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Chapter 1 Lesson 3 page 5


Answer in not less than three sentences

1. Enumerate the three managerial roles suggested by Mintzberg. Are these roles equal in
importance? Explain your answer.

The three managerial roles suggested by Mintzberg are Interpersonal, Informational, and
Decisional Roles. These roles are equal in importance because without the help of the
leader or the other interpersonal roles--- who have connection between their organization
to those outside of it--- customers or suppliers, managers wouldn’t be in a position to
have access to information they needed. Due to their informational roles, managers now
have access to what is needed to make decisions. When it comes to decision making,
managers have to utilize the information they gathered to decide on what to improve
inside and outside the organization. Hence, these roles are all connected.

2. Have the managerial functions remained the same through time? Why do you say so?

The success of an organization depends on the willful attitude of its manager. Hence, the
managerial functions do not really remain the same through time. It may differ through
the effective leadership of the manager in handling its organization. As the manager
improves himself, so does the organization.

Note: Due on September 04, 2020 until 5pm

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