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Human Body Board Game

Objective: Design and construct a board game that requires players to use their
knowledge of the different body systems to play the game. You can choose to
focus on a specific body system listed below or make a game that incorporates
the whole body.

Digestive Respiratory Circulatory Skeletal and


 include at least 10 questions or problems that require players to use their
knowledge of human body systems
 game coloured or painted and includes pictures and visuals of different
body parts
 includes detailed rules for the game
 make a prototype before building final version

Examples of board games to adapt:

Monopoly (each side of board represents a different system – each “property” is a

different organ; correctly answer questions on organs to buy)
Candy land ( board game could have different organs – cards have functions or
descriptions of organs)
Snakes and Ladders (arteries and veins – arteries go up, veins go down)
Operation – card can indicate the job of an organ to be removed (ie. Remove the
organ that removes most of the water from our food)
Trivial Pursuit – trivia cards with questions related to human body
Guess who – different organs – pre made question cards

Criteria Points Feedback

 includes at least 10 questions/aspects of
body systems we have learned
 relevant knowledge required to complete
 information comes from class textbooks _____ / 10

Game Design
 creatively incorporates knowledge
questions into game
 overall design makes sense _____ / 10

 rules are clear and easy to follow
_____ / 10

Visual appeal
 board game is coloured/painted
 includes visuals of human body
systems/parts _____ / 5

 shows details of game have been well
planned and tested _____ / 5

TOTAL ______ / 40

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