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Class and Section: English IV, IDEN04/D-CC0-N8-P3-C2/D

Student`s names and roles:

- Boris Blanco (Civil construction)
- Jorge Saavedra (Civil construction)


- The lack of nighttime spaces al the Inacap Institute is a problem that can significantly impact
the student and academic community. This problem refers to the shortage of adequate and
accessible spaces for students to study, work on projects, or conduct academic activities
during evening hours, especially during high demand periods such as final exams.

Possible Product /service:

 The construction of nighttime rooms in a university is an investment in the well-being and

academic success of students, so it is important to carry out a careful planning and execution
process to ensure their long-term effectiveness and utility.
 Extended hours: extend the operating hours of existing libraries and study areas to allow
access during nighttime hours. This could be particularly beneficial during final exams or peak
academic demand periods.


- Our project involves the construction of nighttime rooms at Inacap Institute, located in the city
of Temuco, with the purpose of providing study spaces for students who require them both
during and outside of regular academic hours. Nighttime rooms offer an effective and
comfortable study environment, where students can work towards reaching their maximum


 Establishing a Budget: Determine a clear and realistic budget for the project.
 Design Planning: Collaborate with architects and interior designers to plan the design of the
nighttime rooms.
 Obtaining Permits and Approvals: Ensure that you obtain all the necessary permits and
approvals from local authorities and the university itself before commencing construction.
 Contractor Selection: Conduct a bidding or contractor selection process for the construction.
 Construction: Oversee the construction of the nighttime rooms closely to ensure that the
architectural plans and design specifications are followed.
 Equipment and Furniture: Procure the necessary furniture and equipment, such as tables,
chairs, electrical outlets, lighting, and ventilation systems.
 Technology and Connectivity: Ensure reliable internet connectivity and consider installing Wi-
Fi access points to facilitate access to online resources.

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