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 Reasons come first, answers come second.

 Reticular activated system – Your brain will find what you tell it to look for.

Majoring in Minor Things vs Majoring in Major Things

 There aren’t many areas for you to master in your life to make it truly extraordinary.
 Yet most of us eat our time, energy, emotions, money on the minor things.
 We need to major on the major things – what is most important to us.
 There are only SEVEN majors. Making consistent progress in these areas will improve
your QoL drastically.

Pyramid of Mastery

1. Physical body
 Energy, strength and vitality.
 Without energy, nothing works. Energy is the basis for transformation for all other
areas of life.

2. Emotions and meaning

 You have to master how you feel and your emotions.
 The quality of your life is the quality of your emotions.
 Meaning = emotions. But emotions = life.

3. Relationships
 Your intimate relationships have the most impact on the rest of the quality of your
 An extraordinary relationship is one of the highest goals in life to aspire.
 It can magnify us, bring insane amounts of joy and ecstasy

4. Time
 Most people confuse movement with achievement
 Time is nothing but an emotion.
 Think about minutes that last for eternity. Or a day that just flew by. The only
difference is your enjoyment.

5. Careers and Mission

 If you call it your work, career or your mission, we can already tell who you are.
 Work – it takes a lot out of you. Doesn’t give you as much as you put in. Not inspiring
 Career – Something that pulls you forward. Something you can see a bigger picture.
Rewards worth the effort.
 Mission – work harder than anybody else but you love it.

6. Finance and wealth

 Wealth is nothing more than a state of mind.
 How much joy can you extract in every experience in every given moment.
 Financial freedom is the ability to share with the ones you love.
7. Celebrate and contribute (C and C)
 Spiritual side of life
 You can only move forward if you train your brain to love success.
 Reward yourself for the experiences you’re taking
 Teach yourself to give yourself pleasure when you succeed and make progress.
 We grow not only to celebrate, but to give.
 The secret to living is giving.

Closing the Gap

 In planning, start with the end in mind.

Formula for Sustainable Success

 Three pillars of success. It’s like a three-legged stool, you need all three legs to be

1. Get Laster-Focused. Make it Clear and Compelling

 Whatever focus goes, energy flows.
 You need to know your outcome.
 Clarity is power.
 It needs to be compelling. Or it won’t happen. Clarity is not enough. It needs to be
compelling enough to drive action.

2. Get the best strategies/mentor/tools/maps/coaches for results

 You need to right tools, strategies. Not out of date ones. And it will never work.
 Need to continue to make sure you have the right strategies.
 It makes the difference between pain and pleasure.
 Sometimes the smallest shifts can lead to the greatest transformations.
 It may feel that you are miles off track, but in reality, only the tiniest adjustment is

3. Get Aligned, Get Integrated and Get Results! Take Action

 Even if you have pillars 1 and 2, your own inner voice/conflicts/beliefs is stopping
 The biggest inner conflict you have are the result of conflicting values and beliefs.
 These shut the power of pillars 1 and 2.

 Strategies – The specific steps you need to get what you want.
 Know the strategy and recipe to use to achieve success.
 If you are aware of the recipe that you used to master one area, you can use the
same recipe in other areas of your life.
 Four elements of a recipe:

1. Ingredients
 Your five senses – visual, auditory, kinesthetics, olfactory, gustatory.
 The ways you receive information or convey meaning.

2. Amounts and qualities

 The type of flour (plain/self-raise); type of milk (low-fat, high-fat, buttermilk) etc. and
the amount.
 For success – Sub modalities
o Visual – brightness, dimness, darkness, close/far, 2D/3D, moving goals.
o Auditory – hearing something strong and loud, direct, softness, warmth,
resonance, internal voice, someone else’s voice
 All these can affect how powerful the words are.
o Kinesthetics – powerful state (strong, powerful, rigid, erect, firm). Or in the

3. Order and sequence

 If you change the order and wording syntax, it can completely change the meaning.
o E.g. The dog bit John, vs, John bit the dog.
 What is the order and sequence of the ingredients to get the results?

4. Intensity and Duration

 Movements when you are in the flow, body movements that you know are aligned
with success.
 When you are masterful, how are you doing it, what are you doing with your body,
what are you seeing, hearing, feeling? How are you doing that and how long?
 Learn it and repeat it.

Ingredients + Amounts/Qualities + Order/Sequences + Intensity/Duration = WINNING


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