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January 25.


Dear Parents/Guardian

Greetings of Peace!

Student were sent to school to gain the theories and basic knowledge about their chosen course.
The Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management and Bachelor of Science in Hospitality
Management students will soon face the reality of their industry. The academic knowledge really
helps the students to apply what they learned but still not enough for them to face the different
challenges of their field. To prepare them trainings, seminars and activities would help them to
foster awareness of the team’s spirit and reinforce teams’ shared goals and objectives. This will
result to strong foundation of interpersonal relationship with their future clients.
With this, you are:
allowing your child to join the exposure trip with tour guiding experience since it will help
them to build their objectivity and belongingness to the field that they have chosen.
not allowing your child to join the exposure trip with tour guiding experience since it will
help them to build their objectivity and belongingness to the field that they have chosen.

This can help the students to gain the industry knowledge and skills that they need to succeed in
the hospitality industry. You are expecting that all the necessary precautions will be applied to
ensure the safety and security of the participants. However, you are also aware that the school
will not held be liable in any untoward situations.

The proposed exposure trip experience will be in April 2023. There will be a certain fee to be
collected for the payment of the tour. Rest assured that the school complied with all the
documents required by CHED. Final Itinerary of the Tour will be announced once all reply slip is
received. This is a voluntary exposure trip and not compulsory.

I hereby allow my son/daughter to join the course

exposure. I also hereby release STI College Tanauan on any liability for untoward incident and

Signature over printed name of Parent Guardian Contact Number Section

Signature over printed name of student Contact Number

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