BLDG Ser Elect BSC

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Essence of IEE Regulation: is a guide to electrical wiring installation, it in used to design current carrying
capacity of cable sizing. It follows that when a conductor carries current I. the power loss in the cable is
P= I2R. Where P is Power loss, I is the Current and R is the resistance. This loss is used in heating the
cable causing the temperature to rise. If the cable is overheated, the temperature may rise sufficiently
to destroy the insulation. Then, the IEE Regulations fixed arbitrary values of current to be carried by
cables which gives a safe temperature rise under normal conditions. IEE table shows the cable sizes, the
rated currents and the voltage drop in millivolt (MV) per Ampere.

Electrical installation safety rules/ precautions are:

First rules in electrical safety is to always disconnect whatever you are working on. i.e. unplugging an
appliance that requires repairs or turning off a circuit breaker.

 Always turn off the power

 Prevent any possible Feedback
 Verify absence of voltage ground and short-circuit,

 Prevent electrical from contacting wet areas

 Ensure safe use when unplugging
 Wear safety gear
 Understand your switchboard
 Install warning signs
 Install properly and tidy electrical cords(maintain a clean workspace
 Follow the code and learn how to act in emergency.

Transmission of Electric Power and Distribution

FROM GRID TO THE CONSUMERS write a short note on

The grid system is an extensive with interconnected transmission network. It supply a whole country
and control by the power holding Authority. The grid network is supplied from a number of large and
small efficient power station stations strategically placed where fuel and water are available.

The basic network are 132KV but increasing the downward to supply bulk power distance and this
brought about the introduction of the Super Grid. This consist of transmitting line voltage of 275KVand
400Kv (Kilovolts). This is achieved by very small power station located near the consumer by having large
power station with a transmission system known as Grid to connect them to main distribution points,
larger stations are more economical than smaller ones. The interconnecting transmission system mean
that each station can rely on the other during maintenance period. Thus the amount of step plants is
kept to a minimum.

In summary, the electricity produced in the station winding of the generator is about 32 kilovolts. It
passes through a transformer which step up to 132Kv, 275 or 400Kv
Electricity supplies for distribution through the material supply are high voltages. These voltages are
step down to another station transformer e. g. 11Kv or 10Kv.

Even at this reduce rate the supply are two large for most buildings. Local transformers further reduces
the required to 415/240V suppliers, which have three phases, i.e live conductors and neutral and the
voltage supply between two line supply.

Neutral live connecting a live wire=240v, live line connecting 415v while live and neutral 240v.

Single Phase is most common for residential use, one live and one neutral 240v potential between them.

For larger consumers and industrial 3 phase supplies are required. The bulk of electricity generated is
alternative current. This means that the current flows in direction is constantly reversed at the rate of 50
times/seconds. The larger installations circuits’ breakers provide the function of a fuse have the
advantage that they can be repaired without the replacement of any parts. With a 3 phase suppliers the
circuit breakers will be fitted to each phase.

Grid system of electricity; the breakdown from distribution to the consumers: the electrical system
consists of three major components: generation, a high voltage transmission grid, and a distribution

Instruments used to test electrical installation: electrical test and measurement equipment, cable
location and fault detection, digital multimeters, electrical installation, leakage current, loop impedance
meters, phasing sticks, portable appliance testers, power instruments resistance instruments solar PV
test equipment, and transformer test equipment.
The background of electricity generation/distribution from Grid to the Consumer.

large generating station 25Kv

step up transformer 25/275Kv or 25/400Kv

275 or 400 Kv super grid step down transformer

275/132Kv or 400/132Kv

132Kv grid transmission line


33Kv Secondary transmission step down h.v.

sub-stations ( heavy industry)

11Kv h. v transmission load distribution

(light industry)

Telecommunication network

Telecommunications are the means of electronic transmission of information over distances. E.g.
information from voice telephone calls, data, text, images, or video. Telecommunication are used to
organize more or less remote computer systems.

Telecommunication to a layman understanding is radio, television (broadcasting) infrastructure

network, connections /links/email.

Telecommunication devices are: cell phone, computer networks, inter net, data enabled lot sensor,
transmission devices, radio, base station.
Telecommunication can be defined as transfer of data/ information through a distance in the form of
electromagnetic signals to one other receptive end. While networking refers to the process of
interconnecting devices to the main system mainly known as server.

3 types of network: LAN(Local Area Network), MAN(Metropolitan Area Network) WAN(Wide Area

Types of telecommunication

 Voice communication: involves the transmission of spoken words, such as through telephone
calls or radio broadcasts
 Data communication: it involves the transmission of digital data, such as text. Images, and video.

The setup a telecommunication company involves the followings:

 Choose the type of telecommunication you want to start.

 Create a professional business plan to get you started and lead you to the part of
 Decide on the business name
 and register your business.

Three most important components:: transmission systems, switching systems and network management
systems. These components work together to ensure that communication signals are transmitted and
delivered efficiently and securely.

Types of Cables, factors affecting successful design, electrical distribution using socket and switches
cable sizing.

Types of Cables: several types of cable exist, this include 7 Strands, Armou red, 2Cord tough, Rubber
sheet Cable.

In 7 Strands Cable; it consist of two layers which include the mechanical protection which protect the
cable from mechanical damage through abrasion and wear.

Volcanized Rubber Insulation: this insulate the cable or help to confine the current in the cable i. e
preventing excessive loss of current.

Conductor: the conductor is mostly copper wire which is cable to transfer current from one point to
another at the shorted possible time. Other forms of cable incorporate the above mentioned.

Factors Affecting Successful Design

Every electrical system must provide light and power without hazards to life and property and with
sufficient extra capacity to meet anticipated load growth with ready adaptation to load modifications
and necessary accessibility in distribution arrangement.

Factor affecting successful design are

 Safety: is achieved when electrical design system meet the requirements in the IEE regulation.
This is essential as to effectively minimize wiring accident. The code is concern with practical
safety and protection of person in the buildings e.t.c. from electrical design.
 Capacity of Present Plus: electrical system should have sufficient capacity to serve the load for
which it is designed and extra to meet anticipated load growth in the future. To achieve this,
conductors must be adequately charged and must have immediate capacity on adequate rating.
 Flexibility: the design must have the require flexibility in distribution and circulation layout and
type of equipment that can accommodate change and other utilization and devices.
 Accessibility: the sign of the system must provide ease of access to maintenance and repair for
equipment and possible extension, modification or alteration in the system.
 Reliability: there should be continually of electrical supply and overall reliability of wiring system
is very important. In order to achieve this in most building such as industries etc with essential
equipment, electrical powered stabilized power plant must be used for absolute liability.

In order to meet the IEE regulation and to achieve successful design, conductors must be
liberally sized. The step in sizing cable are:
 Obtaining the local current
 Establish the rating factor- this is got by dividing the current load by a correction factor which
depends on the temperature capacity of the cable. This is serve as modification factors.
 Establish voltage drop per ampere per meter run.
 Obtaining the total voltage drop by multiplying the voltage drop in (3) by load current in which
the cable is to carry and the distance in which the appliance is to be kept the main supply to
main board.

The cable sizing installation standard from IEE60364-5-52; low voltage electrical installations selection
and erection of electrical equipment Voltage drop calculator for low voltage electrical installations
selection and erecting- wiring systems are based on 230vand415voltage drop. In both BS and IEC
calculation is based on a power factor of 0.8


A water heater is rated at 3kilowatt, 240 volt. It is fed a butane rubber insulated core cable includes
in a conduit. The cable operate at ambient temperature 50 degree or 65 degree and provided with
close excess current protection. The distance between the heater position and 240volts supplier is
28m. Choose a suitable cable to satisfy a volts surplus voltage drop requirement and current.

You can calculate the voltage drop in cables using the practical formula. Voltage drop is 2xcurrentx
cable resistance / cable cross sectional area. This formula assumes that the current is uniformly
distributed along. It is operating at its maximum current rating it is important to note that voltage
drop is usually expressed as a percentage of total voltage

For example if you have a cable that is100meters long naps, a resistance of 0.01 Ohms per meter
and carrying a current of10amps voltage drop would be VD=2x10x100x0.01/1=2volts as a % of total
voltage drop it would be Voltage drop (%) =2/100x100=2% it is also important to note that the
voltage drop should be computed for the actual current and not for current at the maximum load.
1) Maximum permissible drop= 2.5/100 x240 =6 V
2) Obtaining the load current
Power= current x voltage

Current= power/voltage

Power= 3kw=3000w

Current = 3000/240=12.5 amperes

3) Rating Factor
Temperature= 50 0 C
Correction Factor=0.57
Rating factor= 12.5/0.57=21.93A
4) Check for voltage drop from the table : Voltage drop/ Ampere/M run= 11.0mV
5) Total voltage drop/ampere/M run =11/1000x12.5x28=3.8V
6) Check for Voltage drop :

Permissible or allowable voltage drop= 2.5% of total voltage supplier

Voltage supplier=240V

Therefore Voltage drop= 2.5% of 240= 6V

Conclusion: voltage drop 3.8<6V

Therefore voltage drop is satisfactory

Hence the cable sizing with a cross-sectional area of 4MM 2 is adopted to give a total voltage
drop of 3.8V

A 220v, 1 kilowatt heater is fed from a 240v from the main. The heater is kept 25m away from the
supplier. The water heater uses a single core cable rubber insulation and copper conductor clip directly
on the wall. The cable is also consist two cables single phase AC and DC with ambient temperature of 52 0
C. find a suitable conductor cross sectional area that would be able to carry the load current with
minimum voltage drop.

Power= Current x Voltage

Current = P/ Voltage

Power= 1Kilowatt= 1000watt

Voltage drop= 220V

Current= 1000/220=4.55 Amperes

Rating Factor
Ambient Temperature 500 C 520C 550c

Correction factor 0.82 x 0.76

55-50/0.76-0.82 = 52-50/x -0.82

5/-0.06= 2/ x-0.82

5x-4.1 = -0.12

5x= -0.12 +4.1

X= 3.98/5 =0.796


Rating Factor= Current/ correction factor= 4.55/0.8 = 5.6875

Approximately 5.69 Ampere

Voltage drop per Ampere per meter run= 54MV check from the table

Total Voltage drop/ Ampere/ M run =54/1000 X 4.55 X25

= 6.1 V

Total Voltage drop=Approximately 6 V.

Maximum permissible Voltage drop = 2.5% of total Voltage supplier

2.5/100 X220 =5.5 V, thus not satisfactory.

Voltage drop 6V> 5.5

Going for higher current of 24A which have voltage drop of 34MV

Total Voltage drop/Ampere/Meter run = 34/1000 X34.55

=3.87V =3.9V

Voltage drop 3.87V < 5.5Vis very satisfactory.

Therefore adopt 1.5mm2 cross sectional area cable size which produced 3.9V drop using rubber
insulated and copper conductor at ambient temp of 52 0C.

A water heater is rated at 3 Kilowatt, 240volt. It is fed a butane rubber insulated core cable includes in a
conduit. The cable operate at ambient temperature of 50 0 C and provided with close access current
protection. The distance between the heater position and 240Volts suppliers is 28m. Choose a suitable
cable to satisfy a voltage drop requirement and current.

1) Maximum Permissible Drop = 2.5% X240

2) Obtaining the load current:
Power =Current X Voltage
Current = power/voltage
Power = 23Kw =3000watt
Therefore Current =3000/240 =12.5 Amperes
3) Rating Factor

Temperature = 500C

Correction factor = 0.57

Rating Factor= 12.5/0.57 =21.93A
4) Voltage drop/ampere/ m run =11.0 V
5) Total Voltage drop/ ampere/m run= 11/1000 X12.5X28 =3.8V
6) Check for Voltage drop
Permissible or allowable voltage drop =2.5% of total Voltage Supplier
Voltage supplier =240V
Permissible voltage drop= 2.5/100X 2450= 6V


Voltage drop3.8V< 6V

Therefore voltage drop is satisfactory. Hence the cable size with a cross sectional area of 4mm 2 is
adopted to give a total voltage drop of 3.8V.

A 7 kilowatt, 240 volts electrical cooker is fed from top 240volts single phase AC supply positioned 38m
away. Find a suitable size of cable to satisfy the load current and the voltage drop requirement. The
cable is includes in a conduit at the ambient temperature of 42 0C.


Current P/v =7000/240= 29.2 Amperes

Rating Factor:

Temperature =420C, correction Factor= X= 0.87

Ambient Temperature 400C 420C 450C

Correction factor 0.87 X 0.79

45-40/0.79-0.87 =42-40/ X-0.87

5/-0.08 =2/X-0.87

5X-4.35 =-0.16

5X= -0.16+ 4.35

X=0.838 =0.84

Temperature 420C

Correction Factor= 29.2/0.84=34.76A

Voltage drop per Ampere/m run =77.1mmv

Total voltage drop/ampere/m run =7.1/1000 X29.2 X 38 =7.90V

Check for voltage drop

Permissible voltage drop = 2.5% of total voltage supplier

Voltage Supplier+240V

Permissible Voltage drop =2.5/1000 X 240 =6V

Voltage drop 7. 90V > 6V This Voltage drop is not satisfactory. Hence the cable size with a cross
sectional voltage of 6 mm2should not be adopted to give a total voltage drop of 7. 90V

Going for the higher current of 55Amps which have a voltage drop / Amps/m run of 4.2mV = 4.2/1000
X29.2 X38 =4.7V

Voltage drop 4.7V< 6V therefore adopt 10mm 2 cross sectional area cable which will produce 4.7V
voltage drop P.V.C. Sheathed and P.V.C. insulator at the ambient temperature of 42 0C.


Sources of energy are: Coal Fired Stations, Nuclear Fired Stations, and Gas Fired Stations (LNG Liquidities
Natural Gas & EGBIN in Lagos has turbine gas, NASCO in Jos are using natural gas) and Hydro Power
Station. (National Grid, other like SIRORO is still supplying National Grid

Hydropower plant form Kanji Dam

Transfer of electricity from the generating plant to consumer section. Electricity which is about
11kilovolts and 33 kilovolts are sometime generated from a generated plant in the power stations. There
are transformers to carry current over a long distant to most long station. It could go on to
225kilovolts/400kilovolts, 750kilovolts, 132 kilovolts etc. this mean by increasing the voltage current is
decreased to give the power and hence the cable is decrease in size. Sometime, on getting to the smaller
station where higher voltage such as 132kilovolts is coming, the power is stepped down to 11kilovolts to
industrial area and can be further step down to 415 volts/240 volts as required.


Basic electrical fittings control are:

Switches, sockets, fuses, adaptor, starter, conduit box, change over & connection box

ONE WAY SWITCH: is a single switch that is able to off or on a particular light. It can be used to control
more than one lamp in electrical system.
Connection of one way switch: The principle behind the operation of one-way switch is seen clearly in
the connection procedure of the switch to Ceiling Rose. To achieve such connection effectively a live
wire of a red type or wire is connected from the live to the switch and the wire is extended to the
position where the lamp wire could be tied together in the ceiling rose as illustrated below.

A two-way Switch control lightening, one of the switches can be used to off or on the lamp. In this case
one switch is either use to on of off the lamp. This type of switch is most suitable in a complicated space
where movement is restricted such as the staircase etc.

The switch is so arrange in connection so that it can be used effectively in control of lightening.

Principle: the red wire is first connected to the live and this is passed through one of the switches to
another switch in parallel. Then the wire is extended to the ceiling rose where a flex wire from the lamp
is connect together and the other part of flex extended to the neutral in the ceiling rose.

Read your vedio and draw your own diagram


This is an aspect of the behavior of light which include reflection of light absorption and
transmission of light.

The followings are factors that affect the ability to see clearly: Brightness, Diffuseness (Combine
specular/ diffuse reflection), Glare and Colour.

a) Light Transmission: include specular reflection. In specular reflection 100% incident of light
reflect only 10% or 20% is absorbed by the Opaque material specular reflection occurs on a
polish surface.
b) Diffuse reflection: this occurs on a rough opaque surface material. In case 100% incidence of
light diffuse only 80%.
c) Combine specular/ diffuse reflection: in this case 100% incident of light causes source diffusion
and partly specular reflection. So diffuse transmission shows incident light and transmitted
through a medium. There are two types: non diffused and semi diffused transmission

Photometer is an instrument used to compare illuminant of a given lamp when the illumination of a
standard lamp is known. The configuration consist of a screen and a square table.

to determine the luminous intensity of unknown lamp, the process involve keeping the standard lamp in
which it illumination is known fixed, while the lamp in which it illumination is not known is moved, until
the luminous intensity can matched on the screen. This occurs when the brightness of the two lamps
become the same. In that case the illumination of unknown lamp can be calculated. It can be
represented mathematically as I1/ (d1)2=I2/(d2)2, when I2 is known,I2 X (d1)2/(d2)2

Where I1= luminous intensity of unknown lamp

I2= luminous intensity of the standard

d1 = distant of the unknown lamp to the screen

d2= distant of the standard lamp to the screen


Find the illumination of a vertical wall from a point source 12.2m above ground level, 9.15 from the wall.
Luminous intensity of light is 15000 Candala.

E= I/d2 =15000/ √ 12.22+ 9.152)2=1500/15.252

Glare: this occurs whenever one part of any interior is much brighter than the general brightness of
interior. Glare can have two side effects: it can impair vision in which case called Disability Glare also can
cause discomfort called Discomfort Glare

Luminous intensity: this is the luminous flux emitted within a unit solid angle. It is measurable candela
( cd). It is sometimes expressed mathematically as I = F/W where I is luminous intensity, F is luminous
flux, W is equal to 4 π (4 π ), from a sphere area is 4πr 2 and is equal to total solid angle.

Luminance: is the luminous intensity per area. It s a measure of how bright a source appear when
projected on a particular plane. It is measured in candela per meter square and represented
mathematically as L=I/A where L=Luminous, I is luminous intensity and A is surface area of the projected

ILLUMINATION: this is luminous flux received by a Lux(x), one lux =1lumen per is represented
mathematically as E=X/A.

Where=illumination, X= luminous flux and A=area.

Inverse Square Law: states that the illumination of a surface due to a to a source is square is inversely
proportional to the square of a distance in which the surface is position from the source. This obey the
law of illumination stating that E=I/d2

LAW OF ILLUMINATION (COSINE LAW) states that when an object is inclined at a particular angle to
illumination flux, the illumination would be reduced directly by the cosine of the incident angle of that
given by the inverse square.

E=I Cosine Q/d2where E= illumination, I=luminous intensity and d 2= surface area

Alternative way of determining Illumination E= F X UF/A

But where maintenance factor is given: then


If number of florescent tubes is given then N= E X A/F X UF X MF.

Utilization Factor depends on i) the geometry of the room dimension of the working plane and the
mountain height (HM) of the fittings, types of the fittings and the reflection factors of the ceiling and

Example find the illumination average from 12 tubes each emitting 2700lm with utilization factor of 0.6
and maintenance factor is 0.9. And the working place meansuring10m by 5m.

12=E X A/ F X UF MF, therefore,

E=12 X F X UF X MF/A=350lm.

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