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GAT – B - 1

Compare between first value of …………………………………. second value ) )


2 A man moved to his work from his house at , a speed 2 km / h and at the same time a car moved from
work to the house of the man a speed of 20 km / hour . If they met after 30 minutes. What is the distance
between the man's house and his work ?
9 km 8 km 11 km 10 km

3 If
81 27 64 125

4 The Age of Mohammed equals five times the age of Walled , the age of Khalid equals half-the age of
Compare ( Walids age) .............................with(Khalid's age)

14 4 3 6

Find the value of
10 100 5 125

7 If you know the perimeter of square = circumference of a circle.

Then compare between the (area of the circle) ....................... and the (area of the square)

8 If the area of a circles is 4 Find the area of shaded part.

0.25  4  2

9 The total of two numbers is 3 and the total of their squares is 65 , how much is the bigger number?
7 4 -4 -7

10 We want to pack gift in the form of a parallelogram its dimensions are 10 cm 0.15 cm 0.20 cm. What is the
area of needed for that ?
800 cm2 1000 cm2 1300 cm2 1400 cm2

A.K ‫ذاكر واستمتع‬ 0554520671

11 If the diameter of a circle is 10 .
Find the value of X .

3 4 2 2.5



13 If the first class starts at eight in the morning and there are two breaks each is 15 minutes and the sixth
class end at one o'clock p . m. What time of each class?
55 m 50 m 40 m 45 m

14 if the area of the triangle is 8 cm2 . what is the area of the circle?

16  8 4 12 

1 0 2 5


5 3 1 2

17 The Length of A B = 24 cm
and all shapes are boxes
. Find the perimeter shape.

72 96 48 120

18 Khaled a tended four tests ( subjects ) . the total mean was 25 grades and after he attended the fifth subject
his mean was 28 grades . how many grades did he get in the fifth subject ?
40 35 30 24

19 A Car priced at least 20% each year. Bought by a man after three years of age at $ 32,000 riyals. What was
its original price?
56000 SR 62500 SR 60000 SR 72000 SR

20 Find the perimeter shape.

18 16 14 17

A.K ‫ذاكر واستمتع‬ 0554520671

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