and no one has said yes. I
can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.”

Me: “Okay we’ll let’s see what’s going on. Who are you showing the business to?”

Jule: “Some friends, a couple co-workers, a few people I’ve met in town.”

Me: “Okay that’s good. How are you inviting them?”

Julie: “I’m following pretty much exactly what you’ve taught me. I’m not
explaining it over the phone, I’m setting up a coffee meeting and then letting
them know I want to show them a cool new project I’m working on. Almost
everyone I’ve shown in person and three or four over zoom.”

Me: “Okay that’s great. How are you presenting?”

Julie: “I’m doing the 3-step setup and then showing the video presentation.”

Me: “Okay perfect. What are you saying when the video is over?”

Julie: “I say, Awesome isn’t it?! What did you like best?”

Me: “That’s great. What next?”

Jule: “Well, then they tell me what they like best.”

Me: “Then what?”

Julie: “Well, we just kinda talk.”

Me: “Julie, are you actually ASKING them if they want to get started?”

Julie: (Long pause) “Ohhhhhhhhhhh”

You see, Julie was doing everything right - EXCEPT - she wasn’t asking them to
get started!

Which leads me to the #1 reason prospects don’t enroll:

PG 56
They’re not asked!

When any type of presentation is over, our job is to help them make a decision
to get started or not.

Over my 26 career, I’ve personally closed many thousands of prospects for either
myself or from doing meetings, calls, and zooms for people in my organization.

I’ve had a 20-year obsession with studying buying psychology & human
behavior and have spent tens of thousands of dollars on sales & persuasion

I have dozens of different closes I’ve learned and used over the years:

But the longer I’ve done Network Marketing, the more I realize what always
works the best is what’s most simple.

Here is the close I’ve used more than any others, which is also one of the easiest
to teach your organization for purposes of duplication.

When a presentation is over, you simply say (with excitement):

“Awesome isn’t it!? (very slight pause not waiting for an answer) What did you
like best?”

After they tell you what they like:

“Sounds like you’re ready to get started.” (Then shut up)

This is an assumptive close where you just naturally assume they’re ready to get

Now, here’s where most people screw this up.


It takes the average person 4 seconds to make a buying decision to spend a few
hundred dollars.

Not long at all, right?

PG 57
But here’s the challenge… When you ask a buying decision, 4 seconds of silence
feels like an eternity.

The average salesperson won’t allow for more than 2-3 seconds of silence before
they break the silence and start talking.

When you break the silence, you break the process of them making a decision.

As soon as you start talking, you let them off the hook.

After breaking this awkward silence, most amateur networkers - because they
don’t want to experience that awkwardness again - don’t ask the buying
question a second time. They end up, like Julie, and just talk with their prospect
leav-ing and making no decision.

Listen, I’m not into high-pressure selling - not at all. But there has to be SOME
amount of pressure in order for a buying decision to be made.

When you ask a closing question, shut up and wait for an answer - whether it’s 4
seconds, or 4 minutes - just sit and wait to allow them to give you an answer.


Now, you’re going to have people, no matter how good you are at closing and
overcoming objections, who aren’t going to make a decision on the spot.

Remember this:


Book A Meeting From A Meeting

Here’s my rule:

Always set a follow-up appointment.

If you don’t have an appointment set to either show them more information, or
to collect a decision, 9 times out of 10, they are not going to get back to you and
will procrastinate forever on making a decision to get started.

PG 58
If, after the first exposure, they’re not ready to make a decision, I’ll BAMFAM
from a video presentation to a live zoom presentation. Or it might be from a live
zoom presentation to a pre-recorded presentation from someone else. Or even
to a training so they get an understanding of what it takes to build the business.

Now, if they’ve been through 2 or 3 exposures of the business and still aren’t
making a decision, I’m going to give them a deadline and say something like

“Hey John, at this point you really have everything you need to make an
informed and educated decision to get started, how long do you need to come
back to me with a decision either way... 24... 48 hours... what’s good with you?”

If they say 48 hours, I’ll set an appointment to call them in 48 hours.

If they don’t answer, that’s usually a no. But I’ll send a quick text to make sure.
Something like this:

“Hey John, Just tried calling for our 4pm appointment. Are you wanting to get
started with me or did you decide against it?”

You see, I have ZERO psychological attachment to them saying no so I’m simply
going to ask.

I love a no because now I don’t have to wonder where they stand and can move
on with my life.

I have a “No Fence Sitter” rule. I’m going to push them to one side of the fence
or the other (Yes or No) and I’m totally happy either way.


Skills 1 through 4 are the required skills to become an effective producer. If you
struggle with recruiting, these are the 4 skills you want to focus on mastering.

If you’ve sponsored 30 people into your Network Marketing company and you’re
not seeing duplication, you’ll want to focus on skills 5, 6 and 7.

PG 59

Here’s a quick story to illustrate the importance of focusing on skill #5 and


I had been involved in Network Marketing for 4 ½ years.

Over that time, I finally mastered skills 1-4 and was really good at recruiting.

In a six month time frame, I personally sponsored over 90 people - almost all
from cold market recruiting strategies.

Awesome right?

Well, not so awesome actually.

I was averaging about $800 a month in commissions (spending much more

than that on advertising) and had close to zero duplication.

People were quitting as fast as I could put them in and I couldn’t understand
why I couldn’t get any traction.

It sounds crazy to admit now how ignorant I was…

As soon as I would sponsor someone, I’d shoot them an email with a few things
to do to get started and never talk to them again unless they called me.

I was the definition of churn & burn with no leadership whatsoever.

I essentially had a very low paying sales job.

It wasn’t until I met my mentor when I learned how to sponsor someone the
right way.

He taught me to actually spend some time with my new distributors to identify

their why and set some goals…to let them know that their goal was my goal and
that if they locked arms with me, if they are coachable and teachable, if they
won’t quit on their dreams I won’t quit on them, and that we absolutely can
make those goals a reality.

In a nutshell, to build a RELATIONSHIP with my new recruit.

Then to explain the cycle of duplication:

PG 60

Achieving success in Network Marketing is as simple as:


I started explaining to my prospects how to invite people to look at a

presentation using a third party tool - either me, a live presentation, or a
prerecorded presentation.

I started teaching the psychology of a 3-way call and 3rd party edification and
simple scripts to close their prospects.

And then, for everyone they would enroll, we’d simply train them on the same

I started pouring my energy into the people I sponsored and, like magic, they
started having results.

This was the moment when I went from zero profits in my business, to a six-
figure income in 90 days.


Chances are, your company or upline has some type of event structure for
presentations and trainings.

Every company is different so I won’t go into too much detail here but it’s
important that you understand the psychology of promoting events.

Creating momentum is all about belief. The more belief your distributors have,
the more action they’ll take. Action follows belief.

So it’s our job to help our teams have a higher level of belief.

On a scale of 0-10, 0 being zero belief in themself, the opportunity, the

company, and in Network Marketing, and 10 being total belief in all those, we
want to get people as close to 10 as possible.

PG 61
As talented as you may be, individually, we have a limit to the level of belief we
can transfer to others.

This is why it’s important to plug people into the bigger culture - live zoom
events, in person events, trainings, presentations, etc.

The more they hear and see other people winning, the higher belief they have.

The event system is the campfire and, as leaders, we want to always be

promoting to bring people around the campfire.

Around the campfire, it’s warm and cozy. People feel excited and motivated to
move toward their dreams and goals.

When they get away from the campfire, they’re cold and far less motivated.

The event system is a major component of the leadership development factory.

Individually, it’s very hard to create leaders… but when you focus on promoting
events passionately to your team, you’re able to let the event system create
leaders for you.

What built my organization with my last company from nothing to 1 million

customers in only 7 years is a massive commitment to passionately promoting

My mantra that I taught over and over like a broken record was “Get ‘em in & get
‘em to events!”

Here a truth of Network Marketing:

It takes a BIG decision to become a top earner in Network Marketing.

Remember this… Big decisions are made at Big events.

Focus on getting people to the bigger events and you’ll help facilitate those
major decisions.


This is your ability to educate, touch, move and inspire others to build their

PG 62
If you don’t feel like you’re a talented trainer, don’t worry. In the beginning, focus
on attending and promoting the training system that your upline already has in

As your organization starts to grow, take every opportunity you can to teach
what you’ve learned.

Here’s a big tip…

From this point forward in your Network Marketing career, when you’re learning
(be it from me, your upline, a course, a book, etc.) don’t just learn for you…

Learn in order to teach.

The late Bill Britt, a Crown Diamond in Amway, taught me that a leader’s job is
to “teach teachers, to teach teachers to teach.”

For more than 20 years now, when I read a book, go through a course, or attend
an event, I take notes on what I learn. Not just for me, but to be able to make it
my own and teach others.

This is a HUGE part of my Inner Circle Coaching program.

I go DEEP into behavioral psychology teaching our clients how to literally re-
wire their mind with the most comprehensive and powerful inner game
coaching in Network Marketing.

My and my other coaches give our exact Social Recruiting SystemTM

methodology that we’ve used to make millions from recruiting and building a
huge fol-lowing on social media.

I teach, by far, the most advanced leadership frameworks in our profession so

my clients can identify where they’re at, why they might be stuck, and exactly
what to focus on to get to the next level.

All of that is great but the reason why our Inner Circle members are crushing it
at the highest levels isn’t just because we’re training them… it’s because we’re
also giving them the tools to train the organization they’re building.

And listen, I know it’s intimidating stepping into the role of a trainer. I
remember the first time I started training my team.

PG 63
I had just started having success and my team was growing fast. My mentor
didn’t do a weekly training and I had learned the importance of a weekly team

So I stepped out of my comfort zone and started a Monday night leadership

call. I would read books on leadership and Network Marketing and take notes.
Then on the call, I’d essentially read my notes with excitement and passion and
my team LOVED the call.

That Monday night call began my journey as a trainer and it’s been a mind
blowing journey ever since. God has blessed me in more ways that I ever
imagined were possible or that I deserved.

I’ve been blessed to speak to hundreds of thousands of people on 6 different

continents over the past 20 years. It’s been a surreal experience speaking to
crowds as large as 22,000 people at packed out areas around the world.

I can’t even begin to describe the fulfilment that comes from being able to
impact lives as a trainer. It’s been an incredible blessing to have so many
people over the years tell me that it was something I said on stage that flipped
the switch and sparked them to make their run to financial freedom.

I’m still as passionate as ever to impact lives personally, but what I’m most
excited about today is passing the torch to mentor and coach the next wave of
top earners to help them go out and impact the world.

I don’t know what lies inside you, but if you have that burning desire in your
heart to spend your life experiencing the fulfillment and joy that comes only
from positively impacting the lives of others, I’m looking forward to seeing you

PG 64


PG 65
First I want you to know this:

If no one has ever passionately believed in you…

I believe in you.

I believe in you because one of the most important, core, and foundational
beliefs that I stand for is that within each individual, lies unlimited opportunity.

You’ve heard my journey - from being as bad as anyone in Network Marketing…

to building one of the fastest growing organizations in the history of our
profession producing over $3 billion in sales.

I could give you so many others I’ve been blessed to train...

My friend Sashin Govender who got started with me at 18 years

old, getting 400 rejections his first year… to hitting the top rank in
the company at 21 and earning millions of dollars in his twenties.

Jay Payso from one of the worst neighborhoods in New York. Jay
was working as a Fedex driver, had never done Network Marketing
before and was pretty much the definition of “rough around the
edges”. A few months later, he was able to quit his job and within
a few years, became a million dollar earner.

PG 66
Efrosyni Adamides who has become like a sister to me. She was
sick and tired of working 80 hours a week in real estate. With no
Network Marketing experience, she built an organization of over
4,000 people in six months and has now gone on to build a team
of over 400,000 people earning millions and helping several
others on her team become million dollar earners.

I could give you so many other stories, but what I want you to
really “get” is that I KNOW you can become a top earner.

If we can, you can. Simple as that.

Now, I’ve given you the 3 Strategic Pillars of Success in Network Marketing along with the
7 Key Skills you need to master in order to become a top earner.

At this point, you have a couple choices.


This is the strategy I followed for five years. Sure, I had an upline who was more successful
than I was...

But they were trying to figure it out themselves and hadn’t yet cracked the code to
building at the highest level.

Thank God I was able to meet my mentor and be personally sponsored by a leader who
had already made millions and taught me how to hit six-figures in 90 days. I’ll live the
rest of my life being forever grateful for the impact he had in my life.

Had I found a mentor much earlier, I would have saved myself years of struggle. It’s crazy
to think how much money I wasted in my first 5 years trying to do it without the right
mentorship. It easily cost me well over a million dollars.


As the CEO of NETWORKMarketer, I’ve assembled a team of transformation specialists

and coaches I’ve personally trained whose sole job is to simply assist Network Marketers
in achieving success.

PG 67
In addition to this book, we provide other free resources for the Network
Marketing community. If you’d like to see which of these resources would be
best for helping you grow your Network Marketing business, you can fill out a
quick assessment at:

After you fill out your free assessment, here’s what will happen:

1st: One of my transformation specialists will review your answers.

2nd: Based on where you’re at, they’ll help you.

What does that look like?

It might be sending you a free training from our vault.

It might be setting up a free coaching call so they can get to know you, see
where you’re struggling and point you in the right direction.

Or, if you qualify, it might be working with me directly to be mentored in my

Inner Circle Coaching Program.

Obviously, I’d love for you to become a client of ours. Whether you decide to
work with us directly or not, just know that we want to be part of your journey.

My guiding philosophy is that if you put enough good out in the world and
simply focus on making a positive impact, you’ll have plenty of good come back
to you.

I truly believe Network Marketing is the greatest financial vehicle in the world
for the average person to achieve an extraordinary lifestyle and live their dreams.

Whatever you do, never, EVER, give up on your dreams!


PG 68

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