DBEA Assignment 2

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Your Europe. (2020).

up a European Company (SE).
26-agosto-2020, de Your
Europe Sitio web:
Your Europe. (2020). Setting
up a European Company (SE).
26-agosto-2020, de Your
Europe Sitio web:
Your Europe. (2020). Setting
up a European Company (SE).
26-agosto-2020, de Your
Europe Sitio web:

Name: Matricula:
Monserrath Hernández Sánchez Al03019384
Subject: Teacher:
Doing business in Europe and Asia Gloriela Garza Alvarez
Lesson: 2 Assignment 2
Friday, October 21st, 2022

1. Check the following web tool: Practical guide to doing business in Europe.
2. Browse along and find the requisites for imported goods into the European Union
regarding consumer guarantees; take note of those imposed by Sweden and

In any of this countries some of the better ways to develop a business is merging to
an existing company, you can create an European Company in case you want at
some point to expand across borders.
For the recommended last option you must abide the following requirements.
 You registered office and your head office must be in the same EU country.
 You must have a presence in the other EU countries (subsidiaries or
branches), or all companies involved need to be governed by the laws of at
least two different EU countries.
 You must have a minimum subscribed capital of EUR 120 000.
 You and your company’s employees’ representatives reached a decision on
employees’ participation in the company bodies, and on how employees will
be consulted and informed.

3. Look for three Mexican companies from different industries that could export to these
two countries, and justify your selection.

Grupo Bimbo, has a great success in Mexico and the USA and I think it would have a
big chance in the two countries I have had investigated.

Cerveceria corona, basically has a really good beverage service and the success of
beer in any country is great, I would recommend the company to take the step of
exporting their products to these two countries.

Gamesa, has a plenty variety of processed food that has great flavor and has had a
lot of success in the Mexican market, mostly their cookies section of the catalog.

4. Write three memos addressed to the CEO of each company regarding applicable
consumer guarantees and the additional services they must offer and comply with.
Be concise.
Date: October 21st ,2022

To: Grupo Bimbo’s CEO

From: Monserrath Hernandez Sanchez

Subject: Memo

Dear Daniel Servitje,,

I’m hoping you are doing well, I was doing an assignment at my university and I took the
liberty of investigating the Mexican free trade agreement with the European Union and how it
benefits Grupo Bimbo. There is a great opportunity for foods produced in Mexico, such as bread
and all those delicious desserts, among others, which are products that with this agreement your
company will have greater access to several European countries and also they will be protected.
With hope and vision we trust that our culture will be welcomed by the new European customers.

Thank you for reading me,

Monserrath Hernandez

Dear Francisco Beckmann,

I’m hoping you are well, i took the liberty of investigating how the Mexico free trade
agreement worth the European Union benefits your company Tequila Maestro Dobel. Within the
new TLCUEM, accori¡ding to Castañon, the designation of origin of tequila was protected and it was
sought to enhance its presence in the European Union, since in 2017 16.2 million litters of this drink
were sent to the member countries of the area and eight percent of the total of what Mexico
exports. Actually the demand oft tequila in the European region has grown at an annual rate of 2.8
percent in the last five years, and one of the leading companies on the Tequila Maestro Dobel.
Because of that I concluded that Europe is a lover of tequila and what it represents, the history
behind it and the exquisite flavor.

Thank you for reading me

Monserrath Hernandez

Dear Jochen Eickholt

How are you doing, I hope well, I was doing an investigation about how the Mexico
free trade agreement with the European Union benefits your company. I saw that in a recent
press conference that Europe represents for a company a market of significant growth. The
mass of processed and fast food is growing and this is estimated to be exponential growth to
any company. Also the exchange rate would favor your company.

Thank you for your time

Monserrath Hernandez

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