Excel High School Sports Science Redo Assignment 1

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TITLE TOPIC: Sports Physicians -What do these professionals do on a daily basis?


Sports physician is a profession that deals with sport medicine in particular with

identification, treatment, and prevention of injuries in sports (Edelson 53). Adding to this,

it promotes not only the physical fitness, but also the psychological and mental well-being

of athletes that take part in any sport of physical exercise.

The words protect, prevent and promote often feature prominently in defining the roles

and scope of practice of sports physicians. (Hunter 2013).


Sports physicians are mostly experts as specialists in preventing injuries, curing and

rehabilitating aspects of physical fitness in sports (Narvani and Lynn 23).

Furthermore, they play an important role between the team coach and athletes as a

mediator as they have to supervise the physical diagnosis of players and ensure that they

can return to their team training activities after rest due to an injury (Narvani and Lynn


Most athletes have to comply with the rules set by their team physician and follow his/her

orders to keep in good physical balance as required and use their advice throughout the

game (Schepsis and Busconi 64).

The role of the sports physician is the most extraordinarily rewarding for those athletes. It is the

duty of sport physicians to check at all times athletes training and ensure that they use

their advice as to avoid any injuries or unsafe training methods. (Narvani and Lynn 29).
The crucial focus of sports physicians is the fast recovery of athletes from any restorative

surgeries or injuries. This plays an important role especially to competitive sports like

football, or basketball that require extensive performance from those athletes. Their role is

to perform accurate diagnosis and treatment of muscle injuries associated with their

participation in physical activities (Schepsis and Busconi 77). The most common type

injury is the torn ligaments or deformation of muscles caused by extreme and unsafe

training ways.

Importance of Sports Physicians

The American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Physicians (AOASP) divides their roles in

two categories. Those that deal with injuries of repair joints, torn ligaments, and tendons

strains. On the hand are those that provide nutritional guidance and advice in regards the

physical well- being to promote activity and strength.

We all know that sports industry plays an important role in both the culture and economy
of every nation. The sports industry generates a great amount of revenue that develops
their country economies and improves lives of athletes (Schepsis and Busconi 61).

Therefore, the health of athletes is priority and should be always improved in order for
countries and athletes to benefit fully (Engerbretsen and Steffen 961). Sports physicians
are those that can help athletes and prevent future injuries that can cause great pain and
suffering to athletes or even irreplaceable damages that can end their careers as athletes.
(Engerbretsen and Steffen 962).


Sports physicians is not a new concept in the world of sports. Their role can be traced
back in the 5th century. Their contribution is very important as they can prevent and cure
injuries that can have a long-term effect on athletes and bring them back and help them
improve their performance.

Edelson, Edward. Sports Medicine. London: Chelsea House, 2001. Print.

Hunter DJ, Reddy KS. Noncommunicable Diseases. N Engl J Med 2013; 369:1336-1343.
Engerbretsen, Lars, and Steffen Kathrin. The Importance of Sports Medicine, British Journal of
Sports Medicine 43 (2009): 961-962. Print.

Narvani, Amir, and Lynn Bruce. Key Topics in Sports Medicine. New York: Taylor & Francis,
2006. Print.

Schepsis, Anthony, and Busconi Brian. Sports Medicine. New York: Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, 2006. Print.

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