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Comment Response on Supe Darmu (Dupa) Lalokile (Lalo) Amara kucho Meke Lalo Design and build

Road Project. (Km 00 - 35 & km 65 – 91)

Item No. Station Comments Responses

We would like to appreciate the
work executed in the draft
structural design report and a
proposal key structure of a
bridge, slab/box culverts and
pipe culverts. And it is (Comment noted and incorporated
commending to be implemented accordingly)
by incorporating the following
feed backs in your next
submission along with an
editorial work of your design
In general, comprehensive
design approach is
recommended in a way to
create sound engineering
Comment well-noted, however the bridge
solutions. We suggest modeling
1 General design will be submitted separately.
and finite element simulation is
needed especially for an
existing bridge (if exist) to
approve for further usage.
Whenever a slab or box culvert
structures are needed a
comparative performance in
regard to cost, strength,
Comment noted and considered.
durability, functional benefit
shall be placed before structural
design provision is completed
for the selected structures.
Comment accepted and accordingly detail
Include all detail plan, section, for design stage is submitted. Also further
and connection of every detailed plans, layout, sections and
structural element's proposal. reinforcement detailing will be submitted
during shop drawing submission.
2 Bridges Concerning the existence of Comment accepted and the Bridge design
existing bridge assessments and will be submitted separately.
the decision to retain them in
the road section, it might be
good in regard to the approach
grade and hydrology, but it is
also important to determine
how the performance towards
structural capacity shall be
determined, especially with the
essence of load rating (include
the detailed existing bridge
drawings). Please check the
Concerning the new bridge at
km 2+250, please consider the
following while selecting and
computing your structural
Comment accepted and the Bridge design
will be submitted separately after
-approach grade, landscaping,
completion of bridge foundation
economic, simplicity, form,
sustainable structural materials,
hydrology, climatic condition,
loads (LL, DL, WL, .... ),....
And provide FEM.
The statical calculation shall
have formulas that needs to be
in place before the result. It is
understandable that excel links Comment accepted and incorporated
need not be there. Show the accordingly.
formulas in embedded pictures
for major stress and
deformation determination.
Slab and Box
3 Connection to the approach
road shall be detailed properly
Comment accepted and made accordingly.
to mitigate the impact at the
Include the provision of
bearing/ connection between Comment noted and it will be provided
the abutment and the slab during shop drawing preparation.
Indicate how the soil bearing
pressure is related to type of
bedding with qualitative Comment noted and considered in the
4 Pipe culverts justification for a sample typical sections with the different bedding
station. And please also include type scenario.
pipe sections along with the
bedding type.
5 Foundation Substructures pad for the Comment accepted and considered.
systems settlement shall be checked
based on the prevailing
standards and geotechnical
Provide a geotechnical report
Comment accepted and draft geotechnical
for the mentioned project for
report is submitted separately.
detail design work.

Attaching activity
Specification specifications and quantities Comment noted and it will be included
and BOQ shall be essential in the during shop drawing.
provision of the structures.

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