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Gawler Districts Orchid Club Inc.

April 2022
Post Print Approved 100002180

Orchid of the Night: Milt. Phymstochila

Grown by Steve Howard

Patron Dr. Bruce Eastick

President Trevor Lehmann
Secretary Robert Albrecht
Treasurer Robert Hall
Past President Robert Pfitzner (0431 606 365)
Show Marshall Peter Aigner-Muehler (0422 483 567)
Life Members: 1991 John & Lyn Howard
Denotes Deceased Member 1994 John & Liz Pohl
1994 Roger & Pauline Rankin
1997 Stan Isaacson
1998 Gordon  & Margaret Hewitt
2003 Ross & Freda Woolford
2005 Allan & Doreen Garner
2005 David & Pat Harmer
2016 Dennis Greenwood
2017 Brian & Mary Heddle
2017 Murray & Margaret Page
2017 Steve Howard
2018 Jim & Evelyn Cuming
2018 Graham & Sue Zerbe
2022 Robert Pfitzner

Club Correspondence to:

PO Box 32 GAWLER, S.A. 5118
Phone enquiries to
President Ph. 0418 231 794
Secretary Ph. 0419 847 724
Editor Ph. 82544253
Committee News & Happening with members…………….…….. 03-07
Autumn Show details……………………………………………....08-10
Culture Notes, Ads, Programme, Dates for Diary, Other Clubs…..11-19

GDOC 2 April 2022


Copyright: All contributions to this review, which have acknowledged authors,

including photos, are covered by copyright. Consent for use of this material elsewhere
must be obtained from the Secretary. The Club accepts no responsibility for transactions
between advertisers and readers for the material content of advertisements and the views
expressed by author. Kyle Howard – Editor. Flower of the month – digital image by
Kyle Howard.

As in all Clubs and Associations, there are times when
members are not completely satisfied with events, which occur
from time to time. The Gawler Districts Orchid Club is no
exception. If at any time you have a complaint or suggestions,
please submit it in writing to the Committee with your
signature. President Trevor Lehmann has arranged a
suggestion box for members to put suggestions. This is your
Club, the committee need to know what you want including
topics and Guest Speakers, for example.

Committee News:
To be conducted under the COVID-19 Safe Plan Requirements
as advised in the July 2020 Newsletter:
- On arrival, hand sanitiser will be provided at the entrance
- All present are to sign the insurance book as required as well
as an attendance record with name, phone, E-Mail address and
time of arrival/departure.
- Physical Distancing of 1.5m is to be in place at ALL times.

GDOC 3 April 2022

- Peter Aigner-Muehler is the Clubs Covid Marshall.
- There will be NO Popular Vote.
- Covid-19 permitting, there will be a light supper.
- Plants are to be set up in the Supper Room for Judging.
Maximum persons allowed in the room at one is 18 and cannot
exceed this.

Although the club will not be asking members for proof of

vaccination, it is requested that members who have not yet
been vaccinated, with respect to all members, please do not
attend meetings.

Subscriptions 2022: These have been set by the Committee to

be the same as pre Covid: SINGLE $25-00. JOINT/FAMILY
$30-00. Those who receive the “REVIEW via email, will
receive a $5 discount. Payment can be made to the Treasurer at
monthly meetings, posted to P.O box 32 Gawler 5118 or paid
directly into the Clubs bank account: BankSA Gawler BSB
105-009. Account Number 065 534 140. If depositing via
bank, please add your full name with ‘Sub’ at the end.

Prize money increase at the 2022 seasonal shows:

At the previous Committee meeting, a decision was made to increase the
prize money at our seasonal shows to the following amounts:

Grand Champion: $150 First Prize: $5

Division Champion: $50 Second Prize: $2
All other Champions: $20
Champion Seedling: $50

GDOC 4 April 2022

Positions for 2022:
Appointments as listed below

Senior Vice President: Peter Aigner-Muehler

Junior Vice President: Robert Pfitzner

Plant Stall Convenor: Craig Humfrey

Show Marshall: Peter Aigner-Muehler

Review Editor: Kyle Howard

Librarian: Gloria Chester assisted by Robert Hall

Meeting Host: Gloria Chester.

Liaison Officer with Gawler Information Centre: Trevor Lehmann

Raffle Seller: John Cox

Membership Registrar: Rob Albrecht

Birthday Registrar: To Be Advised

Club members are encouraged to bring plants that have an interesting or

impressive display to share with club members even – though it might not
be judges for points. However, members are reminded of the 6-month
ownership rule for display of plants for judging. Judges may still choose

GDOC 5 April 2022

to give a commentary regarding plants as displayed on this table. Please
respect this arrangement.

Neutrog: To anyone wishing to have their email address

forwarded to Neutrog, please contact Treasurer, Rob Albrecht
on For further information,
please refer to the “June 2021” REVIEW.

Plants on Tables at Monthly Meetings: Members have

requested that plants remain on the table for 15/20 minutes
after close of meeting to enable them to see the plants. Your
assistance in this regard would be appreciated. These plants are

Review via E-Mail: The Club can now send out the
‘REVIEW’ by e-mail. If you wish to be added to the list,
please send a request to the Editor, Kyle Howard. This will
ensure we have your correct E-Mail, and the Editor can
advise the Secretary to cancel your hard copy.

Facebook Page –


GDOC 6 April 2022

Instagram: Photo

When it comes to orchid sales, there are always more foolish

buyers than foolish sellers– Roger Rankin Orchid Wise.

What’s Happening With the Members?

Happy Birthday to the Following:-

Peter Aigner-Muehler Lyn Albrecht Judith Berno Norm

Crowther Luan Thi Dong Terry Honor John Moon
Trevor Stutley

To any member who has been unwell recently we hope you

will be joining us next meeting, we are looking forward to
having you back with us. Birthday & Get Well Wishes can
only be acknowledged if the information is passed on to Mary

GDOC 7 April 2022

Saturday 30th April & Sunday 1st May
Barossa Fresh (Formerly Foodland)

Opening Times
Saturday 8:00AM to 5:30PM
Sunday 10:30AM to 5:00PM

Plants- Must be in hands of Stewards between 5:30PM and 6.00pm

Friday 29th April 2021.
Trading Table plants will be accepted in the Trading Table area at the
same times.
Set Up will be as plants become available from judging Friday 29th April
Begins 6.00pm Friday 29th April 2021
Should be identified with a white streamer, available from Registrar or
Show Marshal.
Damaged Plants
Plants damaged in transit must be identified with a red streamer, available
from the Registrar or Show Marshal.
Take Out
Plants may not be removed until 5.00pm Sunday 1st May 2021 without
the permission of the Show Marshal.

GDOC 8 April 2022


Card Classes not for Promotional Class Genera & Divisional

Promotion – Card Only. Champions
Australian Native.
Epiphyte Species.
Epiphyte Hybrid. Best Champion
Terrestrial Species. Australian Native. Australian Native.
Terrestrial Hybrid.
Specimen, Seedling.
Majority of flowers > 90mm. Best Champion
Majority of flowers 60-90mm. Cymbidium. Cymbidium.
Majority of flowers < 60mm.
Species, Specimen, Seedling.
Standard. Best Champion
Non-Standard. Paphiopedilum. Paphiopedilum.
Species, Specimen, Seedling.
Standard > 60mm.
Standard < 60mm.
Standard Cluster. Best Cattleya Champion Cattleya
Non-Standard Cluster. and and
Non-Standard > 60mm. Other Laeliinae. Other Laeliinae.
Non-Standard < 60mm.
Species, Specimen, Seedling.
Oncidium Hybrid > 60mm Best Champion
Onc. Hybrid < 60mm Oncidiinae. Oncidiinae.
Species, Specimen, Seedling.

GDOC 9 April 2022

Zygopetalum & Intergeneric.
Zygopetalum Hybrid. Best Zygopetalum Champion Zygopetalum
Intergeneric Hybrid. & Intergeneric. & Intergeneric.
Species, Specimen, Seedling.
Standard. Best Phalaenopsis Champion
Non Standard. And/or Doritis. Phalaenopsis/Doritis.
Species, Specimen, Seedling.
(Other than Aust. Native). Best Dendrobium Champion
Hybrid. (Other than Aust. Native). Dendrobium.
Species, Specimen, Seedling.
Any Other Genus.
Hybrid. Best Champion
Species, Specimen, Seedling. Any Other Genus. Any Other Genus.
Divisional Champions Champion Seedling Champion Species
Champion Specimen
Nominations for Ira Butler & Reg Shooter – Bill Murdoch & Les Nesbit Trophies

March Results List

Flower of the Night
Br. nodosa Mike & Xuan Gray
Flower of Open Division
Mtps. Ambre’s Charm ‘ Cream Puff ‘ Rob & Lyn Albrecht
Flower Of First Division
Den. Lime Stone Wendy & Michael Lodge
Flower of Second Division
Br. nodosa Mike & Xuan Gray

Open Division
Cymbidium under 60 Species
Cym. ensifolium Steve Howard

GDOC 10 April 2022

Laeliinae - Cluster
Ctt. Valentine Day ' Aart ' Peter & Marilyn Aigner-Muehler
Laeliinae - Non Standard
Lc. Tropical Pointer Steve Howard
Lc. Interceps Steve Howard
C. ( tenebrosa x tigrina ) Steve Howard
Laeliinae - Species
Psh. cochleata Steve Howard
Psh. radiata Steve Howard
Laeliinae - Standard over 100mm
Lc. Aloha Case Ching Hua Maureen & Graeme Hazledine
Oncidiinae - Hybrid < 60mm
Mps. Ambre's Charm ' Cream Puff ' Rob & Lyn Albrecht
Oncidiinae - Hybrid > 60mm
Onc. Moonshadow ' Tiger Tail ' Maureen & Graeme
Oncidiinae - Species
Gom. micropogon Steve Howard
Gom. Micropogon Maureen & Graeme Hazledine
Paphiopedilum - Non Standard
Paph. Albion Maureen & Graeme Hazledine
Zygopetalinae - Hybrid
Z. Dragon Purr ' Patches ' Steve Howard

First Division
Australian Native Epiphyte - Hybrid
Den. Lime Stone Wendy & Michael Lodge
Laeliinae - Non Standard
Rlc. Empress Worsley ' Roman Holiday ' Rosemary Phillips
Laeliinae - Standard over 100mm
C. Dalaginding Wendy & Michael Lodge
Laeliinae - Standard under 100mm
C. Hawaiian Wedding Song ' Virgin ' Wendy & Michael Lodge

GDOC 11 April 2022

Second Division
Cymbidium 60 - 90mm White Cream Yellow Green
Cym. Enzan Summer Leanne Leo & John Cox
Laeliinae - Non Standard Pcv. Golden Peacock ' Ching Hua ' Ken
& Rhonda Stock
Rlc. Hawaiian passion ' Carmella ' Ken & Rhonda Stock
Laeliinae - Species
B. nodosa Gray Mike & Vu Xuan
Psh. cochleata Craig Humfrey
Laeliinae - Standard over 100mm
Rlc. Dewey Forest ' Kudos ' Ken & Rhonda Stock
Laeliinae - Standard under 100mm
C. White Wonder Craig Humfrey

Registrars Report:
After missing February meeting, it was good to be back on deck with our
first meeting of 2022. As expected, numbers benched were down, but its
early season. Nevertheless, the three divisions managed a nice display of
26 plants covering 6 genera groups with 14 benched in open, 4 in first
and 8 in second. Open division typically had the greatest representation
with 6 genera groups shown. Of note was a not often seen Chinese
cymbidium, Cym. ensifolium. These species do figure in some breeding
lines and one ensifolium hybrids was shown in second
division. Laeliinae dominated to the benching with a range of species
and hybrids shown. Eventual winner was a lovely pansy orchid,
Miltoniopsis Ambres Charm grown by Rob & Lyn Albrecht. These are
eye-catching orchids that many, myself included, find a challenge to get
the conditions right but once you do, the effort is worth it. First division
only had 4 exhibits, all by Wendy Lodge. The standout being
Dendrobium Limestone. This terete rat tail native is usually one of the
first to flower here in Adelaide, and has the unusual habit of flowering
two, sometimes three times in succession over a few weeks. Second

GDOC 12 April 2022

division was well supported with 8 plants. John Cox brought in a nice
early Cymbidium Enzan Summer with 5 open spikes and several more to
open, so no doubt we will see this next month. This was the Cym.
ensifolium hybrid I mentioned earlier. Winner was a very nice specimen
plant of the lady of the night orchid, Brassavola nodosa. This species
orchid is highly fragrant at night, hence the name. This nice plant grown
by Mike Gray and Xuan Vu took out divisional winner and went on to be
granted plant of the night. As March heads into April the cooling weather
should see an increase in benching’s as well as nice display for our
upcoming Autumn Show. Thanks to all who brought in plants.
-Graeme Hazledine


Group Watering Feeding Pest and General

disease Advice

Natives Mounts Slow Keep water Many

daily. Pots release or out of new natives
weekly. bloom growths. initiate
Small pots booster Caterpillars spikes time
twice types. attack new of year.
weekly Feed growths as Speciosum
depending weekly as well. Brown start later
on weather. many in fungal spots this month.
to 2 times new common on It should be
per day. growth recent a good

GDOC 13 April 2022

now. Top growth. season for
up old Preventative hybrids. A
pots with spraying poorer
some with season for
dolomite fungicides speciosum.
lime to can help.
Cymbidiums 2 times per Higher
week potash.
depending Winter
on flowering
conditions. varieties
Cooling in spike
weather now.
reduces Good
evaporation time to
rates. add
Opening Epsom
rains due. salts and
helps them 2 spotted Place
cope with mites stakes in
high temps. prevalent. pots as
Water spikes
under become
leaves to evident as
reduce a
them or use reminder.
miticides. Spray for
Sprinkle pests
slug pellets whilst

GDOC 14 April 2022

to avoid spikes
damage to small to
new spikes. avoid
month to
divide off
Restrict to
Zygopetalum. 2 times per Weekly, Caterpillars Keep water
week. high relish soft out of new
potassium new growth. growth.
as new Inspect Early spikes
leads fill frequently. start from
out. Hand now.
removal Increase
sufficient. light levels
and air
Spray with
for spotting
on leaves.

GDOC 15 April 2022

Cattleyas 2 times per High Ants can be Stake show
week and potash for an issue plants now
easing off bifoliate eating for best
towards clusters as sheaths and presentation.
months they buds as food After
end. develop becomes flowering
for scarce. Use some plants
autumn dusts or ant will rest.
flowering. rid. Inspect
new roots
for pest
relish green
Oncidiums. 2 times per week. Up to twice daily or more for
mounts. Mist roots not plant.

Steve Howard

Dates for your Diary

S.A.R.O.C Show: Saturday June 11th & Sunday June 12th

Winter Show Golden Grove Village Shopping Centre:

Thursday August 18th to Sunday August 21st. Put in
Wednesday August 17th.
Times to be announced later.

GDOC 16 April 2022

Spring Show Hollywood Plaza: Proposed dates to be
confirmed: Thursday September 15th to Sunday September
17th. Put in Wednesday 14th September.

Programme for 2022:

April 14th TBA
May 12th Jim Schaugnessy: Shade house Native.
Plants will be for sale.
June 9th Craig Miles: Orchids of Distinction.
Plants for sale. Pre Order plants, if
possible, a list will be provided prior.
July 14th Kevin McLean: TBA
August 11th Club Auction
September 8th Malcolm Osbourne: TBA
October 13th Steve Howard: Australian Natives
November 10th Jim Shaughnessy: TBA (Sarcochilus
December 8th Xmas Meeting & Presentation Night

GDOC 17 April 2022

Barrita Orchids
World leading Cymbidium & Sarcochilus breeders.

Cobb & Co Pty Ltd EST 1992:

Unit 3/6 McGowan Street, Pooraka S.A. 5095 Suppliers of: Pots, Saucers,
Trays, Stakes, Tying, Products, Fertilisers, Insecticides, Secateurs, Gloves,
Labels, Potting Mixes & Mediums, Perlite, Vermiculite & much more.
Open: Monday to Friday 9:00AM – 2:30PM Contact: Office: Ph 8349 7300

Nicky Zurcher: See Nicky’s slippers; Exciting new Paphs and Phrags
Mob. 0405 088 479

Adelaide Orchids Pty. Ltd: “Producing tomorrows champions, today”

Seedling & mericlone flasks & tissue culture services available
Phone: 0407 398 597

Sims Orchid
Hybridisers and Suppliers, Cymbidium Orchids
From flask to Flowering size, Mericlones, Seedlings, Show Bench & Pot Plant.
Contact: Moss & Rosemary Bray
123 Barcelona Rd Noarlunga Downs SA 5168
Ph. (08) 8382 8822 Mob. 0418 82221

GDOC 18 April 2022

Other Orchid Clubs –Where & when they meet:
North Eastern District Orchid: - Meets in St Phillips Hall Galway
Avenue, Broadview from 7.30pm on the third Thursday of the month.
South Coast Orchid Club: Colonel Lights Garden; St George RSL, 4
Prince George Pde, Colonel Light Gardens from 8:00PM on the 2nd
Monday of each month. Learners class from 7:20PM
Daytime Chapter: - Meets in Lou Kesting Hall, Dover Square, off
Broadway, South Brighton at 2:00PM on the 2nd Thursday of the month
Southern Region Group: - Meets Carrakalinga House 17- 19 Torrens
St. Victor Harbor on the 3rd Sunday of the month at Learners class
at 1:15PM.
The South Australian Orchidaceous Society: - Meets at Plympton
Community Centre at 34 Long St, Plympton on the 3rd Wednesday of the
month from 7:30PM. Parking at side & rear of hall.
Murray Bridge & Districts Orchid Club: - Meets at Seventh Day
Adventist Hall, Corner Myall Ave & Standen St, Murray Bridge on the
4th Sunday of the month at 1:45pm.
The Native Orchid Society of South Australia: - Meets at the St.
Matthew’s Hall Bridge St. Kensington on 4th Tuesday of Month at
Cymbidium Orchid Club of Sth. Aust: - Meets at Burnside Community
Centre, 401 Greenhill Rd Tusmore on the 4th Wednesday of the Month at
Orchid Club of South Australia: - Meets at the Enfield Community
Centre 540 Regency Rd., on the 1st Thursday of the Month at 8:00PM.
Daytime Group: - meets at Enfield Community Centre 540 Regency Rd
Enfield on the 2nd Friday of the Month. 2.00pm – 4.00pm

GDOC 19 April 2022

Gawler Districts Orchid Club Inc.
Elderly Centre
14th Street Gawler

Next Monthly Meeting

Thursday April 14th 2022

Monthly Meeting
Winners of 2021 – Commentary by Steve

Regular Features:
- Plant Benching & Judging
- Lucky Name Badge (Must be wearing)
- Birthday Draw: April
- Raffle
- Supper; Tea and Coffee will be available after meeting in guidelines
with Covid 19 restrictions

GDOC 20 April 2022

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