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Q1 Community Building Lesson Plan

Content Area/Course: Group Member Names:

TLC Education Core
Lauren, Randy, Ariana, Adan

Activity Title: Due Date:

Scramble N’ Throw August 13th

Summary/Overview of Activity:

In this activity, the class will be given a piece of paper where they can write an interesting fact or two about
themselves. After completing this, they can throw the paper randomly across the room. The students will then
pick up a new piece of paper and share the facts with the class.

 Paper
 Pens/Pencils
 Classroom/outdoor space

Instructional Delivery
Focusing Event: The focusing event will be “1, 2, 3 Eyes on me”

Teaching Procedures:
Direct Instruction: the students will listen to the instructions given to complete the activity.
Interactive Instruction: the students can interact and learn about their peers.

Progress Check: We will monitor progress by having two group members walk around and check in on who
is participating.

Closure: We will end the activity by encouraging the students to reflect on or share what they found the most

Assessment: We will evaluate the activity by collectively discussing how many students participated and
were able to share after the game was complete.


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