Entrepreneurial 02 Activity 2

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In your opinion, how does value creation affect entrepreneurship?

Value creation helps a lot in the field of entrepreneurship. People and entrepreneurs may benefit from it.
Making creative ideas to solve problems and improve the quality of life for people. The value of your
product must have a quality and benefit that can make your business great. Entrepreneurship is affected
by value creation because it helps businesses make profits from what they create and what customers
have wanted or need to be met. The strategy helps the business to establish long-term relationships with
its customers and gives a distinct meaning to the brand and the solution. Value creation is very
important to entrepreneurship. You will not be able to gain customers to make money if your product or
service does not provide any value to them. To be a successful entrepreneur, you must be able to provide
a quality product that people are willing to pay money for. You must also be able to beat out any
competitors as well. You must convince clients that your product is better than the competition's or that
you will offer benefits that will encourage them to choose yours over theirs. Value Proposition is a part of
a business strategy based on the idea that long-term value development comes from satisfying
consumers. A value proposition is a claim that details the unique, quantifiable, and demonstrable
advantages buyers receive from purchasing a specific good or service. The most successful businesses in
the world today are aware of the interdependence between the interests of these three groups of
people and the fact that the goal of any company venture is to produce value for consumers, investors,
and employees. Therefore, economic value should not be offered to one group, leaving the others
behind, but should be created for all.

Will you aspire to have a business that creates value for society or a company that makes value for the
shareholders? Why?

I would like to create a company that creates value for society. Entrepreneurs create value for short they
are heroes. Helping society to make all things easier is important. I hope to become an entrepreneur
with a good idea that I have learned from this lesson someday. Consider the fact that there are so many
people who are so proud of you for creating products that have changed their lives. That makes me
proud of myself. I believe that by understanding the impact of business on society, developing informed
decisions, and continuously monitoring our progress, we can contribute to a better life for employees,
customers, and society in general. No matter what the business is, even the destructive ones, provide
value to the consumer, who is a constituent of society; therefore, all businesses are value ladders. I, like
everyone else aspiring to own a business, would like to start one that has a positive impact on society.
One would rather note that we should aspire to create businesses that would create positive value for
our society.

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