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Materials and Structures (2023) 56:59 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Hemp fiber reinforced lightweight concrete (HRLWC)

with coarse pumice aggregate and mitigation of degradation
H. Merve Tuncer . Z. Canan Girgin

Received: 28 September 2022 / Accepted: 27 February 2023 / Published online: 24 March 2023
 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to RILEM 2023

Abstract Concrete with cellulosic fibers should micro photographs reveal that the pumice aggregates
preserve the microstructural and functional properties combined with proper SCMs are suitable to contribute
with less degradation and without micro-organisms for sustainable HRLWC design.
several years. This study focuses on the usability of
hemp fibers in a mixture combined with lightweight Keywords Hemp  Cellulosic fibers  Pumice 
aggregates (LWA) and cementitious materials. Unlike LWA  SCM  HRLWC
mostly mortar based current literature, this study
addresses the hemp fiber reinforced lightweight con-
crete (HRLWC) in which coarse aggregates are also
used, and these aggregates are volcanic pumice 1 Introduction
aggregates (VPA). In order to mitigate fiber degrada-
tion induced by alkali attack, supplementary cemen- Low carbon footprint necessitates the further usage of
titious materials (SCM) e.g. metakaolin, blast furnace natural ingredients in buildings. Eco-friendly and cost-
slag and fly ash were used. Total binding materials and effective cellulosic based natural fibers [1] and
water to binder ratio were taken constant, and the volcanic natural pumice aggregates [2] may be proper
hemp fiber ratio was chosen as Vf = 1.0%. In this choices for sustainable design as well as to reduce the
scope, compressive strength, flexural behavior, energy carbon footprint and contribute to more comfort-
absorption, crack width, density, and water absorption able environments [3].
were experimentally investigated. Herein, two impor- The structure of cellulosic fibers has three main
tant exposures on samples are under consideration, components; cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin [4].
one is the natural moisture curing due to LWAs which Cellulose has strong OH bonding and stable structure,
resemble water reservoir gradually releasing water, however, especially weak OH bonding of hemicellu-
the first time for cellulosic fibers in the current lose induces the hydrophilic nature and precipitation
literature. The second one is the accelerated aging with hydration products. Ca(OH)2, namely CH, leads
test to provoke alkali release by immersing in hot to degrade the cell wall (mineralization) due to that
water for 10 days. The findings from test results and weak OH bonding. There are two ways to improve
interfacial bonding and to prevent embrittlement: fiber
modification [5] and matrix modification [6].
H. Merve Tuncer  Z. Canan Girgin (&)
Building Science and Technology Division, Architecture
The research studies on fiber modification initiated
Faculty, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Türkiye through the impregnation of cellulosic fibers by
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blocking agents in the early 1980s [7], and directed conditions. These conditions are also important to
toward fiber treatment about a decade ago, a signif- observe the possible degradation of hygroscopic
icant part of these studies addressed the alkali natural fibers which are also sensitive to fungal
solutions [8–10] to remove hemicellulose and lignin growth. Meanwhile, as the natural fiber, hemp
components before mixing process. Among them, the (Cannabis Sativa L.), is well known as one of the
most known NaOH is used to roughen the surface as oldest textile fibers, nowadays hemp aggregates (shiv)
well as remove waxy substances for strong bonding; are often used in heat [24] and sound insulation [25]
and essentially emerged to enhance the adherence for issues disregarding strength concern. As for this study,
the polymer-composites in past decades [11]. How- hemp was used as fiber similar to the other cellulosic
ever, as for cementitious composites, chemical treat- ones such as sisal or jute, not as bio-aggregate,
ments before mixing may lead to adverse effects, e.g. combined with cement and SCMs in different ratios.
lignin and hemicellulose can be dissolved to a certain The aim is to mitigate the degradation induced by
extent [12] in practice, even if the flexural strength alkali attack to hemp fiber in HRLWC by paying
may increase the deflection at peak load may reduce attention to the negative effect on the compressive
[9], slightly increase in energy absorption [13], critical strength of LWA as well. Thus, it is focused to
decision to proper quantity of treatment [14], the improve the main signs identifying decay in fibers, i.e.
fibrillation and drop in flexural strength by broken loss in flexural deformations, toughness, and crack
pectin bonds among fibrils [15–17] are under consid- width. The aging tests in hot water (10 days in 50 C
eration. Besides, the chemical approach for cementi- water) were accompanied to provoke CH release and
tious composites necessitates time and cost mineralization of fibers. The findings from this study
consumption as well. affirm that hemp fibers and pumice aggregates may
Cost and time-effective matrix modification contribute to resist the shrinkage cracks in lightweight
through SCM, namely pozzolanic materials such as design of steel/timber composite decks as well as the
fly ash (FA), blast furnace slag (S), metakaolin (MK) possible usage in semi-structural wall panels, plaster,
and silica fume (SF), are promising for cellulosic alum etc.
fibers. Since the early 1980s [18], the durability issue
has been especially focused to enhance alkali resis-
tance through several aging protocols [19] so far. For 2 Materials and methods
kraft pulp fibers [6], toughness of mixtures with 30%
MK or 30%, 50% SF were not influenced negatively 2.1 Materials and mix proportions
from wet/dry cycles, however 10% and 70% C type
FA or S lower than 90% could not prevent degrada- Cement and three types of SCM were used in the
tion. Likewise, sisal fiber-samples with 40% S [20] mixture designs. Cement type is CEM II/A-S 42.5R
exhibited negative performance toward embrittle- (EN 197–1 [26]), MK has SiO2 ? Al2O3 ? Fe2O3
ment, % 30 MK considerably decreased the degrada- content higher than 90% in accordance with ASTM C
tion compared with reference [21]. CH peaks in 618–22 [27]. All the binding materials are presented
90-day samples diminish with 50% MK [22], or 40% with chemical compositions in Table 1, and the
MK ? 20% limestone almost consumes CH until particle size fractions are given in Fig. 1.
7 days [23]. As coarse LWA, volcanic based pumice aggregates
In the design of cellulosic fiber reinforced cemen- (VPA) from Nevsehir region in Turkiye were used.
titious composites, most studies are essentially mortar Pumice stone is essentially a crumbly pyroclastic rock,
based. For a realistic concrete design, not only fine and has acidic chemical composition. Pumice reserves
aggregates but also coarse aggregates should be used in Nevsehir region contain 65–72% SiO2 and
in the mixtures. In this study, volcanic based natural 12.7–17.1% Al2O3 and other minor oxides [28]. Those
pumice aggregates were used as coarse aggregate, and aggregates, to be crushed and screened to 4–9 mm size
there is no study incorporating coarse LWA according range, were provided in accordance to ASTM C330-
to authors’ knowledge so far. Pumice aggregates, 17a [29]. The water absorption ratios of pumice
which are soaked in water, act as water reservoir for (Table 2) were determined after physical tests (ASTM
natural curing by keeping the environment in damp C127-15) [30] in the laboratory. They were soaked in
Materials and Structures (2023) 56:59 Page 3 of 16 59

Fig. 1 Particle size distribution of binding materials

Fig. 2 Sieve analysis of aggregates and combined grading

water min. 24 h. [29] prior to the experiments, and appearance of hemp fibers in this study and the close
were added into the mixture in surface dry conditions. view through an optical microscope are given in
It should be noted although the water absorption Fig. 3. Hemp fibers were cut to a length of 54 mm and
capacity of VPA is often in the range of 30%–50%, any chemical treatment was not applied.
qualified VPA in this study is under this range. Mixture proportions of HRLWC were optimized
Fine aggregates are natural silica sand (0.125 to with the target about 20 MPa and over as 28-day cubic
2 mm) and crushed limestone (max. 4 mm). The compressive strength, so the binding materials and
volumetric ratios of coarse VPA, silica sand, and water to binder ratio (w/b) were taken constantly as
crushed limestone were chosen as 50%, 30%, 20%, 350 kg/m3 and 0.45. VPA to cement ratio is in the
respectively. Grading curves for all the aggregates and range of 1.21–1.28 by weight. The target slump was
combined grading compared with Fuller curve are kept in the range of 10–13 cm to achieve sufficient
presented in Fig. 2. workability, powder type polycarboxylate-based
A hemp bundle consists of 10–40 fibers and density HRWR was used as 0.5–1%w of total binder. Light-
is 1.5 g/cm3 [31], modulus of elasticity is in the range weight (first letter, L) twelve series were prepared
of 23.5–90 GPa, tensile strength is 270 MPa to (Table 3), half of those samples is fibrous (Vf = 1.0%),
900 MPa, and elongation capacity at break is and the other half is not. The symbols of binding
1–3.5% [32]. Hemp fibers are composed of cellulose materials are cement (C), metakaolin (M), fly ash (F),
(55–90%), pectin (0.9%), hemicellulose (12–20%), slag (S). SCMs were replaced with cement in different
and lignin (3.5–12.9%) by weight [33]. The typical ratios, LCM1 and LCM2 series respectively consist of
59 Page 4 of 16 Materials and Structures (2023) 56:59

Fig. 3 Dry hemp fibers and micro view to a thin hemp fiber

Fig. 4 7-, 28-day compressive strengths and relative strengths for a non-fibrous series b fibrous series

80%C ? 20%MK and 60%C ? 40%MK; blended

series are LCMS (40%C ? 30%MK ? %30S),
LCMF1 (40%C ? 30%MK ? %30F), and LCMF2
(30%C ? 30%MK ? %40F).

2.2 Preparation of specimens and test setup

Before starting the mixtures hemp fibers, due to the

high water absorption capacity, were first soaked in
water for one hour to remove some impurities. After
taking out from water, their surfaces were wiped with
a towel, similar process with [7], thus the fibers were Fig. 5 Bending test set-up and typical load–deflection diagram
prepared for the mixture in saturated surface dry
condition. Herein, the main reason is to prevent them were combined and mixed by adding water in a
from absorbing binder slurry, provide workability controlled manner until achieving uniform fiber dis-
without extra slump loss, and produce a practical persion and target slump. After pouring to cube and
solution for real applications. prism molds, the fresh samples were vibrated on a
Fine aggregates and coarse VPA were put to a conventional table according to ACI 544.2R.
conventional pan mixer, and mixed for one minute. For each one of twelve series (Table 3), eight cubic
Then cement, SCM, hemp fibers, and powder HRWR specimens of size 100 9 100 9 100 mm were
Materials and Structures (2023) 56:59 Page 5 of 16 59

Table 1 Chemical Binding Materials and symbols CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO SO3 Blaine fineness
composition (in wt.%) of % m2/kg
cement and pozzolanic
materials in mixtures Cement 60.66 21.50 5.07 3.53 2.43 2.42 434.7
Metakaolin 0.19 56.10 40.23 0.85 0.16 – 14,600
Fly Ash (F type) 1.46 58.75 25.24 5.76 2.22 0.08 562.8
Slag 36.56 40.80 12.16 1.29 5.65 0.18 1194.2

Table 2 Physical and mechanical characteristics of coarse VP aggregates

Aggregate type Bulk density* Specific gravity* Water absorp. Coarse VPA and close view
(kg/m3) (% by dry

Pumice (Nevsehir ASTM C29 ASTM C127

Region) 650 (Loose) 990 13.1% (10 min.)
680 (Rodded) 13.6% (1 h)
19.9% (24 h)

*Oven dry basis

prepared, total six specimens for 7- and 28-day removed from hot water and subjected to three-point
compressive strength tests (EN 196–1 [34]), and two bending test after 24 h.
specimens for water absorption tests (EN 12,390–7
[35]). For three-point bending tests, seven 40 mm 9
40 mm 9 160 mm prisms were cast for each curing 3 Test results and evaluations
period (7, 28 days, and after aging). After demolding
one day later, all the specimens were cured in a 3.1 Compressive strength tests
climate-controlled room at 20 ± 2 C and 50%RH
until test period; the coarse pumice aggregates slowly For non-fibrous six series and fibrous six series
supply the water required for hydration allowing (Vf = 1%), 7- and 28-day averaged compressive
natural curing. Bending tests were performed in a strengths (fc), standard deviations, and 28-day relative
deformation-controlled testing machine (MTS Crite- strengths are shown in Fig. 4. It is noted that all the
rion Model 43) at a crosshead rate of 0.3 mm/min (EN relative strengths were given in proportion to the
12,390–5 [36]), load–deflection (P-D) curves were reference 28-day LC samples. In non-fibrous series,
recorded, and the test automatically stops upon the the least increase in strengths from 7 to 28 days was
detection of fiber breaking. observed in LC (18%) and LCMF1 (25%) samples.
The response of HRLWC to alkaline environment The greatest increase occurred in LCMF2 (46%), the
was observed via accelerated aging tests, prismatic main reason is attributed to delaying hydration due to
specimens after 28 days were immersed in a hot water F type fly ash (40%) and low-quantity cement (30%C).
tank with a constant temperature of (50 ± 2) C Undoubtedly, the compressive strengths lower than
during 10 days (ASTM C1560-03 [37]). Hot water 20 MPa in 28-day LCMF2 can be easily tolerated with
accelerates portlandite formation and alkali attack, lower water to binder ratio. The variation coefficients
and the well-known test procedure [38] for GRC of compressive strengths are in the range of 2.1–2.8%
composites was applied to cellulosic fiber reinforced and 3.3–4.5% for non-fibrous ad fibrous series,
composites herein. After aging period, the prisms were respectively.
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Table 3 Mixture Characteristics

Mixture Cement Metakaolin Fly Ash Slag Pumice (4–9 mm) Silica Sand Crushed limestone Hemp fiber
kg/m3 Vf,%

LC 350 – – – 450 557 374 0

LC-H 350 – – – 441 560 367 1
LCM1 280 70 – – 456 557 374 0
LCM1-H 280 70 – – 441 540 367 1
LCM2 210 140 – – 450 544 374 0
LCM2-H 210 140 – – 441 535 367 1
LCMS 140 105 – 105 436 540 363 0
LCMS-H 140 105 – 105 434 560 360 1
LCMF1 140 105 105 – 437 541 360 0
LCMF1-H 140 105 105 – 428 529 356 1
LCMF2 105 105 140 – 434 538 361 0
LCMF2-H 105 105 140 – 425 527 354 1

The reaction rate of a strong pozzolanic ingredient drop in Pp, the fibers strongly start to crack bridging,
such as metakaolin is rather rapid. The compressive thus the adherence between fiber and matrix as well as
strengths were enhanced in the mix designs of LCM1- the amount and the orientation of fibers govern the
H and LCMF2-H with the inclusion of metakaolin. On next phase. Herein, either P-D curve may abruptly
the other hand, slag or F type fly ash substitutes, which drop with or without a little slip as the sign of the
are expected to be effective in later curing periods, brittleness (Type I), or the prism may continue to carry
lead to a drop in strength, e.g. rather slow reaction rate load possibly starting from DP lower load level and to
and latent hydraulic characteristics of slag [39] can be absorb energy via pull-out mechanism (Type II). The
pointed out. main parameters in this stage are the ultimate deflec-
The compressive strengths of fibrous series are tion (Du), crack width (w), and energy dissipation
observed to be somewhat lower than non-fibrous ones. capacity (Eu) with their decisive roles in deformation
30–60% reduction [8] is expected due to the degra- capability. Higher capacity of Eu than the energy
dation in natural fibers, irrespective of fiber type and capacity (Ep) at first crack initiation is expected for a
medium of exposure compared to dry conditions. ductile behavior. Those main characteristics in 7,
Coarse LWAs which are first used in this study enable 28 days and after aging were depicted in Table 4 with
moist curing (internal curing), and this condition may averaged values and standard deviations, and shown in
make easier the natural degradation of fibers. The Figs. 6 and 7. The flexural behavior of six HRLWC
strength reduction in LC-H may be attributed to the series, crack formation in failure and optical micro-
voids due to the corrosion of hemp fibers and to the air scope images taken inside the crack on the bottom face
carried by hemp fiber during mixing as air pockets are presented in Table 5. In addition, further charac-
which may form many weak cavities inside the FRC terization was accomplished with scanning electron
[33, 40]. microscopy (SEM) images (Fig. 8) for LC-H, LCM2-
H, LCMF1-H, LCMF2-H. The experimental findings
3.2 Bending test results from the Tables 4, 5 and Figs. 6, 7 and 8 are evaluated
In this study, two different trends in P-D curves were In reference specimens (LC, 100% cement, Vf-
perceived for the flexural behavior of HRLWC. The = 0%) (Table 4), the load increment in Pp is 20%
first stage in P-D curve is largely governed by the from 7 to 28 days. That increment is only 9% for
matrix up to the peak load (Pp), and corresponding fibrous reference specimen (LC-H, Vf = 1%), 17%
mid-span deflection is Dp (Fig. 5). After an abrupt drop was observed after aging, and there is no flexural
Materials and Structures (2023) 56:59 Page 7 of 16 59

3000 LC 3000 LC-H

7d 7d
2500 2500 28d
28d Aging

Load (N)
2000 2000
Load (N)

1500 1500
1000 1000
500 500
0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)

3000 LCM1-H
3000 LCM2-H
2500 28d 2500 7d
Aging 28d
2000 2000 Aging
Load (N)

Load (N)
1500 1500

1000 1000

500 500

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)

3000 LCMF1-H 3000 LCMF2-H

7d 7d
2500 28d 2500 28d
Aging Aging
Load (N)
Load (N)

1500 1500

1000 1000
500 500
0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)

3000 LCMS-H
2500 28d
Load (N)




0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Deflection (mm)

Fig. 6 Comparisons of load–deflection diagrams in 7, 28 days and after aging for the reference mixture and fibrous mixtures

performance after Pp (Du =Dp, Eu=Ep, no DP) similar to of fibers and more voids due to CH attack. The brittle
LC series. In the same series (LC-H) although Du behavior is evident from almost invisible cracks even
increased 32% from 7 to 28 days, decreased to 40% in 28 days (Table 5), and hydration deposits around
lower level after aging with 28% drop in Eu. This poor fiber as well as the disintegrated structure in SEM
performance can be correlated with the mineralization image (Fig. 8c) after aging.
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In LCM-H series, replacement with MK by 20% Fig. 8 VPA aggregates and hemp fibers in aged HRLWC c
(LCM1-H) and 40% (LCM2-H), Pp is 30% and 11% samples
higher than LC-H samples in 28 days, respectively. In
spite of the fact that there is some improvement in
mechanical characteristics, Du and Eu values after at the high ratios (90%) of slag (S) [6], not less. In this
aging indicate 20%MK (LCM1-H) not to be sufficient study, the combined replacement of 30%S ? 30%MK
to mitigate the degradation in hemp fibers, the crack in LCMS-H series did not significantly represent
width still is small (0.51 mm), there is no DP and no positive flexural performance, so this combination
sign of pull-out. Whereas, the samples with 40%MK seems not to be effective enough. Pp is smaller than
(LCM2-H) in 28 days significantly altered first stage LC-H in 7, 28 days and after aging. w, Eu and Du
with sharp debonding drops. This substitute mostly values in 28 days and after aging are quite similar to
consuming CH dominates the pull-out performance LC-H, and the failure mode after aging is brittle
after aging by the highest increment in Du (5.6 times) without noteworthy change in Du and Eu. Amorphous
and Eu (9 times) compared with LC-H. That significant silica and alumina for 30%S are lower than those of
improvement is also obvious from crack widening metakaolin, and slag may react with portlandite in
(Tables 4, 5 and Fig. 7), 45 times (5.01 mm) in later curing periods [41]. The rapid degradation
28 days and 700 times (7.1 mm) after aging in LCM2- (micro-photo in Table 5) of hemp fibers due to CH
H, intact fibers of 28-day and aged were given in may not be prevented due to lower MK ratio and slow
Fig. 8d, e. reaction rate of slag. Meanwhile, no SEM images were
In the current literature, the positive results on taken for LCMS-H as well as LCM1-H not having
degradation resistance of kraft pulp fibers are available proper metakaolin content.

Fig. 7 a Ultimate deflections, Du b Ultimate energy absorption in curing periods, Eu c Decline from peak load, DP d Crack width in
mid-span, w
Materials and Structures (2023) 56:59 Page 9 of 16 59

(a) Voids in pumice aggregates (left) and interface with CSH after fracture (right)

(b) LC-H (100%C) 28-day (c) LC-H (100%C) -aged

(d) LCM2-H (60%C+40%MK) 28-day (e) LCM2-H (60%C+40%MK) -aged

(f) LCMF1-H (40%C+30%MK+30%F)-aged (g) LCMF2-H (30%C+30%MK+40%F)-aged

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In LCMF1-H and LCMF2-H, F type fly ash was to EN 12,390–7 [35], are up to about 140 kg/m3 lower
also partially replaced with cement, 30%MK ? 30% than the fresh densities, they are 25–30% lighter than
F, and 30%MK ? 40%F, respectively. With these normal-weight concrete (Fig. 9) with coarse limestone
combinations, Eu increased 5.76 times (LCMF1-H) aggregate (2400–2500 kg/m3) on 28-day basis. The
and 3.1 times (LCMF2-H) of LC-H in 28 days. After variation coefficients of densities are in the range of
aging, similar ratios are 3.94 times (LCMF1-H) and 2–2.9%.
2.55 times (LCMF2-H) compared with LC-H. The Herein, it should be mentioned that the selection of
drops in Du are about 43% and 60% after aging, all the coarse LWA as natural VPA is often with the
respectively. LCMF1-H has better performance than aim of heat and sound insulation, and generally low
LCMF2-H considering Eu and Du. Even if the crack strengths (B 20 MPa) are under consideration.
appearances in LCMF1-H and LCMF2-H are greatly Whereas, in this study, the compressive strengths
indifferent (Table 5), a slight disintegration of hemp about 35 MPa (Vf = 0%) for 0.45 w/b ratio and total
fiber is observed in SEM image of LCMF2-H cementitious materials of 350 kg/m3 are a result of
(Fig. 8g). qualified VPA usage.
The water absorption measurements were carried
3.3 Density and water absorption results out in 28-day cubic fibrous (Vf = 1%) and non-fibrous
(Vf = 0%) samples. Two cubes for each series were
Prior to mixing process, the coarse pumice aggregates immersed in water, and dried in oven 24 h later (EN
are saturated with water, those aggregates are known 12,390–7), and water absorption by weight were
slowly to release the water inside the concrete during presented in Fig. 10a. A linear variation (Eq. 1)
the hydration process [42]. The water in the voids of between the compressive strength and water absorp-
coarse LWA and the density of concrete gradually tion was achieved with high correlation (Fig. 10b) for
decrease by evaporation of excess water. The density the same w/b ratio (0.45)
and quantity of SCMs, and reactions in continuing
y ¼ 0:227x þ 12:07; R ¼ 0:966 ð1Þ
C-S–H gel formation as well as evaporating water
from concrete are other parameters affecting density. It is evident from Fig. 10 that the water absorption
Herein, only non-fibrous ones were considered due to is correlated not only with mixture design but also with
the negligible difference with the densities of the compressive strength level. In reality, the quantities of
fibrous specimens. 28-day air-dry densities, according cementitious materials and 0.45 ratio correspond to the

Fig. 9 Fresh and 28-day air-dry densities of non-fibrous samples and comparison with density of normal aggregate concrete
Materials and Structures (2023) 56:59 Page 11 of 16 59

Fig. 10 a Water absorption ratios by weight according to SCMs and hemp content, b water absorption versus compressive strength
relationship for 28-day cubic samples

water absorption ratio of 2–2.5% in normal-weight strengths up to about 35 MPa (Vf = 0%) and
concrete. In this study, all the coarse aggregates are 30 MPa (Vf = 1%) regarding the total cementitious
LWA and about one-third cubic compressive strengths materials of 350 kg/m3 and 0.45 w/b ratio are
compared with normal-weight concrete increased the actually a result of qualified VPA usage as well as
water absorption of reference samples (Vf = 0%) the well-known strong LWA aggregate-matrix
about two times, but not much more. It is noted that interface due to the natural internal curing.
this issue is associated with the strong adherence • The drastic conditions of the humid environment
between LWA and cementitious materials depending due to the gradual water release of LWA did not
on continuing hydration with releasing water. On the lead a negative impact on HRLWC; 39% (LCM2-
other hand, it is known from the current literature that H) and 133% (LCMF1-H) increment in Eu, 27%
the fiber addition causes to higher water absorption (LCM2-H) and 44% increase (LCMF1-H) in Du
[43], herein, the lower compressive strengths than were observed from 7 to 28 days.
reference ones also increased water absorption. It is • The surface of the hemp fibers is observed to
noteworthy that there is a lower difference in LCM2- maintain its intact form after hot-water aging test
H, LCMF1-H and LCMF2-H series compared with the which provokes the emergence of CH formation.
reference samples (Vf = 0%). For two samples in each When the load–deflection curves under flexure,
series, the variation in water absorption is in the range SEM images, and crack formations are evaluated
of 0.3–0.7%. together, the best performance was attained in
LCM2-H (60%C ? 40%MK), and the second one
was achieved in LCMF1-H (40%C ? 30%MK ?
4 Concluding remarks 30%F). Even if LCMF2-H (30%C ? 30%MK ?
40%F) has the minimum strength levels due to
In this study, the physical, mechanical characteristics decreasing cement quantity, a brittle behavior was
and durability of HRLWC, in which coarse pumice not observed.
aggregates were incorporated, were investigated • 30%S ? 30%MK substitute in LCMS-H nega-
experimentally. With the aim to mitigate the fiber tively affected the load–deflection curve, tough-
degradation, which is mostly observed in reference ness, and crack formations. The rapid degradation
samples (100%C), the most effective mixture design of hemp fibers in alkaline environment could not
through SCM ingredients was addressed. The follow- be prevented due to lower MK ratio and slow
ing conclusions are drawn from this study: reaction rate of slag. The accumulation of hydra-
tion products around hemp fiber leading to brittle
• First time in the current literature, the usability of
behavior was observed in optical microscope
coarse LWA in cellulosic fiber reinforced concrete
was investigated. In this study, the compressive

Table 4 Flexural characteristics of non-fibrous and fibrous mixtures


Non-fibrous mixtures (Vf = 0%)

Page 12 of 16

Pp (N) 7 2352.2 2916.5 2095.9 1688.1 1657.2 1692.2 Dp, Du 0.33 0.25 0.20 0.26 0.47 0.29
(149) (321) (70) (75) (25) (60) (mm) (0.03) (0.02) (0.01) (0.03) (0.06) (0.05)
28 2814.1 3446.9 1914.9 2234.3 1996.8 2119.8 0.40 0.28 0.42 0.23 0.48 0.41
(134) (44) (176) (195) (201) (242) (0.05) (0.04) (0.05) (0.01) (0.06) (0.05)
rp 7 6.62 8.20 5.89 4.75 4.66 4.76 Ep, Eu 295.5 286.7 206.7 190.7 175.4 190.1
(MPa)* 28 7.91 9.69 5.38 6.28 5.62 5.96 ( 509.6 372.5 434.5 243.5 321.2 307.4

Fibrous mixtures (Vf = 1%)

Pp (N) 7 2099.9 1962.2 2027.8 1658.2 1482.4 1444.7 Dp (mm) 0.53 0.76 0.82 0.39 0.41 0.53
(150) (170) (280) (154) (157) (52) (0.07) (0.10) (0.12) (0.04) (0.05) (0.06)
28 2291.9 2982.0 2556.1 2255.9 2064.9 1680.9 0.70 1.15 1.04 0.47 0.26 0.43
(245) (119) (116) (96) (239) (145) (0.05) (0.15) (0.12) (0.06) (0.03) (0.06)
Aged 1915.8 2032.7 2486.3 1797.9 2100.2 1877.31 0.42 0.57 0.61 0.26 0.48 0.46
(220) (230) (249) (124) (116) (95) (0.04) (0.06) (0.07) (0.01) (0.05) (0.04)
rp (MPa) 7 5.91 5.52 5.70 4.66 4.17 4.07 Du (mm) 0.53 0.76 0.82 0.39 1.24 0.53
(0.07) (0.10) (0.12) (0.04) (0.14) (0.06)
28 6.45 8.39 7.19 6.34 5.81 4.73 0.70 1.15 1.04 0.63 1.79 1.80
(0.05) (0.15) (0.12) (0.07) (0.23) (0.21)
Aged 5.39 5.72 6.99 5.06 5.91 5.28 0.42 0.57 2.38 0.66 1.03 0.75
(0.04) (0.06) (0.3) (0.07) (0.12) (0.08)
Ep 7 372.1 541.5 758.7 267.5 270.9 289.6 Eu 372.1 541.5 758.7 267.5 1013.4 289.6
( 28 410.4 1130.8 1055.5 324.9 246.6 220.5 ( 410.4 1130.8 1055.5 527.3 2364.7 1286.3
Aged 238.5 351.2 594.8 235.7 337.6 317.7 238.5 351.2 2159.7 642.1 940.1 609.3
DP (N) 28 – – – – 854.6 (82) 990.2 (54) w (mm) 0.11 0.42 5.01 0.13 4.02 2.04
(0.01) (0.05) (0.48) (0.001) (0.42) (0.23)
Aged – – 1396.5 841.9 (81) 1017.1 934.8 (49) 0.01 0.51 7.10 0.07 1.41 2.01
(114) (95) (0.001) (0.04) (0.43) (0.007) (0.16) (0.19)

*Peak stress rp ¼ 3Pp L=2bd 2 ; L = 120 mm, b = d = 40 mm

The values in parentheses are the standard deviations.
Materials and Structures (2023) 56:59
Materials and Structures (2023) 56:59 Page 13 of 16 59

Table 5 Crack patterns (front view) and optical microscope images (from the bottom) in failure, and load–deflection diagrams for
the fibrous mixtures

LC-H 2700


100% C 2100

Load (N)
1200 28d
900 Aging


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Deflection (mm)

LCM1-H 1800

Load (N)
80% C, 1200 28d
20% MK 900

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Deflection (mm)


LCM2-H 1800
Load (N)

60% C, 1200

40% MK 900

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Deflection (mm)

2000 Aging

LCMS-H 1600
Load (N)

40% C,
30% MK, 800

30% S 400

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Deflection (mm)
59 Page 14 of 16 Materials and Structures (2023) 56:59

Table 5 continued

2000 Aging


Load (N)
40% C, 800
30% MK,
30% F 400

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Deflection (mm)



Load (N)
30% C,
30% MK,
40% F 400

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Deflection (mm)

• 40%MK (LCM2-H) or 30%MK ? 30%F alternative to petroleum-based fibers resisting to

(LCMF1-H) substitute may be the practical solu- shrinkage cracks. It is noticed that the hemp fibers
tions instead of chemical treatments or expensive have higher modulus of elasticity than synthetic
solutions such as silica fume. fibers, and the strain capacity similar to basalt and
• Water absorption of LC (100%C) with VPA glass fibers.
increased only about two times (4.3%) compared • As future research, to study different binder
with normal-aggregate concrete. The water materials with different ratios and to optimize
absorption levels of LCM2-H, LCMF1-H, and those ingredients are considered for higher tough-
LCMF2-H are different only 0.2–0.5% from non- ness levels. To investigate the curing periods
fibrous ones. Natural LWA usage, namely coarse beyond 28 days and the effects on the durability
pumice, in HRLWC may play an important role for of other aging conditions are planned. Another
sustainable design as well. 25–30% lesser densities issue is also to investigate sound insulation char-
may also provide a positive impact on sound and acteristics, especially concerning the composite
heat insulation. decks in steel or timber structures.
• The HRLWC design with hemp fibers and pumice
aggregates may contribute to resist the shrinkage Acknowledgements The experiments in this study were
cracks and to the lightweight design of steel/timber carried out in R&D Dept. of NUH Beton Inc. Material,
composite decks as well as the possible usage in employer and equipment support of the firm to this
semi-structural wall panels, plaster, alum, etc. experimental research are greatly appreciated. The authors
would like to thank to Soylu Group providing pumice aggregate
Hemp fibers may have the potential to be an and Kaolin EAD providing metakaolin as well.
Materials and Structures (2023) 56:59 Page 15 of 16 59

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