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Character Creation

Roll 1d4 + 1d6 + 4 to determine your Muscle, Step, Heart, Noggin, Smiles, and Eyes. Roll 4d4,
taking the two closest to 3 (if 3 or more are of equal difference to 3, your choice). Add your Heart
modifier to find your Body.


If you're dealt damage, roll 2d6, taking the one closest to you to see where the attack hits you; 1:
head (Noggin), 2: left arm, 3: right arm, 4: chest, 5: left leg, 6: right leg. If the attacker rolled a
mega-hit against you, bad luck – YOUR LIMB FALLS OFF! Your Max. Body is reduced by 1 (min.
1) until you can scrounge up a replacement, or re-attach the old one.

During combat, each player has 1 primary action and 1 secondary action. You may only spend your
primary action on your turn, but you can spend your second action either on your turn or anyone's
turn after, as a response.


If you die – tough luck, but you're not out yet! You sink into the garbage, losing 1 of your hopes,
and describing (in excruciating detail) how you do so. You come back, crawling out of a nearby
garbage patch. As something immortal though, you're not invincible – If you ever lose all of your
hopes, you simply become too sad to swim back up out of the garbage. You also die if you lose all
of your limbs.


Roll your weapon's attack die (AD) to see if it hits – rolling over the target's armor means YOU
HIT! Deal damage equal to the difference. Good job!


To determine initiative, each player stacks as many dice of a set as they can. They note down the
number of dice stacked + their Step – 10.Whoever has the highest number goes first, then it goes
anti-clockwise. If the highest person put a d4 at the bottom though, they immediately go last and
initiative passes to the person to the right (there's no need to be a show-off).


Roll on tables to get flavourful weapons.

D10 + D6 What your weapon looks like, kind of.

1 Pistol 1 Ruger Hawkeye
(Upgrade Ammo Die) 2 Luger
3 Beretta 92
4 Desert Eagle
5 Stechkin APS
6 Type 14 Nambu

2 Shotgun 1 Benelli Supernova

(Upgrade Damage Die) 2 KS-23
3 Mossberg 590
4 Winchester Model 1887
5 MTs-255
6 Browning Auto-5

3 Axe 1 Labrys
(Upgrade Damage Die) 2 Handaxe
3 Onzil
4 Halberd
5 Splitting Maul
6 Epsilon Axe

4 Sword 1 Flyssa
(Upgrade Damage Die) 2 Scimitar
3 Rapier
4 Estoc
5 Zweihandler
6 Claymore

5 Blunt 1 Bludgeon
(Upgrade Damage Die) 2 Mace
3 Nunchucks
4 Morningstar
5 Flail
6 Kanabo

6 Rifle 1 Colt-Burgess Rifle

(Upgrade Range) 2 Armalite AR-18
3 Armalite AR-7
4 Hawken Rifle
5 Jungle Carbine
6 Kel-Tek RFB

7 Submachine Gun 1 Angram 2000

(Upgrade Ammo Die) 2 Arsenal Shipka
3 Thompson SMG
4 Steyr AUG PARA
5 Uzi
6 Bechowiec-1

8 Bow 1 Flatbow
(Upgrade Range) 2 Shortbow
3 Longbow
4 Crossbow
5 Reflex Bow
6 Recurve Bow

9 Staff 1 Quarterstaff
(Upgrade Range) 2 Singlestick
3 Makila
4 Baston
5 Throwing Stick
6 Reroll (I couldn't think of another)

10 Knife 1 Main Gauche

2 Sica
3 Trench-Knife
4 Dirk
5 Cinquedea
6 Anelace

D20 + D20 Material

1 Copper
2 Silver
3 Aluminum
4 Cobalt
5 Tungsten
6 Platinum
7 Nickel
8 Zinc
9 Iron
10 Lead
11 Polycarbonate Plastic
12 Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Plastic
13 Polypropylene Plastic
14 Neoprene Rubber
15 Silicone Rubber
16 Clear Quartz
17 Diamond
18 Limestone
19 Basalt
20 Gold

D5 + D10 Quirk
1 Smell 1 Smells like burnt rubber
2 Smells like rotting meat
3 Smells like old leather
4 Smells like an old person's home
5 Smells like cleaning liquid
6 Smells like petrichor (you shouldn't need to look this up)
7 Smells like rock dust
8 Smells like seawater
9 Smells like oil
10 Smells like a wet dog

2 Sound 1 Makes a squeaking noise

2 Makes a cracking noise
3 Makes a thundering noise
4 Makes a seething noise
5 Makes a howling noise
6 Makes an instrumental noise
7 Makes a crunching noise
8 Makes a squishing noise
9 Makes a rustling noise
10 Makes a swishing noise

3 Taste 1 Creates a spicy taste

2 Creates a sweet taste
3 Creates a sour taste
4 Creates an acrid taste
5 Creates a citrus taste
6 Creates an ashy taste
7 Creates a burnt taste
8 Creates a medicinal taste
9 Creates a doughy taste
10 Creates a tangy taste

4 Feel 1 Feels slimy

2 Feels dusty
3 Feels drenched
4 Feels icy
5 Feels warm
6 Feels wrinkled
7 Feels soft
8 Feels gravelly
9 Feels fuzzy
10 Feels flimsy

5 Appearance 1 Visibly drooping

2 Visibly glowing
3 Visibly shivering
4 Visibly bent
5 Visibly forked
6 Visibly darkening
7 Visibly sparking
8 Visibly burning
9 Visibly dripping
10 Visibly blowing in the wind

D20 A Previous Bearer... (Roll 1d4 for number of previous known bearers)
1 Broke it, but fixed it (kind of...)
2 Used it to win a war
3 Showed it off to anyone who would listen
4 Kept it hidden
5 Used it in an ancient ritual (all cult-like)
6 Used it to assasinate a powerful figure
7 Experimented on it
8 Forgot about it and lost it
9 Kept it in a glass case
10 Tried to sell it for a pair of animal-themed socks
11 Shot it out a cannon
12 Was killed with it by someone else
13 Was robbed of it
14 Never used it
15 Carved their initials into it
16 Got it as a present from a relative
17 Killed a puppy with it (accidentally or not)
18 Tried to use it to bribe / break out of a jail
19 Bought it off of a beggar
20 Killed themselves with it (by accident)

D20 What grows on your weapon.

1-15 Nothing (Yet)
16 Some unidentifiable fungus.
17 A herbal drug.
18 A rotting, withered tangle of vines.
19 A snail's eye stalk.
20 An oily skeleton.

Actual Stats on Weaponry

Each weapon only has a damage die, an ammo die, and a range. A weapon's cost depends on the
damage die and ammo die. Note that Melee weapons don't have an ammo die, but can only have a
range of only 10ft. Ranged weapons have a base range of 10ft, but have an ammo die. Each upgrade
adds an additional cost onto the weapon.

Cost Damage Die Range Ammo Die

0 d4 5ft d4
10g d6 10ft d6
20g d8 20ft d8
30g d10 40ft d10
40g d12 80ft d12

You may also spend 15g to gain +1 to damage, 25g to gain +1 to Attack Die, and 50g to gain +1 to
AC while wielding the weapon.

De Scarey Fellas
Each monster has a number of Harm Dice. To find a monster's HP, multiply their HD by 4.
Monsters add their HD to each ability roll. Their attack die has an attack die, depending on their
1-2: d4
3-4: d6
5-6: d8
7-8: d10
9+: d12
Each monster can attack a number of times per turn equal to their HD divided by 3, rounding up.
Roll on the following tables to determine your monster's traits, which may encompass some
additional abilities.

2D20 Flesh
1 Gooey
2 Chitinous
3 Scales
4 Feathered
5 Bone
6 Polychromatic
7 Lightning
8 Eyeball-Covered
9 Bioluminescence
10 Stony
11 Rust
12 Transforming (Imagine Mimics)
13 Leathery
14 Veiny
15 Furry
16 Waxy
17 Wood-Like
18 Gossamer
19 Oily
20 Iridescent

D8 Arms
1 0 Arms
2 1 Arm
3-6 2 Arms
7 3 Arms
8 4 Arms

D8 Hands (Per Arm; Roll 1d4 for where additional hands are located; 1: Elbow, 2-4: Palm)
1 0 Hands
2-6 1 Hand
7 2 Hands
8 3 Hands

D8 Legs
1 0 Legs
2 1 Leg
3-6 2 Legs
7 3 Legs
8 4 Legs

D8 Feet (Per Arm; Roll 1d4 for where additional feet are located after first; 1: Knee, 2-4: Ankle)
1 0 Feet
2-6 1 Foot
7 2 Feet
8 3 Feet

D20 What your monster does with its prey.

1 Befriends them
2 Eats them
3 Dismembers them
4 Seduces them
5 Robs them
6 Injures them
7 Best them in competition
8 Stalk them
9 Teaches them
10 Dismisses them
11 Irritates them
12 Attacks them
13 Controls them
14 Transfers their consciousness to them
15 Attaches them to monster
16 Sets them on fire
17 Carries them
18 Cooks them in a meal
19 Puts them in a statue
20 Skins them

2D20 Your monster's attribute.

1 Wings
2 Spines
3 Claws
4 Tentdrils
5 Antlers / Horns
6 Beak
7 Fins
8 Fangs
9 Pincers
10 Proboscis
11 Stinger
12 Suction Cups
13 Tusks
14 Many Eyes
15 Shows light (like those anglerfish)
16 Made up of multiple parts
17 Shell
18 Flesh ripples
19 Flesh spikes on contact (like ferrofluid)
20 No sensory organs (doesn't require eyes, ears, etc. to sense presence)

2D10 + 2D20 Interesting Monster Features (If it doesn't make sense, make it work)
1 Its tongue is... 1. Disproportionately large.
2 Its eyes are... 2. Invisible.
3 Its tongue is... 3. Weirdly soft.
4 Its nose is... 4. Covered in thorns.
5 Its neck is... 5. Caked in acid.
6 Its arms are... 6. Iron-cold.
7 Its legs are... 7. White-Hot.
8 Its torso is... 8. Ferrous.
9-10 Its [Physical Feature] is... 9. Gravitationally odd.
10-14. Robotic.
15. 4-Dimensional.
16. Lets off a noxious gas.
17. Dagger sharp.
18. Covered in hard bone.
19. Pure energy.
20. Badly fixed with open wiring.

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