How To Diagnose Idiopathic Condylar Resorptions in

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HOW TO DIAGNOSE IDIOPATHIC Another critique by Drs Posnick and Kaban con-
CONDYLAR RESORPTIONS IN THE cerns the assessment of dentofacial deformity. This
ABSENCE OF CONSENSUS-BASED critique is partly warranted. However, we wish to set
CRITERIA? right 2 important misunderstandings: 1) Radiological
examinations were performed to assess the extent of
dentofacial deformity at the time of diagnosis. It is
The etiology of idiopathic condylar resorptions (ICR) therefore incorrect to claim that we postulate the
remains controversial and current management prin- presence of a general disease-specific difference
ciples rest more on empirical conviction and tradition between the ICR and the JIA group. Actually, we are
than science.1,2 Considerable overlap is seen between stating the opposite: The difference in dentofacial
adolescent ICR, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) of deformity (between ICR and JIA TMJ groups) is
the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and other TMJ rooted in differences in diagnostic timing rather than
conditions. Any new knowledge aiding diagnostic disease-related characteristics.3 This is a critical issue
discrimination between these conditions seems since it implies that the JIA group underwent timely
warranted. diagnosis and treatment, unlike the ICR group (see
We therefore welcome the critique of our recent discussion section).3 2) Our evaluation of dentofacial
publication3 by Drs Posnick and Kaban because it deformity comprised more than assessment of
allows us to raise the pertinent, highly relevant and ”maxillo-mandibular asymmetry”. In fact, the only sig-
more general question of how to diagnose adolescent nificant difference in dentofacial deformity in the ICR
ICR in the absence of consensus-based guidelines. group at time of diagnosis pertained to parameters
Without diagnostic criteria, we must assume that the associated with symmetric clockwise mandibular
use of the ICR diagnosis differs between healthcare rotation (Table 4).3 No difference in facial asymmetry
providers. Any comparison of studies of ICR should was observed between ICR and JIA groups despite
therefore be made with caution (e.g. comparison of inclusion of comparable numbers of uni-/bilateral
boy/girl ratio) cases in both groups (Table 4).3
Traditionally, ICR is a diagnosis of exclusion. In our For more than 2 decades, the overlap between ICR
retrospective study, ICR patients (n=19) were and TMJ JIA has been the subject of scholarly atten-
included following meticulous diagnostic work-up tion.6,7 No previous study has offered a relevant com-
involving the concerted effort of experts of orthodon- parison of these conditions. We believe that our study
tics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, radiology and is, indeed, relevant in spite of its apparent limitations,
pediatric rheumatology; all affiliated to a regional cra- inherently applying to any retrospective study, and
niofacial team. Patients were seen due to signs/symp- the absence of consensus criteria for ICR work-up.
toms and radiological findings; not because they We wish to thank Drs Posnick and Kaban for
needed orthodontic treatment. Patients with JIA and highlighting these limitations in our study and in the
ICR underwent standardized examination, monitoring ICR literature, which mainly consists of low-evidence
and assessment following international consensus- retrospective case series.2
based recommendations.4,5 In patients with ICR, stan- Now would be the right time to start interdisciplin-
dard diagnostic work-up included examination for ary collaboration to develop consensus-based criteria
presence of autoimmune disease by a pediatric rheu- for ICR diagnostic work-up. We welcome any effort
matologist as clearly stated in the inclusion criteria. to this end and any initiative that may help improve
Drs Posnick and Kaban’s doubts about the patients’ conditions for our primary stakeholders − our
rheumatologic status therefore hardly seem war- patients.
ranted. Patients were categorized as having adoles-
cent ICR only if they were without signs of THOMAS KLIT PEDERSEN, DDS, PHD
autoimmune disorder, previous facial trauma, TMJ PETER STOUSTRUP, DDS, PHD
Aarhus, Denmark
compression or other clinical conditions potentially
causing TMJ conditions. This group of patients was
hence characterised by having TMJ deformity of
unknown origin − which may rightly be coined idio-
pathic condylar resorption. We acknowledge that the 1. Alsabban L, Amarista FJ, Mercuri LG, Perez D: Idiopathic Condy-
demographics of the ICR group may challenge the tra- lar Resorption: A Survey and Review of the Literature. J Oral
Maxillofac Surg 76, 2018. 2316.e2311-2316.e2313
ditional perception of adolescent ICR; however, this 2. Ji YD, Resnick CM, Peacock ZS: Idiopathic condylar resorption:
group may represent an earlier stage of the ICR spec- A systematic review of etiology and management. Oral Surg Oral
trum than the surgical candidates described by Drs Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 130:632-639, 2020
3. Alimanovic D, Pedersen TK, Matzen LH, Stoustrup P: Comparing
Posnick and Kaban (e.g., bilateral cases, age at onset Clinical and Radiological Manifestations of Adolescent Idio-
14-30, severe dentofacial deformity) pathic Condylar Resorption and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis in

the Temporomandibular Joint. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 79:774- 6. Arnett GW, Milam SB, Gottesman L: Progressive mandibular ret-
785, 2021 rusion−idiopathic condylar resorption. Part I. Am J Orthod Den-
4. Stoustrup P, Resnick CM, Pedersen TK, et al. Standardizing Ter- tofacial Orthop 110:8-15, 1996
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Idiopathic Arthritis: International, Multidisciplinary Consensus- rusion-idiopathic condylar resorption. Part II. Am J Orthod Den-
based Recommendations. J Rheumatol 46:518-522, 2019 tofacial Orthop 110:117-127, 1996
5. Stoustrup P, Twilt M, Spiegel L, et al. Clinical Orofacial Examina-
tion in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: International Consensus-
based Recommendations for Monitoring Patients in Clinical
Practice and Research Studies. J Rheumatol 44:326-333, 2017

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