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Final Performance Written Piece

This is Michigan by Haley Kershaw

TAI170H Oral Interpretation of Literature
The mitten on the map.
The state with Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.
Michigan, oh, Michigan, what do your seasons have to give?

From greens, yellows, oranges, browns, and reds.

And noses beginning to sniffle.
To local cider mills filled with flannels.
And bellies full of apple cider and donuts.

Then one night, the squealing of kids fill the streets.

But more likely than not, their costumes are covered by puffy coats!
And towering trees turn bare as their leaves let go.
While birds fly south, bidding their farewell.

This is Michigan’s Fall.

The first snow is magical as it delicately falls from the sky.

A white blanket that glitters in the sun.
The snowplows begin working before dawn.
And your boots get covered in salt.

But students pray for a snow day every night.

And maybe, it might just come true!
Sleds race down hills and snowballs fly from every direction.
Hot coco warms the soul and voices sing along to holiday tunes.
And at night, bodies take comfort within their toasty beds.

This is Michigan’s Winter.

Glimpses of the sun become a sign of hope.

But it still snows when you least expect it.
Eventually, cold rain replaces snow.
And boots once covered in salt, now trek mud behind every step.
However, green shoots start peeking out.
And robins get plump with eggs.
As flowers open towards the sun, students get antsy in their seats.
The school days feel like they last forever.
But when that final bell rings, my god, excitement takes over them all!

This is Michigan’s Spring

Every inch is covered in green.

Lakes sparkle like diamonds.
Fluffy clouds fly through the sky
And the sun radiates brightly.

With kids out of school, families go “up north”.

Days are filled with hiking, kayaking, swimming, fishing, biking, and so much more.
While evenings end with flickering campfires and mouthwatering smores.

There are no oceans nearby, but millions of feet walk on beaches every day!
Eyes searching for Petoskey stones as hair blows wildly in the fresh breeze.
And even when storms rush in with crackling thunder and flashing lightning.
A rainbow always appears at the end.

This is Michigan’s Summer.

Michigan, oh, Michigan, the beauty you have to give!

The mitten on the map.
The state with Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.
This is Michigan.

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