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Chairman’s Voice
I would like to start by thanking each and everyone of you that attended our Annual General
Meeting in August for your support, it means a lot to me that you show an interest in the running
of your club. It was a bitter sweet meeting for me. Bitter because Olive sadly stepped down from
the committee after 25 years and sweet because you appointed her to be our first President. At
the meeting we celebrated the 25th anniversary of our association. We are lucky enough to still
have four of the original members Olive Medhurst,Hazel Rogers, Pat Knight and Joan Youens
they all played an instrumental part in its running. I was pleased to report that the future looks
bright for WaldARA. We have some great trips, holidays and events to look forward to before
Christmas. Please keep your eyes on the notice boards, facebook page or website for more
information. I look forward to getting to know you all better in the future.

Picnic in the Park

Once again we have enjoyed yet another holiday. This time it was in Northern Ireland. If you
have never been to Ireland for a holiday you should go. Our first day started out at 6.45am on
Sunday morning 25th June, I know its a bit early but it was worth it, we travelled to Holyhead in
North Wales and boarded the ferry at 2.45pm and we arrived in Dublin at 6.15pm from there we
travelled to our Hotel in Derry where we arrived at 10.30pm it took us about 16 hours thats
including the 3 and half hours on the ferry. We travelled with a group from MarshARA from
Romney Marsh so we were among friends a very pleasant group of people. We stayed at a nice
hotel in Derry called the White Horse, the rooms were excellent and so was the meals. The
following day was a trip into Derry to see the Peace Bridge and look around what is known as a
walled city. The third day we went to Belfast to see the Titanic Museum. It was very interesting
but sad to see the list of names 1500 that died in the tragedy. On the fourth day we had a very
interesting time at the Bushmells whisky distillery in County Antrim [with free samples] from
there we went to see the Giants Causeway also in County Antrim, the scenery was stunning it
was well worth a visit.On the fifth day we had a trip around Donegal in the republic of Ireland
we stopped off in a small town called Carndonagh for a cup of tea and a look around. On the
sixth day we had a two hour tour of Belfast City and a stop off in the city centre for an hour.
We saw the places where the troubles were a few years ago.We travelled down to Dublin and
stayed in the Green Isle Hotel ready for the trip home the following day. We had a very
enjoyable holiday and we have to thank Sue and her team for organising it. We are looking
forward to our next trip.

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