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● Hello, how are you?

● Welcome to celebrity diary

● Today we will be talking with Vilma Nuñes

● Let's welcome vilma Nuñes. She is one of the most recognized businesswomen and

Digital Marketing consultants in our region.

● Good afternoon people.

● Hello Vilma,how are you?

● Fine.

● Ok,now let's start


1. You started your career at a young age, didn’t you?

➢ Yes, that's right, I started my professional career at 17 years old.

2. You are a famous businesswoman, are you?

➢ Yes, my career has been forged over the years

3. You’ve been involved in digital marketing for a number of years, haven’t you?

➢ Yes, I have been working in communication, marketing and advertising for

more than 14 years.

4. You’ve seen quite a change in the industry with the rise of social media, haven’t you?

➢ Yes, in fact I released a book called "la brújula de los negocios digitales"

5. Your campaigns have had a significant impact on your clients’ growth, haven’t they?

➢ Yes, thanks to the campaigns I have been partly recognized by people who

are now my clients.

6. Your specialty is the design of products and offers, don't you?

➢ yes, study for it

7. Your work has received significant recognition, hasn’t it?

➢ Yes, in 2013 I won the "Bitácoras" award for the best public blog

8. You started working as an Italian teacher, didn't you?

➢ Yes, my first job was teaching Italian to children when I was still in school.

9. You’be written several books on digital marketing, haven't you?

➢ Yes, one of them, as I already said, is "la brújula de los negocios digitales"

10. You've worked with the largest company in the sector, haven’t you?

➢ Yes, I have worked in a bank in the Internal Communication department

11. You are known for your restless mind, aren’t you?

➢ Yes, I have always had a restless mind.

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