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9 Strategies for Naming a Brand | Muse by Clio

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9 S t ra t e g i e s f o r N a m i n g a B ra n d
The icing on the cake

By Molly Rowan Hamilton of Pearl6sher on Jun 17 2020 - 12:50pm


1 de 4 4/08/20 9:26 a. m.
9 Strategies for Naming a Brand | Muse by Clio

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monetize her cute cartoons into greeting cards. Another friend is turning her love
for arts and crafts into an e-commerce platform. It goes on...

The worldwide pandemic has left many people feeling as if it's the end of our lives as
we know it, whereas for others, it's paving the way for a new beginning—allowing
people to take a step back and focus on personal or passion projects that our once-
hectic lives didn't have "time for." I'm deeply impressed by their get-up-and-go
attitude. Apart from gloating, I know they're sharing their projects and ideas with
me in the hopes for guidance and advice. Because aside from my big weekend plans,
consisting of binge-watching daytime television, it just so happens the only thing
keeping me sane and stimulated right now in our "new normal" is my love for, dare
I say it … my job.

I work in the strategy team at the New York studio of Pearlfisher, a leading global
brand design agency. If there's anyone who understands the weight of a name, it's
us. Chinese tampons, horse food, five-star hotels—you name it, we've named it. So,
it's no surprise that my friends are looking at me to help with what I like to call the
icing on the cake—a brand name that can take their vision from idea to reality.

To us, a brand name is a compelling story, reduced to its smallest, but most engaging
form. It's your first shortcut as a brand to help articulate who you are and what you
believe in. Crafting one marks the holy grail of brand design. How to make it
immediate yet still have a deeper meaning? How to get to the core of what you do,
yet still leave it ambiguous enough to allow for brand development in the future?
How to be clever enough to get through the toughest trademarking checks and
make sure that you've got something unique (and something that you actually like)?
The ultimate aim is to move from corporation to lifestyle and to transcend the

2 de 4 4/08/20 9:26 a. m.
9 Strategies for Naming a Brand | Muse by Clio

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