Saudi Arabia Reporting

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Sau d i

Arab ia
Saudi Arabia, officially
known as the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia (KSA), is
the largest Arab country in
Western Asia.
It is the only nation with
both a Red Sea coast and
a Persian Gulf coast.
It was founded by
Abdulaziz bin Saud in
Saudi Arabia is
sometimes called "The
Land of the Two Holy
Saudi Arabia's official
language is Arabic.
Their main religion is
Riyadh is the Capital
City of Saudi Arabia.
fo Saudi A r a b i a
Th e G r e e t i n g s
o th e r, b y sa yin g
et g re e t e a c h
They gre e a n s
y ku m ,” w h ic h m
“S a la m A la
o u .” It is u s ua lly
c e b e u p o n y
“pea it is a
a h a n d sh a k e i f
follo we d b y if
is s o n t h e c h e e k
e t in g , o r a k
formal me in g t h a t
h ile s in c e m e e t
it's b e en a w r
th e y a re f a m ily o
— e s p e c ia l ly if
a close friend.
Th e G r e e t i n g s
ie d b y a w om an
he n a c co m p a n
W lly w ill
e il, a m a n n o rm a
wear in g a v
r , an d on e d o e s
no t in tro d uc e h e
h a ke ha n d s w ith
n o t e x pe ct to s
her. g " is
r "G oo d Mo r n in
The te rm fo
", an d fo r "G o o d
h a l- K ha y r
"Saba y r ".
is "M a sa a l- K h a
Eve n in g" i t
The Gestures
One avoids using the left
hand for gesturing. Saudis
generally observe a
separation between the
functions of the hands. This
custom is tied to Islamic
principles that prescribe the
left hand should be used for
removal of dirt and for
cleaning. It should not be
used for functions such as
waving, eating or passing
Most Saudis eat with fingers of
the right hand. Bread may be torn
with the left hand but it is eaten
with the right hand.
The cuisine varies from province to
province, although some dishes are
found across the Kingdom. A typical
Saudi meal is a blend of wheat,
rice, milk, chicken or lamb, dates,
yoghurt, potatoes, delicately
flavoured with rich aromatic
Alcoholic Beverages are
Although the Saudi
Most families live as
Arabian family is
extended families, but
nuclear families are
patriarchal, women
common in urban
hold considerable
areas. Even so, sons
sway in the home.
and their families
The relationship
usually live in a
between parent and
neighborhood close to
child is very strong. If
their father's home.
their studies or
The familiy is the key
employment require
to Saudi Arabian
children to move away
Society, and
before marriage, they
infidelity is a
frequently make trips
punishable crime.
to visit their parents.
The religion and customs of Saudi Arabia
dictate not only conservative dress for men and
women, but a uniformity of dress unique to most
of the Middle East.

Women normally wear an abaya, a long black

cloak that covers all but the hands and face in
public despite this not being required. Some
Saudi women wear a full face veil, such as a
niqāb or a burqa.
Saudi men and boys, whatever their job or social
status, wear the traditional dress called a thobe
or thawb, which has been called the "Arabic
dress". During warm and hot weather, Saudi men
and boys wear white thobes.

During the cool weather, wool thobes in dark

colors are not uncommon. At special times, men
often wear a bisht or mishlah over the thobe.
These are long white, brown or black cloaks
trimmed in metallic thread.
Other Culture of Saudi Arabia
Do not point at another person.
Men walking hand in hand is a sign of
Try not to cross your legs when sitting.
Never show the bottom of your feet.
The "thumbs up" gesture is offensive.
When visiting another persons house,
Avoid admiring an Item too much.
When offered a gift, it is impolite to refuse.

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