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Advanced Calibration
Techniques to improve
Extinction Ratio Measurement
in DCA-X and DCA-M
Techniques to achieve highest accuracy
Table of Contents

Extinction Ratio Measurement Fundamentals .......................................................................................... 3

Standards-based measurements ............................................................................................................. 4

Systematic Errors Degrade ER Measurement Accuracy........................................................................... 5

Achieving Accurate ER Measurements .................................................................................................... 5

Comparison to legacy ER calibrations ...................................................................................................... 7

ER measurements for PAM4 signals........................................................................................................ 8

Procedures for accurate ER measurements ............................................................................................. 9

Managing Differences on Old and New Calibration Methods .................................................................. 12

Aligning with Legacy Test Systems ........................................................................................................ 13

Extinction Ratio Measurement Fundamentals
Extinction ratio (ER) is a measurement that represents how well available laser power is converted to
modulation power. Mathematically it is the ratio of the logic ‘1’ level to the logic ‘0’ level. If very little power
is used to transmit a ‘0’ level relative to the ‘1’ level power, the ER will be high, an indication that the laser
power is efficiently being used as modulation power. For PAM4 (Pulse Amplitude Modulation 4-level)
signals the definition is similar, but the ratio is composed of the ‘3’ and ‘0’ levels. ER is a primary
specification for every transmitter used in direct detection communication systems. Long span systems
place a higher importance on ER and historically have required high values. Shorter span systems place
less stringent requirements on ER.

While the concept of ER is simple, accurate measurement of ER is vulnerable to a variety of error

mechanisms. Minimizing the impact of these mechanisms is an ongoing process at Keysight spanning
decades. Recent improvements have been made to ER calibration methods, especially important as
optical communications technology has gone to 25 and 50 Gbaud transmission rates. This paper
discusses the measurement challenges and the causes of measurement uncertainty and variability. In
addition, it describes methods for reducing uncertainties caused by non-ideal performance of standard
reference receivers. Techniques for achieving better measurement consistency across test systems are

Standards-based measurements
While the ER measurement concept is basic, requiring only determination of signal logic levels, consistent
results are facilitated through a well-defined measurement method. IEC 61280-2-2 Fibre optic
communication subsystem test procedures - Part 2-2: Digital systems - Optical eye pattern, waveform and
extinction ratio measurement provides a specific method to measure ER on the NRZ (Non-Return-to-
Zero) eye diagram. The procedure calls out the following:

• The waveform is acquired with an optical oscilloscope (digital communications analyzer or DCA) with
a 75% of data rate bandwidth (e.g., 19.34 GHz to observe a 25.78 Gb/s signal). The frequency
response should follow a fourth-order Bessel shape. This yields a well-behaved time domain
• Histograms are constructed on the transmitter eye diagram to determine the mean value of the logic
‘1’ and logic ‘0’. Histograms are located over the central 20% of the unit interval (bit period)
There is no standard test procedure for PAM4 ER analysis. However, IEEE 802.3bs provided an
approach that is used throughout 802.3 standards:

• The ER is based on the ratio of the logic level ‘3’ and ‘0’ amplitudes
• Amplitude values are not derived from the PAM4 eye diagram, but on the central two unit intervals of
a run of seven consecutive ‘3’s and run of six consecutive ‘0’s. The parameter is referred to as Outer
Extinction Ratio.
• The frequency response of the DCA is not specified, and is considered less important than with an
NRZ measurement, as the signal levels are not significantly impacted by frequency response due to
the long consecutive run of symbols.

Systematic Errors Degrade ER Measurement
While the ER measurement concept is basic, requiring only determination of signal logic levels, there are
a variety of mechanisms that can degrade measurement accuracy. These are mainly within the signal
path of the DCA:

• Dark currents in the DCA photodetector system

• Excess gain at low frequencies relative to mid and high frequencies
• Non-ideal frequency response generating inter-symbol interference and eye closure
Generally, DCA channel noise is not a significant error mechanism, as the amplitude analysis is based on
histogram means, which do not change with added noise.

Achieving Accurate ER Measurements

When measurement errors are systematic and repeatable, they may be removed from the measurement
through a process of instrument calibration. The key to a successful calibration is accurate quantification
of errors and a valid method for their removal from the final ER result.

The simplest error to quantify is the dark current offset. The DCA channel, including the photodetector,
can generate small signals when no signal is present at the input. This spurious signal can effectively
offset the signal being measured resulting in an ER measurement error. The DCA calibration menu has a
Dark Calibration procedure that can be performed by the user. With no signal present at the DCA channel
input, the ‘dark’ signal can be measured, and its value recorded. The DCA will display the waveform with
any dark level offset removed.

It is common for DCA channels, especially those that include amplification after the photodetector, to
have the gain at DC and very low frequencies to be slightly different than the gain at mid and high
frequencies within the bandwidth of the channel. If the DC gain is relatively higher, the average value of
the displayed waveform will have more gain than the AC (or optical modulation amplitude or OMA) of the
waveform. In the context of ER, the result is an apparent reduction in the ER value.

Figure 1. Effect of DC deviation on extinction ratio

Quantifying this effect is achieved by presenting an extremely high ER signal, on the order of 30 dB, to
the DCA channel. The reference signal has a low modulation rate so that high frequency error
mechanisms, dealt with in another calibration step, are minimized. This process is most important for
the measurement of very high ER signals, greater than 10 dB. If the relative DC gain is just 0.3 dB
(1.07 linear) a signal with 10 dB ER will be observed as a signal with 8.7 dB ER. In the extreme case, a
signal with infinite ER would be observed at 14.6 dB. If left uncorrected, the 0.3 dB offset results in a
14.6 dB measurement limit. That is, the highest ER that can be reported is 14.6 dB. When a DCA
channel has such an offset, it is revealed directly when the 30 dB ER reference signal is applied. Once
known, it is automatically removed from the signal and the displayed waveform is shown without the
offset. Note that when ER is in the 4 to 5 dB range, common for transmitters used in data center
applications, the impact of a DC offset error is very small.

Imperfections in the wide bandwidth frequency response of the DCA channel can also impact the
observed ER. Consider how inter-symbol interference can cause an eye diagram to close. The effective
reduction of the ‘1’ level and increase in the ‘0’ level results in an apparent reduction of the observed ER
as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Impact of frequency response on ER

Quantification of this error mechanism is complex, as it is dependent not only on the DCA channel, but
also on the signal being measured. A unique error must be determined for each DCA reference receiver
filter setting and associated data rate. Assessing the impact of frequency response requires a signal with
known ER operating at the appropriate reference receiver data rate. This is achieved by creating a DCA
channel that has an ideal Bessel-Thomson frequency response. With this, the ER of the reference signal
can be determined, free of any frequency response induced errors. This method is used to generate
known ER reference signals at any data rate. These signals are then used to determine the high-
frequency error mechanisms of the channel. Unlike correcting for DC offsets as discussed above, this
calibration process will also compensate for errors in displaying a correct magnitude of OMA. Not only
does it yield better ER accuracy, but it also improves the absolute measurements of eye amplitude,
including OMA. The updated calibration process will also yield much better agreement across a multiple
channel DCA such as the four-channel N1092D. There should be very little difference between the ER
measured on the same signal, presented at each of the DCA channels.

The variety of test signals, at many different data rates with known ER values, are used to create transfer
standards that are deployed worldwide to Keysight calibration facilities. A DCA channel can be tested at a
primary Keysight metrology center at all relevant conditions with the known ER signals. The DCA channel
can then be transferred to local calibration centers. Test signals generated at the local signal can be
accurately assessed for ER. These signals are then used to determine the unique ER corrections
required for N1092, N1030, and N1032 channels sent into the facility for annual calibrations.

Comparison to legacy ER calibrations

The earliest methods for improving ER measurement accuracy were quite basic. User-performed dark
calibrations could remove dark current offsets. Errors due to frequency response including DC offsets and
OMA inaccuracy, were managed through a simple scalar correction of the reported ER value. The ER
value was measured, and then a correction could be applied to the ER value. Initially typical ‘extinction
ratio correction factors’ (ERCF) were published in application notes and could be manually entered into
the DCA to be applied to ER measurements. Later, some simple ‘known ER’ reference data signals were
created at each reference receiver data rate, through 14 Gb/s, and loaded into the DCA channel memory.
ER accuracy compensation was achieved by simply enabling the ERCF. ER correction was then simply
an adjustment of the reported ER numerical value.

With the advent of 25 Gb/s systems, the first 25 Gb/s reference receivers had no ER compensation
beyond the user dark calibration, as no 25 Gb/s reference signal with a known ER was available.
Eventually Keysight was able to develop its own ER metrology standard at the time of the development of
the N1092 DCA-M. Rather than apply an adjustment to the reported ER value, a new approach was
developed. The displayed waveform of the N1092 was directly offset, eliminating the need for using
ERCF’s. More recent work on the root causes of ER measurement errors revealed that it is important to
consider the interaction of the reference calibration signal with the DCA channel being calibrated. A more
accurate calibration could be achieved using the additional techniques described above.

The updated calibration process is available on all N1092-040 (including N1092-CDR) instruments and all
N1030/32 instruments. N1092-030 instruments were not built with the updated calibration process until
July 2021 (serial number prefix 6124 and higher). N1092-030 Instruments that have the improved
calibration, including those with serial number prefix lower than 6124 that were re-calibrated, will show a
‘C1’ after the serial number. To see the serial number, select “Help/About”.

ER measurements for PAM4 signals
As discussed above, the ER measurement is constructed much differently for the PAM4 signal compared
to the NRZ signal. The PAM4 Outer ER measurement benefits from the user-performed dark calibration.
Measurement errors due to DC offsets and AC frequency response can still occur but have less impact
due to the signal being observed after it has had a significant amount of time to settle to a stable value.
PAM4 ER measurement accuracy is still enhanced through ER calibration. Since the latest calibration
methods directly impact and improve the accuracy of the displayed waveform, ER as well as many other
measurements benefit from the new calibration approach. Almost all PAM4 compliance measurements
are performed using test patterns that allow pattern locking. This in turn allows the use of SIRC (System
Impulse Response Correction), minimizing the impact of DCA channel frequency response.

One of the important differences in the PAM4 ER measurement compared to NRZ is how the
measurement is setup and displayed. With the NRZ signal, ER is measured on the aggregated eye
diagram. With annotation it is easy to see how the measurement is being constructed including what
region of the eye is being measured and what values are generated to compute the ER result.

Figure 3. Construction and annotation of the NRZ ER measurement

The PAM4 ER measurement is constructed from distinct and separate sections of the test pattern and not
the eye diagram. Even if the PAM4 eye diagram is displayed, the DCA will construct the measurement on
the specific symbols required. This is typically the central 2 symbols from seven consecutive 3’s and six
consecutive 0’s. In the absence of those specific symbols, the DCA will find the longest sequences
available and annotate the result with a ‘?’. It is impractical to display the construction of the PAM4 ER
measurement. When measurement annotation is enabled, the ‘3’ and ‘0’ amplitude levels derived from
the appropriate symbols will be displayed, positioned in the center of the PAM4 eye diagram. This should
not be interpreted as the signal levels being derived from the aggregate eye diagram.

Figure 4. Example power levels P0 and P3 from PRBS13Q test pattern (Reference from IEEE 802.3 clause 121)

Procedures for accurate ER measurements
Performing ER measurements is simple. In Eye/Mask mode, a dedicated measurement key is available
for both NRZ (“Extinction Ratio” in the Eye Meas tab) and PAM4 (“Outer Extinction Ratio” in the PAM4

When the measurement is selected, there is an option to display the result in decibels, as a linear ratio, or
as a percentage. Decibels is the most common usage.

The key to highest accuracy is through instrument calibration. Two primary calibrations should be
performed prior to making: Dark calibration and Module calibration.

Dark Calibration Procedure

Go to Tools → Calibration → Dark Level tab:

The calibration status is displayed indicating the possible need for a calibration. If a Dark Calibration is
required, click on the Calibrate button.

You will be instructed to disconnect any signals into the instrument channel. It is important that no light
enter the input port. The instrument will then measure any residual signals within the instrument.

When the Dark Calibration is completed the test signal can be enabled and connected to the instrument port.

Module Calibration
Module calibration improves the amplitude measurement accuracy of the oscilloscope channel. Go to
Tools → Calibration.

If the calibration status is uncalibrated (no green check is observed, click on “Details” for more information)
then click on “Calibrate” button. There is no problem in performing/updating a calibration even if the status is
“calibrated”, as it will reset and extend the time until a calibration will be due. The first step of the calibration
is to disconnect the channel input from any input signal.

The instrument will internally apply known DC signal levels to the channel, observed as flat lines at
several values, and will then compensate for any errors to ensure best amplitude measurement accuracy.

As described above, with the updated calibration process, significant corrections for ER measurement
accuracy are applied in addition to the Dark Calibration and Module Calibration. These are invoked
dependent on the data rate of the signal being observed. The instrument will be aware of the data rate of
the signal being observed using SIRC and/or the use of a DCA channel reference receiver filter.

Reference receiver filtering is set up in the channel menu of the instrument. If the instrument is not
synchronized to the pattern, or Pattern Locked (for example, a PRBS31 signal is being measured), a small
set of hardware settings are available. Choose the one that is closest to the data rate of the test signal.

If the instrument is Pattern Locked, selecting the SIRC function enables a much longer list of available
reference receivers:

With the correct reference receiver selected, the instrument will apply ER corrections unique to the
channel for that specific setting and that signal rate. No other user input is required to enable these

Managing Differences on Old and New
Calibration Methods
Typically, for NRZ signals, systems using the new calibration method will report a slightly lower ER than
systems using the old calibration method. The difference will be very small for low ER values and can be
significant when measuring very high ER values. The following table provides an example of expected
differences for both 25.8 and 26.6 Gb/s signals. The mathematics used to relate old and new systems are
described in the next section with the effective ERCF being -2.2%.

ER measured with new Difference in ER correction ER reported with old Difference in ER values (new
calibration (dB) percentage (new vs. old) calibration (dB) compared to old) in dB
2 -2.2% 2.2 -0.2
4 -2.2% 4.2 -0.2
6 -2.2% 6.4 -0.4
8 -2.2% 8.6 -0.6
10 -2.2% 11.1 -1.1
12 -2.2% 13.9 -1.9
14 -2.2% 17.5 -3.5

For 27.9 and 28.1 Gb/s signals a typical corrections factor difference of -2.5% can be used to estimate
expected differences between new and legacy systems.

For PAM4 signals, there was no legacy calibration available. The new calibration method does provide
correction for PAM4 Outer ER measurements. Since no correction was performed in the legacy systems,
no comparisons or expected differences are provided.

To convert an ER value measured using the older calibration method to the ER value that would be
generated with the new calibration method, use the following conversion:

• Convert the old ER value from dB to %

𝑂𝑙𝑑 𝐸𝑅 𝑑𝐵
Old ER % = 100(10 10 )

• Convert the old ER % value

New ER % = Old ER % + 2.2%

• Convert the new ER % to dB

𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐸𝑅 % −1
New ER dB = 10𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ( )

Aligning with Legacy Test Systems
The new ER corrections yield the most accurate ER measurement available. A new system can be used
as a reference to improve the accuracy of legacy systems.

• Measure the ER of your signal with the new test system

• Measure the same signal with your legacy test system
• Go to Measure → Configure Base Measurements → Extinction Ratio tab

• Adjust the NRZ or PAM4 correction factor until the reported ER value of the legacy system agrees
with the value reported by the system with the updated calibration. If the new system value was
higher than the legacy system value, the ERCF will be positive. If the new system value is lower than
the legacy system value the ERCF will be negative.

A direct mathematical computation can also be used to adjust ERCF values for legacy systems based on
the ER value reported by a system with updated calibration.

• Use the system with the new calibration method to obtain a precision measurement of your reference
o Example: ER measured at 13.0 dB
• Convert ER value to a linear value. There are two methods. One is to have the DCA report the ER
value as a ratio.

• Alternatively, the dB value can be converted to a linear value

o 10ER (dB)/10 = 101.3 = 20
• The linear ER value is then converted to a percentage:
0 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 1
o 100 ( ) = 100 (20) = 5%
1 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙

• The DCA can also be configured to report the percentage value directly.

• Apply the known signal (13 dB or 5% as observed by a system with the updated calibration) to the
legacy system to be updated
• Measure ER with the legacy system. For example, 13.7 dB might be observed

• In this example, the true value of 5%/13 dB ER is measured as something different, such as 4.27 %
or 13.7 dB. From the ER percentage values an ERCF can be computed:
o Error: 4.27% - 5% = -0.7%
o ERCF = -0.7
• The new ERCF is entered into the DCA system (Measure → Configure Measurements) and the
correct value is observed:

• As stated above, when the legacy system reports higher dB values than the updated system, the
ERCF will be negative. When lower dB values are reported the ERCF will be positive.

However, there may be cases where agreement with legacy systems may have a higher priority than
accuracy. Systems with latest ER corrections can be forced to agree with legacy systems using a
modified version of the ERCF process discussed above:

• Measure the ER of your signal with the legacy test system

• Measure the same signal with your new test system
• Go to Measure → Configure Base Measurements → Extinction Ratio tab

• Adjust the NRZ or PAM4 correction factor until the reported ER value of the updated system agrees
with the value reported by the legacy system. If the legacy value was higher than the new system
value, the ERCF will be positive. If the legacy value is lower than the new system value the ERCF
will be negative.

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design, emulation, and test challeng es to create th e best product experien ces. Start
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This information is subj ect to ch ange without no tice. © Keysight T echnologies, 2023,
Published in USA, Augu st 24, 2023, 3123-1644.EN

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