The Last Days Vol 8

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The Last Days: Volume 8

Table of Contents Page

Chapter One: Israel Under Attack 1

Chapter Two: Hatred of Old 21

Chapter Three: Mountain of Israel 32

Chapter Four: Setting up His Kingdom 48

Chapter Five: Amalek 60

Chapter Six: How do you know we are in the Last Days? 70

Chapter Seven: The Cutting Place 80

Chapter Eight: Coexist 96

Chapter Nine: Moon God/Manasseh 107

Chapter Ten: Antichrist Is Not About a Beast 122

Chapter Eleven: Spirit of Jezebel 1 128

Chapter Twelve: Spirit of Jezebel 2 139

Chapter Thirteen: Come Out From Among Them 156

Chapter Fourteen: Root of The Conflict 169


Israel Under Attack

Open your bible to Genesis 15.

I am going to be showing you about a dozen or
so maps and charts. I am also going to give you
some statistics and numbers before we get to
God’s word. I am showing you these
comparisons with the hopes that you will be
asking the question: Why all the fuss over such a
small area, a small country? And hopefully, I can
give you the answers in a general way to get you
started and pointed in the right direction.
On the right is a map of China. In the middle of
the map is a little blue image. That is the size of
Israel in comparison to China.
When you compare Israel’s population with
China’s, there really is no comparison because
the differences are like light-years apart it is so
vast. So much unsettling news from such a small

Map 1

Here we have the size of Israel compared to

Russia. Once again the country of Israel is
the aqua-blue looking area right in the
middle. It is almost like a dot.

Map 2

On the right is the United States of America.

The little aqua blue image in the center is
Below is the Middle East and Africa, the states
that are in play today that are causing Israel a
lot of headaches. These countries want Israel
destroyed, wiped off the face of the map. You
could also color in Turkey (right above Syria)
and the area above Iran (the southern Russia
area, the ‘Stans’). They will come into play as
we get closer to Armageddon.
Now, if you had no idea what the Middle East
and northern Africa countries looked like,
what they were, and where they are placed on
the globe, would you be able to pinpoint (if
you didn’t know where Israel was) where
Israel was located? Look at it. Say this map
didn’t have the names of the countries on it - Map 3
could you point out Israel? It can hardly be seen on this map. Yet, all these surrounding countries
in yellow (and some not in yellow but should be) want it destroyed. Israel is amongst countries
that would not mind Israel being done with—even some of the Eastern European countries (that
we can barely see on this map), the ones bordering northern Mediterranean areas. Their thinking
being maybe the world would get along if they didn’t exist.

Map 4
Again, could you point Israel out if you had no idea which country was which? And once you
could identify it if somebody told you where the state of Israel existed on that map, don’t you

think any common sense person would say, “What is all the fuss about?” Why are they worried
about this tiny little country? How much impact can this tiny little country have? How much
global impact can this tiny little country have? Why the fuss? Why is this such a big deal? See,
the battle is in the unseen world. God, Christ, and Satan are the unseen players. Satan knows he
is not going to win, but he knows who the Lord chose to make an example of. It is going to be
His way and no other way!
This next screen points out land area comparisons in kilometers and miles. I am going to be
using miles.

On the very left, it starts with Israel. What are the square miles of Israel? 8,367. Iran is 636
thousand plus. Saudi Arabia is 756 thousand plus. Syria is 71 thousand plus square miles. Egypt
is 386 thousand square miles. Lebanon is 4 thousand. Jordan is 35,637 square miles.
Taking those countries that you saw in yellow on Map 4 and not including all the other countries
that want to see Israel destroyed also (we are just focusing on the surrounding countries right
now), how does Israel compare? Add the numbers; 8,367 square miles compared to the counties
we saw on the map in yellow which equals 1,893,401 square miles. Think about it, folks. Do
you think you could find some room for the Palestinians in 1,893,401 square miles? Why do you
have to force them into a couple thousand square miles? Think about it. Remember the mandate,
Transjordan and Israel? Transjordan, when you look at the total mandate border, came out to
over 37,000 square miles compared to Israel’s 8,367 miles. Why the fuss? Just take them in like
you agreed to in the first place. But one of the reasons you decided to change your mind,
amongst many, is you saw the land coming back to life and you wanted to claim it for your own.
Most of you think Jordan is going to be a peaceful nation in the end. I have news for you; it is
not. I know some of you have been taught differently. Well, I will wake you up to the fact that it
is not.

This chart above depicts population in millions. Of course we will start with Israel with 6.65
million. (Now these figures may have fluctuated a bit from the time they were made, but not
much.) Jordan has 5.3 million. Lebanon, 3.6 million. Egypt, 70.7 million. Syria, 17.15 million.
Saudi Arabia 23.5 million. Iran, 66.62 million. Remember, I started with Israel. And you don’t
think they are surrounded? And you think they should give up more land? Netanyahu was right;
you want us to have defenseless borders. It already is a hard enough time. It is already a difficult
time and situation defending what they do have, including what they call the occupied lands of
the Golan Heights, the West Bank, and so forth. Listen, this experiment in Gaza where the
Palestinians can govern themselves is a failure, and part control of the West Bank was a failure.
So after looking at the chart, what does this add up to? What does Israel have as far as numbers
go? Enemies around them to the tune of 169,520,000. That is just covering the colored areas on
the map I just showed you earlier. Here is Israel at 6.65 million, and it is just a hair more than
that now, and their enemies that want to destroy them, their numbers are 169,520,000.
That doesn’t sound like a fair fight, does it? Now anyone that has any biblical perspective, you
guessed right. But those of you who do not, it seems like Israel is outnumbered. I have news for
you. If my bible is true and correct (and I faithe and trust that it is), it is the Palestinians and all
the surrounding countries that support them that are outnumbered because the Lord is on Israel’s
I want to drive this point home. There is a lot of blah blah blah going on right now about why
Israel should do this and why Israel should do that. But when you look at the facts, if you really
think about it, and especially the leadership here in the United States of America, you’d say,
“Wait! What are you talking about? You have everything going for you including an abundance
of oil in most of those countries that you could support these Palestinians’ move into areas that
they could develop their own towns, their own city.” Listen, China builds cities that nobody
moves into. Don’t you think the Arabs can do that?

Now on this chart we see the number of soldiers, the armed forces of these countries. Israel has
605,000. Of that 605 thousand, 430 thousand of them are reserves. They only have about 175
thousand standing soldiers. How does that compare to [Map 4] the nations in yellow—not all the
nations that want to see Israel destroyed—but I repeat, only the nations in yellow and the soldiers
they have? Jordan has 105,000; Lebanon has 55,000; Egypt has 450,000; Syria 320,000; Saudi
Arabia has 105,000; Iran, 665,000 which 125,000 are supposed to be their elite, the
Revolutionary Guard. So Israel, including their reserves in this, has 605,000 verses what in total
when you add up the soldiers in those other countries in yellow on that map? 1,700,000. Israel
605,000 verses their enemies 1,700,000. They are outnumbered and you want them to retreat.
Shame on this leadership. For the sake of peace? Give me one statistical fact, one reported fact,
give me any type of fact that you can find that they can keep an agreement. You can’t.
The next chart is based on the number of warplanes these countries have. Israel has 474; Jordan
has 93; Lebanon has 3; Egypt has 585; Syria has 589; Saudi Arabia has 432; Iran has 307. So in
comparison, Israel has 474 verses their enemies total of 2009. Outnumbered? Yes; and you still
want them to give, retreat, and become less protected. There really is not that much air space and
there is not that much as far as missiles and warplanes go. Israel needs every inch and if Israel is
at fault, it cannot go after what God claimed to be His.


Tanks: Israel has 4,300; Jordan has 1,217; Lebanon has 315; Egypt has 3,710; Syria has 6,000;
Saudi Arabia has 860; Iran has 1,400. So, Israel has 4,300 and Israel’s enemies have 13,502.
Once again, outnumbered.

This next chart shows the number of warships. Israel has 51; Jordan 3; Lebanon 14; Egypt 51;
Syria 23; Saudi Arabia 37; Iran 68. The enemies you saw on that first map have 196.
In every category of weaponry, they are outnumbered – in every category, from soldiers on the
ground to artillery.

Submarines: Israel has 3; Jordan and Lebanon have zero. Egypt has 4. Syria has 3. Saudi Arabia,
none. And Iran has 3. Israel has three and their enemies have ten.

Now what President Obama suggested (and it is more than a suggestion incidentally) is to go
back to the pre-1967 borders.
The light blue area on this map
depicts the borders prior to the 1967
war. The borders there were
established in approximately 1949.
And of course, the areas you see, like
the orange area, was given to Jordan.
The yellow area, which you really
can’t see well here, is the neutral area
or the no-man’s land. The red area is
the Gaza Strip.
In the spring and summer of 1949,
agreements were signed between
Israel and its neighbors establishing
Israel’s borders, which we see here on
this particular map.
Some history.
To some extent, these lines
overlapped the borderline of Palestine
during the British Mandate period, or
they were close to it, with the
exception of the Judea and Samaria
region, and the surrounding area of
the Gaza Strip. These lines were
drawn up, on the assumption that they
would be temporary, and would be
replaced within a few years by
permanent borders.
There were also lines drawn in the Map 5
southern part of that area between
Egypt and Israel, and of course also the areas around Lebanon. And that is what our President
here in the United States of America wants Israel to fall back to. As I said, the orange area we
see on this particular map is the West Bank. If you go further north (which we do not see on this
map), there is the Golan Heights, which extends just to the right of the northern part of that blue
section. But what we see here is pretty much (except for some agreeable swaps, whatever that
means according to the President of the United States) what Israel would have to fall back to.
Now what is the problem with that? It creates a security problem for Israel because it shrinks
Israel’s waistline.

The darker blue area in the center

of this map is the West Bank, the
Palestinian communities. Some
of the communities now are not
just Palestinian communities,
they are Israeli communities. But
you know, for the most part, that
is considered the West Bank.
If Israel would fall back to those
borders, from the nearest
Palestinian border city to the
Mediterranean Sea would be only
9 miles or 15 kilometers (that
little narrow space at about center
left). And you can see on this
particular map with these
borderlines the distance between
major cities to the would-be
Palestinian, which would be
Hamas or Hezbollah—controlled
by Iran and Syria, a breeding
ground for continuous terrorists
and a launching area for a full
scale war.
There in the upper right portion
in the darker blue area is the
Golan Heights. That was taken
also and now Israel has control
over it. It’s almost like a border
fence because of Syria’s threats
and overall ambition to conquer
Israel also.
Map 6
So this gives you a better
understanding of Israel's situation. Just imagine if enough of a military force was developed in
that West Bank area to literally choke out Israel by controlling the area. If it were given over to
the Palestinians, Israel would be choked out, at least by ground forces, because it is only a 9 to
13 mile stretch (depending on where they were) to choke out the northern part from the southern
part of Israel.

What also comes into play is the Holy Land,

If we look at pre-1967 borders, we will see
on this map the outline of Jerusalem, which is
split in two. The eastern part of that map is
eastern Jerusalem. That would be given back
to the Arabs or the Palestinians to control—
which means by the way, most Jewish and
Christian holy sites would be under the
control of Islam.
Now Islam has taken up the practice of
destroying anything that is considered holy--
(the way the western world perceives things
to be holy; and even though we might not
consider it holy but an abomination because
it is an idol)--because it is not part of Islam.
Islam’s new practice is to destroy it. The map
shows pre-1967 borders; the western part of
Jerusalem which Israel would keep and of
course it would have to hand over the eastern
part of Jerusalem.

Map 7

When we break these up into sections according

to how Jerusalem is mapped out now and under
their control, there are still different sections.
There is the Armenian Quarter on the bottom left.
The Christian Quarter is just north of the
Armenian Quarter. Then we see the Muslim
Quarter (which is the largest quarter by the way)
to the east of the Christian Quarter. And then of
course we have the Jewish Quarter on the bottom
right. In the middle of it is the Temple Mount
with the Al-Aqsa and the Western Wall. And of
course we see the Dome of the Rock, the
Abomination of Desolation. This is not to scale,
but it sits there. This is what it looks like today.
Now I came prepared, but I won’t be able to do
it, to outline for you all the terror attacks.

Map 8

This map shows us some of the

terror attacks from 2000-2006.
We see in the light blue the pre-
1967 borders with the West
Bank, the Golan Heights (top
right), and the Gaza Strip (lower
Let me just share with you a few
of the terror attacks that have
taken place—and, this is with
Israel having control of the West
Bank, the Golan Heights, and
(for the most part) Gaza. Can
you imagine if the Palestinians
and the Arab world seized, or
took over that area once again
but this time better equipped with
more of a unified purpose behind
what drives them to destroy
Israel—which would include
many Arab countries and non-
Arab countries supporting the
Arabs’ goal of wiping out Israel
from the face of the map once
and for all and seizing all the
territory? Israel has a tough
enough time with what they
control now.
Map 9 Are you telling me these are a
people of peace? Are you going to tell me that they are going to live up to any peace agreement?
During peace agreements these terror attacks have taken place. I will just share a few with you
very quickly and start with November 20, 2000.
▪ Nov 20, 2000 – Gush Katif
Two people were killed and 9 injured by a roadside bomb that exploded alongside a bus
carrying children to school.
▪ Nov 22, 2000 - Hadera
Two people were killed, and 60 wounded when a powerful car bomb was detonated
alongside a passing bus on the town's main street.
▪ Nov 28, 2000 - Kfar Saba
Two Israeli teenagers on their way to school were killed in a suicide terrorist attack near
the "Meeting Place of Peace" gas station in Neve Yamin. The bomber, from the Hamas
terror group, blew himself up in a gathering of students waiting at a bus stop. Four other

teenagers were wounded, one critically.

▪ Jan 1, 2001 - Netanya

60 people were injured when a car bomb exploded near a bus stop in the shopping
▪ Feb 14, 2001 - Holon
Eight people were killed and 25 injured when a bus driven by a Palestinian terrorist
plowed into a group of soldiers and civilians waiting at a bus stop.
▪ Mar 4, 2001 - Netanya
Three people were killed and more than 60 injured in a suicide bombing in the downtown
▪ May 18, 2001 - Netanya
A Palestinian suicide bomber detonated himself outside a shopping mall, killing five
people and injuring over 100. Hamas claimed responsibility.
▪ Jun 1, 2001 - Tel Aviv
21 young people were killed and 120 wounded by a suicide bomber outside the
Dolphinarium disco along the seafront promenade.
▪ Aug 9, 2001 - Jerusalem
15 people were killed (including 7 children) and 130 injured in a suicide bombing at the
Sbarro pizzeria on the corner of King George Street and Jaffa Road in the city center.
Hamas and the Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

There are so many of them. I am sharing with you just a few between November 2000 and 2006.
I would have to spend two or three programs just to bring you all the terrorist attacks on this tiny
little nation.
▪ Dec 1, 2001 - Jerusalem
11 people were killed and 180 injured by two suicide bombers on Ben Yehuda Street's
pedestrian mall. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.
▪ Dec 2, 2001 - Haifa
15 people were killed and 40 injured in a suicide bombing on Egged bus #16. Hamas
claimed responsibility for the attack.
▪ Jan 27, 2002 - Jerusalem
An elderly man was killed and over 150 people wounded in a suicide bombing on Jaffa
Road in the center of Jerusalem. A female terrorist, identified as a Fatah member, was
armed with more than 10 kilos of explosives.
▪ Feb 16, 2002 – Karnei Shomron
Three teenagers were killed and 30 people were wounded when a suicide bomber blew
himself up on Saturday night at a pizzeria in a shopping mall. The Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attack.
▪ Mar 27, 2002 - Netanya
30 people were killed and 140 injured in a suicide bombing at the Park Hotel.
▪ Apr 12, 2002 - Jerusalem
Six people were killed and 104 wounded when a woman suicide bomber detonated a
powerful charge at the entrance to the Mahane Yehuda open-air market. The Fatah Al-
Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

I have at least 150 that I have outlined from 2000-2006. Now this started as soon as Israel
became a nation… decades and decades of terrorist attacks. It is sad to read all this, yet
nobody wants to talk about what happens.
▪ Jan 5, 2003 - Tel Aviv
22 people were killed and 120 wounded in a double suicide bombing near the old
central bus station. The attack was apparently carried out by two members of the
Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, with the help of the Islamic Jihad.
▪ Aug 31, 2004 - Beer Sheba
Sixteen people were killed and 100 wounded in two nearly simultaneous suicide
bombings aboard two city buses. Hamas in Hebron claimed responsibility.
▪ Jan 13, 2005 - Karni Crossing, Gaza
Palestinian terrorists opened fire at Israeli civilians, killing 6 and wounding 5. Hamas
and the Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility.
▪ Jan 15, 2005 - Sderot
A 17 year old girl was mortally wounded by shrapnel from a Kassem rocket and died
several days later. She was struck while protecting her younger brother, who was
lightly wounded.
▪ Oct 26, 2005 - Hadera
Five people were killed and 55 were wounded, six seriously (one person later died of
her wounds) in a suicide bombing at the Hadera open-air market. The Islamic Jihad
claimed responsibility.
▪ Apr 17, 2006 - Tel Aviv
Eleven people were killed and over 60 wounded in a suicide bombing during the
Passover holiday at the Rosh Ha'ir restaurant near the old central bus station in Tel
Aviv. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Thousands upon thousands of terrorist attacks in a little over 60 years, not to mention the war
as soon as it became a nation, 1967, 1973 and the onslaught coming from every direction
because this tiny nation (compared to other nations in square miles, population, and even
weaponry) has people that hate it and want to see Israel destroyed. So tiny yet it is such a
threat to them. Why? Why is it such a threat?

This next map shows the

arrangements and agreements
made back in the ‘90’s to
establish a Palestinian self-
government. Area A seen on
the map is under full
Palestinian control, to see if
they could try to govern
themselves. Area B is
Palestinian civil control but
has Israeli military control
there for obvious reasons, all
the terrorist attacks. Area C is
under full Israeli control.
There are areas that are Israeli
communities designated by
the dark circle inside of a
white circle. And then there
are Palestinian communities
shown by the other type of
circle. Like I said, the
Palestinians rejected the
proposals and then they made
this agreement to try to govern
themselves—which probably
would have resulted in the
establishment of a Palestinian
state in most of Judea and
Samaria (shown on map) as
well as the Gaza Strip. Israel,
in case anybody thinks Israel
has not tried to come to some
Map 10
kind of peace agreement
(which is false, they tried) in 2003 accepted this road map, which would lead to the
establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel with the hope that the Palestinians would
be able to fulfill their obligations to end terrorism and the incitement of it: and then it would
lead to establishing permanent borders and create a Palestinian state.
Well, those of you that know history for the last few years know that has not happened; just
the opposite. But Israel has tried, folks. It is not like they have not tried. But how do you
keep trying with a people that have on their agenda, and is their goal, to wipe you out one
way or another?

This map shows the onslaught

of the Six Day War in 1967.
There in the light blue colors
you see the Israeli territory
before the Six Day War. And of
course, after the Six Day War
the West Bank was taken, Gaza
was taken, and also… well
more was taken than that, Israel
gave some back in the 70’s and
80’s mostly because of the
Egyptian agreements that were
made between Israel and Egypt.
But, I wanted to show you this
particular map to make a point.
You see the onslaught; follow
all the arrows. The Six Day War
was the first major Arab attempt
after 1948 to destroy Israel.
In November of 1966, an
Egyptian-Syrian Defense
Agreement was signed,
encouraging the Syrians to
escalate tensions, which
reached a climax in the spring
of 1967.
May 14: Egypt mobilized its
forces in and around the Suez
Canal. May 16: Egypt moved it
forces eastward across the Sinai
desert towards the Israeli
border, demanding the withdrawal Map 11
of UN Emergency Force (UNEF)
stationed along the frontier. May 19: The Egyptians expelled the UN Emergency Force
(UNEF) from the Gaza Strip and Sinai, and continued pouring its military forces into these
areas. May 22: Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping. May 24-June 4:
Answering the Egyptian call, the governments of Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria and
Lebanon moved their forces toward the Israeli border. Israel mobilized its reserve forces, and
launched a diplomatic campaign to win international support for ending the Egyptian
blockade of Israeli shipping through the Strait of Tiran.
But what is more important about this map than anything else is what you see there… Let’s
just look at the green arrows. Those are the advances of the Egyptian army. And of course,
they advanced towards Israel. They advanced on five different locations that border Israel to
choke it from the south eastern side, and also to blockade its shipping vessels from going

through the Strait of Tiran. Remember how I preached on the Gulf of Aqaba? Well just
below that on the lower right part of the map it is the body of water you see in dark blue.
Now the advance of the Saudi Arabian army is in teal. You see they were advancing to block
any gulf activity. They also blocked the south eastern portion of Israel. Then we see there in
red, the advances of the Jordanian army on the eastern part of the map. Just above that we see
the advances of the Iraqi army, which would cover the southern and northern areas of the
West Bank. From the north we see the advances of the Syrian army on the upper right and
then right next to it is the advances of the Lebanese army. Every which way they looked or
turned they were being attacked, they were being surrounded.
This is going to happen again and then some and not just the counties you see on Map 11 but
also the countries you don’t see on it that were colored yellow on Map 4 at the beginning.
They are going to join with these evil Beast forces, the 8th Beast, to once and for all wipe
Israel off the map. Well I have news for them; it is not going to happen.
Here we see on this map what
David conquered. We also see
toward the center and lower
part of the map the outline of
Israel today. This map is not
quite accurate, but it was the
closest one I could find. The
extent of David’s Kingdom
actually goes further north
because of an extension.
Through his son Solomon he
was able to obtain more land.
This is the area that Abraham
was promised. This just gives
you a sample of the area
Abraham was promised.
Now the northern part of that
light blue area is supposed to
reach the Euphrates or close to
it. Remember Abraham left
Haran, which is north of what
this map shows, north of the
Euphrates. And, what was
promised to Abram in Genesis

Map 12
Genesis 15:17, “And it came
to pass, that when the sun
went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed
between those pieces. [That was the form of making a certain kind of covenant. I covered
that in past teaching.] In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying,

Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river
Now some people think the ‘river of Egypt’ is the Nile. No it is not. If I had a different map I
would show you what the river of Egypt means. That is why I believe you have to extend a
little that light blue color further east and south. For the lack of a map now, take my word for
“From the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:” that is what was
promised to Abram.
Has this been interesting to you? Do you want to know what God’s Word said about
everything that I covered? Do you want to know why the fulfillment of God’s promise for
His chosen people to return to the Promised Land was not contingent on anything the people
He chose did? Only because the Lord keeps His promises and protects His and His Son’s
holy name.
You go to Ezekiel 36:20-24 you will find in Ezekiel’s time the future restoration of Israel.
This goes beyond the return of the exile period.
“And when they entered unto the heathen, whither they went, they profaned my holy
name, when they said to them, These are the people of the LORD, and are gone forth out
of his land. But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned
among the heathen, whither they went. Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith
the LORD GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name’s
sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. And I will sanctify my
great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst
of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, saith the Lord GOD, when I
shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. For I will take you from among the heathen,
and gather you out of all countries [what has already happened], and will bring you into
your own land.”
The Lord brought them into their own land. We are living in that time. It began prior to 1948.
They became a nation in 1948. God did this because He said He would do this and He is not
a man to lie. He clearly says, I did not do it for your sake. The promises you will benefit
from, but I did it for My sake. He already knew Israel couldn’t keep any promises, so He did
it for His sake. “Thus saith the LORD GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel,
but for mine holy name’s sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye
God promised it to Abram. He reiterated that promise again in Genesis. Guess what, what He
promised to Abram He will deliver, and He has. And if He is willing to deliver that for His
holy name’s sake, is He not ready and willing to deliver the rest of it that has not been
fulfilled yet? Yes He will.
Now if you are interested in this part of the series, which is out of order in the series, I will
continue it, and kind of wrap it up and give you the generalities of why it is important to
know Israel’s history, and why it is important to realize God will keep His word for His
name’s sake because He is not a man to lie. What He promised Abram, He will fulfill.

Now I gave you a general synopsis of why this whole thing is ridiculous if you really put it in
a worldly view. It doesn’t make sense such a tiny little area of the world is causing so much
havoc and so much hatred is flowing toward it. Why even its brother Ephraim, even today,
does not fully stand 100% by him is amazing to me.
I am tired of people calling themselves Christians who have no idea what God’s Word says
about what today’s times are revealing. Today’s times are only fulfilling what God’s Word
said was going to happen. But once again, I point to preachers behind pulpits that have the
responsibility to teach and make the out-called ones called the Church aware, which should
be influencing the world and the viewpoints they have. They failed. I do not intend to fail.
Hopefully, the ones that will listen now (and in the future until He comes back) will be
enlightened and have more knowledge enter into their everyday studies so they can see how
God keeps His word.
This brief history is ridiculous; and that is what it is, brief history. How foolish, but more
importantly, how evil. We recognize that evil because we know this is an unseen war that is
taking place between the Lord and Satan. We already know who the victor is going to be, but
Satan is going to deliver his last blow to the very end because he knows his destination is
eternal damnation. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t have anything to lose any longer because he
knows he’s already lost. And he is going to take as many as he can with him. And just as was
prophesied, through the prophets revealing God’s word, the 8th Beast is alive and well. It has
resurrected from the 7th, and it is now planning its final push to destroy that little tiny country
Israel. Who will stand? Will the United States have a change of heart? I plan to get to all
those subjects in the future.

To be continued…

The Last Days Study Guide

Israel Under Attack

1. What did the Egyptian-Syrian agreement produce?

2. Jerusalem is divided into four quarters. Name them.

3. What is the mindset of the northern Mediterranean countries?

4. What is the shortest distance from the nearest Palestinian border city to the

5. What legitimate concerns does Israel face when they are asked to return to pre-1967

6. What was Abram promised regarding land territory?

7. Why is God keeping His promise to Abram’s seed?

8. Name the six countries that attacked Israel during the Six Day War.

9. List who controls areas A, B, and C.

10. Whose demand did the UN forces obey during the Six Day War?

11. Who said they would take the Palestinians in after the creation of Israel?

12. Israel is so small in size in comparison to the rest of the nations of the world.With that
thought in mind, how does it help us take comfort and confidence when we view the
onslaught from every direction our own life?

Hatred of Old
Open your bible to Ezekiel 36.
I decided because of all the current events that have happened recently—including the President
of the United States of America’s speech telling Israel to go back to pre-1967 borders(as if that
would really provide peace, which it would not)—to give you some general history on modern
Palestinians are a people that are born to hate, that will hate, and will be dealt with by God
himself, Christ himself before all is said and done. “Well, can you verify that in Scripture?” Yes,
I can.
I will generally cover a lot of different areas and I will probably do that for the next two
teachings to give you a broad-based foundation so you know and you can train your ears,
especially with what you are going to hear in the news media from politicians concerning the
remarks that our President of the United States of America had for Israel in his Arab Spring
In the last message, I showed you some charts and maps showing how Israel is outnumbered
whether it is people, weapons, you name it. But the one thing the enemy doesn’t count on is God
because they believe their false idol is God Almighty and that is fine. They do not believe they
are the 8th Beast in Scripture, the last beast that this world will have to deal with. Christ and his
saints will finish the job in dealing with that Beast.
But until we get to that point, you need to be aware of what Scripture says and knowledgeable in
what Scripture says concerning these nations and these tribal people that date all the way back to
Genesis when Abram was promised not only the area that Israel now claims for their state but
also the surrounding area that goes beyond the territory that Israel has for a state now. It reaches
all the way up to the Euphrates and all the way down to the rivers of Egypt. It is not the great
river, and some people get confused on that. The great river in Egypt is the Nile. That is not what
Scripture is referencing. To give you a better geographical understanding of where this ‘rivers of
Egypt’ is, it is somewhere in the Sinai Desert, all the way up beyond Damascus, all the way up to
the Euphrates, which means part of Syria, part of Transjordan or Jordan, Lebanon, areas of Egypt
in the Sinai Peninsula, and some areas of north western Saudi Arabia today. Like it or lump it
folks, those are the areas. I have covered some of those areas before that were promised to Israel
in previous Last Days teachings. If anything, Israel has failed to regain it.
And that is where I am going to pick up. I didn’t have a chance to finish what I started last time
but I concluded then by going to Ezekiel 36, that the Lord is going to restore this land and His
people not because they were faithful to Him, but for His name’s sake. We saw that in Ezekiel
36:22, “Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the LORD GOD; I do not this for
your sakes [over and over they had proven themselves unfaithful to the Lord], O house of Israel,
but for mine holy name’s sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.”
God is going to restore this for His holy name’s sake, folks, and I do not care who the President

is. I do not care how mighty and powerful you think your country is. In these last days, the Lord
is not going to go back on His word. Why? For His name’s sake.
Now I am going to read you a little bit of history and insert some Bible to go along with it to
verify history. We have covered this with earlier teachings in The Last Days series but after
Great Britain conquered Palestine during World War I, steps were made toward pledging support
for a Jewish State. At least that was the excuse for having boots on the ground. I have also taught
that there was also another more important reason at that time for the British Empire and that
was to get their hands on oil, the future commodity that would be so important to them for
various reasons.
Separation of Transjordan (1922) However, it wasn’t until
after the Holocaust and
World War II that there was
enough sympathetic support
in the world to actually
bring about an Israeli state.
And I have already
preached that the United
States of America was the
driving force because they
could call in their favors
because of all that the USA
did to rescue these
countries, in Europe
especially. If it wasn’t for
the United States of
America and the might of
Ephraim …and Ephraim
was always the most
powerful military might
tribe in the Old Testament.
Nothing has changed in our
present day and fifty or
sixty years ago Ephraim
was the power of the world.
I never really believed in
the Cold War. Most of that
was propaganda in my
opinion. Is Russia
powerful? Absolutely.
Could they take on any
nation? Absolutely. But I
am sorry, Ephraim has
something besides just
superior military weapons. They still have promises that are backed up in Scripture, which is

more powerful than anything that man can create as a weapon. God would use those weapons,
but I would rather have military might with God behind it than one without the Lord behind it.
Do you understand what I am saying? I am sure you do, especially those of you who have
listened through the whole series.
After World War 2, the Jews were trying to gain some sympathetic support to create an Israeli
state, but that quickly diminished and the British Mandate of Palestine was drafted. You can see
there on the map the British Mandate. On the northern part of the map we see Syria which was
under the French Mandate. We see Iraq all the way to the right, Saudi Arabia, and then Egypt all
the way down in the left corner of the map. We see Palestine and Transjordan called the British
All the orange areas you see on the map are the areas that were separated and given to the Arabs
or the Palestinians if that is what you want to call them. These areas were closed to any Jewish
settlement from about 1920-21 on. Now the area to the left in blue was supposed to be an Israeli
state. Now the pre-1967 borders, if you remember the maps that I showed you last time [chapter
1], didn’t include all the blue area that you see here and it definitely didn’t include that dark
violet or dark red color on the north eastern tip of Israel, which is the Golan Heights area today.
The British Mandate of Palestine was a proposal for two nations side-by-side, an Arab nation
shown on the map in orange, which was to be called Transjordan, and then a Jewish nation
which was to be the Israeli nation or Israel. Due to the conflict with the Arabs, Great Britain
handed the whole issue over to the United Nations which then furthered the partition and the
land. Of course, all the Arab leaders without exception voted against it, but after Israel declared
their independence in 1948 with the help of the United States of America backing them up now
both at the United Nations and behind the scenes, that ancient hatred exposed itself. And that is
the best way to describe it, or the hatred of old, which as we will see Scripture translates literally.
Of course, it turned into a war by the Arab nations that was not successful and eventually in 1967
another war would come around with all the nations surrounding Israel coming at it from every
direction as I showed you in the last message with the map with the arrows coming from every
direction. Because that war was unsuccessful, it resulted in Israel then obtaining further land,
called the West Bank today, the Golan Heights, and not just half of Jerusalem, but all of
After Israel declared their independence, the hatred of old of the Arab nations turned into a war
to try to prevent the nation from coming to fruition and they wanted to take both nations (what
we see on the map in orange and blue) for themselves. Do your history. That is what it comes
down to. Ironically, these same Arab groups even today are pushing for a similar partition plan
with the first step being to divide Israel. Yet, they already rejected this once so what makes you
think once they get their way they are not going to reject it again, but instead use it to get their
foothold? They are a lot more powerful today than you think, more armed, and especially with
all the surrounding countries armed as well and ready to go with a unified mission to destroy
Now, can we find this hatred of old in Scripture anywhere? Go to Ezekiel 35. This chapter deals
with Edom, the Edomites.

Ezekiel 35:1, “More over the word of the LORD came unto me [once again, this scripture has a
dual application], saying, Son of man, set thy face against mount Seir, and prophesy against it,
And say unto it, Thus saith the Lord GOD [like I said earlier, I am going to give you general
information covering a lot of different areas related to the Palestinian problem today and the
Arab world surrounding it]; Behold, O mount Seir, I am against thee, and I will stretch out
mine hand against thee, and I will make thee most desolate [or a desolation]. I will lay thy
cities waste, and thou shalt be desolate, and thou shalt know that I am the LORD.
The reason is given in verse 5, but before we go there, remember, He is talking to Edomites.
Who are these Edomites? The Edomites are descendants of Esau. Esau was Jacob’s brother.
They inhabited a rich, fertile country which was given especially to them. You can find that in
Deuteronomy 2:5. Their country was traversed by roads though it was mountainous and rocky. In
character, they are said to be shrewd, proud, self-confident, strong, cruel, and very idolatrous.
Their enemy was always Israel, but Israel was forbidden to hate them and they could be received
into the congregation of Israel after certain things had happened. That can be found in
Deuteronomy 23:7-8. They can hate Israel, but Israel, by the Lord, was not allowed to hate them.
This is why we see even today, (no matter what you hear, if you do the research), Israel has
blended in Palestinians that want to blend into Israel without much of a problem. Now
unfortunately, there has not been enough of those. There have been too many that have clung
onto the hatred of old and will not let go. That is what the real problem is today. This problem
goes back thousands of years. So that is who the Edomites are.
And it says here in verse 5 in Ezekiel 35, “Because thou has had a perpetual hatred”—a hatred
of old in the Hebrew. And of course you go all the way back to Jacob and Esau, and more Esau’s
descendants than Esau himself, but nevertheless, that is where the descendants of the hatred of
old stem from.“Because thou has had a perpetual hatred [hatred of old] and hast shed [poured
out] the blood of the children of Israel by the force[hand] of the sword in the time of their
calamity, in the time that their iniquity [punishment] had an end”—in a time when they would
go back to the land, and then all the scriptures including the scriptures in chapter 36 that were
promised to Israel: which now is the time when those promises are fulfilled. We will get to that a
little bit later, God willing.
This is a problem that goes back thousands of years. I do not care what hotshot President or
Prime Minister you think you are. I applaud the Canadian Prime Minister: even at the G8
Summit he is not backing down on his support for Israel. Canadians have been on the wrong end
of jokes here in the United States by comedians and some unwarranted opinions by Americans
for way too long. Guess what? On one of the most important issues of our time, who stood up for
Israel? Now I contend that Ephraim will get their act together on that subject matter, but
Canadians’, at least their government and their official leadership under Harper has not backed
down. They are to be applauded. Maybe you can find fault in other things just like you can in
any other country but when push came to shove, they stood their ground on one of the most
important issues of our time.
This hatred goes back, folks: it is a hatred of old. Memorize that particular phrase. It is literally
what the Hebrew says. The hatred of old…The Edomites, the descendants of Esau, what we
would call Palestinians, and probably western Jordanians, maybe even some Saudi Arabians and
Lebanese would be included in that as they migrated into these different areas, but mostly the
Palestinians today are Edomites, the descendants of Esau.

“Because thou has had a hatred of old and hast poured out the blood of the children of Israel
by the hand of the sword in the time of their calamity…” Well, guess what? That calamity in
this time…it might get tough for Israel still, in fact it will, but the Edomites are not going to have
the last laugh my friend, or any one in the Arab world part of the 8th Beast under the Islamic
belief system.
We find this here in Ezekiel 35 and it is important to understand what it is saying there.
Now, go to Ezekiel 35:10. “Because thou hast said, These two nations [Hmmm, what did we
see emphasized on the map? The darker orange and the blue, two nations.] and these two
countries shall be mine [well they have been successful with one of them], and we will possess
it; whereas the LORD was there”—or a better translation, though the Lord was there.
What are these Edomites proclaiming that God is against? Let’s read it again. First of all, they
have a hatred of old. That hasn’t changed, it still exists today - unless you have had your head in
the sand and not read anything, or seen anything on television, or heard anything on radio. They
are called something different, but they are the descendants of Esau, they are Edomites and they
have a hatred of old that goes back thousands of years. And in verse 10, “Because thou has said
these two nations…” only now can we really see how these two nations are emphasized, “and
these two countries shall be mine.” It was never that cut and clear when this scripture was
written. That is for sure. It was not that cut and clear when Jesus walked this earth. In fact, it was
not until 1948 and a little bit before that it became known what these two nations and two
countries meant in a geographical understanding of where they are placed and how the Edomites
wanted to possess both. The last 70 years has made clear what these two nations, what these two
countries are.
This is why the British Empire was one of those horns that we already covered about the Two-
Horned Beast. They pushed all of this along. When they couldn’t handle it any longer and then
when they had other ties in their hands and other oil agreements with other Persian nations and
Saudi Arabia and so forth, they kind of backed away from this area because it was not very
promising anyway for oil at that time. Let somebody else deal with it; so they hand it over to the
United Nations. And of course the United Nations were going to go against the side of any Israeli
state even though they were sympathetic, but they were about ready to back off until Ephraim
stepped in and forced the issue.
The Edomites did not get their wish, as Scripture declared in verse 10, because of their hatred of
old in Ezekiel 35:5,“because thou has said these two nations and these two countries shall be
mine, and we will possess it,” and literally, “though the Lord was there.” Just think about it:
We are going to take it anyway even though the Lord was there. He isn’t going to stop us! That
is how arrogant they are because they do not believe in the Lord of Israel. They don’t believe in
Jesus Christ. They do not believe in any of that. They believe in Allah. That is their god. They do
not bow down or worship the Lord of the Holy Bible. They bow down to the Beast driving force,
the Koran, and other literature that supports it. Understand?
Let’s read verse 11. “Therefore, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will even do according to thine
anger, and according to thine envy which thou has used out of thy hatred against them.” We
see that hatred everywhere we turn. “And I will make myself known among them, when I have
judged thee.”That is still yet to come.

Now God also said when Israel returns (which they did), the land that turned desolate after the
exile would be blessed again. In other words, the desert is coming back to life. You see that in
Ezekiel 36:8, “But ye, O mountains of Israel, ye shall shoot forth your branches, and yield
your fruit to my people Israel; for they are at hand to come.” These are not just coincidences,
folks. Israel with Arabs mostly populating that area was a desert, a wasteland. It was not brought
back to life even though at that time they controlled the population numbers. No, it wasn’t at all.
It was a desert wasteland. Now it blooms. I recommend going to your library and getting every
DVD you can find about Israel and see how it has been so productive. That land has turned into a
flower. It is not a cactus any longer. I have nothing against cactuses but I think with that analogy
you get the point. Verse 9, “For, behold, I am for you, and I will turn unto you, and ye shall be
tilled and sown: And I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel, even all of it; and
the cities shall be inhabited, and the wastes shall be builded. And I will multiply upon you man
and beast; and they shall increase and bring fruit: and I will settle you after your old
estates…”That kind of tells you that Israel has been there before, haven’t they: they are not
Johnny-come-latelies as the Palestinians and the Arab world would like you to believe. They
have been there a while. They had their exit but now they are back. “…and will do better unto
you than at your beginnings: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.” Just look at it today;
God has kept His promise.
As I said, I am generally covering everything so you understand what is being presented to you is
false information. It is unfortunate that our leaders in countries that are supposed to be Christian
don’t have a clue. The religious leaders do not even have a clue for the most part. As I have been
saying, I track these things and I try to stay on top of it as much as I can. I said before this
message, the numbers that are starting to understand who Jesus Christ is and are now following
Him and Israel is growing at a rapid rate. It has never grown so fast as in the last ten years and
especially the last five years. How ironic. Is there a reason why? We will get to that.
Ironically, because the land was improved just as the Lord said in Scripture, and after the Jews
began returning from their exile in the nineteenth century and beyond, that drew all the interest
of the Arab world including the Palestinians or the descendants of Esau, which is a better
description for them. Why? Because it became productive again. They want it for their
possession. There are other reasons why they want Jerusalem, all of it, for their city. Now they
will give up half of it if they have to for now, but their whole intention is to gain all of it
including Israel. They want to destroy every Jew in sight, folks; don’t think they don’t want to.
There is no such thing as peace for them. Even if they make a temporary peace treaty they won’t
keep it very long. They just won’t.
These descendants of Esau which were known as Edomites eventually became known as
Idumeans—which King Herod the Great was one during Jesus’ time. They want this land back.
They will do anything and the Arab world will unify with them to do anything. They are going to
try every angle possible. The next stage is probably planned marches to try to cross their borders,
or have the UN declare a Palestinian State. I do not believe the United States of America
(Ephraim) will go for it and somehow it can be blocked, but we don’t know what is going to
happen in the future yet. What we do know is it is a hatred of old; they are descendants of Esau;
it has been going on for a very long time; and they want it back. They want the orange and the
blue on that map.

Now during Israel’s war of independence over 700,000 Arabs that resided in Israel took off, fled.
Then after the war was over, the surrounding Arab countries refused (and you can see it on the
map) to absorb these Arabs, these Edomites into their countries. If you look at it, Syria could
have taken some of them, Iraq could have taken some of them, Transjordan could have taken a
good portion of them, Saudi Arabia could have taken some of them, Lebanon could have taken
some of them, Egypt could have taken some of them, and beyond. They did not take them. They
pushed them to the borders - what we would call the West Bank and the Golan Heights. They
pushed them; all 700,000 Arabs that resided in that area. They did not absorb them into their
countries at all. In fact, just the opposite. The countries of Jordan and Egypt annexed the Gaza
Strip and the West Bank (as I said) through negotiations and forced the Palestinian refugees to
live in those areas and they became known as the Palestinians in those areas. The surrounding
countries that we see on the map including Transjordan have forced these Palestinian people to
live as refugees—not Israel—they have. They have used these Palestinians as pawns in their
power play to try to divide and destroy Israel. Instead of absorbing them into their own countries,
they did just the opposite, they pushed them to those borders and they avoided adopting them as
their own.
Now, can we find that in Scripture anywhere? If we can, that would be a strong point in your
knowledge that you can present to someone else that this was prophesied to happen. Can we find
that? Yes we can. Where? Go to Obadiah. It is right after Amos and before Jonah. It is the
shortest book in the Old Testament. You might be tempted to go right by it because it is only like
two pages.
Here Obadiah also refers to the Edomites. Once again, the Edomites are the descendants of Esau.
The Edomites were always a thorn in Israel’s side and they had that special protection that they
could enjoy because of the Mosaic Law. We will start with verse one.
Obadiah 1:1, “The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom.” Now that
you know who the Edomites are, jump over to verse six. Obadiah 1: 6-7, “How are the things of
Esau searched out! How are his hidden things sought up!” Good question. “All the men of thy
confederacy[a confederacy in the Hebrew is a league of people that make a contract with each
other; all the men of thy league; league of Arabs]have brought thee [lit. in the Hebrew: forced
you]...” In other words, your brethren of association have forced you…to do what? All the men
of thy confederacy have forced thee to what? “even to the border.” Remember, this prophecy
was for the future to the Edomites, the descendants of Esau, which is the largest group of
Edomites existing today and what we know as the Palestinians. Listen closely. “All the men of
thy confederacy”—that map I showed you is a confederacy and it is actually larger than that
with many more nations, but that is the surrounding confederacy—“…have forced thee even to
the border.” That is what these countries that didn’t want to absorb, these Palestinians after they
lost the war did. They do not want to absorb them into their countries because they were going to
be used as political pawns. They lost that battle but they didn’t consider themselves losing the
war at that point. They kept something in their back pocket. What? These Palestinians, when the
time was ripe. They think they are in control of things but God is in control. But these
confederacies are using these Palestinians as pawns “and have forced thee even to the border:
the men that were at peace [or the men of thy peace]”—your fellow brethren that you are so
unified with that you think have your back. Oh they have your back…for a purpose. And should
they get into Israel, and if they are successful in their mindset, God knows what they would do

with the Palestinians to start with as they start taking control of the area. “The men that were at
peace with thee have deceived thee,” because you are just political pawns, “and prevailed
against thee.” Wow, the confederacy that you have aligned with, that pushed you to their
borders because they didn’t want to absorb you in, so they created new borders, the West Bank,
Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, they are deceivers. The men of thy peace have deceived you, period!
“They that eat thy bread[or the men that eat thy bread] have laid a wound under thee”. Oh boy!
That is true. Look at the condition of the Palestinians. They do not have to be living that way, in
refugee camps. Like I said, they could have been absorbed into the surrounding countries. And,
don’t be misled. Israel absorbed some of those. Most of them took the absorption, and if you do a
survey, which they have done, they are not complaining too much, the ones that have lived the
life that was promised to Israel because they are the beneficiaries of it. They are not living in a
camp. “There is none understanding in him.”
So all the men of thy league that you made a covenant or contract with have forced thee to the
border. The men that were at peace, or, the men of thy peace with thee have deceived thee. I am
sorry Palestinians; you have been deceived by your confederacy, not by Israel. They have
deceived thee and prevailed against thee. And guess what; they were successful in that deception.
They that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee. Just look at it, you can see it for yourself.
There is none understanding in him. Actually it is not ‘in him’; it is ‘of it’. There is no
understanding of it. And can you even understand it? They have been trying to understand it for
decades: why this condition? Why this situation? It shouldn’t have been this way. They should
have been absorbed into the countries. This should have been a moot point, but it is not. And
because it is not, the hatred of old is alive and well. It has never been stronger.
Most of these Arab people who live in and around Israel are Muslim. They are part of the 8th
Beast now. The reality of an Israeli state is a direct threat in their religion and belief in the
Koran. That is why they deny Israeli sovereignty, folks. Muslims believe that Jews lost their
right to the land because of their disobedience. That is how they justify it. We’ve covered this
before: the Koran teaches that once Islam controls the territory, if it is taken by non-Muslims
they are required to take it back.
I have a copy of the Koran surah 13:41 and also 9:29. Surah 13:41 says, “Have they not seen that
we set upon the land”—in other words, Don’t they see that we’ve claimed it now for our own
because we were there—“reducing it from its borders” That means that it is not part of your
borders any longer. And you think a peace agreement can be fulfilled and kept? You are crazy if
you believe that. “And Allah decides. There is no adjuster of his decision and he is swift in
accounts.” And of course, in surah 9:29, “Fight those who believe not in Allah, nor the last day,
nor hold that forbidden which has been forbidden by Allah and his messenger [which is
Mohammed], nor acknowledge the religion of truth even if they are of the people of the book,”
the People of the Book in this case are the Jews and Christians, “until they pay the jizyah with
willing submission”—that is a poll tax and you have to do this with willing submission—“and
feel themselves subdued.” In other words, bow down to them, bow down to this 8th Beast.
That is why they want to control this territory again. They believe Israel has no right to this land
whatsoever and Allah, through them, will take it back some way somehow. And of course some
of the more extremist groups, which are gaining in numbers daily, believe in the Hadith (a
supplemental explanation of the Koran) and that it teaches that Jews and Christians are infidels
and that they should be killed if they cannot be turned, period. Ya, that is a great common

denominator, a great incentive for peace, isn’t it - if you are not going to be turned, you are going
to be killed; or at the very least, you are going to have to pay a poll tax and bow down to us.
They reject Israel as a nation and they believe the Jews shall be annihilated.
Mark Obadiah six and seven, and when you have conversations with people concerning this
particular subject matter, point out the verse in Ezekiel concerning the Edomites. Explain to them
who the Edomites were in history going all the way back to Esau and his descendants, point out
these scriptures, lay the foundation. And if you do not do any of that stuff, know it yourself so
when you hear all the non-sense that gets circulated in the media world in whatever form it takes,
including the Christian world with all their Christian Science Fiction, say, “No, I know better; I
know better.” You would not believe how many in the Christian world believe a lasting peace
can happen between the Palestinians and Israel, the Palestinians and the surrounding Arabs and
Israel. It cannot happen because the land was promised to Abram. In fact, the occupiers are not
Israelis. What was promised to Abram back in Genesis is half of Jordan, half of Syria, part of
Lebanon, some of the northwestern areas of Saudi Arabia, and some of the Sinai Peninsula,
period! Israel has failed to get back what God has promised them and all those other nations are
occupiers, not Israelis in the blue area we see on the map. And some of the blue area, as I speak,
Israel has tried in the last few years (since 2005) to see if Palestinians can police themselves with
some kind of a governmental system and policing system in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. What
happened? Look at the Gaza Strip and Hamas; what has happened there? Oh yea, they governed
themselves…with terrorist groups taking control with the agenda of destroying Israel.
Peace cannot be lasting. There is nowhere in Scripture you can find it lasting, period. These
Palestinians here in Obadiah have been deceived by their own brethren, their league that made a
contract with them, that pushed them to these borders where the conflict is. They have not
absorbed them, they have not become a part of their society and country. They are in Israeli land,
and they think it is theirs and it is not. But they want it to be theirs because in Ezekiel 35:5 we
find that hatred of the children of Israel goes back thousands of years from our present age and it
hasn’t changed: if anything, the pot is only boiling hotter. And in verse 10, “Because thou hast
said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; though
the LORD was there,” the true Lord, not Allah. God is not going to have any of it and He will do
accordingly because of their anger and their envy.
Now I have more to say about this. I am not done with this general information of what is
happening today and how it relates to that area, and how we find Scripture verifying what is
happening today even though it was written thousands of years ago.
God’s Word is wonderful no matter where you turn. There are Christians today saying don’t
follow prophecy. Yes there are going to be some nuts, there’s no doubt about it. But find one that
is rightly dividing the Word of God that can be verified with history along with God’s
verification in God’s Word of thing that not only did happen, but what he said was going to
happen when it was written. In this case, by Ezekiel, which now we see in fruition 2500 years
later. Coincidence? No. Once again, God’s Word is accurate, true, and it is the source that we
can build or faith upon.

To be continued….

The Last Days Study Guide

Hatred of Old part 1

1. What is meant in Ezekiel by two nations and two countries?

2. Who are the Edomites descended from?

3. What are some of the traits of Edomites?

4. Who is causing the plight of the Palestinians?

5. What is one way to understand the mindset of Muslims?

6. What did God promise the house of Israel upon their return to their land?

7. Why is peace between Israel and its neighbors impossible?

8. What is another name for someone of Edomite descent?

9. Who was king of Judea at the time of Christ?

10. What scripture shows the depth of arrogance of the Palestinians?

11. Why is the ‘great river’ and the ‘rivers of Egypt’ not the same thing?

12. Other than the general information given, what was the purpose of this teaching?

Mountain of Israel
I will give a quick review of the last message. Go to Obadiah. Now I will probably get into
Ezekiel too before I get into the teaching and do a little quick review there.

We identified the Palestinians, western Jordan (the Jordanians), eastern Syrians, southern
Lebanon and areas of that territory around Israel, especially the areas east of the Jordan River, as
Edomites. In Obadiah, He is speaking to these Edomites also. In the very first verse it says, “The
vision of Obadiah, Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom…” Edom and the descendants
of Edom go all the way back to Esau. Esau is Jacob’s brother. Esau gave up his birth right. Then
I showed you verse 6, “How are the things of Esau searched out! How are his hidden things
sought up! and the men of thy confederacy,” or as I pointed out, the league that made a
covenant with them, “have brought thee even to the border,” or driven them to the borders. As I
pointed out in the last message, they didn’t accept them into their countries. They didn’t migrate
them in. They want Israel to absorb all. I showed a map of Israel prior, the way it should have
been according to the British Mandate. Jordan or Transjordan in the orange color on the map was
given to the Arabs, not to mention Syria (the southern part), and now Lebanon is also a part of
that, and as you could see, even a part of northern Saudi Arabia, and even a little bit of the Sinai
Peninsula. I went into the square mileage totals for land in a previous message.

Now you would think after the division there would be enough territory where all these
Palestinians (as they are called now) could be absorbed into those countries and they could
migrate in, blend in, and be given an opportunity to be a citizen of those countries, but that is not
what happened. This league or confederacy here in Obadiah literally forced them to the borders.
What borders? To the West Bank area, to the Golan Heights, and so forth. They pushed them.
And what they really did, even though they look like the nice guys, the ones that had concern for
them, is they pushed them out. Why? Because they didn’t want Israel to be there in the first
place. They were hoping by pushing them to those borders, that they would eventually by
migration and just the philosophy of the Islamic world to repopulate and rapidly, they would take
over the area. And of course, when that didn’t happen fast enough, several times they tried to
take over the area by force coming from every direction as I pointed out last time in the teaching.

But here in Obadiah, “All the men of thy confederacy [or league made a covenant with thee]
have brought thee even to the border [or pushed to the border]: the men that were at peace with
thee have deceived thee…” By saying “I am on your side man” instead of absorbing them into
their countries, they pushed them to the border with their own agenda. All these Palestinians are
is pawns in a chess game and the kings, and the knights, and the queens (though no so many
queens in the Islamic world but you get the picture) are manipulating these Palestinians to do
things because they were not accepted or absorbed into the surrounding nations that could
have—especially back then because the number was manageable to where these surrounding
nations, since there is more than one, could have absorbed them, but they didn’t. They told them
they would be by their side. In fact when they invaded in 1967, they were telling the Palestinians
to get out of the way. Some Palestinians, not only in 1967 but also 1948, had homes in what is
now Israel and they were told by the leadership of the surrounding nations, "Get out of your
homes just for a few weeks while we come in from every direction and take over the land again

and eliminate Israel.” That didn’t happen. They had to leave. Not all of them left, some stayed,
and some Arabs in Israel even now do not want a Palestinian nation. They do not want any
interference from these outside countries because they are living a half-way decent life compared
to what other countries surrounding Israel are going through. But many Palestinians were
deceived. They believed a lie and they have been living a life, in most cases, of misery, but a
misery brought on by themselves. If they didn’t have and carry with them that hatred of old, they
too could be in an area, in a land, a land of prosperity for the most part, a land where there is
some democracy and freedom, and not governed by tyrants. That didn’t happen and they were
deceived as Scripture says here in Obadiah 7, “and prevailed against thee.” And that is right;
they are pawns. “They that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is none
understanding in him [of it].” In other words, how could you be deceived like that? And why
can’t you see the truth for what it is? They are still believing a lie and obviously paying for the
repercussion of that lie.

I also threw something at you (jumping across several verses, which I will come back to), and
went to verse 18 because verse 15 says, “For the day of the LORD is near” and the heathen will
be dealt with. And it goes on to say in verse 18, “And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and
the house of Joseph a flame…” Where is the house of Joseph right now in Israel? Can you
identify that? And do not tell me where Joseph’s Tomb is at. No. What do you think the house
of Joseph consists of? Ephraim is part of that. “And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the
house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble…” Who is on the losing end here?
It might not look that way at times, especially in today’s times, sometimes you don’t even know
what side Ephraim is on, at least the leadership of it. But who is going to be on the losing end
here? It says, “And the house of Esau for stubble.” It says the house of Jacob: that shall be a
fire. I believe it is today in a good way. And the house of Joseph is a flame. Someone that lights
that fire.“And the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle them, and devour them; and
there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.” Who
has spoken? For the LORD has spoken it. When it is all said and done, it is not going to be a
result that Arab world, the Middle East world is looking for. I have news for them, they are not
going to have a happy ending.

Go now to Ezekiel as we quickly review what I covered in the last message on this topic of
Edom. Let’s start in Ezekiel 35:1.

“Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against
mount Seir…” Who is mount Seir? The Edomites. Maybe even some of you have in the title for
the chapter Edom or Edomites. “…and prophesy against it, And say unto it, Thus saith the
Lord GOD; Behold, O mount Seir, I am against thee, and I will stretch out mine hand against
thee…”Once again, not a very good result; not the results they are looking for because God is
going to intervene. “…and I will make thee most desolate [a desolation].I will lay thy cities
waste, and thou shalt be desolate, and thou shalt know that I am the LORD. Because thou
hast had a perpetual hatred…” I told you to write here a hatred of old in the margins of your
bible and I took us back into Scripture and showed where that hatred of old started. “… and hast
shed [poured out] the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of
their calamity, in the time that their iniquity[punishment] had an end: Therefore, as I live,
saith the Lord GOD, I will prepare thee unto blood, and blood shall pursue thee: since thou

hast not hated blood, even blood shall pursue thee. Thus will I make mount Seir most desolate,
and cut off from it him that passeth out and him that returneth.”

I want you to remember this when I get to it: God’s specific when He is talking about mountains
because they are really regions or locations in Scripture. You could get confused when you try to
do your own personal Bible studies and unfortunately, some scholars want to include all
mountains as the mountains of Israel. I’m sorry, it is not that and I will show you momentarily.
Not all mountains are alike in God’s book.

Ezekiel 35:6, “Therefore, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will prepare thee unto blood, and
blood shall pursue thee: since thou hast not hated blood, even blood shall pursue thee. Thus
will I make mount Seir most desolate, and cut off from it him that passeth out and him that
returneth. And I will fill his mountains with his slain men: in thy hills, and in thy valleys, and
in all thy rivers, shall they fall that are slain with the sword. I will make the perpetual
desolations, and thy cities shall not return: and ye shall know that I am the LORD. Because
[and here is the reason why] thou hast said, These two nations and these two countries shall be

Understand, Syria and Transjordan, especially these two, (even Saudi Arabia in the south, but
since we are speaking of Edomites, most of that concentration is in Jordan and south eastern
Syria) want to make that one nation with Israel (what we saw in blue on the map), their nation
also. They do not want any Israel.

Verse 10, “Because thou hast said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine,
and we will possess it; whereas the LORD was there,” or though the Lord was there; we are
going to take it even though the Lord was there. “There” where? In Israel. The Lord is just
getting in their way of accomplishing their agenda.

Verse 11, “Therefore, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will even do according to thine anger,
and according to thine envy which thou has used out of thy hatred against them; and I will
make myself known among them, when I have judged thee.”

I am so tired of hearing how there could be a peaceful solution to this crisis between Israel and
the surrounding nations, especially with the Palestinians. No there is not. There might be some
temporary false hope, but that is all it is, false hope. These people that live in this area, these
Edomites (and now since they are part of the 8th Beast also) have one agenda, which is to lie,
deceive, use trickery, deception to paint a picture that they want a peaceful solution, just a
Palestinian state. If they got a Palestinians state, that is where it would start. Give it some time
and I guarantee you they would not be satisfied with that. That would just be one step closer to
their final accomplishment in their eyes: they would be that much closer to reaching their goal
and taking over the whole land. That is why it is important that Israel does not give up a single
inch of it. In fact, they have not claimed all that was promised to them in Scripture. What you are
seeing as the nation of Israel is not a complete nation of what was promised in the Old

I can hear it now, “Ya, they could get along; they all could learn together how to get along.”
Really? If the Palestinians are so eager whether it is in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, or the Golan
Heights, or in Jordan, or anywhere else… if they are so interested and possibly a peaceful
solution is on the horizon, why not start with the younger generation and start teaching them how
to coexist (the popular catch phrase these days) with the Israelites unless your intention was
never to do that in the first place? Just deceive the world that that is what you want, but when
you get your foot in the door, then rush in with all your might to take over the house. That is
their mentality. Why not start with their children?

Let me share with you what they are teaching their children, their 12th graders. I could go
through each age. I have done the research. I have stacks and stacks of material showing what
they have been teaching their kids for the last 20 years and it is not all “Can’t we just get along
with Israel” or “Let’s find a way to get along with Israel” or “Let’s try to find a peaceful solution
where everyone can get along and live in peace.” It has been just the opposite, folks. This hatred
of old is continuing and it will continue. I will just give some information from evidence that has
been accumulated of what they teach to their 12th graders whether it is Physical Geography,
Human Geography, History of the Arab World (especially in the 20th century), Contemporary
Problems, Islamic Education, Scientific Culture, even in their Mathematics. A lot of it is brain-
washed into their understanding through their Arabic language studies and literature, criticism
studies, not to mention their science, of why they should hate Israel. But enough said, let me just
show you so you get the idea of why this hatred of old will continue. Now more than ever it is
being pushed on the children and some of these are not young little babes any more. In this case,
they are 12th graders. They come out of the gate learning to hate Israelites.
The new 12th grade Palestinian school books make no attempt to educate
for peace and coexistence with Israel. Indeed, the opposite is true: The
teachings repeatedly reject Israel's right to exist, present the conflict as a
religious battle for Islam, teach Israel’s founding as imperialism, and
actively portray a picture of the Middle East, both verbally and visually, in
which Israel does not exist at all.

The following description of Israel's founding represents the dominant

dogma about Israel in Palestinian schoolbooks:

"Palestine’s war ended with a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history,

when the Zionist gangs [see what they are calling them]stole Palestine and
expelled its people from their cities, their villages, their lands and their
houses, and established the State of Israel." [Arabic Language, Analysis,
Literature and Criticism, grade 12]

Defining Israel's founding as a "catastrophe unprecedented in history," “a

theft perpetrated by "Zionist gangs," together with numerous other hateful
descriptions of Israel as "colonial imperialist" and "racist," compounded
by the presentation of the conflict as a religious war, leaves no latitude for
students to have positive or even neutral attitudes towards Israel. This
negative imagery and religious packaging are compounded by hateful
presentations of Israeli policy. The well-meaning student is left with no

logical justification or religious option to accept Israel as a neighbor or to

seek coexistence.

That is a foregone conclusion way before they even reach 12th grade. I am just giving you 12th
grade material right now. They actually start in the first grade heavily bombarding their minds
with this kind of teaching that puts Israel as the arch enemy that needs to be eliminated. They do
not stand a chance, folks.
Given the total rejection of Israel's right to exist, on nationalistic and
religious grounds, Palestinian terror against Israel since Israel's founding
in 1948 is defined as: "resistance … acts of most glorious heroism."
[Arabic Language, Analysis, Literature and Commentary, grade 12]

Fighting Israel is a religious battle of Islam

But PA educators teach that fighting Israel is not merely a territorial
conflict, but also a religious battle for Islam. The schoolbooks define the
conflict with Israel as "Ribat for Allah" – "one of the actions related to
Jihad for Allah, and it means: Being found in areas where there is a
struggle between Muslims and their enemies." [Islamic Education, grade
12]. Israel is thus stigmatized as existing on Islam's land, and fighting
Israel is transformed from an Arab nationalistic goal into an
uncompromising battle for God. Moreover, the youth are taught that their
specific conflict with Israel - Ribat for "Palestine" - is "one of the greatest
of the Ribat, and they [Palestinians] are worthy of a great reward from
Allah". [Ibid].

The world without Israel - Israel does not exist at all

Beyond looking to the future, the educators have built a picture – both
verbally and visually – of the present world, a world in which Israel does
not exist. "Palestine" today is said to be a special "state" (Arabic –
"Dawla" = state, not a geographical region) with water access to both the
Mediterranean and the Red Seas, a situation possible only if Israel does not
exist. [Physical Geography and Human Geography, grade 12, p. 105]
Likewise the size of the "state" of "Palestine" is said to be more than
10,000 sq. km., which is the figure one gets only if Israel did not exist, as
the full West Bank and Gaza Strip total only 6220 sq. km.[Physical
Geography and Human Geography, grade 12]

Maps of the region likewise teach children to visualize a world without

Israel, as Israel does not exist on any map and its area is marked as

Since all of Israel and all its cities are taught to be an "occupation" of
"Palestine," and "Palestine" in all the school books replaces all of Israel,
the following teaching can only mean that Israel's destruction is inevitable:

"Palestine will be liberated by its men, its women, its young ones and its
[Arabic Language and the Science of Language, grade 12. Pg. 44]

This is a quote: Palestine will be liberated by its men, its women, its young ones and its elderly.
Liberated from what? The Little Satan - Israel, in their eyes.
The terminology that the educators have chosen to use throughout the
schoolbooks reinforces the message that youth should not accept Israel as a
neighbor with a right to exist. The following terms all replace Israel, its
founders, and status: “The Zionist enemy;" “The Zionist entity;” “The
enemy of this people;” “The Zionist gangs;” “Zionist Imperialist plan.”
Israel’s creation is “the occupation;” “stole Palestine;” “stole its land;” “in
1948, when the Jews occupied Palestine.”

Over and over in their textbooks they are being told to learn it, to make what they are being
taught a part of their being, what they live for and what they die for, all in the name of Allah,
and, if they carry out that mission (whatever that mission is for that individual), they will be a
hero in Allah’s eyes and in Mohammed’s eyes.
Palestinians are said to suffer from: “imperialist persecution, a life of exile,
and the theft of freedom of thought and culture;” “massacre” and much

The text book History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century
teaches the military and the political events of WWII in significant detail,
including sections on Nazi racist ideology, yet neither persecution of Jews
nor the Holocaust is mentioned.

See, it is not just an insane President of Iran going around saying that the Holocaust is a
fabrication. This is what is being taught. This is what is in their textbooks, that the Holocaust
didn’t exist and it is all a fabrication.

All these textbooks were changed around 2000-2006, and they concentrated the changes in the
latter grades first, like 10, 11, and 12 because they knew that was the population that would first
go out into the adult population and be active Palestinians for the cause of the Palestinians,
which means coming against Israel. They are freshly brainwashed to go into society to cause
havoc and come against Israel because they perceive it as a ‘Zionist gang’, a Zionist identity that
is an enemy. They are brainwashed to believe this. And you think peace is a possibility? You
think everlasting peace, man-made peace is ever going to come to fruition? You are only going
to think that way if you are a politician.
It is apparent that the PA educators made an active decision to exclude the
Holocaust from history. The new book writes selectively about the issues of
the Holocaust, citing Nazi racist ideology and restrictions the Nazis placed
on "inferior" non-Aryan nations, yet it makes no reference to the
Holocaust or to Jews. The schoolbook even teaches about the post-war

trials of "senior Nazi leaders as war criminals” [p. 46] but make no
mention of the crimes for which the "war criminals" were on trial.

Of course you can find this in all their text books, especially History of the Arabs and the World
in the 20th Century, grade 12.

Separate sections of the history book are devoted to the events leading to
World War II, the battles of the war on the Baltic Front, the Western Front,
the African Front, the Russian Front, the Far East Front, the El Alamein
battle, the defeat of the Axis forces, and Japan’s defeat and the dropping of
the atomic bomb. But in the PA educators’ version of world war history,
there is no Holocaust.

That is not by accident.

The new PA schoolbooks teach and idealize Jihad (war for Islam) and
Shahada (death for Allah) as basic Islamic principles to which to aspire.
Jihad and Shahada are at times taught as general Islamic ideals, and at
times focused against Israel. This promotion is not limited to the formal
Islamic education books, but is found in many different schoolbooks. Often
the original Islamic sources from the Quran or Hadith are used as the tool
of promotion...

Or an additional source of information to verify the belief system coming from the teachers’
mouths and these schoolbooks.
Grammar is taught by analyzing a Quran verse whose message is that
believers who fight are said to be superior to those believers who do not

Here are some grammar exercises:

"Believers who sit at home, other than those who are disabled, are not
equal with those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their wealth
and their lives."

And it goes on and on, but I think you get the idea so let’s continue. Their textbooks encourage
all students and members of society eventually to take an active part in Jihad and what they call
the resistance.
The PA textbooks teach that everyone participates in Jihad, especially when
it becomes necessary, as with the war to fight Israel and liberate
"Palestine." The textbooks also provide examples of disabled people,
women and elderly who participated in Jihad, presenting it as their right.

Every Palestinian will participate in the struggle for liberation. Palestine

will be liberated by its men, its women, its young ones and its elderly.
[Arabic Language and the Science of Language, grade 12].

What about the USA? Do they teach anything about the USA in their textbooks? Yes. The USA
is an enemy of the Palestinians and the Arabs.
Both from what the PA has included about the United States as well as
what was omitted, it is clear that the educational goal is to present the US
as an enemy of the Arabs and Palestinians. The schoolbooks teach that the
US is a human rights abuser, a violator of international humanitarian law,
an "occupier" of Iraq, and other negative characteristics. Those fighting
American soldiers in Iraq are described as: "a brave resistance to liberate
Iraq." [History of the Arabs and the World in the 20th Century, grade 12]
The total message is that America is an enemy of Palestinians, Muslims,
and Arabs and a danger to world peace.

Important omissions add to the image of America as enemy. According to

the World Bank, by 2004 the US had given more than $1.3 billion to the PA
and its NGOs (by now more than $1.5 billion), making the US the single
largest supporter of Palestinians in the world. There is hardly a Palestinian
infrastructure that has not benefited from US aid[but they hate us, they are
taught to hate us], including schools, hospitals, universities, water systems,
road development, sports and more. Yet this US economic aid for the
Palestinians was completely left out of the schoolbooks. By contrast,
American financial aid to Israel is taught and is presented as an important
indicator of alliance. The schoolbooks cite American economic aid to Israel
as one example indicating that Israel is America's "strategic ally."
[Contemporary Problems, grade 12]

In the textbook Contemporary Problem, they go into how Israel and the United States are hand-
in-hand and it goes as far as imply that the reason why they are hand-in-hand is so they can take
over the whole Middle East. .
The depiction of the US as enemy is cemented as the new PA schoolbooks
divide the modern world into two camps: the West, led by the United States,
and the Islamic-Arab world. The current relationship is described as a
"Clash of Civilizations" [Contemporary Problems, grade 12] The West is
taught to be primarily responsible for this tension, for numerous reasons,
including colonialism, and the wars it has initiated which it has justified in
the name of "human rights.”

Of course they go on and in short call us a dictator. Now if you participate in attacks against the
US or British soldiers in this case, in their occupations now either in Iraq or Afghanistan, as it is
taught in their schoolbooks, you are putting up a “brave resistance”. That is what they are taught.

Now all you have to do is look at some of the names of the Palestinian schools. They have many
different schools. You get the illusion through the media that they have just a few rag-tag
schools. That is not how it is going down there in the PA controlled areas. They have been
funded. They have been given aid to rebuild and improve—and not just by the US, even though
the US is probably the largest donator to that cause. But they name their schools. Here in the
United States we name our schools. You will see them named quite often after Presidents, for
instance, I went to Benjamin Franklin High School. He wasn’t a President, but he was an
important figure in American history. Well, in their eyes, they are doing the same thing. The only
difference is they are naming their schools after martyrs.
They have all kinds of different names of schools but they are classified depending on where the
school is located, by certain school names classified as the Mother of All Martyrs, and then they
also name their schools after known terrorists. And, incidentally, your USA dollars are a part of
rebuilding those schools though a terrorist name could be placed on it. I mean whether it is the
Gaza Strip or the West Bank, they are either named after martyrs or known terrorists. That is a
fact you can look up for yourself. Then they have another category called Martyrs in General
anywhere from elementary school levels all the way up and they give a different name for each
different martyr.
That is how they tag their schools and whom their kids, obviously by going to that particular
school, learn all about that martyr. Of course they are going to find what that martyrs resistance
cause was all about and it falls back into the same old hatred of old because that martyr went up
against Israel (in most cases). That is their first introduction into the school. And of course, the
rest of their schools are named after cities and locations in Israel, not the Israeli name, but the
Arab name. They are not going to give an inch, folks. They might seem like they are going to
cooperate, but they are not going to give an inch. That is just the way it is. So what is the
One of the most meaningful gauges of the ideology and aspirations of a
people is the education of its youth. For this reason, the new Palestinian
Authority schoolbooks introduced in the end of 2006 by the Palestinian
Authority (PA) Ministry of Higher Education apparatus are a continuation
of the tragic disappointment of the earlier books. [And then some.]Instead
of seizing the opportunity to educate future generations to live in peace
with Israel, the new PA schoolbooks teach their children to hate Israel and
vilify Israel's existence and define the battle with Israel as an
uncompromising religious war. Instead of working to minimize the current
hate, the new PA curriculum is ingraining it into the next generation’s
consciousness, and packaging the war against Israel as mandatory and

The new PA schoolbooks are guaranteeing that the next generation will
grow up seeing Israel as an illegitimate state, an enemy to be hated, fought,
and destroyed, rather than as a neighbor to negotiate with, and to
ultimately live beside in peace.

How come this is not being reported in the news? Listen, there is mountains of evidence of what
is being taught in their schools. You can get your hands on these textbooks and see for yourself.
You can order them and see it for yourself. I am tempted to show you that, but I think you can
trust me enough to realize once I look into something the research is there before I bring it to
you. This is not being presented in the news media. This is not even being presented by our own
leadership - forget the President’s office, whether it is congress or anywhere else, to inform us
where our money is going and how it is being spent. It is not only being spent but mostly how
they are using it is to educate the younger generation to have a hatred that goes even further and
deeper (if that is possible) than any hatred that ever existed before for two purposes, the
elimination of Israel and the pursuit of one-world domination as their contribution into the
system of the 8th Beast. I do not expect the world to know this. I do not even expect the world to
accept it. They have already come to their own conclusions why the Bible is wrong.
This hatred of old that is described in Ezekiel 35:5 is not going anywhere. It is not going away. It
is there, it is going to stay there, and it is growing, boiling hotter than ever before because now
from a youth and not just in the home but in the schools, they are being bombarded with
information about why they have to hate Israel not only as a resister for the cause, for the sake of
establishing a government, but is also mandatory because religion controls government in their
eyes, because religion is controlled by Allah and Allah is all knowing, and Allah wants a one-
world Islamic world. None other than the Islamic world shall have any place in this world in
their ideal world and therefore the rest of the world either has to bow or be eliminated. And even
though you might bow if you are not Islamic, you have to pay the piper and that is why there is
the tax [jizya].
This is where I left off last time and I added this time a little bit of information on the educational
system and how these kids do not stand a chance. That is why on occasion you will see some
videos showing the hatred just oozing out from these young children. Why? Because they are
being taught this over and over and not just in the home any longer but in the school system,
which for the most part, the US has built and made it easier for that transmission of information
to be constantly coming at these young people, not just throughout the day but in the evening
time also when they go home.
Now folks, the Edomites, for starters, want what they think Israel took from them and that is the
West Bank and the Golan Heights. I want to concentrate a little bit on the Golan Heights and see
where Scripture will take us.
What is so unique about the Golan Heights? Why is the Golan Heights important? Strategically it
is important but aside from the obvious military advantages of its capture, the Golan Heights
offers Israel prosperity because they have turned the Golan Heights into a land of prosperity. It
was a wasteland while under Edomite control whether it was Syrian Edomites, Jordanian
Edomites, or Edomites around Saudi Arabia, or just Edomites east of Jordan. The Golan Heights
has become a symbol of Israel’s strength. Twice when Israel’s army was vastly outnumbered
they were able to overcome the Syrian force and literally dominate over them when they were
attacked by them even though at that time Israel really didn’t control that area. The Syrians had
control of it. The creation and sustaining of agriculture, once a barren land (desolate as I said
earlier), is now one of the very symbols of Zionist ideals. The Kibbutz project to recapture the
lands of Israel from the desert is highlighted by the success of both farms and wineries of the

Under Israeli control the Golan has become an agricultural giant with 81hectare of land being
reclaimed for cultivation, 46,000 hectare of land for grazing animals (nothing before), and 2,531
hectares of orchards and vineyards. The region maintains 15,000 head of cattle and produces
12,000 tons of sellable meat products per year. The Golan has about 33 Jewish communities now
with populations of 14,000-17,000 people respectively. And of course it receives about two
million tourists every year.
Now the Edomites want it back. They think with the land in their hands they can be prosperous
just like the Israelites are. Well, I can show you in Scripture why that just cannot be true, or else
God’s Word is a lie.
Prior to 1947 and prior to 1967, this area, because it is a mountainous area, was a strategic Syrian
military outpost because it had the high ground. They would send their missiles and rockets over
and approximately 1,300 Israelites were killed and wounded between 1949 and 1956 alone. Even
though Syria, in that case, was pushed back and defeated, it did not mean… well, just like now,
you still see bombs coming over the borders of Israel from Gaza, from Lebanon, and other
locations, this was happening all the way up to 1956 and 1,300 Israelites were either killed or
wounded. During the early months of 1966 before the 1967 war, it became clear that Israel’s
neighbors were going to escalate their activities, which incidentally they did and more and more
civilians were killed in the Syrian and Jordanian borders.
Now the Syrians from atop the Golan Heights kept shelling Israeli towns and on May 15, 1967
the Egyptian forces pretty much had enough and on May 18th they started movement, on the
22ndthey closed the Straights of Tiran, and of course, all this resulted in Israel being attacked
from every direction.
When all was said and done, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and also Gaza
were taken by Israel even though Israel was outnumbered once again. In fact, in the Golan
Heights area alone—in that mountainous area that was a desolate place that now it has become
something of a blessing just as God promised—there were approximately only 180 Israeli tanks
that faced 1,400 Syrian tanks. Along the Suez Canal dealing with the Egyptian side of the war
there were fewer than 500 Israeli defenders that were attacked by 80,000 Egyptians. At least nine
Arab states including non-Middle Eastern nations aided the Egyptians, the Syrians, and the
Jordanians in their war effort against Israel.
To make a long story short, you know what happened. By the third day that war was pretty much
over even though the surrounding nations had the money to support them and the nations. Israel
had very little but they had a lot more than the enemy ever thought they could even imagine and
that is thus saith the word of the Lord. God’s Word is real, folks. How many times have you seen
Israel outnumbered in God’s word? Gideon is one battle in case where the battle was taking
place against tens of thousands of the enemy verses 300. Over and over we see that in biblical
But when we get to Ezekiel 35:12-13(and this is where I want to be for this message), we see the
focus changes a little bit of the area and starts directing the message to the mountains. What
mountains? That is why I said you cannot generalize mountains in scripture. Know what
mountains you are speaking of. Each one of them are important. They bring understanding of
whatever the message is that is trying to be presented in Scripture.

We start reading in verse 12 and 13 in Ezekiel, “And thou shalt know that I am the LORD, and
that I have heard all thy blasphemies which thou hast spoken against the mountains of
Israel.” Blasphemies from where? The Edomites, because we are still in the same chapter,
chapter 35. Where is the mountains of Israel? “…saying, They are laid desolate [which they
were while under Edomite control], they are given us to consume [devour]. Thus with your
mouth ye have boasted [magnified] against me, and have multiplied your words against me: I
have heard them. Thus saith the Lord GOD; When the whole earth rejoiceth, I will make thee
desolate. As thou didst rejoice at the inheritance of the house of Israel, because it was
desolate, so will I do unto thee: thou shalt be desolate, O mount Seir, and all Idumea, even all
of it: and they shall know that I am the LORD.” By the way, Idumea is a more modern version;
that is what they were called in Jesus’ day, the Edomites in verse 15. And then we get to chapter
36 verse one and find that Ezekiel prophesied that the mountains of Israel would be taken from
Israel’s enemies and given back to Israel after their return from exile. These ancient heights that
are being spoken of here, because we are still in the Edomite territory, which God is speaking to
are the Golan Heights and the mountains of the West Bank. That is important to understand.
Let’s read verse one.
Ezekiel 36:1, “Also, thou son of man, prophesy unto the mountains of Israel, and say, Ye
mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD…” And like I said, you find throughout
scripture… mountains of Judah, for instance. That is not the mountains of Israel. You will find
mountains of God, and then, you have to go by the context of the scripture to find out where that
is located that God is referencing. You will find mountains of Ephraim. You will find mount
Zion. And sometimes they are specific like Mount Hermon and so forth. Here the mountains of
Israel are located in the West Bank and the Golan Heights.
“Also, thou son of man, prophesy unto the mountains of Israel, and say, Ye mountains of
Israel, hear the word of the LORD: Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because the enemy hath said
against you, Aha, even the ancient high places are our’s in possession:” Yes they did have the
mountains of the West Bank and the Mountains of the Golan Heights, didn’t they; and they even
kept those after 1948; and they shot their missiles constantly from those high places even though
they lost that war. They were able to keep that territory, but not after 1967.
“Therefore prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they have made you
desolate…” And they were desolate! If you see before and after pictures, it is so clear what these
two mountainous areas I am referring to were prior to 1967 verses what they are today.
“Because they have made you desolate, and swallowed you up on every side, that ye might be a
possession unto the residue of the heathen, and ye are taken up in the lips of talkers, and are
an infamy of the people, Therefore, ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord GOD;
Thus saith the Lord GOD to the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers [bottoms or dells],
and to the valleys, to the desolate wastes, and to the cities that are forsaken, which became a
prey and derision to the residue of the heathen that are round about; Therefore thus saith the
Lord GOD; Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen,
and against all Idumea [the Edomites], which have appointed my land into their possession
with the joy of all their heart, with despiteful minds, to cast it out for a prey. Prophesy
therefore concerning the land of Israel, and say unto the mountains, and to the hills, to the
rivers, and to the valleys, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I have spoken in my jealousy and
in my fury, because ye have borne the shame of the heathen: Therefore thus saith he Lord

GOD; I have lifted up mine hand, Surely the heathen that are about you, they shall bear their
shame. [Listen closely] But ye, O mountains of Israel, ye shall shoot forth your branches [and
boy! did they ever], and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come.”
They did not come originally in 1948, but now since 1967 they have come. Has God lived up to
that promise where it says, “But ye, O mountains of Israel, ye shall shoot forth your branches,
and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come”?
Once again, under Israeli control, the Golan Heights has become an agricultural giant with 81
hectares of land being reclaimed for cultivation, 46,000 hectares of grazing land for animals,
2,531 hectares of orchards and vineyards, the region maintains 15,000 head of cattle and
produces 12,000 tons of saleable meat products per year, not to mention the tourism business that
it brings along.
Incidentally, this all happened in a short time after 1967, within twenty years; what was a
desolate place, a place for receiving missiles from the Syrians and Jordanians—maybe not the
nation itself at that time but there were Jordanians involved in the constant attacks from the east.
The bottom line is God has kept His word. Check off verse 8, it’s been done.
Mountains of Israel, Mount Seir, once again are references to the Edomites. This is not the
mountains of Judah, mount Zion, or any other specific mountains that are spoken to with direct
promises (in some cases for a specific time). These are the mountains of Israel. The mountains of
Israel were always geographically the west side of the Jordan River, whether the northern or the
northern southern part, or even the central part of the eastern part of the Jordanian River
locations and then going all the way up, and obviously the eastern part of the Sea of Galilee.
Ezekiel 36:9, “For behold, I am for you, and I will turn unto you, and ye shall be tilled and
sown: and I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel, even all of it: and the cities
shall be inhabited, and the wastes shall be builded. And I will multiply upon you man and
beast; and they shall increase and bring fruit: and I will settle you after your old estates [what
God already promised you before], and will do better unto you than at your beginnings: and ye
shall know that I am the LORD.”
This is never more true than now…and I am reading to you old statistical news. It has even gone
beyond what I’ve read to you and how they have turned that area into a prosperous vibrant land;
a land that was desolate and only good for launching bombs on the Israeli people by the enemy
all the time because they controlled it, and because the Golan Heights and even some parts of the
West Bank have an advantage because of elevation. Those missiles would shoot down, go the
distance they were capable of and even a little further because they were not going up or going
straight, they were going down and could travel a little farther. Even some of the archaic missiles
they were using would obtain a little greater distance than normal because of the elevational
differences and the advantages of it you can get from shooting a missile from a higher elevation
to a lower elevation as far as gaining distances.
“And I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and bring fruit: and I
will settle you after your old estates, and will do better unto you than at your beginnings: and
ye shall know that I am the LORD.” This prophecy was fulfilled when Israel took back those
mountains, when Israel took back the Golan Heights, when Israel took back the West Bank in the

Six Day War in 1967. And you think they should give it back? Why! So it can go back to the
same old same old except with more powerful missiles and bombs now that can reach even
further, and in actually, can reach every part of Israel today? Technology has come far, even
what the enemy has.
The bottom line is, folks, this prophecy on these mountains was fulfilled. The Six Day War came
and went. When Israel was done, God fulfilled His prophecy through them and they are blessed
for it, and they are prospering for it more now than ever and not just the land itself.
Because Edomites see greed in their eyes and what it has become, they think in their hands they
could do the same. I guarantee you it could never happen that way, God would not allow it.
Should Israel give it back? No way. Tell anyone with a peace plan to shove it. That is about the
nicest way I can put it. To accept a peace plan is only to anger God because He has fulfilled His
word and how dare anyone…I do not care how much of a hotshot you think you are in
government administrative positions, you are a speck in the big picture of what God’s promised,
and how dare you come against thus saith the word of the Lord. I do not care what nation you
are and what leadership you represent, who do you think you are? Who are you? You claim in
this country to be a Christian. Then how come you are even trying to present a peace plan that
goes back to pre-1967 borders? It is like spitting on God’s word. It is like saying, “It’s there,
but… eh, you’re applying it the way you want to apply it.” Well, if you cannot believe this, I
doubt you believe there was even a resurrection. Get your head screwed on straight. Whoever is
reading this, do not come against God and what His plan is. Line up with it. And this country,
unfortunately, Ephraim is going to learn the hard way, but it won’t have any choice, just as Israel
learned the hard way and are still learning the hard way that it does not have any choice. They
are the nations God is using to fulfill His plan and nothing is going to change this.
Remember, when reading Ezekiel 35 and 36, especially when it comes to the mountains and the
area and the people it is referring to, the mountains of Israel is the West Bank and the Golan
I took this out of order in the series to give you some insight so you have a perspective of what is
going on right now. Don’t fall for this pre-1967 border nonsense and that it might be a good idea.
If you believe that, I am telling you with all the confidence of God’s Word that is presented and
from what I have studied for myself, you are coming against God’s plan. Don’t find yourself in
that position.

To be continued…

The Last Days Study Guide

Mountains of Israel

1. What does ‘forced to the borders’ designate as far as territory?

2. Name one method of conquest taught in the Islamic world.

3. What significance do mountains play in scripture?

4. List some of the disparaging terms used for the Jews in Arabic textbooks.

5. Why did the Palestinians leave their homes in 1948 and 1967?

6. Within Arabic textbooks, what sources are used to support the curriculum?

7. How has the United States’ subsidizing of Palestinian needs (such as schools, sports,
infrastructure, etc.) changed the mindset and relationship of Palestinians toward

8. How many Egyptians attacked the approximately 500 Israelis near the Suez Canal?

9. What is the prophetic status of Ezekiel 36:8?

10. Explain how has this message solidified your faith in God’s character?

Setting up His Kingdom

Open your bible to Luke 18. It is not where I am going to start. I’m actually going to start in
Luke 17. Before I get there, this is a Last Days message, but not only a message concerning the
Last Days, but also our attitude toward it, our responsibilities, because we were picked and
chosen to live in this particular time period for a reason.
One of the greatest delusions of these last days—and there are plenty of them and you will see
these on the news talk shows, even by good intentioned people—is that mankind is somehow
going to improve, and not only himself, but also this world. It is a delusion. You can think that
all you want but if you truly believe that, that is where you and God’s Word differ. So you have
to stop and analyze and ask yourself who is right or what is right; God’s Word and what has been
declared, or, my belief system that I can improve the world, I can improve myself on my own - I
just have to live right, be right. It is almost…in the religious world, at least in the Christian
religion, you will find people all the time saying ‘if I do this’ and ‘if I do that,’ I have earned
God’s favor. And I have told you and others, it is pretty common now these days to come to this
understanding. Sorry; God’s grace is a free gift and there is nothing you can do to earn it. Christ
provided it. Get over yourselves. You are not that hot without Christ. You are not going to
improve yourself, and in fact, if you try to improve yourself with your own effort, even if you are
a Christian, you are going to fail. You will probably create an image of self-righteousness
amongst other things, which pretends and gives the appearance you are a Christian. You are not
going to improve yourself and you are not going to improve this world. Without Christ, there is
no improvement of you as a person… if that is how you want to look at it. And more
importantly, as far as the world goes without Christ and His return, it cannot be done. Christ will
work with you, He will mold you: He is the potter, you are the piece of clay. You may not like it
at times, but He knows what He is doing. The problem with too many Christians is they try to
interfere with God’s plan of how the final piece of clay is going to turn out. But, you have to let
go and just let God do the molding. As far as the world goes, this world has no hope unless
Christ returns—and not this present world, but the one where His Kingdom will be set-up.
If you just look at the words of Jesus (and most of you have a bible that has the words of Jesus in
the New Testament in red) and just outline them from the different gospels on a piece of paper or
in a notebook, it is clear even in the book of Revelation, His main subject was the future. What
future? His return. We will look at it in chapter 17 and 18 in the gospel record of Luke, which
cross-references with Matthew.
Now there are two phases of His return. I have said that all along. The rapture being the first
phase and the second is the setting up of His kingdom. The rapture is not a completed future
timeline that He has laid out. That is just the first phase. Luke 17 and 18 is referring and looking
in the future to the second phase also, and the time period of when He said it to that particular
point in time—which, both those phases I just mentioned have not happened yet.
I want to get to Luke 18 but we will pick it up with Luke 17:20 to put it in context. “And when
he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them
and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation [or without show]: neither shall
they say, Lo here! Lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”

That is part of a phase. That is already started now but is nowhere near completion until He
finishes that. It is still yet to come.
Verse 22, “And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one
of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it. And they shall say to you, See here; or,
see there: go not after them, nor follow them. For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the
one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man
be in his day.”
This hasn’t happened yet either. That is still yet to come. Talk about some fireworks! Talk about
a spectacular show of Christ’s power that will leave no doubt to an unbelieving world that He is
the Christ. .
“For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other
part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. But first must he suffer many
things, and be rejected of this generation.” Generation here is the people he was speaking to at
that particular time. Shortly after this Jesus headed to the cross.
It goes on to say (and you will see this in the Matthew record, but the Luke record adds
additional information), “And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the
Son of man. They did eat [nothing wrong in eating], they drank, they married wives [there is
nothing wrong in getting married], they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered
into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.” There is nothing wrong with those
things. “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot…” Here, where it differs from Matthew, we
have the Lot story also. “…they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they
builded.” They carried on with their everyday life as usual, their normal life and what they were
accustomed to. They went on living. “But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained
fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.” They didn’t get destroyed because
they were living life. They didn’t get destroyed because they were eating, getting married, and
carrying out their daily activities. It is mentioned in this record to point out why they got
That generation, both in the days of Noah and also in the days of Lot, lived as if God did not
exist. Today in our generation the world lives as if Christ does not exist. Oh they might say they
believe in a god and might name whatever god they believe in, but Jesus Christ does not exist
and if He existed, He was just a man and a good and wise teacher. That is it. Plus, something we
can become also if we decide to follow that path. In a sense, they rejected Him. They do not
understand. In both of these stories… and I don’t like to dwell just on judgment because there is
grace before the final judgment will ever come to fruition…but in these stories Jesus is telling in
comparison, there was an attitude that there was no future judgment coming. And in both cases,
Noah and Lot (because we have the record now in the Old Testament to go back and see it for
ourselves), yes, they acted and carried on life as if judgment was not coming.
“Well, we are Christians. We are believers and we are true believers. We faithe and have
confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ.” That is great. You will not receive the judgment that the
world will be receiving. That is for sure. But, don’t lose your grip or you will be placed in the
same position they were in. You want to avoid that my friend.

But the world will go on acting like there is no judgment coming. Why? Because they don’t
believe God’s Word. They don’t believe in God. They don’t mind, because it might be the cool
thing to do because everyone else is doing it, saying there is a God, but definitely more and more
people even in the Christian world do not place the importance on Jesus Christ as the Son of God
and how He fits in, in both Old and New Testament, and without Him there is no eternal life.
No one in Lot’s or Noah’s time period were taking heed to the warnings that both Noah and Lot
were commissioned to give. “Well, how can we know that?” Go back and read about Sodom and
Genesis 19:12, after Lot received the angels and tried to protect them as best as he could, even
though they did not need any protection, they came and told Lot, “And the men said unto Lot,
Hast thou here any besides? Son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou
hast in the city [not only here but anyone else you might know in the city], bring them out of
this place.” Bring them out of the city because the city was going to be destroyed. “For we will
destroy this place because, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the
LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it. And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in
law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will
destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law. ”
The message was not received as a serious message. They did not take the warning as serious.
They were given the opportunity. That is what this last 2000 years has been, opportunity to put
your confidence and trust in Christ Jesus because He provides salvation and only He can provide
salvation. By His blood, we are covered from future judgment that destroys life as most people
know it and eternal damnation. No one in Lot’s time heeded the warning. No one was panicking,
racing away from that city. No one was panicking or racing away from what was going to be
destroyed: no one, except for a few. Even his wife did not want to believe it. She looked back
and turned into a pillar of salt. She received her judgment then and there. And of course, you
know the story of Noah. If you look back at the Lot story you can see it clearly: The future
judgment which was just around the corner for them, the judgment upon that city was not going
to happen until Lot and the ones that would take heed to the warning were out of the city. And
part of that first phase that I mentioned at the beginning of this message of a future time that still
has yet to come, the final judgment for mankind, is not going to take place, the Armageddon
(let’s just call it that) and then some, until the Church, the first phase of that future event, the
remaining faithful ones, the out-called ones, are going to be removed in what everyone
understands as the rapture.
Go to II Peter 2:4. You see in every time period whether it was the days of Noah, which Jesus
refers to in Luke 17, and also as in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah about Lot and his family,
both those generations were preached to, to give them understanding of what was still yet to
come as far as destruction was concerned in the place where they were at both physically and
II Peter 2:4, “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and
delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; and spared not the old
world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness”—one who is employed
by God in the work of proclaiming salvation. Now you know the story; not many took heed to
the warning, did they? Not many wanted to be saved. They mocked it just as Lot was mocked.

But once again, God’s Word has always been there to the very end, whatever judgment takes
place, including the future judgment just around the corner, to provide grace and salvation to the
ones that will heed to the warning and not mock it. “…but saved Noah the eighth person, a
preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; and turning
the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making
them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; and delivered just[right with God]
Why was Lot, at that time, right with God? He didn’t last long, by the way. All you have to do is
read and see that Lot got off track again, him and his daughters. But at the particular time Peter is
referencing, now maybe you can understand what is being said here. “…delivered just [right
with God] Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: for that righteous man
dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with
their unlawful deeds.” What made Lot right with God? He did not mock what was coming from
God. He acted upon it. He was slow, in fact, the angels had to grab him but he did not resist. He
did not pull away from them. He obviously spent enough time around Abraham to know better.
He heeded the warning once he got it and he raced out.
“What does this have to do with anything?” You will never understand what so many, many
times, have misunderstood when I get there, but back to Luke chapter 18 verse 8.

“I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall
he find faith on the earth?”
You have heard this over and over in your Christian lifetime and probably applied it or heard it
being applied to something totally different than what I am going to tell you now because I will
stay in context. There were no chapters and verses when this was written so we have to keep it in
context. In context, it starts with Jesus referring to a time after He is rejected. That time period
will be like the days of Noah and Lot. And He goes on further to say, after no one took the
warning as serious, no one was panicking and racing away from what was going to be destroyed
in Lot’s period, He goes on to say in Luke 17:29, “But the same day that Lot went out from
Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be
in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” Just as it was in the days of Noah – destruction;
and there was a period of time to receive the message, take it in and say, “I am not going to be
part of that. I am going to line up right with God,” in both periods, Noah’s and Lot’s.
Nevertheless, whether you did or did not, the world was going to be judged. You just want to be
on God’s side when it is being judged, obviously, because you know the record. Well guess
what? It is going to happen again. Yes! I love preaching about grace and without it, there is
nothing, if you really think about it. If Christ did not exist, or if He did exist but He did not
provide what He provided for us, then why be a Christian? Without grace… that is the starting
point really, then why are you being a Christian? But once you are a Christian, you have to
realize you are part of a plan just as Noah was. Noah kept building the ark and he kept preaching.
Lot knowing and finally becoming right with God, even if it was just a short amount of time,
accepted the warning as true. He didn’t mock it and he even tried to get his own family members
to believe it, maybe even friends, and most mocked it. In other words, they were given the
message (and incidentally, in our day this is not just for preachers). They were given the message
of a future judgment coming and as out-called ones we realize we are not part of that, but we

understand, just as Lot and Noah, we are part of what God set up as His rescue plan. That is
getting the message, getting the warning out there so others can either come into the Ark or run
out of the city, figuratively speaking.
Chapter 17 is still concerning what is yet to come. Chapter 17 finishes with a discourse on the
Last Days and that He would be coming again. There is no doubt about it. There is no other way
to understand it. It is clear here in chapter 17 that the last days’ attitude, which we are living in
today, will create an environment or environments and attitudes that will not be conducive to
faith. The kind of faith I am speaking of is pistis: the kind of faith that comes by hearing and
being persuaded, persuading faith. I repeat, the last days’ environments and attitudes that we are
living through these days are not conducive to pistis. Because of that, we read in Luke 21:26,
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear…”—the context being Christ’s future return, which has not
happened yet. Why are their hearts been failing them for fear? Because they have not been
persuaded by what they heard if they heard it at all. To tell you the truth, what is being preached
out there, I don’t know if I would be persuaded either. “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and
for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall
be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great
glory.” Like I said, they will be trembling in fear, or as we would say today, shaking in their
boots. Why? Because the environment and the attitude that has been created now for generations
upon generations is not conducive to pistis. How can you heed to a warning when it is given to
you in Christian science fiction terms? “Well, that doesn’t really lead to salvation.” Really? Now
there are different ways that lead to salvation by what you heard to be true, but the days where
we get closer and the last curtain call is put out there, what message do you think is going to take
the most effect? Look; the world was ready to jump on some lunatic that said the world was
going to end on May 21 and that time has come and gone and we are still here. And that is all
that is being preached out there, Christian science fiction doctrines. If you really think about it,
because there are so many voices out there and all with their own little creative twist on the
Christian science fiction theory of His return, it is confusing. It is no excuse, but it is still
confusing. I have been trying to clear up the confusion for these people and maybe for you. I
repeat, the last days’ attitudes have created environments that are not conducive to hearing and
being persuaded because they all have developed an attitude of (if they do not mock it) “What
makes your doctrine right? It is all about perspective and someone’s view point.” NO IT IS
NOT. Scripture is not about speculation. It is about confirmation. That is what I have been laying
down, confirmation, not speculation. I guarantee you, a lot of the Christian science fiction
doctrine preachers or even followers of those preachers, when it gets closer to the time of the
end, will fall and their faith will fail because they believed something differently than what was
taught and what is happening now.” What do you think is going to happen? Their faith will fail
also. Folks, we are living in the days that Christ mentions here in Luke 17 that was prophesied,
when these kinds of attitudes and environments will be created. He clearly states the last days.
Luke 18… of course, everyone teaches this as a lesson in prayer. You can but if that is all you
do, you have missed the mark. You have missed the mark! Because that is not what the context
is. Still speaking and referring to the last days, the end of time, and what is still going to happen
that has not happened yet, He goes into, “And he spake a parable[remember, there are no
chapters and verses] unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not faint.” To
pray and not faint – why? Because He just briefly describes there is a heck of a lot of trouble
coming, are you ready for it? Are you prepared? Are you grounded in God’s Word, in Christ, and

not some silly doctrines? that Christ warns us in Luke 17:20-23. “And he spake a parable unto
them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not faint.”
Luke 18 is a parable for the end of man’s downward path of destruction. This is a parable to
prepare yourself but not just yourself. That is why I have always said, it is not just all about you.
It is a parable to prepare yourself and others as the proceeding scriptures we just looked at, as
Noah and Lot tried to prepare individuals for the upcoming judgment of their time that still had
not occurred yet, but was coming, and they could avoid it if they would heed to the warning and
get right with God also by trusting and having confidence that what He says is going to happen.
It is the only truth that you can lean on so your heart will not fail when you see the things coming
to pass.
Circle the word ‘faint’. It means to be weary and exhausted. That is the most common Greek
definition you can find, but it also has other implications and meanings. You can write in the
margin of your bible to be weary and exhausted, but you should also write not to lose heart.
Why? Because what is still coming that has not happened yet. You can add another definition as
well, don’t lack any courage. Yes, you might be weary and exhausted. I was this last week. You
might even lose heart. And you might lack courage but don’t. It says prior to don’t faint, always
to pray. Do you know what that says? You will see it in I Thessalonians 5:17 “pray without
ceasing”. It is the same word. It means just that, always pray. You see that in Ephesians 6 in the
Spiritual Warfare scriptures I have been preaching about even though I haven’t gotten to that part
yet. Here it says men ought to always pray, meaning praying without ceasing. Not praying 24/7
and that is all you do. No, that is not what it is saying here. But never let a day or an opportunity
go by to pray. What are we to pray for? That not only your courage will not lack but others as
well. Not only that you won’t lose heart but that others won’t lose heart. Not only that you will
be strengthened because you feel exhausted but that others will be strengthened through those
exhaustive periods.
I want to make sure this point is driven home that this is in the context of the last days—not only
concerning you, but as we will see here in a few minutes, as we’ve already seen in the story of
Lot and Noah, that they not only had to prepare for their time period, but each also had in their
own way a commission to prepare others, to give them the warning and how they could avoid
destruction if they are right with God. Even though very few responded, the commission was still
the same. Do you think it is any different for us today? What Jesus is saying here is for our time
period because He is talking about future events that still have not come into play yet when He
prophesied these things and said these things would come to pass. Now 2000 plus years later, we
are here and He is still saying the same thing as He said in the days of Noah and Lot. Verse 1
declares between the lines two calls of action. They are the same two calls of action just as were
given to Lot and Noah and to anyone else. One, offering prayer without ceasing; and the second,
don’t lose heart, don’t lose courage even though you might be weary and exhausted. Stay with
the stuff. The Lord will strengthen you. But why? Is it just so you can go through it and no one
else? No. So you can go through it, know what is coming ahead, and because of the instruction
you received you’ve been prepared to receive what lies ahead knowing you are going to be
avoiding the final judgment and be pulled out from it because you are an out-called one and have
been picked and chosen by Christ to be part of His church, to be His bride so you have that
assurance—but, that is not good enough and that is where most of Christianity leaves it, where
you only have to worry about your little ol’ self. I am sorry, that is not good enough in God’s

eyes. He didn’t choose you only to worry about yourself. You cannot find scripture to back that
up! But Everywhere in Scripture, both Old and New Testament, you can find where He has you
participating in His rescue plan after you’ve been rescued.
Jesus then gives a parable after these two calls of action. Luke 18:2, “Saying, There was in a
city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:”—this is a man of the world: he
couldn’t care less about God and even less about mankind—“and there was a widow in that
city; and she came unto him, saying, avenge [vindicate] me[and punish the one that needs
punishment] of mine adversary[my opponent in a lawsuit].” These kind of words in the Greek
are used in legal terms. Being a widow, she was probably being sued and being kicked out of
where she was living. That is the best guess I can give you. No one knows for sure but it is
probably close. Whatever it is…vindicate me of this adversary that is suing me without any
grounds. “And he would not for a while [he would not give her the time of day]: but afterward
he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man [even though I only care about
myself]; yet because this widow troubleth me [because she has become a pain in my ____ ], I
will avenge [or vindicate] her, lest by her continual[without ceasing; daily to get vindicated]
coming she weary me.”
Do you know what the word weary here means? Let’s translate the latter part of this verse
literally: I must see her lest she gives me a black eye. Now do I think the woman was going to
physically walk up to him and give him a black eye? No. This is figurative language that is being
used here. I must see her lest she gives me a black eye. In other words, he was worried about
himself and his reputation. It’s already declared here that he is part of the world; he cares less
about the world, he cares less about God, he cares less about mankind, he only cares about
himself and his reputation. So basically, because she was so persistent, without ceasing on a
daily basis, he said, you know what, this woman can probably ruin my reputation. I better just
listen to what she has to say. And he did. “And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge
saith.” We don’t know the resolution. All we know is the woman was persistent and because of
her persistence the judge finally heard her.
Verse 7 goes on to say, “And shall not God avenge…” Circle that word avenge. Here it is a
different word used but it is not avenge, (write it down so we stay in context of scripture and
what the original languages were saying.) “And shall not God make ready…” who? “His own
elect.” Circle that word elect. It literally means picked out, chosen. So let’s read this verse again,
“And shall not God make ready His picked-out, chosen ones which cry day and night unto
Him, though he bear long with them?”Though he bear long is not what is being said there.
What it is saying is, “and he is compassionate toward them.”When? In context once again, in
these last days knowing the times are coming. And it has already started, folks; you can see the
world is going crazy. You can see the beast, the 8th Beast that I have been preaching about, and
it’s strangle hold on how the world thinks and operates. We are so worried, we are so politically
correct about Islam right now that it is almost ridiculous. We bend over backward to try not to
offend or take a stand against it as it gets a foothold not only in that region—which is
predominately what Scripture is referring to—but the world. But what Christ is saying is look at
this woman. Look at her persistence, without ceasing. She didn’t lose courage. She didn’t lose
heart. She kept at the task that was at hand fighting against an adversary that wanted to do her in.
She went to a judge even though the judge couldn’t care less about her, the world, or mankind

and she kept coming because the judge was worried about losing his reputation, so he finally
dealt with it. We don’t know that outcome but he finally dealt with it.
If an unjust judge will answer the persistent requests of this woman, how much more will a
righteous God? That is why the latter part of verse 7 should read: And shall not God make
ready. How does He make ready? Preparing us, like I started with, for our future, which does
not include a judgment that is coming. That is going to be something you do not want to be a part
of. You will see what that looks like when we get to the book of Revelation where it talks about
that, where it deals with it. No, we do not want to be a part of that. He is making us ready to
avoid that and also he is making us ready to be a participant to get others to avoid that future
terrible judgment that is coming.
We couldn’t wrap that up with that understanding unless we used the latter part of chapter 17 and
the first eight verses of Luke chapter 18 because in the 8th verse it reads, “I tell you that he will
avenge them [do them justice] speedily [shortly], nevertheless…” Meaning, after it is all said
and done, don’t worry, you will be vindicated when it is all said and done. You won’t be part of
that future judgment that destroys, not edifies, but destroys mankind because they rejected the
Christ. No. He finishes by saying in verse 8,“I tell you he will do them justice shortly.”Period.
Now He comes back and puts this all together, “Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh…”
still reserved for a time that has not happened in our time period yet, but is just around the
corner, “shall he find faith on the earth?”And I have heard this preached every which way you
turn and I do not have time to go into the different variations of this verse the way it has been
preached because they take it out of context. What is it saying here? Nevertheless, after
everything that has been said for about the last 20 verses, “Nevertheless, when the son of man
cometh,” focusing us back to that context again, “shall he find faith on the earth [lit. in the
Circle the word faith. I have told you what faith in this context is. That is why it is truly
important to understand what pistis and pisteuo are. Faith, pistis: people hearing and being
persuaded. When Christ returns, will he find people still being persuaded by what they heard to
be true? I have not really taught much on this yet but I still plan to. The word pistis carries an
additional definition and application to it, which is faithfulness. Fidelity is another word for it in
English. Faithfulness.
So here in Luke 18:1we start off with the two calls of action: In this responsibility you are
carrying, not just for yourself, you are to stay active praying without ceasing to God, not losing
courage, not losing heart, and no matter how tiresome it might become, you will stay with the
stuff because not only do you have the responsibility to stay connected—and faith comes by
hearing and hearing by the word of God: in other words, continually being persuaded by what
you heard to be true…
I do not care how much of a hotshot Christian you thought you were. In the last two years
especially, I have presented things to you that you had never heard before—and you thought you
had arrived, or at least came close to it—because there is never an ending point to growth and
knowledge that comes from this book. No matter how much of a hotshot we might think we have
become in our knowledge of God’s Word, there is always an opportunity to learn and understand
more of what God wants us to understand at that time in our lives. Will He find not only people
hearing and being persuaded by what they heard to be true, but also, people who are faithful just

as Noah and Lot?—even though Lot’s commission was a lot shorter time period than Noah’s
No matter what, Lot made it in II Peter 2. Why? Because he was someone that was right with
God, he did not mock it, he took the word to be true, he acted upon it, and he carried out the
assignment to try to get others to see it. They rejected it and only a few went out of Sodom; only
a few were spared that responded to the word. Look at Noah’s day. Eight were spared. He had at
least 100 years of preaching and warning what the future judgment was going to be if they were
not right with God. Only 8. That is why Jesus says, and even prior to leading up to verse 1 to
“always to pray and not to faint,” because He knew what the track record of mankind was like.
They do not respond. Very few do. And he gave us the illustrations of Noah and Lot. Few
responded. Nevertheless, He finished us the context of what He was saying here about the last
days in verse 8, “Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith,” people that
are hearing and being persuaded by the Word, and shall He find faithfulness, ones that are
participating and making sure the rescue plan gets out there, so that whoever will respond and
not mock it gets rescued.
That is how He wraps up this verse and not all that silliness you have heard about “Well, when
the son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” This is where everyone says, “Well, I
have faith. I have faith.” Well woop-te-doo if you have faith. That is not the kind of faith Jesus
puts as a definition in this verse that He is looking for. He is looking for you to keep hearing and
being persuaded, and also participating in others hearing and being persuaded by what the Word
says about the time of His coming, which is still His return yet in our future, and how important
it is to be part of that first rapture and not a part of that future judgment, which is all about
destruction, eternal destruction. That is what is being said here. And if an unjust judge will
answer a persistent request, how much more will a righteous God with His only begotten Son
Jesus help us get through if we stay connected without ceasing, understanding we are to not lose
courage, we are not to give up, we are not to lose heart, even though we are weary and tired. We
are to continue on this journey just as this woman did in her persistence, and that yes, the time
will come when we will be justified at that point that ‘hey, it was all worth it,’ because we are
now part of something that is so beautiful, and that so many missed, eternal existence with Jesus
Christ and God the Father. Most of the world is going to miss out. You need to make it your
burning desire, your mission and passion, and not just mine, to be like Noah, to be like Lot, to be
like Christ wants you to be and not someone who rides on cruise control, but actively involved in
the capacity you can do it in, and give it all you can as I do so others can miss what lies ahead—
which I will talk about in future messages in this series.
With the events that happened in this last week, to blend our thoughts and focus back on the Last
Days series, I wanted to preach this message for the complacent ones that somehow took a stupid
pill and forgot that they were called. Here in verse 7 it says you have been picked out and chosen
to be a part of God’s army, and I am sorry but, leave of absence is not an excuse in His army—
and not only because it concerns you, but because it also concerns others. Will He find you in
pistis action, still hearing and still being persuaded, and still getting others to be persuaded
because of your faithfulness in the capacity that He has called you to do it? Will He find it,
whether it is the rapture or the final coming? Will he find it? Or will you be passed by because
you think this message is not for you. This message has been preached over and over
throughout the history of time, which is why Jesus literally preaches a message about the last

6000 years in the later part of the verse here in Luke 17 and the beginning verses of 18. Do you
get it? Do you want to be part of it? Or do you want to miss out? That is the decision you are
going to make.

To be continued…

The Last Days Study Guide

Setting Up His Kingdom

1. What additional meaning does pistis carry with it?

2. List the two phases of Jesus’ return.

3. Define preacher of righteousness.

4. What is the second call of action we’ve been given by Christ?

5. How should the latter part of Luke 18:7 read?

6. We are told to faint not. What does that mean?

7. What was Jesus’ main subject in Scripture?

8. We are to pray without ceasing. What are we to pray for?

9. What kind of faith is Jesus looking for from us?

10. What was the purpose of this message?


Open your bible to Genesis 36:1.
We have been looking at Israel’s present enemies using the Scriptures. I have preached two
messages, one titled Edom’s “Hatred of Old,” and the other is “Mountains of Israel”. I pointed
out in those messages that though this was written a long time ago these enemies of Israel even
today are fighting against Israel. I also said they are Esau’s descendants. Most of you have heard
the story of Jacob and Esau: Jacob was loved, Esau was hated. Esau couldn’t care less about his
birth right. And what I pointed out in those messages about those enemies that are still fighting
Israel today is that they are what we call, for the most part, Palestinians, the poor ‘ol Palestinians
today. Some people will think I am cruel for preaching the message I am about to concerning the
Palestinians, which for the most apart are Esau’s descendants if not all. Now there are other
enemies of Israel beyond the Palestinians and Esau’s descendants. All Palestinians are Esau’s
descendants, not all Esau’s descendants are Palestinians. Do you understand? It is like all Jews
are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews. The same can be said for Esau.
We are going to look at a particular descendant of Esau though in this message. The enemy that
we are going to look at has been an enemy of Israel for thousands of years. They are still fierce
and still have a hatred for Israel. “That doesn’t sound fair.” Well, it is equally not fair that Adam
and Eve sinned but we still have to pay the price. I am sorry, but these descendants of Esau…
Usually you hear about generational curses in the wrong context using a wrong formula, if you
want to call it that, to distinguish what the curse is. Then they get into some stupid super-spiritual
nonsense, but there are generational curses. They are curses placed by God not man. The
bloodshed and hatred of these particular descendants of Esau can be traced throughout Biblical
history over thousands of years, and all the way up to our present time. And if Scripture is
correct, I believe they will also be involved and they will be there in the last great future battle in
Israel. I have proven biblical history over and over using secular history and vice versa. My point
is the Bible is accurate. With that introduction, let’s go into the history, and from no better place
than God’s word.
So who is this archenemy of Israel, which is part of the 8th Beast? And I’ve already identified
who that 8th Beast is, the Islamic Empire that is growing daily, and believe it or not, the world
(including the USA) are assisting in that process without even realizing what they are doing.
We are going to look at Esau’s family record. Go to Genesis 36:1.
Verse 1, “Now these are the generations of Esau, who is Edom. Esau took his wives of the
daughters of Canaan; Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Aholibamah the daughter of
Anah the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite; and Bashemath Ishmael’s daughter, sister of
I made clear in previous messages that the Edomites are descendants of Esau. Esau took his
wives of the daughters of Canaan. That should tell you, if you have been listening to the last
twenty or so messages, that is one thing you do not want to be associated with, the daughters of
Canaan. The main reason for that is because of their association with the moon god, Baal, the

Baalim, Ashtaroth, and they build groves of asherah as they bow down and worship. That is the
main reason why you should stay away. It is not like Esau didn’t know this. Isaac knew it. His
grandfather Abraham knew it. Do you think this information was not passed down? Of course it
was. They considered themselves the chosen line because God told them they were.
Then we get to verse 4 and it begins a list of the sons of Esau, “which were born unto him in the
land of Canaan.”Genesis 36:6, “And Esau took his wives, and his sons, and his daughters,
and all the persons of his house, and his cattle, and all his beasts, and all his substance, which
he had got in the land of Canaan; and went into the country from the face of his brother
Jacob. For their riches were more than that they might dwell together; and the land wherein
they were strangers could not bear them because of their cattle. Thus dwelt Esau in Mount
If you really look at it, you would think one could really do without chapter 36 because it gives
us the genealogy of Esau. And if Esau sowed hatred, who cares? Strike him off the record and
forget about him! The problem with that is if this chapter wasn’t included, the Last Days could
never be understood, who the players are, and confirm it with an additional source - this really
being one of the starting sources where you could move on from and trace it all the way through
Scripture, all the way to the very last day of time who the enemies of Israel are, and one of the
biggest troublemakers of all time, a real pain in the backside for Israel.
Genesis 36:8, “Thus dwelt Esau on mount Seir: Esau is Edom.” The Edomites: today they are
the Palestinians for the most part. “And these are the generations of Esau the father of the
Edomites in mount Seir: These are the names of Esau’s sons…” and it goes into listing the
names of Esau’s sons. But then when we get down to verse 12 and read, “And Timna was
concubine to Eliphaz Esau’s son; and she bare to Eliphaz Amalek.”
Amalek; one heck of a troublemaker, one heck of a pain in Israel’s rear from this point on. That
is what we are going to focus on. Now Esau’s progeny are alive and well today, and an active
participant in these last days, folks. Esau’s descendants are major players in the days of Israel’s
final gathering, which has happened and is still happening. Go to Malachi 1:1. We’ve been here
before, but I think we should go there again just to quickly review.
“The burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi. I have loved you, saith the LORD.
Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? saith the Lord: yet I
loved Jacob, and I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons
of the wilderness.” Sorry, that is God talking. That is not Joseph Cortes or any present-day
Israelite. He says, “I hated Esau.” And if He hated Esau, guess what, as we will see in a few
moments, the curse carries on from generation to generation all the way to the final end, and that
includes the Amalekites. “And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for
the dragons of the wilderness. Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished [oh, woe is me], but
we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts. They shall build,
but I will throw down.”C’mon! Do you think you are going to overpower Me(God speaking)?
That is not yours. Do you think you are going to take over anything that I told you to stay away
from? Let’s see who has the last word on the subject matter, God or the Edomites. “They shall
build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The
people against whom the LORD hath indignation [rage] forever. And your eyes shall see, and
ye shall say, The LORD will be magnified from the border of Israel.”

Edom is doomed, folks. The descendants of Esau are doomed. It is important that you understand
Malachi 1-5. In these scriptures, it tells us that Edom will try to claim ownership. Of what? Of
the Promised Land, what they want to call Palestine even today. It is important that you
understand who the players are in these times. It hasn’t changed throughout the millenniums.
Edom is doomed according to Scripture. According to Scripture they are trying to claim
ownership—and it is not just a onetime thing either: it’s been going on for a very long time. But
God says, “I will throw down” whatever you try to establish. If you look at it today, who do you
think is right, God or the Palestinians? According to these scriptures, the Lord will let them
believe this lie and they will lead themselves, eventually, to the point where the Lord crushes
them once and for all, but until that time Amalek is singled out to be a troublemaker. With that
let’s go to Exodus 17:8, as I try to lay out who these players are. Well, before we go there, go to
Deuteronomy 25:17, because Exodus 17 really doesn’t explain why Israel went into their first
battle out of Egypt.
Deuteronomy 17:17-18, “Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye were
come forth out of Egypt...” “I thought there were none feeble that left Egypt…” You thought
wrong. I already pointed out that is not what the Psalms record says in the original Hebrew.
“…how he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, even all that were feeble
behind thee, when thou wast faint and weary; and he feared not God.”
If you look at verse 18 and try to compare today’s Palestinian characteristics and traits, common
denominators can be seen. As I have said, you’d have to be blind as a bat not to see it. You are
in some state of denial of Scripture. Here we find a character and trademark that would stay with
this people throughout the centuries and millenniums that have come and gone. Some of these
trademarks, which we can see here, is they are people lacking in courage. Why? They are people
that attacked defenseless women and children. Does it sound familiar? Also in this scripture, they
are attacking the elderly, which were located with women and children. If you understand how
they marched and their instructions, these individuals were in the rear. “How he met thee by the
way, and smote the hindmost of thee, even all that were feeble behind thee, when thou wast
faint and weary; and he feared not God.”He feared not God; of course not, they are
worshipping Allah today, though back then it was called the moon god, Baal, and a few others.
Maybe at another time I will go into what the Amalek did worship. But, those are their character
traits. That is their stamp, their trademark. They attacked defenseless women and children, and
the elderly from the rear. What a cowardly act! It sounds like what is happening today; just shoot
missiles into defenseless people. Just break into their homes, cut their throats open, and kill their
women and children. Do I need to say more? If you think about it, they specialized in hit-and-run
warfare, and of course, they attacked the weakest point, the rear. How cowardly.
I don’t know… I’ve thought about this… They all knew the struggles between Jacob and Esau,
even though Jacob and Esau made peace. Still Esau didn’t carry the birthright and I am sure there
were plenty of grudges throughout the generations—which of course, you can only understand if
you understand scripture from the beginning of the book to the back of the book and why that
hatred is there in the first place. But besides their hatred of old, which carried on, maybe they
decided to attack Israel because they heard rumors that they came out of Egypt with great riches.
The Palestinians and the surrounding nations want Israel back. It was never theirs in the first
place, but they want that land because, as I preached, the land including the Golan Heights,
which was a wasted land in the “Mountains of Israel,” is now so fruitful and produces so much.

Why wouldn’t you want it back? Because now you have the same thought processes in your sick
mind thinking you can sustain that. Well, you can’t if God is not on your side. He already said in
Scripture in the book of Malachi, “I will throw it down!” And that is what He did and that is
why most of Israel was a wasteland until it became a nation again in 1948. And when they
started developing those riches and making those farmlands come alive, and everything else that
they produced, all of a sudden their enemies wanted it back, and more now than ever. That is just
one of the reasons. It is not the primary reason but it is one of the reasons, greed. Now it has a lot
bigger spiritual application than what the main reason is, but I do not have time to get into that
yet. But… maybe they decided to attack Israel because they heard rumors. Maybe.
Nevertheless, what Deuteronomy 25:17-18 is saying is they attack the hindmost, the weakest part
of the group, the defenseless women, children, and elderly with their hit-and-run tactics of
warfare. So with that background now, with what we see here in Deuteronomy 25:17-18, let’s
go to Exodus 17:8.
“Then came Amalek [a descendant of Esau], and fought with Israel in Rephidim. And Moses
said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out, fight with Amalek.” First of all, choose out.
How would you like to be part of that? “Guess what? You’re chosen today to go fight.” I have
been telling you, as soon as you become a true Christian that happens almost simultaneously. “I
have chosen you to fight a good warfare (God speaking).” That is what take up the cross means.
“Yes, you are going to fight Satan and his demonic force on a personal level, but guess what?
That is going to be between Me and you, and I’ll handle that, but I’ve given you spiritual armor;
and also, there is a bigger commission for you than just worrying about yourself continually. I
want you to take this message to the world in the capacity that I have called you to do it.” That is
what taking up the cross means: it is always for the benefit of others. “Well, I don’t like that. I
just like to think about myself.”
“Choose us out men and go out.” I like the way this is instructed, “and go out”. Just don’t wait
until they try another sneak attack and then sneak up on them—because their method is very
clear; they are going to attack the hindmost, the rear of the group. I believe Moses didn’t want
the rear of the group, the elderly, the children, and the defenseless women to become so
frightened, that he said, Go out and seek them! in other words, and fight them. Go on their turf.
Let’s go fight them! They are not going to attack us anymore with their sneak attacks and harm
the non-soldiering group any longer.
“…and go out, fight with Amalek: tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of
God in mine hand.”
And most of you have been preached this message using the Aaron and Hur principle and that is
fine. There are a lot of personal connections you can make with this message. But that is not the
primary context of this message. I am sorry; it is not. You can apply Exodus 17:8-16 to your own
personal connection and struggles and how the Lord will get you through, but that is a secondary
context of what the primary context is all about.
When I was a young Christian and reading through the Bible and trying to understand it the best
way I could, I got to Proverbs and Proverbs in several locations says pray for wisdom, ask for
wisdom, and I stopped there for about a month in several of those chapters and I kept asking and
asking and asking. Now only you can determine, I guess, if He gave me any or not, but the thing

is, not too long after that prayer, about five years, I developed a discipline (and you will see that
in this message) of always taking two views of how God’s Word should be interpreted. One is
the primary view. The other is the secondary view, the one you can take as an individual in your
personal connection with God’s Word, especially if there is a promise connected to it—but,
never forget that there is a primary view. So I developed the discipline and the structure to
always view God’s word in its primary context—and that is not easy in itself because you have
to develop a discipline to try to search out what the primary context is and not just read one or
two books, or read the scriptures a couple of times and that is it, no, but search out what the
primary context is. Why do you think I keep telling you this book is about the First and Second
Advent of Jesus Christ? That is why I don’t really break it up in my own personal thoughts as an
Old and New Covenant, Old and New Testament. It is one continuing covenant.
Now this battle was not just a battle that was to be remembered for that particular time. This was
a battle (and when it was all said and done) that was supposed to be remembered throughout
time, until the very final battle when the Lord will crush all His enemies once and for all.
Verse 10, “So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek: and Moses,
Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. And it came to pass, when Moses held up his
hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.”
Now I believe he had something in his hand, some type of banner. We will understand that more
as we get to the end of this story, but I wouldn’t be surprised, to tell you the truth. I have nothing
to confirm this, and I will be the first to tell you I have nothing to confirm it, but I wouldn’t be
surprised if it wasn’t some type of flag or banner that Moses might have tied to the end of the rod
he carried around, and he lifted it up. It is amazing what outstretched hands will do in a battle. If
you think about it, because of the outstretched hands in this battle, because of the willing
participants fighting in the capacities they were called to fight this battle, the battle was won. But
it started with the outstretched hands. If those hands were not stretching out, they were losing. It
kind of reminds you of something, doesn’t it? The greatest battle of all was fought on Calvary;
and who had his hands outstretched? Jesus Christ as He dealt a blow on Satan. And He claimed a
victory not only for Himself, but for all of us.
“And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let
down his hand, Amalek prevailed.” So viewing this, Aaron and Hur went into action. Joshua is
fighting the battle. In fact this is the first time Joshua is brought up. When Moses held up his
hand (and I am sure he took turns holding up each hand, the hand with the rod and banner on
it)Israel would prevail; and when he let it down, Amalek prevailed. This battle went all day long,
folks. “But Moses’ hands were heavy; and they took a stone…” Circle ‘stone’. “… and put it
under him, and he sat thereon…”
And I got this visual, that Satan and his demonic forces knew what was going on. I wish I could
have an artist paint it, what I was thinking and what I am thinking right now. There is an unseen
spiritual battle going on too. You don’t think Satan and his demonic forces knew that as long as
Moses’ hands were outstretched, the battle was being won by Israel? What would you do if you
were a demonic, or a fallen angel, or Satan himself…whether in the mind or through some
physical attack, wouldn’t you be pushing down his arms trying to make them as heavy as
possible? Well, we know according to the story Satan did not win whether it is on the physical
field or on the unseen field. He lost both battles.

“But Moses’ hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat
thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on
the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.”
You have Aaron and Hur… and I can’t go into all the different roles everyone is playing right
now. It is a message for another time. Remind me in the future and I will preach outside of this
series what the meaning and significance is of all these individuals in this story. There is Moses,
Aaron, Hur, Joshua, and the chosen out men all playing a role in the capacity that they were
chosen to be a part of. And my personal belief is the instruction was given (though not in the
record) for the people who didn’t go to war such as the women, children, the elderly, and any
others not chosen to go, of, “You better be praying also. You better be dedicated realizing that
this is a battle. It is our first battle. It is a battle over live and death. Be part of it.”
“Moses hands were heavy and they took a stone…” It is obvious that it was not just his hands
that were heavy because they took a stone to prop him up; “…and put it under him, and he sat
thereon.” So what was propping him up? Most of you would say the stone because that is what it
says there. “Why dwell on it: get on with it.” Well as you know, I don’t get on to too many
things very quickly. And this is why I am not a fan of lexicons and dictionaries and all those
things. In some cases they are okay, but they leave out so much. It makes me want to pull my
hair sometimes because there are so many important things to understand to make things clearer,
especially when you put the Old and New Testament together as one complete testament.
Circle the word stone. The Hebrew word for stone (‫)אבֶ ן‬isָ֫ pronounced eben (eh’-ben). The
transliteration of eben is a compound word in the Hebrew. For instance, the word for father (‫)אַ ב‬
is pronounced ab (ab) in the Hebrew. And the word for son (‫ )בֵּ ן‬is ben (bane). Again, what is
propping up Moses? This stone. Now Aaron and Hur kept his arms steady, but that would never
have been good enough. I know some of you have been preached that it was good enough, but it
would not have been good enough, folks. Moses needed more than just his arms outstretched. He
needed his whole being to be steadfast for the spiritual purposes behind this battle. “But Moses’
hands were heavy; and they took a stone(‫)אבֶ ן‬ ָ֫ eben in Hebrew is a compound word) (Hebrew
reads from right to left) and when you combine these two words, you come up with a compound
word meaning Father-Son. So what was really propping up Moses? Aaron and Hur? No! They
held his hands steady and it does have spiritual significance, but Moses needed a lot more than
that to do his part in achieving the victory that was taking place down in the field and in the
unseen battle that was taking place at this particular time. I could have made this a Spiritual
Warfare message. The Father and Son were propping up Moses in this story. The Father and
Son is a relationship between God the Father and Yeshua, which is the stone. And as we will see,
Peter is not the rock, but Jesus is that rock. Now you might want to write this on the side of your
margins or on a piece of paper. The stone here in its primary context, that plays a role even today
and in the future (which can also be applied on a personal level) is the emblem of the Father, the
Son the Christ, the Stone of Israel, the foundation of His people, the Father and Son being their
support which sustains and upholds them. Do you see the significance of this stone? This story
has more detail in it than what is normally preached, and they are important details to
understand. I could take you to the Psalms and the stone which the builders rejected and apply it
to that verse, and move on from there all the way until we get to Christ in the New Testament.
“But Moses’ hands were heavy and they took a stone”—now that you know what the stone is—
“and they put it under him, and he sat thereon, and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hand, the

one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going
down of the sun. And Joshua discomfited [weakened]Amalek[Esau’s descendant, a
troublemaker] and his people with the edge of the sword. And the LORD said unto Moses,
Write this for a memorial in a book…”Why? Because they are going to need it all the way until
the end. “…and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua.”Why? God already had his next pick and was
molding him, God was already commissioning his next pick. Unfortunately His next pick,
Joshua, and all the ones down through the ages without exception did not fulfill the commission
of eliminating the Amalekites or any of the descendants of Esau. God will have the last word on
it now, and take care of what He said would happen Himself just as He provided salvation
through His Son. He will fulfill the promise of eliminating Israel’s enemies, in this case the
Amalekites. There is no doubt about what is coming down the line if you have trust and
confidence in His word, folks. “And rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out
the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.”
“And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovah-nissi [The Lord is My Banner].”
Like I said, you can apply that on a personal level. Let me read you something on a personal
level and a way to apply it.
This may fitly be applied to Christ, who is both altar, sacrifice, and priest,
and who is the true Jehovah, and after so called; and who is lifted up as a
banner, standard, or ensign in the everlasting Gospel, in order to gather
souls unto him, and enlist them under him, and to prepare them for war
[most want to skip that part], and encourage them in it against their
spiritual enemies; and as a token of their victory over them, and a direction
to them where they shall stand, when to march, and whom they shall
follow; and to distinguish them from all other bands and companies, and
for the protection of them from all their enemies.

On a personal level, you can do this for yourself through this story, but that is a secondary
context. There is a primary principle to this story. What is it?
“And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovah-nissi [The Lord is My Banner]:
For he said, Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek from
generation to generation.”
Is that what it says? No.
“For he said, because the hand of Amalek is against the throne of the Lord, the Lord will war
with Amalek from generation to generation.”
That is the literal translation. That is the Lord’s statement, the curse if you want to call it that, on
Amalek. The Lord foresaw that none of his…I do not care who you find in scripture, none of
them completely eliminated Esau’s descendants including the Amalekites. As great as David was
as a warrior, he did not succeed. “For he said, because the hand of Amalek is against the throne
of the Lord, the Lord will war with Amalek from generation to generation.”
Go to Numbers 24:20, “And when he looked on Amalek, he took up his parable, and said,
Amalek was the first of the nations; but his latter end shall be that he perish forever.” That is

not how it reads. “And when he looked on Amalek, he took up his parable, and said, Amalek, the
first of the nations that warred against Israel, but his latter end shall be even to
destruction.”This has not been fulfilled yet. I have reason to believe, because of Scripture, Christ
will fulfill that. This is one promise, just like Salvation, that Christ has to fulfill Himself. No one
could fill in and provide us Salvation including the Law. It just shows us how short we fall from
God’s standard; Christ had to step in and do that for us. Even though He commissioned man to
take care of the problem, they all failed to a certain degree. He will fulfill this promise. He will
fulfill this prophecy. He will be, as back in Exodus 17, the Lord My Banner. And, even though
the Children of Israel, even up to the present day will be at war with Amalek from generation to
generation, I have news for you Palestinians, and anyone else that wants to come against Israel,
God’s Word declares that He is their banner. Like it or lump it. If you do not want to believe it, I
am telling you now, you do not fear the Lord yourself. “Well, you are judging me.” No I am not.
God’s Word is. He is the one that has made that declaration, not me. He is the one that made that
declaration, know the difference. The Lord is going to be their banner from generation to
generation, and at the very end, He will finally deliver the last destructive blow that will put an
end to this confrontation, to these troublemakers once and for all. Why? Because Thus Saith The
Word of The Lord.

To be continued…

The Last Days Study Guide


1. What was the hindmost of thee designating?

2. Explain the compound Hebrew word eben and its meaning.

3. Where did Esau live after he and Jacob parted?

4. What is the primary context of the Moses, Aaron, and Hur story?

5. What makes Exodus 36 a vital chapter?

6. What does Jehovah-nissi mean?

7. How can Exodus 17:8-16 be applied in a secondary context?

8. Give the literal translation of Exodus 17:16.

9. What are generational curses?

10. Which scripture confirms the record in Numbers 24:20?

11. How is our calling similar to that of Joshua’s?

12. Proverbs instructs us in several locations to do what?


How do you know we are in the Last Days?

I get the following messages more often than you can imagine. They really don’t go into any
details of why they disagree with what I teach concerning The Last Days series and what I
preach. Nevertheless, I get them and it proves to me by the content of the messages that they do
not stop long enough to listen. Here is an example of one letter I received from Canada:

How do you know we live in the last days? You are one of these prophets “who eats bread”.

Number one, I never said I was a prophet. And of course, they love to use these catch phrases
and I guarantee you they do not know exactly what they are saying. Like you do in school, they
just memorized history dates, important events, rules, and then they use them and they quote
them, usually having no idea or understanding what it means when they use these phrases. But
that is okay. Let’s continue.

How do you know we live in the last days? You are one of these prophets “who eats bread,”
people who have theologically nothing to say about real biblical theology.

Of course here I could cite “you need ears to hear and eyes to see”, but that would fall on deaf
ears anyway.

Yes we are called to holiness, but the way you people do it [now it is ‘you people’] completely
misses the point.

And of course, here comes the point. Now this has to do with The Last Days series. I am
assuming they are getting this from Matthew 24 by what I am reading in the rest of the email
(and I am not going to go into all the email).

When Jesus’ disciples asked, “When are all these things to happen?” Jesus answered, that is not
for you to know.

At the time when Jesus answered when these things are going to happen, to the time that Jesus
says later in chapter 24“this is not for you to know”, quite a bit of information is given by Jesus.
These spiritual morons that are criticizing me, that think I have no theology behind the subject of
eschatology, sit in judgment of what I do, probably never listening to the series from the
beginning point to the point we are at right now, but they decided probably after the first or
second sermon, they were turned off because right from the beginning I come against what I
have called the Christians science fiction doctrines that teach about the last days and what to

This my reason that I advise you to go back to school and be trained in some real biblical
theology concerning the subject.

So, you want me to go back to school to learn Christian science fiction. That is what this person
is saying. The email goes on to other things outside the series, but the thing is they love to attack,

they love to sit in judgment of what I do here and what I preach, but they really don’t get to the
meat of the matter of what they are really thinking; or at least they are not communicating it to
me because they do not know what to think. They have been brain washed and they are nothing
more than Christian robots for Jesus. Because the majority is saying and preaching the Christian
science fiction doctrines with little variation as a unified whole, I must be wrong. Of course if
you ask them to prove any of those silly doctrines they create, they have to twist scripture, bend
it to even come close to having you believe this is something that is believable. But back to the
point since I obviously completely missed the point.

When Jesus’ disciples asked, “When are all these things to happen?” Jesus answered, that is not
for you to know.

Go to Matthew 24. This person begins with verse 3, and then he quotes Jesus again saying, that
is not for you to know, going to verse 36, and skipping everything in between. So I guess the 33
verses between verse 3 and verse 36 is not important in this person’s mindset. Verse 36 says,
“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father

Well, that is all fine and dandy, and you can develop your own Christian science fiction doctrine
in answering or at least trying to advise me why I am wrong, but you just took scripture out of
context to do it. You are just as guilty as practically everyone that talks on this subject. What is
new? At least if you are going to attack and come against what I preach here, do it in context and
have an intelligent argument.

I am amazed almost on a daily basis. I get lots of emails and you would be surprised how many
people give me their interpretation of Scripture. It is a dangerous road to go down if you are out
of the order of God, and the way He set up His order of communicating to you the understanding
of His word. Sorry, you can be a hippie for Jesus and think you do not need anyone, but that has
never been God’s way of doing things. You cannot prove that in Scripture. Be careful. This
person is just a spiritual moron.

Matthew 24:1, “And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple; and his disciples came to
him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these
things? Verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall
not be thrown down. And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him
privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy
coming, and the end of the world?”

I have been here before. There are three questions in verse 3.

• When shall these things be?

This refers to “There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown

• What shall be the sign of thy coming?


Then we move on to question number three.

• …and the end of the world?

There are three questions here and it goes on to say, “And Jesus answered and said unto them,
Take heed that no man deceive you, for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ;
and shall deceive many.”

Take heed (and I have told you this before) with intensity, that no man deceive you. And there
are plenty of deceivers out there, folks. They mean well for the most part but they have been
deceived. They have been following the same pattern coming out of theological school or
wherever their instruction came from, preaching the same silly doctrines of this Christian
Science Fiction nonsense that has been preached for two to three hundred years. They have been
deceived. Good intentioned people have been deceived and they passed that deception on to
others when we already covered that it was not for them to know at that time yet: God’s timeline
did not pass when most of these Christian science fiction theories were developed to have a full
understanding of what Scripture says about the days we are living in.

Now just coving the verses this person covered, we now should just jump down to verse 36. Of
course, there is plenty of instruction to answer the three questions, at least two of the questions.
And then after Jesus answers the third question, He goes back to the second question again. “Tell
us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming and the end of the
world?”Now Jesus starts giving those answers.

So if this person is saying “that is not for you to know” – because it starts out by saying, when
Jesus’ disciples asked when are all these things to happen, Jesus answered that is not for you to
know, that is eliminating 33 verses of instruction on three questions, actually two questions
because He really didn’t get to the third question until verse 35, after the parable of the fig tree.
Let’s just discount all those verses? They mean nothing? All that instruction is for naught? That
is what you are saying when you say, “When are all these thing to happen, Jesus answered
[jumping 33 verses], this is not for you to know.” Are you serious? Do you actually believe that?

Yes, there are a lot of false prophets out there and a lot of people teaching on eschatology. We
just saw one spiritual clown go through an exercise again saying that the Lord is coming back in
May and the end of the world is sometime in October. Now I find out, a few days after the fact,
that he is now saying it’s pushed off to this coming October. Yes, those kind of people are full of
it. I will be the first one to tell you, they are what Jesus warned about when Jesus said “take
heed,” literally, with intensity, “that no man deceive you”. It has to be backed up by the word of
God (I have said the verifiable word of God). Haven’t I made that clear over and over?

Let’s jump up to verse 35. Now Jesus is dealing with the first two questions: “Tell us when shall
these things be?” from verse 4 on He deals with that question. “And what shall be the sign of
thy coming.” He will deal with that partly before verse 35, but he concludes with it starting in
verse 37. Then what about the third question: “and the end of the world?” we find out after the
parable of the fig tree, “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these

things be fulfilled.” And of course everyone is trying to guess what a generation is. I haven’t
really fully dealt with that yet. I have only dealt with that in a minor way asking, Does it really
say generation?“Heaven and earth shall pass away…” What shall pass away? So obviously, His
coming already happened when that happens, right? That is just a common sense application to
this verse. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away.” [36] “But of
that day…” Of what day? Stay in context because he is answering questions here that were
asked by his disciples. What day? The day when heaven and earth shall pass away. When we
jump to the book of Revelation, we know the heavens and the earth are going to be recreated.
That is what heavens and earth mean, a recreation once again.

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father

Now I have heard that Jesus didn’t even know this. That is not what Jesus is saying there. “But
of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”
Jesus didn’t say, “knoweth no man, knoweth not the angels of heaven, I do not even know it, but
the Father only.” Jesus never said that. So the assumption is He and the Father are the ones that
know when heaven and earth shall pass away.

So to use the scripture, “when are all these things going to happen” according to the message I
received by email, and answer “Jesus said it is not for you to know” is taking it out of context
and is dead wrong. It is what I warned about in the Spiritual Warfare Series in the message
Misusing and Misapplying Scriptures. Woe to thee that do it because if it leads to deception and
confusion you will be held accountable for that, folks. The reason I didn’t want to do what I am
doing now is because I am accountable for every word that comes out of my mouth. So it better
be the rightly divided word of God or woe is me. That is why I take it seriously.

Verse 37, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my
Father only. But as the days of Noah were,” and it leads up to verses 43 and 44 when the Son of
man cometh back again. Then it picks up in verse 45 about the faithful and unfaithful servants
and still in context. I have heard this message of the faithful and unfaithful servant preached and
you can take it out of this particular context and have a different application because it is all
about faithfulness. But in the right context and what the original thought processes were when
Jesus was communicating this information to his disciples, it was concerning what was going to
happen at the end. That means this has application for you and me. It has never been so
important as today.

Pick it up with verse 45, “Who then is a faithful and wise [prudent] servant, whom his lord
hath made ruler”—a better translation: whom his lord has appointed to lead the way. The way
to what? The way to Truth. The truth of what? The truth of what Jesus has been instructing his
disciples concerning the three questions that they asked of things that were to come.

Now one of the questions that he answered… I do not even think they realized it was just around
the corner before the destruction of the temple. The others would take place over the centuries,
over the millenniums.

“Who then is a faithful and prudent servant, whom his lord appoints to lead the way…” I am
telling you the way is pointed because you have been appointed; or the way is what Jesus said, I
am the way. Why? Because He provided the truth which gives life. “Who then is a faithful and
prudent servant, whom his lord appoints to lead the way to the truth over his household, to give
them meat [the rightly divided word of God]in due season [when it is appropriate]?”

Listen, I think I have preached enough to point out we are living in the last days. It has never
been that important as it is today. Things are coming to a closure. The Lord is going to return
soon. I have been appointed to do what I do and you have been appointed to do what you do. The
problem is there are too many waiting for the Lord’s return. I get that a lot in messages, You are
waiting for the Lord’s return…to heck with the rest of the world. I am sorry, that is the wrong
attitude to have. That is what this and the verses after this are saying. Too many people are
waiting instead of working. In context, working means (and how I use it) ergon: employment of
the Word of God. Why? Because people need to know the truth. The truth concerning how to be
rescued by Jesus Christ and the salvation He gave us by giving up His own precious life. He
spilled His blood for you, and me, and for anyone else, and we do not have to do anything to
earn it. It is a free gift of grace and most people want to leave it right there. “Well, I am rescued.
The heck with the rest of the world.” If you have that attitude, then I suggest you go find a
church, find a nice comfortable spot where you can sit on your rear end and do nothing, because
you are in a waiting process (which you will be held accountable for, by the way) instead of the
working process. Not working for works, to do good works. I think you know where I stand on
that. I’ve made myself clear, there is nothing you can do to earn or merit your salvation or to
keep it by your works. But too many people are waiting instead of working. But Jesus goes on to
say, “Blessed,” markarios in the Greek (fully satisfied), “is that servant, whom his lord when
he cometh shall find so doing.” Doing what? Providing the meat at the right time according to
verse 45, because he realizes that he has been appointed to lead the way that leads to the truth,
which we have here. Period. There is no one excused from leading the way that leads to the truth.

Verse 47, “Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler [same word as in 45] over all
his goods.”He could be trusted. “And if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord
delayeth his coming…” Of course, we get a lot of that right now: some even doubt that the Lord
is ever going to come in the Christian world. I could provide you stacks of articles and books that
are written, that make that claim. It even surprises me how many are falling for that trap, that
deception. “And if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; And
shall begin to smite his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken.” Living their
life their way, going back to what they have been delivered from really, concerns of this world
that bring them satisfaction and temporary happiness, or at least the pursuit of it. The Lord of
that servant will come in a day when he looketh not. Why? Because he does not expect Him to
come. And that is become more popular, that we are not living in the time of the last days. That
was predicted to happen also. What is new about that? “The lord of that servant shall come in a
day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him
asunder[lit. cut off], and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping
and gnashing of teeth.”Why? Because they are going to miss His coming and for several
reasons. One, because they are not expecting it and two, they are just waiting for it, but the Lord
is looking for more than just waiters. He wants people seeking Him, getting involved, and
employing the meat because you have been appointed just like I have; you in the capacity that

you were called, and I in mine in the capacity that I was called to present it, to point, to lead the
way. And like I said earlier, you are not working to employ that word of God out there in the
capacity that God has called you, you are just waiting. Period. You are a bunch of waiters – and I
am not talking waiters who serve like in a restaurant – I’m talking about people who just sit
around and do nothing, live their life, and think there is nothing they have to do but sit back and
wait for Jesus. Do you really think you will get away with that? You have not only missed the
great commission, but all the callings that we can find in the New Testament and for different
positions, that the saints are to be actively involved in. You find the same story in Luke but Luke
goes a little further or presents it a little differently.

Luke 12:46, “The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at
an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him sunder, and will appoint him his portion with
the unbelievers [the faithless, untrustworthy individuals].”

You have been handed a trust. You have been called to do more than just sit around and wait for
Jesus. “Well, I am not supposed to earn my salvation.” This has nothing to do with earning your
salvation: this is part of a rescue plan that we’ve all been assigned to be a part of. I have said it
over and over and I do not know how many times I have said it now. It is not just all about you.
That is where it starts, that is where you have to maintain that connection, and He has a plan for
you and that is to get involved in rescuing others in the way He has called you to do it. For most
of you, that is just in support of a ministry you can identify that is doing that. I have people ask
me that all the time, “What can I do?” Are you giving? “Well, no.” Then start giving. Or I will
have people say, “I already give.” Then find ways to give more. I have made it very clear that
this ministry is about understanding what time we are in and realizing we do not have much time
left. So, we are going out there as much as we can with the little that we get to try to present
God’s Word without all the foolishness, with the intensity that we need to take, with passion, and
not just a bunch of Christians waiting around for His return, but actively involved. Every day that
goes by I ask, how did you get it out today, what did you do today to make sure the message
goes out, and not just in the same old areas and avenues that we are using to try to let people
know where they can find the truth, but new areas; not a day goes by that it is not thought about
and acted upon. I won’t rest one minute with the notion that, “Well, we just did enough today.”
We have too many ‘we just did enough’ Christians or ‘waiting’ Christians. The world is full of
that. We need Christians that recognize the time we are in and they want to be part of that group
that hears, “Well done good and faithful servant,” because you took heed, you realized what
God has called you to do. He has really brought you to this hour and this message for a reason.

Luke goes on to say, “And that servant which knew his lord’s will…” I had you circled this
word will before in a sermon I preached years ago; thelema is the word there for will. We looked
at that and what God’s will starts with, Jesus being the perfect example of what that meant. We
covered that before. It starts with denying yourself, taking up the cross, and following Christ. Do
you think you are going to be in God’s Will if those three aspects are not part of your everyday
life as part of your being? If one is missing, you are out of His will. People are always
wondering, “Oh, is this God’s will?” No. What you’re really asking is if it is your will because
you want it. You really don’t have any concern about what God wants, what His son wants. You
want it because you have a desire for it. You see a lot of that. And with some of your desires
there is nothing wrong with that, but don’t go bringing “if this is God’s will” into the picture. He

has given you dominion over things. If He has granted you to have it, then you will have it. If not
then guess what, either keep waiting for it or forget about it. God’s will starts with denying
yourself. Why? Because His purposes are now foremost in your mind. Taking up the cross is not
your own personal problems like I said –cross means someone benefits from the dying, or
denying yourself in this case, and following Him in His likeness (you can find that in the written
section of the archives); not in your likeness or mine.

“And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according
to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.” If you are out of God’s will and you are not
active in the context both in Luke and in Matthew of what was Jesus instructing about,
BEWARE, you have some stripes coming. Verse 48 continues, “But he that knew not, and did
commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes.”

“Are you saying a person that knows better (in this case because they have been taught to be
actively involved and not just waiting around, but do something about it because they want to be
100% in God’s Will and not out of it, not just watching, but actively participating), but decides
that it is not for them and they go back to waiting, Scripture says they are going to be beaten with
many more stripes? Whoa! That is hard to swallow. Do you mean more than the ones that knew

That is right. At least they have that excuse if you want to call it that; they didn’t know about
it—and, one of the reasons why is because they were never taught it. That is the sad part. That is
the part that is inexcusable. Preachers don’t want to teach you because they do not want to draw
the commitment out of you, and because they do not want to ask too much from you. They are
telling you to be disciples on the one hand and on the other hand they are saying, “Only if it is
convenient. At your pace. At your time. After all, we wouldn’t want you to break a spiritual
sweat.” Remember what Jesus said back in Matthew: there will be deceivers and part of that
deception is not calling the commitment that you are responsible for to the forefront, which has
produced a lot of lazy watching Christians. “But he that knew not, and did commit things
worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given…”

How many times have you heard this scripture quoted over and over? How many times have you
heard this scripture in this context? “For unto whomsoever much is given…” That is right,
much is given to you. We are not talking about material things. The responsibility of spiritual
things. “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.” MUCH is
required of you—including knowing the things you should know that Jesus instructed in

Back to this silly email:

“’When are all these things to happen?’ Jesus answered, that is not for you to know”

Are you kidding me? Are you that much of a spiritual moron to wipe out over 30 verses of
instruction before this verse, and then the instruction afterward for those three questions that
were asked? Jesus didn’t leave anyone in the dark. He couldn’t specifically get out all of the
details because time had to go by—which we’ve proven already has gone by—for the rest of the

details including the book of Revelation—which still was not written when He answered these
questions, when he walked with His disciples before His death and resurrection.

“For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required: and to whom men have
committed much, of him they will ask the more.” When is the last time you have been asking
for more? “More what?” The responsibility of what you have been assigned (back to Matthew)
what you have been appointed to, to lead the way to the truth. Now I understand most of you are
not preachers. It is still no excuse.

The reason why I and this ministry are being attacked so much is because of this message, is
because A) it comes against the established doctrines; B) because it requires commitment and
responsibility. That goes beyond what most of you if not all of you have thought was your only
responsibility in the past, but not if you have listened to me for a while. I am sorry, you need to
wake up. You need to stop piecing scriptures together to justify your own silliness. The context
is in being a faithful servant of the instruction Jesus gave concerning those three questions. “For
unto whomsoever much is given [you and me], of him shall much [not little] be required: and
to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.”I ask you tonight still
though I should not have to ask you to participate more, and in every aspect of that participation;
that is a desire that has to be built in with you because you understand what Jesus Christ’s
instruction was. And if you didn’t in the past, you have no excuse now.

Do you get it folks? Stay in context with Scriptures. Stop misquoting and misapplying scriptures.
Woe is you that do and participate in that justification of what you think is thus saith the word of
the Lord. If you have not been called to deliver it, be careful.

To be continued…

The Last Days Study Guide

How do you know we are in the last days?

1. What understanding is missing when we read “take heed”?

2. Why was it impossible for eschatology to be accurate two and three hundred years ago?

3. What was and still is included in the salvation plan, but rarely preached?

4. What is the Greek word for ‘will’?

5. What is the Lord’s will for His servants?

6. What word did Jesus use to describe His servants?

7. List ways to begin being a faithful servant.


The Cutting Place

I am going to read to you an article, Churches Promoting Islam. Some of you have probably
already heard about this and some of you haven’t. This article calls it spiritual treason and
something hostile to Jesus Christ Himself.
Dozens of churches from Park Hill Congregational in Denver to Hill View
United Methodist in Boise, Idaho, and First United Lutheran in San
Francisco to St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church in Honolulu, are planning
to send “a message both here at home and to the Arab and Muslim world
about our respect for Islam” with a time to read the Quran during worship
this Sunday.

You heard me right: they want to “send a message both here at home and to the Arab and
Muslim world about our respect for Islam.”
“Well, don’t you have any respect for Islam?” Nope, not at all. I have been focusing on Islam
because that is what God’s Word focuses on and how these Last Days and the final Beast
interacts with Israel and Jerusalem, and Christians. I am just as much against Buddhism,
Hinduism, Hare Kirshna-ism, you name it. If Jesus Christ is not front and center, you have a
problem. Christ came to deliver you from that—and I keep preaching to all those areas in the
hope that some will be delivered from the idolatry they are entrenched in. But I am not going to
join hands and sing Kumbaya so the Muslims or anyone else can feel comfortable with me or
what I believe in, and what I believe God’s Word says. Understand, in God’s Word there is no
other options for other religions: it is all classified as idolatry, which God HATES. Everything
else is a false god and a false idol. That is true in the Old and that is true in the New, like it or
lump it.
“Well, we don’t live by the Law.” This is one commandment of the Law in which you have no
choice. Sorry hippies-for-Jesus, you have no choice. John 15 makes that clear. That is made clear
throughout the New Testament. In fact not only Jesus but even the Apostles who were instructed
by Jesus carried forward two laws: loving one another; and only loving God, the God. “What
about His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ?” That goes without question.
So let’s just all gather around and read the Quran during worship this Sunday in churches; let’s
bring the Abomination into the ‘house of God’ (if that is what you call it). I can guarantee you
the Lord won’t be there.
It’s not just wrong, but dangerous, according to Christian trends analysts.
The aim of the program, which is promoted by social activists behind the
Faith Shared website, is to counter the message from Islamic activists who
say opposition to their religion is the product of what they call a cottage
industry of hate.

Listen! I just said it; God hates it! Christ said no one gets to the Father, no matter what you want
to try to call Him, unless you go through Me (John 14:6).

And the Muslims believe because of messages that were supposedly laid down from an angel to
Mohammed that Jesus Christ was just another messenger like Mohammed, but then again, after
Mohammed, He was not as great as Mohammed.
What do you think the Lord and God Almighty the Father, thinks of that? Think about that. What
do you think God Almighty the Father, thinks of that? You think, “Well, He’ll let him have a
pass.” That is why I want to get back to the Amalekites and not just the Amalekites, but ALL the
other ‘ites’ that have come against God’s Chosen People; and, they are still doing it today. And
WOE to them that line up with them, even those who are not of the area.
So the Interfaith Alliance and Human Rights First is call on Christian
clergy to read portions of the Quran during their services Sunday.

Can you imagine what these fanatical and non-fanatical Islamic imams are doing? They are
celebrating. In a sense, they are declaring victory. I have covered this somewhat, but I want you
to understand, once they conquer an area or once they take control of an area (and most people
think that is just the physical control of an area) they do not see it as not theirs any longer even if
it might be taken away from them, but they consider it theirs: Israel being a case in point. Once
Islam captures the physical and the spirit of the land of the people, that is their claim and they
really don’t give up on ever getting it back.
If you really think about it, what these stupid religious morons are doing is allowing Islam to
have a claim in their church, to declare it an Islamic activity now. And sooner or later whether
churches like it or not , because of the Islamic activists, imams, and pursuers of what they think
is justice and what Allah will eventually do, which is take over the whole world, their seat is
planted in that organization or church. And though that church might have complete control now,
Muslims think someday they will. That is the message that is being sent to the Islamic world.
Because these theology school mental midgets that run churches have never spent more than a
day studying, understanding, and diving into God’s Word on what the final Beast is all about and
what they are trying to accomplish, they are being blindly led with this Kumbaya state of mind so
man can all get along, and so man, if you really think about it, can work out his own problems.
That is what that Co-exist movement is all about—which I plan to talk about sooner or later, and
go deeper into the real problem of that, besides what you may think from the surface.
The readings, supporters say, will “counter the anti-Muslim bigotry and
negative stereotypes that have erupted throughout the country in the past
year and led to misconceptions, distrust and in some cases, violence.”

Not so fast, says religious trends analyst Ken Silva.

“I would think they need to have their spiritual heads examined[and I agree
with him]. It’s foolish to think that we’re going to read something that
originates with demons and read that in a Christian church,” Silva said.

The action amounts to “spiritual treason,” he asserted.


It is too bad this individual does not realize what he is preaching is a bunch of Christian Science
Fiction also—but that is not the point, at least he is standing up against it.
Pastors of participating churches declined to discuss their programs.

If you are so for it, why?

“It’s one thing to be friendly with someone in Islam, but it’s a whole other
thing in a Christian community to be reading something that is antithetical
to Christianity and is hostile to Jesus Christ himself.”

Silva isn’t the only analyst who has objections to the program. Worldview
Weekend President Brannon Howse said he’s not surprised with the

“I expect that of the mainline churches. Many of them have denied the
essential Christian doctrines,” Howse said. “They have denied the
exclusivity of Jesus Christ. They have denied the inerrancy of Scripture;
they’ve denied the inspiration of Scripture. So I’m not shocked that pagans
would united with pagans.”

His critique of what he sees as the failure of the mainline churches grew
more severe.

“I’m not shocked that apostates would unite with apostates. I’m not
shocked that people who practice the occult of Christian yoga or practice
the occultism of contemplative prayer, which is another name for
Transcendental Meditation,” Howse said.

Howse said he believes Islam is also rooted in the occult.

“I am not shocked that an occultic religion of mainline liberal Christianity

would lock arms with the occult of Islam. They’re both steeped in the occult
and paganism. So I’m not shocked by that at all,” Howse said.

Howse also has a word of caution for evangelical Christians.

“If you’re an evangelical, you better defend the exclusivity of Jesus Christ
and the deity of Jesus Christ, the inspiration of Scripture and the inerrancy
of Scripture. If you’re not willing to defend that, then you really shouldn’t
be calling yourself a Christian,” Howse said.

The Faith Shared website paints a different picture of the objectives. The
site says that tensions between Islam and Christianity have grown in the
past year.

Well if you knew anything about your bible, you wouldn’t be surprised or shocked over that
particular tension that is developing. It has been prophesied.
“Tensions around Islam in America have erupted throughout the country
in the past year, leading to misconceptions, distrust and in some cases
violence. News stories on the rising tide of anti-Muslim bigotry and
violence abound, with graphic and often searing images of the antagonists,
the protagonists and the battlegrounds where they meet,” the site said.

“All too often, media coverage simplistically pits Muslims against would-be
Quran burners, neglecting any substantive representation of where the
majority of Americans actually stand: a shared commitment to tolerance
and freedom,” the site read.

It is like what I said, and some of you just couldn’t understand it but maybe, slowly but surely,
you can understand where I stand. Some of you think I criticized the Constitution of this country.
I told you it is the best that has ever been. I am not a flag burner. I am not any of those liberal
fanatics that run around, including our own President that was involved (before he became
President and before he became a Senator) in flag burning with his wife. I am none of those
things. But there is one thing about the Constitution that I will just not accept, and that is the
freedom of religion. I stand on that ground based on God’s Word. You might stand on your
ground because of the idea of it, but can you justify it in God’s Word? That is where you and I
have a problem. Show me anywhere, Old or New Testament, where God’s Word says it is okay
as a people (and here is the key) as a nation to have a choice how you serve whatever god you
want to serve.
“Well, it just goes against my grain not being able to have that freedom.”
Who says as a human being that you are supposed to have 100% total freedom? I have apostles
and disciples that died claiming themselves as a slave of Jesus Christ. Who are you hotshot to
think you are so special above all these that have gone before us? Show me. I challenge you. I
will pay your airfare to present it to me in person where God says someday I am going to give
everyone the choice and the freedom to choose. “Well, didn’t He do that when He placed man in
the Garden?”He gave you the ability to choose, but He never gave you the freedom to use that
ability to choose to serve another god, because once you did (obviously by what we see
happened in the Genesis story) the connection was broken. This is where I differ not just with
Christianity but the secular world, including popular talk show hosts. I do not worship the
Constitution. I think it is one of the best governmental systems that was ever set up to run a
nation, but it is not perfect.
I am sorry you hippies with the liberal thought of nobody can tell you what to do including who
you are going to worship (whether you are for Jesus or against); by definition, worship is
reserved for a deity. That deity is the Son, which gives us the only available access to the Father.
Anyone or thing you choose outside of Jesus Christ in our present day to pay homage to is not
worship. It is a pagan practice created by men who were guided by unseen forces to make that
separation from God even greater than what happened in the Garden. It is man-made traditions
and evilness to serve self. Some of you didn’t quite understand where I was coming from when I

first mentioned that about a year ago. Hopefully in the teaching we are doing now you can
understand. You do not have an option. You do not have a choice.
“Yes, I do. I can choose not to worship the Lord.” That is right, but if you choose to serve
something else it is not worship, it is a pagan practice. Worship can only happen with the true
Lord God and his Son, Jesus Christ. And just because this country’s government supplants God
and supports the illusion of the freedom to choose, does not make it right. As I said, I’ll pay
anyone’s airfare to present it to me in person. Prove it in God’s Word, Old or New Testament,
that God didn’t care who you worshipped as long as you have good intentions and it is what you
consider a worship act. The reason why I can make that bet is because you cannot find it: and in
fact, God comes against every which way man can even think of in the last book, the book of
Revelation, when He is dealing with the seven churches—which I have not gotten to yet.
“We are committed to ensuring that the storyline changes dramatically in
2011 by helping to create an environment of mutual understanding and
respect for each other’s faith traditions,” the site said.

And it goes on to how we should all develop a Kumbaya state of mind. You know, since I
mentioned it earlier, get your bible and go to I Kings 17.This is where Elijah the Tishbite deals
with Ahab.

“You are not going back there again?” Yes, I am. If you are bored, go somewhere else.
I have a lot of messages that I have not read to you from people that listen to The Last Days
series, get excited about it, can’t wait to share with their family members and friends, and even
their church, but they get turned down, they get mocked, they are considered a lunatic and hear
there is no way possible after 200 some odd years futurist doctrine could be wrong. And some of
you gently try to approach these people, but they refuse to listen. And most of the people writing
to me are Christians trying to approach other Christians and they are being rejected by them.
Now some of you are also being rejected by the secular world: hoping that, because nothing else
has turned them on to Jesus Christ, this message on The Last Days series will because it is more
grounded with truth coming from God’s Word, and because it is coming from God’s Word, it
does not have to be created into something unbelievable—which even most Christians shake and
scratch their heads over in trying to figure out how this could happen in the last days. Listen, I
was one of them. I know where you are coming from and I know it can be discouraging. Boy, do
I know. You begin to understand it, even though you might still have some questions (not all the
I’s are dotted and T’s crossed) and there are still some gaps, but you are starting to see it take
form. And as I have slowly presented it to you, it has taken you and made you more prepared for
what is here now, and what is still yet to come. A lot of you have said it has given you hope, real
hope. And even though you had hope because the book of Revelation, some of the last days end
time teachings that are out there made it difficult for you to grasp it, hang on to it, and
understand it. And now that you can, you are just discouraged because others just can’t see the
light of day, and others just flat out reject hearing. You thought especially your non-Christian
friends and family would at least take a second look. In some cases I received messages because
they, without even reading or hearing because they do not want to listen to you or read what you
have, refuse to take a look at it because they just put this in the same category as everything else
that is preached out there about the last days. Well that is unfortunate; if they took a look at it,

they would find that it is nothing like that. So I understand what you are going through. Listen,
you should see the nonsense, attacks, and criticisms I get on a daily basis, and mostly from the
church world. Do you think I am a person that is liked in the Islamic world? So what is new? Are
we going to sit here and pout about it? Whine about it? Or are we going to keep pursuing with a
passion what God has called us to be in this hour, this period of time; participants in his rescue
plan. And believe me when I say this: more have been turned on. This is going to seem hard to
believe but more have been turned on by the Last Days message than any other message I have
ever preached in any other series so far…many non-Christians.
Now it would be my first desire that you would be turned on by what Jesus Christ did for you on
that cross and the free gift of grace. But somehow the last days series is getting your attention
and it is coming in through the back door and then you find out “Wow, this is what Christ has
done for me. I do have this grace now. There is nothing I have to do.” Or many of you thought,
“I didn’t see myself as a bad person, so what do I have to worry about.” The Last Days Series
has been an avenue to get not only Christian, but non-Christian people to react to it and then
listen to other messages including the Salvation message, e.g., I get very many comments on the
message Almost Persuaded. Some of you are seasoned Christians, been a Christian for a while,
you have kind of lost the flavor and the passion that goes behind the preaching of those messages
because you are already there. Well, others aren’t! Most aren’t.
I get asked, “Don’t you get discouraged sometimes that people are so stubborn headed whether
Christian or non-Christian?” Absolutely, but I have a choice. Listen, after Mount Carmel in
Elijah’s life, you would think the whole nation of Israel would have turned. That is not what
happened and look how discouraged Elijah was. It didn’t do him any good. In fact, he was not
very effective after that point and he went on a training mission with Elisha for a little over a
decade, and Elijah kept hammering them in the northern sections of Israel. But what did he get
discouraged about? The same things you might get discouraged about. They do not see what is
happening. They do not recognize what Islam, the 8th Beast, is all about. They do not recognize
the moon god. They do not recognize what Allah is and the Islamic Empire. They do not
recognize the evil that is done in the sight of the Lord.
If you go to I Kings 16, what is new?
I Kings 16:29, “And in the thirty and eighth year of Asa king of Judah began Ahab the son of
Omri to reign over Israel: and Ahab the son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria twenty
and two years. And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that were
before him.”
What is the definition we see over and over in the Old Testament books for “evil in the sight of
the Lord”? Judges 2:11, “And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and
served Baalim (plural): and they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them
out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that were round
about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the LORD to anger. And they
forsook the LORD, and served Baal and Ashtaroth.”—the moon goddess in this case: asherah
groves were grown in her honor. And what happened? “And the anger of the LORD was hot
against Israel, and he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them…” and you
will see that story being carried out over and over as God would give chance after chance. Then
we get to I Kings 16:30, “And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all

that were before him.” Above ALL that were before him… What does that mean? What Ahab
did to top all the evil of all the kings before him was he married (if you read on) in verse 31 a
daughter of a Phoenician king and that Phoenician king was also a priest. If you know the
history, he married the daughter of a Phoenician king and priest and her name was Jezebel.
Verse 31, “And it came to pass, as if it has been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the
Zidonians, and went and served Baal, and worshipped him. And he reared up an altar for
Baal in the house of Baal, which he had built in Samaria. And Ahab made a grove [asherah];
and Ahab did more to provoke the LORD God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel
that were before him.”
Talk about getting God angry…go marry this Phoenician king’s and priest’s daughter. What does
that make her then? The Queen of Israel. And who did she worship? The moon god Baal, and
remember, the moon goddess who gave birth to Baal. We already covered some of this already in
past teachings. She worshipped these two idols, these two false gods. Some of the practices of
worshipping these false gods and idols were sexual orgies (you can find that anywhere in
history) infant sacrifices to these false gods, and on top of that—to give you some flavor behind
the history of what took place in this period of time when Ahab took Jezebel and she became
Queen of Israel—every woman now in Israel was also automatically to be faithful to Asherah
(which is Ashtaroth as we saw in Judges chapter 2) and because they were faithful, they were
expected to take a turn in the temple service at the temple of Asherah as a prostitute priestess.
This is what these people reduced themselves down to and it angered God more than any other
king that served. That is what Ahab did unto the Lord. And of course, it stirred God’s anger up
because of the idolatry. And this idolatry brought the Northern Tribes of Israel to a new low. I
mean what if you were God and you had given so many chances to this nation, and what the
choice provided to continue performance of choosing the wrong thing or god to worship? I really
hate to say the word god or gods because they really are not gods: we have given these
definitions to these abominations, which they call gods.
If you really think about it, there is a certain sense of humor in this story if you read between the
lines. These northern tribes are worshiping Baal and Asherah. Baal was also known as the God
of Rain—and here comes Elijah saying it was not going to rain. If their god was so powerful, that
would not be a problem, would it? Elijah would just be another lunatic, a religious nut:“Just let
him say what he wants and you can either make the choice of killing him or letting him go. If
Elijah is a lunatic, what he is saying will be disproven eventually.” If you really think about it,
God was going to use a thing that these gods supposedly had power over, rain and the elements.
God placed them in a position where their gods would be demonstrated to have no power, and
not just once with not having the rain but also later on in the story. The Lord stopped the rain.
Baal and anyone else could not stop the Lord from stopping the rain. They would soon find out
who was the true God.
Let’s read it in I Kings 17:1.
“And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, as the LORD
God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but
according to my word.”

Now we go to James 5:17, “Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed
earnestly [continually] that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of
three years and six months.”
Now when we read I Kings 17:1, the assumption is the timeline of no rain began when Elijah
stepped into the presence of Ahab, but it could have already not been raining for a while when
Elijah delivers the message of why it is not going to rain. No one will ever know for sure.
Elijah says, “as the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew
nor rain these years, but according to my word.” James records that it was 3 ½ years (James
Now we go to Deuteronomy 11. Elijah is pulling from what thus saith the word of the Lord has
already declared. It says in verse 10, “For the land, whither thou goest in to possess it, is not as
the land of Egypt, from whence ye came out, where thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst it
with thy foot, as a garden of herbs: But the land, whither ye go to possess it, is a land of hills
and valleys, and drinketh water of the rain of heaven.” And it goes on to tell what to expect
when they get to the land, and then we get to verse 16, “Take heed to yourselves, that your heart
be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them; And then the
LORD’s wrath be kindled against you, and he shut up the heaven, that there be no rain, and
that the land yield not her fruit; and let ye perish quickly from off the good land which the
LORD giveth you.”
Now you would think that would be something Ahab should be familiar with, right? It is
amazing as the centuries go by how little of thus saith the word of the Lord is left in anybody’s
remembrance. Today thus saith the Lord means “What is good for me today?” and “How can I
live the best life possible?” Listen, a very popular pastor in a church in Texas preaches that kind
of a message: how you can be the best you for today and how you can get the most out of it; me,
me, meme. Nothing has changed whether it was thousands of years ago or today. Thus saith the
word of the Lord has expanded to thus saith what I think the Lord has to say and how it benefits
me, me, me, me.
Remember, this all started because of the emails, and sometimes maybe how I feel. They are just
not getting it? Is it worth continuing? They do not recognize a false god if it is staring at them in
the face! Look at the church world, it started with articles of how I read where they are going to
have participants in church establishments and churches’ reading of the Quran, so we can “all
just get along” and not have any confrontation.
I was at Matthew 24 in the last message and we talked about the time of Christ’s coming
supposedly being unknown, therefore we shouldn’t worry about it because no one knows—and I
dealt with that. The same story is also in Luke 12 and we were talking about the watchful
servants and the much is given and much is required context. Remembering that there are no
chapters and verses in the original text, if you continue with the responsibilities of not only His
servants, but even God’s ministers, it continues by saying at the close in verse 51, “Suppose ye
that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division.”The context of what
Jesus was communicating is the end times. Are we in our day and age supposed to bring
everybody to the Kumbaya state where we all get along even though it is a false god and a false
idol others worship? Or are we to come against it and declare God’s Word for what it is and what

it says because much has been given to us—that much being the understanding of what it does
say, and your responsibility to make sure it is still being said in the capacity God has called you
to do it in.
In the Luke record of the story, Jesus finally says in 12:51, ““Suppose ye that I am come to give
peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division.” RATHER DIVISION. The last day
message will bring division. What’s new? It is because the true message is going to come against
the 8th Beast, Islam. Yes, it comes against all other false religions, but the major player for God’s
fulfillment is Israel, and the 8th Beast is the one last empirical empire that comes against it. What
is new?
Just think about it: Elijah is walking to the king’s court which harbors a wicked Queen and he
challenges Ahab right to his face. Challenges him with what, a ‘let’s all get along’ message? Or
saying you are doing evil in the sight of the Lord and because of it, it is not going to rain?
You might not think much of it today because of the way water is stored, but just in Southern
California alone, when we have just 6 or 7 inches of rain for a couple years in a row that is some
rain but we still go into drought mode. You have to make cuts because if you don’t, what is
going to happen? Supposedly we are going to run out of water even with all the aqueducts and
systems that we have to accumulate water. These people on the other hand were not so lucky.
They would run out of water a lot more quickly than we would even though we have more
people in existence today.
Elijah confronts Ahab and outright attacks the gods that he served: Baal, Ashtaroth, and asherah.
If you really think about it, Elijah didn’t know what the outcome would be. We have no record of
Elijah marching into the king’s court expecting that his life would be spared after of that
confrontation. I want you to really think about it. His life could have been liquidated in a snap.
He stuck his neck out and that is what I’ve been saying: when much is given, much is required.
In context, it is sticking your neck out there in the capacity that God has called you to do it in.
That’s what I do. I almost hate to say that terminology because the Islamic Empire would like to
eliminate my neck.
Jezebel was a violent woman, an evil wicked woman. She would not even hesitate. That is one of
the reasons why I do not believe she was at this first meeting. She would not even hesitate to
convince her husband to liquidate, extinguish Elijah’s life. No one has to convince me of that.
Elijah was public enemy number one. He was number one on the ten most wanted list, if there
was one back then. What do you think you are in the spiritual unseen sense? Do not get
discouraged because people are not responding. If only one eventually responded, we have
fulfilled our commission. Understand, I have to preach to myself just as much as I have to preach
to you. Don’t get discouraged and don’t get lazy. The rewards outweigh the risks—and I am
talking eternal rewards. If there are some earthly rewards, then so be it, but that is not the reason
for being in our case when delivering this message. Guess what? You also are public enemy
number one along with me in the spiritual unseen war. There are not too many preachers out
there preaching what I am preaching. More will join, so do not get discouraged. I’ve got proof of
that already happening. Don’t get discouraged.

It is funny what God did next with Elijah. After he delivered the message, “the word of the Lord
came unto him, saying, Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook
Cherith that is before Jordan.” Circle Cherith.
Wow, just think how Elijah felt. I’m sure he felt energized to be chosen to deliver a message that
God declared centuries earlier that the rain would stop if they followed and worshipped false
idols and gods. He was at his peak, his pinnacle. Now he is told to go hide. What? Go hide—and,
the place he is going to go hide at is not a five-star resort. It is not even a one-star motel. We
know very little about this Cherith in Scripture at I Kings 17:3. It is a desert somewhere in the
carved-out features of a hidden place and probably the reason we know very little about it is
because it was a secret place, a hiding place. That makes it a very good hiding place in my
opinion. What does the word Cherith mean? It means “the cutting place.” It was probably just a
watering hole and the only life that visited it were animals, hyenas, jackals, reptiles, whatever
was roaming in that part of the area he had to flee to.
You know, people that read these verses usually read it with the focus of the drought just being
on Israel and the effects that took place. Well, that is not the only story here. You have to also
realize that what was happening in Cherith was also affecting Elijah himself. And why? All he
did was come against Baal and the moon god. “Well, this message doesn’t sound very hopeful
for us still left here fighting, using the rightly divided Word of God.” Really? Is your perspective
just here and now? Is your perspective just focused on the circumstances of here and now?
Because God was so well pleased with Elijah's faithfulness, we find Elijah eventually went off in
a whirlwind: God had Elijah's life recorded for us as an example of one among many from that
great cloud of witnesses. He pleased God. Do you know that you could be living in the last days,
where you are in the same position Elijah was in his day by being a participant in getting the
word out there, saying and declaring and standing with me and this ministry? Baal, the moon
god, and everything that was associated with it, the roots of the Islamic religion, and which now
serves Allah, is just an extension of all this from the Old Testament. And if you and I are truly
living in these last days, then we might be sailing off too. Get your mind off of the earthly-bound
bondage that you are in and start thinking in heavenly terms. Why be a Christian if you don’t.
“Because I want prosperity.” Yea… and that is the false message that is being preached out
there today.
Elijah was going through the effects of this drought. Elijah was at the cutting place for a reason
also. And you are at the cutting place in this particular time we are in right now. It is the reason
why we’ve been chosen. I am noticing more and more that God is sending people with a little bit
tougher skin in this direction. Why? Because if you don’t have it, you are not going to survive
long. My personality doesn’t call for that kind of attraction to start with, so that is the first turn
off. The second is that what I preach requires too much. I do not care who you are, and I do not
care how far along you think you are and have arrived as a Christian; you have to realize because
you are a participant, just as Elijah and others in Scripture were that came against what is falsely
worshipped and idolized for so many millenniums now, that God is going to test you. I believe
the reason why God had Elijah hide at Cherith is because the name means cutting place. He
could have had Elijah hide anywhere. I believe the reason He chose Cherith is because it means
cutting place.
Some of you are writing to me saying you are struggling. Why do you think? You will if you
are participating in this ministry. Listen, the rain falls on the just and unjust alike, but the

intensity is going to change because the demonic forces that Satan controls does not want any of
you to participate in getting the rightly divided Word of God out there—and there is going to be
some testing. God is not looking for wooses. Christ is looking for soldiers in His army, not
wooses for Jesus: men, women, and in some cases, children who are serious about preparing the
way for Christ’s Second Advent just as John the Baptist was serious about preparing the way for
Christ’s First Advent and declaring that He is coming.
Elijah went from notoriety to obscurity. Just think what he was going through. From the
limelight to a deserted place. Just think about it; who in their right mind wants that? I sure don’t,
but I know I will be placed there. I have been there and sometimes I need to revisit the cutting
place. But who wants to dwell in the cutting place? It just hurts too much. It is too
uncomfortable, but that is where God molds you into being a soldier of Jesus Christ to carry out,
I believe, the second most important message from Genesis to Revelation: 1)The declaration of
the First Advent, that brought all the benefits with it of salvation that comes in and by Jesus
Christ only. What an opportunity to live in those times. It meant risk. It meant giving up your life
and maybe even physically. But how many times have you thought, “If I could only have been
there when Jesus was there”?2) The declaration of the Second Advent. Did you ever stop to think
that you might be here when He is coming back? You have been privileged. People ask, what
can I do? Do you even support this ministry with your prayers and your money, financially
helping us get the word out? “Well, I already do that.” Have you found additional ways you can
do that? Or have you just become complacent and satisfied where you are at? “But I don’t know
how to do that.” Oh heck, you read stories every day of people selling things on E-bay! You are
full of excuses because you have become comfortable in the position you have been placed, by
your own placement, not God’s. You need some cutting experiences. We all need it as a
reminder to keep us soldiering as a good soldier, to keep fighting the good fight of faith,
preparing not only ourselves but others that Jesus is coming sooner than you think. And without
His grace you are in trouble. Without understanding the salvation He provides, you are in
trouble. By not understanding what the blood has done for us and the spilling of it, and also its
presentation, because now we can be reconciled to the Father in the heavenlies, as He presented
His blood to the Father, you are in trouble.
Before Elijah ever got to the Mt. Carmel story, he had to spend time in Cherith. Cherith is a
cutting place. You would think he would have already been ready when he went to the court.
Obviously God didn’t think so. He had to learn additional lessons once he got to Cherith. And
this is not something new. We see it over and over in Scripture with the saints of God whom He
chose to be the deliverers of these messages. Moses had to spend time in the Midian desert
before he was in the court of pharaoh, once again, delivering that message for that time. Joseph
had to spend time in jail, many years, before he was in pharaoh’s court ruling the country. Paul
had to spend time in Arabia before he established the New Testament church. Jesus was at the
cross before the crown. What makes you the exception to the rule that you don’t have to spend
your time in the cutting places? What makes you the exception to the rule? Listen, there are
times I do not like it either. So, I am preaching to myself also. But the lessons we learn in these
cutting places molds us and prepares us for what God has commissioned us to do.
What are some of the lessons? As we read the story:
I Kings 17:3, “Get the hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith
that is before Jordan. And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have

commanded the ravens to feed thee there. So he went and did according unto the word of the
LORD: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And the ravens
brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he
drank of the brook. And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there
had been no rain in the land.”
Number one, he learned obedience. “Well, he already demonstrated he could be obedient.” There
is demonstrating one can be obedient before the times get tough, and then there is demonstrating
you can be obedient when the times are actually tough; and they are only going to get tougher.
Are you going to say on track? Are you going to cling to God’s Word, no matter what, even
though it might make you uncomfortable? Cherith was not a place of comfort. Would Elijah
remain obedient? Would Elijah remain obedient when he saw the water dry up? Would Elijah
remain obedient receiving the scraps from birds? And you think you have it tough? He also
learned trust, to not lose sight of his commission and the promises of God, which he declared and
that he was basing on what we read in Deuteronomy. And, somehow God is going to work all
this for his good. Obedience, trust…What is something else he probably learned? Endurance and
patience. These are New Testament concepts also. I have preached on it before, enduring faith.
Will he have the endurance and patience to wait on God and God’s timing not only to rescue
himself from the deteriorating situation, but the nation of Israel? Are we going to continually
trust God while we are waiting for His return? And not only how it affects us, but how He is
going to deal with the rest of this world in the rescue process before it is too late? These are all
the things he had to work out in this cutting place. Like I said, it is one thing to be in the court of
the king: it’s another thing to go to the hiding place. And once you get there, and you are by
yourself with the wildlife, with no comfortable bed or amenities that go along with getting the
worst and cheapest hotel, being fed scraps... He had to learn obedience. Will he keep being
obedient? Will he keep trusting? Will he keep being patient while he endures waiting for God’s
timing regarding not only the rescue plan for himself, but for the nation of Israel? Do we have
the same attitude waiting for God’s timing, not only the rescue plan for us eventually (we’re
outta here!), but hopefully, all the one’s we can participate in getting the message to so that they
realize they are going to be out of here someday too - either the good way, or the way to
destruction: one has hope, one does not.
These cutting places for Elijah was at Cherith. These cutting places are training places. They are
the training ground. These are the places that test our being and how the Word of God is working
and developing in us. We don’t have to like it, we don’t have to enjoy it, but we should never
despise it. And for most of you, I guarantee all of you, if you are participant in this ministry,
those cutting places will come, but it is for your own good, for the purposes that you were called
to participate in this ministry.
It might not sound all that bad, “At least I am getting fed. The birds are bringing me some food.
There is water…even though the stream is getting slower and eventually the brook will dry up, at
least I am being fed by these birds… ravens of all things.” Ravens… “bread and flesh in the
morning, and bread and flesh in the evening.” Talk about a balanced meal. What do ravens
know as scavengers? Scavengers with nasty habits. Scraps, rotting flesh from carcasses probably
left by other animals that were feasting on them first. Eww. Garbage dumps. I am sure once the
provision arrived, Elijah probably said, “Eh, okay, let me sort through this and see what I can
scavenge today out of it.” Put flesh and blood on this. Do you think the birds served filet

mignon? Do you think they served a nice fresh baked loaf of bread? “I do not like the cutting
place!” That is where you are molded, folks. That is what separates you from all the other
pretenders of Christianity. That is what makes you a warrior in these last days, to come against
and fight; and it is a fight that is only going to get tougher, not easier, because we are coming
against the thing God has always seen as evil in His sight. Serving God does not guarantee
comfort or convenience. I am sorry; all these bozos for Jesus that preach all this prosperity
nonsense are just that, bozos. Those of you that are young and don’t know who Bozo was, he
was a clown. They are clowns for Jesus. Jesus did not tell his followers that it was going to be
easier. He said, “In the world you will have tribulation: but take courage; I have overcome the
world.” (John 16:33) “I have overcome the world;” I am sorry, the Lord’s people will have
troubles in this life. You cannot avoid them.
Now that water would dry up. It would become stagnant. Remember, this is a hot desert. Algae
probably grew in that hot weather. If any of you have ever had a pool, you have had to fight
against that always, especially when the weather warms up. You have to buy chemicals. Now the
brook is warming up and becoming dry and scum is building up also. One can only guess what
that would look like. Just imagine, as the water spots were drying up, all the wildlife that were
coming to possibly the last watering hole, that were being drawn to the area, all kinds of birds,
reptiles, animals, whether disgusting or not, sharing the same brook. God knows what Elijah had
to fight off. I do not know if there are hyenas or jackals. I think there are in that part of the
territory, but you know what, there still was water there.
Did God keep His soldier provided for in the battle with the provisions that were necessary, even
if it wasn’t something that I’d want, but necessary to survive? Sure He did. Do you think he ever
questioned God? Would you? I know I sure would have. Did you ever stop to think, Well, I’m
here: There is no CNN, there is no FoxNews, ABC, CBS, NBC news, or any other source of
information whether it radio or television getting to Elijah as we have. He was in the dark. Have
you ever stopped to imagine what Elijah might have thought? “Well man! I wonder what is
happening in Israel. Are they understanding why this is happening or are they not?”
If you move along in the story, they still didn’t get it. So don’t be discouraged is what I’m trying
to say to you. Don’t be discouraged because you don’t see the response the way you want to see
it. Keep moving forward. Keep being obedient. Keep being trustworthy. Keep being patient and
enduring. It is God’s work and doing. We are just the instruments He is using. You have a choice
when the cutting place dries up, are you going to cut out or are you going to stay with the stuff
until God tells you to do something else? And don’t get super-spiritual with me on what you
think God says. Some of the most important lessons are learned in these cutting places. God will
not probably use you as an instrument if He can’t see that you are obedient, trustworthy, and
have some endurance. Aside from faith in Him, I think those are the three main needs along with
trust, the pisteuo level trust and confidence in Him. Those are the requirements of a true soldier
of Jesus Christ.
Have I gotten the message across? Do you get it? Men of God in the past had every reason to be
discouraged because they were coming against the same things we are coming against. Do you
see the connection? Even though thousands of years have passed, nothing is new. We are still in
the same fight and battle. The names have changed, but nothing has really changed. Good and
evil are still coming against each other. What camp are you in? What camp do you want to be
part of? What camp makes a difference? The camp of the Kumbaya state where you can get

everybody to try to just get along? Or, the camp that brings division because the message causes
it? Not you as a person, but the message, as Jesus said in Luke chapter 12. It is going to bring
division. There is going to be division between you and your family members, friends, co-
workers, your bosses. It’s going to bring division. It is not an accepted message out there, folks.
The world does not want to think it is so bad that it needs a savior. The world does not believe
that He is coming again. One of the reasons it doesn’t want to believe, even the Christians world,
that the time is at hand (they talk about it, act it out, but they do not sincerely believe it) is
because it is presented to them in a Christian Science Fiction way. It is too unbelievable to be
Don’t get discouraged. Be like an Elijah. He participated in coming against the evil that was in
his day and is still yet today. But he was not quite ready yet to be at Mt. Carmel until he went to
the cutting places. I don’t know what God is doing in my life, or in this ministry, or in even you,
but He is preparing us for a war that is greater than anyone of us probably want to acknowledge
that’s coming down the pipe. I just know who is going to be victorious in the end and that is
Jesus Christ, and I am in His camp. I’ll keep fighting. Will you? I guarantee you along that
journey of fighting, He will have you camp out at cutting places to tweak you into the soldier He
wants you to become to the very last minute of your life or His return. We are not to be
complacent or inactive. We are enlisted for the fight of life, the fight of the ages.

To be continued…

The Last Days Study Guide

The Cutting Place

1. There are two ways to view freedom of religion. What are they?

2. Did God give Adam and Eve 100% freedom?

3. What did Jesus say before he said, “Take courage, I have overcome the world?”

4. Thus saith the word of the Lord brings ________________.

5. Elijah was at Cherith before he went to ________________.

6. Why are we assigned cutting places by God?

7. How did God mock Jezebel’s god?

8. The purpose of this message is so we keep our eyes on eternity and _________________.

9. What is the prerequisite for worship?


Open you bible to Acts 4:10.

This story starts in chapter three, but this is Peter and John, “Be it known unto you all [that is
everyone], and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom
ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before
you whole.” Literally it says, “…doeth his man stand before you with sound speech and
doctrine.” So circle the world ‘whole’ and put ‘sound speech and doctrine’ next to it.
“This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the
corner.” Circle ‘set at nought’: despised, contemptible, or even rejected is better wording for
this; “…which was despised, contemptible, or rejected of you builders…” “…which is become
the head of the corner.” The stone that you rejected or despised is the head of the corner;
speaking of Jesus Christ still.
Then it goes to verse 12, “Neither is there salvation in any other.” “So what are you saying,
there is no salvation in any other religion?” That is exactly what I am saying. It is either through
Jesus Christ or nothing. No other object of man’s creation of a false god will provide you
salvation, rescue you from who you are, and get you to heaven. “Neither is there salvation in
any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be
saved.” The word carries a further definition of healed, spiritual healing, and also protected,
spiritually protected. “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that
they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled…”
“They didn’t go to a bible college or a seminary. How dare they tell me what is the only way to
salvation and who can provide it! They are not schooled, they are not learned. They have not
been through the seminaries and bible schools.”
Good. That is a good start. “…they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had
been with Jesus.”
What I want to focus on in this message is verse 12 of this chapter. “Neither is there salvation in
any other”—there is no salvation unless Jesus Christ provides it: He is the head of the corner.
There is no way in if you exclude Him. It is Him and Him only.
“Well, Oprah Winfrey said there are all possible ways. All religions provide a way for you to
have access to eternal life.”
Well, she’s full of it and not just her. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none
other name under heaven…” You would be surprised how many other supposedly ‘Christian’
churches have unified—especially last Sunday when they wanted to bring wholeness and unity
amongst all religions, and they were reading a verse or two out of the Quran in their churches. I
have a list here of known participants right here on my desk. You would be surprised who joined
in on that nonsense, on that blasphemy, on that abomination. “Neither is there salvation in any
other”—that is the scripture you have to remember if you have any other doubts that rise up
because of outside influences or even other Christians that say, “Well…uh…there is a good
possibility if they are a good person...” Sorry, but salvation comes through Jesus Christ.

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given
among men, whereby we must be saved.” We must be spiritually healed and saved by Jesus
I have mentioned this before but everywhere you turn Coexist bumper stickers, other
advertisement pieces, websites, emails and the way they communicate, they are especially
targeting the younger people, the younger generation, which will influence the next generation so
they can co-exist with religion, government, and academics—but mostly religion is its main
purpose and goal to try to convince this next generation this is the way to go; it is the only way
we can all live at one and all be at peace. No matter where you turn it stares you in the face. Now
if you happen not to have seen it yet, you will. Just type Co-exist in your internet search engine
and you will different variations of bumper stickers, and clothing lines are being developed to get
that message across. I haven’t been on a college campus lately, but I have read several different
sources reporting the growing movement on college campuses.
Once again, let's get the younger generation so they can adopt
this idea that all is acceptable. I am saying it is not:“Neither is
there salvation in any other;” that means no other religion. I
even hate that word religion; false god will do. We even see it
at rock concerts. U2’s singer Bono is a big supporter and
advocate of this movement. He even wears a headband that
says Coexist. He even does some silly preaching from his
platform. His generation is a little older but he still attracts a
younger generation. Hollywood is trying to get that message
out there. The fashion world is trying to get that message out
there. I have a quote right from their website, “Coexist is a
concept brand for everyone,” no one is excluded, “connecting
people and planet, together we symbolize life, love and global
harmony.” Life…Love…and Global Harmony - So basically if
you believe in it, no matter where you practice your religion or
what you believe in, there will be life in it because it demonstrates that it loves everyone with the
goal of bringing everyone into global harmony.
This whole movement was created so we could get along with the Muslims and Islam, believing
there is too much “Islamophobia” happening in the world, especially since 9-11. The first
objective of their goal and the one they concentrate on the most is unifying religions. Then,
having governments cooperating with each other instead of being at war. And some think, “Well,
doesn’t that sound good?” And of course even the business world, especially the financial
world… everybody shares in the wealth. And another objective they have is to implement their
thoughts and ideas into the academics, which is why they are concentrating on these college
Now I’ll tell you what all the letters of Coexist represent—and like I said, you will see different
variations of the bumper stickers, advertisement pieces, and even with the fashion wear they
have and are developing.

In fact, the ‘C’ turns into a crescent moon and represents the
moon and the star of Islam. You will see the star in their
advertising pieces. The ‘O’ becomes the dharma wheel and
symbolizes Buddhism. The ‘E’ is interesting because it also
brings Science into the picture. It can also represent energy.
Even science and religion can get along with each other. The
‘X’ would be the Star of David of the Jewish religion. The ‘I’
symbolizes the pentagram, which represents Wicca, and all
pagan religions. The ‘S’ symbolizes Taoism. And of course,
the ‘T’ represented by a cross symbolizes Christianity. I
mean, there is no one left out in this.
Now this has been changed around a little bit, but that is its
original meaning. The point is you will see this wording and
also the symbols or decorative art as they call it on bumper
stickers and all kinds of signage. They plan to use it on
different advertising pieces and are concentrating on getting
it to the youth and the younger generations of this country
(the United States) and around the world.
Who are the supporters? You’d be surprised. A lot of its
trustees are Islamic in belief. Prince Charles of the United
Kingdom is a supporter of this Coexist movement as one of
his 20 or so charities he funds. The list is long and as I
mentioned early, includes even a rock star trying to get this
message out of “Let’s coexist with each other,” let’s blend
everything together and make everything work.
Every letter represents a religious system, or, a spiritual or
scientific ideology. The goal is to achieve a pluralistic and
universal utopian bliss. That is the best way to describe it.
This movement wants a better universal and unified society
and they plan to achieve it. With every day that goes by they
are receiving more and more funding to get the world to
basically say the old Rodney King phrase that was said over and over again after an unfortunate
incident here in Los Angeles back in the early 1990’s, Can’t we all just get along?
Now as I said earlier, the driving force or front-man behind this movement is Hollywood and the
fashion industry, but it is not just Hollywood and the fashion industry, even politicians are
getting behind it. What makes me aggravated and mad at the situation, but not surprised, is even
some churches are as well… from all denominations. The Coexist movement at first was mostly
a by-product of the left, liberals with progressive ideologies. However, moderates and
conservatives are being sucked in by this black hole concept. This is evil stupid humanity at its
best—or to correct myself, at its worst. But once you start digging under these layers on what
this symbolizes you will see the real motive and goal of this movement.
I started by saying there is no other way. Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. Jesus Christ is
the only way you can be rescued. Jesus Christ is the only way that you can be spiritually healed.

This group’s agenda is to eliminate the world of all religions and the religious ideologies that
come with it, and replace it with a godless one. Even though they say they don’t want to do that,
when you start digging through all those layers that is their goal.
Now they are going to use two philosophies to do it: 1) Pluralism; 2) Universalism. Now you
might think this is something new. It is one of the oldest methods that’s been used on mankind to
get what one wants. You can go as far back as the Tower of Babel story to find both these
philosophies being used on mankind to convince them that it is possible to develop a doctrine or
philosophy that can be used to govern mankind so mankind would not be at war with each other
and live at peace.
What is Pluralism? Pluralism is the concept that all religions or spiritual ideologies exist on equal
footing: The crescent moon and star representing Islam, the ‘O’ for Buddhism, the ‘E’ of the
Science and energy world, along with Judaism, even what we would call in most cases wicked,
the people who practice Wicca or witchcraft or any other evil pagan religions, Taoism, and
Christianity along with it, ALL OF THEM are on equal footing. One is not better than the other.
That is what the philosophical definition of Pluralism is and this group knows it. They pushed it.
They want to convince you that all these are equal to each other. In their eyes, there is not one
religious system better than the other. Now that is what they want you to believe but behind the
scenes, and the reason why the Coexist movement even started, they want mankind (and
especially the West) to accept and understand that Islam is a religion of peace, so don’t fear it.
What is Universalism? Universalism is the concept that states that any and all religions or
philosophies lead to God and everyone (without exception) will be saved in the end regardless of
what they practice.
That was the driving force behind Cush, Nimrod, and Semiramis. They were trying to get their
followers, their loyal subjects to believe that though what they practiced might be different
(because they had heard differently), if you practice and do well whatever you believed in, it will
lead to God and everyone will be saved in the end: you just have to listen to me, I will get you
there regardless of what you practice. There is nothing being created that is anything new, folks.
This has been happening for thousands of years. Man has this problem. This is why I do not like
using the word religion: religion is the creation of fallen man, the state that man is in because of
sin. This creation, this Coexist movement, this regurgitated belief system that adopts Pluralism
and Universalism that they believe will lead to global unity of all these faiths is nothing new. It
goes back even further than the Tower of Babel, but we will stick with that for right now. The
Tower of Babel was a religious system that was established by fallen man. This Coexist belief
system is a pluralistic universalistic movement that they believe will someday lead to global
unity and unify all the faiths no matter what it is whether Islamic, Buddhist, Science and energy
(you don’t even have to be of faith in the religious establishment, but Science and religion will
come to an agreement in cooperation with each other to see how it can all fit in and make sense
of it), Judaism, all pagan religions, Taoism, and of course, Christianity.
Let me make myself very clear so that no one is ever confused about where this preacher stands
whether you are a Christian or non-Christian (and I do not think if you are a Christian you should
be confused). If you want unification and not what I just described about what that movement is
trying to push, but unification, if you want a unified body, the only way we are going to have that
unified body is if we in Christ. No matter how much you try to create something outside of

Christ, there is no unification of the body which includes people (now in our case) who are
followers of Jesus Christ, because if you are not, there is no salvation and you are not even
included in the conversation yet. The only way you are going to receive on this planet a
unification system is if you are unified in the body of Christ, and that can happen, but, it can’t
outside the body of Christ. Why? Because there is no substitute. I want to make clear what being
unified in the body of Christ as one is. They want to do it outside the body of Christ and say it is
not even necessary. Yes, they will include Christians but isn’t it ironic it is the last one included
in the list the way they spell it out. Nevertheless, Christ said no. First, He is the only one that can
provide salvation. Second, you can only be unified as one in the body of Him.
Go to John 17:1. Jesus is praying to his Father. This is the actual Lord’s Prayer. The other is the
Disciples Prayer. “These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father,
the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: as thou hast given him
power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. [Once
again, strengthening the concept that they only way you get eternal life is through the Son.] And
this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou
hast sent. I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to
do. And now [the focus changes a little here], O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self
with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. I have manifested thy name unto
the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me;
and they[the disciples] have kept thy word. Now they have known that all things whatsoever
thou hast given me are of thee. For I have given unto them the words[the spoken word] which
thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from
thee, and they have believed [pisteuo; trust and confidence] that thou didst sent me.[Verse 9] I
pray for them: I pray not for the world…” Imagine opening up a church service that way. Jesus
Christ says he prays for us, but he is not praying for the world. Circle the word pray. There it
should be ‘ask’. “I ask for them, I pray [or ask] not for the world, but for them which thou hast
given me; for they[his followers] are thine. And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I
am glorified in them. And now I am no more in the world [he was about ready to depart], but
these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those
whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we.”
Do you want a movement of unification? Be in the Son so you can be in the Father. Jesus says,
“I pray [or ask] for them, I pray [or ask] not for the world.” Do you think that Christ ever
thought for one minute that the world could be unified without Him? He knew until He comes
back again and sets things straight once and for all that could never happen. But he knew,
especially when the Comforter would come, the Holy Spirit, that the ones in Christ can be
unified. Why? Because they understand what salvation is, who provides it, and what their
mission is with that information.
“Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be
one, as we. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou
gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition [speaking of Judas];
that the scripture might be fulfilled. And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the
world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them thy word; and the
world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.”

Do you know what seminaries’ beginning point should be for individuals that want to get into the
ministry, especially as a pastor or a preacher or even an evangelist? Are you ready for verse 14,
Jesus saying I have given them thy word? Are you ready to receive Christ’s words and the
knowledge through Scripture that you are about ready to learn? That is what I would say to
candidates in front of me. Are you ready to receive the Word? And, once you receive it, are you
capable of understanding? If you are not, then get out, because if you think you can change the
world thinking something else, that they can coexist with each other without Christ and His
words, then you shouldn’t be here in the first place.
“I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them…” Do you mean to receive Jesus
Christ and the spoken word (that is what it is saying here) is to be hated by the world? You might
not think so, but that is exactly what it is saying. Why? Because they are not of the world. They
are hated because they are not of the world. They can’t be one with the world. How do you think
the last letter (T) that symbolizes Christians and what they believe in could be unified with any
of these others, and also some that are not even represented in the term Coexist? How could
they? If you are a true Christian, one that denies yourself, takes up the cross and follows Jesus,
this plan, this movement is not going to work for you because the rest in this movement will hate
your guts. Why? Because you preach that Jesus is the ONLY way. And if Jesus is the only way
of salvation, how is the rest of it going to work in your plan? If you are a Christian, you cannot
coexist with the rest of these false gods and false religious systems.
“I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the
world, even as I am not of the world.” Christ knew that he couldn’t yank us out of the world.
Wouldn’t it be nice that once Christ left this world, He took his disciples that remained faithful to
Him (and not just the eleven, but the others that were not part of the inner group but still close in
proximity and were followers of Christ) and said, “To heck with the rest of the world; you guys
made it. That’s it.” Christ couldn’t do that because a true movement, what Jesus wanted
accomplished, to provide the message of salvation, would come through these men and then so
on and so on throughout the centuries. “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the
world [Jesus knew they couldn’t go with Him. He could have, He is the Creator and in control
but He did not], but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” Actually, spiritual evil—
because He knew as soon as he was gone, because he kept them, all hell was going to break
loose on them from spiritual evil in the unseen world that would control human flesh as pawns to
get at these individuals so the word would not be spread. Now thank God He sent the Comforter
to be with them—and also with us.
John 17:16, “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through
thy truth: thy word is truth.” Do you know what it says there? It is the spoken word. The spoken
word is truth: the spoken word from the Holy Bible. “As thou hast sent me into the world, even
so have I also sent them into the world.”
“Well, that is for preachers only.” Is it? No it is not. Yes preachers have their marching orders,
but so do you in the capacity that God has called you to support those preachers; or if you are
involved in a church, your pastor—and if they are preaching the spoken word and truthfully
doing it, and definitely not part of any of this coexist nonsense.
“And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.”
Jesus had to accomplish what He came here to do. “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them

also which shall believe [pisteuo; have trust and confidence] on me through their word [spoken
word].” Christ didn’t say, Neither ask I for these alone, but for them also which shall have trust
and confidence on me through Islam; or Buddhism; or the science world; or Judaism (sorry); or
any pagan religion like Wicca, voodoo, etc.; or Taoism; or even false Christianity (when you
think about it). No! I pray not for them alone (even though they were included: first mention) but
also ask that the one that will faithe (have trust and confidence) in what they heard to be true,
which would be delivered by the individuals that Christ trained, would start spreading the word
and then they would train individuals all the way down to our present day. “…but for them also
which shall have trust and confidence on me through their spoken word.” Right here is the
order and the way Christ wanted the out-called ones to accomplish what they were supposed to
accomplish in the capacity and the position that Christ put them in. Do not tell me there is not
order in the church. Sorry, you can’t be a hippie for Jesus thinking you can do it all by yourself
and without the established leadership not only in these verses but others that Christ established.
Verse 21, “That they all may be one.” We have: I have prayed for these alone, the ones that
were delivering the word, but them also that would believe, the ones that have trust and
confidence because they heard the spoken word. Why? “That they all may be one.” We are one
because of the spoken word about Christ. He is the center of it all. Without Christ, there is not
truth. Without Christ, there is no way. Without Christ, there is no road to travel on. Without
Christ, there is no salvation, and without Christ and the salvation he provided, there is no eternal
life. I cannot make it simpler than that.
“That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one
in us”—you can be one with each other through the word of God, which will also place you at
one with the Son and the Father. Now there is a movement that I can get behind: not this coexist
nonsense; not Islam, not Buddhism, Science, Judaism, Paganism, Taoism, and not the silly
Christianity that is being preached today. And what is the purpose of that? “That the world may
believe that thou hast sent me.” “That they [those trusting and believing] all may be one; as
thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world [now all
these coexist individuals including atheists] may believe that thou hast sent me.” The only way
the world is going to ever have any trust and confidence in Jesus Christ is if the word is preached
correctly (as I say, rightly divided) over and over to the point where they hear it so much that
they are persuaded it is true, if the Spirit of God is drawing them in. That means we cannot rest
and take a break because “we are tired” “we are worn out”. Oh, go woe is me somewhere else. I
am tired. I am worn out. Big deal! I will get a new body someday, so I plan to wear this one out.
Have you ever seen a pencil’s eraser and you make so many mistakes that you use the eraser one
too many times? Or you are making so many mistakes you are constantly using it? That is how I
see my life sometimes; I am constantly in use. I am wearing out the eraser before the pencil. That
is what I plan to do with this body. Now I am not stupid. I know you have to take care of it also.
I am a steward of this body. You are a steward of yours. Sorry, you cannot just keep pumping
donuts in it at your every meal. Well, you can and it won’t send you to hell as some preach,
because you do not take care of the temple of God. Nevertheless, you would want to take care of
it because you want to fulfill your commission that God and Christ have given you to be part of
this unification, that others of this world may also believe, may pisteuo, have trust and
confidence in what you believe.

Verse 22 continues by saying, “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that
they may be one, even as we are one.” Do you want to be one with something? The word of
God is what to hang your hat on! Chapter 17. Learn from this prayer that Jesus prayed. “And the
glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one. I in
them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that
thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.”
Like I said before we read this chapter, let me make it very clear again to Christian and non-
Christians alike; the only way we can be a unified body of people—not through a coexist
movement—is through Christ, established as the relationship that He set as an example that He
had with His Father and His Father had with Him. And in that relationship, the Father knew
Christ would carry out his commission. And Christ wanted to carry out His commission because
He knew it would please the Father. As I have said repeatedly, as true Christians it is not all
about you. You have to keep connected. You have to keep on growing. You have to stay
spiritually alive through the word and let it nourish you, because you are attached to the Vine,
which makes you spread out and grow. Why? Because He has given you a command to be fit for
the commission. That commission is to go out so that others may believe “that thou hast sent
Me”. We are one in Him and Him in us, and we have trust and confidence in Him because we
understand, even though we are in this world but not a part of this world, we still have a
commission that is in a sense assigned to us to make this world understand that there is no other
way that salvation can be provided except it come through the head of the corner, Jesus Christ,
just as we read in Acts 4.
There is no other way, there is no other substitute for Christ. Those that choose the Coexist
movement or any other movement like it are under a state of spiritual delusion and rebellion.
That kind of place that you find yourself in if you are one of those under spiritual delusion and
rebellion is a place where sin exists and the type of sin that will lead to spiritual death. Jesus
Christ does not coexist with any other gods or viewpoints. If you want to be a part of the C-O-E-
X-I-S-T, then fine, go ahead and go to hell if you deny and refuse Jesus Christ and the salvation
provided. But Christians should be up in arms when their name is included in this movement. It
surprises me how they are not. They have fallen into the trap just as all the Cush and Nimrod
followers fell in the trap of evil in the days of the Tower of Babel. Nothing is new.
I am sorry, this sin will lead to spiritual death. To believe this, which is not true, is to die in sin.
“Where do you get that from?” John 8:24, “I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your
sins: for if ye believe [pisteuo; trust and confidence] not that I am, ye shall die in your sins.” If
you do not have any trust or confidence that I AM, “ye shall die in your sins.” “Do you mean if
I have trust and confidence in Mohammed and Allah I will die in my sins?” Yes. Do you mean if
I have trust and confidence in Buddha I will die in my sins?” Yes. I am not saying that, Jesus did.
If you do not have trust and confidence in Jesus Christ, if you are not persuaded that He is the
only begotten Son of God, He is the I AM, ye shall die in your sins. Don’t deceive yourselves,
folks. If you are reading this for the first time and you don’t know what to believe, don’t deceive
yourself and don’t let anyone else deceive you either. There is only one way, one truth that leads
to eternal life. Do not harden your heart with this Coexist deception. Place your trust in Jesus. He
is the I AM. He is the only.

Go to John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way.” He is the road because He provides the
truth, “the truth, the life,” which includes eternal life, “no man cometh unto the Father, but by
me.” None of the groups, organizations, belief systems will get to the Father.
I have told you before: A lot of you start your prayers, “God, help me.” Christ also said the only
way you have access to the Father is through Me. See, you cannot eliminate Jesus Christ from
the equation. You can’t even water down Jesus Christ to a coexist movement as a good system of
belief to believe in. It is all or nothing. You are either in Christ or out of Christ, and on a road to
eternal destruction. The choice is yours. You have to come to the understanding that “Jesus said
unto him…” Well I am saying unto you what Jesus said unto him. “I am the way, the truth, the
life [Jesus speaking of himself], no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Verse 7, “If ye
had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and
have seen him.”
Coexist is a false doctrine that incorporates many false doctrines. It is established on two systems
of philosophy: Pluralism and Universalism—which is as old as the Tower of Babel. We are not
on equal footing. All religions will not lead you to whatever heaven you believe in, thinking
eventually God will accept you because he sees you, for instance, as a good person. Sorry, you
don’t get there unless it is through the Son. That was clear in the Old Testament and it definitely
is now—even if you didn’t get it back then, if that is all you did understand or knew about, what
you were taught especially if you are part of a Jewish belief system. You have to come to an
understanding of another Jew, Jesus Christ, who came as prophesied in the Old Testament you
study so much; except you didn’t understand or want to accept that He was the Messiah when he
did come. It is not too late to place your trust in Jesus. He is the I AM. He always has been and
He always will be. Don’t place it on false belief systems, the Kumbaya way of making the world
a better place. That is the Tower of Babel message, which leads to a godless society anyway.
You will come against it sooner or later if you have not already. This Coexist movement (and
there are other movements like it also that are very similar in their goals)and the world wants to
educate you that we all can get along. Sorry, man is full of sin. It isn’t going to happen. Christ
will correct that someday. Until then, be in Him so He can be in you and work out the salvation
process in your being. Actually salvation is processed though His blood; through trusting and
faithing that He did exist, came, did what He did, He fulfilled what He had to fulfill, He died and
He rose again, and He is coming back again. And He will have you grow and direct you in the
paths He wants you to take, all along nourishing you, and making sure you are established and
firm in the following process in whatever He has commissioned you to do if you stay attached to
Him. He is the Vine, we are just the branch. If you cut off the branch, the branch dies. We need
to stay attached, folks. Don’t fall for this silly coexist nonsense. Be in Christ so He can be in you.
He is the I AM.

To be continued…

The Last Days Study Guide

1. Define Pluralism.

2. Define Universalism.

3. What is the ultimate goal of the Coexist movement?

4. What is religion?

5. When Jesus said He prayed not for the world, what was His context?

6. Receiving Jesus and His word is equated to?

7. How is the saint sanctified?

8. Why does Jesus pray to the Father that His body be one, unified?

9. What does order in the body of Christ look like?

10. Who is the main target of the Coexist movement?

11. How is unity and peace obtained?

12. What book and chapter of the Bible is the Lord’s Prayer located?

Moon God / Manasseh

Open your bible to II Kings 21.

This is a message for those of you who need redemption and then restoration. Manasseh is the
character we will be looking at, the prodigal king of Judah. He was one of the most vicious, and I
think, the worst king Judah ever had. Even though Ahab was a vicious king in Israel and bad in
his own right, rotten to the core, Manasseh king of Judah was hands down worse than any other
king, whether northern tribes or southern tribes. Yet, we are going to see that God loved him. For
some strange reason, God loved him. We will see why in the second part of this message. In the
first part, we will look at the moon god. Then we will look at the redemption and the restoration.
If you are like me, I am sure there have been things in your life that you wish you could forget
about, memories that come back to haunt you from time to time. Many of those memories are
things that happened in your past, that make you feel guilty and feel that you are unacceptable to
the Lord. That is when you have to turn to Scripture to find that release that only Scripture can
give you from the sense of guilt about your past. Scriptures can liberate you because they will
bring you to the understanding, especially in the new covenant, that through Jesus Christ God
has forgotten our sins. When we get to that redemption part of this message, I want you to
remember that. God has forgotten our sins and iniquities. Why? Because His only begotten Son
paid that price. He no longer remembers what you did.
I do not care how bad you think you are. Even if you are guilty with witnesses and enough
evidence, and you are in prison, maybe even death row (or maybe not depending on what the
penalty is in your state) and you think there is no one that ever existed on this planet as bad as
you, I have news for you: Stay tuned and don't turn me off. There was someone worse than you.
I am going to be preaching about him.
Now most of you don't put yourself in that category, that classification, but you still sin against
God and you have that sense of guilt that maybe he cannot forgive you. I am sorry but that is not
from God: that is from Satan. If you are faithing through Jesus Christ, He has forgotten our sins
and iniquities. This is why we go to the table of the Lord and the only reason we should go to the
table of the Lord; to remember what the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, did for you and for me.
We will get to that in the second part of this message, but since this is a last days message, we'll
start by looking at the moon god once again.
The moon god was a curse coming out of Egypt; that golden calf was a replica of a moon god—
more than likely Thoth—when Moses took too long at Mt. Sinai and the people were starting to
rebel. From that point on, after the 40 years in the wilderness, they were constantly placing
themselves in a situation where they did evil in the sight of the Lord.
II Kings 21:1, "Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign,"—he was not the only
one reigning when he was twelve years old: I will get to that part of the history in a minute—
“and reigned fifty and five years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hephzibah. And
he did evil in the sight of the LORD, after the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD
cast out before the children of Israel."

We looked at every part of Israel's history and saw every time they were in a situation where they
were either being attacked or enslaved to the outside nations it was because they did evil in the
sight of the Lord, they strayed away from following the one true God. They were being
punished. You will see that happen again in this story.
II Kings 21:2, "And he did evil in the sight of the Lord, after the abominations of the heathen,
whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel."
Now just a quick review: In Judges 2:11, we get a preview of Israel's sin. This is when they got
into the Promised Land and they started following these false gods.
Judges 2:11, "And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served Baalim
[plural for the multiple gods of baal]: and they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which
brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that
were round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the LORD to anger.
And they forsook the LORD, and served Baal, and Ashtaroth [a moon goddess]."
When you study these false gods and other gods, Ashtaroth is the mother of Baal, which would
make Baal a moon god too. And we see this happening over and over.
In Judges 3:7, we read, “And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and
forgat the LORD their God, and served Baalim and the groves.” Here ‘groves’ is translated as a
Canaanite moon goddess Asherah, probably from Ashtaroth. I think they are one and the same.
There is plenty of evidence for that.
So centuries have gone by and the same thing is happening again. You would think Israel would
learn its lesson once and for all, but they didn’t; neither the northern or the southern tribes. And
back in II Kings 21:2 we read “and he did”. Who? Manasseh: this awful, terrible, vicious king.
“and he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, after the abominations of the
heathen, whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.”
So you come to know a little bit of the history here, Manasseh was the son of Hezekiah.
Hezekiah was one of the few Judahite kings called good. Most of them were not. As I said, they
did evil in the sight of the Lord. Hezekiah was responsible for spiritual revival during his reign,
which I have preached on before, and he swept the entire nation. Any time he found any idolatry
or idols being worshipped, he cleaned house; as I said, a spiritual revival. Hezekiah’s father was
Ahaz and he is the one that established all this idolatry throughout the land—but his son cleaned
house. So remember the environment Manasseh grew up in when looking at him; seeing his
father making sure idolatry, serving Baal and Ashtaroth and planting asherah groves—which you
would find near the false idols of baal and so forth—were destroyed. Manasseh saw his father
make sure that didn’t happen again.
A lot of people say, “Well, I am a product of my parents” or “I wasn’t brought up right.” Well
what is Manasseh’s excuse? I am sure there are some reading this now who have children that
have just gone astray, that just don’t get it, but they were brought up in the household of faith.
First of all, don’t give up on them too soon. You are going to see...and I am sure your children
are nowhere near in comparison to Manasseh. In fact, they probably cannot be compared; and the
level to which he had sunk, which he found himself in, when he finally got his head screwed on

He was not only brought up in a household of faith and doing what was right in the sight of the
Lord, he also had some help. Remember, in this part of Scripture there were prophetic ministries
that existed in those days with prophets that go hand-in-hand with the story, Isaiah being one of
them and Micah another. He had positive influences around him. He had instructional influences
of what God is pleased in, but yet we will find in this story Manasseh does just the opposite, and
he did it so viciously compared to any other king that it is hard to compare any other king with
him, except maybe Ahab being the closest.
During this time, there are at least two invasions of Judah by Sennacherib, king of Assyria. On
both occasions when Sennacherib decided to test the waters and come against the southern tribes,
the Lord protected Jerusalem. God protected Jerusalem: another of what they call a “witness” to
the fact that God is on your side. If you really think about it, no matter where you turned the
influence was God was in control. So why would you start worshipping and following false
idols—and even worse, making everyone else do it also? Jerusalem was protected. All the land
around it was pretty much destroyed or the people taken captive; but Jerusalem survived. The
capital city was preserved.
Isaiah described Jerusalem as a caretakers hut in the midst of a cucumber field. Sennacherib in
his own words, in historical writings that we have, says he shut up Hezekiah like a bird in a
cage, but yet he could not get to Hezekiah. He could conquer and destroy everything around him
but Jerusalem was protected. This is what Hezekiah’s son Manasseh saw and experienced, the
protection that God gave His holy city. Once again, everything else was being destroyed, but
Jerusalem was left standing. How could you not think that the God of your fathers is not in
control? Remember, there were prophets prior to this that prophesied the destruction of the
Northern Tribes. It came to pass.
Then we see here in the story that Manasseh came to the throne at 12 years old. For about ten of
those years he was co-ruler with his father. He didn’t just start ruling at 12 years old. He had the
authority to rule at 12 years old, but as a co-ruler with his father. As long as his father was alive
training him, he didn’t stray away. But as soon as his father died—Manasseh was about 22 years
old at the time—he took over the reins of the government and things started to change. Though
his father was gone, Isaiah and Micah were still around. I am sure he had their words ringing in
his ears constantly. One may mistakenly get the impression that he was left alone at 22 years old
without any spiritual guidance from the prophets, but he went on a rampage and tried to
eliminate it once he backslid to such a state. He was pretty successful in doing it too, including
with Isaiah, but I will get to that in a minute. He had the words of these prophets ringing in his
ears. He had seen how the Lord had delivered Jerusalem from being destroyed and not just once,
but twice, and at least twice. He had his father as an example. He saw that the Assyrians were not
going to take this city.
Nevertheless, it says, he did evil in the sight of the Lord according to “the abominations of the
heathen, whom the Lord cast out before the children of Israel.” The nations being referred to
here are the Canaanite nations around the Promised Land that were constantly reintroducing
these false gods into Israel. Jumping forward, it goes on to say in verse 9 that he not only did evil
in the sight of the Lord, “But they [the king and the people] hearkened not: and Manasseh
seduced them to do more evil than did the nations, whom the LORD destroyed before the
children of Israel.”

In other words, what the Northern Tribes did, the Southern Tribes did also and Judah became
worse, more evil than the nations that introduced these false gods and false religions. They
became the champions of the moon god religion. Period. I think Scripture is fairly clear, they
became worse than the people that introduced or reintroduced the false religion and idols back
into their lives.
Now I jumped to verse 9, but let’s read verse 3 to verse 9.
“For he built up again the high places which Hezekiah his father had destroyed; and he
reared up altars for Baal [circle that], and made a grove as did Ahab king of Israel; and
worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them.” With the moon god taking priority by the
way. We’ve covered the asherah grove before; the moon goddess, the mother of Baal who was
also a moon god plus other gods. And if you have been following me in this series, you already
know that.
Verse 4, “And he built altars in the house of the LORD, of which the LORD said...”
Now while this is happening, you could read right by this story and not capture this point, but it
is important. God is reaching down and trying to remind this king, Don’t forget the Lord your
God, the God of your fathers.
“And he built altars in the house of the LORD, of which the LORD said, In Jerusalem will I
put my name.” More than likely and I am willing to bet everything I have on it, he is hearing this
through either Isaiah or Micah, and God is reminding Manasseh of his heritage and history in
saying, “In Jerusalem will I put my name.”
“And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the LORD. And
he made his son pass through the fire...” That was the religion introduced by the Amorites;
Moloch, another version of the moon god and how it was worshipped. In other words, he
sacrificed his own son by putting him in the fire. “And he made his son pass through the fire,
and observed times, and used enchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he
wrought much wickedness in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger. And he set a
graven image of the groves...” an asherah image, probably a moon god phalic image “...that he
had made in the house, of which the LORD said to David, and to Solomon his son, In this
house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name
forever.” What did he do there? Between the lines, he made this graven image from the asherah
grove that was dedicated to Ashtaroth the moon goddess, the mother of Baal, and he put it into
the Holy of Holies. “Neither will I make the feet of Israel move any more out of the land which
I gave their fathers...” He is reminding them even after this ungodly abomination. He is still
reminding him after he puts this graven image that he made “in the house, of which the LORD
said to David, and to Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen
out of all the tribes of Israel, will I put my name forever.” I will put my NAME forever, not
some image! The Lord gave instructions in the Old Testament what they were to do, and not only
in the Holy of Holies, or in the Temple in this case, but also what would be in it, and this was not
it. This ‘it’, whatever it was, was dedicated to the moon god and was not supposed to be in the
Holy of Holies. And yet Manasseh is again being reminded of this, and I still think through the
prophets with the hope that he would have a change of heart. It continues by saying, “Neither
will I make the feet of Israel move any more out of the land”—He is reminding Manasseh of

the promises—“which I gave their fathers; only if they will observe to do according to all that I
have commanded them, and according to all the law that my servant Moses commanded
God is reaching out, reminding Manasseh through the prophets, “Hey! What are you doing man?
You are going astray,” to put it lightly, “You are sinning. You are provoking my anger. This evil
in My sight has always led to your destruction and your people’s destruction or captivity.
Haven’t you learned your lesson?”
All you hotshots out there today that think you’ve got it all together constantly, it does not take
much, and some of you could probably testify to that, to fall out of the way and find yourself
astray, heading in the wrong direction—and like I said, not doing nearly the evil things this king
did. But does it matter? You are dealing with yourself. What leads you astray? What leads you to
falling away from God’s ways? What leads you from having the mind of Christ to not having it
at all? We are all susceptible if we do not stay faithing in Jesus Christ and His Word. And for
some strange reason, God loved this king. Most of us would have written him off. I don’t think
there is anyone, if you are honest enough to admit it, if you were living in this time and you saw
what was happening, that would not have written this king off and said kill him, destroy him.
Those are hard days, harsh days. “Lord get rid of him.” What do you think Isaiah and Micah
might have felt like? What were they thinking. “Lord, are you sure you’ve got it together, man?
Don’t you see what this king is doing? Why are you hanging so tightly to this sick individual?
Why don’t you just let him go?”
Verse 9, “But they harkened not: and Manasseh seduced them to do more evil than did the
nations whom the LORD destroyed before the children of Israel.”
Manasseh out did the Canaanites. Hard to believe. He seduced them to do even more evil. And
we continue reading, “And the LORD spake by his servants the prophets, saying, because
Manasseh king of Judah hath done these abominations, and hath done wickedly above all the
Amorites did [remember, the ones that introduced Moloch], which were before him, and hath
made Judah also to sin with his idols.”
Verses three through nine explain the abominations that Manasseh introduced. He rebuilt the
high places, which his father had destroyed, he reestablished them once again on the top of hills
throughout Judah where the asherah, the moon goddess, was worshipped. He erected altars for
Baal and made an asherah also. He even introduced into Judah worshipping in the ways you
would worship another type of moon god, Moloch, and even sacrificed his son in the fire. I’m
not saying this, Scripture is saying this.
Now hopefully you are starting to feel with me how vicious and how bad this king was. I mean,
he was a mass murderer. I do not think, if you understand how Moloch was worshipped...
Manasseh put at least one of his sons in the fire. How many more stupid followers in Judah did
the same, putting their children through the fire? Not only was he a murderer but he encouraged
the death of so many children. Not only that but it says in verse six that he practiced witchcraft,
he used divination, that means he also dealt with mediums and spiritualists.
The Hebrew here is much stronger than the English translation. He actually placed mediums and
spiritualists and those that dealt in the occult in positions of leadership if you read the original.

In leadership! Not only was this an evil corrupted king, but he had support in places of leadership
to carry out the evil that he started. Then to add insult to injury, even though what I just
reviewed with Moloch is bad, he did, in a sense what we covered already in this series, an
abomination of desolation by placing these idols in the Holy of Holies, the place where the Spirit
of God dwelt. And nowhere here in these scriptures is there any reference or mentioning of the
worship of the one true God, not anywhere.
How did the Lord respond? I will get to that. But did I get across to you that he was the most
wicked king that ever reigned in Judah? You got it, folks. You got it? I will get to verse 17 in
chapter 21 here in a second.
The story continues as we read through Scripture all the way to verse 18. And remember, this is
not only a message about the moon god and the viciousness of it—(which we are just starting to
see extensions of that, and how evil and vicious it can become now in the 8th Beast moon god
that is being worshipped, with its chief, Satan /Allah as its leader. If some of you missed that
message in Isaiah, you need to go back to it and review it)—but also the redemption. I want to
reemphasis how the Lord undertakes, for some reason which we cannot figure out yet in the
story, to reclaim this man Manasseh. Now, we will here in a minute, because the Lord sees the
heart and sometimes the actions we may not approve and who would, but the Lord can see
beyond what we can see, and thank God He can or else He never would have sent His Son Jesus
Christ for our sins and iniquities, no matter what degree of sins or iniquities they are. God loved
Manasseh and because He loved him, He was not going to let him continue in this rebellion. But
before that, Manasseh got tired of hearing the prophets ringing in his ears. I am no prophet; I am
no Isaiah, I am no Micah, I can’t fill their shoes, I don’t even come close but I sense at times you
get tired of me reminding you of the same things you should be faithful in, simple little things.
To you it might not add up to much, but to this ministry it does. Manasseh was determined to
silence the voice of God. He was hearing it through the prophets and he was sick of it. Now the
only way he can do that is to silence the prophets.
You will see in II Kings 21:16, “Moreover Manasseh shed innocent blood very much, till he
had filled Jerusalem from one end to another [lit. from mouth to mouth]; beside his sin
wherewith he made Judah to sin, in doing that which was evil in the sight of the LORD.”
I want to concentrate on the first part of this verse, that Manasseh shed innocent blood very
much, till he had filled Jerusalem from mouth to mouth. Josephus the Jewish historian reports
“...slew all the righteous men that were among the Hebrews; nor would he spare the prophets,
for he every day slew some of them, till Jerusalem was overflown with blood.” (AJ 10.3.38) This
is Josephus recounting the story of what happened during this period when the king of this period
in the land of Judah was on the throne, King Manasseh.
Now what is the tradition on this? A long lasting Jewish tradition (and I believe there is more
historical evidence there than just tradition, I believe it is fact) is that this king Manasseh sealed
the prophet Isaiah in a hollowed out oak tree and he had him sawn in two, cut in half. We see a
glimpse of the information in Hebrews 11, in the Hall of Faith section where it reads about those
men of faith who were, to quote directly, “sawn asunder,” but we don’t have names attached to
it. He place him in a hollow oak tree and cut him in half. Manasseh slew these prophets and
probably more than just Isaiah, but Isaiah being the prominent one of the group of prophets at

that time. Why? He didn’t want to hear any more of what they had to say. He didn’t want to hear
the voice of God.
So let’s read it again, “Moreover Manasseh shed innocent blood very much, till he had filled
Jerusalem from mouth to mouth.” From mouth to mouth... the author of II Kings and Jeremiah
if you study the scriptures affirm that this is probably the last straw that broke the camel’s back
so to speak, the last thing to push God over the edge, the sins that Manasseh on a daily basis was
performing, besides the evil he was doing in the sight of the Lord, and was one of the reasons
Judah was taken into captivity.
And then it goes into something very strange that we see because he is taken away to captivity
for a period of time, but then he comes back, released from that captivity. II Kings 21:17, “Now
the rest of the acts of Manasseh, and all that he did, and his sin that he sinned, are they not
written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah. And Manasseh slept with his
fathers, and was buried in the garden of his own house, in the garden of Uzza: and Amon his
son reigned in his stead.” How can such an evil king, the king being punished for it, then come
back once again to be ruler? We are led to believe this and not only here but other parts of
scripture will detail that to be true. Didn’t the people learn their lesson? Didn’t the king learn
his? Strange... a strange part of scripture if you just leave it here. Here is a king that thumbed his
nose at God for decades upon decades, but yet he is dying in his own bed in peace. The most
wicked king of Judah, in peace. I’m going slowly and emphasizing some things because I want
to paint the picture of what was really happening here. And guess what folks, he reigned longer
than any king in the history of Israel, or Judah for that matter: no king of Israel or Judah reigned
any longer than he. They didn’t even come close to the years that king Manasseh was king of
Makes you wonder where God was, doesn’t it? Doesn’t He see what is going on? If I was one of
the prophets, “Hello! Aren’t you aware. When are you going to make your move God? How
much of this will you allow to continue? How much of this will you allow him to get away
with?” But if you just stopped at verses 17 and 18, that is not the entire story of Manasseh’s life.
It is not given to us here in II Kings. The purpose of II Kings is to show the decline that this king
and the nation took themselves to. Now you have to go to II Chronicles 33. The first nine verses
in this chapter reads kind of about the same as II Kings 21, almost verbatim. But then we get to
verses 9 through 11.
II Chronicles 33:9, “So Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, and to
do worse than the heathen, whom the LORD had destroyed before the children of Israel. And
the LORD spake to Manasseh, and to his people: but they would not hearken.” Not only did
He love this king and the people, but they wouldn’t listen. “Wherefore the LORD brought upon
them the captains of the host of the king of Assyria, which took Manasseh among the thorn,
and bound him with fetters, and carried him to Babylon.”
Let me read you a little bit of history now.
“This mighty king of Judah with the ring in his nose and chains on his
hands and feet was dragged off to a Babylonian dungeon.

This is one of a number of Old Testament accounts for which we have

excellent secular historical confirmation. To get the history of this period
straight recall that Sennacherib was the Assyrian king who twice invaded
Judah during Hezekiah’s reign [which we already covered]. After the
debacle recorded in II Kings 19, Sennacherib never returned to Judah.”

Now I never went through that part of the story but all I mentioned was Jerusalem was protected.
The surrounding area was not but Jerusalem was protected.
“His loss of 168,000 men to tiny Judah was humiliating. Strangely, he
records this final invasion of Judah as a great victory for Assyria.

Sennacherib was quoted as saying, ‘One more such victory and I am lost.’
In any case, Sennacherib never again ventured into Judah’s territory. He
died approximately 680 B.C., a date that interestingly enough corresponds
to the traditional date of Isaiah’s martyrdom. It may be Manasseh’s
inhumanity to the prophet was the final straw. When Sennacherib died, he
was succeeded by Esarhaddon, who I believe was God’s instrument of
judgment to Manasseh. Esarhaddon, Sennacherib’s successor, was a
young, ambitious, militaristic sovereign spoiling for the conquest. Six years
after his coronation, he invaded Syria-Palestine and took Manasseh to
Babylon. In his great prism now displayed at the London Museum, he
records that twenty-two kings in the west harkened to him, were made
tributaries to Assyria, and of these was Manasseh king of Judah.” That’s in
a museum. “Esarhaddon bound him with bronze chains and dragged him
off to Babylon where for twelve years he languished in a dungeon.”

Twelve years Manasseh spent in a dungeon. Remember that.

But we are told in Second Kings that he died in his bed at peace because he was finally released
after 12 years. Now it is a strange process that God allows some individuals, even His people, to
bring us around, to bring us back to our senses. He will hem us up on every side, so to speak, and
deliver to us every witness to the truth through His word and prophets of old—and preachers
today. The question is, will you listen? Or do you remain in a state of rebellion? This story is
about a vicious king and a rebellious nation, but you can apply it to your own life, in your own
situations. Are you going to keep saying, “Ah, I don’t want to hear this”? “I don’t want the
hound of heaven to bother me anymore.” Well guess what? That is for the Lord to determine,
not me or you.
Let me switch gears here and go into the repentance end of this story. I told you we were going
to cover all these certain categories. Now we are going to take a look at verse 12. I am sure
spending 12 years in this prison was not pleasant, folks. Today’s prison would look cozy
compared to what we have as recorded history describing what they were like. Can you imagine
prisoners today without running water or a toilet? One meal a day if you got that? This is what
Manasseh found himself in because of his rebellion.
Verse 12, “And when he was in affliction, he besought the LORD his God...”

What? Decades upon decades of rebellion, evil, wickedness, witchcraft, you name it. Sacrificing
his own child in a fire, and causing others to participate in it with their children. You cannot get
much worse than Manasseh. For those of you feeling guilty over your sins today—because a lot
of you find yourselves playing that game trying to compare your sins with someone else’s—I got
news for you, and I doubt anyone reading this could even match up. You cannot even come
close. But what did God see that man cannot? Remember I said most of us would have wrote
him off, if not every single one of us; questioning if God even knew what He was doing when He
allowed this vicious person to be king in the first place. Think about it. But God sees the heart,
something we cannot. Sometimes you can see the expressions of it, but God sees the total
circumference of what not only is in your heart, but what is in your mind.
“And when he was in affliction, he besought the LORD his God...”
It did not say he besought Baal or Ashtaroth. What did he do? “...and humbled himself greatly
before the God of his fathers.” Someone like David. David did some awful things too, though
nothing compared to this. He was a murder too. He caused the murder of Bathsheba’s husband.
But what is the common denominator between these two men? It might have taken him some
years in prison but he finally got there. “And when he was in affliction, he besought the LORD
his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. And prayed unto him: and
he was entreated of him...” In other words, he had a repenting heart. When Manasseh hit rock
bottom, he turned to the Lord his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his
fathers. In other words he said, I am at rock bottom Lord. I am beaten up. I have had it and there
is no one else to blame besides me. I deserve the blame. I have sinned. He didn’t push off the
blame to anyone else or any other circumstance, just the circumstance he created because his
rebellious heart sinned. In fact, if you go back to Josephus, in his account of this particular story
he says he esteemed himself the cause of it all. (AJ 10.2.41) He saw he had no one else, and he
was not going to put the blame on anyone else except himself. The problem was not the
circumstances he was now in of 12 years of being in prison, in a dungeon. Nor was the reason
how he was brought up. He didn’t even try to say, “Well, it is my upbringing Lord.” I am so
tired of hearing that damnable excuse; that crutch that most people use. Guess what? It is a new
day today. If you understand that what God is dealing with is you, not your past or the people
who had influence in it, but he is dealing with you now today, everything is forgotten if you
come to Jesus Christ. God the Father has forgotten your sins because His Son paid the price for
your sins and iniquities. So God the Father does not remember them anymore. They are
forgotten. The problem was with his own rebellious heart. That is the problem with most people
who do not recognize it. He came to the place where he was willing to submit his heart to the
Lord. He humbled himself greatly before the Lord his God. And he prayed, and it continues in
verse 13, “...and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his
What did God do? DELIVERED HIM. After everything that he’s done, He delivered him.
“Then Manasseh knew that the LORD he was God.”
Bad translation. The Hebrew reads, “Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was the God.” Then
Manasseh new that the Lord was THE God. So, correct that in your Bible.

Now God may have to, as scripture says, chasten on occasion. Because why? He chastens the
ones that He loves. We might not like it, but that is what He does. He may have to discipline us
to get our attention at times. He might even bring hardships into our lives. Now you will get that
whether you are in God’s will or out of God’s will, so better to be in God’s will than out of His
will. He might bring hardships into our lives because of our rebellion, no matter what degree of
it, whether it is minor or major. It is still sin, it is still rebellion. It is still a heart out of sink with
I get this question quite a bit: Can I be forgiven? And they tell me what they sinned. And I say
to myself, “Holy molly; if they only knew what Manasseh did, they wouldn’t ask that question
any longer.” There is no sin that you can ever commit—listen to me closely—there is no sin that
you can ever commit which disqualifies you in God’s sight, if you recognize what His only
begotten Son did for you, because we have a new covenant now. The only way you can be
disqualified is to leave Jesus out of the equation. Sorry, it cannot happen. And once you know
what God’s Word says, it should not happen. You are forgiven. You are forgiven through Jesus
Christ. That is how important His blood was when He spilled it for you and me.
This whole message demonstrates that God never stops loving and now that His Son has paid the
price for all of us, how could you ever think He will not love you if you try to have access to
Him again through His Son. It just won’t happen; it would be rejecting and denying what His
Son did on the cross for you and me.
So when Manasseh prayed and the Lord heard his supplication, and brought him again to
Jerusalem, to his kingdom, He restored him to a place of authority. And folks, that is what God
does; He replaces us to the place of authority. What authority? Dominion over evil if you remain
faithing in Jesus Christ.
Well if I died, because evilness took my life? I guarantee you, that is not the last word on the
subject matter. You are coming back. You are coming back to be rulers. Rulers over what? That
is why some people don’t understand what I am trying to lay down as far as rewards. There is
going to be different responsibilities and authority in the heavens and on the recreated earth with
the New Jerusalem, not to mention another period of time, which I haven’t gotten to yet.
We do not need to work our way back into acceptance. His Son did that for us. We do not have
to prove that we are acceptable now, His Son did that for us. We walk in faith in His Son Jesus
Christ who is our Master, and through Him we walk in a forgiven state. Those of you that have
doubts, repeat after me, “We walk in a forgiven state.” It is Ephesians chapter one: We have
redemption through His blood. He forgives our trespasses. And what does it say in Ephesians?
According to His grace.
You can never... and I hope that I made that point, you can never look back on your past and say
that anything that you ever did disqualifies you. Through Jesus Christ, we are clean. Through
Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Through Jesus Christ, we are righteous in God’s eyes.
In verse 13, Manasseh finally realizes that these idols that he worshipped did nothing for him.
There is only one true God. Now his process came to a point where it was going to be painful,
but it was productive. God never gave up on him because somewhere deep down God knew what
he could be. “And then Manasseh knew that the Lord was the God.”

Then in verses 14-17 of II Chronicles 33, he starts rebuilding. He also removes the foreign gods
and idols from the house of the Lord, along with all the altars which he built on the mountains
surrounding the area. You can read that in those verses. He purged the city of idolatry. He took
every asherah, every baal, and threw them out of the city. He didn’t want anything to do with
them anymore. And he set up an altar... and you can read it here in verse 16, “And he repaired
the altar of the LORD, and sacrificed thereon peace offering and thank offerings, and
commanded Judah to serve the LORD God of Israel.”
He set up an altar and sacrificed peace and thank offerings on it, and he ORDERED Judah to
serve the Lord God of Israel. Two offerings: One has to do with our relationship with God—
whether you are going to be in a peaceful state or a non-peaceful state. You would be in a
peaceful state because you have been reconciled back to Him; and the thanksgiving which grows
out of the reconciliation of the process that the person or nation would go through.
He got it together and God gave him 20 more years of rule. So if you add it up, he had 10 years
with his father, 13 years of wickedness, 12 years in a dungeon, and 20 years of righteous rule,
and he became one of the mightiest kings of Judah.
I will end here: Do you know what Manasseh means in the Hebrew? It means “Forgotten”. That
is the name God wrote on his past if you think about it. FORGOTTEN. Some of you out there
who have been listening, that are part of the 8th Beast false religion, this message is for you. And
I am not just talking to them alone, I am talking to everyone that needs to come to this point of
repentance if you have been led astray by your own means or the influence of others. You are
still responsible for it. You cannot put the blame on anyone else except yourself. Nevertheless,
there is a way back and it is through Jesus Christ, The Son of God—not a co-equal of
Mohammed, or in some facets of Islam, even below Mohammed. Sorry; according to God’s
Word, no such thing.
God forgot Manasseh’s sins and they were great. Just think what he can do for us. All we have to
do is put our eyes on Jesus Christ and recognize what He did for us and our sins. Our sins then
could be labeled as something that God says, “I will remember no more.” I will remember no
more. Personalize it. Your sins will I remember no more. The only way that is going to happen is
through Jesus Christ. Period. Every other religion, if that is what you want to call it, is false.
There is only one way to the Father and that is through the Son. Christ said it over and over in
the Gospel record. Either you are going to faithe, trust, and have confidence it is true, or you are
going to go the way Manasseh did for most of his life. The choice is yours. But if the hound of
heaven is upon you be ready - be ready because you are going to find yourself in a pressure
cooker. You are going to find yourself in a vice and it is going to squeeze in so hard on you and
so tight, because God is trying to get your attention that you need to understand that it is through
His Son and no other, that you have redemption. And because He is trying to get your attention,
He will throw everything at you to get your attention, including the hardships. Hardships come
on the Christian and non-Christian alike. Like I said earlier, I would rather have hardships in the
will of God than out of the will of God, because if the hound of heaven is still on you those
hardships are going to intensify and you might find yourself in a dungeon-like scenario as king
Manasseh did You need to have a repenting heart, a humbled heart to recognize that you sinned
against the Lord, and it is now time to repent. No other religion requires that. God of the Bible,
Christ of the Bible has given us plenty of instruction how that is accomplished. The next step is
yours. Do you want a name like Manasseh: forgotten? Do you want your sins to be remembered

no more? Do you want that guilt released? Well, then let me introduce you to Jesus Christ. With
that, keep listening, keep tuning in, go to the archives, there are messages on Salvation there
also, and get the instruction to enlighten you on how you can be released from that guilt from the
past and move this day forward no more remembering what you did also, because God has
forgotten it, because His Son wiped it clean from your record.
Now, I covered several different categories in this message, starting with the moon god and how
that always leads to a dead end, but I hopefully ended with showing you that there is not a dead
end destined for our lives if we turn to Jesus Christ. There is only eternal life.
Stop living for the here and now and start getting ready for an eternal future with Jesus Christ.

To be continued...

The Last Days Study Guide

Moon God / Manasseh

1. What sin won’t God forgive?

2. Name Manasseh’s grandfather.

3. Sacrificing children by fire was a practice in the worship of what false god?

4. God showed his care for Judah in three ways. List them.

5. Why was Hezekiah called good?

6. What does Manasseh’s name mean?

7. How did Isaiah die?

8. What did this whole message demonstrate?


Antichrist Is Not About a Beast

Now I’ve received a lot of questions in the last few months: Why is there no antichrist?
Everybody believes there is going to be an antichrist, a physical person that will be, I guess,
defined and easily visible to be seen through Scripture, if you are still around, depending on what
theory you associate with, that will identify this person as THE antichrist. And of course, there is
nowhere in scripture that says THE antichrist. Now they base this antichrist or beast upon the
book of Revelation chapter 13. That is usually their starting point.

Revelation 13:1, “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,
having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the
name of blasphemy.”
“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear,
and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and
great authority.”
He has now described general kingdoms of the past.
In Daniel chapter 7, we are given the description of the general territory or kingdom of a past
beast. Starting in Daniel 7:3 it says, “And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one
from another. The first was like a lion [cf. Rev. 13:2], and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the
wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet
as a man and a man’s heart was given to it.” What Daniel was seeing was the kingdom of
Then it goes on to verse 5, “And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised
up...” Now that describes the Medo-Persia Empire that came after and defeated the Babylonian
Empire. And after that, there is another beast.
“After this, I beheld, and low another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four
wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads: and dominion was given to it.” [Grecian
Empire; Alexander’s 4 generals]
And you jump to verse 17 and it says, “These great beasts, which are four, are four kings,
which shall arise out of the earth.”
We have a definition throughout scripture of what ‘beast’ is defined as. It never defined an
individual. The only thing close to that was the Little Horn, which we’ve covered.
Now my question is: Why change the definition of beast and what it has meant throughout
Scripture when we get to Revelation 13? So they can subscribe to a Christian science fiction
theory that puts antichrist as a beast, as an individual that controls an area.
Now the spirit of antichrist is everywhere and it has been that way for thousands of years, and
the spirit of antichrist has controlled kingdoms. There is nothing new about that. It controls the
last, the 8th Beast, which I believe exists today.

We have beasts in Scripture (even though I am not referring to that in this particular chapter):
1) Egypt
2) Assyrian
3) Babylonian Lion
4) Medo-Persian Bear
5) Grecian Leopard
6) Roman
Rome is not mentioned in Revelation 13:2, is it? Because that beast was destroyed: it is dead.
Daniel declares that back in the seventh chapter.
7) 1st Jihad
8) 2nd Jihad
Now what justifies changing the definition of beast in Revelation 13? Nothing. Scripture doesn’t
change it. Man-made traditions and false doctrines about mostly the future and what still has not
happened yet has produced this change.
Now what justifies these verses according to the Christian science fiction theories and teachers
out there; that somehow this 8th Beast or the beast that is referred to in Revelation 13 is
supposedly to be the antichrist? Now some of the Christian Science Fiction people are starting to
use this idea that maybe the antichrist will come from the Middle East somewhere and he will be
part of the 8th Beast. Well, thanks for joining the party finally, but you are still off in your theory.
Now what justifies any of this? I mean if you really look at the list above... I mean these
beasts...we know for instance with this beast Egypt, we know there were dozens upon dozens,
maybe 80 pharaohs (I could be off on that number) throughout the whole kingdom of the
Egyptian beastly empire. We know the Assyrian Empire had multiple leaders that could be
considered as an antichrist in their day. Babylon started before Nebuchadnezzar, but even so the
bottom line is they also had many leaders. The same thing with Medo-Persia. Grecian? They had
at least two rulers and then it was broken up into four separate kingdoms; so again, many
different leaders. The Roman Empire... you know how many caesars they had, starting with
Julius, and Augustus following him, and then the many caesars throughout the Roman Empire’s
existence for 400 plus years. The same thing with the 1st Jihad, in the Islam based faith produced
by Mohammed. Now the 2nd Jihad, it again is the same thing, a reborn, brought back to life and
continuing beast similar to that of the 1st Jihad, but now the 2nd Jihad. We’ll just call it that.
Now, we have many and multiple leaders in all these beastly kingdoms. Why when we get to the
8th Beast, the beast that is referred to in Revelation 13 that covers a general geographic territory
where the Leopard, Bear, and Lion dwelt, is there supposed to be a solitary antichrist? Could
they have a solidifying leader? Sure. But most likely there will be multiple leaders. That doesn’t
make it an antichrist. Nowhere in Scripture does it say that there is an antichrist. In that case,
there were antichrists throughout history in the kingdoms of these beasts; and not just one or two
but hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of antichrists, if that is how you can define it now in
this last day.

You cannot change the definition of beast, but they try to by saying:.
“It says in scripture in Revelation 13:3, “And I saw one of his heads as it [circle the word ‘it]
were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after
the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they
worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him
[circle the word ‘him’]? And there was given unto him [circle ‘him’] a mouth speaking great
things and blasphemings; and power was given unto him [circle ‘him’] to continue forty and
two months.” On and on you go, verse 6, circle the word ‘them’. In the 7th verse, circle the word
‘it’. Eighth verse ‘him,’ and so forth.”
Well that is all fine and dandy to use pronouns in that kind of translation to try to communicate
that this is a personal being—and that is the impression the King James and other translations
give you—but that is not what the original says. You can have multiple translations of what
those words mean. Understand, by describing it as a ‘him’, you are personalizing it; that is why I
said scratch those out and put ‘it’, because if you really want to know the truth, you can take any
of these words that I told you to circle (him, them, it) and it could have one of three meanings,
actually more than three meaning, four or five meanings: it could mean a ‘her’. Why not call
antichrist a ‘her’, the She-Devil? It works for me...not really. Because it is not a ‘she’. It is not a
‘him’. It can be a ‘them’, but I like to describe it as an ‘it’. It is not an individual person.
Now when you speak about the false prophet, I believe he can be an individual person. That
person was Mohammed. I have covered that before and I will be coming back to that as we
march forward in the moon god portion of this series and get to Mohammed himself.
So Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia, Rome, 1st Jihad, 2nd Jihad—which the 1st
Jihad only had power for about 152 years and it was wounded by Charles Martel in 732 AD.
Remember that? Well, the 1st Jihad if you really think about it still had some influences,
especially in the Ottoman Empire as it continued on, but you have to remember what the purpose
was in that 1st Jihad: it was to get all the way to Britain and the most western portions of Europe.
To kill what? Satan knew what he was doing. The possibility of the good news of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ ever spreading, and using Ephraim and Manasseh to be the main force of getting it
done to prepare for His Second Advent. If that didn’t happen, if that 7th Beast did not get
wounded and put in its place, right now all of you and including myself might be bowing down
to the moon god, showing our own moon to the rest of the world. That is just facts, my friend.
Now wealth through oil healed the 7th Beast and became the 8th Beast—which that oil and that
wealth allowed the wounded beast to be healed and it started a second Islamic jihad, the 8th
Beast, the last beast on our list.
By the way, I gave you the wrong figure and I like to be factual: There were over 332 pharaohs
depending on who you study. Any one of them could have been the antichrist—maybe except the
one that was under the counsel of Joseph when he was in Egypt, and possibly even the first one
they considered pharaoh, Abraham (which will tie very interesting information in history,
corrected information in history, when I go back to the Joseph Is Imhotep Series. I am not going
to start where I started last time. This time I will start with Abraham.)

I think there were 95 Roman emperors or caesars, or whatever they were called during the
different times of their existence. There is over 100 Babylonian kings, easily. Any of these could
be called antichrist.
What John is relaying here is a geographical area in Revelation 13:2 where this final beast would
be governing from, probably as a unified kingdom even though they are separate nations, and
unified against Israel—and not just Israel of the Middle East—as they accomplish their final goal
to take global control and everyone bowing down to Islam; in the process destroying every Jew
and Israelite no matter where they are located. But the focus will be primarily on that little nation
in the Middle East with its extension on Ephraim, the power house, and his brothers behind it.
That is what is happening, folks. To change the definition of what a beast is, is to change
Scripture’s definition of what a beast is. And the only reason why they change it is because it is
the only way they can fit it into their Christian science fiction doctrine. That is the only way they
can do it, by changing the definition. There is no other possible way. They will make up their
cute little timelines and history to try to fit it in, but it still breaks down to they have to change
the definition of what a beast consists of. Beast had to go from a kingdom to a person, and only a
person. It has never worked that way before in history. Why now, including the 7th which is
really the 8th, just a wounded 7th Beast that was healed? If there was no antichrist back then, why
now? It is the same beast, it has just been healed. It doesn’t make any sense.
Of course, most of these Christian science fiction theories that developed never developed the
foresight of what the 7th and 8th Beast is. In most cases, they thought the 7th Beast wasn’t even
something that had even happened yet. But it already did happen. They never thought Islam and
Mohammed were part of the picture. That changed and threw a wrench into their theory, and it
screws them all up. I am sorry, it does not fit in Scripture. It never did. It never will.
Let me remind you what is referred to as the antichrist. Go to 1 John 2:18.
“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now
are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.”
Even back then and they were living in the Roman Empire days. The beast that was terrible in
description, that was totally destroyed, and it is not coming back to life or else Daniel is a lie. It
is dead. It does not really describe what an antichrist is. They know that they have always been
in existence. So we have to move forward to verse 22.
“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the
Father and the Son.”
Ones that “denieth that Jesus is the Christ”: you do not even need to be a part of Islam to be an
antichrist if you really think about it. If you don’t believe there was a Jesus Christ, you deny His
existence, and He’s the Son of God, guess what? You are an antichrist.
“He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” Right inside the Dome of the Rock it
makes that declaration, but you don’t even need the Dome of the Rock for that, you can find that
in the Koran and other Hadiths that were written by the followers of Mohammed.

Verse 23, “Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father:[but] he that
acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.”
Then we go to 1 John 4:3, “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the
flesh is not of God: and this is that [spirit] of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should
come; and even now already is it in the world.”
Already is in the world... What does antichrist mean? Instead or against Christ. Who is against
Christ? Who declares that He is not the only begotten Son of the Father, that is getting the
attention of the world these days as a growing evil empire with global ambitions to take over the
world until everyone is bowing down to Satan? The 2nd Islamic Jihad, and it is based around the
Leopard, the Bear, and the Lion: the kingdoms that covered the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and
Grecian empires.
Don’t change the definition of what a beast is. Scripture has made it clear throughout what its
definition is. Don’t be creative with God’s Word, because if you are, let me give you some
warning—and this is where you really need to be careful you self-expert know-it-alls that think
you have it all figured out using these Christian science fiction theories—Revelation 22:18, “For
I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book”—I have read
some things that say it means the whole Bible. That is not what it means. It says the prophecy of
THIS book. It is straight forward in the original too. Of what book? This book, Revelation: what
John was writing down from Jesus—“if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add
unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the
words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and
out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
Be extremely careful in changing the definition of what God clearly identified as beasts, which
have the spirit of antichrist. When Adam and Eve sinned and rebelled, that spirit began. It has
only developed strategically in ways in which it disguises itself to blindside mankind: of
believing he doesn’t exist, or in a fictional character they write books about now in Christian
Science Fiction theory basis, which they try to pass off as believable. It is so only for gullible
silly Christians that refuse to see the truth.
Thank God we were one of the first, not the first, but pretty close though, to pointing out what
the truth is. I am sitting here telling you most ministries, and I haven’t found one yet, don’t go to
the extent this ministry has of trying to identify and present to you the information. And we are a
long way from being done, but we will get there God willing, but if we don’t it won’t matter
anyway. We will see the end result and we can say I told you so to any doubters that might even
make it to the New Jerusalem some day... I told so. That is just the flesh coming out now, but it
was gratifying for just a few seconds.
My prayer is everyone come to the knowledge and the truth of what God’s Word says. They
don’t have to rely on stupid theories. That is all they are, stupid theories. Don’t change the
definition of beast.

To be continued...

The Last Days Study Guide

Antichrist Is Not About a Beast

1. What did mainstream eschatology not foresee?

2. Who foretold there would be no revived Roman Empire?

3. Give the scriptural description of antichrist.

4. How does God’s Word define beast?

5. Why do some change the definition of beast?

6. What had not crossed your mind about past beasts until you had read this message?

Spirit of Jezebel (part 1)

Open your bible and go to I Kings 16:29.
We are in the Moon God section of The Last Days series and we have been tracing the moon god
based religious establishment throughout the Old Testament. I know some of you are saying,
“Okay. Enough is enough. We believe you.” I know you do. You have been convinced. There
will be others that say it is all a matter of coincidence and may not ever believe what this series
preaches to be true, but it is not going to be because the information was not presented over and
over for thousands of years. We started after the flood with Cush and Nimrod. I could have
started before the flood. I could even go to many different parts of the world including the Far
East, India, Mexico, and Central America and show you all the moon god based belief practices
which they established as a religion, but I elected to stay in the area around Israel, mostly with
Moses coming out of Egypt, the tribes marching into the Promised Land, and all the kings that
ruled up to this point in the series.
In this message we are going to take a look at another king, Ahab.
To give you a quick refresher, Ashtaroth was a moon goddess. When you do the research you
will find out the moon goddess was actually the mother according to these false religions, the
mother goddess of Baal. They go hand-in-hand. So we will pick up with I Kings 16:29.
“And in the thirty and eighth year of Asa king of Judah began Ahab the son of Omri to reign
over Israel: and Ahab the son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria twenty and two years
and Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that were before him.”
In a previous teaching, we looked at king Manasseh. He was the worst of the bunch, but Ahab
was not that far behind. Up to this point he “did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that
were before him.” We’ve taken the phrase “did evil in the sight of the LORD” and traced it
through king after king. We came to understand what it means from Judges 2:11, “And the
children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served Baalim [pl. for many gods of
Baal]: And they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of
Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that were round about them [they
were instructed and warned not to do that but they did it anyway], and bowed themselves unto
them, and provoked the LORD to anger. And they forsook the LORD, and served Baal and
Ashtaroth.” (Ashtaroth the moon goddess, the mother of Baal, which would make Baal a moon
god also.) We see the phrase “the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD” over and
over again with king after king. There were more kings in Israel in Judah’s day (north and south
eventually) that did evil in the sight of the Lord than there were kings that did right in the sight of
the Lord. That is history; and Ahab was no exception but he took it to a different level.
I Kings 16:30, “And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that
were before him. And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins
of Jeroboam the son of Nebat...”
What does “sins of Jeroboam” mean? Go to I Kings 12:25. Jeroboam became king of the north
when the kingdom split after Solomon’s death.

“Then Jeroboam built Shechem in mount Ephraim, and dwelt therein; and went out from
thence and built Penuel. And Jeroboam said in his heart, Now shall the kingdom return to the
house of David: If this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem..”
If the kingdoms of the north, where most of the tribes existed, went to Jerusalem (which had a
different king over them because they are the tribes to the south), he thought, “They might rebel
against me.” “If this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then
shall the heart of this people turn again unto their lord, even unto Rehoboam king of Judah,
and they shall kill me, and go again to Rehoboam king of Judah.” So Jeroboam develops a
scheme and follows through on it. Verse 28, “Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two
calves of gold, and said unto them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy
gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.”
Now going up to Jerusalem was not a far distance. I know they didn’t have cars, helicopters, or
planes, but in most cases as they traveled in those days, it was either a day to a day and a half’s
distance depending on where you were. For instance verse 25 says Jeroboam built Shechem: that
was only 34 miles north of Jerusalem. So at most it was a day and a half. In those days, a traveler
in good health on an average day could walk 20 miles. Now not everyone was 34 miles north of
Jerusalem, many were closer, but Jeroboam said, “Ah, that is just too far for you to travel. Why
waste the time? We could do it here, and we can do it better.”
I Kings 12:28, “Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold, and said unto
them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought
thee up out of the land of Egypt.”
That should have been their first clue that this is the wrong direction to head a nation into,
especially the people of this nation. It is not like this was not ingrained in every Israelite. This
was a story that was told over and over in their lifetime: “...behold thy gods, O Israel, which
brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.” The first time that was told to the people coming out
of Egypt, it lead to disaster, destruction, and death because God was angered with the people for
forsaking Him. Go to Exodus 32 where it is first mentioned. Moses is up on the hill and taking
too long. Let’s just start with verse 1.
“And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people
gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said to him, Up, make us gods, which shall go
before us...”
That is a death wish right there, and proven over and over in their history. Twenty to forty years
would go by on average and it is like someone rewrote history, or they forgot it completely. But
their practices didn’t allow them to forget it, so what so blinded them? I still marvel at it and the
capacity that Satan and his minions have to blind people from the truth even though they grew up
with it. It did not matter.
Exodus 32:1 “...Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man
that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. And Aaron
said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which are in the ears of your wives, of your
sons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.” A lot of those golden earrings were
moon god ornaments, by the way. “And all the people brake off the golden earrings which
were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron.” Now I already covered this before, but I am

reminding you of the famous last words, as we’d say today, that always brought disaster. “And
he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a
molten calf [this is not the first time calves were made as a representation of the false god]: and
they said, These be thy gods O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.” Sound
familiar? Verse 5, “And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made
proclamation, and said, tomorrow is a feast to the LORD, and they rose up early on the
morrow and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to
eat and to drink, and rose up to play. And the LORD said unto Moses [who was on top of the
mountain], Go, get thee down: for thy people, which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt,
have corrupted themselves: they have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded
them: they have made them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and have sacrificed
thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land
of Egypt.”
Underline “These be thy gods”. It’s repeated again in verse 8. Out of the mouth of Aaron. God
was listening. He was communicating to
Moses, but He was still listening to what
was happening in that camp, and He
heard exactly what Aaron said. He
repeated it back to Moses as Moses was
not there to hear it. So God made sure he
knew what they were saying and doing.
“They have made a molten calf and
worshipped it.” By the way, “worship”
means they bowed down to it.
Nothing has changed over all of the
centuries and millenniums. Believe me,
that is why I am against Chrislam: the
unification of Christianity and Islam to
somehow coexist with each other and
bring a peaceful solution, so that the two
so-called religions can get together and
be together without any conflict. As long
as there is Islam, which is a representation of the moon god, I am in confrontation with it. I do
not physically go out there and confront it as they do, eliminate life, I preach to them. I was
going to bring the report, but you would be surprised how many listeners we had in September
in these Middle East areas that are controlled by the 8th Beast. I make no apologies; I have
nothing in common with what they worship. It is an abomination to my Lord. That means it is an
abomination to me. Will I keep preaching Jesus to Muslims? Absolutely, and anyone else—but I
will not bow down to it for peace’s sake. That is why (and do not be too surprised as the clock
keeps ticking toward the end) either the messenger or the message will be silenced because they
cannot coexist. I don’t say that to scare you. I say that to lay down a principle that is biblical, that
cannot and should not be changed. Woe to the one that changes it to Coexist.

Exodus 32:8, “They have made them a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and have
sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of
the land of Egypt.”
Go back to I Kings 12:28 and Jeroboam, “Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two
calves of gold, and said unto them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy
gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.”
The same evil spirits that controlled that situation back in Exodus were still alive and well in
Jeroboam’s day, about 500-600 years later.
Verse 29, “And he set the one in Beth-el, and the other put he in Dan. And this thing became a
sin: for the people went to worship before the one even unto Dan [which was further north].
And he made an house of high places, and made priest of the lowest of the people [those not
designated to be priest by God’s commandment], which were not of the sons of Levi.”
So then we go back to chapter 16:30, “And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the
LORD above all that were before him. And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for
him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat...”In other words, it was bad enough that
he was walking, mimicking, continuing the abomination, but it gets worse because as we
continue in the verse, “he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonains,
and went and served Baal, and worshipped him. And he reared up an altar for Baal...”
The golden calves were bad enough, but just in case the people didn’t remember the stories well
enough (in my opinion) of what those golden calves represented, they knew without any doubt
what Baal meant; and what making a grove meant (verse 33), it was in the honor of Ashtaroth:
where Ashtaroth and Baal could be in the high places with those groves; or from those groves,
wooden statues would be made, and sometimes even stone statues as a representation of these
false gods. Got it? You got a double whammy here. It was a combination of blows.
It was bad enough “he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, and
went and served Baal, and worshipped him. And he reared up an altar for Baal in the house of
Baal, which he had built in Samaria. And Ahab made a grove; and Ahab did more to provoke
the LORD God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel that were before him.”
Up to this point, he was the worst. He did more to anger the Lord. In this case he made it a
convenient excuse, continuing the sins of Jeroboam, for the people not to go down to
Jerusalem—which was commanded on the feast days—to worship; and also reintroduced Baal
and Ashtaroth. Israel just couldn’t get rid of them for any length of time. It is amazing how they
can forget their history of what got them in trouble over and over again, but not forget, in fact, be
blinded to what caused it, Baal and Ashtaroth along with the asherah groves. But up to this point
and what we’ve read here in chapter 16, we can see that even though he carried on the sins of
Jeroboam, Ahab was completely subdued and dominated by Jezebel, by the reintroduction of
these false gods and idols. Jezebel reintroduced again the worship of Baal and Ashtaroth to
This moon goddess mother of Baal was a power hungry goddess, supposedly of love and
sensuality, but it can represent any desire, whatever you want, somewhat like the prosperity
gospel of their day, but in that case, love and sensuality. Why? Because that is how they would

lure one into the trap they were creating, and convince the Israelites not to go down to Jerusalem
any longer. They will make it convenient and desirable for you to participate in their activities,
that would supposedly bring you satisfaction. Priestesses and prostitutes, both male and female,
filled the shrines and serviced her worshippers. The lure of the erotic encounters was more than
the men and women of Israel could resist. Some say there were approximately ten million
Israelites in that area of the kingdom at that time, and they left the commandments of God to
worship the false gods Baal and Ashtaroth because their desires were being fulfilled. Now we
will find later in the Elijah story that about seven thousand people in the entire nation were not
swayed by her control.
Listen, the spirit of Jezebel is still living today. The spirit of Jezebel is the spirit of antichrist.
Seven thousand people that were not swayed out of ten million: that is less than ten percent of
1%. That is not very many and that same spirit still exists today. It is at work. In fact, in the book
of Revelation (written about 2000 years ago) chapter 2 verse 20, that church had to deal with it.
So why doesn’t the church today teach on some of the characteristics of the spirit of Jezebel? It is
still in the works and if you succumb to it, it always leads you one way or another into some kind
of false religion. It might not be the moon god religion, but in the 8th Beast’s case, it will be. So
you should be instructed and at least taught to understand some of these characteristics, so you
are aware what to look for and to resist it when it comes.
I’m going to deal with Jezebel for a little bit. I’ve read and heard every fricken message on the
spirit of Jezebel and they take it out of the context that it was originally in to make some other
point. Some of it is okay, but some of it is so far off base. If you read through the story in the
next several chapters you will see what it is talking about is false religion, a moon god religion
with mother and son at the top of leadership
If you look at the word Jezebel, it means without cohabitation. Jezebel in Scripture, and the spirit
of Jezebel in the religion it encompasses—we are focusing on the moon god religion because
that is where it came from originally and it still exists today in the 8th Beast—will not cohabitate
with those she cannot control and dominate. (I will prove that and we will see how that affected
Elijah in my next message.) The reason why she will not cohabitate with those she cannot
control or dominate is because she believes she has no equals. Does it sound familiar with Islam?
The false religion of Islam (and I even hate to call it religion) does not believe it has any equals.
Control is what Jezebel wants more than anything else, here in scriptures, and the spirit of
Jezebel is also the same. Jezebel might appear to be submissive, but that is only a disguise, folks.
Why? So it can gain influence to carry out the overall plan. You see that in Islam. A Jezebel
spirit, starting with Jezebel in the Bible, seeks control through manipulation and uses emotional
pressure in its pursuit of power, which is very key. We’ve been seeing that in the U.N.:
emotional pressure concerning the Palestinian cause and why they should have a state ;
manipulation with the use of emotional pressure placed on a world that is somehow blinded to
the truth that it was never their inheritance in the first place. It uses subtle persuasion to get close
and influence those in control. The United Nations is just their puppet right now and they are
holding the strings, and they are pulling the strings. The United Nations doesn’t even see it. They
are allowing it to happen. The spirit of Jezebel uses this type of position it is given to gradually
dominate. That is the overall goal of the moon god religion people; it is just named Islam now, it
is just named the 8th Beast.

In fact in a previous message, I put eight beasts on the board. They all fulfilled the spirit of
antichrist, and by the way also the spirit of Jezebel. And even though I put the Egyptian, the
Assyrian, the Babylonian, the Medo-Persian, Rome, and the 7th and 8th Beast, all those beasts had
one common denominator including Rome—which, incidentally, is dead not alive, and it will not
be resurrected—they all had some kind of worship of the moon god religion. In fact, they had
many; including the Grecians. Oh you always hear about Zeus and this and that, that became
popular, but those are aftermath additions. That was not the foundation of where the Grecians
started their false worship of idols and gods that they created. That was based from the moon god
religion. This has been Satan’s masterpiece tool throughout the millenniums, what he has drawn
as a line, established as a religious system to come against God’s people, period. Jezebel
controlled by the moon god as you see here in Scripture, will use power and influence of others
to accomplish her goals and controls what she wants to control. You will see a small example of
that in I Kings 21.
I Kings 21:1, “And it came to pass after these things, that Naboth the Jezreelite had a
vineyard, which was in Jezreel, hard by the palace of Ahab king of Samaria. And Ahab spake
unto Naboth, saying, Give me thy vineyard [I want it], that I may have it for a garden of herbs,
because it is near unto my house: and I will give thee for it a better vineyard than it; or, if it
seem good to thee, I will give thee the worth of it in money.” I am willing to make a fair deal
with you; in fact, I will even do better. Give me it. I want it. “And Naboth said to Ahab, The
LORD forbid it me, that I should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee.”
This is what Israel is facing today. They are being asked to give up their inheritance. It is not the
Palestinians inheritance, it is Israel’s inheritance! If anyone with half a brain would do their
history study on it, including people in our government and the United Nations, they could see
that. If we are a Bible-believing country—and I seriously doubt anymore that the Bible is what
governs us, but it once did to a certain extent—they would see that it goes all the way back to
Noah’s day when he issued out who the inheritance of land would be given to. Canaan stole it. It
was never to be given to him in the first place. We have covered that in this series. Some of this
is starting to make sense to you and you are starting to see how all of these scriptures intertwine
with each other, saying the same things over and over again. “And Naboth said to Ahab, The
LORD forbid it me, that I should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee.” As I said, this
is what Israel is being asked to do today, to give up their inheritance for these Palestinians.
Believe me, the British Mandate was a sweet deal for the Arabs around the area. They got most
of the land; but because they did not get all of it, they have the Ahab spirit in this case.
So eventually, because Ahab could not get his way, Jezebel took matters into her own hands.
“And Ahab came into his house heavy and displeased because of the word which Naboth the
Jezreelite had spoken to him: for he had said, I will not give thee the inheritance of my
fathers. And he laid him down upon his bed, and turned away his face, and would eat no
Here is a pouter, a champion pouter - “Boohoo, I didn’t get my way. I didn’t get what I wanted.
Poor me; my plight is so difficult. I deserve it! After all, it is convenient. It is right next to my
palace. Why shouldn’t I have it?”
Does it sound familiar?

I Kings 21:5, “But Jezebel his wife came to him, and said unto him, Why is thy spirit so sad,
that thou eatest no bread? And he said unto her, Because I spake unto Naboth the Jezreelite,
and said unto him, Give me thy vineyard for money; or else, if it please thee, I will give thee
another vineyard for it: and he answered, I will not give thee my vineyard. And Jezebel his
wife [the instigator behind the scenes] said unto him, Dost thou now govern the kingdom of
Israel? arise, and eat bread, and let thine heart be merry: I will give thee the vineyard of
Naboth the Jezreelite.”
The spirit of Jezebel through Islam—from all the different Islamic nations around the Middle
East that has Islam as its governing religion—is still proclaiming and making the same promise,
that Israel will be destroyed, that they will be wiped off the map. Well I have news for them,
Christ is going to do the wiping and it is not the Israelites that are going to be wiped out; or else
my Bible is a lie and I don’t think so, in fact, I know so.
I Kings 21:8, “So she wrote letters in Ahab's name”—She wrote letters in Ahab’s name. I guess
Ahab was pouting still and he couldn’t write the letter—“and sealed them with his seal, and
sent the letters unto the elders and to the nobles that were in his city, dwelling with Naboth.
And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the
In other words, set him up. Sound familiar today? Set him up: we will use manipulation and
emotional pressure to get what we want. That is the spirit of Jezebel and it is alive and well in
today’s moon god religion, Islam. They are putting pressure on the United Nations and
governments around this world to get what they want—which does not belong to them, it is not
their inheritance. Why can’t the world see that? And most of all, why can’t the Christian world
stand up together and say, “No! You will still come at us, but guess what, let me warn you...”?
For those of you that still have ears to hear and eyes to read—and not the Koran some prophet in
the desert made up, but Thus saith the word of the LORD— you are the ones who are going to
be on the wrong end of the stick. And, the stick is going to be heavy; either be wiped out, or be
on the true Lord’s side and not Allah’s.
Verse 9, “And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high [at the
top] among the people, And set two men, sons of Belial, before him, to bear witness against
him, saying, Thou didst blaspheme God and the king. And then carry him out, and stone him,
that he may die. And the men of his city, even the elders and the nobles who were the
inhabitants in his city, did as Jezebel had sent unto them, and as it was written in the letters
which she had sent unto them. They proclaimed a fast, and set Naboth on high among the
people. And there came in two men, children of Belial, and sat before him: and the men of
Belial witnessed against him, even against Naboth, in the presence of the people, saying,
Naboth did blaspheme God and the king.” He was set up and he fell for it. “Then they carried
him forth out of the city, and stoned him with stones, that he died.” That is Islam’s, the 8th
Beast’s, overall goal, to destroy Israel (as I said about its characteristics) so it can control and
dominate the region; and that is just the launching point to control and dominate the world.
Verse 14, “ Then they sent to Jezebel, saying, Naboth is stoned, and is dead. And it came to
pass, when Jezebel heard that Naboth was stoned, and was dead, that Jezebel said to Ahab,
Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give thee
for money: for Naboth is not alive, but dead. And it came to pass, when Ahab heard that

Naboth was dead, that Ahab rose up to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to
take possession of it.”
Well I have news for you; If I was Israel, I’d be saying, “Come on down. Use whatever devices
and lies you want, use whatever spirit of Jezebel that still remains in you. That is part of your
moon god practice anyway. My Lord is bigger.” Most of them still don’t even recognize yet who
that is. It is Jesus Christ and because of His faithfulness, He will not turn His back because He
has promised to deliver Israel when all is said and done. So you can see through power,
influence, manipulation, and emotional pressure... nothing has changed in today’s world.
Another characteristic is Jezebel most often manifests in the most spiritual people - once again,
trying to manipulate others through her proclaimed inspired messages. That is why it was
important to have in the 7th and now this last and final 8th Beast a false prophet to be idolized as
the prophet of Allah who had the only true message—which was made up from lies and stealing
from other religions—proclaiming that it was inspired and that he got visited by angels.
The spirit of Jezebel will cause leaders to be suspicious of the true Church (and this is for you
true Christians right now) and her messengers which bear the testimony of Jesus Christ. Why?
Because the spirit of Jezebel, the moon god religion and its influences, denies that God even had
an only begotten son, He was just another wise prophet at best.
I have an article here about how Islam is trying to manipulate. You’ll see that with Chrislam and
how Christianity and Islam are trying to find a peaceful way to cohabitate. Guess what? The
spirit of Jezebel doesn’t cohabitate with anyone. It mimics that they are through relaying
possible peaceful solutions, but that is only to control and dominate the conversation, and to
eventually dominate all religions. Those religions will bow down in one fashion or form to the
moon god religion.
Some of you may not know of this yet but the Saudi’s, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah,
underwrites an organization based in Vienna, in Europe, to bring world religions under one roof.
And of course, it is going to be backed by many, and it is going to be financed mostly by Saudi
money. It plans to have an organization with a governing body composed of twelve
representatives from the world’s five largest religions. And here it is backed by Saudi Arabia,
governed by an 8th Beast religion, that doesn’t even allow it citizens to even consider another
possibility except Allah, and the restrictions they place on their citizens. This was in the works
for four years and now it is established; and in the next year 2012, I predict you will be reading a
lot more about them and hearing what they are trying to accomplish.
These are things that are happening in today’s world and once they sink their teeth into you, into
the nations, into the religions, its true colors will come out. The spirit of Jezebel wants to
paralyze—it is a tool they use—with fear, condemnation, depression, or apathy, or whatever is
useful for them. You will see that with Elijah who came against them. It wants to bring fear and
it is successful at doing that. Look at the world. You would never think 10 years after 9-11 they
would dominate so many conversations, and work in so many areas, claiming that they are the
victim and getting things changed in their favor to establish their foundation in political and
religious systems.

It is amazing. If you would have told me this 25 years ago, I would have said you’re definitely
taking some wacky drugs because you are way off base. I would have said I needed to see it to
believe it, especially if I knew about 2001 and what happened with 9-11. It is amazing.
They will sink their teeth in, they will have the fear factor working for them, and they will do
whatever they need to do or whatever it takes until we withdraw from the truth; until we
withdraw from the truth about the moon god and its demonic spirit, and the spirit of Jezebel. It is
their mode of operation. We will see it in the works and life of Elijah next time.

To be continued...

The Last Days Study Guide

Spirit of Jezebel part 1

1. On average, how long did it take the children of Israel to get off track with the Lord and
fall back into idolatry?

2. How long was Ahab’s reign?

3. How does the Jezebel spirit go about obtaining control and domination?

4. What kingdom did Jeroboam rule over?

5. Who is financially supporting the bringing of all religions under one roof?

6. How does the nation of Israel parallel Naboth?

7. List some Jezebel-spirit characteristics.

8. What does sins of Jeroboam mean?

9. How did Ahab excel above his predecessors in his rebellion against God?

10. How do Jezebel and Islam compare?

11. What is Jezebel’s father’s name?

12. Describe Baal’s mother.


Spirit of Jezebel (part 2)

Open your bible to I Kings 17.
Most of you, if you are honest, never heard the association of the moon god along with the Elijah
story and what happened in I Kings 17 and 18. It is just a progression throughout the Old
Testament. I have covered many different story lines starting with the children of Israel coming
out of Egypt, when Aaron made that molten calf; and we moved along, story after story, and
how Israel would be in a state of repentance once they recognized how they sinned against God.
In Judges 2, we read again that they did evil in the sight of the Lord, meaning they along with
the other nations fell back and started worshipping other gods around them that were part of the
Baalim (plural for the different gods of Baal), they grew asherah groves, and they worshipped
Ashtaroth, which was none other than the moon goddess, the mother of Baal. So when you see
Baal, in association with whatever particular story you’re reading in the Old Testament, you are
almost guaranteed that Ashtaroth (supposedly his mother) was there also. She was considered a
moon goddess, which would make Baal the son of a moon goddess.
So we get to the story of Ahab in chapter 17 (just a quick review before I move forward).
I Kings 16:29, “And in the thirty and eighth year of Asa king of Judah began Ahab the son of
Omri to reign over Israel: and Ahab the son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria twenty
and two years. And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that were
before him. And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat [I Kings 12:25-31], that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of
Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, and went and served Baal, and worshipped him. And he reared
up an altar for Baal in the house of Baal, which he had built in Samaria. And Ahab made a
grove [Heb. asherah]; and Ahab did more to provoke the LORD God of Israel to anger than all
the kings of Israel that were before him.”
He made a grove that went hand-in-hand with worshipping Baal. They would cut these groves
down, and make them into false images, and stand them up either near the altar of Baal or in the
temple of Baal. There were different ways how they worshipped. So Baal, Ashtaroth, and the
groves of asherah which were dedicated to making false images to these false gods, were
Then we looked at Jezebel. And, the spirit of Jezebel is alive and well today. What is the spirit
of Jezebel? A lot of people want to say this and that about the spirit of Jezebel. Let’s just call it
what it is: worshipping a false god or gods, and creating a false doctrine religion no matter what
it is. In this case we are tracking the moon god, which I said I would track it all the way up to
Islam and the present day representation of moon god worship. Moon god worship traveled into
India, the Far East, China, and so forth. It didn’t stop there, but we are dealing with the 8th Beast,
the last beast, in this Last Days series, so that is why we are focusing on Islam.
But I told you to write this down in the margins in your Bible: The Hebrew name Jezebel
literally means without cohabitation. She will not cohabitate with those she cannot control and
those she cannot dominate. Sometimes they will put themselves in a position where others
believe they can coexist along with them, but that is not their intention. That is just to lure you in

to their trap. The spirit of Jezebel cannot be controlled. It wants to dominate because it wants to
control you, governments, the world, and so forth. She has no equals. Islam has no equals. If you
do not believe that, then study the Koran. It’s not just said one or two times. Study it. You can
read that over and over it has no equal. Control is what the spirit of Jezebel wants, including the
spirit of Jezebel here in Scripture. I took you to some verses to demonstrate that. She wants
control more than anything else. I also told you to write down some key points. Jezebel seeks
control through manipulation, and it uses emotional pressure in its pursuit of power. Jezebel did
that. She used, and the spirit of Jezebel in Islam today uses, subtle persuasion to get close and
then to gain influence with those they intend to control. Once it gets that control, it uses that
position to gradually dominate countries, people, and so forth.
In this message I will be using the personage of Jezebel in I Kings 17 and 18 to show how the
spirit of Jezebel even in today’s day and age paralyzes with fear, condemnation, depression,
apathy, or whatever it takes, anyone that preaches the truth about her and the moon god until
they withdraw from doing it. We will see the example of that in Elijah’s life. No matter how
great of a hero of faith Elijah was, she got to him. We’ll be taking a look at that, but first, having
set that up, let’s start by moving into I Kings 17 and see if we can find any similarities between
today’s Islam (which is an extension of the moon god) and the moon god worship back in
Elijah’s day, just as we saw prior to Elijah.
I Kings 17:1, “And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab,
As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these
years, but according to my word.”
Now some believe Elijah took a step of faith, that prior to this he had no word from the Lord to
do this. I don’t necessarily believe that because there is too much evidence over and over
following this particular verse that Elijah got his instructions of what to do next and where to go,
not just once, not just twice, but many times, from the Lord. I believe Elijah received some word
of the Lord.
Now don’t get me wrong; it took a hero of faith to go into the king’s court and say, “I am going
to tell the rain to stop and it is going to happen because God said it would happen.” Being
instructed of the Lord, going to the king’s court, risking his life—because if the king didn’t like
you in those days, the way they practice their system of laws, they could have your head
removed, or slay you to shut you up—was taking that step of faith. There was risk involved here
in presenting a message like Elijah did to Ahab.
I Kings 17:1, “And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab,
As the LORD God of Israel liveth...” He didn’t say “as”; He said, The Lord God of Israel
liveth: he made that declaration. “...before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these
years, but according to my word.”
Imagine walking into the king’s court and saying, Guess what, it is not going to rain unless I say
it is going to rain. A) the king will think you are a nut and kick you out—which is probably what
Ahab did. Elijah was not a nobody. He probably knew who Elijah was. He probably thought he
just lost his mind; B) the king could have you eliminated. He could have taken his life, ordered
his death.

And let me tell you , I am convinced Ahab knew what Elijah was saying here to be true because
if you go back to Deuteronomy 11:16, it reads, “Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not
deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them...” See, God already knew
what was going to happen to these Israelites as soon as they were tempted to follow these other
gods—“and then the LORD’s wrath be kindled against you, and he shut up the heaven, that
there be no rain, and that the land yield not her fruit; and lest ye perish quickly from off the
good land which the LORD giveth you. Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart
and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets
between your eyes. And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest
in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest
up. And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates.”
These instructions carried forward from this point on and every Israelite, whether northern or
southern, was instructed in it. Every moment that they were not resting or sleeping they were to
remind themselves, stay away, don’t be deceived, don’t turn yourself serving these other gods
and worshipping them. It was even written on their door posts and upon their gates. Every
Israelite knew this. And it is not like this didn’t happen over and over up to the point where we
are in I Kings 17. We have seen it all the way through the Old Testament up to this point, starting
with Moses, but mostly from Judges on forth to I Kings 17. Over and over they did evil in the
sight of the Lord, worshipping these false gods. They would fall in deep trouble, they would
repent, it would last about 20-40 years on the average, and then they would fall right back into it
when the next generation came around. It went back and forth. So here it is again with Ahab now
marrying Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians. Obviously he was influenced by
her to build a house of baal, and not only that but grow the asherah groves, and then make these
false images to worship not only Baal but Baal’s mother Ashtaroth.
I kings 17:2, “And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, Get thee hence, and turn
thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith that is before Jordan.”
I don’t want to dwell on the 17th chapter. Elijah spent time by the brook of Cherith. Then by
God’s instruction, he goes about 100 miles away to Zeraphath, which was a refinery town, a
commercial town, where they did a lot of smelting that refined metals, and God hides him there.
It probably was a stinky town if you really think about it. We will see later in the story that
everyone was looking for Elijah after a while. After all, he said it was not going to rain. You
don’t think that stuck in Ahab’s brain and anybody else’s he mentioned that to when it did stop
raining and you could actually see a famine because year after year it didn’t rain, for at least
three years? If we go one year of 8 or 9 inches of rain here in Southern California, we are in a
drought. It doesn’t matter if we had 25 inches (which is way above normal; 13 or 14 is average)
the year before. I remember we had 32 or 33 inches of rain one year in the late 90’s. The next
year we didn’t even have half that and all of a sudden we were in a drought. Can you imagine 3
years, no matter where you are at, with no rain?
So God sent him north. He stayed in this town with a widow. She didn’t have much. She had
enough food for one meal for her and her son, and they were planning to die. Well, you move on
to verse 15, the latter part of that verse, and they “did eat many days.” In the Hebrew, it reads
one full year they didn’t miss a meal.

Then Elijah gets further instructions and at the beginning of chapter 18 it says, “And it came to
pass after many days that the word of the LORD came to Elijah in the third year, saying, God,
shew thyself unto Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth. And Elijah went to shew himself
unto Ahab. And there was a sore famine in Samaria. And Ahab called Obadiah, which as the
govermor of his house. (Now Obadiah feared the LORD greatly: For it was so, when Jezebel
cut off the prophets of the LORD, that Obadiah took an hundred prophets, and hid them by
fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water.)” ‘Cutting off’ means Jezebel was
eliminating them. He found 100 and he hid them, and he fed them bread and water. Where did he
get the water from? I have no idea. But obviously it took some planning, some organization,
definitely risk, to make sure these prophets were taken care of the best way he could take care of
them. “And Ahab said unto Obadiah, Go into the land, unto all fountains of water, and unto
all brooks: peradventure we may find grass to save the horses and mules alive, that we lose not
all the beasts.” Ahab says, I have a new plan. “So they divided the land between them to pass
throughout it: Ahab went one way by himself, and Obadiah went another way by himself.” So
in their journeys, Ahab and Obadiah were trying to find food and water to save the horses, mules,
and any other beasts that were still alive. So a plan was devised, “You go that way, I’ll go this
way; let’s look for it.” So they divided the land between them “and as Obadiah was in the way,
behold, Elijah met him: and he knew him, and fell on his face, and said, Art thou that my lord
Elijah? And he answered him, I am: go tell thy lord [Ahab], Behold, Elijah is here. And he
said, What have I sinned, that thou wouldest deliver thy servant into the hand of Ahab, to slay
me?” Now why would he say that? Do you want Ahab to eliminate my life when I mention your
name, saying you have come back? Verse 10, “As the LORD thy God liveth, there is no nation
or kingdom, whither my lord hath not sent to seek thee.” So Ahab has been looking for you, by
the way. You disappeared for years. You are back, but he’s been looking for you. “And when
they said, He is not there; he took an oath of the kingdom and nation, that they found thee
not.” Obviously Ahab didn’t believe that the people he had looking for him didn’t find him. So
they took an oath. “And now thou sayest, God, tell thy lord, Behold, Elijah is here.” Well, if
you took an oath, you are going to be telling the truth, but that is not what this governor
concluded. He says, “And it shall come to pass, as soon as I am gone from thee, that the Spirit
of the LORD shall carry thee whither I know not.” I will go back and tell Ahab you are here,
but God knows what is going to happen as soon as I tell him that. You’ll disappear again. That is
what he is saying. He credits the disappearance to the Spirit of the Lord. Nevertheless, he thinks
Elijah is going to disappear, which would put his life in danger, and also then puts the lives of
the prophets that were hidden in the caves in danger. “And it shall come to pass, as soon as I am
gone from thee, that the Spirit of the LORD shall carry thee whither I know not; and so when
I come and tell Ahab and he cannot find thee, he shall slay me: but I thy servant fear the
LORD from my youth. Was it not told my lord what I did when Jezebel slew the prophets of
the LORD, how I hid an hundred men of the LORD’s prophets by fifty in a cave, and fed them
with bread and water? And now thou sayest, Go, tell thy lord, Behold, Elijah is here: and he
shall slay me. And Elijah said, As the LORD of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, I will surely
shew myself unto him to day.” Don’t fear. The Lord has sent me here. He has given me
instructions. Go tell him and when you get back, I will still be here.
Verse 16, “So Obadiah went to meet Ahab, and told him: and Ahab went to meet Elijah. And it
came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he that troubleth
[disturbs or afflicts] Israel?”

No; Elijah was not at fault. Ahab and Jezebel as the leaders of Israel were. And as the leaders of
Israel, they even eliminated the conflict of being told by prophets what they were doing was
wrong. The people, if you think about it, really didn’t even stand a chance: even the prophets that
knew what they were doing (worshipping these false gods and idols), and knew that this was
against God’s ways and God’s commandments, were being eliminated. And the ones that
somehow escaped Ahab’s and Jezebel’s slaughter of the prophets, and are barely surviving with
bread and water but enough in these caves, they are not going to do much inside these caves, are
they? They are not going to be out there telling the people, “No, Ahab and Jezebel are leading us
down a wrong road, leading you down a wrong road. This is what the Lord says and this is what
the commandments say.”
“Well, they should have had enough courage to go out there and stick their necks out and deliver
what Thus saith the word of the Lord.”
True, but they didn’t. They would come to good use at a later time though. God saw to that. That
is why the story of Elijah is really kind of remarkable and encouraging for anyone struggling in
their faith walk. You can face the impossible. You can face the threat of elimination. You’ll stick
around as long as God wants you to. That is the story of Elijah, the early part of it. He sent him
to the brook of Cherith. He sent him to this widows home. And He sent him now back to Ahab.
Not one hair of his head was touched. He was protected by God. You would think Elijah, later in
the story, would remember that, but even he forgot that God is in control, and he started running
for his life also. But we will get there.
I Kings 18:18, “And he answered, I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father’s house,
in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the LORD, and thou hast followed Baalim.
Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal
four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves [the asherah groves; false prophets of
Ashtaroth] four hundred, which eat at Jezebel’s table. So Ahab sent unto all the children of
Israel, and gathered the prophets together unto mount Carmel.” Okay, so he gets the word out
for everyone to get to mount Carmel. “And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long
halt yet between two opinions [or two thoughts]? If the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal,
then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.” In other words, you cannot have
your cake and eat it too. You cannot coexist and think you are going to get away with it. God is
not pleased. You have broken His commandments. He does not want you serving, following, or
worshipping any other god except Him. He is it. And you cannot blend other religions along with
Him and say you are covered in every different direction; thinking just in case God is not The
God, I guess, or any other stupid thought they might have had, that they could coexist, blend
these different religions and practices together, putting all the gods equal with The God, thinking
that you will be covered. I am sorry; Elijah calls them out. How long are you going to halt at
these two thoughts? “If the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the
people answered him not a word.” It is like half-Christians; they want to be a full Christian but
they do not want to give up the things of this world. They are too tantalizing and tempting, and
somehow they start justifying that the two can blend together. I’m sorry; it is like hot and cold,
black and white, they are two opposites. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. If you think
you can, you are justifying your ways, but in front of the Lord, it falls short and God will have no
part of it. Jesus Christ didn’t come to this world to die for you and me so that you can be a
disciple on your terms. It is a disciple on His terms that He is looking for, that He wants to mold;

an individual that says, take me Lord, make me the being you want me to be to serve You. You
I Kings 18:22, “Then said Elijah unto the people, I, even I only, remain a prophet of the
LORD; but Baal’s prophets are four hundred and fifty men. Let them therefore give us two
bullocks”—here comes the test now of whose God is real and whose is a false god—“and let
them choose one bullock for themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on the wood, and put
no fire under: and I will dress the other bullock, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under:
and call ye on the name of your gods...” Call your gods; call Baal, or any version of Baal. Call
Baal’s mother Ashtoreth. Bring all your false images along with the calling. Do what you have to
do to get the answer I am going to ask for. “...and I will call on the name of the LORD and the
God that answered by fire, let him be God. And all the people answered and said, It is well
spoken.” Or, the word is good: Yes, that is a good test. Let’s put these gods (which they created,
all these gods being on an equal plain) to the test. One will be shown to be the true God and all
the rest will be shown to be fake, man’s imaginations of evil.
I Kings 18:25, “And Elijah said unto the prophets of Baal, Choose you one bullock for
yourselves, and dress it first; for ye are many; and call on the name of your gods, but put no
fire under. And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on
the name of Baal from morning even until noon [hours went by calling on the name of Baal],
saying, O Baal, hear us.” A more literal translation would be: Hear us, O Baal, hear us. “But
there was no voice, nor any that answered [heard]”—or any that heard. In other words, none of
their gods heard them. “And they leaped upon the altar which was made.”
You need to write this down: Literally, leaped up and down at the altar. They were jumping up
and down at the altar crying Baal, Hear us, hear us. They could not understand why they were
not being heard. Where are you Baal? I guess they’d never been put through this exercise
before, because if they had, they might have known the result beforehand. Or, another answer
could be demonic control allowed them something like that experience in the past: demons that
had fooled and brought a different and strange illusion on them, as some would say in today’s
environment, a paranormal blindness in which they couldn’t see the true God because the fake
god, the false god, the moon god controlled by Satan, his demonic force, and evil spirits so
blinded them and probably, I wouldn’t even doubt, perform miraculous things as we would
perceive it to be performed to convince them that, Wow this is not something that is ordinarily
done. This is extraordinarily promising for me to follow because it is so different, so unique. But
now with God in control, He was putting a lid on that. Whatever happened to cause these people
to believe that they would be heard from the moon god (called Allah today), and the moon gods
mother, they found themselves in a predicament: He was not hearing, or they were not hearing
and they were definitely not responding.
So after all this leaping up and down at the altar...“And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah
mocked them”—Elijah started mocking them—“and said, Cry aloud”—or cry with a great
voice; scream even louder, maybe your gods are distracted right now and you really need to get
their attention, so yell at the top of your voices—“for he is a god; either he is talking [lit.
meditating (not really listening to you at the time)], or he is pursuing [some sources say
‘hunting;’ he is amusing himself], or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth. ” Maybe
your god is taking a nap right now and he does not want to be disturbed; he has the Please Do
Not Disturb sign out. So you can jump, and leap, and yell all you want at your Baal and

Ashtaroth gods, but guess what, he must be sleeping. But maybe if you scream even louder, you
can wake him up—“and must be awaked. And they cried aloud [they followed his advice once
again; but they did something else this time], and cut themselves after their manner with knives
and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.”—or literally, until it was poured out blood
upon them. Either translation is fine, it gets the point across. What did they do? They cried aloud
and cut themselves. This was part of the moon god practice and not just in this area alone. If I
had time I could track it with you all the way from this Middle East area all the way east (and
even west), but all the way east until you hit the Pacific Ocean, and how this became a practice
in all the moon god cults. “And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with
knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.” What does that remind you of in
today’s false religious practices?

What do you see here? They are cutting themselves. You see blood streaming down their faces.
There is a sharp knife. Somewhere on the top of his head he’s cutting across creating the blood
flow you see gushing out there.

This photo is sick. I was debating on whether

to show it to you or not, but I needed to make
this point so you never forget it, so you don’t
forget where these practices stem from.
These photos depict Islamic practices. This is
a mother with a sharp knife cutting her baby
boy’s head. The child looks like he’s about 2-
4 years old. You see this practice around

Here are some more of these false religion followers carrying this child, and they are all cut up.

Look what they are doing there in this blood orgy

event. Multiple men in groups. It looks like they
are crying out, doesn’t it?
I Kings 18:28, “And they cried aloud, and cut
themselves after their matter with knives and
lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.”

If these pictures don’t paint a thousand words for you, then you’ll never get the relationship of
the past moon god with the present moon god representation, Islam today. Nothing has changed
if you are able to see what these pictures
demonstrate. Has it? I know these pictures are
gruesome, makes you want to vomit and not just
because of the blood, but because you know what
it represents. “And they cried aloud, and cut
themselves after their manner with knives and
lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them.”
There is a lot of blood gushing out in those photos
as they are crying aloud.
My point in this message is some moon god
practices have evolved, but very few of them have
changed. This is one of them that hasn’t changed
thousands of years later. This extension and
representation of the moon god Islam, the 8th
Beast today, is still being carried out
And here is the symbol of the moon god that we
see on a lot of their false moon god idols and
statues, and even the top of their buildings.

I Kings 18:29, “And it came to pass, when midday was past, and they prophesied until the time
of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that there was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor
any that regarded. And Elijah said unto all the people, Come near unto me.”
They could jump up and down all they wanted. They could cut themselves. They could beat
themselves with lancets. They could have blood gushing out from any part of their body they
wanted, their gods were not answering.
“And Elijah said unto all the people, Come near unto me. And all the people came near unto
him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD that was broken down. And Elijah took twelve
stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, unto whom the word of the
LORD came, saying, Israel shall be thy name: And with the stones he built an altar in the
name of the LORD: and he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two
measures of seed.”
It was not by accident that he gathered twelve stones in verse 21, every tribe was going to be
represented. In this case, only twelve and not thirteen because Joseph is represented here. And of
course you know there are thirteen tribes when we remember Ephraim and Manasseh are from
the stick of Joseph.
“And he put the wood in order, and cut the bullock in pieces, and laid him on the wood, and
said, Fill four barrels with water...” What?! You want fire to burn these offerings up and since
that didn’t happen for the moon god worshippers and their prophets, now you want us to gather
wood. What are you planning to do with this Elijah? I am not sure I approve of where you are
going with this.
“And he filled four barrels with water, and pour it on the burnt sacrifice, and on the wood.”
He poured it on the bullock! Well how do you expect that to be burnt up if you are saturating it
with water? You spent too much time in the desert, or wherever you were, Elijah, when you were
hiding from us. And now if our gods didn’t answer to us, do you think your God can pull off this
miracle, this proof that He is God?
“And he said, Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the
third time. And they did it the third time.” There was not going to be left any doubt who the true
God truly was. Verse 35, “And the water ran round about the altar; and he filled the trench
also with water.” Everything was saturated. There was not going to be any excuse for not
believing who the true God was. “And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening
sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of
Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I
have done all these things at thy word. Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know
that thou art the LORD God, and that Thou hast turned their hearts back again.”
You didn’t see Elijah going around cutting himself or beating himself up. You didn’t see Elijah
making a stupid fool of himself by jumping up and down at the altar. You didn’t see any of that.
Of course he, and not the false prophets, would be called the insane one because he was actually
having people pour barrels of water not only over the bullock and the wood, but filling the trench
around it. He would be called the fool. He would be called the nut. Anyone that preaches today

against Islam and their ways is called a fool, is called a nut, are called the haters, are called the
people who will not just coexist—which in their eyes is the right thing to do. I am sorry, it is not.
All Elijah did is say a few lines of prayer here, petition to God of what the situation was, because
God already knew because God instructed Elijah in the first place, and he is asking God to turn
their heart back again after this demonstration of how powerful a God the God of Israel is.
Verse 18:38, “Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood,
and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.” The fire didn’t
come up from underneath, it came from above. It just didn’t consume the bullock. It didn’t just
consume the wood. It didn’t just consume the stones, the dust. It even licked up the water that
was in the trench. God took it all. “And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and
they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God.” They said it twice. “And
Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal [apprehend them]; let not one of them escape.
And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them
Now we cannot do that in today’s world, but Christ will some day. We have to just keep
proclaiming the truth no matter how difficult it becomes. I am telling you right now, you are
starting to see signs of it in the working, including here in the United States of America, where
anywhere... Forget television, this series or myself could never be on television, it would be
kicked off. They will let everyone else that has a message that does not prepare people for what
is coming to have that. I still have the internet but I do not know how long that will be available,
folks, because the time is coming: you see things happening little by little where anyone that
comes against another religion, what they classify as hate speech as something wrong, should be
shut down. Now if that happens, and my guess is some day it will, I will try to figure out other
ways to get the communication back up and running and to you somehow, some way. But be
prepared. Mark this day. Time is marching on where it will be harder and harder to have this
message proclaimed. Why? Because of the jumping up and down false religious fools, and also
the Christians that are not standing up –when I say Christians, it starts with leadership, pastors
and preachers proclaiming the truth to deliver the impact of what the truth is so people will not
be caught off guard. And of course they will be so blinded by then, Christian and non-Christian
alike, that they will be glad that people like me and the message that I preach are gone anyway
because it causes too much conflict, too much controversy. It brings too much hatred and causes
people to be butting heads against each other. Well, I am declaring the truth and the truth shall
set you free; and hopefully the truth will lead you to Christ and you will be a disciple of His and
none other.
Now the people saw it and they declared, “The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God.
And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets,” and Elijah slew those false prophets. Well,
Christ is coming one day and He will take care of these false prophets and all these false
religions associated with it. “And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there
is a sound of abundance of rain. So Ahab went up to eat and drink. And Elijah went up to the
top of Carmel; and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees,
[vs. 43] And said to his servant, Go up now, look toward the sea, And he went up, and look,
and said, There is nothing. And he said, Go again seven times. And it came to pass at the
seventh time, that he said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man’s hand.
And he said, Go up, say unto Ahab, Prepare thy chariot, and get the down, that the rain stop

thee not.” Get your chariot ready; get ready to roll in other words, because you need to go back,
the rain is coming and God knows if you’ll be able to get back once the down pour starts. “And
it came to pass in the mean while, that the heaven was black with clouds, and wind, and there
was a great rain.” Not just a little rain, a drizzle, a sprinkle, but a great rain. “And Ahab rode,
and went to Jezreel. And the hand of the LORD [the Spirit of Strength of the Lord] was on
Elijah; and he girded up his loins, and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.”
I have an assumption of how old Elijah is here, but that is not the point. Elijah is running in front
of this horse and chariot. Only the Spirit of the Strength of the Lord can accomplish that. I do not
think Elijah was training for sprints, or marathons, or 10K’s to practice for this future event,
while he was hidden away for three years. It was through the Spirit of the Strength of the Lord;
and just think about it, full of the Spirit as he was – eliminating the false prophets of both Baal
and Ashtaroth, the ones that Jezebel had more of an influence and associated with.
But then Ahab gets back in chapter I Kings 19:1, “And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had
done, and withal how he had slain all the prophets with the sword. Then Jezebel sent a
messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life
as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.” I am going to kill you. I am going to
destroy you. By this time tomorrow, you will be dead.
Now this is a man that just saw and participated in a remarkable miracle, and not just one miracle
but three. The first miracle was the fire coming down and consuming the sacrifice against all
possible odds of that catching fire in the first place because it was drenched; and then after that,
having the great rain come down again; and three, filled with the Spirit of the Strength of the
Lord running in front of Ahab’s horse and chariot. Actually there are even more than that but
let’s just focus on those three alone to make the point. This was a man that most of you if you
had just one of those, would probably not know what to do with yourselves, but if you were
placed and positioned to see or be part of such a miracle or miracles, you would not forget that
very soon. You definitely would not forget that within days or less. What happened?
I Kings 19:2, “Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying,” by this time tomorrow you
will be dead. “And when he saw that, he arose, and went for his life”—he went for his life.
From what? The moon goddess worshipper. Didn’t he just destroy her prophets? Yes. But she
was still alive. I mean he had no problem slaying the prophets, 850 of them. Think about it; you
are afraid of this one woman? She must have been one heck of a crazy broad, a lunatic—or was
she? She lured men into her desires. She accomplished what she wanted to accomplish. Later
when dealing with Jehu, she thought she could paint her face and Jehu just taking one look at her
sitting by the window would have a change of heart about destroying her. Thank God he didn’t.
And when Elijah prophesied, after he got his mind together, and his trust and confidence back on
God to take care of him, prophesied not only her death but how she would die. And we will see
later in II Kings 9.
But here is a man scared and running for his life and we pick it up in verse 3, “And when he saw
that, he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beer-sheba, which belongeth to Judah, and
left his servant there.” He didn’t even want to put his servant at risk. “But he himself went a
day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and requested
for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I
am not better than my fathers.”

Now the Lord didn’t let him dwell too long in that kind of depression, where he is in such a
condition that all he wanted to do was just die because of one woman, one evil woman.
For years God took care of and protected Elijah. What changed, God is not on His throne any
longer? God fed him in the wilderness. When Ahab’s army was looking for him, probably to kill
him, no one was able to lay one finger on him. We already read that in the story. There is the
showdown in mount Carmel where he calls fire down from heaven. He mocked Baal, Ashtoreth,
and their prophets. The people fell on their faces and repented. He was vindicated. He was
victorious. And clearly God was in control. What changed? A single threat from Jezebel? You
really need to put flesh and blood on this. A single threat from Jezebel turned him into a coward.
There is no other way of looking at it. He turned into a coward and fled for his life. Talk about a
man full of anxiety which led to depression, putting him in a miserable state. And now he finds
himself begging God to kill him. It doesn’t make sense if you read it and do not comprehend it.
He enjoyed supernatural protection. It does not make sense.
I preached this in the Spiritual Warfare Series: Do not underestimate the demonic power, the evil
spirits that roam this world. The power they have to intimidate, to create fear, to cause men to
withdraw, and forget what God (in this case) has done for them. In other words, as you would
hear it in Christian terminology today, Jezebel stole his vision. This demonic possessed woman
in Scripture stole his vision. Why did he become depressed? Why did he become anxious? Why
did he run for his life? What was so different in the circumstances over the years, since he
declared it would not rain unless he said it was going to rain? Think about it. Don’t
underestimate the power of evil and the one that controls it, Satan, evil spirits, and demons. I
have to remind myself to put me at guard daily, more now than ever. That same spirit of Jezebel
and the evil powerful demonic oppression that comes with it could cause anyone to become
discouraged. Listen, I am no Elijah and I didn’t face anything like he faced, but there are even
times when I get discouraged because people cannot see the truth presented the way it has been
presented in this series. You get mocked. You get threatened. Thank God we have so much
instruction in God’s Word because if you allow yourself, you can find yourself where you are in
a position of withdrawing from presenting it, and you start running... maybe not for your life, but
running from the opportunity to present it because so many want to refute its validity, because
(and this is the Christian world’s thought) of doctrines that are so entrenched into the Christian
world mindset, that what we are presenting here is nothing but silliness, non-truth, and a creative
exploration in God’s Word that really does not line up. Listen, that is just some of the things.
You can get discouraged. I find myself at times wondering why more people don’t respond; or
why when they do respond, they respond in such a negative way. It is nothing new. Look at the
condition Elijah found himself in shortly after such victorious moments, with the blessing on top
of it of seeing the people turning back to God. It does not make sense until you understand the
powerful spiritual warfare we are in against a beast that is controlled by powerful spiritual
identities in the unseen world. The spirit of Jezebel, the moon god worship and what controls it,
wants to paralyze with fear and if it can, with condemnation in making you believe that what you
are doing is not correct even though you’ve verified it many times over. You might even find
yourself presenting it to others and they won’t even listen to your facts based on God’s Word
because of their understanding of what they think is the truth, and to listen to anything else
would go against their belief system and put them in the place of condemnation. Condemnation
can work in reverse gear also, not just on the person presenting it, but on the person listening to

it—which of course, leads to depression as we see here in Elijah’s life. Apathy sets in, whatever
it takes to withdraw a person from presenting the truth, or hearing it.
I said this in the last message and I will say it again: The only answer for those under the spirit of
Jezebel’s attack, or the moon god spirit of attack controlled by Satan, is perseverance in battle.
WE (you and I) must remain on this course no matter what it takes or how long it takes. We
know how long it is going to take, until the Lord comes back or He takes our breath away. There
is no other option. Remain on course.
Listen, I am preaching to myself also. If I was looking at this ministry the way the Christian
world looks at ministries, including what they teach you in theology schools and how to prepare
to go to a church somewhere and be a pastor, this ministry could be at least ten times larger right
now. I really don’t care about the numbers. People come and go. I told you, this ministry is more
for preparing people for the Second Advent. And let me tell you right now, very few ministries
are. First and foremost, when it hits them straight in the face, they will be looking for events that
are just not going to come. They will look for events that will somehow lift them up and away
from what they call the Great Tribulation and rescued from the problem. I have news for them
and I have said this over and over, We have been in the Great Tribulation. Tell the people who
are dying daily, some beheaded, some tortured, some burned for their faith in Jesus Christ. You
don’t need to believe me, you can find some of this stuff in the news or on the internet. They
have not bowed down to the moon god. They have not bowed down to Islam. And by the way,
the areas where the book of Revelation was dealing with is facing a turmoil, especially if you are
a Christian. There are lives every day that are lost, according to the world’s view point, but the
way Christ sees it they gained eternal life and they will be crowned with a special reward, when
those rewards are given out, which I will get to in the future.
Stay engaged in this battle. Don’t withdraw. Don’t run away no matter how much the spirit of
Jezebel attacks. Persevere in the battle. Remain on course no matter which direction it takes us.
Understand (if you have been following the Giving teaching) our goal is that line I’ve drawn on
the board, eternity, and not that circle that represented the here and now.
Elijah faced it and was dealt with by God, and then he also eventually calls out Ahab and
delivers a prophecy which comes to pass: what would happen to Ahab and what would also
happen to Jezebel. And of course what happens to Jezebel is in II Kings 9 where Jehu
assassinates Jezebel...
II Kings 9:30, “And when Jehu was come to Jezereel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her
face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window [she thought she could lure him with her
looks I guess], and as Jehu entered in at the gate, she said, Had Zimri peace, who slew his
master? And he lifted up his face to the window, and said, Who is on my side? Who? And
there looked out to him two or three eunuchs. And he said, Throw her down. So they threw her
down: and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her
underfoot. And when he was come in, he did eat and drink, and said, Go, see now this cursed
woman, and bury her: for she is a king’s daughter. And they went to bury her: but they found
no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands. Wherefore they came
again, and told him. And he said, This is the word of the LORD, which he spake by his
servant, Elijah the Tishbite, saying, In the portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of

Jezebel: and the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field in the portion of
Jezreel; so that they shall not say, This is Jezebel.”
If you go back to I Kings 21:23 we find what Elijah prophesied that would happen to her (which
we just read), “And of Jezebel also spake the LORD, saying, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the
wall of Jezreel. Him that dieth of Ahab in the city the dogs shall eat; and him that dieth in the
field shall the fowls of the air eat.”
It came to pass and I have news for you, in the New Testament we are told in the book of
Revelation what is going to happen to Satan, his minions. The Beast, the False Prophet, evil
spirits that control and pull the strings of Islam are all going to be thrown into the Lake of Fire
followed their his followers. Christ will have the last word.
We are here to preach the truth understanding that it might not be easy, we might feel like
withdrawing (especially if you are put in my position); or sometimes run or just say, The heck
with it, they are not getting it. A few here and there are getting it, but they are not getting it, they
are rejecting it because they want a bailout plan that produces some utopia experience the day
before anything hits the fan—(and you know what I mean by that, they will be lifted up and have
to experience nothing). They will not be prepared, but it is up to us to prepare them. Now the
encouragement part of all this is there are people responding. Those of you that stuck by this
ministry will have special rewards in heaven, in my opinion, because we lead the way in
presenting what the truth is and about what to expect in these last days.
Don’t lose hope. Don’t lose courage. Don’t withdraw. Don’t become paralyzed with fear. Don’t
become depressed. You are under attack more now than you will ever be in your lifetime up to
this point because you’re involved and participating in something that has an answer for the
Beast—which is the Truth that has already been presented in God’s Word, that needs to be
brought to the forefront now so that people can understand what day this is and what the Lord
has said about it: how He leads up to it, and what is still yet to come. I am not a date-setter. I
never said I would be and I won’t be, but I will tell you the general principles of what needs to
happen in God’s Word ; and there are certain things which need to happen still before that day of
His glorious return and we will take a look at that in this series.

To be continued...

The Last Days Study Guide

Spirit of Jezebel part 2

1. How many false prophets were gathered at Carmel?

2. How did Obadiah react to Elijah and why?

3. What does the word Jezebel mean and what are the affects of the Jezebel spirit on saints?

4. Elijah said, “If the LORD be God, follow Him; but if Baal, then follow him.” What did
Elijah mean by that?

5. How many prophets did Obadiah secretly care for?

6. What is the spirit of Jezebel?

7. The northern and southern tribes are divided in the time of Elijah, and those under Ahab,
are practicing idolatry. Who did Elijah designate as Israel when he sacrificed the bullock
on the altar of God?

8. What is required to overcome the Jezebel spirit?

9. Who killed Jezebel?

10. Who trode Jezebel underfoot?

11. How many barrels of water did Elijah pour over the evening sacrifice?

12. How has this message encouraged you in to keep fighting the good fight of faith?

Come Out From Among Them

Open your bible to II Corinthians 6.
Christian churches across America, some large and some not so large, recently started pulling out
the Koran and reading it from the pulpit. The reason for this is because they want to promote
tolerance, inter-faith tolerance so Christians don’t look like a bunch of bigots running around,
and show we are able to tolerate other faiths or religions, or whatever you want to call it.
Anything outside of abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ, a true Christian as defined by Scripture, is
an abomination. I have said that from day one and I have not changed. Jesus did not tolerate it.
Show me where He did. He dealt with the Pharisees, He dealt with the money changers (as I
taught in the Giving Series). He did not go around shooting everyone. He delivered the word of
the Father, that would bring life to some and death to others.
This idea that we have to promote tolerance especially because poor Muslims are supposedly
being targeted in this country... There is not a day that goes by that I don’t read about a lawsuit
or a city council, whether it is small town council or a large city council, that has to deal with
something that CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) is promoting to push Sharia and
make Sharia part of the governing body of this land. Of course their claim is they are being
unfairly treated, and, since they are unfairly treated and our government does not protect them,
they want to be protected by Sharia, so let them be governed by Sharia in this country. So
basically two systems of government.
I will not be referring to the political side of it in this message. What I want to deal with is the
religious factor, and why we have nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing standing behind
pulpits that you should be aware of, and that you should run as fast as you can away from.
“Well, that is my church. I’ve been going there for many years,” or “for decades. I didn’t know
he was going to do that.”
I am telling you now, that is your cue to say it’s time for a change because it is obviously not
what the Lord in His Word has declared we should be yoked to. I will prove that in this message.
“I can’t believe you are telling me to leave my church.”
If it is one of these churches that read the Koran behind the pulpit, absolutely. Sooner or later
you are going to have to take a stand, folks. I am not even saying you should argue it. In the
article I am about to share with you, it says to go talk to your pastor. I’m saying don’t even do
that. Do you think he is really going to listen to you anyway? He might hear what you have to
say, but he is not going to change. And whether you are right or wrong, it is not your duty to
change him in the first place. I can show you how unscriptural that is also. So the only option
you really have is to get off that seat or pew and say, “That is the last time I will ever place my
body in this building, where I thought I would worship and learn God’s Word, and find myself a
different location.” And if you are that interested in attending a building—because that is not
what a church is anyway—then find yourself one. In the mean time, you can listen to me and
what is taught here. I am sure you will find it quite different. If you felt in your spirit something

was wrong, whether you knew or not what is taught correctly about the last days, I am sure you
will have your spirit confirmed that it was the right thing to do by your walking out of that
church once you hear the word of God taught here. It will just validate the reason why you left
that church.
“Well, isn’t that quitting?”
There is nothing there except (I won’t say allegiance) accepting the Beast in Revelation 13. And
if you do not know about Revelation 13, listen to The Last Days series. It defines what it is and
Islam is it. In case you have not made the correlation, Koran = Islam, supposedly instructions
Mohammed got from an angel. Mohammed was the false prophet. I catch heat because I preach
against Islam. Just wait until I point out Mohammed for what he was in this Last Days series. I
already said he was the false prophet, but we will look at how he became that.
So, Christian churches across the United States of America read the Koran from pulpits to
promote tolerance. Now I will share the article and you can react the way you want to react.
Then I will go to Scripture to try and put some perspective on this whole nonsense and
How would you feel if your pastor stood in the pulpit this past Sunday
opened what you believed to be his Bible and then started to read passages
completely unfamiliar to you. Then in the midst of the reading you hear
him say Allah instead of God and you realize he is reading not from his
Bible, but from the Quran. How would you feel and what would you do?

Those of you who missed that particular teaching about Allah from Isaiah, you need to listen to
it. (Lucifer and Allah, The Last Days series Volume 1, Chapter 15)
If this didn’t happen to you yesterday, count yourself fortunate because it
did happen to a number people sitting in Christian churches across
America. Social activists involved with Faith Shared, a program of
Interfaith Alliance and Human Rights First were trying to promote
tolerance and respect of Islam and counter opposition to the Muslim faith.
So starting with the National Cathedral in Washington DC, at least fifty
other churches [it was more than fifty if you do the research] in twenty-six
states joined in the effort to host readings from the Quran.

The effort is meant to counter what they refer to as ‘anti-Muslim bigotry

and negative stereotypes’ that have been growing in the US. By getting
prominent national and local churches to read from the Quran and teach
their congregations about Islam, the Alliance believes it will help make
Christians more knowledgeable and tolerant of Islam.

I know some of you probably said to yourselves a couple of years ago when I started The Last
Days series, “Oh, he is taking that too far. The Muslims and Islam, the practice of it and trying to
force it in this country will never happen. It definitely won’t happen in the church world.” Hmm,
how quickly they have advanced. And let me tell you right now, it is at light speed.

Tolerant of Islam... I do not care if it is Old or New Testament, tolerance is not allowed in the
true Christian faith.
“Well, we are a country that allows you to practice what you want to believe in.”
That is right. But, do you think that is right in God’s eyes?
And this is the best country that has ever existed, outside of Old Testament Israel in its beginning
days when they first marched into the Promised Land. And why wouldn’t it be, it is just an
extension of the tribes. But do you think God is pleased in it? Do you think Christ is up there
doing a jig saying, “Whoa! Look how great the United States of America is; they allow all this
diversity and do not prosecute nor persecute people for what they believe in.” Yes, but consider
this.The Lord gave us freewill, yet how many times have we read in the Old Testament that He
had to get on their case, or better yet, found themselves under persecution, oppression, in some
cases hiding and trying to run for their lives all because of the misuse of that will over and over
again, even before they entered the Promised Land, just outside of Egypt, days outside of Egypt
worshipping a molten calf (which was none other than Thoth, an Egyptian god for the moon)?
And if it wasn’t Thoth, there were other gods in Egypt also dedicated to the moon: Baal, baalim,
Ashtaroth along with the asherah groves. We have covered this in the moon god part of this
series. For the steady followers of this ministry, this is nothing new to you. Christianity is not to
be tolerant.
We are finding in this country a change of attitude. The day will come when this voice cannot
preach the way it is preaching any longer and will be shut down. That is why it is very important
to get everything in written format, and other ways besides a written format such as CD’s or
other technology, to keep getting it out there in case we are shut down. If you haven’t been
following, day by day, week by week, month by month, the US Government is paving the way to
control the internet. Right now they are trying to accomplish that through submitting bills to
Congress, and if those bills don’t get through Congress, the FCC will just pull anything they
want to pull to ‘protect the consumer’. Now, they have to control the internet to a certain degree
to protect the consumer from such things as international fraud, but this is how it all starts. I
guarantee you the next thing that will go is free speech, and not so much for the political end of
things, but for religion with Christianity as the target. Why? Because now Christianity sounds
like the “hateful” message. But the last time I checked, it wasn’t a bunch of Christians flying a
bunch of planes into buildings. The last time I check, it is not Christians going around the world
today, especially in Islamic countries, torturing and murdering Muslims. It is the other way
around, Muslims murdering and torturing Christians. Arab Spring? That was an Arab uprising
with a Beast behind it, supernatural evil beings controlling a governmental force, not a religion,
called Islam. Islam is not a religion.
“ teach and make Christians more knowledgeable and tolerant of Islam... ” I am sorry, it is
not going to happen in this ministry. I am not to tolerate it. I will show you Old and New
Testament, outside of the book of Revelation, you are not to tolerate it. By the same token, you
live by the laws of the land: you are not to go around like these Islamists do killing people
because they do not believe what you believe. We still have the practice of the freedom of
religion (so-to-speak) in this country, so we don’t go around taking people and beheading them
like they do. If they had their way, they’d start that here. We are not to be tolerant. By the same

token, every person that follows Islam, I want to put the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
in their ears.
I think it’s wonderful, stories that I read on occasion of people that were practicing Muslims in
the Islam ideology that saw the Light, let’s just call it that, and were saved by the Gospel of the
Good News of Jesus Christ. I don’t tolerate Islam, but I also recognize they are just sinners saved
by grace also if they see the Light as I have, as you have. We are all sinners, yet I know some
people who won’t even talk to someone who is a Muslim. Well, then you follow a different Jesus
than I do—but I do not need to tolerate what is an abomination, what is a beast created by the
false prophet.
Now here are some of the comments behind the pulpits by these preachers and pastors:
Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, President of Interfaith Alliance, said:
“The anti-Muslim rhetoric that has pervaded our national conversation
recently has shocked and saddened me. Appreciation for pluralism and
respect for religious freedom and other human rights are at the core of our
democracy. We believe that demonstrating our commitment to those core
American values will help counteract the intensified level of negative
stereotypes and anti-Muslim bigotry in our recent public discourse.”

From another individual:

“With Faith Shared, congregations will send a clear message to the world
that Americans respect religious differences and reject bigotry and the
demonization of Islam or any other religion.”

I can tell you right now, Islam is controlled by (not necessarily demons, they are just the spiritual
foot soldiers) high ranking angels that control earthly government powers or earthly government
ideologies. Islam is no different, my friend. They are controlled by spiritual evil, high spirits as
far as in rank and category according to Ephesians 6. They are pulling the strings and taking their
orders from their general, Satan, to accomplish what was written in Scripture long ago about who
the moon god representative would be, and what would happen in these last days.
“This message about the fundamental importance of religious freedom
around the world is especially timely as President Obama prepares to
reaffirm the United States’ support for democracy in the Middle East...”

There is no democracy in the Middle East. When is the foolish world going to recognize that.
Some have, but most have not. There is no democracy, not even shades of it, in the Middle East.
“Dean Sam Lloyd of National Cathedral said, ‘Few things are more
important for the future of our world than to respect, to honor, and to
commit ourselves to the well-being of every person...’”

Yes I agree, especially their spiritual souls, which can only be regenerated by none other than
Jesus Christ Himself. Everything else falls short, in fact everything else is evil because it leads
you astray in Satan’s control of you.
“ embrace a sense of humility before the vast mystery of God. [blah blah
blah] As Americans and as people of faith, we must use our great traditions
to come together for mutual enrichment and understanding.”

I will restrain myself, but I cannot even imagine how these people qualify to go behind a pulpit
or represent Christianity in any fashion. I just cannot see how this has happened. Oh! That is
right, educational systems want to promote their schools of thought and theology, to make a buck
or two, to produce so-called Christian preachers or pastors. And because they think they get
ordained by that system, they are a man of God. That is not how it happened in the New
Testament church, my friend.
The article continues:
“Islam has no tolerance for other religions and if you think it does and
want to argue the point, look at the Islamic nations in the Middle East such
as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq. They not only preach
intolerance for other religions, especially Judaism and Christianity, but
they preach the eradication of them. These Muslim nations have laws
against the religious practices of other religions. In Egypt, the state police
have been harassing Christians and arresting them and beating them.

Yep, that’s tolerance, isn’t it?

Jesus never taught tolerance for other religions, but he also didn’t teach his
followers to use violence against them.”

I totally agree with that. I cannot argue with this author on this. He didn’t teach violence against
it. If He did, His apostles were poor students. I am not saying you should not defend yourself if
someone from the Islamic ideology comes at you and wants to do you harm, but as a general
principle, Jesus did not teach that if someone does not agree with what you believe concerning
Him, that somehow violence is justified. But by the same token, He did not tolerate it either.
Like I said, He came against the religious hypocrites of His day, and in some cases He was very
“Well, didn’t you just teach about Jesus making a small whip and chasing the money changers
out of the Temple area?”
That is right, but keep it in context. The small whip was for the animals. That was the
commodity being sold. That is how the money changers were making the money. Once the
animals left, guess what, the money changers wouldn’t be far behind, and possibly because they
were frightened by what Jesus was doing—good, nothing like holy fear—but probably more
likely than not, they were chasing their commodity, their source of income as Jesus was
whipping those animals and getting them out of the Temple area. And, I am sure those animals
moved, they made haste.

“I don’t know about you, but if my pastor had read from the Quran this
past Sunday, I would have gotten up in the middle of the service and left. I
would also have serious doubts about returning to worship the God of the
Bible and Jesus Christ at a church that reads from the Quran and teaches
respect for a false religion.”

First of all, the Koran declares that Jesus is not the Son of God. So how can you even, as a
pastor, justify in your mind returning for any reason at all. It is better for the world to be
constantly at battle with each other, including the religious world, than even to begin to consider
the very fact of what you are saying here: that you could be equal partners in agreement, that we
should all get along with supposedly a religion that is not a religion that declares that Jesus
Christ is not the Son of God, because God didn’t have any children. How can you justify it? It is
sick. Christianity is surely dying to appease man.
Here is a simple illustration I’ve used over and over in the Giving Series:

The circle represents the earth, the here and now, our time span on this planet. Most people just
live for this. The line means there is no ending.
I have people that contact me daily to let me know that the pressures of life are closing in on
them and they do not know how they are going to deal with it. Using this simple illustration, the
pressures of life are a thing of this planet, earth, of the here and now, and how you relate to them.
This is the environment you are in now in this body. The reason why it seems like the pressures
are closing in on you is because you have lost focus on The Line, what is everlasting, what is
forever more. Your eyes and focus are on the here and now. I can guarantee you, when you are
about to have a nervous breakdown, when you are about ready to lose control in your own mind
because the pressures seem to be so great it is because the here and now are all you are focusing
in on. You have taken your eyes off what is still yet to come, the everlasting.
In a sense, that is what the church has done. The pastors behind these pulpits, the leadership of
the church world wants to appease everyone in the church world, or outside the church world, so
we can better get along in the here and now.
I am telling you right now, everyone wants to make a better tomorrow. Everyone wants to
improve how human beings get along with each other for whatever time we have remaining in
the here and now. News bulletin: It Is Never Going To Happen. If it did, Scripture is a lie. I am
telling you it is going to get worse. Those of us who are in Christ, who have our eyes and our
focus on the everlasting—even though it becomes bad in the here and now—we know it is just
temporary because this is just a dot in the universe of eternity, and better things are to come; in
fact, so much better, we cannot even imagine it. But the church world is too busy making sure
everyone gets along, that we are improving as people, as a society of people intermingling with
other faiths, races, and beliefs. Now I am not saying you just go around and dislike everyone, not
at all. In fact, you have to mingle with people to introduce to them the everlasting; otherwise,

you are just living unto yourself, and it demonstrates that you only give a darn about yourself.
That is not the life of a disciple, I’m sorry, it just isn’t. If you have been led to believe that,
you’ve been led wrong.
The Church has lost its way. It truly has lost its first love. And in fact, so we can get along better
in the here and now, we will adopt into our church world under the guise of tolerance an
ideology that denies that Jesus is a divine God, the Son of God, and not just another man,
because ‘this is what Jesus would do’. No He would not have! The Church has lost its way.
“I would also have serious doubts about returning to worship the God of
the Bible and Jesus Christ at a church that reads from the Quran and
teaches respect for a false religion.”

Now, I do not suggest you do what I am about to read to you because I can show you Scriptures
in context that explain that you are wrong for doing so. If you cannot follow the message of that
pastor in that church and what he preaches, then get out. He goes on to say:
“In view of these passages of Scripture, I would ask my pastor to explain
why he would dare use the pulpit on the Lord’s Day to teach or promote the
religion of a false prophet. My further attendance at his church would
depend upon his answers to these questions.”

Your further attendance in the church is already written in stone. He brought an abomination
inside your church that denies Jesus is the Son of God. No further questions need to be asked and
neither should you ask them. Leave.
Now let’s go to II Corinthians 6:14. If you have been a Christian for a while, you have heard this
scripture over and over and you justify your mingling with others, or you have been told you
shouldn’t mingle with others, because of this verse. Self-righteous Christians take this out of
context to serve their purpose. Shame on you. “Well, I didn’t know.” Well, now you know. So
don’t bring any more shame upon yourself and God’s Word.
II Corinthians 6:14, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers...” And that is where
they stop, with unbelievers. “Ah ha! That drug addict over there; I want nothing to do with that
person.” “That is an alcoholic over there.” “That is a thief.” “That is a murderer. I want nothing
to do with that person.” “That is someone that does not believe in Jesus Christ. I want nothing to
do with that person. And, I can justify it because that is what Scripture says, ‘Be ye not
unequally yoked together with unbelievers.’”
If you stopped there, I would have no argument with you. The problem is, you shouldn’t have
stopped there because it continues, “...for what fellowship hath righteousness [someone who is
right with God, with the Holy Spirit in their being, which was promised by the Father through
Jesus Christ, the Son of God] with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with
So we have to figure out what is unrighteous, what is righteous, and what Paul is referring to
here as he is addressing the Corinthian Church, right? What is he talking about in communion
with light and darkness? What is light and what is darkness? Well, we know what the light is, but
let’s look at what the darkness is and what Paul is referring to, and why we should not be, as
Scripture says, unequally yoked together.

Verse 15, “And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth
with an infidel?” Ah ha, ‘with an infidel’... it must be talking about infidels now. Of course,
once again, they take it out of context. Do you know what infidel means there? An infidel was an
unbeliever that was not to be trusted. Now Paul goes on to define what type of unbeliever that is
in the very next verse that is not to be trusted. But if you want to use the full context of these
words that are used here, write down the whole definition: an unbeliever not to be trusted
because this unbeliever is one who disbelieves the Gospel of Christ.
“Okay, but you just said though that it is a wrong attitude to disassociate with unbelievers, an
unbeliever means they do not believe in Jesus Christ..” Yes, and I said, Well then how else can
you get the message to them? Think about it; How else? Will it magically be imputed into their
brain somehow out of nowhere? “Well, that’s the Spirit’s work.” Oh, that is just a copout. Let’s
keep this in context. Paul is giving a preliminary definition of infidel—someone who is in
darkness, in unrighteousness, someone who is an unbeliever who is not to be trusted because he
has no belief in the Gospel of Christ. He is one who disbelieves the Gospel of Christ and that
person should not be trusted—and goes on to define it and says, “And what agreement hath the
temple of God”—that temple being you and me because the Spirit of God is in us—“with
The Corinthian church, Greece, Rome, they were full of idols and it slipped into the church also.
That is nothing new. That has happened throughout the existence of the Church in the last 2000
years. It started back in Paul’s day.
“And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living
God: as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and
they shall be my people.”
Now where is Paul pulling that from?
Go to Leviticus 26:1, “Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image [this is Old Testament,
right out of Egypt], neither rear you up a standing image [pillar], neither shall ye set up any
image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God. Ye shall keep
my sabbaths,” and it goes on, “If ye walk in my statues, and keep my commandments, and do
them,” and then He promises them certain promises, and then we get to verse 11, “and I will set
my tabernacle [and the tabernacle back then was an outdoor building that would travel with
them in the wilderness and then they would eventually, in Solomon’s time, build the temple]
among you: and my soul shall not abhor you. And I will walk among you, and will be your
God, and ye shall be my people.”
Back to verse 16, what does it say, “And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?
For ye are the temple of the living God; and God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in
them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
He is not only pulling this from Leviticus, but other areas of the first five books including
references to it in Jeremiah and Ezekiel. He is pulling from the Old Testament, “And I will walk
among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people.” (Lev. 26:12). II Corinthians
6:17, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate...” What is Paul telling them
to separate themselves from? Back to verse 14, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with
Then he goes on to describe who those unbelievers were. It was not just any John Doe down the
street. It was unbelievers that could not be trusted, ones who disbelieved the Gospel of Christ and

worshipped false idols. What kind of false idols? What kind of worshipping was going on in
those days in the Corinthian church? They brought her in constantly, the moon goddess Diana,
Artemis, not to mention some others. Paul is fighting the moon god even back then. It was not
defined as Islam in the final beast and the Koran as it is now, but that representation of that was
still false idols and false religions developed from this moon goddess that went all the way back
to Cush and Nimrod.
Let me just read to you something really quick.
In the Greek and Roman traditions, Diana/Artemis is sometimes identified
with a goddess Selene (moon god) and Hecate the moon goddess. She is
also considered a god of nature [that is what she became, that is why she
was also called the god of hunting], and then eventually the god of child

In fact, they still pray this prayer to Diana today. I won’t tell you the whole thing as it makes me
sick. I think it is an abomination, but I will read you part of it. And you have to set up the
atmosphere to pray to this Diana, this moon goddess. You may either set up an altar to Diana or
go into the woods or some private location that you can be in the outside environment at night
under a crescent moon. And this happened back in Paul’s’ day too; and it is still being practiced
today in some cults, not necessarily in Islam, but Islam being the champion of the moon god
worship now. Then they say the following prayer, and as I said, I won’t read it all because it
makes me sick to my stomach:
"Hail and adoration unto you, O Great Diana [or o great moon god; let’s
say what it really means]. Hail Goddess of the Moon and of the night. You
who have been since before the beginning [that sure is taking the place of
God, isn’t it], You who caused all things to appear [taking the place of
Jesus Christ], Giver and sustainer of life, adoration unto you. Hail and
adoration unto you, O source of all enlightenment.”

The moon goddess Diana was constantly infiltrating the Corinthian church world (and others)
and the Corinthians were known for it. Like the children of Israel, they would slip back into old
practices, or allow these practices to once again be introduced by newcomers in the churches.
And what Paul is saying in context (and not taken out of context as you hear so often) is, “Be ye
not unequally yoked together with unbelievers;” then he describes who the unbelievers are:
ones who disbelieve the Gospel of Christ and worship false idols and false gods. In Paul’s day, it
was the moon god.
I had someone tell me today that there is no moon god mentioned in the New Testament. Only if
you are blind to see; only if you have been educated by the system.
“Don’t you need an education to be a preacher or pastor?”
Who says? I am not against one if it is done correctly, but who says? And that will be in the next
Giving message and we will look at Acts 4. Sorry but that was not a criteria in the New
Testament church.
“And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols [these moon gods]? For ye are the
temple of the living God.” Why are you allowing the introduction of this? Why are you being

unevenly yoked? Why are you sharing the pulpit with these false religions and false idols? It
leads, whether you understand it or not, to false worship. “ God hath said, I will dwell in
them, and walk in them; and I will be their God [He doesn’t want any substitute], and they
shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them;” Do not be unevenly yoked
together with them.
Like I said, this is not talking about some John Doe that the world would call a sinner. Give them
the message of Jesus Christ, that Jesus saves them; but these ones who cannot be trusted because
these unbelievers deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ, do not allow them to come into the church
Paul is writing to the church. The same Paul would preach to those unbelievers. He would not
consider them an equal to Jesus Christ and what they believe. He would come against them. He
died for it. He would never make Islam an equal behind any pulpit today. That is a flat-out
abomination. And if you are a pastor or a preacher that has lined up with this kind of nonsense,
Woe to the undershepherd, if you even call yourself that. You are an abomination and the Lord
will deal with you in His right time.
“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord”—‘saith the Lord’
because he is still using the Old Testament, “and touch not the unclean thing”
Unclean is a bad translation; Don’t touch the idols or don’t be associated with idol worship. That
is what Paul is saying there. “And then I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye
shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”
I am not saying this, God’s Word is declaring it. I am just the messenger. Hopefully when you
share these passages with others, you don’t come under the self-righteous know-it-all attitude of
who you can and cannot associate with as individuals. This is a warning to the Church, what the
Church should come against, stand up to, and not be unevenly yoked together with.
Come out from among them. It is not too late for some of you pastors and preachers, even
evangelists that had the notion, “Eh, what is this going to hurt. It’s not a bad idea that everybody
get along.” I am sorry, we still preach the message of the Gospel of the Good News of Jesus
Christ to everyone – to everyone – but the Church is not to be shared because it is God’s
possession and Christ is the Groom. We are His bride—the ones that understand that He is the
true Son of God and He came, He died, He rose, and He is coming back again—and His bride is
not to be shared with any other belief system. We are to trust and faithe in Him, and it is only
through Him that we have access to the Father. There is no allah or any other god except God the
Father and His Son Jesus Christ. He wants us as sons and daughters. He wants to be our Father
and He declared it because He saith the Lord Almighty, as concluded with verse 18. It is coming
from His lips; Paul is just a messenger.
Keep Scripture in context. Maybe when you first heard it you could not see the relationship with
the Spiritual Warfare teaching in the early days when I preached a message about twisting
Scripture, and how it is a method that Satan has used quite effectively in the church world. Well,
there is a proper place to put Scripture in context. And what has happened in the last week or so
across this country in churches needs to be corrected, and repentance needs to be offered to God
the Father and Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son, and start all over again, or God help you. God
is a jealous God and He will not have any other gods before Him. Period. Try to justify it all you
want, the only way you can is by the twisting of Scripture.

This is nothing new, this article I read to you about what happened in the churches across
America is nothing new. It has been going on for thousands of years. Paul dealt with it in the
Corinthian church, and he gave us the instruction as a church of what to do and how to come
against it.
I hope you got the message and understand what I have told you.

To be continued...

The Last Days Study Guide

Come Out From Among Them

1. Define infidel.

2. What has II Cor. 6:14 been mistaught to mean?

3. What should you do if the pastor of a church is unequally yoked?

4. What is the unclean thing?

5. What is the cause of the pressures of life seemingly closing in on us?

6. Why did Jesus make a whip?

7. Who is the Church in relation to Jesus Christ?


Root of The Conflict

Though our starting point in this teaching will be an article, open your bible to Genesis.
In the 11th hour and the 59th minute of his miserable term in the White
House, Barack Hussein Obama struck his knife deep into the heart of the
embattled Jewish state.

With the appalling anti-Israel passage of U.N. Security Council Resolution

2334, engineered by President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry, the
blame for the Israel-Palestinian conflict was falsely imparted upon the easy
target: Israel and the so-called "settlements."

There were no "settlements" before the 1967 Six-Day War, when the
Jewish state survived yet another Arab war of genocide and freed the
embattled nation from the existing 1947 nine- to 15-mile-wide armistice
lines, which Israel's then minister of foreign affairs, Abba Eban, called the
Auschwitz lines.

It is not from 1967 that the conflict with the Arab and Muslim world or the
so-called Palestinians began. To fully understand its origins, we must go
back to the early years of the 20th century.

Well to fully understand it, we have to go back thousands of years. I understand where this
person is going but, we have to go back thousands of years.
In 1920, Great Britain was given the responsibility by the League of
Nations to oversee the Palestine Mandate with the express intention of
reconstituting within its territory a Jewish national home. The League of
Nations created a number of articles in line with the original intent of the
Balfour Declaration of November 29, 1917. At the last minute, however, a
new article was introduced by the British Colonial Office: article 25.

It became apparent that its inclusion directly enabled Great Britain in

1921-22 to tear away all the vast territory east of the River Jordan and give
it to the Arab Hashemites. The territory to become Trans-Jordan, led by
the emir Abdullah.

Yes, that is what it did and a huge problem was created. Britain needs to take the credit. They
screwed up. But many of you that have listened to The Last Days series know all about Britain
and their part in the book of Revelation, their involvement with boots on the ground more than
just once.
British officials claimed that the gift of Mandatory Palestine east of the
Jordan River was in gratitude to the Hashemites for their contribution in

helping defeat the Turks. However, T.S. Lawrence described in derisory

terms the Hashemite role as "a side show of a side show."

Ironically, Britain was aided far more by the Jewish Nili underground
movement in defeating the Ottoman Turkish Empire, which had ruled
geographical Palestine for 400 years.

This was the first partition of Palestine, the first two-state solution, and
created the new Arab entity nearly 97 years ago called Trans-Jordan,
covering some 35,000 square miles, or nearly four fifths of the erstwhile
Palestine Mandate. Immediately, Jewish residence in this new Arab
territory was forbidden, and it is thus historically correct to state
that Jordan is Palestine.

In 1923, the British and French colonial powers also divided up the
northern part of the Palestine Mandate. Britain stripped away the Golan
Heights (with its ancient biblical Jewish roots [not just Jewish, incidentally])
and gave it to French-occupied Syria.

What do I mean by “not just Jewish”? I mean there are more Israeli roots there than Jewish, but
there are Jewish roots too. There is a difference between the tribes of the north before they were
taken into bondage, and, the tribes of the south before they were taken into bondage. Those were
two different events. The ten tribes in the north were carried off into bondage to Assyria. The
tribes of the south became known as the tribe of Judah and were carried off by the Babylonian
empire. Judah came back. The area this article is discussing is the Golan Heights and was
occupied by the tribes of the north, the children of Israel, the sons of Jacob. Were they all sons?
Yes, they were. But after Solomon’s era, they were split. If you want to know the differences, go
back to the previous teachings.
The Balfour Declaration issued by Lord Balfour, British foreign secretary,
never envisaged that the Jordan River would be the eastern boundary of the
reconstituted Jewish homeland.

As early as September 19, 1919, the London Times newspaper had

thundered in an editorial: "The Jordan will not do as the eastern frontier
of Palestine[.] ... Palestine must have a good military frontier east of the
River Jordan[.] ... Our duty as Mandatory is to make Jewish Palestine not
a struggling state but one that is capable of vigorous and independent

During its administration of the remaining Palestine Mandate up until

1947, Britain severely restricted Jewish immigration and purchases of land
while turning a blind eye to massive illegal Arab immigration into the
territory from neighboring stagnant Arab territories.

Britain's sorry record of appeasement of the Arabs, at the expense of

Jewish destiny in the remaining tiny territory, culminated in the infamous

1939 White Paper, which limited Jewish immigration to just 75,000 souls
for the next five years. This draconian policy, coming as it did on the eve
of the outbreak of World War 2, was a deathblow to millions of Jews
attempting to flee extermination by Nazi Germany.

Britain's mismanagement of the Mandate finally led to the United Nations'

Partition Plan of 1947.

What this article skips is the USA’s involvement; without it, this would have never happened.
The Jewish Agency reluctantly accepted this additional dismemberment of
what was left to them of the promised Jewish national home in Mandatory

They did this to provide a refuge for the surviving Jewish remnants of the
Holocaust and for the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees being
driven out of their homes throughout the Arab world. In contrast, the Arab
regimes rejected the Partition Plan. Then, as now, they worked against the
existence of an independent Jewish state.

Israel was officially reborn as a sovereign nation in 1948, and its 600,000
Jews fought to survive the massive Arab onslaught, which was intended to
wipe out the Jewish state.

In 1948, Trans-Jordan, now renamed the Kingdom of Jordan, joined the

other Arab nations in invading the Jewish state, driving out the Jewish
inhabitants from east Jerusalem and the Old City, annexing the biblical
and ancestral Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria and renaming it the
West Bank. Only Britain and Pakistan recognized the illegal annexation.

Nineteen years later, the Arab states declared again their imminent
intention to destroy Israel. In the June 1967 Six-Day War, Israel liberated
Jewish and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria from
Jordan in a defensive war.

Israel foolishly offered to give away newly liberated Judea and Samaria to
the Hashemite regime in Jordan in a hoped for full and lasting peace. But
the Arab League, meeting in Khartoum in August 1967, delivered the
infamous three nos: no peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel, no
recognition of Israel.

It is within the narrow 40-mile-wide territory remaining for the Jewish

state, if one includes Judea and Samaria, that the world now demands the
establishment of a fraudulent Arab state to be called Palestine – a state that
has never existed before in all of recorded history.

Here then is the next so-called two-state solution, which dismembers what
is left of Israel and drives hundreds of thousands of Jewish residents from
their homes, villages, and farms – what a hostile world pejoratively calls
"settlements." Why? Because just as in Jordan, Jews will not be permitted
to live within Muslim Arab territory, while Arabs can remain free to live
within Israel.

The searing tragedy is that the next two-state solution may presage for the
Jewish people yet another Final Solution – the German Nazi regime's
euphemism for the Holocaust.

The fact is that this is not a dispute over borders. This is a religious war,
and the Arabs, so long as the overwhelming majority remain Muslim, will
never accept the existence of a non-Muslim state in territory previously
conquered by them in the name of Allah.

Nearly ninety-seven years ago, the original two-state solution was enacted
in infamy. Certainly, the outgoing Obama administration and present State
Department, consumed as they are by their anti-Israel animus, could not
care less about such historical correctness.

Now, why did I read this? Because the article does not somehow bring to our attention that this
has not been only a hundred year problem. It only gives us a brief summary of what has
happened in that tiny little strip of land in the last hundred years—which is hotly contested by
the surrounding Arab nations and has the world nations so twisted up over “displaced Arabs” and
that little strip of land. If you want to think they are displaced, they’re not. They won’t be
accepted and brought into the other nations in their proximity i.e., Jordan, Syria (though not now,
obviously), Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon. This is not a new problem. This goes back more
than 2000 or even 3000 years.
It dawned on me that I preached several messages on this topic earlier in this series and where
the root of the conflict began with Israelis and Jews (and there is a difference), Hatred of Old just
to name one. It covered Esau’s descendants, the Edomites. I preached another message on the
Amalekites. I think it’s called Amalek. I took us as far back as Esau in those messages but I want
to take us back even further to show you that this is nothing new. Everybody has been blaming it
on Esau and Ishmael, for instance, and all the offspring from that point on. Yes, they are a part of
the problem, and the hatred is real, but they weren’t the original source of the problem. They just
weren’t. It doesn’t make what they are doing now justifiable and right. It’s evil. They are part of
the final eighth beast that is controlled by Islamic view points, Satan’s last gasp to do his
dastardly deeds before God puts him in his final place.
This problem started with Abraham. You may ask, “Well, how can you criticize Abraham?” I
don’t. I’m just telling you where the problem started. I will present the facts from Scripture. “But
Abraham is considered the father of faith.” I am not saying he’s not. Obviously, he got his act
together. If you can’t see that in the Scripture and how a man that failed so miserably became
such a hero of faith, you’re not reading all the scriptures or you are just too blind to see. From
failure to a man of faith, where he is willing to offer his only begotten son of promise, not his

only son, his only begotten son of promise, God’s promise, and that was Isaac. He was willing to
slaughter him. But the promise (he received by looking up) was a savior would come through
Isaac’s loins. [Gen. 15:5] It is important to go through the whole series chronologically piece by
piece, chapter by chapter to gather all the information I laid down. With that, go to Genesis 12.
Satan is a real enemy, my friend. He is a real being. He knows his future is sealed. But before
that moment, he will not give up any territory. He will not go away without a fight. We see that
in the life of Abraham as Satan tried to destroy this man before he went through what he went
through, and, was the cause of the problem that we are facing today. And moreover, there are
consequences to actions, but that doesn’t mean you cannot turn your life around and be a hero of
faith. The consequences are still there but in some cases God will allow them to play out and in
others he won’t. He redirects everything. It’s His call.
In dealing with the Arab conflict ongoing today, we have to look at the Scripture to see two key
individuals found in Genesis 12: the one of promise; and the one by the works of man.
Obviously, we are speaking of Isaac and Ishmael. Then eventually, in our present day situation, a
people and nation who came from Ishmael and Esau that are causing the problems we are having
Genesis 12:1-11, “Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from
thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of
thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a
blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee
shall all families,” in the Hebrew it means all extended families, “of the earth be blessed. So
Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was
seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran [after his father died]. And Abram
took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered,
and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of
Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came. And Abram passed through the land unto
the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land. And
the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there
builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him. And he removed from thence
unto a mountain on the east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and
Hai on the east: and there he builded an altar unto the LORD, and called upon the name of
the LORD. And Abram journeyed, going on still toward the south. And there was a famine in
the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in
the land. And it came to pass, when he was come near to enter into Egypt, that he said unto
Sarai his wife, Behold now, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon.”
Obviously, she was a good looking woman. She was pretty. She was beautiful. Abraham knew it,
and, he was going into a strange land, a land he wasn’t familiar with. He didn’t know what to
expect. So instead of trusting God in this journey he was taking because of this famine in the
land, he decided to scheme, come up with his own plan. Notice that we don’t find anywhere here
that he has sought the Lord for His guidance. There is nowhere in my bible that states this. He
came up with his own plan. As he got closer to the borders of Egypt, he was going to use his
wife as part of his plan.

Verse 12, “Therefore it shall come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee, that they shall
say, This is his wife: and they will kill me, but they will save thee alive.”
You have to ask yourself, were there no people in the land of Canaan that saw his wife? If she
was that beautiful where men would kill to be close with her, in those days, to possess her, to
make her their wife, you would think that would also be a concern when he was in the land of
Canaan. Forget Canaan. How about in Haran? Incidentally, that is where present day northern
Syria is today; an area that was nothing more than an extension if the moon god worshipping
cities. That is where he camped for a while until his father died. Now take it back even further:
how about Ur? Were the Egyptians that different that they would just kill you to get her if they
liked her? Think about it. What possessed this man to come up with this scheme? Was he
concerned because he had this kind of problem before? It is not like he was going alone into
Egypt with his wife. It makes you wonder doesn’t it. What should have happened is he should
have sought the Lord instead of scheming and being a conduit for Satan to do his number in the
mindset of this man. Do you know how to shut out Satan’s voice when you are not sure what to
do next, when you are not sure what direction to take in your life, when you are not sure what
decision to make? Do you know how to shut Satan off and shut him out? Seek God. Dive into
His Word. Pray and supplicate for others and your situation. Get closer, not further away from
God—which coming up with your own schemes and plans usually does that.
Verse 13, “Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my
soul shall live because of thee.”
We don’t see any resistance from Sarai either, at this point.
Verse 14, “And it came to pass, that, when Abram was come into Egypt, the Egyptians beheld
the woman that she was very fair. The princes also of Pharaoh saw her...” Abraham sure got
around as soon as he got into Egypt, didn’t he? “...saw her, and commended [lit. boasted about]
her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.” And because they
thought it was Abram’s sister—he wasn’t called Abraham yet—they didn’t have any problem
with that. And why should they? So they gave the brides price to Abram, which was customary
in those days. “And he entreated Abram well for her sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he
asses, and menservants, and maidservants, and she asses, and camels.” Pharaoh gave Abram
the bride’s price because his intention was to marry her. And Abram, in return, received all these
things. Circle that word maidservants.
He received these things based on a lie. He received these things based on being deceitful to
Pharaoh and his administration. He received these things not because God blessed him with
them, but because he took matters into his own hands without seeking the Lord’s advice or
counsel and came up with his own plan to save his miserable skin at that point. Do you see how
low this man went? You should track through Genesis the journey he made to get to being one
heck of a hero of faith. Don’t tell me God can’t do anything with you. Don’t tell me there is no
hope for you. Seek Jesus Christ. There is therefore now no condemnation that can be brought
upon you from anyone because He has removed that condemnation, which you would have been
guilty of if it wasn’t for his precious blood and removal of sin. There is hope for everyone. Run
to Jesus for that hope.

But here is the problem: maidservants. This is the origin because Abram would eventually hook
up with a maidservant called Hagar. That created another set of problems, but this is the
beginning. This is the root of the problem. Lies and deceitfulness and seeking your own way
instead of God’s way, no matter what you’re involved in, will always be a problem. The
consequences will seek you out. Even when we become saved by grace with our sins removed,
and we ask for a pardon for those transgressions because the realization occurs of what we’ve
done (unto thee O God, I’ve sinned,) that doesn’t mean the consequences are wiped out. They
can be, but it’s up to God. By my experience though, most of the time it is not and you will be
reminded of what was done in the past. But thank God we have hope in the present and the future
once our eyes and focus are back on Jesus. He will get us through those consequences. That was
just a sidebar message. The message I want to relay to you is that this was the root.
As I take us back to the Edomites and the Amalekites and Esau, I want you to keep in mind that
those are just individuals that stem from the root of this conflict that began when Abram lacked
faith in God. It was then, because of Abram’s lack of faithfulness, that Satan was able to weave
his plan and bring it to fruition. This is where it began. Moon god worship didn’t begin with
Abram. Obviously, he took his family and fled from Ur, I believe, and unfortunately landed in
another area that was full of moon god worshipping people and practices. Then he moved on.
Though it doesn’t say it here in the Scripture, I believe from other sources, this was a trained
man who spent a considerable amount of time with Noah and Shem. Some of you are so worried
about what is going to happen with your kids: “We brought them up in the Word, but they took a
different path.” Well, there is hope for you today, and, you should never give up hope. Most
likely what your kids are going to do is nothing like what Abram did. Somehow Abram found his
way back into the path and life of faith, ultimately to become a hero of faith. In the meantime,
all you have to do is keep praying and supplicating to God to bring them back to the walk of
faith. Leave it in His hands. He has a way of hounding people. And thank God He is not like us
who give up too easily. It’s really no different than Adam and Eve and the story behind that.
Their journey began when they fell away from God in believing a lie.
But for this message, this is where the root of the conflict began: lies, deceitfulness, scheming,
coming up with a better plan than possibly what God would have done. Maidservants and all the
other things obtained by being deceitful, lying to Pharaoh, and covering their own bleep made
both of them participants in it, not just Abram; but, he could have been the game changer if he
relied and trusted in God. That is why I think it is important. Yes, I could have left it alone and
moved on, just had you start in this series where I mentioned those messages of the past
concerning the relationship between Jacob and Esau and the divisions that created, that continue
this conflict, but I think it is important to look all the way back to Abraham, then move on to
Isaac and Ishmael.
So, Pharaoh finally got wind of it and they left, and they left wealthy with manservants and
maidservants. One of those maidservants was Hagar. Then because he and Sarai were up in age
and still didn’t have any children, decided to take matters into their own hands again.
In Genesis 15:1, it reads, “After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a
vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. And Abram
said, Lord GOD, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is
this Eliezer of Damascus? And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo,
one born in my house is mine heir. And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him,

saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall
be thine heir.”
That was the covenant that God made with Abram. However, Abram’s justification was, Well,
God says an heir would come forth out of my own bowels and shall be my heir. Imagine if you
were Abram. Would you think: “Okay, it has to come from me, but God never mentions Sarah,
and, I have maidservants. Could he have possibly meant that I would join up with one of these
maidservants and produce a son...and keep trying until one comes?” One can almost see the
justification going on in his mind. That is why I think it wasn’t a hard sell. When we get to
Genesis 16 it reads,
Verse 1, “Now Sarai Abram's wife bare him no children: and she had an handmaid, an
Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.” She was given to Abram while they were down in Egypt.
“And Sarai said unto Abram, Behold now, the LORD hath restrained me from bearing.”
The Hebrew makes it very clear what her reasoning was for the situation and knowing she is
getting up in years: The Lord has held back. This is the Lord’s doing. Never once do we see her
in this story from chapters 15 & 16 say, “Lord! Help me.” I am sure Abram shared that promised
covenant with Sarai. There is no place here in God’s Word that says she went to God in prayer
and supplication pleading for a child, an heir as was promised. What makes me so sure about that
is we don’t have to read very much further to find that when Hagar was being oppressed she
received a message from God. Think about it: Why was God silent to Sarai and not Hagar? We
will never know the answer for sure. The only thing we do know is Sarai never seeks God’s
guidance and response about what He already promised. These are people that just took matters
into their own hands and came up with all kinds of solutions to a problem. Then afterward—and
we see people like this everywhere—they try to get God’s approval; and they will twist things
and word things so as to seem totally justifiable, at least to them and maybe others.
Verse 2, “And Sarai said unto Abram, Behold now, the LORD hath restrained me from
bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her [or, be
built by her].”
She came up with a plan: take my maid and go produce children. That seems reasonable, doesn’t
it? It was not uncommon in those days. What did Abraham do? He had a chance, an opportunity
to stand up and say no, I don’t believe this is what God wants. Let me seek Him again and see
what He desires for us to do. Think about it, not once between what Sarai’s plan was and Abram
going into Hagar do we see him seeking God’s counsel. But we do read,
“And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai.”
The Hebrew makes it very clear what that means: he heard her and obeyed. There are a couple
of things in this verse. First, Sarai has decided that God has held back on her. Forget what He
said before. Somehow He’s changed His mind and held back. He’s refrained from giving me
what was promised.
Doesn’t that sound familiar? We find the same situation with Eve in Genesis 3:1.

“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.
And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the
Satan was raising doubt in Eve’s mind.
Verse 2, “And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the
garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall
not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye
shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be
opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”
What happened next? She partook of the fruit and then she convinced Adam to do it. The stories
have similarities if you think about it. Adam heard and obeyed Eve. Eve came to the conclusion
that Hey, God is holding back on us just like Sarai came to the conclusion when the proper
translation in verse two is understood. That is what happens when we start doubting God and His
Word. We start rationalizing and coming up with reasons why God is not keeping His Word. I
have met Christians along my journey that just... “Well, God promised this; and God promised
that and I keep throwing at Him these promises but He doesn’t deliver. He has held back on me.”
Anyway, the stories are very similar; what goes around comes around. Satan is still using the
same old tricks. Demons are still influencing people using the same old strategy: put doubt and
start questioning God on how He is delivering in your life.
So, Abram heard and obeyed (just like Adam) the voice of Sarai. “And Sarai Abram's wife took
Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and
gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife.”
“Well, Sarai had a good point though, didn’t she? After ten years, Abram showed restraint.” It
sounds like he knew better. It sounds to me like he knew the promise was between him and his
wife, Sarai. Yes, I know I just preached it: it had to come from his bowels but never mentioned
Sarai. I think he knew better, but I also think he didn’t put up much of a resistance to Sarai’s
request. I think he raced to Hagar – justifying it by saying, “I am doing your will. Look Lord,
just as you promised I am going to have a child. But not with Sarai. She is too old to have
children. So you must have given me this maidservant for a reason.” No, you have her because of
a lie. God didn’t give her to you. Pharaoh did because he believed Sarai wasn’t his wife but sister
according to Abram’s lie.
Verse 4, “And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived: and when she saw that she had
conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes.”
Circle despised. Something convicted Sarai on the deed that she just did. Her eyes were opened
to the sin she just committed, faithlessness. Forget about the sexual transaction that just
happened. Her greater sin was the faithlessness. She had a covenant that God made with her
husband. Both parties are to blame, Abram and Sarai. Both are without excuse. Both of them
were faithless. They both created the problem that still exists today. Despised in the Hebrew
simply means lights turned on – just like Adam and Eve because of their rebellion and sin
against God. Their eyes opened up alright, but not as they expected. The same thing kind of
happened here to Sarai.

Verse 5, “And Sarai said unto Abram, My wrong be upon thee: I have given my maid into thy
bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes: the LORD judge
between me and thee. But Abram said unto Sarai, Behold, thy maid is in thy hand; do to her
as it pleaseth thee. And when Sarai dealt hardly with [or afflicted] her, she fled from her face.”
Even with Sarai’s eyes wide open now and the lights turned on of the wrong that she did. She
added to the problem by afflicting this woman who probably didn’t have any choice in the
matter, and Hagar fled.
Verse 7, “And the angel of the LORD found her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by
the fountain in the way to Shur. And he said, Hagar, Sarai's maid, whence camest thou? and
whither wilt thou go? And she said, I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai. And the angel of
the LORD said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and submit [Heb. abase or humble] thyself
under her hands. And the angel of the LORD said unto her, I will multiply thy seed
exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude. And the angel of the LORD said unto
her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael;
because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be
against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of
all his brethren. And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God seest
me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me? Wherefore the well was
called Beerlahairoi; behold, it is between Kadesh and Bered. And Hagar bare Abram a son:
and Abram called his son's name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael. And Abram was fourscore and
six years old, when Hagar bare Ishmael to Abram.”
That is how we got Ishmael. Wrong turns kept compounding upon each other over and over. It
started with going down to Egypt, then lying; obtaining maidservants, one of them being Hagar;
then they left and ten years goes by without any children even though God had already promised
that there would be; taking matters into their own hands again producing Ishmael. I am sure it
seemed logical to them in how this promise would be carried out. So many things went wrong
during that period of time. (There is speculation on how much time there was between their
going down to Egypt and the conception of Ishmael. The length of time from when God
promised Abram he would have a child was somewhere between ten and fifteen years.)
What came out of all this? Nothing but problems. There are consequences to their actions.
Thank God He is a God of mercy and grace. He forgives us. That doesn’t mean that the
consequences of our actions just disappear though. We have to live with them. We have to deal
with them. You have to ask God at that time when they do happen to intervene and help you deal
with it the way He sees fit now, as you deal with anything in your life. We all are going to have
mistakes, we all are going to sin, we all are going to have our hiccups on the journey, mostly
because of what we do and what God allows to happen. But when that happens, we have to come
to the point where Sarai did, where the lights get turned on, I have wronged here.
That is what was so special about David. Once he realize that he had sinned and his sin was
towards God, unto thee oh God I have sinned, he didn’t try to justify it or make excuses. He
pleaded for God’s help. He pleaded for God to rescue him from the condition he found himself
in. And at times God didn’t deliver him from the consequences. Proof of that is the first child of
Bathsheba died. But they had another one and he eventually became king of Israel, Solomon.

Now what are the consequences of this story? It is very clear here. Let’s read it because there are
promises to Hagar.
Genesis 16:10, “And the angel of the LORD said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly,
that it shall not be numbered for multitude.”
This is where what we call the Arab world today came from. It came from Hagar who with
Abram produced Ishmael. Ishmael’s descendants are the Arabs of today along with Esau’s
Genesis 16:11, “And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and
shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy
affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's
hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.”
Who are his brethren? Isaac and his descendants are his brethren. Now the promise didn’t go
down through Ishmael’s lineage to the present. The promise was given to Abraham that through
Isaac would the promises be fulfilled.
But, we definitely have seen this characteristic that is listed here in verse 12: his hand will be
against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of
all his brethren. The Arab’s dwell in the presence of present-day Israel. Even up to this day this
promise is being fulfilled, especially since the rebirth of Israel in 1948. Now I preached this in
The Last Days series on several occasions: the Arab states surrounding Israel have been the
aggressors. Israel has been more of a counter-puncher since 1948. So the Arabs have been
aggressors either by military conflict or by the many terrorist actions they have carried out. Tell
me God doesn’t keep His Word. You are seeing in your lifetime physical proof of this promise to
Hagar happening. If you really think about it, she probably got excited in verse 10, “I will
multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.” But then when we
get to verse 12, “he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's
hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” That doesn’t sound
very promising, does it? And, every man’s hand against him. If you think about it, the Israelis of
today since 1948 have always responded. If you think about it, it is a fulfillment of this prophecy.
As I said, they are a counter-puncher.
A better translation of “he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren” would be he will
dwell over against his brother. Once again, who is his brother? Isaac. “He shall dwell over
against” means he shall dwell in a state of hostility. Do I need to say more? Or is that still
happening now in these last days, even more so since 1948. He would live side-by-side with his
brethren, but he would live side-by-side in a state of hostility. That is exactly what we see today
with the Arab-Israeli situation. The news media even calls it the cycle of violence. Well, guess
what? They haven’t come up with anything new. This is exactly what these verses have declared
to us, given to Hagar thousands of years ago, still being carried out and fulfilled as of 2017. It
isn’t going to get any better either. If anything, it is going to get worse. Four statements are made
here: the promise of a multitude; he will be a wild man; every man’s hand against him; he shall
dwell in the presence of all his brethren. All that has come to pass. All of it is still being fulfilled
today. All that will lead to a point where this explosion will take place and the conflict of the
Israeli-Arab situation will come to a boil. It is going to boil over and I believe at the place of the

Psalm 83 War. It won’t be the war that ends all wars. But it is a war that needs to take place
according to these promises.
This is the root of the problem. This and also as I preached before, what came after it, Esau. He
was just another extension of the Arab world that also would come against his brethren. Who
was his brethren? Jacob. This is where the conflict started.
You’d think that Abraham would have learned his lesson. After that point, Abraham went on to
demonstrate extreme examples of faith that probably none of us could ever imagine, in a place
where we totally trusted God’s Word so that even if I killed my son, he would be resurrected and
come alive again. Most of you know the story. But then even after that extreme example of faith,
you’d think Abram would have learned his lesson. Turn to Genesis 25.
Verse 1, “Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah. And she bare him
Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. And Jokshan begat
Sheba, and Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were Asshurim, and Letushim, and Leummim. And
the sons of Midian; Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abida, and Eldaah. All these were
the children of Keturah. And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. But unto the sons of
the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his
son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto the east country.”
It is clear Abraham knew at the end of his life whom the covenant and blessings would carry on
through, and of all the sons he produced that was Isaac. But you think he would have learned his
lesson to not comingle outside the promised lineage. You would think that, but that isn’t what
happened. He produced more children that eventually would be in the mix also, that have created
problems for the descendants of Isaac. Some of the descendants will sound familiar: “and
Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were Asshurim, and Letushim, and
Leummim.” Just those few offspring would be an additional thorn in the flesh that would give
Isaac problems and come against him as one of their brethren. Now after everything Abraham
has been through, after the hero of faith moments that he demonstrated in his life, if you really
think about it, one of the last things that is listed is that he still kept creating a problem that still
exists today, that Israel is dealing with in 2017.
The only reason I’ve brought this up is because it gives me hope. Abraham’s life was like a
rollercoaster ride with ups and downs. The second of the last things that we are told that he did
was produce more children that would produce more problems to Isaac in the future, and even to
this day for the Jews and the Israelites that support the Jews. But the last thing he did was he
knew in faith what God said to him about who the promised seed would come through and that
was not all these other children, only Isaac.
So many people around me are worried about their mistakes: if they have fallen out of the grace
of God; if God can forgive them; if they can ever get back on track. Are you serious? Just look
at what God did in Abraham’s life. It was one heck of a rollercoaster ride, even towards the end
of his life he was still making mistakes. He was still creating problems for the future. But he
never let go of the promise of God and he held on to that. He went on to his last day of life
making sure, knowing that this was going to be a problem, he sent all these other players in the
story away from Isaac while he still yet lived and they went eastward unto the east country.
(Gen. 25:6) You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to figure out what the east country is. It is

mostly the area that surrounds Israel today on the eastern and southern border. They are nothing
more than a problem that God in his own special timeline will pull the string and this mistake
will be handled the way He sees fit. Most of that fulfillment will come with the Psalm 83 War.
Now after that there are still more wars or at least one more war and that war will bring a
conclusion to all things when Jesus comes back as the King of Kings and deals with it himself.
Now whatever you’re facing in your life, don’t think God will let you go that easy because there
is proof in God’s Word over and over that as long as you come back to Him in faith and start
trusting in the rightly divided Word of God and what it clearly speaks for your life today, He will
be there for you. He will be your shield. He will keep his promise for the sake of His son. He
always has.
So that is where the problem started, back in the day when Abram and his wife fled to Egypt.
From that point on, things that they did created a lot of future problems that still exist today. But
thank God even through their mistakes, their downfalls, their lying, deceit, their justifications
and excuse making, their doubts, Abram who became Abraham got it together at least recalling
he was told to tell the stars and eventually a redeemer was coming who would reunite the people
who see the redeemer as Savior back to God the Father who sent his only begotten son.
Hagar probably told him the promises that she received from God. Abraham made a mental note
and made sure at the end of his life he would separate those problems from Isaac. He at least
gave it a chance for Isaac to carry on his life without the interference and constant aggression
toward him and his seed, that would carry on through generation after generation and millennium
after millennium. He tried to set things straight at the end of his life by that separation. It wasn’t
going to work but he at least acknowledged that there was a problem. And we see knowledge he
knew which lineage the promised seed would come from, Isaac. That is the thing that turns on
God, your trust in His Word. Too many Christians today try to live a problem-free sin-free life
and all these efforts in the flesh, but all they do is keep lining themselves up for failure. Listen I
don’t go out there and try to sin, but I know it just comes. Like David, I try to live my life
running back to him when I recognize it, not make the excuses and say unto thee oh God have I
sinned, but thank God for your precious son whose blood has removed my sin and gives me hope
to carry on further. Now let’s take it on to another level and help me keep on living a life of faith
on whatever challenges that come my way. God wants to see us trusting Him, period. Even
though we fall down, God wants to see us get back up, point ourselves in the right direction and
run to His Word, what He has promised and instructed us to do. Faith pleases God. That is the
Hebrews 11 message.
Faith pleases God. What is faith? The so-be-it faith, the trust and confidence God is there, He
exists, that He said things in His word that will come to pass. God also said he would take care of
you—which He did. If He never did a single thing except send His only begotten son to save you
from a miserable existence and future in eternity, that is all that we’d need to hang on to. That is
all we’d need to claim. That’s enough. Now my experience through God’s Word and my life, I
know that is not all He does. But if He never did another thing, He already did something I didn’t
deserve. That is why we go to the table of the Lord and thank Him for it, remembering Him for
what He did.
Back to the root of the problem which created nothing but evil: on a personal level, deceit, lies,
justification, excuses, devising plans and leaving God out never leaves anyone in a good place. It

always takes us in the wrong direction where eventually we fall in a pit somewhere asking God
why when the answer is so obvious. But if while in that pit we realize we need Him to rescue us
from that pit, take our life and grab us by the reigns to start pointing and leading us in the
direction we should go, we please God.
Christianity is not difficult to understand. If you really think about it, faith is not difficult to
understand. Few don’t understand what the word trust means no matter what language is spoken.
It always requires the same action: trust and confidence in what He said, what He’s done, and
what He’s promised still to do.
This conflict will be dealt with in the future in several stages, but it will come to an end. This
millenniums-long conflict will come to an end. This will not keep carrying on the way it’s been
carrying on for that much longer. It will come to its conclusion. That is why I periodically say
look up, for our redemption draweth nigh. Be ready. Don’t be caught off guard. Don’t be
surprised when you see things happen that the world cannot even cause by force if it had to, a
resolution concerning the crisis that you see between the Arab and the Israeli world. They are
never going to find one. It is going to come by force for a temporary period of time, but that is
not the end of the crisis. An additional crisis will come into play and that is where we get into the
Gog Magog War. The beast is still alive and well, whether it operates through the Arab world or
the rest of the Islamic world. That also will come to a conclusion and God will have the last say.
He will dot the i’s and cross the t’s, and just as He promised, He will deliver.
Thank God Abraham and Sarah got it together enough to please God by recognizing the
covenant God made with them. That is the most important thing to remember from this message,
apart from where the conflict began. No matter what you do in your life, just like Abram and
Sarai, when you run back to God and have trust and confidence again and let Him lead your life,
He enters in. He takes over and He does what He does: gets us through.

To be continued...

The Last Days Study Guide

Root of The Conflict

1. Name Abraham’s wives.

2. What is the customary gift given by Pharaoh to Abram called?

3. Why did Abraham send away his other sons?

4. Name a few of the lesser-known sons of Abraham.

5. List the four promises regarding Ishmael.

6. What did article twenty-five accomplish?

7. What was the stated reason for Trans-jordan being created and given to the Hashemites?

8. List the infamous three nos.

9. How old is the Arab-Israeli conflict?

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