The 60 Most Common Phrasal Verbs

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Common phrasal verbs.

1: GO ON = happen 17. MAKE UP = be the parts that form something (often used in the
What's going on? passive with 'of')
There's a class going on at the moment. Women make up 46% of the employees here.
What went on last night? This class is made up entirely of boys.
2: PICK UP = get something or someone from a place. People who speak English make up a quarter of the world's population.
I picked up my brother from the airport. 18. END UP = finally do or be something, especially when you
Please pick up some bread. don't expect it
Would you come and pick me up from work tonight? We ended up going back home because it was raining so hard.
3: COME BACK = return to a place (the speaker is in that place) They ended up passing the last exam, even though they failed all the
She came back around 10pm last night. other exams.
When will you come back from France? Be careful! You'll end up without a job if you are rude to your boss.
Please come back! It's boring here without you. 19. GET BACK = arrive somewhere again, especially your home
4: COME UP WITH = produce an idea (+ to + place)
Julie came up with a great idea. She got back to Paris last night.
He came up with an answer to the question very quickly. What time did you get back yesterday?
Can you come up with a better solution? We got back very late because the train was delayed.
5: GO BACK = return to a place (the speaker isn't in that place) 20. LOOK UP = raise your eyes
He finished his work and went back to his flat. She looked up from her computer and asked a question.
When is she planning to go back to Japan? I called his name, but he didn't look up.
I'll go back to the library later. John looked up from his book when Julie came in.
6: FIND OUT = get information 21. FIGURE OUT = think about until you understand / plan (more
Can you find out what time the restaurant opens? common in USA)
I found out that we need to submit our essays next Tuesday. Let's figure out how we can get to London very early in the morning.
I don't know what the weather forecast is for tomorrow, I'll find out. She couldn't figure out why he had left.
7: COME OUT = appear from a place He finally figured out that the cat must have broken the plate.
She came out of the kitchen. 22. SIT DOWN = change from standing to sitting
He went to the cafe and came out with a coffee. Do please sit down.
Please come out of the bedroom. She sat down and took out her book.
8: GO OUT = go to an event / restaurant / pub / party The children sat down in rows and crossed their legs.
Let's go out for dinner. 23. GET UP = change from lying or sitting to standing (more casual
You're going out a lot these days. than 'stand up')
We should go out more. She got up when we arrived (= she was sitting and she stood up).
9: POINT OUT = show / mention I don't want to get up. It's so comfortable sitting here.
She pointed out the beautiful paintings on the walls. What are you doing on the floor? Get up!
Please point out to the students that they must attend all the lectures. 24. TAKE OUT = remove from a container (+ of before a noun)
'We'll miss the bus if we don't hurry', he pointed out. She took the letter out of the envelope.
10: GROW UP = become an adult Take the sweets out of the box and put them under the Christmas tree.
I grew up in Scotland. He took his clothes out of the suitcase and put them in the wardrobe.
My children are growing up too fast! 25. COME ON = we say this to encourage someone to go faster or try harder
When will he grow up? Come on! You're going to be left behind.
11: SET UP = create / arrange Come on, don't worry. It's all going to be fine.
I need to set up a new bank account. She kept telling me to come on, but I was already going as fast as I could.
She's decided to set up her own company. 26. GO DOWN = move to a lower place (+ to + place)
I set up some language classes at the school. She started to go down the stairs.
12: TURN OUT = in the end we discover We went down to the café and bought some coffee.
The maid turned out to have stolen the money. Let's go down to the cellar and see if we can find those books.
He turned out to be a friend of Alex's. 27. SHOW UP = arrive at or come to an event / meeting (especially if there's
The party turned out to be a big success. something surprising)
13: GET OUT = leave a room / building / car. We all went to the party, but Lucy didn't show up.
I need to get out of the house! He showed up at the meeting two hours late. Julie was very angry.
She got out of the car and went into the shop. I wonder if John's going to show up today. He didn't come last time.
Get out! There's a fire in the kitchen! 28. TAKE OFF = remove clothes or jewelry
14: COME IN / INTO = enter (the speaker is in that place) I took off my coat because it was very hot.
Please come in! It's great to see you. She always takes off all her rings before she goes to bed.
She came into the living room and sat down. Don't come in! Is it okay to take off my shoes?
I'm not ready yet! 29. WORK OUT = think about until you understand / plan (common in UK)
15: TAKE ON = to be responsible for We need to work out how to get to the wedding.
He's going to take on the new project. She couldn't work out how the bird had got into the living room.
She isn't taking on any new students at the moment. I don't know why the car won't start but I'll work it out.
Could you take on some extra work? 30. STAND UP = change from lying or sitting to standing (less casual
16. GIVE UP = stop having or doing than 'get up')
She has finally given up smoking. Please stand up when the queen comes in.
I had to give up coffee when I was ill. She finished her coffee, stood up, and left the restaurant.
He gave up chocolate for a month. He stood up to let an old man have his seat.
31. COME DOWN (FROM) = move from a high place to a lower place 46. LOOK OUT = look at something outside or far away
She came down slowly from the roof. She looked out at the sea.
Do come down! You’re going to fall! He walked to the window and looked out at the garden.
They came down from the tower. Let's go up the tower and look out over the whole town.
32. GO AHEAD = to begin to do something 47. BRING IN = bring something to a place (often a workplace)
I asked the manager, she says to go ahead and start the meeting. I brought in some cakes for us as a treat.
Go ahead! You don’t need to wait for us! Please bring in your books tomorrow.
I’m going to go ahead and book the holiday. I think I left my umbrella at your flat. Could you bring it in tomorrow?
33. GO UP = increase (in price or temperature, etc.) 48. OPEN UP = make something be available
House prices have gone up a lot in the last few months. Learning English opened up many new job opportunities for him.
Beginning of our trip was really cold but then the temperature went up. Now I've got an Italian passport, the whole of Europe has opened up. I
I can’t believe how much the prices have gone this year. can travel anywhere.
34. LOOK BACK (ON) = think about something in the past She learned German and the work of Goethe opened up to her.
When I look back on my childhood, I realize how different the 49. CHECK OUT = look at, especially to find new information
world is now. Please check out my Facebook page.
She spent time looking back on the race and thinking about ways to You should check out John Smith's book. It's really good.
improve for next time. The next time you're in London, check out the Science Museum.
When I look back on those days, I can’t believe how young and foolish 50. MOVE ON = start talking about or doing something new
we were. After they had talked about the report, they moved on to the next topic.
35. WAKE UP = change from sleeping to being awake. Please let's stop talking about this! Let's move on. (At the gym).
What time do you usually wake up? We've done this exercise enough. Let's move on to the next one.
She woke me up at 5am! 51. PUT OUT = publish or tell the public about.
Could you wake up the children, please? The school put out a call for donations.
36. CARRY OUT = do and finish a task or activity The hospital put out leaflets telling people about the flu.
She carried out an experiment on the cells in her laboratory. The government put out a book explaining how to do your taxes.
Please carry out the survey as soon as you can. 52. LOOK AROUND = look at where you are or walk around it to
The work was carried out by a local builder. see what is there
37. TAKE OVER = take control of Let's have a look around the shopping Centre.
I don’t want to invite Mark! He always takes over the conversation. She looked around the office.
When the boss resigned, Julie took over the company. We were in Lisbon for a day but we managed to look around the city.
The rebels took over the Parliament. 53. CATCH UP (be or get caught up) = be involved in something,
38. HOLD UP = hold something high up so people can see it often something you don't want to be
She held up her hand. Sorry I'm late. I got caught up at work.
He held up the bag and asked if anyone would like a closer look. She was caught up in the strike at the airport.
Please hold this up for a moment. Let's leave - they're asking for volunteers and I don't want to be caught up!
39. PULL OUT (OF) = take something out of a container 54. GO IN = enter (becomes 'into' with 'to')
She pulled her purse out of her pocket. She went into the house and shut the door.
He reached into the drawer and pulled out a notebook and pen. Let's go in here.
She grabbed her bag and pulled out a bottle of water. John went into the café.
40. TURN AROUND / TURN ROUND = move so you face the other 55. BREAK DOWN = stop working
direction Unfortunately, her car broke down on the way to the school.
He turned around and looked out the window. My washing machine has broken down - can I wash my clothes at your
We walked along the beach, then turned around and walked back. house?
Turn around and don’t look! I’ve got a surprise for you! The truck broke down and blocked the whole road.
41. TAKE UP = use a certain amount of space or time. 56. GET OFF = leave a train / bus / plane
The table takes up most of the kitchen! I need to get off the bus near the hospital.
This work will take up the whole weekend. She got off the plane and took a taxi to the party.
The children take up most of my time. We got off at the wrong station!
42. LOOK DOWN = move your eyes down. 57. KEEP UP = move at the same speed as
She was very shy and she looked down when she met anyone new. Wages haven't kept up with rent prices.
I looked down to see a puppy at my feet. Do keep up! Why are you walking so slowly?
He opened the window and looked down. She talks so fast that I can't keep up.
43. PUT UP = fix something where it will be seen 58. PUT DOWN = place something on a table or the floor or similar
She put up lots of pictures in her new flat. I came into my room and put down my bag on the floor.
Please put up this notice. She put her glass down on the table.
The children put their drawings up on the wall. Please put down that box! It's too heavy for one person to carry.
44. BRING BACK = make something return. 59. REACH OUT = stretch your arm to get something.
She brought the conversation back to the weekend. She reached out for the book on the floor.
He wants to bring back traditional schools. He reached out and picked an apple from the tree.
We had stopped having weekly meetings, the new boss brought them The baby reached out for the toy.
back. 60. GO OFF = go somewhere to do something.
45. BRING UP = start to talk about Julie went off to the gym.
I wasn’t going to mention it, but Julie brought up the plans for the holidays. Where's Lucy? She's gone off to work.
I want to talk to my boss about my pay, I don’t know how to bring it up. She went off to buy a skirt.
After we sat down, she brought up the problems that she’d been having
at work.

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