BGG 347191

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Japanese Joke Units

Translation by Kazuhiro Ueda

Formatting by Paolo Desalvo
Images from the counters’ image by the BGG user ‘Wickedheart’

Rules for Optional Units

These rules apply to the optional units on counter sheet No. 3.
The use of optional units is completely optional. If the balance of the game is at stake, use them as
agreed upon by both players. In my opinion, the most correct usage would be to use all of them and
muck them up.
Blue units are used by the Terran player, and red units are used by the Imperial player. White units
on black are neutral units that can be used by either player.
All the ships data are as follow:
Beam factor - Missile factor - Screen factor [Maintenance number].

Super dreadnought Immortal space battleship
transformable space battleship 10(12)-6-7 [-].
Cost: 10 RU. Cost: 12 RU.
12-5-8 [6].

It is a restored and remodeled battleship from a This battleship runs on the power of love, so
mysterious alien battleship that fell to earth and there are no maintenance costs. It is also built
transforms into a giant robot. It can be built using scrap parts.
inexpensively using scrap parts. It has a powerful beam cannon that can be used
When transformed into the robot, it can use a at long range, the cannon of which is indicated by
suicide attack against a Monitor by using its huge the beam factor in brackets ( ). In the round in
main cannon and its powerful barrier. At the start which this beam factor is used and the following
of a space battle subphase with enemy fleet that round, it can only be defended, not attack.
includes monitor units, the player with this unit If the unit destroyed, it will be restored after two
can eliminate a monitor unit if he rolls one dice turns and placed in the SOL system.
and gets a 5 or less; if he rolls a 6, the unit itself
is eliminated. Heavy cruiser for exploration
Since one turn is two years, transformations are Cost: 14 RU.
omitted. In other words, the unit means both 8-9-7 [4].
pre- and post-transformation functions together.
It can be used as a space cruiser but can be used
Fighters that transformable
for star system exploration when sub-light
into robots
moving through deep space.
Cost: 4 RU.
Whenever the cruiser enters a deep space hex
1-3-3 [2], Combat force: 7.
using sub-light move, a player rolled two dices,
A fighter that can be mounted only on the and the sum of the results of the dices is 2 that
dreadnought indicated above. It can transform means a primary system has been discovered in
into a robot too. that hex. The newly discovered the system may
It functions as an ordinary fighter in the space be connected to the nearest other system by a
combat phase and can use in the surface combat jump root.
phase as a jump troop with a strength of 7.
A tank army equipped with Red baron of the universe
quadruped armored walker Cost: 3 RU.
Cost: 4 RU. 1-12-1 [1].
Combat force: 6.

The walker is a regular troop with a strength of 6, The robots are driven by a genius pilot. To attack
it has the tremendous power to destroy ground the robot, the player must roll one dice and aim
facilities. In one surface combat round, in at the robot for each unit. If the result is 1 to 5,
addition to regular ground combat, you can make the unit misses its aim at the robot and ends its
one additional attack against a planetary defense attack and may not attack for that round. If the
marker, world marker, and outpost marker. result is 6, the unit attacks at its normal attack
Space monster with three
heads Humanoid bioweapon for
Education fee: 28 RU. surface combat
7-0-8[5], Combat force: 8. Cost: 4 RU.
Combat forcer: 7.
A mysterious creature with three heads. Acts as
both a spaceship and a jump squad. Ground A bioweapon is form of a giant. The giants unit is
combat strength is 8. treated as a regular troop.
Although powerful, the unit has the disadvantage
of being perishable. If a 6 is rolled before each
round in the surface combat subphase, the unit is
Forbidden giant robot Family doing rescue work
10-4-7 [2].

A lost-technology artifact left behind by an A family of oddballs who workday and night to
advanced civilization of humans far back in rescue lives. Placed only in SOL's planetary
prehistoric times. Spend 3 RU for excavation, and surface box.
roll two dice. if the sum of the results of the dices When the unit is placed, one dice is rolled for
is 12, you have found it. The player who each unit destroyed in SOL's stellar hex or
excavates can place unit in any planetary surface planetary surface box. If a 5 or 6 is rolled, the
box. unit is restored, whether on the Imperial or
The feature is that the artifact is strengthened by Terran side. No combat activity is allowed against
the power of the pilot's will. So, if the unit is it.
destroyed, replace it with the next unit. Since they are volunteer units, there are no
construction or maintenance costs.
Forbidden giant robot -
advanced Giants of justice
10(12)-4-9 [2]. Combat forcer: 9.

An upgraded version of the previous unit. The

meaning of the beam factor in brackets ( ) is the This humanoid superhero is intelligent 50-meter-
same as the immortal space battleship. But there tall giant. When a troop drops to a planetary
is no penalty after using it. If the unit is surface box that is not under his control (either
destroyed, an unknown super-energy will be one or more enemy troops exist or neither troop
activated and people will be blown to the causal has advanced yet), the player with the troop
horizon, so the game will end. must roll one dice. If the player rolls a 6, this
superhero flies into the planetary surface box and
protects the peace on that planet.
The invincible superhero's only weakness is his
limited action time due to expending too much
energy in an environment different from his home
world. This unit can only be used for one combat
round per surface combat sub-phase.
Once it appears, this superhuman this
superhuman remains placed in the planetary
surface box until defeated by the bad guys.

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