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Tabla de contenido
FIRST PERIOD...................................................................................................................................................................3
Identifying instructions....................................................................................................................................................3
Vocabulary: days of the week.........................................................................................................................................8
PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE AND TIME................................................................................................................................9
Second Period...............................................................................................................................................................12
ORDINAL NUMBERS......................................................................................................................................................12
INDEFINITE ARTICLES.....................................................................................................................................................18
Third Period.................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Target Grammar: Plurals...............................................................................................................................................19
Describing yourself and others.....................................................................................................................................22
FREQUENCY ADVERBS...................................................................................................................................................27
There is / there are........................................................................................................................................................28
PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE...............................................................................................................................................30

English 1, TSU

Identifying instructions (Skill Set 1)
1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate box orders

listen and repeat be quiet listen to the conversation pass to the board
raise your hands write down look at page… spell the letters

1. ____________ 2. _____________ 3. ______________ 4. _______________

5. ____________ 6. _____________ 7. ______________ 8. _______________

2. Complete the dialogue wlth expressions from the box.

How do you spell Can you repeat that I don't understand Can you speak more slowly Of course

A: Can you help me, please? B: Sorry…I….don’t….understand

B: (1) ____________________________________ A: (4) ___________________________________

A: How do you say Perdón. No entiendo in English? B: U-N-D-E-R-S-T-A-N-D

B: Sorry, (2) _______________________________ A: (5) _____________________________, please?

A: Sorry, you speak too fast. B: Of course. U-N-D-E-R-S-T-A-N-D


(3) ____________________________, please?

Read the letter and answer the questions with the information of the text
Dear Lisa
It is a big surprise for me to know that you are studying
to become an English teacher.
I want to tell you that it is not as easy as you could
imagine, but it is very rewarding in other aspects,
some of the things that you have to take into account
are the next:
Students are usually very restless and many times
I have to ask them: be quiet! to make the students to
They usually feel stressed when I ask them: pass to the board!, or spell the words! that are in the
board, because many times they don’t know how a word is written, or just to see if they are
understanding correctly, above all, taking into account that they have to learn a foreign
They are sometimes desorganized and they tend to do usually their homeworks the night before
the dead line, so, at times, they complain about this situation with their academic tutor and they
say that I ask them to do a lot of homework.
They don’t like to write down either, that’s why they prefer to have a book, because everything
there, is written.
When they finally are quiet you can tell them: look at page…! and they start to work.
Best regards.
Larry Hampton.
Answer the questions with the text
1. Who is going to be a teacher? __________________________________________________
2. Who is writing the letter? _____________________________________________________
3. What does he have to do to make that the students pay attention to his class?
4. Why is necessary for the students to know how to spell words?
5. What is possible to ask them when they are quiet?

3. T: 2. Listen and repeat the pronunciation of the letters of the alphabet in English.


4. T: 3. Listen and circle the letter you hear.

1. a j k 2. b p g 3. f s x 4. m n l 5. e c g 6. b d p 7. h k q

5. T: 4. Complete the missing numbers. Listen and check the Spelling.

one three


6. Fill the lines with the proper numbers. You have 2 minutes

a) eleven: _________________ b) twenty three: __________ c) fifteen: ______________

d) forty five: ______________ e) eighty: ________________ f) fifty seven: ____________

g) one hundred: ________________ h) one thousand and two: ____________________

i) one hundred thousand: ________ j) one hundred fifty: _________________________

7. Write the numbers. You have 2 minutes


a) 21: twenty one b) 32: ___________________ c) 19: __________________

d) 43: ____________________ e) 24: ___________________ f) 36: __________________

g) 17: ____________________ h) 81: ___________________ i) 93: __________________

Project: Perform the dialogue in groups of four according to the rubric.


Mike: Sally?
Sally: Hi! Mike
Mike: Long time no see you!
Sally: Yes. In fact, since we were in the boy scouts, weren’t we?…
Mike: Yes, we were. Let’s go for a drink!
Sally: No, I can’t, I’m waiting for a friend, look she is there…
Mike: Who is she?
Sally: she's a classmate from my group of the University.
Mike: She's young for a University student! How old is she?
Sally : Actually, she's 19 years old.
Mike: Really? She seems to be younger, what's her name?
Sally: Her name is Lisa.
Mike: And what's his name?
Sally: His name is Marco.
Mike: He looks old! How old is he?
Sally: l'don't know. He's the librarian
Mike: Ooops!
librarian: OK, I just need some information to print your library card. What's your name?
Lisa: My name is Lisa Papadopoulos.
librarian: How do you spell that?
Lisa: My first name is L-l-S-A and my last name is P-A-P-A-D-O-P- O-U-L-O-S.

librarian: OK, and what's your address?

Lisa: It's 1212 Homer Street, Seattle. My zip code is 98109.
librarian: Good. Let me see. Ah yes, what's your phone number?
Lisa: It's (778) 862-9205.
librarian: OK. And what's your email address?
Lisa: My email address? It's
librarian: Sorry? Can you repeat that, please?
Lisa: Of course. It's L-l-S-A-P-9-6-@ S-A-N-T-O-R-I-N-I-DOT-G-R
Professor: One last question – How old are you, Lisa?
Lisa: l'm 19.
librarian: Perfect. Here's your card. This is your student number' TU197815. You can use internet access or to check
out books.


Subject English IV Group:_________ Grade: __________

Name of the student: ____________________________________________________

Category Excellent Very good Good Improvable Observations
10 9 8 7
Actuación, organización Calificar trabajo
Interpretación acorde al rol del personaje 0 errores 1 error 3 errores 4 errores o más individual
Expresión corporal de acuerdo al personaje.
Empezaron a un mismo tiempo, cuando se les
Interactúan adecuadamente de acuerdo al
orden definido en el dialogo
Pronunciación Calificar trabajo
El contenido de sus mensajes 0 errores Tuvo dos Tuvo tres Tuvo cuatro ó individual de
fue correcto en cuanto a la errores errores. más errores. acuerdo a grabación
gramática, y uso de expresiones.
Fluidez Calificar trabajo
No tuvieron (interrupciones) 0 errores Tuvo de 1 a 2 Tuvo 3 o 4 Tuvo 5 o más individual
errores errores errores
Conocimiento Calificar trabajo
Expone sus diálogos y se nota su dominio 0 errores Tuvo dos Tuvo tres Tuvo cuatro ó individual
errores errores. más errores.
La duración del “role play” es de tres a cinco minutos, por equipos de cuatro personas.
La grabación en audio y video, es la evidencia para aclaraciones de calificación y se eliminará al haberse asentado la calificación a cada miembro integrante del
Para tener una pronunciación adecuada deberán usar un diccionario de pronunciación, como FORVO, el cual es gratuito y se encuentra en internet.
Role play: Es la representación de un dialogo respecto a una situación, cuyo contenido o tema es asignado por el Docente.
Actuación: “Manera de actuar o comportarse”…Comprende tono y volumen de voz así como el uso de las pausas. Tomado de
Mímica: (lenguaje corporal) Es aquella señal o conjunto de señales no verbales que indican nuestra personalidad, sentimientos, actitudes y estados de ánimo.
Tomado de

Sports and leisure

Vocabulary: days of the week

1. Complete the missing days in the correct order.

Sunday Wednesday Thursday Saturday

2. T: 11. Listen and check your answers. Then listen and repeat

3. In pairs, ask and answer the questions

a) What day is today? ______________________________________
b) What day is tomorrow? __________________________________
c) When are your English classes? ____________________________
d) What days are the weekend? _____________________________

4. T: 12. Listen to the conversation at the gym and choose the correct answers
1. The two people are:
a) In the gym café. b) at the gym reception
2. The client is free on:
a) Monday and Tuesday b) Tuesday and Friday
3. The client:
a) chooses a class b) doesn’t choose a class

5. Which month comes next?


6. Unescramble the letters, to write the correct months.


Sty Upd 1
Track 11, p 15

Track 12

p. 16

Track: 13, p. 16

Second Period.

Track 14, p. 16

Track: 15

Track 16

11. Write the ordinal number with letters

1. I have the ________________ (1st) prize!


2. Sally got the ____________ (2nd) place in the competition.

3. Does the person with the ____________ (3rd) place also receive a trophy in our contest?

4. John is in his ____________ (5th) level of school

5. Look at this photo of our graduation. We were the __________ __ (20th) generation in the Webster High school.

Project: Perform the dialogue in groups of four according to the rubric.

Joe: Oh no! I can’t find my schedule!
What’s tomorrow at eight o’clock?
Mary: At eight? Um – Marketing.
Joe: And what room is it in?
Sam: Uh –I think it’s in room 10
-yes, room 10
Joe: Ten
Mary: And at nine o’clock it’s English in room 8
Milly: And –what time is Financial Maths?
Mary: Financial Maths? I Think it’s at ten o’clock
Yes! At ten o’clock in room 14
Milly: Hey stop talking about school. Let’s go to the Black eye peas, concert!
Joe: Great! When is it?
Milly: On Saturday.
Joe: What time?
Milly: at 7:30
Joe: Okay. Are you agree guys?
Mary and Sam: Yeah!
Mary: The concert is on Sunday, right?
Sam: No! It isn’t on Sunday! It’s on Friday and Saturday! Remember?
Sam: Oh! Yes!
Joe: oh no it’s time to go to a class I’ll see you there guys!
Mary, Molly and Joe: Ok, bye



Subject English IV Group:_________ Grade: __________

Name of the student: ____________________________________________________

Category Excellent Very good Good Improvable Observations
10 9 8 7
Actuación, organización Calificar trabajo
Interpretación acorde al rol del personaje 0 errores 1 error 3 errores 4 errores o más individual
Expresión corporal de acuerdo al personaje.
Empezaron a un mismo tiempo, cuando se les
Interactúan adecuadamente de acuerdo al
orden definido en el dialogo
Pronunciación Calificar trabajo
El contenido de sus mensajes 0 errores Tuvo dos Tuvo tres Tuvo cuatro ó individual de
fue correcto en cuanto a la errores errores. más errores. acuerdo a grabación
gramática, y uso de expresiones.
Fluidez Calificar trabajo
No tuvieron (interrupciones) 0 errores Tuvo de 1 a 2 Tuvo 3 o 4 Tuvo 5 o más individual
errores errores errores
Conocimiento Calificar trabajo
Expone sus diálogos y se nota su dominio 0 errores Tuvo dos Tuvo tres Tuvo cuatro ó individual
errores errores. más errores.
La duración del “role play” es de tres a cinco minutos, por equipos de cuatro personas.
La grabación en audio y video, es la evidencia para aclaraciones de calificación y se eliminará al haberse asentado la calificación a cada miembro integrante del
Para tener una pronunciación adecuada deberán usar un diccionario de pronunciación, como FORVO, el cual es gratuito y se encuentra en internet.
Role play: Es la representación de un dialogo respecto a una situación, cuyo contenido o tema es asignado por el Docente.
Actuación: “Manera de actuar o comportarse”…Comprende tono y volumen de voz así como el uso de las pausas. Tomado de
Mímica: (lenguaje corporal) Es aquella señal o conjunto de señales no verbales que indican nuestra personalidad, sentimientos, actitudes y estados de ánimo.
Tomado de

What do you do?




Third Period.

Target Grammar: Plurals

Perform the next dialogue, according to the rubric.

Shopping list
Cindy: We have to prepare the party, it’s very close, just in a couple of days

Sam: how many people are coming?

Milly: at least ten families with their children and their relatives. Partners from my job, and some good friends with
their couples, more or least thirty people.

John: Wow! Many people, I hope there are many more women than men at the party.

Peter: It’s not enough for you one woman to dance? You are telling us many women!

Cindy: I think Peter wants many women in the party, to meet a prospect for his new girlfriend or not Peter?

Peter: Perhaps, you never know, don’t you?

Sam: Yes, I do. Well. If you want to meet someone don’t forget to take a shower, first! Ha! Ha! Ha! You smell like a
dead fish! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Cindy: Don’t be rude at Peter, he has been working, cleaning the house and the yard

Peter: See. I’m not so lazy as you are. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Milly: Men! You are like kids, anyway, what do you have on your shopping list. Cindy?

Cindy: 4 tomatoes, some carrots, 2 kilos of potatoes, 6 oranges, some cherries, 2 bottles of grape juice, a box of
strawberries, 6 bottles of water, and some chicken. What about you?

Milly: A cake and twenty big sodas. Let's go to the supermarket. Ok guys, both of you come along with us, we need
your help!


Subject English IV Group:_________ Grade: __________

Name of the student: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Category Excellent Very good Good Improvable Observations
10 9 8 7
Actuación, organización Calificar trabajo
Interpretación acorde al rol del personaje individual
0 errores 1 error 3 errores 4 errores o más
Expresión corporal de acuerdo al personaje.
Empezaron a un mismo tiempo, cuando se les
Interactúan adecuadamente de acuerdo al orden
definido en el dialogo
Pronunciación Calificar trabajo
El contenido de sus mensajes 0 errores Tuvo dos Tuvo tres Tuvo cuatro ó individual de
fue correcto en cuanto a la errores errores. más errores. acuerdo a grabación
gramática, y uso de expresiones.
Fluidez 0 errores Tuvo de 1 a 2 Tuvo 3 o 4 Tuvo 5 o más Calificar trabajo
No tuvieron (interrupciones) errores errores errores individual
Conocimiento 0 errores Tuvo dos Tuvo tres Tuvo cuatro ó Calificar trabajo
Expone sus diálogos y se nota su dominio errores errores. más errores. individual

La duración del “role play” es de tres a cinco minutos, por equipos de cuatro personas.
La grabación en audio y video, es la evidencia para aclaraciones de calificación y se eliminará al haberse asentado la calificación a cada miembro integrante del
Para tener una pronunciación adecuada deberán usar un diccionario de pronunciación, como FORVO, el cual es gratuito y se encuentra en internet.
Role play: Es la representación de un dialogo respecto a una situación, cuyo contenido o tema es asignado por el Docente.
Actuación: “Manera de actuar o comportarse”…Comprende tono y volumen de voz así como el uso de las pausas. Tomado de
Mímica: (lenguaje corporal) Es aquella señal o conjunto de señales no verbales que indican nuestra personalidad, sentimientos, actitudes y estados de ánimo.
Tomado de

Write the plural of each noun

Write the plural of each noun

Write the plural of each noun

1. These (person) are protesting against the president.

2. The (woman) over there want to meet the manager.

3. My (child) hate eating pasta.

4. I am ill. My (foot) hurt.

5. Muslims kill (sheep) in a religious celebration.

6. I clean my (tooth) three times a day.

7. The (student ) are doing the exercise right now.


8. The (fish) I bought is in the fridge.

9. They are sending some (man) to fix the roof.

10. Most (houswife) work more than ten hours a day at home.

11. Where did you put the (knife) ?

On the (shelf) .

12. (Goose) like water.

13. (Piano) are expensive

14. Some (policeman) came to arrest him.

15. Where is my (luggage) ?

In the car!

Describing yourself and others

I. Activation. Find out what your name says about your personality. Then discuss how you say the adjectives.

Numbers and your personality

1 ambitious, independent and brave
2 sociable,diplomatic and analytical
3 enthusiastic, optimistic and joyful

4 practical, traditional and serious

5 adventurous. impulsive and passionate
6 responsible, apprehensive, and calm
7 mysterious, eccentric, and reserved
8 prudent, decisive, and inflexible
9 talented, compassionate, and tolerant

II. Answer the magazine quiz

1. He’s short and slim. He has dark hair and blue eyes. He’s very good looking. He is a kind of
magi in a movie.
2. She’s short and slim. She has blond hair and green eyes. She’s beautiful and sensual. She
stars in the Avengers.
3. He’s average height and well built. He has black hair. He wears an electrically powered suit
of armor. He stars in the Avengers.
4. She’s tall and big boned. She has red hair and green eyes. She stars in Shrek
Angeline Jolie, Daniel Raddclife. Scarlett Johansson, Brad Pit, Leonardo Di Caprio,
Fiona, Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Downey Jr.

III. Complete the tables

Be (am, is, are) have / has

I I (1) _____________ intelligent I I (5) _____________ straight hair

You You (2) ___________ average You You (6) ___________ brown eyes

He/ she / it She (3) ___________ beautiful He/ she / it She (7) ___________ long hair

We/ You/ We (4) ___________ athletic We/ You/ They (8) ___________ big eyes
They They

IV. Write the words in the correct order to form sentences.

1. long / has / Sarah / hair / and / small / eyes / blue /
2. has / short / Sue / a / nose / and / long / hair / brown /


3. dark / has / brown / big / He / eyes / and / hair /


4. has /small / Peter / hair / and / eyes / big /


5. brown / am / average / height / and / I / have / brown /


V. Work in pairs.
Describe a celebrity.
You can use the adjectives
which appears in exercise
number one.

1. Answer the questions

We use the present simple for facts, routines and habitual actions

facts, routines and habitual actions

(StyUpd 1)

2. T: 33. Underline the free time activities

Laura: TGIF-Thank God It’s Friday right?

John: Yeah. So what are your plans for the weekend?

Laura: Oh, I really don’t have any plans. How boring!

Peter: Well, what do you usually do on weekends?

Laura: Um, I go to parties or I go out with friends.

I play soccer on Saturdays.

LIz: Really? I don’t go out a lot on weekends, but sometimes go to a friends house and we watch videos or play cards. A lot

of times I just stay home and read a book or watch TV.

Laura: Do you like staying home?

Liz: Yes, I do.

Laura: Liz you´re a couch potato!

Liz: Yeah, I guess so.

Laura: How about your boyfriend Does he like staying at home?

Peter: No, he always like going to dance to the most popular clubs with many friends

John: I suppose that you usually have problems, because you’re very different, don’t you?

Liz: Not really, he respects me too much, and he goes to dance and enjoy with his friends.

Peter: I can’t imagine your relation, another girl would be jealous.

John: Yeah, Imagine him, dancing with another girl or girls: I think you’re not going to last as a couple

Laura: Stop guys! Don’t be teasing her.

Liz: No guys, in fact, we have many things in common: we enjoy watching videos or going to Cinema together, and believe or
not, we enjoy studying together.

3. Ask and answer questions in couples. Use phrases from exercise 1 or your own ideas.

a) What do you do in your free time? I usually…

b) What do you do on weekends? I sometimes…

c) What activities you rarely do? I rarely…


Subject English IV Group:_________ Grade: __________

Name of the student: ____________________________________________________

Category Excellent Very good Good Improvable Observations
10 9 8 7
Actuación, organización Calificar trabajo
Interpretación acorde al rol del personaje 0 errores 1 error 3 errores 4 errores o más individual
Expresión corporal de acuerdo al personaje.
Empezaron a un mismo tiempo, cuando se les
Interactúan adecuadamente de acuerdo al
orden definido en el dialogo
Pronunciación Calificar trabajo
El contenido de sus mensajes 0 errores Tuvo dos Tuvo tres Tuvo cuatro ó individual de
fue correcto en cuanto a la errores errores. más errores. acuerdo a grabación
gramática, y uso de expresiones.
Fluidez Calificar trabajo
No tuvieron (interrupciones) 0 errores Tuvo de 1 a 2 Tuvo 3 o 4 Tuvo 5 o más individual
errores errores errores
Conocimiento Calificar trabajo
Expone sus diálogos y se nota su dominio 0 errores Tuvo dos Tuvo tres Tuvo cuatro ó individual
errores errores. más errores.
La duración del “role play” es de tres a cinco minutos, por equipos de cuatro personas.
La grabación en audio y video, es la evidencia para aclaraciones de calificación y se eliminará al haberse asentado la calificación a cada miembro integrante del
Para tener una pronunciación adecuada deberán usar un diccionario de pronunciación, como FORVO, el cual es gratuito y se encuentra en internet.
Role play: Es la representación de un dialogo respecto a una situación, cuyo contenido o tema es asignado por el Docente.
Actuación: “Manera de actuar o comportarse”…Comprende tono y volumen de voz así como el uso de las pausas. Tomado de
Mímica: (lenguaje corporal) Es aquella señal o conjunto de señales no verbales que indican nuestra personalidad, sentimientos, actitudes y estados de ánimo.
Tomado de


6. Put the words in order to make sentences.

1. rarely/We/ on/ study/ Saturday _________________________________________________________
2. get/I / early/up/ usually _______________________________________________________________
3. homework/ Jim/ does/ always / his/______________________________________________________
4. late / You / come / always/ to / class _____________________________________________________
5. to bed/never/Mary/ goes/late __________________________________________________________

7. Game: Guess who

There is / there are

Stupd, Track 26



Fill the blank with a where it corresponds, according to the table.

3 4

5 6

7 8

10 11 12


1 arise arose arisen surgir 65 pay paid paid Pagar
2 be Was/were been era o estaba 66 put put put Poner
3 become became become llegar a ser 67 quit quit quit dejar. abandonar
4 begin began begun comenzar 68 read read read Leer
5 bet bet bet apostar 69 ride rode ridden montar, cabalgar
6 bite bit bitten morder 71 ring rang rung llamar por teléfono
7 bleed bled bled sangrar 72 rise rose risen elevar
8 blow blew blown soplar 73 run ran run correr
9 break broke broken romper 74 say said said decir
10 bring brought brought traer 75 see saw seen ver
11 build built built construir 76 send sent sent enviar
12 buy bought bought comprar 77 set set set fijar
13 catch caught caught cachar 78 sew sewed sewed/sewn cocer
14 choose chose chosen Escoger 79 shake shook shaken Sacudir, temblar
15 come came come Venir 80 shine shone shone Brillar
17 cost cost cost costar 81 shoot shot shot disparar
18 creep crept crept arrastrarse 82 show showed showed/shown mostrar
19 cut cut cut Cortar 83 shrink shrank/shrunk shrunk encoger
20 deal dealt dealt repartir, negociar 84 sing sang sung cantar
21 do did done Hacer 76 sell sold sold Vender
22 draw drew drown dibujar 86 sink sank sunk hundir
23 dream Dreamed/dreamt Dreamed/dreamt soñar 87 sit sat sat Sentarse
24 drink drank drunk beber 88 sleep slept slept dormir
25 drive drove driven conducir 89 slide slid slid resbalar
26 eat ate eatern comer 90 sow sowed sowed/sown sembrar
27 fall fell fallen caer 91 speak spoke spoken hablar
28 feed fed fed alimentar 92 spell spelled/spelt spelled/spelt deletrar
29 feel felt felt sentir 93 spend spent spent gastar
30 fight fought fought pelear 94 spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled derramar
31 find found found Encontrar, descubrir 95 split split split partir

32 flee fled fled huir 96 spoil spoiled/spoilt spoiled/spoilt estropear

33 fly flew flown volar 97 spread spread spread extenderse
34 forget forgot forgotten olvidar 98 stand stood stood estar de pie
35 forgive forgave forgiven perdonar 99 steal stole stolen robar
36 forsake forsook forsaken abandonar 100 sting stung stung picar
37 freeze froze frozen congelar 101 stink stank/stunk stunk apestar
38 get got got/gotten obtener, lograr 102 strike struck struck golpear
39 give gave given dar 103 swear swore sworn jurar
40 go went gone ir 104 sweep swept swept barrer
41 grind ground ground Moler 105 swim swam swum nadar
42 grow grew grown crecer 106 take took taken tomar
43 hang hung hung colgar 107 teach taught taught enseñar
44 have had had Tener 108 tear tore torn romper
45 hear heard heard Oir 109 tell told told decir
46 hide hid hidden ocultar 110 think thought tought Pensar
47 hit hit hit Golpear 94 throw threw thrown tirar
48 hold held held Tener, mantener 95 tread trode trodden/trod pisar
49 hit hit hit Golpear 96 understand understood understood Entender
50 hold held held sostener, mantener 97 wake woke woken despertar
51 hurt hurt hurt herir, lastimar 98 wear wore worn Llevar puesto
52 keep kept kept mantener, conservar 99 weave wove woven tejer
61 lose lost lost perder 100 weep wept wept llorar
62 make made made Hacer 101 win won win ganar
63 mean meant meant significar 102 wring wrung wrung retorcer
64 meet met met conocer, encontrar 103 write wrote written Escribir




1 add added added añadir, sumar 52 seem seemed seemed parecer

2 agree agreed agreed acordar 53 shave shaved shaved afeitarse

3 alow alowed alowed permitir 54 phone phoned phoned telefonear

4 answer answered answered responder 55 play played played jugar, tocar un instrumento

5 appear appeared appeared aparecer 56 post posted posted mandar por correo

6 arrive arrived arrived llegar 57 practice practiced practiced practicar

7 ask asked asked preguntar 58 pray prayed prayed rogar o rezar

8 believe believed believed creer 59 prefer prefered prefered preferir

9 belong belonged belonged pertenecer 60 prepare prepared prepared preparar

10 borrow borrowed borrowed pedir prestado 61 prevent prevented prevented impedir

11 breathe breathed breathed respirar 62 produce produced produced producir

12 call called called llamar 63 promise promised promised prometer

13 carry carried carried llevar, transportar 64 smile smiled smiled sonreír

14 change changed changed cambiar 65 snore sonred snored roncar

15 clean cleaned cleaned limpiar 66 start started started empezar

16 close closed closed cerrar 67 Stay stayed stayed Estar (en algún sitio)

17 decide decided decided Decidir 68 step stepped stepped dar un paso

18 destroy destroyed destroyed Destruir 69 stop stopped stopped parar

19 develop developed developed Desarrollar 70 study studied studied estudiar

20 die died died morirse 71 propose proposed proposed proponer

21 discover discovered discovered Descubrir 72 provide provided provided suministrar

22 dress dressed dressed Vestirse 73 pull pulled pulled tirar de


23 drop droped droped dejar caer 74 push pushed pushed empujar

24 earn earned earned percibir salario 75 quarrel quarrelled quarelled pelear

25 end ended ended finalizar o terminar 76 rain rained rained llover

26 enjoy enjoyed enjoyed disfrutar 77 rise rised rised alzar, subir algo

27 enter entered entered entrar en 78 reach reached reached alcanzar

28 explain explained explained explicar 79 rest rested rested descansar

29 fail failed failed fracasar o reprobar 80 manage managed managed arrerglarselas para

30 fill filled filled llenar 81 marry married married casado

31 finish finished finished terminar 82 melt melted melted derrertido

32 follow followed followed seguir 83 mend mended mended reparar, arreglar

33 join joined joined unirse a 84 miss missed missed extrañar. faltar

34 jump jumped jumped saltar 85 mix mixed mixed mezclar

35 kill killed killed asesinar 86 move moved move mudarse

36 kiss kissed kissed besar 87 need needed needed necesitar

37 knock knocked knocked golpear 88 notice noticed noticed darse cuenta, notar

38 last lasted lasted durar 89 obey obeyed obeyed obedecert

39 laugh laughed laughed reir 90 realize realized realized darse cuenta

40 lay layed layed poner, extender 91 recieve recieved recieved recibir

tidy up tidied up
41 listen listened listened escuchado 92 tidy up tidied up
touch touched
42 live lived lived vivido 93 touch touched
travel traveled
43 look looked looked ver 94 travel traveled

44 love loved loved amar 95 treat treated treated ordenar, poner en orden

45 miss missed missed extrañar, faltar 96 try tried tried tocar

46 mix mixed mixed mezclar 97 turn turned turned viajar


47 open opened opened abrir 98 use used used tratar

48 organize organized organized organizar 99 wait waited waited intentar

49 pass passed passed aprobar, pasar 100 walk walked walked girar, darse vuelta

50 permit permited permited Permitir 101 want wanted wanted usar

washed esperar, dejar pasar el tiempo

51 save saved saved ahorrar 102 wash washed

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