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“Kawasan tempat pemusatan kegiatan Industri yang dilengkapi dengan sarana dan prasarana

penunjang yang dikembangkan dan dikelola oleh Perusahaan Kawasan Industri yang telah
memiliki Izin Usaha Kawasan Industri”
PP No. 29 Tahun 2009 tentang Kawasan Industri

Center of Facilities &

activity equipped with
(Wastewater treatment,
housing, commercial, Industrial Estate
road, electricity etc.
As Master Developer have a permit for
managing and developing the Industrial Estate

What’s an Industrial Estate?

Estate Regulation
Industrial Estate
be regulated with

Industrial Estate Industrial Companies


Created by Industrial Estate Company

Rights and Obligations

“…In managing industrial areas, Estate Regulations are created which

regulate the rights and obligations of Master Developer (Industrial Estate
Company) with industrial companies within them..”

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