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Mobility window in 4th semester Master of Science – Chemistry

Version 2023-2024

Industrial internships: Prof. Richard Hoogenboom –

Academic internships: Prof. Steven Nolan –

Industrial Internship
Mobility window in 4th semester Master of Science – Chemistry

Version 2023-2024


What is the industrial internship ?

The internship is the final part of the master curriculum and will give the student the opportunity to apply the
learned knowledge to an industrial R&D context. This will allow to develop further practical skills that cannot be
taught in the classroom. The student will experience working in an industrial research environment and to work in
a research and development team, taking into account economic boundaries and economic value of the R&D.

The internship can take place in an industrial setting or a non-academic research institute (VITO, Imec, etc). It can
be in Belgium or abroad. There are no subject constraints other than that the student must write an industrial
internship proposal, including a motivation for the choice of the company and the internship project as well as a
brief description of the assignment, allowing the teaching council to evaluate whether the traineeship has
sufficient level of R&D character for MSc level.

Who deals with the industrial internship ?

Prof. Richard Hoogenboom (main coordinator)
UGent coordinators: Prof. Richard Hoogenboom, Prof. Sandra Van Vlierberghe, Prof. Kristof Van Hecke

What it is not !
The industrial internship does not include internships at academic research institutes. These are completely
separate and handled entirely by Prof. Steven Nolan (note that academic internships cannot take place in

Where to go ?
You can go anywhere for the industrial internship.

How to find a spot ?

The responsibility for finding an internship position lays with the student – take initiative.

Your first question should be: In which field would I like to do an internship? Second, in a small, medium or large

A list with companies and contact persons that are interested to provide placements will be provided after the
infosession, mostly including Belgian companies. If interested to do an internship at those companies, you should
apply by sending a motivation letter and CV to these contact persons. Places will be given on a competitive basis
after interview.
However, you are not limited to the companies on the list and any company or non-academic research institute
that can provide an industrial oriented R&D project on MSc level is acceptable.
Think out of the box! There is no reason not to pursue an internship in a branch of chemistry you never studied
before (chemical plant management and control, medical devices, photonics, additives for plastics, …).

Should there be a relation with the master thesis ?

No! Your internship can go any direction you wish as long as you make sure you master the competences
required by the company or non-academic institution.


Academic Internship
Mobility window in 4th semester Master of Science – Chemistry

Version 2023-2024

What is the academic internship ?

The internship is the final part of the master curriculum and will give the student the opportunity to apply the
learned knowledge to an international research context. This will allow to develop further practical skills that
cannot be taught in the classroom. The student will experience working in an international research environment
and to work in a research and development team.

The internship can take place in an academic setting (university, higher education environment) or a research
institute (Max Planck Institute, CNRS facility, Academy of Sciences, …). It must be abroad! There are no subject
constraints other than that the student must write a motivation for the chosen institute, including a brief
description of the assignment, allowing the teaching council to evaluate whether the traineeship has sufficient
level of academic research character.

Who deals with the academic internship ?

Prof. dr. Steven Nolan (

What it is not !

The academic internship does not include internships in industry. These are completely separate and handled
entirely by Prof. dr. Richard Hoogenboom (even international industrial internships).


Where to go ?

There is only one limit: not in Belgium (as in: Wallonia is not abroad).

How to find a spot ?

Your first question should be: what do I want to do ? So not so much where do I want to go.
Some universities/institutes announce spots for internships/traineeships. Google is your friend!
Local UGent professors may know more; contact any one of them. Beware that it is not compulsory to stick to
the same subject as your master thesis. It is not forbidden either.
Some research groups have established “routine schemes”; again talk to professors.
Military institutes offer internships but require ethical clearance @UGent

Think out of the box! There is no reason not to pursue an internship in a branch of chemistry you never studied
before (food chemistry, chemistry of wine, …).

There is no need for a bilateral agreement between UGent and the host institute, just an individual traineeship

What is the relation with the master thesis ?

None. Your internship can go any direction you wish as long as you make sure you master the competences
required by the host.

Practical Aspects Internship

Mobility window in 4th semester Master of Science – Chemistry

Version 2023-2024


Requirement (studiefiche): Students following this course should have completed 48 ECTs in de master program
and followed the course Masterproef, Research Plan. See:

What does it cost ?

As you will be in contact with the company/institute, this needs to be discussed by you.

Can I make money ?

In some cases a (often minor) remuneration is offered. Beware that this may impact your:
- Home tax status (kindergeld, persoon ten laste bij belastingaangifte ouders, ziekenfonds, …)
- Stipends (studiebeurs als student hoger onderwijs, eigen inkomsten=eigen belastingen)
- Traineeship funding as granted by university
- VISA and permission to live in the country of your host institute

Deadline for Erasmus+ application if going abroad see

The deadline for application is 15/02/2023 (within Europe) or 02/03/2023 (outside Europe) for the internship. Note that
there is some administration required, so the earlier the better.
Second deadline for within Europe 15/11/2023, but only covers travel expenses

Contact Regine Coolen and Anna Kaczmarek for further info on Erasmus program

Roadmap for students

Before the internship:

1. Now/March – September/October: Contact companies/Institutes and apply for internship position by sending a
CV and cover letter to the contact person. Note that you can apply to the companies that are included in the list
with companies that will be provided, but you can also apply at other companies.

2. April – November: Application procedure at companies. Note: Contact the Industrial internship coordinator (Prof.
Hoogenboom) if you have problems finding a position up to September. For academic internships: start ASAP

3. November/December (or earlier if possible): After finding an internship position, you have to prepare a
motivation for the choice of the company/institute and the internship project. A brief non-confidential description
of the project should also be included. See template ‘Template internship proposal’ (see documents on Ufora).

4. November/December: Arrange the administrative details for the internship at (only in Dutch)

5. 1-2 Months after submission: Approval of the motivation & project by the team of industrial internship
coordinators (OC) and assignment of UGent promotor in R&D field (cannot be the promotor of the master


Roadmap for students

Roadmap for students

1. The evaluation will be performed by the internship committee, consisting of:
- Industrial supervisor or foreign academic supervisor
- UGent industrial/academic internship coordinator
- UGent promotor (expert in the area of the traineeship, cannot be the same promotor as for the
master thesis)

2. Evaluation consists of three aspects:

- Continuous evaluation of student during the internship (30%; industrial supervisor)
- Half-way report, presentation and discussion (30%; internship committee)
- Final report, presentation and discussion (40%; internship committee)


Roadmap for students

During the internship:
- The first week (mandatory) will be dedicated to classes and workshops to prepare the student for the external
industrial context, covering various aspects and skills needed to function in an industrial environment, such as
project management, intellectual property, scale-up, spin-off company and industrial chemistry.

- Write an interim report, including description of the company and department, and an introduction with the
broader context and goal of the internship (both research/development goal as well as potential economic
impact (See document guidelines internship report) – Deadline: end of week 5 semester 4 – (end of March,

- Halfway evaluation, incl presentation of the student and discussion (online or on site) – Week 5-6 semester 4

After the internship:

- Submit final report, which is a combination of the updated interim report including results and discussion
section as well as conclusions (See document guidelines report) – Deadline end of week 14 semester 4, June,

- Submit self-evaluation (See document self-evaluation; will be provided later) – Deadline end week 14
Oral presentation and discussion (online or at UGent) – Week 15-16

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