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ALSTOM Transformer ALSTOM Elektrik Endistrisl A.§. Bartg Mah. E 5 Alft, 1801 Sok. No 104 ‘41410 Gebze- Kocaeli / TURKIYE Tel. : +:90:262 648.3300 Fax: +90 262 641 2035 Elektrik Endistrisi A.$. PREEACE Test procedures and equipment used for the testing ond measurement of power transformers of ALSTOM Gebze factory are dealt in the scope of this booklet. The electrical charocteristics ‘and dielectric strength of the transformers ore checked by means of measurements and tests defined by standards (e.g. TS, IEC, DIN/VDE, ANSI, NEMA, 8S. etc.) tnd by the requirements of customers specifications. summary ofthe tests and measurements processes are given 9s follows: ROUTINE TESTS: 1. Measurement of voltage ratio and check of vector relationship 3 2. Meosurernent of winding resistance é 3. Measurement of impedance voltage and load loss 8 4. Measurement of no-load loss ond current u 5. Dielectric tests FE 13 6. Separate-source voltage withstond test 15 7. induced over-voltage withstand test 16 8. Partiol discharge measurement 19 9. Test on on-load top changer 22 ‘TYPE TESTS AND SPECIAL TESTS 10, Temperoture rise test 23 11. Measurement of zero-sequence impedance 7 12. Measurement of voltage and current harmonics 29 13, Meosurement of insulation resistonce 30 14. Measurement of copacitance and ton 6 3 15. Lightning impulse test 32 16. Switching impulse test 36 17. Measurement of acoustic sound level 38 List of tests and measuring equipment of the test field 4 Prepared by : Haluk ODOGLU December 2001 ( 4. Edition ) Cee Sa STEIN nA BB TN aston ae/0 Tene aes ae cea ALSTOM Elektrik Endistrist AS. THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS 1. MEASUREMENT OF VOLTAGE AND CHECK OF VECTOR RELATIONSH The voltage ratio (i.e. turn ratio) ofthe transformer is the ratio of voltages at no-lood, f the meosurement; verification of no-load voltage ratios specified by the specification ‘and detection of any problem within the coils or tapping connections. cout on all lops ond on all phases. ‘Measurements are cor Measuring Circuit Turn ratio meosurement is performed by two separate methods; 1. measurement by bridge method 2. meosurement of voltage ratios, 1, Turn ratio measurement is carried out by means of a voltage ratio measuring bridge in one- flux flows. In other words, the turn ore in porollat in vector diagrams phase basis belween the winding pcirs. Measurements are repeoted of all phases ond oll fops, During measurement only the turn ratio between the windings in which seme mogneté ratio can be measured between the winding poirs, which {figures 1-1, 1-2, 1-3). The supply voltoge is 220 V a.c. ’~ and error of the bridge is less thon +0,1%. z T ¥ alll | p20 U, + Oe obl| © - Transformer to be measured © - The tronsformer with adjustable tops ® - Zero indicator U, ~ The supply voltage of the bridge ond H.V. winding (220 V, 50 Hz) yp U,~ The induced voltage in L.V. winding Figure 1-1: Measurement of voltage ratio measuring bridge & Theoretical turn ratio = tte volage of HY winding the vollage of LY winding as The theoretical turn rotio ofthe transformer is odjusted on the topped transformer of the bridge. de enor indicator knob is adjusted unil the bolance is reached in the zero indicator, The teoding from the error indicator scale shows the difference (deviotion) between the actual turn ratio and turn ratio in %e. . 7 (measured ture ratio)=( hearetcal tur ratio). 9g 199 Deviation = “theoretical tim ratio stow 40 ALSTOM Elektrik Endistrisi AS. 2, Voltage ratio measurements re generaly performed by the digital insrummenis produced for this purpose. In addition to voltage rofio measurement, the deterinination of the vector group (connection group) and current measurements con be performed with these See eeee itis necessary thol the instrument must have 3-phase system for vecior arcip ‘Termination, The method of compering the voltages of ducl vectors enables the measurement of phase shifting between the vectors. The devialion in the turn ratio shall be < + 0,5 % Vector Group 7 in muliphose transformers, primary and secondary connections con be etfey st, (), dette (0) or rigzag (2), depending on the type of the transformer. The phose ‘ongle between the primary coo ereandary windings changes between O° ond 340". In vectorial denotation, when H. sindings shows 12 (0), the numbers of the other windings in the connection gout show the via of the clock in comparizon with real or imaginary neutral point. For example, in DynS careetion group HV. winding is Deli (0), LV. winding is Star (Y) and there is o phos Gioplacement of 150 (5x30") between the windings. When the vector of HLY. shows 12 (0), the veclor of LV, shows 5 (150° fog). : defined only for three-phase transformers. In connection’ yroup Wing is shown fist {a8 @ reference) than the other windings are os The connection group denotation, the H.V. wi followed up; The vector diograms is olso checked ot the same time, The correct connection of the ree gurement cables between the transformer and beeen the bridge verifies the vector felotionship, olhervise it is not possible to bolance the bridge. Besides the obove mentioned, the check of vector relationship ond the check of polarity olso Could be done using o voltmeter. In this method AC or DC voltoges could be applied. The wiring connediions reloted with the AC method are given in standards os in details. An example to this method is illustrated in a phase diagram os below: Example : Vector group: Dyn5 Measuri tur 1- three phase voltage is applied to ABC phase 2 the vattage between any two phases is measured (e.8. AB) 3A and n terminals are short-circuit 4: the voltage between Band a’is measured ° 5: the voltage between C and cis measured 7 yy - AB> Ba! ‘The other vector relafionships can be checked by using the same principles. Tn NR Ron OS ST RRR NE RN EN Leys 2am 32 Tou ar ed Bow :STING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS Te iS. Elektrik Endistis il ALSTOM. ; THE - -< <) yi< BIA aaasadedial sous saa) 3,33) 3,.2|3,2) Dd ALSTOM Elektrik Endistrisi AS. 2, MEASUREMENT OF WINDING RESISTANCE Although, the winding resistonce values are not the guaranteed values given to the cuslomers, they ore needed in connection with the load loss measurement when the load losses ore aarvected to correspond fo the reference (e.g. 75°C) temperature. The resistance measurement oT tes show whether the winding joints are oppropriate ond the windings ore cortecly connected. The winding resistances thal vory with the temperature strongly, are the ohmic/d.<, resistance’s ‘of a winding ond the resistance is computed os follows: 23544 225+, a ‘Bee, (for copper) R,=R, ‘Deen (for aluminium ) where; Re = winding resistance at tz temperature y= winding resistance at ty temperature Therefore, wherever the winding resistances ore stated, the temperatures during the measurement must be given. a ~ ‘The resistances between all pairs of phase terminals ot all topping connections are measured. During the meesurement ofthe resistance, winding temperature should be correctly measured. Direct current can be obleined from a conslant-current supply or from a battery unit, The value of the direct current should be high enough fo ensure correct measurement and should be low Gnough to prevent any effects on the winding femperature. In practise this value should be grecter thon 1,2 x lp and less than 0,1x ly. The fime constant of the measurement circuit will depend on the ratio of UR. When the test object is assumed fo be composed of aR resistance ond L inductance which is series connected fo it, U_ voltage applied to this circuit will be; (i-e "') where time coefficient depends on LIR ratio. If the measuring current increases, it leads to the reduction of inductance due to saturation of the core, these enobles the current fo reach the steady slate condition in a short time. ‘After switching on the supply voltoge to the measurement circuit, it should be woited until the ‘current becomes stationary, otherwise measurement errors will be occurred. Measurement Circuit Winding resistances con be measured by ony of the following methods, by current-vollage Mahod or by bridge method. Mecsuting sensitivity con be increased by using the digitl meosering instruments. The circuit of the measurement by current-voltage method is given in figuré 2-1. : : Inthe current-voltage meesuring method, by cpplying the winding current through the reference tarisjonee in the system, the volioge drops occurred in both resistances, This velloge drop values Sf reference ond winding resistances are compared to determine the value of unknown resistance (winding resistance) which con be reed directly rom the bridge instrument. eee Tn I Teen me oS PT # A OD In the bridge ALSTOM Itis necessary to care, in older ovoid of very high voltoges: circuit, the volimeter shall not be kept in the circuit during this time. Figure 2-1: Winding resistance measurement by Current-Voltage method c_known resistance. This will be accomplished to make the current, flowing, through Gelvanometer to zero by bringing the orms of the bridge into the equilibriu recisenees with ( 8; current transformer phase displacement error 8, + voltage transformer phase displacement error Since, phase displocement errors in meosurement transformers are given in minvies. Ea(%) = + 0,0291. 8)-8y). 18 IF the measuring current is different thon the “ fy" (rated current), short circuit impedance ond lood-losses are colculated referring the rated current as follows: x I, a Go Uig = Measured short circuit impedance 1, = Measured current Pig = Measured load losses . Px = Load losses at rated curent Us. = Short-circuit impedance at rated current (Sige FTN anSs INTO SU IER Gd Fn BOS a a a NO The d, values Hay = ALSTOM Elektrik Endistrisi AS. ‘According to the standards, the measured valve of the losses ore evaluated ot @ reference temperature (0.9. 75°C }. The meosuring temperature ( tq) losses ore corrected 0 the reference temperature ( 75°C ) according to the standards as follows; DC losses = of fm meosuring temperoture Pu = Additional losses The load losses at reference temperature: Ps The short-circuit impedance: Do At measuring temperature ( fn) Mq = 100-7, (%] " Ai reference temperature of (75°C): uy = 100- Loed losses and short-circuit impedance vellages measurements and corrections must be done at rated and extreme tops. iF the short-circuit losses and voltage of a transformer measured at frequency which is different form rated frequency, the following correction must be applied: Short-circuit impedance voltage: Uy = Us & short-circuit losses: Py = Py t Pye By Where ; Um shortecircuit imp. voltage at fu, meas. fred. U;: short-circuit imp. voltage at f,, meas. freq. Puc additional losses at fn meas. freq. Py: total short-circuit losses at fu. rated freq. closes Puc at the measuring temperature “ tm” are calculated using the resistance Rin and R,, obtoined in the resistance measurement: Rwy ond Riy between line terminals STE. Rav + Ue Bur) tm meosuring temperature Pac = Pim ~ Pat +1SC 4, tly +P. = where ; f: 235 °C for copper (ace, To IEC) 1,475 ~\ 225°C for aliminium (ace. To EGY Fan 00. [%] “ohmic component, tq = Vin win [%] “inductive component” Wy %6), aiken 1%] Sy stom 42/0 Ta TaN SATO TO IDO Tod ow WP A Fa OR I NE 1) ALSTOM Elekvik Endastrisi AS. 4, MEASUREMENT OF NO-LOAD LOSSES 4 : The no-load test is performed when one of the windings is unconnected to power supply {usualy the HV. winding) while the other winding is supplied with rated voltage ot roted frequency. Then the no-load losses (Pa) and the no-load current (lp) are meosured. The testis usually corried out between 90 % - 115 % of Ux vollage at equal interval end corresponding valves to the rated voltages are determined. No-Load Losses and No-Load Current The following losses occur at no-lood = Iron losses in the transformer core and other metal ports, = Dielectric losses in the insulotion’s = Lood losses caused by the no-load current Since the lost lwo mentioned losses are relatively very low, they can be ignored, So that the no- ood losses are only the iron losses. 1- Synchronous generator 4- Voltage transformers 2 Supply transformer 5- Power analyser 3- Current transformers . 6- Test object Figure 4-1: Cireult for the no-load measurement a aaa TTT TRAST A RE A TS SI ‘nston een ALSTOM a Elektrik Endistrisi A$. ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS | Pave: Because the losses ore to be determined under standard conditions, itis necessary to apply a wove shope correction whereby the losses ore corrected to correspond 10 test conditions where ihe supply voltage is sinusoidal. In case of non-uniform waveform, the effective value of voltage (UJ is different thon the mean volue { U" ). There is no need for correction, if the voltmeter readings ore the some for al. The test voltage wove shape is safisfactory if the difference between readings U’ and U are less than 3 %. The test voltage { U") is adjusted by the “mean valve” vollmeter. Then the hysterisis losses con be meosuted correctly, But the Eddy-current losses should be corrected. P= F(R tk) Pq: measured losses Pa: no-load losses at sinusoidal voltage P, : ratio (as a percentage ) of hysterisis losses to total iran losses 2: ratio (as a percentage ) of Eddy-current losses o total iron lasses | is assumed thot for cold oriented steel sheets ot 50 ond 60 Hz , P)=P,= 50% This yields P. RrkeP R= where ; P,=P,=0,5 According to IEC 60076-1; P,, = Pp. (1+d) where; d=|——— During the no-load loss measurement, the r.m.s volue of no-loed current is also measured ot the same time. For a three-phase transformer, the average of the three phase currents is taken. During the measurements the connections of the transformer shall be os foreseen in the service. The transformer could be magnetised by d.c. before performing the no-load test. Therefore, the transformer shall be supplied with a higher voltage during a suitable duration {a few minutes) for demognetisation of the core then the measurement shall be made. Since the no-load currents ere not symmetricol and generclly not equal in magnitude. They have also different phase angles in three phases, so that the indications on the wattmeters will not be equal. The indication on one wattmeler can be zero (0) o even reach to { = ) negative volue, : if the measurement are being made on delio connected windings, one of the current con be absolutely greater ond the other two con be smaller and their magnitude approximately equal to goch other. On star connecied windings, the measured current on the middle phase can be smaller end the outer phase currents can be grecter. When the analysis is made on phose currents, due to non-linear and dissymmetrical structure of the cofe, dissymmetrical distortion will be olso detected on the currents, which are hoppened os current hormonics. ( Please see the harmonic meosurement section ), The measurements ore made normelly ot room temperatures, 4 1 PERE Y THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS | "9°: 13. ALSTOM Elektrik Endosirisi AS. 5, DIELECTRIC TESTS Fl ‘The slondard dielectric requirements are verified by dielectric tess. They shall, where applicable ‘and otherwise agreed upon be performed in the sequence as given below: _ switching impulse test: the test is intended fo verify the switching impulse withstand eae hrof the line lerminols and its connecied winding(s) to earth and other windings ond colong the windings. = ahtning impulse test; the testis intended to verify the impulse withslond strength of the iransformer, when the impulse is opplied to its line terminals. = separate source withstands voltage test: the test is intended to verify the AC aaa aa srengih of the line ond neutral ferminals and their connected windings to earth ‘ond other windings. OD _ induced AC withstand voltage fest (short ACSD and long duration ACLD): the jes) Lae eed in verify the AC withstand strength of the each line terminal and its connected vrindingls) 10 earth ond other windings, the withstand strength between phoses ond along the winding(s) under test. peat \. partial-discharge measurement: it verifies portial-discharges free operation of the phases and along the windingls) under test. Tronsformer windings ore identified by their maximum operating voltoge Un ond \ their ccresponding insulation levels. Insulation levels ond opplicable dielectric ests ore given in Ihe toble below. sega [Higher ee Te sr" | emo a anche [iii me | logan | Sho don | Sepa Un kV | impulse aC AC source wy | ts | cio | _tacson_| Af rior U, $72.5 ‘ype | otopplicoble | not opplicable | — routine routine D insulation {note 1) {note 1) 72,5 Uys 170 routine ‘not applicable: special routine routine sim 7 land non- | 170 72,5 kV, lightning impulse tests ore routine tests for all windings of the transformer. Repeated dielectric tests: For transformers which have already been in service and have been refurbished or serviced, dielectric tests sholl be repeoted ot test levels of 80 % of the original values, unless otherwise ‘greed upon, and provided that the internal insulation has not been modified. Long duration ‘AC. induced fest ( ACLD } shall olways be repected ot 100 % test level. Repetition of tests required to prove thot new transformer, having been factory tested, is always performed at 100% of test level gd anc OES TE a IR Toon aos A a tna ls scant & aH HO ston 40/0 > feeccaae Poge: 15. (ALSTOM Elektrik Endustrisi AS. Taher z ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS 6. SEPARATE-SOURCE VOLTAGE WITHSTAND TEST - “The purpose ofthe testi testing the insulation between the windings and the insuotion between ‘windings and earthed parls (tank, press iron, etc), under the temporary and switching over- voltages conditions which moy be occurred during the service. @ Test Circuit ofl lolo @® Ra. Transformer with adjustable voltoges 5. Copotitive voltage divider 2+ Current transformer and Ammeter 6 Voltmeter (r.m.s. valve) 3. Input voltage voltmeter of test tronsformer 7- Voltmeter (Peak value/V2} 4-Test tronsformer 8- Transformer under test Figure 6-1: Test cireuit for separate-source voltage withstands test The tests, which ore made with seporale source voltage, sholl be mode at rated frequency or at «a frequency not less than the 80 percent of the rated frequency. This cllows the testing of 60 Hz transformers ot 50 Hz. The waveform of voliage must be sinusoidal as much os possible ond must be single phose. The voltage is measured using a copocitive voltage divider in conjunction with volimeter response to peck values. The peak volimeter indicotes the peak volue divided by ¥2. The lest duration is one minute. The test voltage is opplied to the winding which is going to be tested {all terminols of this winding is short-circuited) while the terminals of the other windings are connected fo each other, the windings that are not under test voltage, tank and core also should be grounded. Secondary winding terminals of the bushing type CT's shall be connected fo each other's and grounded in order to prevent unwanted sparkings. The current should remain constant during the test. The fost is successful if no collopse of the test volloge occurs. | this testis applied fo the uniformly insulated windings and to the stor point (neutral poini) of the graded insulated (non-uniform) windings. Every point of the windings to which the voltage copplied; is tested with the test voltage. The line terminals of non-uniform insulcted windings are tested by induced overvoltage withstand test (section 7). AGS TO SR DTT Toda Pn ad FR TS stow 120 ‘ALSTOM Eleknik Endistrisi AS. THE TESTING OF. POWER TRANSFORMERS | Po9?: 7. INDUCED OVERVOLTAGE WITHSTAND TEST : ; The purpose of the tes s testing the insulation between the phase windings, turns, cols, topping leads and terminols, for non-uniformly insulated windings olso the insulation between these ports and earth, under the temporary and switching over-voltages conditions to which the transformer may be subjected during its life fime. Normally, the excitotion voltage is applied fo the terminals of the low voltage winding while the terminals of the other windings are left open or grounded in one point. Since the test voltage is much higher than the rated voltage, the frequency of the test voltage is chosen al leas! two times greater than the rated frequency without causing the over saturation in the core, The test voltage is measured with copacitive voltage divider connected to H.V. terminal or the test voltage con be read from the volimeter through voltage transformer in the low voltoge side, which is colibrated with the voltage divider. Another method is to measure the test volioge from the peak volue volimeter, which is connected fo the test top of H.V. condenser bushings, The peak voltmeter indicates the peck value divided by V2. ~ ‘The test duration not being less than 15 seconds is determined by the following formula; Roted freauncy 120 second x Test freavency If no flashover voltage collapse ond abnormal increase in the current occurs during the test, then the fest said to be satisfactory. ort duration induced AC voltage test ( ACSD_ @) Uniformly insulated windings Test connection is essentially the same as in service, a three phase symmetrical voltage is supplied. The fest voltage is generally twice os the rated voltage. However, the voltege between line terminals of ony winding sholl not exceed the roted short duration power frequency withstand voltage. The toppings of the transformer should be accordingly. The vollage is measured from terminals fo earth or between terminals of the low voltage winding using precision voltage transformers. Test circuit et w — 2 | Se b. I- synchronous supply gen. u a 2. test ransformer oO : + 3 current ransformer and ammeter =i {:soltage raaformer andolineter ~ 5 manaformer ander est lol @ Figure 7-1: Test circuit for induced over-voltage withstands test on uniformly insulated winding apa or ov TW AOU NN bc we an a Pe TN HA PGE HHH OO ‘asoKua® THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS | Page: 17- Transformers with Un < 72.5. kV. normally , no portial discharge measurements ‘ore performed during this test. Test duration and voltage are explained above. Transformers with U,, > 72.5 KV. this ronsformers shall all, if not otherwise ogreed, be tested with porfil dischorge meosurement. The partial discharge performance shall be controlled according 0 the time sequence for the application of the voltage os shown in figure 7.2: U,=13-U,/43 phase -earth ond Uz=1,3.Um phase - phase min 2 fest duration D:25 min S min Ug Highest voltage for equipment Figure 7.2: Test duration voltage ~ time curve b) non-uniformly insulated windings : For three phase transformers, two test sels are required ; 1, A phose-to-earth test with roted withstand voltages between phase and earth with partial discherge measurement. 2. A phase-to-phase test with earthed neviral ond with rated withstand volloges between phases with partial dischorge measurement. The test shall be carried out in accordance with uniformly windings ( subclause o }. ‘On single ~phose transformers, only a phose-to-earlh fest is required. The test sequence for three phase transformer consist of three single-phase applications of test voltage to the individual phases with different points of the winding connected fo earth at each time. Av this type of windings, induced overvoltage test and seporate source voltage withstand test ( of the pase terminals ) ore performed in the same time, For the three single-phase tests for the phose-to-earth insulation ; Uz =15-Um/¥3 For the partial discharge performence evaluation, during the phose-to-phose test, meosurements should be token ot Uz = 1,3. Up . For Un = 420 kV and 550 kV transformers with fest volves of 460 kV and 510 KY, the PD evaluotion level should be reduced to Uz = J,2. Un during the phase-to-phase test and U2 =1,2 Umi ¥3 during the phase-to-earth test. gay Rann STW TE DIET Ton EN RAT od Pe PERNT a Te SOM 4270 ALSTOM Elektrik Endistrisi AS. Test circuit 1- synchronous supply gen. 2: test transformer 5 current transformer and ammeter 4 voltage ransformer and volmeter 5. ansformer under test fib © io! 6 Capacitive voltage divider a Figure 7.3: Test circuit for induced over-voliage withstands test on non- uniformly insulated winding ofa three-phase transformer The test circuit given in fig. 7.3 is for the tronsformer which HV neutral point is insulated according to 1/3 of the test voltage. Long duration induced AC voltage test (ACLD ) + poe \ Uniformly and non uniformly insulated windings. «@ single-phase connection or Three: phase trensformer shall be tested either phase-to-phas in a symetrical three-phase connection. The neutral ferminal ( if present} of the winding under test shall be earthed. The other separate windings, if they are star-connected they shall be earthed at the neutral, and if they ore delta~ connected they shall be eorthed at one of the terminals or earthed through the neviral of the supplying voltage source. The duration and the voltage levels are given in fig. 7-4. A: S min BS min C2 test duration D: for Um>300 kV 60 min “for Um<300 EV 30min E:Smin Um : Highest voltage for ‘qiipment Sekil 7.4: Long duration induced overvoliage fest voltage — time curve During the whole application of the test voltage, portial discharges shall be measured. The dotoils of the PD measurement are explained in section 8. Unt NB and Ua =1S-Un/ VS The voltages to earth shall be; Uj The partial discharge measurements shall be performed at all HV terminals. The details of the evolvation of the tests and partial discharge measurements are given in standards ( e.g IEC 60076 - 3) di Baebes ALSTOM Elektrik Endistrisi A$. THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS | Pees: 19 8. PARTIAL DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT - - “The purpose of this test is to measure the porfcl discharges in the test object produced by the information about pplication of AC voltages during the fests. This test gives @ comprehensive the quality of the insulating materials and the design. ‘The followings are determined during the measurement of partial discharges; = To determine the existence of a definite partiol discharge in the test object ot o predetermined voltage. = By increasing the applied voltoge at where the partial dischorging begins (partial dischorge inception volioge) ond by decreasing the opplied voltage at where the partial discherging exinguishes (partial-discharge extinction voltage). = To determine the magnitude of the parfol discharge ot o predetermined voltage. ‘The mentioned partial discharges (which do not cause flashover between the electrodes) are the dischorges in-o. certain area of the insulation between the conductors of the test object. These Gischarges ‘miay occur in the gops of the insulating enviroment, in the gaps of the solid. materials or in the contoct surfaces of two different insulations. This discharge can be coptured os a single current impulse in the outer region. Although these discharges do not couse permenent deteriortions in the insulofing media since their energy is relotively small, the thermal energy of the discharges sholl couse depreciation, aging ond deterioration in the insulating media. The electrical discharge magnitude at the partial discharge point is not a direct meosurement Jor deterioration of the insulating material in this region. Besides the numerical volve, the intensity and the woveform of the impulse, regional discharge concentration, the manufacturing ‘and the plocing of the insulation also effects the situation. The above evaluations prove that the “parlial dischorge” measurement is o implementary method to check the quality of whole insulation. Creation of partial discharge and measured magnitudes ina insulation orrongement, an anologue schematic drawing obout the portial discharge takes ploce in a certain region is shown below. As it can be seen in the figure 8.1, the impulse occurred in the discharge point produces AU ollage across the fine terminals. This yields a measurcble “q” charge in the meosurement impedance. This is called opporent chorge ond is given as pC (Pico-Coulomb). This opporent chorge is not equal fo the chorge in the fault region but itis proportional, however this proportion could no! be fixed yet. In the measurements; AU voltage drop, the average volue of the partial-discharge current, the parfial-dischorge power, number of impulses in a time interval, and the inception and extinction voltages of the partial discharge can olso be determined. GN TIN SOTO OO TT TAT od Sao on wT ‘nston aa ALSTOM [ooo cis. Eleitrik Endustrisi AS. THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS z of} J Biorersion : Cease | Fy, | ‘ y & T = _ ot u | “an rye | | 4 = @) U; opplied voltage Z: supply circuit impedence R: discharge resistonce G : dischorge oop Cy: copacitance of discharge region _C.: Capacitance of the other ports ofthe insulation Gar copocitance of the insulation series connected with the discharge region Figure 8.1 a) An insulation having gas-filled cavity b) equivalent circuit sen ; Measurement principle and ¢i Partial discharge measurement principles in a trensformer and a produced circuit, according to 1EC-Publication 60270, ore explained below. vo lol = a yeasuring impedance 1+ supply generator 2- supply transformer = selector switch Eee 3. test transformer ( test object ) 8 measuring equipment and oscilloscope 4+ voltage lronsformer ond meas. Circuit gq calibration generator 5 filler Figure 8.2: Connection circuit for partial discharge measurement Ign anna oO TNONTW TOU TN TA aa od op ow A a I RTT HST stom 2/0 definite value. measurement. D> The wide-ban where 98 narrow-band ones is effected considerably litle. The partial dis ALSTOM Elektrik Enddstrisi AS. The circuit that is given of figure 8.2 is a very useful method called BUSHING TAP. - The calibration of the circuit hos fo be mode before starting the measuring, For this reason first of alla calibration generotor is needed. Calibrotion generator is producing a ao cherge, with o eetbrotor, is observed from the measuring equipment. This operationmus! be repeated for all terminals of the transformer. K-22 K correction factor PS. lt must be noted thet the transformer must be de-energized during the calibration process. ‘After the transformer hos been energised, the value of partial discharge that wos observed from | the measuring equipment, is muliplied by the correction factor ( K) of every terminal and the 92 400K qa‘ the charge observed at measuring equipment The wide-band or nerrow-band measuring equipment’s are used for portol discharge kHz, and narrow-band frequency spectrum is between 9+10 kHz, ier 0,2MHz, 0,5 MHz, 1,9 MHz. Test and measuring section 7, induced overvoltage test, Tia oo) Eo It is connecied parallel to the test object. The do chorge, which is produced by Jon qo + the charge produced by the calibrator Gon the charge observed at measuring equipment ‘epporent parfiol discharge volue is found. Ks correction factor q : the real apparent charge Wide-bond consists of the frequency specirum from 40 kHz up to several 100 d meosuring equipments ore to much effected from environmental influences charge measurements of the transformer is made during the induced voltage test vit, test duration and voltoge levels, and evaluation crierions are given ‘nstoM 44210 Sapp uo nanos SOS RTO REIT aro pe Se eT SE Ra SSE ALSTOM Elekink Endasinsi AS. ‘THE TESTING OF. POWER TRANSFORMERS gis SS TON TT pn a ee PTH nN “ msTOM ata 9.. OPERATION TESTS ON ON-LOAD TAP CHANGER - - ‘After the top-changer is fully assembled on the transformer, the following tests ore performed a! (with the exception of clause b). 100% ofthe rated auxiliary supply voltage; 1a) 8 complete operating cycles with the transformer not energised, b) 1 complete operating cycle with the transformer not energised, with 85% of the roted couxiliory supply voliage. 1 complete operating cycle with the transformer energised ot roted voltage ond frequency at no-load, d) 10 fimes fop-changer operations wih +2 sleps on either side of the principal toppings with os for os possible, the rated current of the transformer, with one winding shorl- crevited. FSET EAE ST RRL TE RATE Te TOE ALSTOM _Elokvik Endstrisi AS. ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS 10. TEMPERATURE RISE TEST 7 - ‘The purpose is, to check that the temperature rises of the oil and windings do not exceed the limits agreed on or specified by the standards. The supply and mecsuring foxiliies os well os the measuring circuits are the same os in the load loss measurement (section 3) and in the measurement of windings resistance (section 2). ‘Simplified temperature distribution diagrom is given in figure 10-1. 8, Figure 10.1: A simplified temperature distribution for a transformer y 6, maximum oil temperature ( under cover } 48, = maximum cil temperature rise AQ, 8, ombient temperature 8, = the average winding temperature Aa, the average winding temperature rise AO, =0,~8, = 4 Bro + A Caos 6, temperature of oil going into the cooler 8. = lemperature of oil coming from the cooler uu = Maximum'winding temperature R = cooler + | ce = the average ail temperature rise 48, the temperature difference between winding and oil Moog the average oil temperature Ore = hot-spot temperature _ Bid ta ceonen an ond TON SARS DREN eno WH PION ane nA PG SO 2 nsrom ues, a Elektrik Endostisi AS. SRT RGU | RE Poge: 24. TERT ALSTOM ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS 0) The measurement procedure : : ‘The necessary precautions should be token for the effects ( i.e. warm or cool air circulation ) which would affect the transformer under temperature-rise tes The current ond voltage meosuring principles, during this test, are the same as in the load loss measurement { section 3 ). The temperature rise test wil, unless otherwise specified, be carried out on the maximum current topping. Since, itis necessary to record the temperature rises and the ambient temperature through the test, thermometers are placed in a thermometer pockel in the cover, in ond going out of the cooler and Ifo 2 meier awoy from the transformers. The temperatures in these thermometers ore measured ond recorded when the transformer is in cold position before starting the test Before starting the test, the winding temperature ( cold resistance measurement ) is measured ond recorded. ‘The transformer is supplied with a voltage and current which constitutes the sum of short-circuit losses ct the maximum loss tap ond no-load losses in order to achieve fo the service conditions, For a multi-winding transformer, the lempercture rise requirement refer to rated-power in all windings simultoneously if the rated power of one winding is equel to the suin of the rated powers of other windings. In certain cases, if it suis, first part of the fest con be @ few hours shortened by switching of the cooling system. ‘The moximum values of the current and the voltage during the supply are as follows; B, Ip Supply voltoge Uy =U ly = Rated current (the current of the top in which the test is performed) P, = Nosload losses, Py = Load losses Supply current Jy in which; The testis performed separately in two poris: ©) Tolol loss injection | 1. Part of the test}: Supplied with total losses. The testis continued until a steady-state oil lemperature rise is esteblished ference between top oil temperature and ambient temperature is less than 1°C for one hour }. This period is called as first port of the test. The supply values and the temperatures of different points ore recorded at suitable time intervals. ) Rated current injection (2, Part of the test 1: When the top oil temperature rise hos been established, the test shall immediately continue with rated current supply one hour. This period is colled os second part of the test. The supply values and the temperatures are Fecorded as above, At the end of one hour, supply is disconnected ond the hot-resistance ‘of windings ere measured. The test connection is chonged for carrying out the resistance measurement ond after the inductive effects have disoppeared the resistance time-curves tore measured for o suitable period of time than by extrapolation method the resistance volve of the winding ot the instant of switching off the supply is determined. * ‘Alter disconnection of the test current, the pump circulation and fan ventilation are continued. Riki: oe ee : ) ALS’ rT OM ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS | P02? 25. b) Measurement of ambient temperature (Temperature of cooling air or water) The cooling ambient temperature is measured by means of af least three thermometers or thermocouples. Measurement is done by plocing the thermometer or thermocouple in a container filled with oil which has 2 hour time-constont. Containers should be protected ‘against any air circulation and thermic roy. They should be replaced 1 and 2m oway from the three sides of the transformer ot a height of half way up the transformer coolers. For forced-air cooled transformers the lemperature of the in going oir is meosured. If water is used 08 cooling medium, the water timperature at the intake of the cooler { in the thermometer pocket} is the reference temperature. The valves of cooling ombient temperoture ( cooling air or water temperature ) taken at every 1/2 hour in the last quarter of the fest are used for temperature rise calculations. ¢) Determination of the temperature rise of oil __| The top oil temperature is measured by o thermometer placed in an-oil filled thermometer ‘| pocket on the cover. The difference between the max. measured ‘temperature ond ambient temperature is : 8, 1 Bug = 85-7" (O,- 4.) the average oll temperature Mo sag 90 the average oil temperature rise The temperature of oil coming in and going out of the cooler is measured by means of thermometers which are fitted to the pipes of the cooler. When the transformer hos separate cooler, oil inlet and oullet temperatures are measured on the inlet and outlet pipes near fo the transformer tank. If the test object during the test con not be supplied by the current which encounter the total losses of the insufficient power, in this cose test losses ( ensuring thai not less then the 80 Dd percent of the total losses } ore computed as follows; P x AOpy : total-losses temperature rise at Py (rated value ) : 46. =40., |” Dou: test-osses temperature rise at Pyy (test value ) e on OM X for disributon (natural cooling rated power < 2500 KVA }= 08 ON-cooling = 0,9 OF and Water cooling = 1.0 4d) Determination of the temperature rise of the winding The transformer under testis continuously supplied by ly rated current after the oil lemperature is reached fo the equilibrigm. This is necestory to odopt the equilibrium between the winding cand the oil info the condifions when the transformer is in service. A the end of this time, the circuit is switched off and the winding cooling curve is obtained by the method of winding resistance measurement, ~ The winding temperature rise is calculoted as follows; (8g da oa SOS TNE ORT on BT I OT ES ston ua. FTE ET RTE eS Oe ALSTOM = Elektrik EndUstrisi AS. THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS | Pose: 26 . R 6p: Winding temperature atthe instant of switching off = 4 (235+ 9,)-235 where 9,: Winding (cold ) temperature’at the beginning of the test Rx (avarerage oil temperature) Ry the resistance at Ojemperature Ry: the resistance at Ojtemperature 4, P.S.: For aluminum windings 225 K should be token instead of 235 K. When the supply of lk rated current for 1 hour is the second part of the test, he temperature of oil decreases during this time. The “elation between the temperature of the winding end the overage temperature of the oil shall be calculated with this decreased temperature. Then: A0q0: the temperature differance between winding and oil 4 Bron 62- Frarln) where; 8p; winding temperature Boorgany the average oll temperature at the end of I hour fy supply The temperature Onynvy : oil temperature rise is determined as in clause ¢) ‘The difference between the winding temperature and the average oil temperature in the second part of the test is as follows ; 8, the average winding temperature is calculated when the A8,,, is added with the A Bing from the clause c ) in the first part of the test (the supply of transformer with Ja). AOA Ovo + Oars Ifthe ly, rated current, can not be reached because of insufficient supply system, the difference between the temperature of the winding and the temperature of the oil is corrected os follows: ABjyoy: the temperature differance at the Iy rated current y 1 joy | where; 48aou the femperatureciferance atthe test current In Iu y «exponent: ON and OF cooling = 1,6 OD ceoling = 20 28 ye The maximum temperature occuring in any port of the winding insulation system is called the “hot-spot temperature”. This parameier represent the thermal limitation of loading of the transformer. The winding hot-spot temperature rise versus ambient is computed as follows: Fs = Soare* Chy Ano Cig: hot-spot factor in medium size power transformers. Hot-spot factor is 1,1 in distribution transformers and 1,3 When the transformer is supplied with totel losses in the first part of the test, there is no need 10 make any correction if the test frequency is different thon the rated frequency, but for the loading with rated current for one hour in the second part of the fest, the correction must be accordance with the below equation; Ty: test current In: rated current Su: rated frequency ‘Pye + additional losses Sunes SOTA TE [REN REM LETT N [ARE RIET Page: 27: Elekirk Endosini AS. THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS 9 11, MEASUREMENT OF ZERO-SEQUENCE IMPEDANCE . iu «The rero-sequence impedance is usvelly measured for all stor or zig-zag -connected windings of the transformer. The meosurement is carried out by supplying with roted frequency between the parallel connected phase terminals end the neutral terminal. The zero-sequence impedance per phase is three times the impedance measured in this woy. 2/ Phose is at —a 5° 7 fee 0 4 ~ 7 | : “ © : Figure 11.1: Circuit for zero-sequence impedance measurement Zero-sequence impedonce is related with connection group ond manufacturing properties, Zero-sequence impedance consisis of two ports as Ry ( rea! ) and X { imaginary }, due to Rec< Ky R con be neglected. This yields the zero sequence impedance equals to zer0- sequence reactance, Zero-Sequence impedance, only winding which star point is brought out con be meosured Measurement is done at principal tapping when the active port of the transformer is installed in D the fonk. The value of zero-sequence impedance is infinity for the windings which are delta connected or the star point is not brought out. When the other winding of the transformer is delta connecled or o delta connected tertiary winding exisls, in the measurement of zero-sequence impedance, the star point of the ransformer con be loaded up fo max, coted current. At this instant, the U, test voltage will be between 15 % and 27 % of the phase-neviral voltage of the transformer. In coses where counter magnetic flux does not exists @.9. in star -connecled transformers which do not have ferfory windings, this test current shall Be mox. 0.3 x Jy to avoid excessive tempercture of metallic constructional paris. Icon be said thet for the transformers which both windings are stor connected and which star points are brought out, there are two different zero-sequence impedance’s. age Ronan NCW ATOR TOR ESET Te liav od BE OE a a I NTA NEO Se CS ALSTOM 28 Flekirk Enddstisl AS. ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS | Pcge: 28. a No-load zero-sequence impedance 25 7 7 When one of the stor-connected windings is measured, the terminals of the other winding is left open. b- Short-cirevit zero sequence impedance Z., When one of the stor-connected windings is measured, the terminals of the other winding ‘ond the star point terminals are short circuited. Zero-sequence impedance may be given as o percentage of the rated phase impedance. In this cose: Ze = relative zero-sequence impedance (6) Iy = roled phase current W Uy = raled phose-neviral voltage ™ 2, = Zero-sequence impedance {01 phose) ee ALSTOM Elektrik Endistrisi AS. ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS | Poce: 29 - 12, MEASUREMENT OF THE CURRENT AND VOLTAGE HARMONICS Generally at the roted current the ratio of the current harmonics to the rated current is less than ! 1%. Therefore; this is not so important for the transformer operators, but this measurement con be required fo have an idea about the value. The magnitude of hormonic component, depends on the core moterial, the degree of the excitotion, the design of the core, the connections of the windings ond the impedance of the supply circuit. The measurement of current and vollage harmonics is made during the meosurement of no- load losses and no-load current (section 4). Circuit diagram of harmonics measurement is given in fig. 12. ‘The supply volloge waveform in the test laboratory shall be exactly sinusoidel. The supply 9 voltage form may differ from sinusoidal form due the deterioration’s in the no-load current. In order fo overcome this event, the magnetic characteristics of the test generator and transformer slay in the lineor region, by choosing the appropriate connection-groups. Since the measuring voltage and measuring current ore taken through voltage and current transformers to the conalyzer, the operation regions of the meesuring transformers shall be linear not to produce edditional harmonics. Hy Measurements are made for each phose. Usually 3 rd, 5th, 7thand 9th harmonics which ‘are comparatively sironger, are measured. ‘The effective volue of the no-load current is: Ly — g ; oO Test, x object +. b | fb , a A ® j Se: SEs SS Hi 1- Current transformer 2. Volioge transformer Analyzer © 3: Anclyzer 4: Test object : ® Figure 12.1: Circuit diagtam of harmonic measurement ‘sro 470 SAFE pay OS RO RATIO TD | RET ALSTOM Poye: 3 pe: 30 Elekink EndOstrisl AS. ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS : 13, MEASUREMENT OF INSULATION RESISTANCE - - The purpose of the measurement is fo determine the leakage current of the insulation resistonce. This current is changing with the moisture, impurity contents and temperature of the insulation. Beside the result of the measurements, the comporison of the periodical measurement give the information about the condition of the insulation. In order to compare they must be at the same temperature ( for exomple at 20°C reference temperature ). “Time resistonce method” in the insulation resistance measurement is one of the best methods, thot is simple and gives correct results, The insulation resistance is measured by means of on insulation resistance meter which apply a voltage 1000 V de or 5000 V de, Each winding is measured separately by connecting the voltage between the winding to be fested and earth, While the other windings are connected to the guord circuit of the test instrument, The temperature ond humidity are recorded during the test, : Si The Resisiance values Ris, Rio Ry and Ry ore token at 15, 305, 45 sand 60s after opply the voltage. Furthermore, the ratio of the insulation resistance Rw to the insulation resistonce Ris (or Riss stoted as absorption ratio in the test report. Readings are referred 10 20 C by multiplying the value at transformer oil temperature @ {ambient } by correction factor given in table below: o Correction 8 Correction °C. factor °c factor 10. 013 35 2,80 “5 0,18 40 3,95 0 0,25 45 5,60 5 0,36 50, 7,85 10 0,50 55 11,20 15 0,75 60. 15,85 20 1,0 65 22,40, 25 1,40, 70, 31,75 30 1,98 7 44,70. Tea oe = ALSTOM Page: 31 Elektrik Endistrsi AS. ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS | 709° . 14. CAPACITANCE AND TAN 5 MEASUREMENT “INSULATION PQWER FACTOR TEST” All insulating materials used in practice have slightly small dielectric losses ot rated voltage and ot roted frequency. These losses are fairly low for good insulating materials. This loss changes proportionally with the square of the opplied volioge. Insulation, in terms of basic circuits elements, is shown in figure 14.1. row ae =i c yt Ic Ltt r=0 a) b) Figure 14.1 a) Insulation) Equivalent circuit Vector diagram As it con be seen from figure 14.1 the angled between the fotal current “ /” and copacitive current" J, "is 0 basic valve. Insulation angle is dependent on the thickness, the surface and the properties of the insulation material ( the pores, impurities ond humidity which cause the ionization in the insulotion material ). Generally, the conditions and the reasons will couse a decrease in the dielectric withstand of the insulation. For this reason, the power foctor measurement of the insulation at certain frequency gives a bosic idea about the insulation. The meosurements to be made during the service are ‘one of the most important indications, showing the ageing of the insulation ond the contimination of the oil. The active losses of the circuit is os follows; P= UlCosp = U2.C. tan’ Capacitance, ton 4, active losses and Cos g can be measured by bridge methods or power factor (Cos g) measuring instrument at definite voltages. Measurement is performed between the windings and the tank, and the test temperature is recorded; then according to desired reference valve the necessary corrections are done. Sir TTR SECT ET NE |S STREETS Poge: 32 Elektrik Endostrisi AS. ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS oe 15. LIGHTNING IMPULSE TEST 4 7 The purpose of the impulse voltage testis to confirm that the transformer insulotion’s withstond the lightning overvoltages which may occur in service. The power transformers used in high voltage systems at any time moy be affected by the atmospheric discharges. The magnitudes of the lightning over voltages always depend on the impulse current ond the impulse impedance where the lightning impulse occurs. This volue is several times of operating voltage. Impulse voltage is produced by @ ” impulse voltage generator ” in the laboratory. For oil type transformers, this impulse voltage is stated os with {-) negotive polarity ond the waveform at the fine terminal sholl be Toy! Tye = 1,2:#30% (50+ 20% 8. Besides the full wave form (figure 15.1) in chopped wave at the toil, the chopping time sholl be between 2...6 uS. {figure 15.2). T, =1,27 30% pS Ty = 50% 20% US 7 ~ \ t Ye tot Te 0.3% = 0.87 i a of le J Figure 15.2: Chopped wave at the tail J ti Rees ALSTOM it Page: 33. Elekirik Endustrisi AS. ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS ge Lightning impulse voltages ore opplied fo the line terminols successively. The number and pplication method of the lightning impulse voltages are stoted in the stondards. The other line terminals and the neutral line terminal shall be grounded directly or through a small resistonce fig. 15.3 and 15.4), In three-phase transformers, unless it has been agrred on a porticulor topping, impulse test ore performed at he two extreme toppings ond the principal topping. Each phase tests ore performed ot min., mox. and principal lapping. Sometimes in the LV windings of the higher rated transformers, it might not be possible to reach half time-value on tail as it is defined in the standards. In such coses, suitable resistances moy be connected between the windings which are not under the test and the ground. The resistance’s must be so selected, according to JEC 76-3, that the voltage of these terminals of the windings ogainst the ground must not be greater than the 75 % of the test voltages of the winding terminals and the volue of the resistance must be moximum 500 2 R 7 jO OF N G ose = © ose £ Impulse Generotor Test Object ‘Measurement Circuit Figure 15.3: Connection diagram for the lightning impulse test Some connection diagrams used for lightning impulse tes! are given in figure 15-4, ALSTOM | Elektrik Endistrisi A. Figure 15-4 : One and three phase transformer impulse test The vollage dividers used for measuring of impulse voltages generally cre made of three Iypes 1- Ohmic voltage divider 2- Capacitive voltage divider 3: Mixed (ohmic copocitive) voltage divider Although the types ore changing according to the cim and place of using the most widely used voltoge divider is R damped capacitive voltage divider. To measure the impulse currents, non-inductive, ohmic resistances ore used. Usually its value vories from 0,1 2 to 20:2 Coaxial cobles are used to transmit the measurement signals to peak-value voltmeter and to the oscilloscope. If the epplication of chopped-wave is foreseen; a system which chopped the wave is added to the impulse cireuil. In modern impulse voltage circuits, this is usuolly o 7 Multiple chopping hence pee Tae Ran [aaa PAE ALSTOM THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS | Poa: 35 D tea ti In beginning impulse voltage test is storted with a value of 50 percent of the test voltage which wove form is determined by the oscillograme. After obtaining the form which is acceptable first a” Reference Impulse ” which hos the magnitude of 50% percent of the test voltage, is applied, then “ Full Impulse " which has a value of 100% ore opplied at certain times which the standards are stoted. The magnitudes of opplied voltages are determined numerically on the peak-velve voltmeter through a voltage divider. Besides, the fime-change of the applied voltage, and the changes of the current leaking from the winding under test fo the earth or the capacitive current leaking from the windings which are under test, fo the eorth; ore detected with photographs by means of an oscilloscope. For the evaluation of the impulse voltoge fests, the evaluation of oscillographic records is most widely and most used method that is stoted in the standard. For evaluation purposes, the oscillographic record of the reference waveform which hos smoll magnitude { 50% ......75% ) should completely coincide with the oscillographic record of the wave form which hos full mognitude.{ 100% ). In some cases, there might be inconsistencies in the oscillogrammes due to the effects caused by the arrangement of the, test circuit, external disturbances ond/or earthing circuit. Such deviation should not be considered as indication of a failure. Differences in the instant of firing of the stages in the impulse generator may give rise 40 initial high frequency oscillations in the front port of the voltage voweform. Small differences in the wove potiern becouse of the chopping time may couse deviations after chopping, These should not be considered as symptom for any failure. If the impulse voltage to the neutral poinis is requested in technicol specifications; the method of impulse voltage application on this point are stated by two ways in the stondords, 1) The application of a voltage, which will produce o determined impulse vollage magnitude in the neutral point, fo the porallel connected line terminals. b) The direct application of determined impulse voltage to the neutral point. When on impulse is applied to the neutral terminc! “stated in b", a voltage waveform which hos longer front duration ( up to 13 4S ) is permissible according to the standards. SS | 7 ALSTO Mi ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS | Poo?: 36 16, SWITCHING IMPULSE TEST - - The purpose of the switching impulse fest is to secure that the insulation between windings, between windings and earth, between line terminals and earth and between different terminals withstand the switching evervelioges which moy occur in service. The switching impulse voltage is simply produced by conventional impulse voltage generator. The polarity of the voltage is negative, and form of the voltage shall be Ty, /Ty/ Tz = 200/200/500 4S according to IEC 76.3 (fig. 16.2). Test conditions determine the choice of transformers topping, see clause 5. Becouse of the high saturation of core | increasing of the flux density ) during the switching z impulse test, after each test impulse, to bring the transformer core to the normal beginning t condition (demagnetized), a few impulse tests which have small magnitude and positive a) polarity, are applied to provide the duration needed for the next impulse voltage . — The switching impulse test is corried out on each line terminal of a three-phase winding in . sequence. During the application, neutral terminal is grounded, the windjags which ore no! under test ore left open (grounded from one point). This connection type is like the one in the induced overvoltage withstand test, The voltage distribution on the winding is linear like in the induced overvoltage withstand test cnd the voltage magnitudes of the windings, which are not under fest, ore induced according to the urn ratio. It must be noticed that at this instance the voltoge between the phases will be 1,5 times of the phase-to neutral volioge. The test connections in three-phase transformers vary with the core design ( three of five- legged), the limit of the voltage between the phases, the position of the delta connected windings whether it is open or closed. tO OF © Figure 16.1: Test circuit for the switching impulse test SEER RR TT [Atstom |, lekik Endostisi AS. ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS Testis first performed with o decreased voltage which is 50 % of the test voltage, then it is cartied out with full volue impulse voltages the number of which is stated in the standards. The peak value of the voltage is measured by on impulse volimeler. The change of voltoge woveform and winding current are delermined by means of an oscilloscope. The foults which may occur during the test cre determined by comparison of current and voltage. ocillogrophie records. The sudden collopses (flashover) in the voltage and abnormal sound effects show the damage in the insulation of the transformer. The variation in the voltage woveform ond the increase of sound due mognetic saturation of the core must not be considered as reasons for ony foult. Front time 2 Tp 220..< 250 pS = 1,67 Ninety-percenttime Ty 2 200 uS Time to first voltoge zero. : T, 2500 uS 1.00 0.90 Ter, 0,3 Figure 16.2: Waveform of switching impulse voltage Gua RG On ST ATOR EERIE ESOS TBO BI TOR I RAHN TBR © NANO OT sons tte D wR ALSTOM ge: 38 lank Endiseai AS. _ | THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS Page : 17, MEASUREMENT OF ACOUSTIC SOUND LEVEL - - The purpose of the sound level measurement is to check thot, the sound level of the transformer meets the specification requirements, or quaranteed volues given by the transformer monufacturer. The principal sound sources in transformers are : 0) core sound : coused by magnetostricion and inter-laminar magnetic forces. b) load sound : caused by electromagnetic forces in the 198, tank woll, ond ‘magnetic shields. ) cooling equipment sound : caused by fans and pumps. The predominant source of transformer sound is the core. The core sound depends on the flux density in the laminations and the magnetic properties of the core steel. The low-frequency ond fonal nature. It occurs ct twice the power frequency. Magnetic forces within the core will create vibration and sound. ‘oad sound is the sound emitted by c-loaded transformer in addition to its no-load sound. It is caused by electromagnetic forces resulting from leakoge fields. The load sound is proportioncl {o the fourth power of the current. The sources of this sound are the vibration of the fank wells, mognelic shields, ond the windings. ‘The core and winding sound dominates the intermediate freq. range between 100 and 600 Hz. Sound produced by the cooling fons ( cerodynamic and motor/bearing sound ) is usually broad band in noture. Factors thet cffec! the total fan sound output, include type speed, blade design, number of fans, ond the orrengement of rodiotors, Pump sound is normally not significant ifthe fans are running, although low frequency sound may be present. The definitions have been given in IEC 60076 ~ 10. The transformer must be located at the fest site so that the free distance from the transformer to reflecting objects is sufficiently lorge. It hos fo stand on a floor directly on its rollers, s0 that no vibration will occur. All the accessories must be fixed tightly on the transformer. The feeding of the transformer must be in sinus form ot rated voltage and frequency. When the tank height is less than 2.5 m the microphone is located at half of the tank height. When the height of the fonk is greater than 2.5 m the microphone position in the vertical direction shall be ot 1/3 and 2/3 of the transformer tank height. The cooling equipments only energized, the microphon shall be on a horizontal plone at half of the height for cooler structures with an overall height of less than 4m and for cooler structures with an overall height of more than 4m the microphon positions shall be used which are forizontol plane at 1/3 and 2/3 of the height. The measurement is carried out alone all the circumference of the transformer. The max. distance between the measuring points will be not more thon Tm. ‘The distonce of the microphone from the principal radiation surface will be selected as follows; 1) IF the fans of the cooling unit are switched-off, or they are assemble” 3m away from the transformer, then the microphone must be 0.3 m away from the principal rodiction surface. "Fe ease ove ON a HA We BoSO ROW HS Fon a Pepa SO ALSTOM mate Elektrik Endistrisi AS. THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS ge = 2) If the cooling unit is switehed-on ( the pumps and the fons working ) the microphone must be 2m away from the principal radiation surface. ‘The test object shall be energized os follows ; 9) tronsformer energized, cooling equipment ond ony cil circulating pumps out of service. b) transformer energized, cooling equipment ond any oil circulating pumps in service. ¢) transformer energized, cooling equipment out of service, oil circulating pumps in service. : 4d) tronsformer unenergized, cooli 1g equipment and any oil circulating pumps in service. Before starting the transformer sound level measurement the background noise level is measured. If the difference between background noise level and the noise level of the transformer is more than 8 dB (A), no correction at the noise level of the transformer is needed, If the difference is between 308 (A) and 8 dB(A), a correction is needed acc. to the stondards. No measurement shall be made, if the difference between bockground noise level and the transformer noise level is less than 3 dB. The correction factor for the effect of background noise level to-the transformer noise level is the in the below toble os per IEC 60076 - 10; ‘ ‘The difference between the background | The difference between the background ‘ond transformer noise level. noise levels before and after the tests. Tono the higher Toga intot Toga ~ fal Taga decisions 2 8 dB “ Accept test < 808 3B ‘ccep! est <8 dB >30B Repeat lest <3B e Repeat lest The corrected averoge A- weighted sound pressure level, Tw shall be calculated by using equation as follows : 0 tog[ ro?" : al -K Tg THe Tove of cleat owrege backromd ose "540 K + Enviromental correction factor ‘Measured average sound level ‘pA ‘The choracteristics of the measuring equipment are described at the internctional standords. The noise level of the transformer is measured occ. to IEC 60076 - 10, NEMA standards using the evaluation of the weighting curve A. The principle of parameters influencing noise are either internal ( frequency, flux, mass, quolity ‘of mognetic material ond operation ) or external ( distance ) . According to the laws of acoustics, the volume of sound decreases with the square of the distonce “ d “ from the ‘assumed point source; ie the centre of the equivalent hemispher ; tyr = bam) = 20. Log (d /2) where; dis in metres. " Other things the sound volume varies with the square of the frequency ; Lt) = lyon + 20. Log ( F/50 Hz) where ; fis test frequency. ‘ALSTOM |— Endistrisi AS. ‘THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFO! >| \— Height of the tank Prescreibed =, Contour OX Principal Radiating D _ ALSTOM Fige 4i Elektrik Endistrisi A.S. THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS "age : ROTATING MACHINES - 2 Machinery 1 Generator: $= 5000 kVA synchronous, U= 6000V 1= 633A f= 16 2/3 +50 Hz Motor + P= B00 KW direct current Generator: $= 2000 kVA synchronous U= 6000 924 100 + 200 Hz Machinery 2 Generator: $= 3000 kVA Us 6300 V = 275A 2 f= 165 - 50-60 He Motor : P= 1250 kW Asynchronous TEST TRANSFORMERS Transformer 1 $ = 6000 / 6000 / 1500 kVA 10000 V / 1000 V |= 550 A/ 660.......87 A/ 866A Transformer 2S = 4000 kVA U = 6300 V /700. | = 367 A /660. Transformer 3S = 20000 kVA U = 34500 ( 40000) V /77000 ( 88000) V [= 335A/150A Transformer 4 S$ = 16000 kVA U,= 700..... 38000 / 6300 V Transformer 5 $ = 5000 kVA Booster transformer a U = 6000+ 10% V [Spun ana OF TD RGR BAR ESAS RED BB a NN HGRA REO 42 ALSTOM Pe tNeiesdtanias, | THETESTING OFPOWER TRANSFORMERS | FOS*: COMPENSATION CAPACITOR BANKS 7 : BANK 1: Group of capacitors with the following values. = 13 groups, each of them with the rated voltoge of 6,3 KV, totally 15,6 MVAr 12 groups, each of them with the rated power 6x100= 600 kVAr and the rated voltage of 6,3 KY, totally 1,2 MVAr. Bank 1 Roted power + 16.800 kVAr Confinvos.operation : 20.300 kVAr Power of 10 hours: 23.800 kVAr BANK 2. : 216 pe. copacitors, each of hem with the roted power of 200 KVAr, and the roted voltage of 7,32 KV they con be connecled fo the system either with one phase or three phoses (Sor A, ) Bank 2 Rated power + 43.200 kVAr Continvos operation : 52.270 kVAr Power of 1Ohours : 61.340KVAr a BANK 3. : 180 pe. copscitors, each of them with the rated power of 300 kVAr, and the rated voltage of 7,32 kV they can be connected to the system like Bank 2, either with ‘one phose or three phases (A or A). Bank 3 Rated power : 54.000 kVAr Continues operation : 65.300 KVAr Power of 10 hours: 76.600 KVAr MEASUREMENT TRANSFORMERS Precision current transformers 3 pes current transformers: 5-10-25-50-100-250-500-1000-1500 A/5A 30 VA, Class 0,1, 30 kV, 50/60 Hz Manufacturer: Messwandlerbau, Bamberg Bpescurrent transformers: 25-50-75-100-250-500-750-1000-1250-1500 A/ 5A 15 VA Class 0,05, 30 kV, 50/60 Hz Monvfacturer: Messwandlerbau, Bamberg 3 pes current transformers + 5-10-20 A/S A 30 VA Class 0,2, 73 kV, 50/60/20 Hz Manufacturer: Messwandlerbau, Bamberg 3 pes current transformers —: 100-250-500-800-1000 A/S _A 30 VA, Class 0,1, 73 kV, 50/60/200 Hz Manufacturer: Ritz 3 pcs current transformers: 5 A/5 A ® 15 VA, Class 0,2, 45 kV, 200 Hz Manufacturer: Rite aga Taam TOUTS TOA Wd wee SA oe es Ps a TR ston a0 ALSTOM Elekirik Endistrisi A$. cision volta: nsform: ~ - 3 pes voltage transformers : 3000 V/100V 30VA, Closs 0,1, 50/60 Hz Manufacturer: AEG 3 pes voltage transformers : 10000 V/100 V 30VA, Class.0,1, 50/60 Hz Manufacturer: AEG 3 pes voltage transformers: 30000 V/100 v 30 VA, Closs 0,1, 50/60 Hz Manufacturer: AEG 3 pes voltage transformers: 3000 V/ 100 V 15VA, Class 0,05, 50/60 Hz Manufacturer: Messwandlerbau 3 pes voltage transformers: 10000 V/ 100 15VA, Class 0,05, 50/60 Hz Manufacturer: Messwandlerbau 3 pes voltage transformers: 30000 V/ 100 V 15 VA, Class 0,05, 50/60 Hz Manufacturer: Messwandlerbau 3 pes voltage transformers: 60000/V3_v/100/3 V 30 VA, Class 0,2, 50/60/200 Hz Monufacturer: Ritz 3 pes voltage transformers: 64000/V3/100/V3 V Isolation Cl. 73 kV 30VA, Closs.0,1, 50/60/200 Hz Monufacturer: Ritz ALTERNATING VOLTAGE TESTING EQUIPMENT’S High-voltage test transformer: U= 350 kV/0,4 kV, 1- phose S=100KVA I= 0,3A/250A f= 50 Hz. Manufacturer: AEG High-voltage test transformer: U= 600 kV/3KV I -phose . S= 600kVA I= 1 A/200A f= 50 Hz Manufacturer: AEG Capacitive voltage divider =: = 350 KV/0,1 kV 50+200 Hz Manufacturer: AEG “Capositive voltage divider: 800 KV/0,1 KV, 50200 Hz Capocitance: 100 pF Manufacturer: Haefely Veen! WY Impulse Calib. System MEASURING BRIDGES ~ + KAL 1000 + Software KAL 1000- RIG (Unit step vol. Gen.) Manufacturer: Schering measuring bridge : Type Accuracy Capacitance Manufacturer + ae Se ca ALSTOM : Poge; 44 . Elektrik Endistrisi AS. THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS roge Voltmeter 2 pes : UIY2-Ug Voltmeter Digitol in Closs.0,5, _ $0+200 Hz Manufacturer: Haefely IMPULSE VOLTAGE TESTING EQUIPMENT’S Impulse voltage generator: No of stoge rns Max, stage volloge —: U, = 200 kV Max. otal volloge —-: U= 2000 kV Mex. fofel power 1 We 200 kd Copecitance per stoge : C= 1 pF Manufacturer + Passoni* Villa Multiple chopping device: $- stage Copecitance + 6000 pF stoge Lightning impulse voltage: #1800 KV ‘Manufacturer Passoni+ Villa \ Voltage divider : Redamped capacitive voltage divider — Lightning impulse vollage : +2000 kV > Switching impulse voltage: £1450 kV Capacitance 400+1600 pF ‘Manvfocturer : Passoni+Villa Ohmic voltage divider ightning impulse voltage : +300 kV Monufacturer : Passoni+Villa Loading capacitor + Capacitance 1 SnF Lightning impulse velioge : #500 kV ‘Manufacturer + Passoni+ Villa Oscilloscope : Two channel Type 721 Accuracy 41% Manufocturer —: Haefely Impulse voltage voltmeter: Accuracy 1 £1% Voltage : £1600 V peak Manufacturer: Passoni+Villa Digital Imp. Meas.System : Type 1 TRAS 200-12 Monufacturer + Dr. Strauss IEC 1083-1 and IEC 60-2 IEC 60-2 Dr. Strauss + 2801 - 350% 10° uF ton 8: : TETTEX ALSTOM asihta Poge: 45 . Elektrik Endistrisi AS. ‘THE TESTING OF iR TRANSFORMERS: "age Press gas condensator : Capacitance: 50 pF a 7 Voltage : 400 kV ac. -- Manufacturer: TETTEX Ratio measuring bridge — = Accuracy 1 40,1% Voltage + 220V oc. Measuring range: Vern..-1000 Manufacturer: HartmannBraun MEASURING INSTRUMENTS Resistance measuring equip. : Transformer test system Type 1 2281 Accuracy ‘Meosuring range : a) ‘Monufocturer i Transformer test system — Type 1 2285¢ LS ws Accuracy + 0,06 % : Meosuring range: 10%....5x10? Q Manufacturer 1 TETTEX Type + 2292 Accuracy : 0,05% Measuring ronge : 0,002....20000 2 Monufocturer 2 TETTEX Ratio measuring instrument : Transformer iest system Type 12791 ond 2 pes 2793 + 2794 Accurocy 101% ‘Measuring ronge : 0,18......2000 Manufacturer: TETTEX ) Resistance measuring + Digital Low resistance ohmmeters u instrument Type + DLRO Accuracy 0,25% - Meosuring range : 0,2 mQ......200 a Manufacturer: BIDDLE INSTRUMENTS Digital Thermometer : 20Channels, programmable Type + DR 130 7 Manufecturer —: YOKOGAWA Power measuring unit Wide Band Power Analyzer (Wattmeter-Voltmeter- Type :06133T Ampermeter) 2 pes Accuracy + 0,1% a Manufacturer NORMA Voltmeter-mean value — : Digital, Interface ee? ‘Accuracy 1 0,1% Manufacturer ‘NORMA ay LD) : a : ALSTOM THE TESTING OF POWER TRANSFORMERS | Fose: 46 - Radio Noise Meter Insulation resistance meas. instruments Wave analyzer Noise measuring equipment Vibration meas. equipment Loss-factor meas. equipment Oscilloscope + Measuring range Type Monufacturer : Voltage Measuring ronge Type ‘Manufacturer Voltage Measuring range ‘Type Manufacturer 1 Measuring ronge Type Manufacturer Meas. instrumen 173-1/3 octave fi Microphone Recorder Calibrator Manufacturer + Meos. range Type Colibrator Manufacturer Mees. range Type Manufacturer 6- Channel’ Type Manvfacturer : 2- Channel Type Elekvik Endistisi AS. Voltmeter Type 13478A Digital, Interface “ Accuracy 1 0,1% -- ‘Manufacturer + Hewlet Packard Partial discharge measuring : Frequency 1 30 kHz +2 MHz equipment Measuring ronge Type Manufacturer O,1KV-0,1V : EM- 7535 2 Electro - Metrics : S000V. d.c. : 500,000 M2 : SH2 : MEGGER 5000 V. dic, — 1,000.000 Mai \ BM 25 : MEGGER : Wave Analyzer 15 Hz......50 kHz 2 3581A : HEWLETT PACKARD 1 type 2033 ter: type 1625 : type 4145 : type 2317 : type 4230 + Brill & Kjaer + Ln 000ms™ ,100 He 12513 14294 : BRUEL & KJAER O+12kV : M2H + DOBLE Engineering Compatiy 10 kHz 211401 : TEKTRONIX : TDS 340 naga me oo ineeTe AORN OAT Tone wpa WON ON hes Pee Po aw SO 1 MstOM an

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