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Parkland School Division - Learning Leader Project As Parkland School Division moves forward with the Learning Leader

project, we will consider building capacity with teachers in a few different areas: 1. Mobile Devices in the Classroom 2. Cloud Computing 3. Personal Learning Networks Several of these objectives are outlined in the 2011-2012 Horizon Report. The purpose of the Learning Leader Project is to develop a cohort of people who are not only building understanding in these areas, but who are also leading their own staff in some professional development. As Learning Leaders, this cohort will learn about these emerging technologies and help to identify ways that they can share this learning in a more open way with their respective colleagues. This helps to move beyond the idea of a one size fits all as these leaders in conjunction with their schools, can develop ideas of how to best develop these initiatives within their own school. At the beginning of the project, learning leaders will be given a school division owned iPad to be used by them within their school. It is necessary to understand that this is property of Parkland School Division, but is to be used mainly by the learning leader. They are free to share this device with their own school staff members at their discretion. Once the cohort begins, there will be 6 -1.5 hour sessions delivered throughout the year at 4530 at the Center for Education. Learning Leaders are expected to be at all sessions. For now, the session dates have not been designated, but they will be spread out over a 5-6 month period. The sessions will be on the following topics but could be changed based on division need: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. iPads in the school. Blogging as digital portfolio and reflection tool. Using Twitter as a professional development tool. Social Bookmarking Mobile Devices Sharing ideas

At any time during the year, learning leaders will be expected to deliver two sessions to their own staff in consultation with their principal. This can be done on either a PD day to all or a portion of staff, or else could be delivered in short sessions after school. This is left to the discretion of the learning leader in consultation with the school principal. Learning leaders will also be asked to blog a minimal amount (1-2 times per month) to share their learning, both ups and downs, to help build both an online and offline component for this cohort group. Through this project, we plan to work based on the cohort model idea where our learning is shared by one another, helping to build leadership capacity, while also helping to create opportunities for networked learning and self-directed professional development. This is not about technology, it is only the medium. This is about learning and we want to ensure that we

give our staff opportunities to partake in ways to learn that we can also share with our students. To apply for this project, teachers must write a short application on why they are interested in participating in the project and submit to their principal. Principal will make the final decision for each school and submit to central office by Friday, October 14. Thanks for your attention to this. Sincerely, George Couros Division Principal of Innovative Teaching and Learning

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