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Humanity’s Last Stand Begins Here...

This Quickstart is a basic introduction to the Obsidian Live Action Role-Playing game produced by Twilight Games.
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Live Action Role Playing Soon it was nothing more than a shattered Wasteland
infiltrated by the energies of Hell. Silesia, daemonic ruler
Live Action Role-Playing (LARP) is a blend of of the Circle of Torment, sabotaged Humanity’s weapons
improvisational theatre and tabletop role-playing games. and technology through Convokations and superior
Without the need for dice or a script, LARP has infinite knowledge of mechanics. Without the use of technology,
possibilities. LARP offers a variety of dramatic experiences Humanity was rendered defenseless.
to participants, who bring fiction to life by acting out their By 2070, it was estimated that approximately 95% of
Characters in real time. One person, the Narrator, is Humanity was destroyed. The survivors in North America
charged with the most difficult and yet most rewarding task were forced further and further east, until there was
of the game: moving the Players through a tale of intrigue nowhere left to go. Humanity gathered along the Eastern
and mystery, setting the pace of the story and resolving Coast of the United States. Silesia, still in control of
any disputes regarding the rules. While the Narrator Humanity’s technology, detonated nuclear bombs all over
constructs the story and referees the game, it is up to the the continent. The impact of the missiles, and their ensuing
Players to create the action through development of their radiation, destroyed everything that the energies of Hell had
Characters within the bounds of the story. not. Daemons and Humans alike perished in flames.
The Divinity, a mysterious entity of unknown intention,
The World of Obsidian granted the original Mystics their powers sometime within
the following year. These warriors trained others and
Obsidian paints the bleakest of futures. Minions of Hell together they fought back against the Kultist and
have corrupted the Earth and, in this post-apocalyptic world, Daemonic Hordes. Their rebellion began what is known
humankind stands on the brink of extinction. Desperate for as the Divinity War. During the spring of 2082 construction
survival, the remnants of Humanity have banded together to began on the Zone, the largest defensive fortification ever
rebuild and to fight back within the confines of a structure built. Energy, indistinguishable from electricity, was created
called “The Zone.” The year is 2299. by Mystic power. Materials to build the Zone were
gathered from the ruins of nearby cities.
History The year 2144 marked a time of momentous change
For centuries, the Circles of Hell existed without paying for Humanity. The Age of the Corporation began with the
much attention to the Earth Plane. As humanity grew, so completion of the Zone and acceptance of the Unity’s
did its corruption. The degradation of Humanity fed into the governance. Corporations filled the newly finished city
Hell Circles, twisting them into the horrific landscapes that with every imaginable form of product and service. Law
exist to this day. As the power of the Daemonic Hordes patrolled the Sectors of the Zone, Credits and credbases
accumulated over the years, the Hordes waited impatiently became standard, and citizens could rest somewhat
for their chance to cross into Humanity’s world. Some safely in their beds at night.
humans also searched for the chance to bring Daemons to
the Earth Plane. As Kultists, these humans served the The Zone
Daemons’ will to further their own cryptic needs. Nearly 3 miles high and 22 miles in diameter, the Zone
In December 2026, some Kultists succeeded in finding is made up of 1280 stories above ground and 48 stories
a way to open Portals that connected Hell to Earth. underground. It is the largest structure ever built by
Waves of radiation and plague swept across the Earth. Humanity and stands as the last hope against the Circles

Written by Matt M. McElroy & Tony Pileri • Edited by Monica Valentinelli
Art, Photos, Additional Writing, Layout by Crystal Odenkirk (
Models: Greg Bach, Alysia Condon-Jacobs, Sara Drapp, Cliff Odenkirk Jr., Mike Stelgia
Disclaimer: This is a game. This is only a game. In the event discretion is advised. Obsidian is a trademark of Apophis
that this document was an actual handbook of eeeeevil and Consortium, used with permission. The Auction System and Twilight
damnation, the daemon you just summoned would already have Games are trademarks of Twilight Games. All rights reserved.
eaten your soul. Have a nice day. Everything within this document is © 2004 Twilight Games. This
Oh, our lawyers say that we also need to tell you this is fiction, document may only be printed for personal use. Reproduction in
for entertainment purposes only, and that any resemblance to any other manner without prior written consent of the publisher is
people, places or daemons is purely coincidental. The setting strictly prohibited, with the exceptions that Character sheets may be
contains supernatural elements and mature themes. Reader reproduced for personal use with the game. 2
of Hell. The zone is built from reinforced steel and Security Services: These Corporations provide both
concrete, and is armed with Class 4 & 5 Cannons. muscle and protection to those that will pay their
Mystics used their rituals to protect the Zone from the exorbitant prices.
energies of Hell. Couriers: When a citizen desires the speedy
The Zone is divided into 80 Sectors, each capable of transportation of their most, important items, these
producing its own power supply. Should the need arise, Corporations pickup and deliver with no questions asked.
each sector is self-sufficient should it be sealed off from Entertainment: These highly-demanded Corporations
the rest of the Zone. Each Sector is divided into 4 range anywhere from legal entities such as a theatre
Sublevels; each Sublevel is four stories high. Every production, to a seedy outfit such as a drug dealer or
Sublevel has its own roadways, called Conduits, as well as arena fight producer.
its own oxygen recycling factories and electrical Divinity War Corporations: These Corporations,
compounds. Sublevel 1 is home to corporate whether run by Mystics or Kultists, are embroiled in the
headquarters, high profile entertainment, and Law offices. Divinity War in some fashion or another, and exist
The level appears as well-manicured as its residents. primarily to help sway the battle in either direction.
Sublevel 2 is an upper-class residential district containing Service Companies: Mechanical repair, janitorial,
markets, shops and smaller corporate offices. Sublevel 3 Wasteland scavenging, catering, and datanet
serves primarily as the entertainment district. It houses maintenance are just a few of the types of service
restaurants, arenas, dance-clubs, salons, and other forms companies within the Zone.
of entertainment. On a typical day, this sublevel is usually
the most crowded. Sublevel 4 contains the Sector’s Progressive Technology
sanitation, warehousing and processing plants. Due to massive breakthroughs in nearly every area of
technology, the inhabitants of the Zone enjoy a style of
The Unity luxury unheard of throughout history. The first cybernetics
The governing body of the Zone, the Unity oversees all were invented in 2234, merging man and machine to
operations and controls the Law. They are the highest increase both his senses and stamina. Computer nodes link
authority in the Zone and employ citizens for nearly every the entire Zone in a single Digital Network, which citizens
imaginable task. The Unity controls both the vidscreen can access through personal computers called Credbases.
and educational systems of the Zone as well as the Digital commerce, electronic schooling, advanced
public transportation and janitorial staff. medicines, and high tech entertainment cover all the basic
needs and wants for the inhabitants inside the Zone.
The Citizens
Most Zone citizens live in apartments on either Sublevel 2 The Law
or 3. After completing the Unity-run schooling a citizen is Established in 2099, the Law is both a military and a
issued their own credbase with a list of achievements. To police force within the Zone. Not only does the Law
earn income through conventional means, citizens typically employ officers to patrol the Conduits, but they also
work for either the Unity or a Corporation. employ citizens, much like a Corporation, to perform
Corporates: Desiring the trappings of an everyday life, office duties. The Law enforces peace throughout the
these Zone citizens work for one of the thousands of Zone, aiding Mystics in their battle against Kultists and
Corporations that offer goods and services to the populace. Daemonic forces.
Kultists: Greed, Hate, Desire...for as long as
Humanity has existed, there have been those willing to The Wastelands
murder others for power. Kultists have dedicated The Wastelands, the land outside the Zone, reflect the
themselves to one of the Circles of Hell and its Daemons. centuries-long war. Very little sunlight filters through the
Machines: Cybernetically enhanced and dedicated to bloody sky. Hell reigns in the Wastelands, molding the
finding the perfect union between man and machine, Earth into a reflection of the individual Circles. Exile to the
these citizens are on the cutting edge of technology. Wastelands is considered a sentence worse than death.
Mystics: Mystics, born with the ability to use Rituals
and chosen to battle the darkness, are the defenders of Daemons and Hell
Humanity and the scourge of Daemons. Hell is comprised of nine Circles, nine dimensions. As
perversion and corruption grew in the Earth Plane, black
The Corporations energies flowed into Hell, transforming the inhabitants into
For as long as man can remember, people have joined the stuff of nightmare. These minions are fighting for the
groups that provide themselves with a peace of mind in control of the Earth Plane. Their objectives come in many
exchange for allegiance. Loyally working for a Corporation forms; preservation, assimilation, destruction. Each Circle
is the surest way to ensure safety and financial stability has much to gain from controlling the Earth Plane, and each
within the Zone. Hundreds of Corporations exist inside the Circle has much to lose if another Circle gains control of it.
Zone. Some examples of Corporations are: The Circle of Under (Sacrifice): The Box of Under
Information Bureaus: These groups scour the has only manifested one type of Daemon, the
Conduits, Sublevel Three, and other high-trafficked areas Legionnaire of Under. Cloaked and mysterious, these
to buy and sell valuable information. minions haunt the Earth with fearsome powers.
Manufacturers: Producing a wide range of products The Circle of Avarice (Lust): The Daemons of Avarice take
from cybernetics to pharmaceuticals, these groups employ forms compatible with their current needs. They will lie, cheat or
designers, laborers, R&D teams and promotional agents. steal to gain power, but only if the risk is worth the reward. 3
The Circle of Requiem (Murder): Taking the form of
Spirit, all Daemons of Requiem animate undead bodies,
becoming Zombies in service to the Kult of the Undead. Character Creation Checklist:
The Circle of Carnivoria (Depravity): Daemons of • Choose an Ethos
this Circle are savage beasts, hunting and killing as
hunger dictates. • Choose a Social
The Circle of Stimulus (Addiction): Those Daemons • Assign Attributes & Skills
normally manifesting from the Circle of Stimulus are
warped creations from cesspools within the Circle. • Determine Essence & Spirit
Pleasure, pain, and excess are the primary motivations of • Choose Enhancements
these Daemons.
The Circle of Torment (Envy): Daemons of this Circle • Spend Generation Points
resemble machinery in a vaguely human shape in an • Spend Credits/Character Details
effort to emulate that which they will never be.
The Circle of Azure Hyaline (Hate): Sent forth as (Equipment, Weapons)
saviors and healers, the Daemons of the single
uncorrupted Circle seek out the Kultists of the Spiritual
Essence and Mystics in order to aid them in defending Corporate
Humanity. They struggle constantly against the Motivation: Loyally Serve Your Corporation
encroaching corruption of Hate. Should they fail, the While many Zone citizens occupy their time with
Circle of the Azure Hyaline will also fall into the enhancing their humanity through the occult or
same damnation that has engulfed the cybernetics, others exist to find power through more
other eight Circles. practical means. Corporations demand obedience and
hard work, advancing those who are successful while
Creating a Character sweeping aside the weak. In return for devoting
themselves entirely to the goals of the corporation, loyal
In the bleak future, Character types employees gain substantial perks including; information,
range from murdering Kultists to technology, fame, and fortune.
the saviors of Humanity. Littered General Appearance: The Corporate Character’s
between those two extremes exist appearance is dependent on what function they serve
a multitude of citizens. The within the Zone. Most Corporates incorporate elements of
possibilities for playing a Zone citizen the stylish and practical into their daily ensembles.
are endless: corporate employee, Accessories such as datapads, vid-phones, and
religious leader, criminal, or entertainer. credbases are in high demand. Thus, pocketed trench-
The composition of the Character is coats are favored among the savvy Corporate.
broken down into Ethos and Socials.
These elements, along with their Kultist
enhancements and details, will shape Kultists are humans who have dedicated themselves to
the Character into a unified whole. an individual Circle of Hell, serving its Daemons to further
the Circle’s aims on the Earth Plane. Capturing Spirit
Ethos allows these humans to utilize powers taught by those
Your Character’s Ethos is Daemons. These powers are called “Convokations.”
the primary “classification” As each Ethos has its motivation, so do the individual
or “calling” for that Kults. Each motivation inspires the Kultist to act in a
Character. Whether that manner that feeds the energies of Hell. However, not all
is Corporate, Kultist, Kultists are evil.
Machine or Mystic each Citizens of the Zone hate and fear all Kultists save one
Ethos defines the basic group, the Kultists of the Spiritual Essence. These Kultists
background concept for represent the Azure Hyaline Circle. This Circle and its
that Character. Each inhabitants have resisted the corruption that has infected
Character has hundreds the other Circles. They stand shoulder to shoulder with
of possibilities beyond the Mystics to fight Daemons and Kultists alike.
their basic Ethos, and
should be further The Box of Under
developed through their Motivation: The Will of the Box, as revealed in your
unique history, visions, is your only command.
personality, and goals. Circle: Under – fueled by Sacrifice
Players choose one Daemon in Control: Unknown
Ethos during Character Kult Blade: Ring Blade
Creation. Primary
motivations are given for all Councilors, seers, prophets…madmen…these
Ethos. Secondary motivations enigmatic Kultists are among the most mysterious and
are at the discretion of the Player. feared beings in the Zone. Serving no known Daemon, 4
the Kultists of Under serve something called “The Box.” addictions range from drugs to physical sensations, their
The Box is more akin to a force of nature than a single haggard appearances range as well. They are often found
creature. Gifting its minions with visions of the past and in whatever clothing suits their profession in the Zone. As
future, the “Will of the Box” is what guides these Kultists entertainers, they wear the latest fashions, scientists wear
down a dark path of insight and sacrifice. lab coats and goggles, etc.
Members of this Kult can be found acting as advisors,
historians and occultists. Some members of the Box of Kult of the Internal
Under can even be found in the entourage of powerful Motivation: You were born to control. Obey only Ighalli
Mystics or other Kultists, influencing events through advice and your House. No other commands you.
and cryptic prophecy. Other Box of Under members work Circle: Avarice – fueled by Lust
as investigators or contractors. Using their eerie powers, Daemon in Control: Ighalli
they hunt down information, items or victims for a fee. Kult Blade: Large Razor-sharp Klaive
All Box of Under are eventually gifted with a
Dominesymbolis, a symbol from the Box, which is often Claiming to have origins dating back ten thousand
used to channel their dark powers. This seal varies from years, the Kult of the Internal will do anything to fulfill its
Kultist to Kultist. Marking their unique symbol in blood, goals. Power, wealth, eternal life, and a number of base
demonstrates the Kultist’s devotion to the Will of the Box. desires fuel their need for complete control. Their need
General Appearance: Most Box of Under Kultists are to dominate overcomes their need to work with each
shrouded in mystery. Their enigmatic nature is enhanced other. Oft times these Kultists may be found working
through cloaks, robes and masks. All of them are scarred, independently. They have been known to kill fellow
showing signs of self-mutilation in an effort to better Internalists that stand in their way.
understand their place in the scheme of the Box. Many of Within the Zone, the Kult of the Internal may be found in
them seem to fade from sight, observing those around every aspect of daily life. Infiltrating corporations, religious
them instead of garnering attention to themselves. orders and other organizations, the Internalists gain power
Note: Prophecy is not an exact science. The Will of the through manipulation and bribery. Internalists gather in
Box is not set in stone. Narrators and Players should not Houses. These gatherings of like-minded Kultists that work
be railroaded into any strict set of actions regardless of towards similar goals offer different benefits, depending
the use of Convokations, nor should Players expect upon the House. Each House is highly structured in rank
precise answers from their visions. and is ruled by a council of Lords. For as long as the Kult
of the Internal has existed, they have nurtured a deep
Kult of the Chemical and unending hatred for the Kult of the Spiritual Essence.
Motivation: To indulge yourself in any excess is the General Appearance: Often both wealthy and
purest glory. Everyone should know your bliss. influential, Internalists equip themselves accordingly.
Circle: Stimulus, fueled by Addiction Expensive suits, rare or hard-to-find artifacts and tomes,
Daemon in Control: Many (Dermant, Signant, Xerxant, the latest and most fashionable vehicles, weapons and
and Ledgant) technology are usually theirs to display.
Kult Blade: Resin Dagger
Kult of the Lost
Infecting all levels of Zone society, the Kult of the Motivation: You are the ultimate predator. Others are
Chemical is made up of drug dealers, scientists, prey. Strength is everything and by conquering others,
entertainers, and burn-outs. Each and every Chemicalist you become stronger
has some form of addiction. Carnal pleasures, alcohol, Circle: Carnivoria – fueled by Depravity
drugs or the next, new rush may be the focal point for Daemon in Control: Abaddon
these Kultists. These addictions often drive the Kultist to Kult Blade: An Imposing Sword
seek out others in the Zone who can either supply them
with their fix or join them in their debauchery. Savage warriors and deadly hunters, the Kult of the Lost
The Kult of the Chemical is devoted to several powerful honor strength and punish weakness. “Survival of the
Daemons instead of one overlord. Some of the Daemons fittest” is a way of life for the Kult of the Lost and their kin.
include Dermant “Lord of Ulva,” Signant “Devourer of the Some Lost Kultists gather in small packs, rearing their young
Spirit,” Xerxant “The Peasant” and Ledgant “The Untamed.” or hunting more deadly foes. These packs are led by the
In addition to these four, there are many other Daemons strongest among them, usually decided through ritual combat.
striving for the power and opportunities of becoming the fifth Most members of the Lost, however, prefer to remain solitary
Divinity of Stimulus. The Kultists follow one of these Lords, hunters, relying only on themselves for protection.
dedicating themselves to that particular Daemon’s cause. General Appearance: Most Kultists of the Lost wear
They will tolerate Kultists who serve another master, but whatever clothing and armor will be of use to them during
usually stick with others in their “Brood” of addiction. combat or while hunting. Many of them seem to be on the
Broods act as a “family unit” for the Chemicalists. They verge of violence, even when calm. They often stalk the
are collectives of like-minded Kultists, serving the same perimeter of the room or area they occupy, sizing up
Lord, sharing resources and often sharing similar opponents and eventual victims.
addictions. Dealing with one Chemicalist often means
dealing with the entire Brood in one way or another. Kult of the Machine
General Appearance: A Chemicalist appears according Motivation: Man is frail, imperfect. Only by merging yourself
to the extreme state of their most current addiction. Since with the will of Silesia can you achieve perfection. 5
Circle: Torment – fueled by Envy of the Spiritual Essence finds friends in many, different
Daemon in Control: Silesia places. Members of the Spiritual Essence may find allies
Kult Blade: Circuit Blade within both religious and corporate settings.
Well-respected within the Zone, members of the
Methodical and highly productive, the Kultists of the Spiritual Essence are easily recognized by their
Machine are dedicated to the advancement of technology. inspirational crystal blade.
Many of them work in corporations developing new General Appearance: Often appearing clean and well kept,
weapons, cybernetics and computers. As they seek the the members of this Kult appear to portray their ideals through
perfection of machinelike efficiency, they begin to sacrifice their appearance as well as through their righteous actions.
that which makes them Human. Spirit drains slowly away
as they advance along the path of Torment. Machine
Many of the Kult of Machine sell their services to Motivation: Only through technology will you achieve perfection.
corporations involved with science and technology. They In a time when Daemons and their minions hunt down
become experts in their chosen field, helping to advance men, many of Humankind’s own choose to enhance their
Humanity’s dependence on machinery once again. Other bodies to face the powers surrounding them. Not every
members of this Kult sell their services as contractors or person with Cybernetics is of this Ethos. Those who
bodyguards, blending their technological knowledge with believe Humanity is a small price for power, and those
deadly Convokations to better serve their masters. with a true fascination for the merging of the body and
General Appearance: Often more machine than man, technology are those who call themselves “Machine.”
these Kultists often lack emotion and seem cold or cruel The more cybernetics a human purchases, the more a
to others. Some carry tools of the trade, others try to human loses their Spirit. As Humanity dissolves, a
blend in with the corporate society of the Zone. Machine Ethos loses the intensity of their emotions and
feelings of kinship with Humanity. The Character
Kult of the Undead continues to embellish their cybernetics, becoming awe-
Motivation: You view death to be rebirth. Your actions will open inspiring in personal power.
the way for Hazlia’s armies. Every death is a new opportunity. Cyborgs may be found everywhere in the Zone. They
Circle: Requiem – fueled by Murder may perform manual labor jobs like construction or
Daemon in Control: Hazlia perform superhuman feats similar to the elite of the
Kult Blade: Sharpened Bone Shiv Coliseum fighters. Many find positions as bodyguards or
mechanics within technology-related corporations.
Among the most reviled and feared of all the Kults, the General Appearance: Machines dress according to
Undead are mostly found in the dank shadows of the the demands of their profession. Others enjoy wearing
Zone. They haunt rundown warehouses, back alleys and revealing clothing that shows off their latest upgrade.
other places touched by death. Their zombie minions
remind others of their fragile hold on life and the potential Mystic
servitude of inhuman monsters. Mystics are humans that are chosen or born with the
Some members of the Kult of the Undead can ability to use Rituals. Descended from the original
occasionally be found in morgues, hospitals or medical Mystics chosen to fight the darkness, they are the
research centers, studying human physiology and defenders of Humanity and the scourge of Daemons. As
gathering raw materials. These Kultists are usually Mystics, they enforce “The Code of Humanity” which
connected to others, hidden away in order to build their states that Humanity must be protected at all costs. It
army of zombies through the use of Convokations. also states that Mystics must act righteously or else they
General Appearance: With pale, dry skin and vacant eyes, will suffer dire consequences. Two “paths” of Mystics
the Kult of the Undead can sometimes appear as lifeless as have developed over the years, each specializing in its
their minions. Some adorn themselves in dark robes, method of fighting the Divinity War.
preaching the words of Hazlia. Others wear smocks, and still
others functional gear for constructing their undead minions. The Path of Alter
Motivation: Destroy the Kultist Society
Spiritual Essence Those of the Path of Alter believe that the Code is very
Motivation: Anger, corruption, and hate are your enemies. Do accurate in stating the Mystics must wield a sword of
not hate the other Kultists. Pity them, even as you destroy them righteousness. Brandishing weapons and whatever means
Circle: Azure Hyaline – fighting against Hate necessary to eradicate Hell, the Path of Alter calls for a
Daemon in Control: Shepherds decisive militant strike against all Kultists and their daemonic
Kult Blade: Crystal Dagger masters. By killing those who damn Spirits through the
action of Call, Alters reason that Hell would lose the ability to
Standing vigilant against the other Kultists and their gain power. Some Alters are brutal in their fight against Hell,
masters for thousands of years, the members of the acting as savage warriors. Others are subversive, using
Spiritual Essence remain the only uncorrupted Kult. stealth and cunning to destroy their enemies.
Finding allies among the Mystics, together they strive to General Appearance: Most Alters prefer survival outfits
combat the forces of Hell. Fighting against and gear. Considering the nature of their chosen path,
insurmountable odds takes its toll on these Kultists, as almost all of them invest in some form of armor. Alters may
they struggle to maintain the balance between warrior be found on all Sublevels. Some mingle among the elite
and teacher. While the fight appears hopeless, the Kult Corporations. Still others conspire in the darkest of alleys. 6
The Path of Vision Corporations, the Executive receives handsome pay and
Motivation: Defend Humanity from Hell deluxe accommodations.
Finding that enlightenment and protection can be
taught to anyone, the Path of Vision believes that a Investigator: Investigators make their living seeking out
staunch defense and a well-prepared mind is the best hidden or lost knowledge, often prying into the personal
action against Hell. To this end, the Path of Vision learns lives or business affairs of other citizens. Information is
Rituals to bring succor and peace. These Rituals also sold at a premium, and those willing to ply this otherwise
illuminate Conflicts in a Visionary’s surroundings. unsavory trade can stand to make a substantial amount
At first glance the Visionaries appear to be peaceful or of money on short notice. As easily as they are able to
benign. In reality, they are quite intrusive and procure finances through their trade, Investigators also
manipulative. Those of this belief learn how to deflect the may acquire enemies.
attacks of those who wish them harm, and many have
perfected their minds and bodies to this end. Visionaries Scavenger: Scavengers scour the Zone for lost technology
are often sought for advice or obscure knowledge, as and cast-off equipment. To earn their living, they repair,
well as protection when raiding Kultists’ compounds. recharge, and resell found bits of hidden treasure.
Unlike their Alter counterparts, the Visionary can be Occasionally, Scavengers strike it rich discovering ancient
trusted to execute exactly the proper amount of force to artifacts or forgotten lore. Some Scavengers will, on
contain or eradicate the immediate threat. Often found in the occasion, ‘find’ loot by stealing it from others.
employ of corporations or even working with the Law, the
Visionary is an excellent bodyguard as well as advisor. Scener: Sceners are the social elite. Frequenting
General Appearance: From the offices of powerful exclusive clubs to network with the Zone’s VIPs, Sceners
Corporations to religious gatherings to Law precincts, trade favors and fashion tips. Backgrounds for Scener
Visionaries may be found nearly anywhere in the Zone. Characters range from artists to business managers.
They tend to dress in whatever fits the situation. Many Sceners trust their reputations to get them into the best
Visionaries have stylish, yet protective robes. locations and out of trouble when necessary.

Socials Street: The lowest rung of the social ladder, Street are
A Character’s Social is her day-to-day occupation as a rarely noticed and almost never acknowledged by their
citizen of the Zone. A Character’s Social determines which ‘betters’. As such, they learn a great deal of useful
skills they cultivate during their lifetime in the Zone, along information when others do not notice them listening.
with the social connections they may forge. The Social may Many of these Characters are homeless or wanted by the
give a Character a social standing, additional resources or Law. Those who live on the street tend to band together
skills, or, in some cases, the ability to garner contacts. when facing persecution from the higher classes.
All Players select one Social during Character Creation.
Common Socials are available to all beginning Characters, Suit: The Suit is a consummate professional at whatever
and represent the normal social niches any citizen of the they do. Most Suits work for Corporations, though many
Zone may fall into. Due to the unique nature of Mystics are independent operators and entrepreneurs. Their
and Kultists, some Socials are exclusive to that Ethos. business expertise and keen social skills make them
popular employees. Savvy Characters would be well-
Common Socials advised not to get in the Suit’s way.
May be selected by any Ethos
Mystic Socials
Contractor: The Contractor is a hired gun, a May only be selected by Mystic Ethos Characters.
professional assassin required to obtain an Assassin’s
License. While it is exceptionally dangerous work, the Crusader: Common among the Alters, a Crusader is
professional assassin can expect to make a great deal of dedicated to systematically hunting down and destroying all
money in just a few years, if they survive. People of all Kult activity. Crusaders are often blunt and straightforward in
kinds become Contractors, from sword-wielding Kultists carrying out their duties, and are willing to make sacrifices
to gun-toting Machines. for the greater good. Part bloodhound and part soldier, the
Crusader is fanatical in his hunt for Kultists.
CyberFix: The CyberFix is a master of installing and
repairing cybernetics. Part medic, part technophile, these Protectorate: One of the oldest Mystic positions, the
specialists are in high demand for their skills. Some Protectorate is concerned with molding Humanity into an
CyberFixers are cybernetic users themselves, having ordered society capable of holding off the daemonic
honed their skills primarily for their own work. Others are forces outside the Zone. By monitoring the masses for
merely Corporate technicians who install the mechanical signs of daemonic taint, supervising the activities of
bio-ware into paying customers. Corporations, and upholding the laws of the Unity, these
Mystics protect humanity from its own worst instincts.
Executive: A common Social for Corporates, the
Executive is a company man born to loyally serve his Spiritman: Considered the most ‘enlightened’ Mystics, Spiritmen
Corporation in return for wealth and status. This seek to understand the will of the Divinity and to preach salvation
Character does what he is told without question of ethics to the masses. By bringing hope, wisdom, and faith to all who will
or morality. In return for working with influential listen, they strengthen the Spirit of humankind. 7
Kultist Socials covers a variety of different weapons, from precision
May only be selected by Kult Ethos Characters. knife fighting to crushing blows with heavy clubs.

Occultist: The most common Kult social, the Occultist Stealth: Stealth is the art of moving silently and unseen,
carefully balances his lust for power and forbidden and is generally used when a Character is trying to stalk
knowledge with his need for secrecy. Both a scholar and a target or escape quietly from a dangerous area. This
a fanatic, the Occultist is determined to uncover the skill may also be used when a Character is attempting
secrets of Hell and the Circle he has dedicated himself actions they wish to hide, such as pick-pocketing or
to. The Occultist pursues forgotten lore and hidden silently drawing a weapon.
secrets. She makes deals with dark forces and takes by
guile that which suits her needs. Strength
The Strength attribute is a measure of the Character’s
Heathen: Most Kultists operate in small groups, raw physical power and constitution. Strength is used in
protecting and aiding each other’s infernal activities. The Conflicts related to resisting damage, wrestling with an
Heathen has broken away from this haven. Instead, the opponent, or lifting heavy equipment.
independent Heathen places his trust in the safety of
solitude and anonymity. Heathens pass themselves off as Grapple: Grapple is used when a Character is trying to
an ordinary Zone citizen, using Convokations only when maintain a grip on something or someone. This skill is
necessary. Shunning other Kultists and any traces of used a variety of situations, from climbing a building to
Daemonic taint, Heathens do whatever they can to avoid attempting to hold a captured opponent.
the detection of Mystics.
Immunity: The Immunity skill is a measure of the
Attributes and Skills Character’s ability to fight off the effects of disease and
An Obsidian Character’s capabilities are defined by two intoxication. It can also be used to resist the effects of
basic components, their Attributes and Skills. Attributes poisons and addictive substances.
are a measure of the Character’s natural aptitudes in six
broad categories: Dexterity, Strength, Mechanical, Lift: The Lift skill is used for specific situations. It is
Knowledge, Perception, and Mind. The level of a utilized when a Character attempts to lift, move, or carry
Character’s aptitude in these innate qualities is something heavy and awkward.
represented by a attribute rating, a number between one
and five. One represents the lowest natural ability and Stamina: Stamina may be tested when a Character is
five represents the highest. doing something physically repetitive or demanding over
Skills are trained abilities that the Character has long periods of time. This skill can also be used to
acquired over their lifetime. These abilities are the overcome the effects of blood-loss due to extensive
refinements of a Character’s natural aptitude. injuries or sleep deprivation.
All Characters have one free point in each Attribute at
Character Creation. To raise an Attribute higher or to Mechanical
purchase a skill, Players must spend Generation Points. The Mechanical attribute represents the Character’s
familiarity with machines and mechanical processes. This
Dexterity attribute is used whenever a Character is physically
Dexterity is an attribute that acts as a measure of the handling machinery.
Character’s basic hand-to-eye coordination, balance, and
physical control. Dexterity is most often used in Combat Cybernetics: The Cybernetics skill is used when a
Conflicts, or in any test which requires delicate Character attempts to install, repair, or recharge
manipulation or coordination. cybernetic implants. Repairing someone else’s
cybernetics is also covered by this skill. Certain uses of
Agility: Agility represents training in a variety of cybernetics may also require a Cybernetics Conflict.
acrobatics and balance exercises. This skill is utilized in Occasionally, a Cybernetics Conflict may be
such actions as crossing difficult terrain, throwing small accompanied by a Medical Conflict in cases when the
items accurately, or dodging physical threats. cybernetic implant is already integrated with a living host.

Fighting: The Fighting skill represents unarmed combat Drive: The Drive skill represents the Character’s ability to
training. It may cover anything from basic boxing or operate moving vehicles, from small cycles to heavy-
street-fighting techniques to a command of complicated treaded transports.
and exacting martial arts.
Repair: The Repair skill is utilized whenever a Character
Firearms: Firearms represents skill in the use of guns. It is seeks to correct or modify malfunctioning equipment. It can
utilized whenever a Character attempts to hit a target with a also be used when a Character is attempting to redesign
conventional projectile weapon. This skill covers all firearms, machinery or build a piece of equipment on the fly.
from holdout pistols to Class-Three vehicle-stoppers.
Sabotage: The Sabotage skill is used when a Character is
Melee: Melee is used whenever a Character attempts to trying to either arm or disarm explosives. It may also be used
strike or parry with a hand-held weapon. The Melee skill when a Character is attempting to bypass security equipment. 8
Knowledge sense that operates as a subtle warning made manifest by
Knowledge covers learning and expertise in a variety of cold chills, hair standing on end, or even basic paranoia.
useful subjects. The Knowledge attribute is used
whenever a Character is aiming to verify facts, Subterfuge: Subterfuge represents a Character’s ability to
manipulate data, or answer difficult questions. warp the perceptions of others, hide their own motives and
lie convincingly. This skill may also be used for actions
Data: The Data skill represents the Character’s familiarity such as hiding secret entrances or camouflaging traps.
with the Zone’s central computer by performing various
functions on the database. Personal, public, and corporate Mind
information may be found on the central computer. The Mind attribute is a measure of a Character’s mental
acumen, ability to reason, and control over their
Medical: Medical knowledge involves an understanding of emotions. Mind covers tests related to concentration,
the human body. This skill is used to diagnose disease, treat social interaction, or the defense from mental attacks.
wounds, and prepare for the installation of cybernetics.
Creativity: Creativity refers to a Character’s artistic
Occult: The Occult skill represents knowledge of the abilities. This skill is used whenever a Character is
spiritual world. Occult comprehension ranges from the creating a work of art. Works of art may include;
dark secrets of Hell to the sublime Mystic wisdom. Occult sculpture, painting, writing, music, etc.
knowledge can help a Character identify the effects of a
Convokation or Ritual, or lend some insight into the Focus: Focus is a measure of a Character’s willpower. A
capabilities of daemonic creatures. strong willpower shields a Character from psychic attacks
and intrusions. This skill is used by Mystics to attune
Science: The Science skill covers a strong background themselves to the energy of the Earth realm, allowing
in academic studies. A Character with this skill has them to recharge their Rituals.
received an education in such d+iverse subjects as;
biology, physics, archaeology, sociology, and
engineering. Conflicts that require academic knowledge,
rather than a specialized area such as Medical or Occult,
are covered by this skill.

Streetwise: Streetwise represents the Character’s

familiarity with the culture and people of the Zone. This
skill is useful when a Character needs to locate people
and/or places. It may also assist a Character
searching for potentially illegal items and activities,
while simultaneously avoiding trouble with the Law.

Perception is a measure of the awareness of a
Character. It also governs how well they notice the
slight nuances in their surroundings. The Perception
attribute is utilized when a Character is looking for
minute details, studying a situation or area, or actively
seeking things that might be ‘out of place’.

Analyze: The Analyze skill represents the Character’s

aptitude to use quick deductive reasoning. It may be used to
Conflict a person’s Subterfuge skill by looking for clues that
a Character is lying. It may also be used to study a combat
situation to find weaknesses in an opponent’s tactics.

Search: Search is used when a Character is looking for

a misplaced or intentionally hidden item. This skill also
represents a Character’s vigilance to their surroundings,
allowing them to pick up on details that may indicate
approaching danger. Search is often used to contest
Stealth Conflicts.

Sensitivity: Sensitivity is a measure of a Character’s

awareness of the supernatural energy around them,
allowing them to sense wandering spirits, dimensional
manifestations, and the lingering effects of Rituals and
Convokations. In many ways, this skill is akin to a sixth 9
Insight: Insight is used to reflect the Character’s Convokations, which automatically restore a number of
common sense. A Character presented with either Essence points when used successfully. Any such
incomplete information or a difficult problem may use this application of these Rituals or Convokations is
skill to arrive at a satisfying conclusion. considered to stabilize a patient who is bleeding to death.
For those Characters who are able to pay for medical
Manipulation: Characters use Manipulation when attention, they may do so at a variety of hospitals and
attempting to convince someone to do something they clinics located throughout the Zone.
wouldn’t normally want to do. This skill may cover items
like diplomacy, intimidation, or business negotiation. Spirit
All Characters in Obsidian possess Spirit. Spirit is a
Restraint: Restraint is a measure of a Character’s self measure of a Character’s their personal zeal and will to
control and ability to resist temptation. This skill also acts live. Spirit is the animating force of body and mind, the
as a reflection of a Character’s ability to maintain calm soul seeking Transcendence from the mortal world. The
under pressure. Restraint is often used to contest mind Lords of the various Circles covet Spirit. Kultists obtain
control and Manipulation Conflicts. Spirit to give to the Lords and to fuel their unholy
Convokations. Untainted Spirit keeps a Character alive.
Essence As a Character’s Spirit falls, the Character slips closer
Characters in Obsidian face a multitude of dangers. towards spiritual oblivion.
Death is only a single misstep away. In the Zone, combat A Character’s Spirit is comprised of two numbers; a
and disease take a daily heavy toll on humanity. permanent Spirit Rating and an evolving Spirit Pool. The
Each Obsidian Character has a general measure of Spirit Rating is a measure of the overall strength of a
health, known as Essence, which represents the amount Character’s Spirit. The Spirit Pool is a measure of how
of physical damage their body can absorb before falling much Spiritual energy a Character’s soul currently
into the oblivion of death. Essence consists of two possesses. Beginning Characters start with a Spirit
numbers; an Essence Rating, and an Essence Pool. The Rating of four. A Player may modify this number by
Essence Rating represents a Character’s normal health spending Generation Points. Kultists, in order to prove
devoid of injury. The Essence Pool represents a allegiance to their Circle Lords, begin with three.
Character’s current level of health.
To protect themselves from injury, most Zone citizens Character Enhancements
choose not to rely solely on the fortitude of their own Enhancements are defined by a Character’s Ethos.
bodies. Anyone whose line of work puts them in the face Each Ethos has a set of advantages that Characters may
of danger invests in armor. use to further their goals and motivations. Whether it is a
As a Character receives damage inflicted by a variety Corporate using his Connections to dig up sensitive
of sources, the Player must temporarily remove points information on a rival, or a member of the Kult of the
from their Character’s Essence Pool to represent the Undead using Reanimate upon a fresh corpse,
injuries sustained. Damage a Character receives is Enhancements give a Character power.
otherwise known as Penance. If a Character sustains Players choose Enhancements based on their Character’s
Penance greater than their Essence Pool, they die and Ethos. Each Character may select two Level One
emerge as a Wandering Spirit. Beginning Characters Enhancements or one Level Two Enhancement.
start with four levels of Essence. Spending Generation Enhancements are chosen at Character creation. Players
points may increase this number. may purchase more Enhancements by spending Generation
Points. Further levels of Enhancements may be acquired
Healing through Experience Points as the Story progresses.
When a Character has sustained injury, they have the A different form of power that is appropriate to each
option of waiting for the body to heal itself. Characters may Ethos fuels their Enhancements. Corporate Characters
choose to allow nature to run its course in order to save gain Clout within their corporation, Kultists steal Spirit,
time and money. The human body can, given time, repair Mystics meditate for Energy, and Machines plug in to
most injuries itself. An injured Character may, with adequate recharge their Pulse. At Character creation, each
rest and basic first aid, heal back one health level every Character starts with four points of their particular power.
twenty-four hour period. Unless the Narrator breaks a story
session into days, Characters may restore one health level Corporate Assets
at the beginning of each game session. The Narrator may Corporate Characters dedicate themselves to their
exercise his option to restore more levels, if appropriate. company and advance in rank over time. Each Corporate
Besides natural healing, injured Characters are able to may call upon Assets to aid in their efforts throughout the
restore Essence through a variety of sources. Characters Zone. An asset is a good or service produced by a
may attempt to restore Essence by bidding an Unopposed Character’s Corporation. Assets may also be acquired
Knowledge/Medical Conflict. The base difficulty rating for through shady deals, blackmail and favors.
this Conflict is three plus the number of Essence points the
Character is attempting to restore. The Narrator may Pay Advance: Occasionally, a successful Corporate may
increase this difficulty if circumstances warrant it. Other ask for his salary (1,000 credits) up front for an operation
types of equipment, such as a Med-Kit, grant additional in order to cover his personal expenses. This quick
bids that may be utilized during this Conflict. infusion of credits gives the Corporate the ability to make
Other forms of healing include various Rituals and or break a business deal. 10
Level: One Duration: One Scene
Duration: Instant Cost: Three Clout
Cost: One Clout
Kultist Convokations
Street Rumors: The first line of information available to a Through the power of their Daemon masters, Kultists
corporation comes from the bits of news and gossip have been granted the unholy might of Convokations.
picked up by its day to day clients. In the course of Each Convokation requires the Kultist to use a portion of
business, Corporations hear a lot of news about their Spirit to manifest its power. Kultists hunt their fellow men,
customer’s work, technology needs, competitor’s prices, stealing souls and offering them up to their masters.
etc. Picking through these rumors helps keep the Calling: Calling is used whenever a Kultist attempts to
corporate aware of important events in their sublevel. capture the Spirit of the recently deceased. The Kultist
Level: One combines the Call Skill with their Knowledge Attribute to
Duration: Instant (Once contact is made) enter a Conflict against the current Spirit Rating of their
Cost: One Clout victim. The Kultist must either stab the deceased with
their Kult Blade or have physical contact with the corpse.
Field Gear: A Character caught in the field without the Should the Kultist win the Conflict, the Kultists drains the
right accessories can translate to a substantial loss of victim’s Spirit into their Kult Blade. Once their Blade has
profits or worse. Using this level of assets allows the Spirit, they may use it to fuel their Convokations.
Corporate to borrow basic equipment necessary to do At Character creation, all Kultists start with one point of
their job. This may include anything from a spare this Skill. By spending Generation Points, more of this
Datapad to a new business outfit appropriate for meeting skill may be purchased.
an influential client.
Level: One Box of Under Convokations
Duration: One Day Disturbance: (Silent alarm from the Kultist’s Seal) This
Cost: One Clout Convokation allows the Kultist to set Seal with a silent
alarm. Any disturbance or movement around the
Non-Disclosure: When an employee is successful, their Dominesymbolis is felt by the Kultist by instinct, some
Corporation acts to protect them. In the Zone, scandals feel a tremble in their hands, others a sound. This alarm
are not good for business. Should an employee perform a lasts for one day before needing to be reset.
slight indiscretion, the Corporation may step in to cover Range: Dominesymbolis
things up. Corporate legal staffs help quell charges, while Cost: 1 Spirit Point
public relations experts spin the incidents to an employee’s Duration: 24 hours
favor for the local press. There are limits to what a
Corporation will cover but, in many situations, corporate Empty: While wearing a hooded cloak or helmet, the
loyalty is enough to gloss over personal weaknesses. Kultist’s face cannot be seen through the murky shadows
Level: Two created by this Convokation. In place of facial features,
Duration: One Scene all that is visible is a swirling void of darkness. Even in
Cost: Two Clout direct light, the Kultist is shrouded by the near liquid
opaqueness that covers his face. This effect lasts until
Influential Clients: Special relationships form between a the Kultist pulls down his hood or removes his helmet.
Corporation and their most important customers for the No essence is lost while enacting this Convokation.
benefit of both. Such clients demand special rates and Level: One
services for their patronage, and reward such Range: Self
considerations with their own perks. Knowing an Duration: 24 Hours
important client may allow an employee access to a Attribute: Perception
fashionable club, lunch reservations with elusive people, Cost: 1 Spirit Point
membership to a exclusive organization, etc.
Level: Two Missive: With this Convokation, the Kultist may
Duration: One Scene communicate with those within earshot of one of their
Cost: Two Clout Seals. The Kultist must speak aloud while concentrating
on their Seal. Those on the other end who wish to
Information Broker: Ambitious corporations are aware communicate must also speak loudly and clearly. Should
that useful business information does not always come those standing near the Seal wish to remain silent, the
from internal sources. In some case, a specialist is Kultist hears nothing. Those near the Seal will hear the
needed. Corporations with the proper means maintain Kultist as if he were standing next to them.
relationships with successful information brokers. Having Level: One
access to this source grants the Corporation information Range: 5’ from Kultist’s Seal
beyond the scope of the Corporation itself. Given Duration: 1 Scene
sufficient time and resources, an information broker may Cost: 1 Spirit Point
track down evasive individuals, monitor the business
dealings of other corporations, and even offer political DomineSymbolis: The DomineSymbolis is the
insight on affairs within their Sector. trademark Convokation for the Box of Under. The Kultist
Level: Three must make sacrifice to the Box in their own blood to draw 11
the Seal. Using his own blood, the Kultist suffers 1 blood in the Kultist’s veins turns into a highly potent sleep
Essence Level of Penance. The permanent placement of agent. If swallowed or injected, the victim must win a
the Seal varies from Kultist to Kultist, and may only be Stamina Conflict. If the victim fails the Conflict, they will
revoked by the powers of the Spiritual Essence. fall asleep for seven rounds less their Strength attribute
Level: Two rating. The Kultist may endure Penance if a safe way of
Range: Flat Surface drawing her blood is not available.
Duration: Unlimited Range: Consumed
Cost: Two Spirit Points Duration: 1 Hour
Cost: 1 Spirit Point
The Raising: This Convokation causes the power of Under
to reach from the ground and grasp its victims with inhuman Adrenaline: After performing this Convokation the Kultist
hands. These hands often prevent movement by grabbing gains a temporary +2 bonus to their Strength. This
and pulling at the victim’s legs and feet. The Kultist and the Adrenaline rush lasts until the end of the Scene, making
victim face off in an Occult vs. Agility Conflict. If the Kultist is the Kultist a very dangerous opponent. The effects of this
successful, the victim faces a 2 point penalty to all Dexterity- Convokation are not cumulative.
related actions for the next Round. Level: Two
Level: Two Range: Self
Range: Line of Sight Duration: 1 Scene
Duration: 1 Round Cost: 2 Spirit Points
Cost: 2 Spirit Points
Purge: This Convokation allows the Kultist to purge any
Spines: This Convokation allows the Kultist to open their diseases, drugs, or toxins from their body. All ill effects
robes and reveal the darkness within. Out from the are thus revoked. Expelled material, regardless of former
abyss, a shower of barbs pierces the flesh of their effects, is inert and will not harm anyone.
victims. The sharp spines negate all the benefits of Soft Level: Two
Armor. However, the barbs are brittle and self-destruct Range: Self
upon hitting Hard Armor. One Spirit Point causes two Duration: Instant
Spines to shoot out. Spending two Spirit Points, four Cost: 2 Spirit Points
Spines emerge. Using three Spirit Points allow six
Spines to violate their victim. Each Spine does 1 Penance Choke: Upon contact with the victim, the Kultist may
upon a successful strike. The Kultist attacks the victim drastically reduce the oxygen supply to their brain. The
with an Occult vs. Agility Conflict. victim feels as if they have an extreme case of vertigo. The
Level: Three Kultist opposes the victim in a Medical vs. Immunity Conflict.
Range: Line of Sight If successful, the victim suffers from a temporary one-point
Duration: Instant loss to all of their Attributes when attempting any action.
Cost: Variable Level: Three
Range: Touch
Kult of the Chemical Convokations Duration: 1 Scene
Resist: Using this Convokation allows Kultists of the Cost: 3 Spirit Points
Chemical to restructure their biochemistry to withstand fire’s
harmful effects. They do not burn but instead are
invigorated, and heal one level of Essence for every level of
Kult of the Internal Convokations
Evil Prayer: While damning the Spirit to Ighalli, the
Penance they would otherwise take. Internalist chants a curse directed at one victim. That
Level: One victim is wracked with stiff joints and physical discomfort.
Range: Self The victim suffers a 2-point penalty against their Dexterity
Duration: 1 Hour Attribute for the next Round.
Cost: 1 Spirit Point Range: Line of Sight
Duration: 1 Round
Catalyst: A life-saver for many Chemicalists, this Cost: 1 Spirit Point
Convokation allows the Kultist to double the Essence
levels healed by any curative source for the next Round. Infernal Contract: When used, the Kultist becomes the
Their bodies already used to enhancement and alteration, owner of a parchment written in blood. Known as the
this can effect Rituals, Convokations and standard medical Infernal Contract, its terms read, “Whoever should sign
healing efforts. Clever Chemicalists have discovered a the X at the bottom of these pages will transfer ownership
second use for Catalyst, it work on drugs too. Drugs taken of their Spirit to the Kultist upon the signer’s death.”
with this Convokation (or those it is cast upon) have When the signer dies, regardless of cause, their Spirit
double the effect/potency while they are in the body. travels to the Internalist instantaneously. The Kultist is no
Range: Touch longer required to use Call.
Duration: 1 Round Level: One
Cost: 1 Spirit Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Blood of Slumber: Over a period of five minutes, all the Cost: 1 Spirit Point 12
Redemption: Upon enactment, Redemption causes one Level: One
target to be violently thrown flat against the nearest wall. Range: Self
The Kultist faces off against the victim in a Manipulation Duration: 1 Scene
vs. Stamina Conflict. If successful, the victim is inflicted Cost: 1 Spirit Point
with 2 Essence Penance as their body is slammed
against an unforgiving surface. Taint: With this Convokation, the Lost can smell the foul
Level: One stench of Mystical ability. Tuning themselves to their most
Range: Line of Sight hated enemy, this Convokation allows the Kultist to
Duration: Instant discern whether or not anyone in their immediate area
Cost: 1 Spirit Point has the ability to cast Rituals. The Kultist must damn
Spirit to Carnivoria and defeat the target in an Sensitivity
Influence: Through subtle gestures and slow, refined vs. Occult Conflict. If successful, the Kultist knows
speech, the Kultist entrances all that listen to the point of awe. whether or not the target is a Mystic and how much
Upon successful enactment, the Kultist gains 2 bonus points Energy is currently within their body.
of Manipulation. These bonus points are used up when bid in Level: One
a Conflict regardless of success or failure. Since the effects of Range: Line of Sight
this Convokation may be used cumulatively, Influence may Duration: Instant
generate a pool of 6 bonus points of Manipulation. Cost: 1 Spirit Point
Level: Two
Range: Self Shape of the Hunter: The effects of this Convokation
Duration: Until used alter the form of the Kultist to mimic a Carnivorian
Cost: 2 Spirit Points Daemon’s natural weapon. The weapon may include
horns, claws, razor teeth, etc. This weapon is brutal in
Faith: By convoking Faith, the Kultist may ask a series of combat. Victims may add one level of Penance
questions to one, select person. If successful, the Kultist dependent upon the damage. These changes are
may ask one question per each level the Kultist has in permanent until the Kultist uses the Convokation again in
the Mind Attribute. All questions must be answered order to remove the enhancement.
truthfully and to the best of the victim’s ability. The Level: Two
Internalist must win a Manipulation vs. Subterfuge Range: Self
Conflict for this Convokation to work. Duration: Permanent
Level: Two Cost: 2 Spirit Points
Range: Line of Sight
Duration: Instant Draw the Breath: This Convokation furthers the
Cost: 2 Spirit Points suffering of one intended victim by concentrating on
those that have lost Essence during the current combat.
Unyielding Life: This Convokation adds three levels of If this Convokation is successful, any one victim who has
Essence to the Kultist. These bonus Levels are used up been wounded during the current combat takes an
prior to the Kultist losing any of his original Essence additional Penance Level. Once the Lost has spent her
Levels. Kultists using this Convokation should be Spirit Points, she must win a Focus vs. Stamina Conflict
forewarned. Ighalli occasionally demands an additional against her intended victim.
personal payment from the Kultist. Level: Two
Level: Three Range: Line of Sight
Range: Self Duration: Instant
Duration: Until used Cost: 2 Spirit Points
Cost: 3 Spirit Points
Atemi: Once Atemi is convoked, the Kultist feels the rage of
Kult of the Lost Convokations Abaddon set afire within his veins. The next melee or
Regeneration: By releasing the entire Spirit in the Kultist’s unarmed strike from the Kultist will inflict double damage,
Blade, the Lost calls upon the blessings of Abaddon to often leaving victims of this Convokation grievously wounded.
grant strength to himself. This Convokation heals one level Level: Three
of Essence for each point of Spirit damned. Range: Touch/Weapon contact
Level: One Duration: Next Attack
Range: Self Cost: 3 Spirit Points
Duration: Instant
Cost: Variable Kult of the Machine Convokations
Glitch: Following the trail of a Kultist with knowledge of
Stalking the Prey: Gaining a sentience not all their own, this Convokation is nearly impossible. When used, all
the Kultist enacting this Convokation becomes attuned to location/detection equipment fails, including Oculi.
their prey. After the target of the Convokation is chosen, Movement trackers fail to detect the Kultist and AI
the Kultist gains a bonus of two points to their Stealth skill weaponry loses all Lock-On capability. This lasts for as
whenever their prey notices them. This Convokation long as the Kultist is within sight of the equipment.
remains active through the remainder of the Scene. Level: One 13
Range: Line of Sight greater assimilation by the Daemonic Spirit of its human
Duration: As long as Kultist is in Range host, and gives the Spirit more control over their new
Cost: 1 Spirit Point senses and physique.
Level: One
Processing: This Convokation allows the Kultist to utilize Range: Touch
their Knowledge attribute to its fullest extent. Their brain Duration: Permanent
functioning as a computer, all unimportant information is Cost: 1 Spirit Point
temporarily pushed aside to allow the desired information
to surface. This Convokation grants the Kultist 2 bonus Sense Interment: Avoiding the mechanical “eyes and
bids for any Knowledge-based Conflict. These bonus ears” of the Law and Mystics with this Convokation can
bids are spent regardless of the success or failure of the often ensure continued existence for the members of the
Conflict. This effect is not cumulative or stackable. Kult of the Undead. This Convokation casts an
Level: One appearance of cold death on the Kultist. Heat sensing
Range: Self scanners will not detect them, nor will Nightvision
Duration: 1 Scene goggles, as the body loses all heat and signs of life.
Cost: 1 Spirit Point Level: One
Range: Self
Sensory Defragmentation: Tuning out distractions and Duration: 2 Rounds
confusing elements, the Kultist is able to temporarily Cost: 1 Spirit Point
focus their senses far beyond their standard ability. The
Kultist gains two (2) temporary Perception Attribute points Vapor: Dustings of decay are expelled upon the Kultist’s
for the next 24 hours. These Points are used up once prey with this Convokation, filtering through the air to a
spent (as a Skill point would be), but can be applied to maximum five-foot radius. The Kultist must win an Occult
any Perception Conflict. vs. Immunity Conflict against the victim. If the Kultist wins,
Level: One the victim is only able to defend with either the Dexterity or
Range: Self Strength Attribute for the next Round due to choking and
Duration: 24 Hours retching. Filtered helmets are immune to this Convokation.
Cost: 1 Spirit Point Level: One
Range: Reach
Ground Body: For the duration of 24 hours, the Kultist is Duration: Instant
completely immune to energy-based attacks. All electrical Cost: 1 Spirit Point
Penance dealt to this Kultist is harmlessly grounded out
into the floor. Reanimate: Reanimate is the most commonly used
Level: Two Convokation among the Kult of the Undead. With a
Range: Self simple touch, the dead arises to serve their new Kultist
Duration: 24 Hours master. Most undead Characters begin with the base
Cost: 2 Spirit Points statistics of a human zombie: Dex-1, Str-3, Mch-2, Knw-
2, Per-2, Mnd-1. These Zombies are loyal to their new
Access Denied: This Convokation blocks any master, and go to great lengths to fulfill their duties as
altercations or manipulation to the Kultist’s mind by guards, soldiers, or common workers.
rerouting the invading neural impulse away from the Level: Two
brain. This grants the Kultist 2 Levels to the Mind Range: Touch
Attribute when defending against Rituals or Convokations Duration: Permanent
used against the Kultist’s mental state. Cost: 2 Spirit Points
Level: Two
Range: Self Rigormortis: Touching their undead flesh upon their
Duration: 1 Scene victim’s skin, the Kultist instills an effect similar to
Cost: 2 Spirit Points Rigormortis. The Kultist engages the victim in an Occult
vs. Stamina Conflict. If successful, the victim suffers from
Body of Machine: When Convoked, all muscles and a loss of Dexterity for each Spirit Point sacrificed in this
tendons in the Kultist’s body tighten to a point of Convokation for the rest of the Scene.
incredible duress. The Kultist gains a temporary bonus Level: Two
Level to both Dexterity and Strength as Silesia’s Range: Touch
Influence energizes the body. Duration: 1 Scene
Level: Three Cost: Variable
Range: Self
Duration: 1 Scene Omophagia: Upon consumption of human flesh, the
Cost: 3 Spirit Points Kultist or their undead minions may heal Essence. A bite
may result in a Conflict against the victim, depending
Kult of the Undead Convokations upon the circumstance. When Convoked, the Kultist
Attunement: Only useable upon a zombie, this gains one Essence for every level of Essence consumed
Convokation raises one of their Attributes by one. A from their victim. In order for this Convokation to work the
zombie’s Attribute may not exceed five. This allows for flesh obtained, either from the victim’s body or the 14
morgue, must be less than 24 hours deceased. Range: Self
Level: Three Duration: 1 Scene
Range: Self Cost: 2 Spirit Points
Duration: Consumption
Cost: 3 Spirit Points Recant: By placing their blade on any Cybernetics-
implanted area in a human, the area touched immediately
Spiritual Essence Convokations reverts to its natural, biological state. The Cybernetic
Eyes of Heaven: By releasing Spirit from their blade, the disintegrates and any removed flesh is restored. The
Kultist alters their visual perceptions to encompass that Spiritual Essence Kultist must win a Focus vs. Cybernetics
which is usually unseen. For the next three Rounds the Conflict in order for this Convokation to work.
Character may see any Spirit or Spiritual Daemon as if Level: Three
they were made manifest. With this Convokation, the Range: Touch
Kultist may not affect Spirits, only see them. Duration: Instant
Level One: Cost: 3 Spirit Points
Range: Self
Duration: 3 Rounds Machine Cybernetics
Attribute: Perception Cybernetics represent man and his technology merging
Cost: 1 Spirit Point into a seamless whole. To some, Cybernetics is a means
to achieve higher efficiency. To others, it is the next step in
Gentle Whispers: With this Convokation, the Kultist may human evolution. Whatever the philosophy, those that
attempt to Call the Spirit of any recently deceased person choose to install Cybernetics never doubt their usefulness.
within the Kultist’s line of sight. If the Call vs. Spirit
Conflict is successful, the Spirit flows into the Kultist’s Filler: Fillers are a special combination of injected
Blade. Normally used in combat, this Convokation may biochemical resins that increase the body’s resilience to
also be used provided the victim has been deceased for damage. Once injected, the chemical binds to living tissue
a maximum of 24 hours. and expands to protect the user’s vital organs. As a result, the
Level: One user appears bulkier. Each Filler gives the Machine one extra
Range: Line of Sight Essence Level. Because the material hardens, using
Duration: Instant excessive amounts of filler can be quite dangerous.
Cost: 1 Spirit Point Machines may have a
maximum of three Fillers
Sense Flock: The Spiritual Essence Kultist can installed.
determine the condition of someone’s soul with this Level: One
Convokation. By sending the necessary Spirit within their Duration: Continuous
Blade to the Azure Hyaline and winning a Sensitivity vs. Cost: None
Restraint Conflict the Kultist can discern the current Spirit
rating of the target and whether or not the target is a Medical Relay:
member of the Spiritual Essence. Medical Relays
Level: One monitor the entire
Range: Line of Sight body function of their
Duration: Instant possessor, giving up
Cost: 1 Spirit Point to date information
about the users
Light of Purity: By calling forth the shining might of the health and well
Azure Hyaline, the Kultist may create an intense light that being. The device
strikes at a victim’s eyes. After contact, the beam of light can monitor the
dissipates and leaves behind a blinded and writhing user for
victim. The Spiritual Essence faces off against the victim known
in a Focus vs. Restraint Conflict. If successful, the victim
is only able to defend themselves with their Dexterity or
Strength Attribute for the next Round. The victim’s
blindness lasts for the duration of one Round.
Level: Two
Range: Line of Sight
Duration: 1 Round
Cost: 2 Spirit Points

Divine Right: With this Convokation, the Kultist becomes

immune to acts of manipulation. Any Terror or Fear
effects are nullified by this Convokation. The Kultist also
gains two bonus bids to defend against any attacks on
their Mind or Spirit.
Level: Two 15
forms of poison or contagion, as well as transmit vital them through unknown forces, these powers differ from
information about the nature and extent of injuries sustained Mystic to Mystic. The more focused a Mystic becomes,
in conflict. Once activated, Medical Relays give the user two the more variances their Rituals have. Each Mystic Path
bonus bids which can be used in any Medical related teaches a different type of Ritual.
conflicts. These extra bids can also be used by another
character aware of the Medical Relay, and able to access it Alter Rituals
(with a Data Jack or similar device). Those Mystics on the Path of Alter use Rituals to combat
Level: One the forces of Hell. Most Alter Rituals are primarily combat-
Duration: Instant related or offensive in nature.
Cost: One Pulse point
Aphotic Eyes: Understanding the basic elements of
Night Vision Oculi: This eye replacement is comprised of darkness, the Alter may peer into the abyss. The Alter gains
carefully calibrated photoreceptors to allow its user to see in complete vision in the dark, gaining an advantage over most
low light settings. These devices help the possessor find their of his enemies, and the knowledge only a few will ever
way through places like the murky shadows of Sublevel Four, possess. This Ritual works on all types of darkness and
or through the smoke-clouded clubs throughout Sublevel shadow, including other levels of this Ritual. To gain this
Three. When activated, the Night Vision Oculi eliminates all insight into the shadows, the Alter must spend one point of
penalties due to low light situations, whether the darkness is Energy and concentrate for a Round. Once activated, the
naturally or artificially created. Alter is not hampered by any darkness, natural or created.
Level: One Level: One
Duration: 1 Scene Range: Self
Cost: One Pulse point Duration: 2 Rounds
Cost: 1 Energy Point
CardioProcessor: CardioProcessors help protect a
human’s circulatory and digestive systems from chemical Ghostsight: The Alter may peer into the Spirit Dimension
attack by screening out poisons and other deadly long enough to gauge the number of Spirit points for a
chemicals that have entered the body. Foreign particles particular Spirit, whether they be trapped in a Kultist blade or
in the user’s blood stream bond to these tiny, reactive wandering as a Spirit nearby. To use Ghostsight, the Alter
filters. Capillary action then pushes the particles out must focus his connection to the world around him. He
through the body’s sweat pores. When activated, spends one point of Energy and opens himself up to the
CardioProcessors add three bids that may be used in an flow of Spirit around him. If using this ritual against a Kultist,
Immunity-related Conflict. the Alter must win an Occult vs. the Kultist’s Call to be
Level: Two successful.
Duration: Instant Level: One
Cost: 2 Pulse points Range: Natural Sight
Duration: Instant
BioBooster: BioBoosters are special nanofiber implants Cost: 1 Energy Point
that attach to a user’s nervous system, resulting in
superhuman reflexes and coordination. The BioBooster’s Drain Energy: By focusing upon a mechanical object, the
direct commands cause the user’s nervous system Alter can drain its power. Mechanical objects may include
reaction time to increase so much so that the user may ordnance, vehicles, Cybernetics, etc. If successful, the Alter
reflexively act before the brain has time to process. When drains 2 Energy Points per turn of use. The energy then
activated, BioBoosters add 2 bids that are used for any discharges harmlessly into the air or ground. The Ritual’s
Dexterity-related Conflict. These bonus bids are used up difficulty varies depending on the object, its power-source,
regardless of whether the Conflict is a success or failure. and its shielding.
Level: Two Level: One
Duration: Scene Range: Line of Sight
Cost: 2 Pulse points Duration: Instant
Cost: 1 Energy Point
DermaPlating: DermaPlating is a full body armor grafted
under the epidermis. The material is made of synthetic Unravel: This Ritual allows an Alter to tear Spirit from a Kultist’s
mesh reinforced by flexible metallic thread, creating an blade. Although only one blade may be affected per use of
easily recognizable cross hatch pattern in the skin above it. Unravel, it leaves a Kultist powerless. To Unravel the Spirit of a
DermaPlating is a favored cybernetic for bodyguards, Kultist’s blade, the Alter must concentrate on a chosen Kultist.
contractors, and daemon hunters for the simple but effective The two face off in an Occult vs. Call Conflict. If the Alter wins,
protection it provides in combat. DermaPlating, when all Spirit in the Kultist’s Blade is set free.
installed, grants the possessor three points of Soft Armor. Level: Two
Level: Three Range: Natural Sight
Duration: Continuous Duration: Instant
Cost: None Cost: 2 Energy Points

Mystic Rituals Andirous Touch: An Andirous Touch from an Alter burns

Rituals are the powers held by the Mystics. Gifted to their intended victim. The Alter’s heat-concentrated 16
hands scars their victim’s skin. Some Alters’ hands burn
so hot that gloves and other flammable items near them
are set alight. Any victim that suffers from the Andirous
Generation Point Costs:
Touch loses two points of Penance. Any flammable or • Attributes 3 pts
combustible object the Alter touches will be set on fire. • Skills 1 pt
Resulting Penance may vary.
Level: Two
• Lvl 1 Enhancement 3 pts
Range: Touch • Lvl 2 Enhancement 6 pts
Duration: Instant • Lvl 3 Enhancement 9 pts
Cost: 2 Energy Points • Essence 2 pts
Disintegration: With Disintegration, an Alter may • Spirit 3 pts
destroy an inanimate object by touching it. This Ritual
lasts for up to two Rounds. This Ritual will only effect the Restoration: Restoration permits a Visionary the ability
portion that the Alter’s hand comes in contact with. Thus, to reconstruct another’s human anatomy. Broken bones,
the Alter’s hands gain the ability to dissolve hard armor, scarred flesh, and torn muscle are fully regenerated. After
walls, ordnances, Kult Blades, etc. Resulting Conflicts focusing, the Visionary wipes their hand over any wound
vary depending upon the situation. If successful, three in order to heal their patient. The Visionary enters a
levels of damage are dealt to any object the Alter touches Conflict relevant to the type of damage. If successful, this
for the next two Rounds. Ritual restores 2 levels of Essence. This Ritual may not
Level: Three be performed upon one’s self.
Range: Touch Level: Two
Duration: 2 Rounds Range: Touch
Cost: 3 Energy Points Duration: Instant
Cost: 2 Energy Points
Visionary Rituals
Visionary Rituals are typically defensive or protective in Haze-Shield: Creating a Haze-Shield defends the
nature. Visionaries use Rituals to defend humanity Visionary from Penance caused by projectile weapons.
against the dark forces of Hell. With the Visionary at its center, the Haze-Shield covers a
five-foot radius around him and anyone else within its
Aura: When enacted, the Mystic radiates a brilliant white range. The Haze-Shield provides five points of Hard
light. Glowing from every pore, this light can illuminate a Armor to all Characters within the shield for the duration
50-foot radius. This light can often make the difference of the Ritual. This effect is cumulative, provided multiple
when fighting against Kultists in the bowels of the Zone. Visionaries are using this Ritual.
Range: Line of Sight Level: Two
Duration: 2 Rounds Range: 5 feet
Cost: 1 Energy Point Duration: 1 Round per level of the Visionary’s Mind Attribute
Cost: 2 Energy Points
Enhanced Intuition: When enacted, this Ritual bestows
the Visionary with heightened senses. The Visionary with Transference: When a Visionary uses Transference,
Enhanced Intuition is able to sense items, Daemons or they make physical contact with an inanimate object in
humans that are otherwise concealed. This Ritual allows order to siphon its energy. When the object or Cybernetic
the Visionary to gain two bonus Skill bids that may be is fully drained its energy blasts forth and does Penance
used in any Perception Conflict. Uses of Enhanced to anything within the Visionary’s targeted range. The
Intuition are not cumulative. Penance dealt depends on the object from which the
Level: One energy was drained. The drained energy may not be
Range: Self stored for later use. Visionaries with this Ritual are
Duration: Until Bid or end of Session hesitant to use it because of its potential for damage.
Cost: I Energy Point Level: Three
Range: Line of Sight
Residual: Use of this Ritual grants a Visionary the ability Duration: Instant
to detect the state of any Spirit. By touching a corpse, the Cost: 3 Energy Points
Visionary gains an impression of whether a Spirit has
transcended, been Called or become a Wandering Spirit. Generation Points
The Visionary may even gain a general idea of its Each Player receives 30 Generation Points at Character
location should the Spirit still be within the vicinity. Some creation, regardless of Ethos. Players may then use these
see vague impressions, others instinctually learn of a points to purchase higher stats for their Character. Costs
Spirit’s fate. A Visionary may only use Residual on a reflect an increase for one stat. For example, spending
body that has been deceased less than 24 hours. three Generation Points will raise an Attribute by one.
Level: One
Range: Touch Equipment
Duration: Instant From the clothes they wear to the type of weapon they
Cost: 1 Energy Point use, Characters in Obsidian use a variety of items to 17
further their goals. Barter and trade are essential to any Circuit Blades: Sleek and effective, these deadly blades
functioning society, and the Zone is no different. Most are used by assassins and citizens alike. These blades may
transactions occur using Credits tracked by computers be used to legally defend oneself in case of attack. Circuit
and handheld Credbases. Others happen through shady Blades are engineered knives that have electrical units in
deals in clubs and dimly lit corners. their hilts. They cut similar to a standard knife. When
All Characters begin with a Credbase. Players may charged, the blade also electrically shocks an intended
spend Credits for additional Equipment. All starting victim. Circuit Blades must be recharged after three uses.
Characters get 2500 Credits at Character Creation. Penance when charged: 2 Essence Levels
Penance when not charged: 1 Essence Level
Basic Gear Cost: 200
Communications – Often the difference between closing
a deal and being passed over for promotion, Kult Blades: These deadly blades contain the very soul of
communication is essential to Characters in Obsidian. Characters within Obsidian. Used by the minions of Hell to
Vidphones offer both visual and audio conversations steal the Spirit of others, Kult Blades vary in size, shape,
between Characters. Discreet Characters may use a small and material. Dangerous to use out in the open, Mystics
and silent Transmitter to relay short text messages. and Law agents are quick to arrest anyone who is in liege
Datapads offer a variety of digital services. Its primary use with Hell. This excludes members of the Spiritual
is to transfer information via disks to other Character’s Essence. Kult Blades store the Spirit Points of Characters
Datapads. Players must specify which Communications the Kultist has successfully Called. Kult Blades may only
item they are purchasing for their Character. contain a maximum of five Spirit Points at one time. The
Cost: 100 (Transmitter), 200 (Vidphone), 500 (Datapad) blade may also be used as a regular weapon. All Kultists
receive one free Kult Blade at Character creation. Only
Credbase – Credits may be stored and transferred to Kultist Characters may use Kult Blades.
store registers, bank machines, and other Credbases. Penance: 1 Essence Level
These small handheld devices store the owner’s Credits Cost: Variable…most Kult Blades are illegal and rare…
along with their identification and other personal info. All
beginning Characters start with a Credbase. Diagnostics Seven – A powerful Ordnance, the
Cost: 1000 Diagnostics Seven is often used by Contractors and
security personnel. It is difficult to conceal, but offers a
Emergency Medical Kit – These kits have basic tools variety of features that earns its popularity. The D7 has a
and supplies for first aid. The kit contains items such as; quick-release clip that eases reloading, and it is built to
Coolant Gel that heals burns, Sanitation Spray that helps avoid jams even after a drawn-out gun battle.
eliminate toxins, and Liquid Skin that closes minor Penance: 2 Essence Levels
wounds. These kits also consist of bandages, painkillers, Load: 14 Rounds
and simple instructions. When used to try to heal another Cost: 900
Character, a Character gains 2 bonus Medical Skill points.
Cost: 300 Prang Z11 – A smaller Ordnance, the Prang Z11 is a
popular pistol used for defense or additional armament
Surveillance Kit – Used by Investigators, corporate spies for those who can afford it. It has little to no recoil and
and the occasional Contractor, this equipment allows can easily fit into a jacket pocket.
Characters to pry into the secrets of others. Each unit Penance: 2 Essence Levels
contains a scope with an infrared lens, a mini-microphone Load: 7 Rounds
receiver, and a pocket digital camera. These devices must Cost: 600
have line-of-sight to the target for proper function.
Cost: 500 Davidson Arms Defender – A recent addition to the
market, this short rifle is quickly becoming very popular. It
Toolkits – Ranging from basic maintenance kits to highly is light and powerful with a large clip. It may be
intricate specialty gear for installing cybernetics, Toolkits expensive, but many Contractors and Bodyguards claim
aid Characters in accomplishing their duties. Most it is worth the investment.
Toolkits are customized to fit a particular job, starting out Penance: 3 Essence Levels
as a basic set and advancing as the Character adds Load: 20 Rounds
more specific items. Toolkits give a Character 2 bonus Cost: 1500
Skill bids when attempting repairs or modifications.
Players must specify what type of Toolkit they are Extra Clips – These clips vary in size depending on the
purchasing for their Character (i.e. Cybernetic, weapon they are designed for. On average, Clips cost
Engineering, Maintenance, or Vehicle). between 30 (Pistols) and 50 (Rifles) Credits. The price
Cost: 1500 (Cybernetic), 1000 (Engineering), 500 goes up depending on demand and availability.
(Maintenance), 700 (Vehicle)
Weapons of Opportunity – Sometimes Characters are
Weapons caught in a situation where they need to grab whatever is
In an age where Mystics walk the streets to aid humankind available. This “category” of weapons is a catch-all for
and Kultists prey upon their fellow man, many in the Zone blunt trauma items such as chains, clubs, etc. Narrators
have turned to weapons as a reliable form of protection. have the final say on how much Penance such a weapon 18
causes. In most cases the object will cause 1 Essence
Level of Damage. Basic Conflict Resolution Overview
Penance: Determined by Narrator In order to resolve a Conflict, a determination must first be
Cost: Variable (anything from Free to 50 Credits) made as to the appropriate Character Attribute that would be
used to solve the nature of the Conflict. For instance, if a
Armor Character were attempting to push over a motorcycle, the
Armor is built for combat, fashion or everyday safety. appropriate Attribute would be Strength. Opposing Players may
Softer armors offer less protection than hard armors, but come to a mutual agreement as to the appropriate Attribute for
allow a Character full range of movement. Armor protects a Conflict, or the Narrator may make the determination.
the wearer from Penance depending upon its Armor Level. Second, the Players or Narrator must decide if an appropriate
Any Penance beyond the Armor Level is dealt to the Skill exists which can be applied to the Conflict. Most Conflict
Character. Blades and Ordnances destroy the protective resolution will consist of a pair made of an Attribute and a Skill.
properties of an item if they exceed its Armor Level. In some rare Conflicts, they may be tested with solely the use
of an Attribute. The pairing of an Attribute and a Skill is referred
Leathers – Often cut into jackets and suits, Leathers are to as the Players’ Bid Pool.
often made from Daemon hide. They offer basic
protection for the covered area. Leather is a mainstay for Contested vs. Unopposed Conflicts
most Characters as it is fashionable and affordable. Conflicts come in two basic types; Contested or Unopposed.
Armor Level: 1 Point A Contested Conflict is one in which a Player Character is
Dexterity Penalty: None pitted against another Character or an NPC. Combat is an
Cost: 100 example of a Contested Conflict. Contested Conflicts pit one
Character’s Bid Pool against another’s. These Bid Pools need
Hybrid Weaves – Hybrid Weaves are made from a not necessarily be made up of the same Attribute/Skill pair. All
synthetic fabric. These items come in several fashions and that is required to enter a Contested Conflict, is a Bid Pool that
colors, offering a variety of styles for Zone citizens. They consists of the necessary Attribute and an appropriate Skill for
are often stronger than Leathers, but more costly to obtain. achieving a Player’s desired outcome. Players must agree on
Armor Level: 2 Points the appropriateness of the Attribute/Skill pairs, or a Narrator
Dexterity Penalty: None may make a final decision on the Bid Pools.
Cost: 400 An Unopposed Conflict is one in which a Character faces an
obstacle rather than another Character. An example of an
Trenchcoat or Cloak – Used to cover more of the body, Unopposed Conflict is a Character attempting to bypass a
these items can be layered over Leather & Hybrid-Weave security device. The Character must still create the appropriate
suits or standard clothing. At Character Creation, a Bid Pool for the Conflict. The Narrator then assigns a Difficulty
Player must indicate which item they choose. Rating for the obstacle. The Difficulty Rating is secretly
Armor Level: 1 Point determined once the appropriate Bid Pool has been decided,
Dexterity Penalty: 1 Point and is used as the bid against the challenging Player. The
Cost: 300 Player must win against the Difficulty Rating in order to be
successful in the Conflict.
Vest – Bulky and strong, armored vests give the wearer
decent torso protection. Usually consisting of two hard Auctioning
plates of armor, the vest straps together over the Once appropriate Bid Pools and Difficulty Ratings have
wearer’s shoulders and sides. When worn, the Vest may been decided, the Players decide the outcome of the scene
determine the difference between life and death. through a process called Bidding. First, Players may
Armor Level: 3 Points for Torso Only increase the size of their Bid Pools if they have appropriate
Dexterity Penalty: 1 Point bonuses granted to them by Cybernetics, Rituals or
Cost: 800 Convokations, mystical items, etc. These bonuses must be
activated and declared before the bidding progresses.
Resolving Conflicts Players then bid by simultaneously holding out one or both
hands, with fingers extended equal to the number of bids they
Whenever possible, Characters are encouraged to act their are willing to risk on the Conflict. This bid must be less than or
way through scenes, handling discussions and negotiations as equal to, the number of bids a Player has available in their
their Character would react to each situation. However, in any Bid Pool. Players may use as many of these bids as they
game, there will be times when two Character’s interests are desire to risk in the bidding. In an Unopposed Conflict, the bid
opposed to each other. These moments are referred to as made by the Narrator against the challenging Player will be
Conflicts. When the Players face a Conflict they must equal to the Difficulty Rating of the obstacle. The Player with
overcome it through their abilities, rather than their acting skills. the greatest number of bids risked is the winner of the
To resolve Conflicts and allow the story to progress, Obsidian Conflict, and their version of events determines the progress
uses a system known as Auctioning. Players enter competition of the story. In the case of an Unopposed Conflict, if the
between themselves or against a Narrator in order to allow the Player’s bid is greater than the difficulty rating, then the
scene to continue in a manner which is in the best interest of Character was successful in overcoming the obstacle.
their Character. Players ‘bid’ on a scene, pitting their Regardless of the outcome of the Conflict, both Players
capabilities against their opponent. The victor is decided by temporarily lose any Skills or temporary bids granted by the
who ‘pays the most’ to win the outcome they desire. use of Cybernetics, Rituals, etc. that they risked in the 19
bidding. Attribute Ratings are permanent, and are not lost as Bid Pool. For example, a Player has entered an Uncontested
a result of bidding. Characters are not required to risk Skill Conflict against a security door while in a pitch-black room.
bids if they choose not to; they may use the Attribute Rating The Narrator subtracts points from the Player’s Bid Pool to
alone in any Conflict. Activating some Enhancements may account for the darkness. Bid modifications are entirely at the
restore temporary bids. To replenish their skills, the Character discretion of the Narrator.
may choose to spend one point for their Spirit Pool. Once
spent, all Skill bids are restored under the Attribute category
of the Player’s choice. Story Ideas
The Age of Judgement is full of opportunity for Characters
Ending the Conflict in Obsidian. Each Ethos has a Motivation that they try to
Once Players have determined the highest bid and marked uphold as they make their way throughout the Zone.
off all spent bids, the winning Player describes his or her Motivations and the challenges that occur when they oppose
preferred outcome for the Conflict, and the story continues. each other can make for some interesting stories in Obsidian
Some Conflicts, such as Combat, may require multiple rounds LARP. Socials and the ever-present quest for Credits in the
of bidding. In these cases, each Conflict round consists of corporate society of the Zone can also inspire individual
determining a Bid Pool, Auctioning, and Resolving the Conflict. stories for Characters within the setting.
A new round of bidding may begin only after the winning Player New Technology: A manufacturing corporation has recently
describes the continuation of the scene. Play continues until released a new weapon or type of Cybernetics for test
the Conflict is ended, and Players pick up the story immediately marketing. Who will gain control of this technology? Will it be
following the Resolution of the last round of bidding. used for the benefit of Humanity or one of the Kults?
Missing Persons: Several citizens have vanished in the
Complications last few weeks. Investigators have been called in to solve this
The process described above is the standard way to case. Who is responsible? Kultists may be framed for the job
resolve Conflicts in Obsidian LARP. Some unusual situations so the Mystics can move in and wipe them out; perhaps it
may add a layer of complexity to the process. These would be in everyone’s best interests to locate the culprit
situations are described here: before the Law rolls in and clears out the Sublevel…
Gladiators: An illegal Arena Match has been set up in a
Ties: Occasionally, two Characters bidding in a Conflict will dark corner of Sublevel Four. The nastiest, deadliest fighters
risk precisely the same number of traits. When this occurs, in the Sector will be there trying to win
both Players must announce their Character’s permanent some Credits and prove who is the
Rating in the Attributes they used for resolving the Conflict. best of the best. Side bets are
The Player with the highest Attribute Rating is declared encouraged and lots of
the winner of the Conflict, and both Players resolve the deals are available for
Conflict as if it were a normal situation. If the Players’ anyone with the
comparison of their Attribute traits also results in a tie, Credits or goods
then the scene is resolved using the Defender Wins to trade.
rule. This rule states that the initiator of a Conflict
must win the bidding in order to resolve the
scene in their favor.

Modifications: Due to the circumstances of

a particular scene, a Narrator may choose to
add or subtract bid modifications to a
particular round of bidding. This is
accomplished by limiting
the size of a
Player’s 20

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